i stfr4iwp-if&mtyt THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1914 EVENING EDITION. TWO m-fc'foWiji, - --- f COOS BAY TIMES H MALONKV Kriltor anil .Pub. 2)AX K. MATiOiVKV Nftwi Kriltor -, B H BUILDING Official Pnpcr of Cooa- County oo.TOUSsrON' oovkun.m io.Vt A '8TKP TO MANAOKH M arlNOT, N. D., which lins a com Vvi mission form of govorntnont, DUARTEH S consistinKof fuomonibers. one North Bend Chamber of Com er whom Ib president, will petition merce on Sample ROOmS tho noxt leglslntnro to amend the; Wntn Dnnhlnm commission governmont net bo as, "Waier rlODiem to permit tho omnldymont of a "IF IT'S NEW" WE HAVE. II.. Ladies Easter Apparel Showing at REMEMBER 'TIS No TROUBLE. TO SHOW GOODS. Tho North Bend Chamber of Com merce met last evening and discussed city manager, according to a reso lution pnssod by the directors of ifler IhorouBli study of the ler manjr n,a,tor8 boforo thc larBC8t at on tlin mihlert This decision la anJ "lcot,nB tnl8 enr- nStcworthy or two reasons: First" Tho committee appointed to report It 'shows Hint onn effort of rommls- on 8'tnblo quarters for a traveling &r8ovo nmont" may bo- to inen's -ample room reported through Iiaro communities for the still more C; Wrajr that no suitable quarters .fffclont city manager plan. Second, Jnl (,n toun J'?1- Tll commlttco tt shows th'at the business inter- discussed a plan to engage quarters est of Mlnot, after a trial, are " "ew building that Is proposed back of this most modern of all to " 'll't next to tho I'alaco Hotel, forms of municipal governmont. Riving the offices of tho Chamber of MAT50NS QUALITY ...STORE.... Xichnngo. WITH THE TOAST AND THE TEA Ahh Till; HAOK. Sing a song of plcturo shows, llrothor's fond dollght; Sister Mabel also goos fivury othor nlg'.it. mother's chalrmnn of a board Censoring tho play Saj-H the standard will bo lowered If sho stayed away, Auntto writes scenarios, Mostly of tho west Cowboys, guns and redskin foes Because they sell tho bust, (Crnndmn 8n'R shu can't resist A nice Instructive scone; BrIdgofs lending soloist At tho "Knlry Queen"! 7alhor'a busy bh ran bo Kvorybody knows 7Jtnrtgaglng his proporty For a dozen shows. t a $ a vom. I Comnierco spifco In the samo build ing. Furtbor tune was granted too commlttco In which to make a final report. Tho wator commlttco appointed at the last meeting reported that the Pony Inlet source of supply hnd been bought by the Coos Bay' Water Com pany, through Its agents, soino tlmo ago. II. C. Mors Bnld that the cotn unny had bought everything In sight fat looked lllto a water right near Pony Inlot. According to the word ing of their bill of snlo, or tltlo, to tho wator. It Includes "all wnter flowing over tho described land nnd all water percolating through tho crrth, nnd further, nil llvo springs," In other words tho title to tho property In cludes everything but tho moisture. In tho air, he said. j. 3. Simpson spoko regarding his nttltiitln townrd tho wator question and said personally ho fnvorod a "innldmtl Hiipnly. hut did not know how tho Simpson Lumber company stood on the subject. ' N. C. JtcLood spoko nnd snld thnt tho right to property containing wnter rights was always questioned whoro tho claim Is not being used. Ho saldi that tho Coos liny Wator Company, In flir. .1. T. (loCnrmnp. who U at order to bnvo a good title to tho Pony nrcBont visiting old frlonds on Coos Inlet supply must oxpund tho wntor Hay, when at his new home In Uorke- supply In some tisoful moons. Whoth lay Is a near nolghbor of Potor U. ' r tho city wl'l force nn Issuo of this Kync, tho story' writer, whom, ho nuostlon with tho representatives of anys, gots 10 cents a word for Ills the wator company Is unknown, nl irtorfos from tho inugnzlnoH. though mimv declared thnt tho Pony "A ponny fcr your thoughts," is not "Hot supply could he secured If tho ,n offer that's Inviting To an autl'or who gots qulto n lot For ovt'ry word bo's writing. -K-- r. r- (JAKKU.V TItUCK Jvco n little gnrden patch, right legal macMnery wore put In operation. A. 0. Itnab spoko on tho Kontuck Inlet unnrco of wator sutmlv. stntlnir thnt wltlv eight miles or piping enough good wnter could bo brought II to North Ilond to supply a city of. I DU.IIIH) poopio. Whoro somo morning I will scratch . Sn"d mll,!l,l?l; B,!!"),y nlBl -an-effort to gro-,y something , ",0 ln,7r conalclorablo d scusBlon.! Fit thTn'm nf,l'r which, on a motion by Virgil -Xtt E,V!! ' .,.., Find tho most of them nro' woods, r(,l,ort t,,01wn,1.r nnoHtlon. Hut I'll wrestle with tho garden . .,, '" V.V. ,. ?. i"''1 ,c .?.f ".'ih''; Till I bust My nook. Then my neighbor's lioim will seo Will nttond to it for mo, Leaving not ono little atom of my hard 3urlng work. Watters, the commlttco wbh granted further tlmo In which to mnko a final I'lio rommlttoa nnnnlntod to iar- rango for a nubile mnrkot at North Iloud roported through tin cinlr-.of Accepted Spring Styles SHOWN HERE FOR EASTER Clothes of. distinction the- styles you will most want to wear for Easter and at prices, too, which you will want to pay the values are so self evident in every garment. Our Suits have no rivals in style, ma terials and workmanship. Our Coats are fashion's latest word in smart style, correct materials ,and colors; all faultlessly tail ored. Waffle Checks, Basket Weaves, Bouclcs, White Chinchilla and imported plaid. Our Dresses of soft, clingy fabrics, silk and wool, are reproductions of carefully chosen imported models. Our Waists are bewitching combinations in the mostly desired styles. Tango shades and all white; Silk Petticoats The KLOS-FIT kind in such popular shades as Turco, Vendome, Nell Rose, Havanne, Emerald and Navy. LOTS of new pretty laces, rufflings, ribbons, all-overs and PLAIN AND FANCY SILKS. ' We ace fitted to fit you in your Easter Gloves MAGGIONI TANFORAN WELDON P. K. SCALA Long or Short Silk Gloves Style,, Taste and Grace IN Easter Footwear Easter marks' the advent of the SPRING' FASHION SEASON The footwear, as all pI in apparel, must be PAR EX- utLLtwut or tne prevailing mode and of a discerning taste as well. Combining all these requisites into distinc tive shoes is the -real achieve ment we claim. The Pump is now reigning as Fashion's, Favorite; we. have it in pat ent leather, bronze kid and gunmetali with artistic tongue, Cuban and French heel, new narrowing toe and one-strap effect, finished with a steel ornament, In "Dress Shoes We are showing numerous new lasts, long and short vamps; several heights of heels. NEMO CORSETS PHOENIX HOSIERY KAYSER UNDERWEAR R. & G. CORSETS The Home of NATIONALLY ADVERTISED GOODS A tittiitlthln n.i'nttinnt In nnuwnr man, that tho farmers hnd boon seen, ! to questions by tho members, and nnd hnd promlsod tholr support and said that the pavement could bo tho noxt stop wns to nriango for n laid in North Do ml on n 5-Inch base public mnrkot, near Bliormnn nvnuo lor i.ho. until tho harbor lino extension Is' U. J. Simpson said that ho mndo Dorsai Krectzcr. (.muted. With this purpose In view lnventlgntluns of the dlff rent piive- .. 7T, 7f, ,. i ., 1 1 the committee will wait on tho North monts recently nnd found that tlio For IliiM-lmU. -llio Marshf eld ,0, , chiunuur of Commerce, nt n vltrlflod brick was tho most succcsa- Trwli'i. nt Kllru Inut itvniilntr nminlllt- . . . . . . . .... '.. . i .... . .1 1 ,.. o ..i . ,1... "ir " : .'.".? : im-eiing on Aiiru 11 nn nan tuiii a .mi, uuhik uuuu hi onuu m mu A.,1 n-n. intuitu . nn 11 1 11 1 r 11 II u t ii ' . .. .. . . . I - present time. Ho aUo said that wood block was a fallur.' If not treated, hut prepared would bo a reasonnblo bucccks.. Many bollovo thnt olther hltullthlc w UMI l lorn JniuoH, Archlo Johnslou. J. tninpornry building bo provided by W flnrdlnor, ' . I. Conrad nnd II. J. tll0 clty for pu,,c Innrkot. Mmball a commltteo p arranKo a Tho ,U0Btou of collIlly cxhlblt jorlcH of giumiH with Coqullle Val- llt tho world's Fair In 10 IB waH oy MkB. Jurk Moroon was o oc toil .ollK),t ,, n,i . j. simnion was 10 momooronip una win no inmniod n,,,! on t0 ,aUo n Btntoment or asphalt aro tho best ndnpted pavo- Jalpr' of his findings whon at Snn Fran- nunts to North Uend. nnd tho prln- " , . TrZZ7Z...... I cIsco recently. Ilo prefaced hls.clpnl competition will bo between hNKMiO.N CASUS lTi:Mh.T talk with a statement of tho busi- tiioso coverings. Yesterday tho Times was furnished !!.,;?,s,co"!!,,l?"8 "?,.." ..f.!.,!.,.,!! 'h,..n' a statement of Mrs. Sneddon's sldtf " "" ., " ' "HtoBl:o, V0 "'i I of tho legal controversy and It was ' or n s to.o Tor Nort i itahi.1 that tho statement was per- lim V," e r ,m sltlo,, I ?ami ny ii. u. nor iiiiiiuiiru iiuiiiii Mr Simpson stated that parties BOtporsonallyhrlnKlttothoTlmoaof wouh, bo t North ,(l t0 tl!:(0 ,, ioa II" o Kitnlon patch, ll)0 ,lotol proposition between May Tho followliiK Btatement wbh re- , nml Juno , all(1 he thoualit a celved from lilm today: notol woultl bo orectod within tho "Permit mo to deny through your ll0Xt yoar columns tho Htntomont contnlned In A Oommltteo of tou was appointed jour paper Inst ovenlnj? to tho of- liy tho Chalrmnn nt Inst ovoiiIiik's iet that I hud Klvon out a "state- meeting to ko In fore tho County .oront" on behalf of .Mrs. Kllon Sued- court on April 'H), nt Its meotliiK In Jon. Thoro must bo some mUunder- Coqullle, and ask that tho orlKlnnl staudliiK relative to tho matter slnco pU, for tho coiuIiik vote on n bond Jt sot only lld NOT Kivo out any stuto' issuo bo allowed to stand. This inunt for Mrs. Sneddon but strongly provides for $70,uOO to bo expended advltio nt;nlust nuy such notion, I on n dirt road from Lakeside to Hope that you will endeavor to cor- (JlasKow with a f.'rry connecting to rtet tho erroneous improsslon thnt North Uend nnd Mnrshfleld. Tho Ki Ilnblo to result from tho rending of committeemen appointed nro A. G. the uald statement contained In tho Unab, U J. Simpson, Dr. Ira II, Jrtlclo referred to Wo reward tho Hartlo, II C, Dlers, VlrKli Wnttors. tfourt as tho projier forum for tho hdi;ar McDanlol, It. N. UeoborR nnd trial of law-suits. iJ. II. Groves. ltespectfully yours, I 1NIiik Proportion IIAllKY O. HOY. O. 11 Qitson sooko on tl- merits S NEWS IK POLICE COURT Officer Stutsman Prevents Prisoner's Escape by Do- I ing a Little Sprint IRVING BLOCK te take. MeiVs Soft Shirts Tho comiortnblo Klv-and ;ko. Tho absence of starch ed pleatH and cuffs mnko tho NokIIkcq Shirts a favorite with men who want oaso ani freedom In tho summer nppnrol Somo Cluott l'oabody Co. Bhown in our stock with mnny othor leadlUK biutuU made of now mrcorlmd cloth with cuffs nnd new stylo separate collor. Woven strip patterns In IUu6 WiuU and ellow $1.50 and $2 o (iinr.iuteo SatNfni'tion msRxmmviTX-wxx Men's Special Easter Offering 10 l'Klt CKXT DISCOUNT ON AM, laiHlCS SUITS, COATS AND DHKSSKS. The showltiK Is comploto, nil thc latest modols nnd mater ials made no exclusively for "THW PARISIAN" Wo Invito inspection ns spaco will not per mlt inscription. 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON EASTHlt HATS, ULOUSES AND SKIRTS. All new and modorn In style nnd the best of mattrlnl. Wo (iuur.uiteo Satisfactlou John Stolln and Oscar I.ehto wero arrested at llr-ITi last evenliiK nni' charKcd with drunkenness nrd flubt iv They eiiKHKod In a friendly c"nvorsntlon, nrrnrdliu' to their storv. -bout tho cnnal tolls question, which KTiulunlly grow warmer, until a fistic encounter mine ns the result. Offi cer Hal Stutsmnn arrived on the scouo in tho midst of tho frny and. took Stolln Into custody, leaving him at- tho pollco station and Instructing him to remain until his return. Stella, as booh as ho came to his senses, started making a rotroat with all haste through the rear door of tho pollco station and was making excel lent tlmo when Stutsman returned to tho Jail with tho second prisoner, Lento. Upon seeing the rear door open, Hal, who Is an old sleuth, start ed running up the dock, overtook the prlsonor and accompanied him bnck to tho Hotel do Carter, where ho was reuoven of tits belongings and given n place for the night. In view of their splendid conduct they were giv en two nnd a half days on the streets In tho nbsonco of $5 with which ro pay n flno. Oscnr Olson and Harrv Anderson wero nrrested bv Officer Klinmm nml chnrged with drunkenness. They woro engaged In a fistic encounter "Just for sociability's sake," they told Recorder Butler, who. "for soela. bllltv's sake" asked them to renmlni at the Hotel do Carter for two and a .mil uujb in mo uusuiice oi mo $t fine Imposed by his honor. Tom Talbot was arrested bv Officer J Shoupo last evening and charged with drunkenness. Ho was released today Times Want Ads Get Results. YOU have a cheerful bedroom TOOv " ' M0l : z Home-dwellers :- If you want to be a happy, oheerful ramii.y, nave UHEEUFUL bedrooms. Have your bed-room furniture and rugs new and attrac tive, your beds pretty and comfortable, People feel better and work better In the day-time If they have restful , pleasant bed rooms. If you come to us, we can furnish you a bed-room In perfect taste and com fort, and our PRICES will be reasonable enough not to disturb your slumbers. l A Word or Two, About ''Good Furniture" The general impres sion exists that "Good Furniture" carries with it the meaning "Expensive Furniture," It is a wrong Impression, at least as far as the displays of "Good Furniture" in this store are concerned, tor here one finds singe pieces and complete suites, built in a worthy manner, of selected ma terials and authentic in reproduction of acknow ledged leading style, de signs at moderate prices. We give considerable orominence to the snow ing of such furniture, to we know It is furniture this type that finds f way into the homes of in telligent people. We in vite your inspection o our displays. You m examine them without obligation. I Is pleasure to point out tne merits possessed J "Good Furniture" at mod erate prices. "WE SELL IT FOR LESS" GOING & HARVEY CO. Complete House Furnishers BH ? dl-u