THROW MUD AT A MAN AND MOST Of IT FALLS Off. THOW FLATTERY AND IT STICK! (Jjwb Ifou Wmv& ittvXKIl YEAH a .n cn(iii opens with brighter milllo Valley country linn ml LLro hi "history. For- DON'T SCATTER SHOT Conreittrntc your ndvcrtljdng ln tlio newspaper thnt reaches the peo ple J'ou want to tnlk to. Ainmunl lloii costs money. TIio Times muca money to iidvei Users. cTCI ..... In the making. Arc you for tours? MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATE!) PRESS VOL XXXVII. Established 1878 us TIio Const Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1914 EVENING.EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnlt nnd Coon liny Advertiser. No.22i LODGE SAYS HAL OBLIGATION IS 10 REPEAL REE I0LL BILL Declares United States Can Lenally by Force Grant, Coastwise Exemptions HfiWEVER IT WOULD BE AT LOSS tOF SELF RESPECT gays Country Must Raise It self to High Plane -of Integ- rity Formerly Occupied 10, AMOtUtfl rrni lo Cool nr Tlmn.1 . lntor I."1P- ranking Republican 'S-w. !M25K? a?, .fJS - !. VnrniirM If ninr lflllH , mppOTi oi j-itoiutjiii. .. w" WTien the year 1009 oponod." ho u!d "the United States occupied n Miner and stronger -position among ih nations of tin -uurth ttltan at any period In our history.' This great Ultlon nnd commanding Influciieo Ui Eeea largtdy lost. I am not In rt councils of tlio Tresldont. hut I Mleve thnt during tho past your thol preient position or tho United States j la Id foreign relations lias hocomo Terr apparent to mm, no n nun iu other responsible and rcfloctlvo men, ind with this appreciation of our preient position lias como (ho earnest Vith to rctrnct wnio vt our stops and tttiln as fnr ns poBnlblo tho high pfone wo formerly occupied." Lodgo milntalned tho legal right of tho I Ualtcd S'nies 10 oxninni in ouiiiuiuk .from tolls, but asserted "n- decent reipca iur uio pjhuwh v Reminded tho repeal ot ttho oxomp- tlcn. APS WILSON'S 'Chairman Peters of "Maine Republican Convention Hits National Administration IB; A.iorUtfrl PrtM lo Coot liar TlmM ) AUCU8TA, Me, April 0. An nt hck on President Wilson's M ox I can ltd Panama Canal tolls policies was nidt by Itopreaontatlve rotors In nti address ns presiding offlcor of tho Republican stnto convention. "I havo great admiration nnd tcb Pct for President Wilson." said Pot i, "but no oiioSiut tho blindest pnr tlua, or one who has given tho mat ter no thought, ran havo tho slight tirmpevt for thu foreign policy of ll administration. By refusing to recognize lluortn nu President ho lost the greatest opportunity to ostabllsh wne kind of order In Moxlco. Ap puently England 1ms taken advan M of tho situation and wild to tho mi'denf 'Kindly havo your Con neti reverse Its action In giving your wutwlso votsols tho right to go through tho canal free and wo will p out of Mexico.' " Irnnmastfip Visits ingress Says Toll Ex emption Killed 10; AucjMh rrwi lo Coot Vr Tlme. J . WASHINGTON', DC, April 9.--i, i CarnpBlo was an Intorcstod ,ii"5r.,n tlie Houso gallery and. bd W?k v'sorously a speech support iTi k p.anaiin tolls oxomptlon re i7. .r Hepresontatlvo Vollmer of ; ",' ,n,e newest member. Later Car- Mtle vlElfo.l , iin,i- n ii. ' ii.. Sd that th0 ronel WM wou,d iwid 7h.t "l...an1 . JO?,ng.I.!? f u?; Ifcjw m C " l'i tjvi n in noil 'itT fose Democrats In tho Se'n- ioV ao way tUey ar0 behaving WHITE WOLF'S ppit"1""1 PreM ,0 Coot lr T,me, leMhi . April 0. Brigands un hBdrnotor,01,B Wh,t0 Wolf killed Ittre . of tno Inhabitants In tho I Chin ,;Wlg of Hun Slen, Chow We inA.i Juen Hltm today. -They ! SnlltfV.wd 8weeplnB the on" IX. POLICIES CARNEGIE AT WHITE HOUSE BANG SLAYERS Ihumu toll ! hearing open Senate Committcs Hears Dis cussion Arnue to Refer It To Arbitration inr aimiim t'rrt to cum inr Timw.j WASIIINOTON, . C, April 9. A public hearing began hero today before tho Scnnto Cnnals Commltteo on tho repeal of tho Panama tolls exemption. Senators who liavo Intro duced bills nnd resolutions on tho subject woro first heard. Norrls, Ro publlrnn, apoko on his nincndinont to roafTIrm tho right of tho United States to illscrlinlunto In favor or our own ships If It chooses to do so, and to direct tho President to submit tho controversy to arbitration. Ho op posed exemption as n subsidy, but said ho did not want tho United States to construe, tho treaty so ns to forccloso Its right to control tho can al. Thomas, Democrat, mado a state mont supporting his proposal to mnko tho canal frco to all ships .of nil nations. Ed Miller, Arrested in Marsh field for Theft, Thought to Be Man Wanted There. Ed Miller, tho alleged dope fiend who Is serving a thirty day sentence In tho Coos county Jnll for tho thoft of an overcoat from Cnl Wnl rath of tho llogorn rooming house, Is believed to bo Durnott Iionnett, who Is wanted nt Hoseburg for lar- eny. Marshal carter today moiv u a idotnlled description of llonnott and It tames riosoiy wun .Miner a np Yienranre. It stated that ho had a Miro ()n his arm, and the sh riff, when ho returns to Cooulllo this nttoruooi; will ascertain If this final Identification mark Is there. linmiittt Ik fhnrued wl'h the theft i of I'vu wntche8,&a 0. A. H. button -ind otli r jowony w nosouurK. Ono of the watches Is a lady's gold watch null has tho mimo of Mabel Shlndlor engrnved on tho case. LOCAL OFFICE Marshfield Postoffice i Shows Increase of Over SHOO Raises Salary Tho recolptw of the Marshfield post offlco havo Increased 110C.13 oyer tho previous year, according to the statoment mado to tho postoffice de partment for the fiscal year ending March 31. 1914. This will mean an Increase In PoBtmastor Curtis' sulary from $2500 to $2600, although the offlco at Marshfield has not been notl fled of tho Increaso as yet, Tho totnl receipts of the Marshneld postoffice for the past year woro $20. 870.11. In this amount Is represent- tho .noney derived from the .atoo stamps, poaiuuuo u" .-...-. ,.-----post Btamps, registered packages, etc. Tho postal law provides for an ln ', creaso In tho salary of the postmaster . ..a.. t oni.ii 11000 additional i. ,uino, under $20,000. When the receipts reach this amount the re ceipts must increase $2000 to war rant an Increase of $100 per year In tho postmaster's salary. J S LYONS of the Nolson Iron Works went to Coqulllo yes erday on business. It was an attachment filed by' his company that prec pl tated the closing of tho Coqulllo Mill & Mercantilo Co. HO MILLS and wife arrived here overland today from their homo at IndUnapoII. to visit their aother. Mrs. Mills, who has been 111 at Mercy Hospital, and with his sis ter. Mrs. Frank Smallwood. T C. RUSSELL and wife of Beaver Hill returned on the Breakwater today. Mr. Russell having gone to Portland to meet her on her re tura from an extended visit in Washington. ROSEBURG MAN SOUGHT HERE BIG GAIN IN What This HAT this town needs," says dno man, "la railroad." "What this town needs," snys another, "Is harbor Improvement." "What this town needs," says tho next, "is lower taxes." , "What this town needs," rcmafks another, "is a few first-class fu nerals. What this town needs Is not nioroly to say what this town , needs. What this town needs is men Who will get whnt this town needs. Whatever this town needs It can got by presenting a solid front, Let us decldo to do something collcctlvoly for tho town. Lot us decldo to do something Individually, piB well. Let us quit foolishly sending our money away, bleeding this town to fatten somo other. , Lot, us make our inonoy horo, spend It horc, nnd havo It her wboro wo uso It for whnt this town needs. I X L GL0THIN6 STORE RAO FAILURE SAID THAT DEPARTING PHOPHI- I ETOR lii: FT AX ALMOST WOltTIILKHS STOCK OF GOODS ' CUKIHTOHK WILL NOT RHAl. I IZE .Ml'CII, IT 1$ SAID. I Developments In the bankrupt I. I X. L. clothing store caBo havo not I 'been biicIi as to please tho creditors. 'Somo of tho local clothing men who havo Inspected' tho stock for tho pur ' poso of making a bid on It, nnnounco i that It Is In very bad n".iapc. One of I those dealers statcdi after making a porsonnl Inspection of tho stock, that he would not give flvo cents on tho dollnr for It. It develops that what Is left of 1lilnBtock Is the remnants of whnt Is Hillll to be an old shop-worn and shelf worn clothing Btock shipped from somo second- nnd store In Montairt BURIED TODAY Millionaire Lumberman's Son-in-law Aids in Funeral at Rock Island ' inr AuocUIihI I'n.t to Coot Iltr Tlmn.J ROCK (ISLAND, III.. April 9. PrcfloTrlak Woyorhauser, tho million aire lumberman, was burled In tliq cemetery hero by t(io side of his wife. Funeral services, according to tho rites of tho Punabyterlnn Church, wore held at tho, homo of Woyor hnustr'B dauglrtor, Mrs. S. S. Davis. Kcv. W. B. Hill, son-ln-lnw of Woyer liniiser, iiHsltsod It) ttho sorvlces. Former Seattle Executive Blames Portland Speculation For His Plight , (Dr AMKlitl Vtrti (o Coot Utr Tlm.t.1 j 3BATTLK, Wash., April 9. Wil liam D. Wood, ex-mayor of Seattle and promoter of tho Unit Investment buildings, has filed a petition In bankruptcy, scheduling liabilities of $234,000 and assets of $20,000, Ho says hlH bankruptcy Is due to real estato transactions in which ho be came Involved in Portland. CAItmVKLL FOR LIXilSLATUIll. ROSUBURG, Or., April 9. W. W. Cardwell will enter tho Republican primary for representative In tho legislature from Douglas county. W. I. Vawtor. the Medford bank er, will enter tho Republican pri mary for Joint ropresTitatlvo from Douglas and Jackson counties. GOOD FRIDAY OBSIMIVAXCK. All ClirlMlwiN Asked to Pray or Do Kind Deed for .Minute. kkw YORK. Anrll 9. A pnuso i of a moment for prayer, for moilita- tlon or for tho performance of somo .hiritv nr Vltifllv deed Is urced by tno PrntLstniit l'lilseonal church on all Christians at noon on Good FrI- day. Tho request has been sent out broadcast. ABOLISH STAR ROUTES Oregon Coast Counties May Suffer From Retrenchment. WASHINGTON, D. C, April 8. That thero Is danger of attempted re duction of star routo service In vari ous sections of Oregon Js tho warn ing note contained in a letter recent ly received here from lormer nena tor Jonathan Bourne who advises that prompt action protest should be made against aay such move. This Is a natter of Interest particularly to eastern Oregon and coast counties having much star route mail service. iran fS,JBIBn"liyilEI IS BJ1UPT: mi C0(fESS Town Needs to North Detul nnd from that placa moved to Morshlleld. Tho proprietor added a fow suits to freshen It up, but theso were all disposed of In ni big salo ho put on a short tlmo before I tho store was closed by creditors. This, It Is said, cleaned out about all the ntock that was of any value, leav ing only out-of-dnto, out-uf-stylo and shop-worn articles on which It Is feared little will bo realizud, jib It Is bought that It cannot bo unloaded on this community. It hns also been reported t lat when tho proprietor left for Snn Frnncl8"0 he took with him eight trunks of bnggugo. Whether theso contained his wardrobe or what was left of value In tho deplotcd nnd damaged stock Is not known. It Is feared that tho creditors will not realize much on w.iat Is lef BETTER TODAY Ruler of Sweden Rallies Fol lowing Operation for 'Ulcer of Stomach (Or ,Awlo4 Prt.l lo Co Iltr TlmM.) STOCKHOLM, Sweden, April 9. King GuBtav of Swedon wan operated on today. Tho surgeons found that ho vdh suffering from an extensive ulceration of the H'omsch. Tho oper ation lastod two noma. It wns an nounced ntterwaid t .at the king's condition was sntlsfartory, aUhough ho wno weak. The que u occuplod an rpartment In tho ho.tpltal during tho oporntlon and will stay there until ho Is convaloHCCiit. Unverified Reports of Details of Rosenthal Murder Monday Execution Day (Mr Aiiotltta! l'rrit Ik Coot Par TlmM I NKW YORK, April 9. Thoro woro persistent rumors that at least one of tho four gunmen who aro to die at Sing Sing Monday for tholr part In tho murder of Herman Rosenthnl, tho gambler, would confess. Tho rumors could not bo traced to their source Counsel for former Police Lieutenant Bcckor, convicted of in stituting tho murder, but saved by a higher court ruling, said he might go to the prison today and endeavor to get statements to be used In tho dofenso of Becker at tho second trial. Although Governor Glynn hns twleo rofused to grant a roprlovo, tho fam ilies of tho four gunmen have not yet given uphopo . suspect Captured at Hazelton, f n i i i a. u., bays icn nouuuu Bank There. Of Atsocltlod Tttit to Coot Dr Time. NBW HAZBLTON, B, C, April 8. A wounded Russian was arrested last night, suspected of being a member of tho gang that held up tho Union Bank Tuesday, Tho pris oner said there were ten of thorn robbed the bank. The gang made lilm accompany them and when the pursuers camo he received a bullet In tho leg. He said it Is the leader who Ib still at large. Posses aro looking for him. He is un doubtedly wounded, as tho trail Is marked with blood, BUS V 5 BANK BANDITS OF MEXICO CiTY HEARS DEFEAT First News of Fall of Torreon Printed There Today Min imize the Result inr a.o uini rrm to root ni TimM i MEXICO CITY. Anrll 9 The first INVESTIGATION EXPLOSION ndmlBslon thnt Goneral Vllln had oc- niont canal works yestorday, uflilck copied Torreon Is mado by tho Moxl- rcBiiltrd In tho deaths of four iiwc. can Herald today. Tho nowspnpor and serious Injuries to many inoro states that General Dlanquct declared when tho steam shovel struck .an Ocnoral Vclasco had not evacuated j "missed holo." that city In tho "full senso of tho Tho Injured nro. exported in re word." According to lllanquot, a coyer. imslHon has boon established at Cor - ro do ln.Kruz, fom which placo ho dominates Torreon with his nrtllfory. AID SETTLERS Problem of Developing West ern Irrigation Profspts Dis cussed at Denver. ' inr APKKlttM rrt In Vm. TlmM t DKNVEH. April I). -Hnltod action Vy the state and federal govorn monU in financing irrigation pro jects In tho west wns uihocaUd by First Assistant Secretary of tho In terior Johns In opening tho Irriga tion conference en Mod by Sccrotary Lano. "Wo should llghtu tho fi nancial burdons of tho soltlers," ho said. "Wo should provide them with cheap money, but you cannot ralso cheap money wlthou good se curity." Dolt"gntos were , presont from about fifteen states'. Tho meetings woro open to tho goneral public. FOUND GUILTY John Krafchenko, Notorious in Western Canada, Convicted of Murdering Cashier. (Mr AuorlttoJ 'ivti to Coo IHf TlmM J MORDI2N, Man., April 9. John Krafchenko, notorious throughout western Canada, was found guilty of tho murder of II. M. Arnold, manager of 'tho Bank of Montronl branch nt Plum Couloo and tho thoft of $5000. FRUITS KILLED IN SOUTHWES Freezing Temperatures in Ten nessee, Arkansas, Mississ ippi and Oklahoma (Hr Aultl4 I'rt.a lo Coot Ilr TlmM.) MEMPHIS, fl'onn., April D. Freez ing tomporature's wore reported from West Tennessee, Arkansas, Mis sissippi and Oklahoma, Tho Indi cations are that fruit and vegetables iu exposed places woro killed, TO PAY DREDGE. Tho Port of Coos Bay mot today to pay tho dredge Se attle about $48,000 for tho month of March. 4 COMMUNION SERVICE. At 7:30 this evening In tho Epls conal church thoro will bo a com menioratlon servlceo f tho Institu tion of tho sacrament of tho Lord's Supper. Thero will bo an address by the Rector, Yes, Alonzo It is possible for a man and a woman to generate a brand of Platonic love that will stand tho acid test if they can be kept COO miles No woman Is supposed to look her age, no matter what it Is, CHEAP MONEY THE DALLES 5 GU TODA! Fifty Witnesses Subpoenacfc to Ascertain Cause of Yes terday's Slauqliter. CHARGE OF CARELESS- IMESS TO BE PROBER Forty Employes on the Celile Canal Strike Until Safe ty Is Assured Them. tlly Amoi-UIiM 1'itm lo'f'oni Ilr Tlmefcl -THE DALLES. Or., April !). rlfty witness s woro subpoonaeat?' th Coroner to testify at an InmicJU. .,. tniilKht Into tho dyiiamlto cx- n.oslen on Tho Dalles-Celllo Oovnrn- 1 Testimony Is expected to bo .brought out charging that "JtU mlsiec hole was nassod over eucDJiMly. Forty employes struck tofluj.. wr ing they would not work until ciK missed holes had bo n found nnd" fired. DOWAGER EM HESS m Succumbs Today to Comply cation of Heart Disease ( and Bright's Djscase Hr AMtentod IrMt to Cot Br Tlm0 TOKIO, April 9. Dowagor E pross Krruko dli'd today otlmJm pertal villa at Namnzu. Following thu nsuhl custoiti In case of tho death of a hienibor of tho hw p rial family, Official uunnuncermtffit of tho event will not bo mado1 until tho body Is transferred to the -capital, probably tomorrow. Her majesty died' Suddenly In Una prosonre of Empoior Yoshlhlto,' IW emprcstf And other members ofitisu royal family, who hnd boon summon ed from tho capital. Tho llnrKSIl, patient had developed dccoplim symptoms. Sho dlvplnvud IncroasiiW vigor nnd nsked for food, A abort, tlmo nflurwnnl sho heenmo uncon scious. Tho doctors nppllod restora tives without avail. Sho had 'brvn sufforlug from nuglna pectoris, but tho official diagnosis declared that Brlght'H dlsraKo was the direct cuhd oi doath, Thu tlowagor empress was tho "wIV ow i f Emporor Mutmilto, who JWJ two jcarH ago. Sho was born Mw 2. 18D0 and was a daughter of t nobleman. In 1809 sho was marrita to tho Into emperor. Sho lived to m Japan transformed from ancient V mndorn civilization. Sho wns nlmpV In her tastes nnd gonornlly wore. a. western dross. STILL FIGHT IS BATTLE IIHTWKKN FEDERJHSi AXI) REBELS CONTINUES RUMORED AMERICANS A1H2 FURNISHING SUPPLIES. (nr Auorlttxl Trrtt to Coot nt T(nw. WASHINGTON. D. C, April 'Jr Ovorulght dispatches to tho Navy 1 partment from Rear Admiral F o tehee roportol) fighting still in jirogTewi at Tamplro, without advantage tu either side. On account of the hciiy wind, Rear Admiral Mayo was dl couraglng tho refugees from goU?: aboard ships there. Fletchor eaYU that reports woro being clrculatitt! on shoro that tho American haltVt--shlps wero supplying arms to ttw rrlols. SPRING VACATION IS OVEJT. Unique Plan Tried lit Orogon CTip Proton Boom to Pupils. OREGON CITY, Or., April 8.-Tfa first spring vacation in the if3 schools has closed and tho 170ft -pupils ot this city roturned to IVatr work. Tho plan was tried out ly Umj School Board upon tho recomrnealti tlon of City Superintendent Tuoati. who bolioves that with n woeks-rri. In the long Spring term, both lewU ers and pupils would bo ableuovw sumo tholr work with more Interest. The school term wil bo extended wo week, or to Juno 12, bo that the : amount of work can bo covored. F TAMPIG 1 AtfdlflBBVKIittl .tXiti aH