THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFlSLD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1914 EVENING EDITION. TWO COOS BAY TIMES X. V. MALONHY JMItor nnl Pub. flAN K. MALONEV News Editor Official' Paper of Coos County 2l&tcrodat tho Poatofflco at Marah JMfi'w Oregon, for trauamlsslon tLrmigh the mails as aecond-claea wail matter. Dedicated to the sorvlco of tho people, that no good causo shall 3nck a champion, and that ovll shall not thrlvo unopposed. RUuscnrrrioN , hates. DAILY. fin year $C.OO j?8r month 50 WEEKLY. Oho year $1.50 VTften paid strictly In advance, lb Subscription prlco of tho Cooa Eeiy Tlmoa la $5.00 per year or rJXBO for six montha. STORY OF G. A. R. AddrcBfl nil commtinlcatlona to COOS I1AV DAILY TIMES Wnrpliflobl :: ti : : ; : Oregon EASTER. Oh, tho fragrant Eaator lllloa How wo lovo pncli snowy bloom, "With tho heart of golden glory And Ita bouI of raro perfume, "Tor thoy stand like dear white angels At tho threshold of tho spring, xffid tho eternal resurrection is tho mesaago that thoy bring. THEN. Forty-eight years ago April G, the first 0. A. It. Poet waB estab lished, In Decatur, III. Major Ben jamin K. Stephenson, surgeon of tho 14th Illinois regiment, and three army friends had drawn up tho constitution two months before. The socret ritual was printed by vetornna In tho office of the De catur Tribune, all of whom were members of tho order. Its purpose wns the "establishment and dofenso of the late soldiery of the United States, morally, socially and poli tically, with a vlow to inculcate a propor appreciation of their ser vices and claims by the American people." The first National En enmpment was held nt Indianapolis In 18G0. Gen.' S. A. Hurlbut be came tho first commander In chief. NOW. Today there are more than 5000 O. A. It. Posts. Tho order reached a membership of 400,489 In 1890. Today It has been reduced by death to less than 170,000. Tho death rate Is becoming higher each year, for tho veterans of tho civil war now have an average ago ftf slxty niuo years. The O. A. It. has hold an annual encampment every year except In 1867, and has gathered In nearly every Important city In the country. It was the originator of May 30 as Memorial Day, be ginning In 1868. Soino of tho na tion's most 'distinguished soldiers havo been commanders In chief Generals nurnslde, Logan, Hurl but, Hartranft, Alger, Devens, Wagner and Robinson of tho regu lar army, "with the toast f I AND the tea I LHSHHAL EDUCATION. EASTER Is tho morning of tho yenr. It Is tho time of nwak onlng. "Awake thou Hint sslcenost," Is tho summons Hint aim lea from sweet bird throats, Hint wifspors from the soft brcozea, murmurs from the musical brooks, and without voice, sings to us from wvrollfng buds, rising sop and iqrliiK-tltno grass blades. I'ming hearts vlow tho Enator awakening and rend tho Easter promise with pnrtlnl vision. Those who havo stood perchance many tltncH within the Hhadow of tho ml fey of death catch n noto In tli Knstor music that untrlod hoar's must miss. Those of us who havo hidden soino loved one. In Cod'a Half Arro listen to the universal iholrs and faiths visions find holghtH ot holy beauty that rench Into tho Hvyntid. Hlmll tho grass awako and tho Ti n run it foot Hint trod Its emerald ; ititrnnf trn fnrili nn mnrn fnrnvnr? Shall hud and blossom return nnd ! I bow much better tho community "Tho tlmo has como," the Walrus said, "To talk of many things That should nmusc n Carpenter, Like enbhages and kings, And fountain pons and' motor cars, And potter wasps nnd cheese, And cuttle fish and liquid air, And Inner beer and fleas. "And flics and floes nnd dynamite, And Peralnn rugs and scrows, And guns and tea and pyramids, And yarn and kangaroos. Ami clocks nnd gcuiB and tar and wine, And rubher boots and goats, And pills and lend and fish and glass, And germs and' motor boots " Of ninny things the walrus talked Intelligently, too Exhnuatlng entertainingly Encli subject', old and now. N'ot yet tho Carpenter suspects, Not yet on OjBtcr knows, Tnnt ho got all his learning from The films nt picture shows. FLOWERS. For groups of beautiful growing plants In tho church nt Easier none for color nro richer than tho umuryllls In bloom and the IJIiuui nurntum, Hint toy a I old Illy that N so tickle us uu out door plant. Sometime It grows and blossoms wonderfully, and ugulu It tie lies cultivation, yet us n put plant It rarely falls. It Is niagnltlcent uddK tlott to mi Easter collection, with Its stately air and Its golden timid, tho en sign of Its royalty. W-W--H-l-H-H-H-W-H'- Ruf fin's Friend An Easier Story g&MiurfMr HP ' BIG REiflWL a SOCIAL CAIjEN'DAU. Speaking or baseball If tho hocstlng purcontago of this town was ns high as Ty Cobb's hnttlng. file eye that viewed tho bonuty wta Its visionary otarnnlly? Shall (his Insonsn'o earth ronow her tlfo year by year through tho centuries and' Iho mighty minds that havo potmueretl her sloop ever In dnrk- TWKS. Easter Is tho morning of tho year. How many mornings thoro rof Our lives aro crowded full f beginnings mornings dawn tflgn happenings. Aro they not "V"ymUo!f"nf Iho gYoat beginning Jho- hiiw" wMornliiK tho otcrnnl Dawning tho Hope materialized that shall ' forever hlllno away tho Slindow of Death that lias T.ilit across life's d'ur threshold. Truly Easter Is a tlmo to rojolco ind bo glad. would bo. WORLD'S RAINFALL. I Don't voto for a man merely I hccniiso he Is a frlond of yours. 1 You hnvo no right to nnv nrlvatn I debts with public property. -K-tl- Somo Coos Hay pooplo aro nover 1 nppy unless thoy fcol that thoy nro Jinpplur Hum anybody else. Hniidsonin Is not always as hand some as he thinks ho Is. - I Hotwccii now hats, now suits I and tho chnlr tho uvorugo Coos I Hay prenchor hardly gets a I square deal on Eostor Sunday. T -tt-tt- Ab n matter of fact wo wouldn't oven enlist If thoro woro u wur with Mexico. Would you? Ah, wo thought not. I ON THE DEAR OLD l'ARM. IT MAY ho Interesting, as woll as comforting, to some Coos n-vtos fo know Hint according t- ' es Hinato by Sir John Murray, tho total annual rainfall upon nil tho lauds of th globe amnunU to 20,317.4 ruble mires, uud off this quantity (152 I rub- Yhb u . A ,.,,M,. ,,,11,. f -1 ..,.. u-nln.. nil) lOllglllg fOT tllO COUIltrV. weighs approximately 4.205,050.-1 ),th l,H l"i"turoH wldo and green. 000 tons, nnd cnrrles In solution, on "ero tho ciUlj on tho hillsides Ihn nvorago. about 420,000 tona of "r,0W80 troiililort nnd sorono. .foreign matter. In nil. about 2.735,- X, fiT " ,onrB to plonslng gobble 00,000 tons of solid substances nro'" ''" i"". "iji'uc inns inns carried onnually to the ocean. ?JV ! B,)0n,J luy I nys nl1fnrn,InR IVY CO.N'DRON. I am longing for tho country, When It's Juno ami nil Is bliss. When tho grassy slopes and wood lands Offer Joys I fain would ihIsb. Hut I drnw tho line at farming Whon It'a raining cotB and dogs And thoy rouso you out orb daybreak To do chores and split tho logs. CELL IRELAND. CLEAN UP AND PAINT UP. TIE early adventurous birds, tho portion of tho Rim nnd n thous mid less obvious but quite as cer 1nln signs of spring nro nt hnnd. String means, or sliould menu, house denning, nnd not only houso eloon Jiiff, but j-nrd olennlng, street and nl for cleaning, ntlutlnic furbishing; It should menu order and hnnuony and 'linfrif v. So cImii up and paint up. "Oh, yes, whoso payln' yo to nd mrtltp 'onic 'eller'n iialn"'" siiooih onr omnlproieiit Uun kir friend. Wo might answer Hint It Is noiio of his iIiisfitPSH but wi don't Imivo to do Ifint We're advortlHlni; ovorybody's paint, Just ns wo ndvortlso overy Dody'H soup and uudorwenr nnd elonn tnd decent' outer gnrmonts. Pooplo Jlionld keen thomsnlvna clean. Health Ytfiimndii that w lo that. Ainl iro run't keep ourselves clean without oau nnd water and towels nnd tho rdinary toltof roiivonlnnros. Wo v.m't keep our yards uud lawns clean unless wo uso mowors and rnkes nnd ihovols. Wo can't keep our streets jjkI alloys clean unless wo hnvo tho men and tools nnd the Inclination to Yeop thorn ns they should bo kept, Clean up nnd paint up. Thnt Is n rvlo proscription that Is worth while. Cleanliness Is akin to godliness. You Iinvo heard that ofton enough to con rJuco you of Its truth, but wo Bome ifmos overlook u truth by reason of Ha sheer familiarity, or nt least fall ru profit by It ns wo should. Clean houses, clean lawns, clean srrcots, Wean outbuildings thnt condition moans health and comfort and nncs tfotlo ploasuro. Dirt nnd tawdry neg Ifgenco ludlcato decay and BhlftlesB ness; thoy Invite ilUoase; thoy nro ug ly, offensive, unnatural. Exchange. f Dy JEANHinTC H. WALWORTH ' h-j-i-w-w-i-h-w-k-.s-w-w-i--:-;-.' Copyright, 9M, by Amcrlrati ProMi Anno CIlUIOII.l O Riitllu, shifting ivtUwuIy from one dirty little bare foot to the otliH, the fastidious delllieni tiou of tho gentleiiuiu who was selecting' uu Easter Illy from Mrs Moxer's stock was not only exiispernt lug, It was "toininyrul." One Illy was Just like another. Kulllu slopped boldly between buyer and Heller. Ho lifted u small, freckled face, made blight by a pair of winning bluu eyes. "Mister, I'm lookln' fur u Job. I'll entry your Illy homo for you." Tho gentleman looked Kulllu over critically. Mrs. Moxer Indorsed the boy. "Oh, you can trust Ruff, sir." Tlio gentleman put his hand Into hN pocket. "All right, Chipmunk. A dime. Isn't itr Rulllu shook his head. "Not jit. Walt till tho goods Is delivered. I wants u stop over privilege." The. gentleman laughed. IIo found Rulllu delightful. "All right, Chip munk." "Well. It's this way. sir. I got a friend. Shu's my friend nil right, but she's heap closer of kin to tho uugeW than she Is to me. She bo'ds at the housu whero I Jobs. I clean the steps and take out tmsli nnd such. She don't belong there, but I reek'u she's down on her luck. I was rattllu' out her stove one day last week, and I heard her sort of say to herself. 'Oh. If I only could smell the lilies ouco again It would make me well.' She do look mighty peaked, mister. And I upi uud says, puiutlu' to n big book she had WEDNESDAY. Storcontlcon lecture by Rev. Durkhnrt at tlite Prusbyterlan church. with Mrs. Alderton. D, M. C. Club with Mrs. L. A. LoomlB. Nbrtlii Ilwul Altnr Guild1 with Mrs. Paul Dlmlmck. Narcissus Club with Mngglo Robertson, Jolly Dozen with Mrs. Ross. Sowing party by Mrs. Geo. I Hcgllo of North Dend. I Jolly Dozen Evening Pnrty I with Mrs. T. Wilcox. i Rook Pnrty at homo of Mr. and' Mrs, W. U. Wilson. THURSDAY. Thursday Club with Mrs. Kenton nnd Mtb. Dodson nt R. M, Eonton home. Young Mntron's luncheon nt tho homo of Mrs. W. A. Reid. Norweglnn Lutheran Young Ladles' Aid at church hall, Mrs. Jena Hansen nnd Mrs. O. Lar son, hostesses. I'-UIDAY. Iletbr.nv Hlb r- Class "Camp Klro" nt C. A Sc''lhredo homo. I Ken'"!- L' Clrclo with I Mrs. U. HnH. I J illv Dozen rf,"-uoon sowing I with Mra. II. O'Mcn. I SATURDAY. I Firemen's Hall nt Eagle's I Hall. tho Chipmunk show up? Tho doorbell rang. He called to tho white copped maid as sho passed to open It, "If It Is a boy with a Illy, bring him In here." Enter Ruilln, crimson from rapid walking, but with tho light of triumph In his eyes. "Tho big clock out yon der's Jus strlkln' 3, Mr. Mnrschalk." "Well, Chipmunk, did your lady friend take a smell of It? Put tho flower there on that stnnd In tho win dow. And did It mnke her well?" "I don't know about It makln her well. sir. but she Bald It niude her glad, nnd then she bust out cryln'. When I'm glnd. I grim. Don't you?" "Invariably. Rulllu." Rulllu drew a crumpled envelope from the bosom of his faded blouse "And you asked me her name. sir. They'd Just emptied tho wnste pnper baskets Into the trash barrel in tno area, and this was on top." Mara chnlk glanced nt the envelope, but de cllncd It ns a possession Miss Ger- trudo Withers. "All right, Chipmunk. Now let's talk about James Rulllu Chirk." "Oh, he don't count for nuthln, sir," said Rulllu with an easy laugh, which sobered Into an awestruck expression ns on elegant lady with big black eyes and snowy white hnlr entered. Mnrschalk to Ills feet. "Hel lo, mater: this young gentleman brought out your Easter Illy." It was nt the luncheon table that Marschalk'H mother gave him u mes-, sage: "Lloyd, Cornelia ont you- word that oho wonted you to bo sure to come to church tomorrow. You know she is directing the music this year. They hnvo secured u Wonderful soloist, and .Vour sister wants your opinion of the girl's voice. I think Mr. Daven port, our organist, In trying to Interest your sister In this young woman. She Is n tine mtwlclnn nnd. having been thrown on her own resources, has con ceived that It Is easy to get pupils In New York. At any rate. Miss Withers MNs Eleanor Wilson .Selects Trot- IILUK AND PINK CHOSEN HERE'S TO OLD .MAIDS! AS WE CAN. (One Coos Ray nuto dealer sold six cats Sunday.) IE WE can't star with a nmto,r car, we'll blosa nil those who may. The chances nro we'd lmve n car nnd hit tho crowded wuy nt fastest clip throughout the trip, bnd wo tho prlco to pay. With reason blessed and not obsessod with yearnings vuln and mnd. wo poor in purse, It might ho worse, can walk, bo lot's bo glad. Thoro's liopu for him, though chance Is slim, who wnnta what ho can liny, who, Biife and sound, stays on the ground, though others may fly high. TKe Royal TONIGHT Entlro Chnngo of Program. TrUle Mack and llaby Phyllis In new Bongs and stories. Featuring tho Popular Tango Dance, Four roe8 of new pictures. "Ills Hour of Trlumnh" An Imn masterpiece in two reels with Jnno Anil horn's n lrnnttn wont of en noiirngoniont and Joy for the "old i G"H nnd William Shay, aiald!" ' l'o Heart of n Vi Sho lives longer on this happy varth than a meie married woman. Hxporta In .tho omploy of fortv ffroo lntttrnnco companion hnvo sub tuntlated thoso foots by statistics Kutriuretr last vonr. But Just wiry this Is so, statistics fall tn show. Anywny, tho old maid skonl.l worry tQ'tl B'x reals. 210 scenes with a A3 to why! iciisi oi iov peopie. acnuoro" A nonrr interest wostom drama. "Tho Kid" with Kathlo Fischer nud the famous. Powers Juvonllo com edians. Admission, Lowor floor, 15c; bal cony, 10c. Coining tomorrow night ARIZO NA tho greatest play over written. fife Caito "I'LI, CAUItV VOUIl LILY 1011 YOU." open In her lap, 'Is them lilies, MUs Gertrude?' And she says; 'Ascension lilies, Ruff, You know whot they stand for?' And I hud to own up I didn't, nnd then she talked to me like a angel might 'a' talked ami told me more about tho Dlble uud Jesus than I bet any of tho preachers know. And I thought if sho was sick for tho smell of the lilies I might help Miss Withers to get well. Is It it go. mister?" t "It Is a go. Chipmunk, nut," be linuded Ruilln a card. "I will bo nt that address before li o'clock, and If you fall to show up what must I do about my Illy?" Ruilln grinned confidently. "Send the chief of perllco to Mrs. RUlaud's bo'dln' house on cost Forty-six street and tell hliu to nsk fur Jnmes Rutlln Clark." Ami ho was off. At the street mid number engraved on the card a morris chair was pushed up to n front window by tho illy buy er. A quarter to 3 by his wnteh-wouid Times 'Want ads bring results. Is boarding In the same house us Mr, Davenport. Cornelia is quite stirred up about her." Mnrschalk passed his cup. "It seems," Mrs. Mnrschalk pursued "that this girl was Joint heir uud owner of u very tine cotton plantation near Chattanooga with nn older broth er. The older brother must hove been a scamp of tho llrst water. He camu on to New York, leaving her living on the plantation, where she had always lived. It appears ho went It ot u pace, lleforo three years were over he hod got this poor girl to give him powers of attorney, nud It was only after ho hail tho decency to dispose of himself that she found out he hud mortgaged the plantation for more than It was worth, ti ml the mortgage was fore closed, leaving her penniless." "You did not happen to hear tho brother's name, mother?'' Marschnlk asked In a queer voice. "No, nor the name of the man Into whose pocket lier homo passed." Mnrschalk wos In his mother's pew on that Easter Sunday. He listened with u pleasure that verged upon pain to the rich young voice that swelled above the grand organ notes In "Con sider the Lilies." The voire was di vine. And her name was Withers! Miirschalk's mind tnveied swiftly backward to the time when Hugcuu Wlthery stood before him. u wild, di sheveled boy. almost pleoulug for help. Withers hud been his roommate and chum at Harvard a wild, reckless, un balanced boy. Ho got the help he ask ed fur got It time and ngnlu until, with patience exhausted, Mnrschalk had mildly suggested some sort of gunruntee or security for the large Minis, It was then that tho mortgage wiih given nnd nccepted. A little whllu longer nnd Withers hud shinned off ro spuuslblllty with the mortal coll It was perhaps a week after hearing that wonderful voice In church thnt Murscholk colled on his sister Cornelia. "Well, what progress Is your southern friend making In the mutter of pu pils?" he asked with a nervous lough. "Poor girl, I pity her!" "Oh. you would Indeed. Lloyd, If you could only see her tho gentlest, pret tiest, most patient llttlo thing. Oh, I wish you could see her!" IIo did K'O her. I'e !" h- --I-i and again. Mi-i.:'.ik !. id . 1 ' i MiirM-hull:, kMua ! Uu- i..'.v :..".!, steps, met Ru.'Li u:i,!;u' i;ii -'u , They stood together tii M . ' I ; u . i stoop, Mursehulk extroettsl a ten dob hir bill from his itockctbonk and held It out to Rulllu. "What's that fur, lxm?" "lor you to get u now suit." "What fur. boss?'' "Heniu-'o you need It. Ruff, ami because In a wny you were Instrumen tal In making me know your friend. Miss Gertrude. She ami I are to 1 d married next mouth, Iliil'.ln, and I don't want you to disgrace her In church." Marshfield Ministers Get a. E. J. Bulain lllh Services Here i r..?d SS Z& secured tho Rev. K. j ti,?'011 hi ted ovnngollBt, to conduct ' ' " series of revivals In .Mar,hfl!20ttk' rovlvala will open abSS It ,d,TJ of May. Nearly ill of thA ,lr nntchurchea are uniting hn6i,Pf0,' Rov. Dulgln la n sounT. has ovory nppenrnnce of luer " Ity. Ho Is aa'il to L L A"1"' Shannon yp f ,0JnLt8 " th D connoctlou R a .tB"fthlj Shannon la now hoiaijl , V, "n vlvnl In California S a bl Tho old Tabernacle whu tiaed for tho SlSin Lcb u will bo used for thT nw" rS?" Rov. lhtlgln hna receniii v nt Pendleton, rw e.n"; .i claimed that Ills mM.a l.." nnvo been very successful, u ,,' tnlned consldcrnblo notorletr i ' recent moral cruuda XI "'' aunched there which resulted m u! Indictment nnd conviction of 1. for gambling. W ,'?,".? n,.V nnd other offenses. N Tenini'iniiio 'i,t. I Rov. R o. Suiiitncrlln.'formrif I pnator of tho United Ilrethern ISS" tit North llond, wag here todar h. b Bpondlng a couplo of moatb! 'In Coos County doing inntS jwork, vlaltlng relatives n Tr C Point nnd In addlim In ih. JI5K Hon campaign. Ho will it,r. T morrow for Myrtlo l'olnl. Drld); Coqulllo nud llandon where be n conduct Bjieclal services and tntfa to pontlnuo tho work m nbout May 1. I KKMINIZE JIUV li t mtm axiKi - I I I "What the 'wren's more- I mont' renlly menus Is the dere'- I opment of tho feminine In nun," I Is tho unexiiected nnnouncemmt of Mrs. Clara Ilcntwtrlc Colby, I who recently delivered an ad. drcas In Waahlngton on "V men nnd tho Destiny of Xatlont,' ' i "Men have taken so mis; I I things away from us that If we I noglert tho home when we rote, I ns tnoy say wo will, then let I tlioni tako tho work of cooklnj I away from us, too." HTIN'O WITH ItlMTII ON VLOATIXH VOI-CUD ncoii in Ncav iiirK. (Spcclnl to Tho Times.) NEW YORK, April 8. Miss Eloa nnr Wilson has been Hpendlug antuo hnppy dnys In N w York solect Ing many of the frocks and hats of her trousaenu. Sho Is very fond of "fuss nnd fenthors" but her wod dlng outfit wll bo simple. Nono of tho more- cxnggcrnted stylcB wIP bo Included In her wnrdroho, nud everything will be made right hero In this country. One of, tho wntuni who was fortunnto enough to learn the details of tho wedding shopp:ng said: Tho selections are porfectly beautiful nud hnvo bon chosen with the grcntcst tasto and discrimina tion. Her fnvorlto colors nro nil sorts of hltio shades nud roso nnd (loot) pinks. Sho told mo of n won derful dinner frock sho had selected ' of roso pink, to bo trimmed In love- I'LI iy silver Inco nnd tulle, nor going j nwny gown Is a smart imported mod- ol of bluo, mndo In the nowost' Virw Ynrtif. Anrii Ai its Fr ncll modO, MISS ElniUIOr'S'nnnrnnpna in tlin Ilrlll.h ilnmikh clothes will bo much amnrtor thnn shlrloy does not differ materliU; thoso which Mrs. Snyro solected for from tj,n i,njf (Jen other (rljltni her troussonu," contlnuod the frlond yK off stnten Island. Her effl "bocouso Eleanor Is inoro fond of corB Wll nonchnntly tell you tut dress thnn Margaret over wns." i ,,6thlng of lutoreat happened cd U iHovnn montliB voyage to and (rca "LADY-KILLERS" IN NEW YORK. pnr Cnthay. hut then, some on lean nrcustom thems Ives to iaj- NEW YORK. April 8 Tho three thing. When tho Shirley left Ne essential requisites of tho lady-killer York last Septombor, she wai i tire Impressionability, Sympathy and Blumborlng, flontlng olesno w- niimor. Tho first two act directly, iow nor uockb was ao ""'"";'" tho laat Ib or Indirect asBlstanco In un-1 part of hor cargo consisted of Hi deratnndlng tho wnyB of womankind. Ions of dynamite, scores and WW Thnt, at least, Is tho opinion of Mnr-'of torpedo war heads, barrjJJt gnrot Vundorcook, nuthor of "Tho, naphtha and more bnrreli of w Loves of Ambroso." Tho man uio8tiS5le- "Rut 'twas nil In tbe n attractive to womon la, nhovo ovory-' wn:k. pbgprvod Johns. ? t. lug olso, tho man moat attracted by njato. Wo hud the cargo aMrd ai them. Ho Is the mini to whom., that was all there wai i to It .TJ throughout his life. Womnn Ib tho 8 ono night when h.nJS supremo thing. Ho Is eminently Ini- Wf cl0!0Jl1" n 1 to " prcsslonuble. Tho man for whom ov- " t . ' PV'b'0llllf" f"0e ?a li ory woman has a weakness Is tl.o'w. woro " 'w ,dT T,w trial "man who makes hor feel while h"o """ " " 0ucUy 0f a burri- l'-v, to him thnt sho la tho only rm 5 LhtenlnB Wed awt ; hlnB In tho world. A man need not un"m n,d f'1' "clear for mto uu kuuii iuukiiik io iiuiKo u uu wuu i , , Ty oiiluesro nuartennM women." stated Mrs. Vandorcook. JP6,0. '' ...7.", wn8 calling oa all tti "Wo llko men who nro manly and Rods of Is forbears o? protect strong, but I don't think wo mind Pi" ' int tblnKa would bapp by tho man w" u undorstnnds thoni, Qy(j atr'uck 0ur ateol plat"- V nnd who Is tender to tholr weaknosBos nnd woes. Thoy llko to lenn upon a broad shoulder, literally nnd motn phorlcally and thoy llko sympathy nnd tondornoBs to bo exprossod. Euro- , onus nro better lovors thnn Amorl-,lot nulto myself until we I" ' .ans, only hecnuso tho latter can koop cargo off the ship In Manila. ,. bo well hidden! I bollovo In fnll-thnt alio should not lose her y :ng In lovo," continued tho writer of , tltv. tho Shirley brought ba '". ,...1 m i. ..... I -- viiiuruse a luur miurimoiiini nuven tuies. "for tho best wny In tho world for a mun to keep young Is to keop on fnlllng In lovo. I don't recommend dynamite, whlcli Is fnlllng In lovo with n now woman when you have nn old one. nut why can't n man just Tnll In lovo ngnlu with his wife, nnd recourt hor till ho wakoa both of them up?" Chinos- crow had an l Y. wo had bolow docks and the; u enough Imagination to suesi . i reRt. Tho Bnrm pnesed as o.k as It rnme. but I n-inm i. - ll- ''.''. "" "- .. fsrto v uneso pons u bu" ;:n,Bp. flrocrnckora for American coMBBr Hon. THEATRICAL NOTE- "Does your wife the UM your c( "I should say so; ne,A" I' ihan ' An Easter Menage, You must live before you can be lieve. If you would havo n right to tho treo of life, If you would have the right to know that thoro Is a tree of life, you must seek this immortal life here, and seek it from the Ood who is here, and seek It through tho channels that he opens for you. Live here and now tho Immortal life, and then, If you ore mistaken nnd there is no life after tho grave, still you will have been Immortal, Wo must hove the Immortal life here and now If we would hnve a ratlonut hope to have It hereafter. This Is my Easter morning mebigo to you. Ly man Abbott. Much Money For Eaiter Flowers. "A million uud a hulf will not cover the amount spent on ilowers In New York before Easter Is over this year," sold a fashionable city tlorlst. "Plnuts are more popular for gifts than ilow ers, and there are fashions uud fuds In plants Jut as In anything else." IRVING BLOCK "fyaaUuvfy MeiVs Soft Shirts The comfortable glvc-and take. The absence of starch ed pleats and cuffs make the Negligee Shirts a favorite with men who want ease and freedom In tho summor apparel Some Cluett Penbody Co. shown in our stock with many other leading brands made of new mercerized cloth with cuffs and new stylo sepnrato collor. Woven atrip patterns in nine, Black and Yellow. $ 1 .50 and $2 Vo Guarantee Satisfaction Men's Special Easter Offering 10 PER CENT lU2USv , w t i iii:h2 vi nni v-.-- ALL LADIES Htun, AND DRESSES all Ml IIUr.3.-Wi, ,nlotO Sit tho latest niodela and - UU made . f,u!Rtl "THE PARISIAN" Vk Inspection as space III "0l nilt dlscrlptlou. 20 PER CENT DISCOID ON EASTER HATS. DLOl'SES AND SKIRTS ..., itfto All now and modern and the beat of W r'a Wo Guorantee SatUbc,,