--"-J """"!wSIt'. JK KKHKW iOODS Of FERf D FOR LESS ARE GENERALLY WORTH LESS-OFTTI IVIES WORTHLESS a 11AXNEU YEA7t TI,S (.casoii opens wMi dulghter miccs Mi '10 K,'w,t C,MS Hn' Irnii C'imiiiIHo Vnllcy country (linn "!!'.r bolero l Us liMory. Kor. J-,,.,, nre In the innklnti. Arc ymi imsy )' ,,,e ftiiiItIon for yours? duos mn mm$8 DON'T SCATTER SHOT Concentrate your advertising in the newspaper tlmt reaches the peo ple yon wnnt to talk to. Ainniunl tlou costs money. The Times saves money to advertise! s. MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PItESS OL XXXVII. Established 1878 nH The Coast Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1914 EVENING EDITION. Ki No. 222 A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall and Coos liny Advertiser. Ill CUTE OF THIEVES IS BROKEN UP 111 PORTLAND (early Every ' uepanmeni Store mere uusi necivuj by Operations )0ZENS OF ARRESTS ARE BfcllMU MAUL IMUW lany oi uiicnueis hi wit mnn Larae Amount of Goods Recovered Today Dr AmocUIkI rrri to foot Dir Timet.) tiniiTt..WD. Or.. Anrll 8. An nl- L.j tMnvnn' syndicate, cotnnoucd of fniiroxlmntcly n score of persons, uostlr women. wan uummie" i"")i ih ollce elnlin, following five nr- . ' i ..nctnntnv Tnilnv linlf n oicn more nrrosts woro mntlo nurtl aoro nre expected. At noon the Htoro oom nt the courthoiiBu wag lioiippd rltli recovered loot. Practically very big department store and Jewel t store In Portland suffered Iobsch. mounting to thousands of flollius. 1! I:IH FAIL 10 GEI RELIEF iver 600 Refugees, Deported arez Appeal to Carranza pFrom Torreon, Reach Juarez and Appeal to Carranza FIGHTING AT TAM1MCO. (Ilr AuoMiteJ rr to Com Jlr Timet.) M'AsiiTvriTON:. n. n.. Anrll 8. Shnn but undecisive fight ing nt Tnmplco was reported Into imlnv hv llonr Admiral Mnvo. who snld the non-comtmtnnts were being tnken nuonrfl foreign warships. inr Atoiitii Prett to oet n.r Timet JUAREZ. Anrll 8. C12 men. wo ken mid dilldron of tlio Spnulah col or, vho wore expelled from Torroon ucnernl Villa, arrived lioro tniH bornlng. Gcorgo C. Carothora, spoc- 11 agent of the Department of State, rrlred abend of them and on tttelr ehalf had nn Intervlow with Gon- ral Cnrrnnzn, but It la learned that nrranza s nttltudo against the Spau- Irda remained unchanged. CARDEN TO MEXICO. fllv AMA,l.f.1 Pr... I. flau n. VfalM.l SQl'TIIAMPTOV. Anrll K Sir jlonel Cnrrten, British minister to rxico, sailed for Now York on his v to Mnxlrn tnniimrnrllv. Tim mis- Ion for whlcli ho Is selected Is am. PROTECT MEXICAN' WOMEN. IB, Attoctt4 Prau to Coo IUr TlBtt.l WASHINGTON, D. C, April 8. pierlcnn men nnd women In Dona KCllla. n uulnirh nt Tniiinln linrn fn brought Into tho city by ordor of r Ailmlrnl Mnyo, bo rholr lives ) noi no enunngereu hy tlio ngnt- in nrncrPRS Hinrn Mnvn rnnnrlii Finnishes In tho neighborhood of pmplco In which sovornl non-com-pnts wero Injured. TO LAXD OP I'llEE. aMi ltcfimee). from Toiieon Cniss Into El Paso. FD7 A;-3( U'e.1 Titm to Coo nT TlmM.1 iEIj PSO. Tpxhh. Anrll R. 800 lembcrs of tho Spanish colony nt "iieun, expoiiotl rrom thnt town py neral Villa, stnml toilnv liencath N Stara and Stripes. Expresslona I rellrf came from thorn ns they ls?d the Rio Grande ind found wwfives on American soil. How perately thejr clung to the fnct e liands of tho United Srntes wns "n iiv the fact thnt they resolutoly icllnod to leave tho train In which lei" arrived ...,tll IT., lln.l ctn.no Siuk. 1 Agent Cnrothers enmo nnd escort- 'tnem ncross the border. Sotnn nt na n.lll ... in C.infn ' M tho leader of tho refugees. ' will visit friends nnd rela- res In the lTnltP.l Rtntna nnd Ell- 'Pf. Many will go to Mexico City." .varuiners wns unnblo to nssure ni that thfiw ivnul.l la rnatnrpfl to lr homes, his Interviews with Car ia having mot with tho flat stnto- i mat the expulsion of the Spnn ri8 was n settled policy. MULDERS' EXCHANGE. There will bo a meeting of tho i nl exchange of Coos nay nt jenlnK and all members are request- ue present. Business of 1m- itance. HENRY HUQGINS. IEW TARIFF IS GIVEN A JOLT President Wilson's Congress-. tonal Candidate Badly Beat en in New Jersey tllr AmooIXoiI I'm. to Coo UT Ttmn. PATERSON, N. J., April S Al most complete returns from tho elec tion In the Sovonth Now Jersey Con gressional District showed thnt Dow ii. Drunltkci', Republican, defeated, .Inines 0'Hyrni', Democrat by n plur ality of more than ."000 votes. O' Ilyme was strongly bached by Presi dent Wilson. Dntkker inndo his campaign ngnliiHt the new tariff law. Tho same district wont Ropubllcnn when Piesldcut Wilson was elected and moro recently ngaliiHt Governor Fielder. Drukker received 10,020 votCH, O'llyrne "240 and Demnrest, Socialist, 50C3. Whitehead, Progrcs hIvo. received only Ctl. Tho Democrats refused to nccept Mio result ns a repudiation of tho administration. They said the elec tion of Congressman Hremnor, Dem ocrat, In this district', wan a personnl success nnd accounted for Drill; Iter's victory on tho same ground. HIGH S I ELATED Chairman Woods Says Thai. 'New Jersey Congressional 'Fifjllt is Bin Victory nr AmikUicI rn to Cooi IUr Tlmti. WASHINGTON, I). C... April 8. Chalruinn Woods of the National Re publican Executive Commlttco Issued tho statement: "Kor tho sreond tlmo In fourteen years, n Ropubllcnn hna been elected to succeed u Democrat from tho Sovonth Congresslonnl Dist rict of New Jersey. Tho President nBked tho pcoplo to pass judgment on hl6 .-administration nnd the' have dono so In no uucertnln terms. The small vote enst for tho Hull Moose candldnto ovldonccs that the Repub licans nre united nnd presages tho election of n Republican CouRT'iiB next Novt'iilber." Secrotnry Tumulty said such a re Milt wns expected. When Wilson ran for Governor tho samo district wns lost, snld Tumulty, and Governor Holder In tho last election llkowlio lost tho county. WILSON'S EASTER TRIP. . - i Kf AWO.UIM I'riM to Coot lUjr TlniM. WASHINGTON, D. C, April 8. Plans for Presldont Wilson's Easter tilp wero changed today. Tho party will go to White Sulphur Springs, Vn Instead of Hot Springs, Vn. Thoy will lenvn hero Thursday nnd return Monday. F AW TT AHEAD IN TAGOMA NOW Mayor Who Was Recalled Leads in City Election Like Gill in Seattle fnr Amoi lt4 Prfii to Coat Pr Tlmn J TACOMA, Wash., April 8. -Com-pleto returns on tho city election show thnt A. V. Fawcett. who was re called from tho office of mnyor three yenrs ago. lends tho nominees for mayor. Fawcett received 7902 and Rov. C. F. W. Stoever 5449. Tho other candidates wero several thous and behind. All amendments were defeated. lluys Interest. If. C. Edgerton of Coqulllo has bought an Interest with J E. Edmunds In the Coos Ray Wir ing Company. Ho Is nssociatcd with Mr. Ohlhelzer In the electrlcn supp y business at Coqullle and will retain Ms interest there but will spend most of his time In Marshfleld. He Is nn experienced electrlclnn and camo to Coqulllo from Portland. ELASTIC ROOKING Cement makes your old roof better than new. J. i. Brjce, WINSOME WAY WINS HOI Pathetic Scene Witnessed in Coquille Courtroom Ap peals to J. 0. Stemmler (Speclnl to Tho Times.) COQUILLE, Or., April 8. A rnther pntherlc enso wns brought before the county court hero this week. A llttlo Blx-year-oltl girl wns brought Into the court audi wanted to know whoro her sisters wero be fore Judge Hnll had tlmo to enquire Into tho cnBO. Then It was explained to him thnt she had been told thnt ho wns going to send hor whero two brothers and sisters of hers are. It seems that a few years ago the chl!d'B mother died nt Brownsville nnd the older children were sent to an or phan's home, whllo Mr. Mnstcrs took hor. Tho Masters family moved here and for a tlmo worked nt tho Smltn-Powei-B ranch, but now have a poul try ranch above Myrtle Point. Mrs. Masters was taken 111 snmo tlmo ngo nnd wns forcol to give the child up. They nsked tho county court to send hor to nn orphan asylum. J. O. Stemmler of Myrtle Point happened to he In tho court room nnd was so taken by tlio little girl thnt ho nsked nn opportunity to adopt her or rath er boo If his wife would consent to It. Jpdgo Hnll henrtlly ngrccd mid Mr. Stemmler wns allowed to take her home with him nnd they liave un til April 20 to dccldo whetchr they would ndopt her. MOTHERS ASK FOR PENSIONS County Court Rejects Appli cation of Bear Creek Wo manOthers Apply ' (Speclnl to Tho Times.) COQUILLE, Or.. April 8. Tho county court yesterday refused to grnnt tho mothers' pension requested by Mrs. Nlnr Rny of Rear Creek. She wanted About $30 per mouth, but up on Invcstlgntlon It wns found thnt her hiiBband had tilmpley tlescrtcd the family nnd Is now omewhcro In British Columbia. In ronBcquenco no pension could ho granted but In ense tlio family is In nctunt need, aid can bo given oi t of Hit uoor fund. The court has not yet granted tho pension Bought by Mrs. Trolllugcr, n colored womnu living In Mnrshlleltl. In her petition for a mother's pen sion, Mrs. Trollliiger referred to n number -of prominent Mnrshlleld men ns references. Among them wero J. W. Bennett, Dr. E. E. Straw, MnrHhal Carter and Pat Hennessey. Of these only Mr. Hennessey tins Indicated to tho county court thnt- he thinks sho Is tlerscrvlug of n pension. Mrs. P. N. Flngg, of Mnrshlleld, whose husbnud hna been very 111 for some time, tins nlHo mr.du applica tion for ji .pension. Mrs. Drolllngor of Mnrshlleld or First Addition nlso hns nn nppllcn tlon pending for n pension. Pathetic Cnse. MINNESOTA IS GOING "DRY" St. Peters Carried by Prohi bitionists After Sixty Years of Wet Reinn (Of AuocUI4 Trctt to Coot nt? TIbim. ST. PAUL, April 8. Anti-saloon ntlvocntcs nre elnted over their vic tories In most Mlnncsotn cities of tho fourth class. F.vou St. Poter, whoro. saloons have operated for over sixty vnntu tmiu uit'jitit Infrv Mm i1tt iiftl- utti wj it tin a n vifc tiiiu vmv ikj vui" uiiiii. .HHKOItM IN NEBRASKA. Saloons nnd Sunday Baseball Defeat ed In Several Towns. OMAHA, April 8. Locnl option nlm.tlmiu niinr Vnlirnnl.'fl rnulllt.'fl In , soveiitcou chuiigoa from wet to dry nnti nine iroin tiry to wet. cmcou towiiM voted for Sunday biiHObull mid live against. KANSAS CITY DEMOCRATIC. (Ilr Amx'UtM l'rf. to Coot Iltgr Timet,) KANSAS CITY, .Mo., April 8. Al most comjiltite returns illiowed Unit by a largo majority Henry L. Jost, Democrat, wns ro-olected mnyor. NEW YORK CHARTER CARRIES. Itlf AturlttM I'rut to Coo. U.r Tlrott, NEW YORK, April 8. The propo sal to bold a convention to revise, the constitution of tho stato, submitted to tho voters nt a special election, carried by 25,000 votes. UNIONS WIN IN COLORADO. (nr AuoUt! Pr. to foot lit? Timet.) DENVER. April 8. In six coal mining camps whoro union labor was tho Issue, tho labor candidates wore successful In flvo. An anti-labor mayor was elected at Walsenburg. NEW MEXICO REPUBLICAN. (Or Aitoclithl Prru to Coot I1T Timet.) ALBUQUERQUE, N. M.. April 8. Returns from municipal elections showed that tho Republican tickets led over tho Democratic and Fusion candidates, AVIATORS ARE MOORS' IIS French Army Aeronaut and Officer Hacked to Pieces By Natives IDT Auoclitol Prett to Cooi Dtj Timet.) RABAT. Morocco, April 8. Cap tain Herve, French military aviator, nnd a lieutenant, were hacked to death by Insurgent Moors when forc ed to land In the desert on account of an aeroplane accident. MARSIIKIELD KIRK Department Hill give a DANCE SATURDAY night at tlif EAGLES liull, KEY SER'S ORCHESTRA. VOTE TO CLOSE 1,000 SALOONS Women Voters Responsible for Prohibitionist Gains in Illinois Elections inr AMOtlttt lmi to Cooi nijr Tltnrt.) CHICAGO. April 8. Womon, vot ing for tho first tlmo In Illinois town ship elections yesterday, aided In closing moro than ono thousand sal ooiiB, adding sixteen counties to tho thirty already dry nndi barring tho salo of Intoxicants In approximately 200 of tho 300 townships In which local option wns tho Issue. Women elected thirty feuialo town ship offlcors, twenty-six township lOolloctors, throo town dorks and n member of tho board of education, Chicago In Democratic. In Chicago nouo of tho nliio wo men candidates for tho city council woro successful. Chicago's now coun cil romnlned Democratic. Tho proposition for a subway nys tem was defeated. PUBLIC LAND BILL DISCUSSED System of Leasing Federal Domain Talked Over by Western Governors (nr Auoclit4 Prrti to Cool lltr Tlmtt. DENVER, Colo., April 8. -After n general discussion of tho system of leasing tho public domain, proposed In a bill now before Congress, the Congress of Wostom Govornors de cided not to go on record In a reso lution until after hoarlng tho vlown of the government offlcluls at tho Irrigation conference to bo hold later In tho week. Soma of tho govornors are hostile to tho bill. OS 0 T S All Except One of Russian Gang Killed, Wounded or 1 Captured in Canada (Or Auoclitol Treti to Coo Hr Timet. NEW HAZELTON. II. C, April 8. Every citizen callable of bearing n rlflo Is today searching for tho last man of the Russian bandit gang which raided the Branch Union Bank of Canada yesterday. Six men wero captured or killed. One Is still freo, who may havo $1100 in, his posses sion. It Is believed ho Is wounded. An eighth man has been arrested ns n suspect. Of the three wounded men, two may dlo. ELASTIC ROOKING Cement. Per manent and lasting. J. L. BRICE. THREE RILLED BY EXPLOSION OF DYNAMITE POCKET AT THE DALLEI SHOW ASQUITH GREAT HONOR Premier Re-elected to House of Commons Without Opposition in Fife (Ilr Amoi tiled rmi to Cool Pr Timet,) LONDON. April 8. Premier As qulth again beenmo n member of the House of Commons when ho was re turned unoppOBoJ, by his o'd constit uency of East Fife, Scotland. At noon, no other candldnto having put It: nn nppenrnnco, tho returning of ficer of tho constituency declared As qulth elected. Asqulth resigned his sent after he had tnkon over the wnr secretitryshlp from Colouol Scely. KRISCO REGIONAL RANK Fourth Man is Dying and Sev eral Others Injured in Disaster at Celilo STEAM SHOVEL STRUCK CHARGE OF DYNAMITE Hole Had Previously ' Missed! Fire and Crew Was Un aware of Danger fn, Ai.ntUle.1 Prett to root Dtr Tlmti.J THE DALLES, Or,, April 8 Thrvo men wero killed, nnotl.or is dyjir. nnd sovornl wero injured on the IMllcB Celilo government cnnnl work near hero when the Htonm shovel struck a hulo thnt hnd missed ftro and; caused n terrific dischnrgo. Ed Klntl lor, tho shovel engineer, wns blown ti atoms. Tho other dond and InfcutB wero pitmen, nr Af.orltleJ Prrti to Coot lltr Tlmrt.l Tho only bank west of tho Rocky mountains Is locnted nt Snn Francis, co. It Is described ns follows: District No. 12. Snn Fiunthico. Capital .S,tlC,r.24 with 510 national banks, etc. Territory. California, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Nevndn nnd Utnh mid nil of Arlzonn not In cluded In district No. 11. SEIOEL BADLY BEATEN A6AIN Socialist Candidate for Mayor of Milwaukee Defeated By Over 6000 (Ilr Aitoclttei Prett to Coot l)r Timet, MILWAUKEE. April 8. Tho un official rohinm did not change tho cs tlmnto of last night that gave Mayor Hading, uon-pnrtlsnu candldnto for re-election, a majority of 0000 over Emll Soldo!, tho Socialist Democrat. L MCE IS GV United States Agreod to Pay Colombia $25,000,000 For Panama Zone (Mr Aitoeltlotl Prett to foot liar Timet.) WASHINGTON, D. C April 8. $25,000,000 Is tho nmouiit tho Unit ed States has agreed to pay Columbia for tho partition of Panama and tho acquisition of the canal zone, In a treaty signed In Bogota by Amorlcaii Minister Thompson mid tho Colum bian authorities, This was stated hero at tho Columbian legation. Tho Stato Department Is still awaiting word from Thompson. No rights for nn liitorocennlc canal across Columbia by tho Arato Rlvor routa and no conllng privileges on tho Islands off tho Columbian coast aro contained In tho treaty. Ono Important domnnd which Columbia has been insisting on, tho freo passago of her morchnnt ships through tho canal, was glvon up becatiBo of President Wilson's at tltudo In favor of tho ropoal of toll exemption. Tho Columbian Congross will bo called Into speclnl session to pass on tho tronty boforo It Is sub mitted to tho Sonnto hero, Tho nc coptmico of tho latest tronty will end ten yenrs' negotlntlons and friction between tho United Stntos and Colum bia and rollovo tho strained diplo matic relations, AGED COUPLE DIE TOGETHER New Yorkers, 79 Years Old, Commit Suicide Rather Than Burden Relatives (Br AwoelitM Prett to root pty Timet NEW YORK, April 8. Despondont because they believed they wero n burden to their grandchildren, Jacob Thels, Bovonty-nlno, and his wjfo, seventy-eight, hanged themselves In the homo of their grandson, George. GREAT ACIIII ON ilLROAO C. R. Peck Says Trip Alons Right of Way is Revelation Rapid Progress ' The whole routo of tho Coos Bay Eugono lino between Sand Point ana Gardiner and from Gnrdlner t" 'th Blualnw Is lined with workwea straining every effort .to nwli Aha lino to completion, uncording ttr dU. R, Peck, who returned (today orar tho right of way. Ho snyu that, tie work being dono was a rovtfintlatt to him and would bo a surprise 't uvorybody, as no ono hero reallwe tlio extent of tho operations jiov under way. Tho big tunnel nt SchoHold J getting along woll, the crow work ing from tho north end being oe sldorably moro than 2000 Teot un derground. During March twjr made 259 feet of progress. At tho south ond, Lomm 'Brothers bn. comploted tho flrrrt .bench .In vtfeu portal of tho tunnel .and uro wvriL Ing on tho lower cut iit'd expect la bo under ground within u few weeks. Thoy havo thu contract for Orixiin: 1000 foot of tunnel from tills ctttl and expect to accomplish It AtVUr. rato of eight feet per day so that tho whole tunnel will ho .completed long boforo October 1, Crows clearing right of way, liavo tho slashing pretty woll done mid tho whole right of way from Cava Ray to tho Sluslaw Will bn readj .xi. every point for grading . within sue w elo. Camps nro strung nil along tho lino. Bocwoon Lakosldo nnd Sand Polut good progress Is being mndo. Work on tho tunnels will stmt soon. Onn of tho tunnels, about 500 lout luce near tho Menegat place, may bo eliminated by u slight change. In tho routo, but this has not Jjqob. finally decided. Hu says that it In a fine fri,r from Gardiner to Coos Bay via ti right of way. A gasolluo boat loavcu Gnrdlnor at 7:30 In the morning lr tho Bchoflold tunnol, From thurt. It Is about six miles walk over m flno mulo trail that tho Southern Pacific has built along tho right XC way to North Lako mid tlioro . launch can bo obtained to Lakeside and tho trip can bo easily mado iuja day to Marshfleld. At Lakesldo, all is nctivlty. Tlrti big now hotel Is crowded mid Pro prietor Hoverson Is now couiplotlpj tho third story, .Mr. Peck was accomnanlod 1 Mr. Welch, who recently nrrlvrl hero from Now York. WORK OX RAILWAY. ProgresH Rt'iMicicd in Caiups Nar Kloivnrn. Tho crow of Inborers who nro clour Ing off tho right of way moved thoii enmp from the Brewster plnco ou Tslltcoos Lnko ovur to Fivo Mile Lako tho first of tills week. Tho crowB have resumed work its. tunnel No, 3, which was suspotifleU Inst wlntor on nccotint of tho diffi culty In gottlng In supplies. Tho grading crew on tho tramwar from Glcnnda aro at work out nearly to Whoahlnk Lnko. Construction l being rustled to get tho road opened so supplloH can bo taken in over 'ix for the camps along tho main llnc Portor Bros, aro having soma cart built for carrying lumber over thta rond similar to tho logging cars iiBeU in other places. A scow load of Mvril rails for tho tramway was brought down from Mnploton Tuesday and unioaueu nt uionnaa. Two steam shovels are soon Xotfco put to work at grading on tlio roa,t1 betweon tho Sluslaw and tho Unrp qua Rivers. Tho stenm shovol which Is worUJtn," at Mapleton .will finish there inaiirmrt a month. Florence West. Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU luaw ALWAYS USED. Phone 72. PacTtrc Livery and Transfer Company. iJfuii. iv