Mfmmr IVtoKNUogp?. ' . f'-r THE pOOS BAY TIN)E8,,MARSHFELD, 0REQ0N, TUESDAY, APRIL 7,, 1914-EVENINQ EPIflbNy " ' I ' i Ii i " ' ' " " J n 1 cm FOUR 3S9C CHICKEN STEAL- IMG if A JOKE Coos Day peoplo who have suf forcd tho doproclatlons of the chick en thief wll bo Interested nnd appro clnto tho following taken from tho current lssuo of Farm and Fire side: "Chicken thlovlng has too long boon tronted as a Joko or as an oN ttmso to bo winked at by everybody except the loosor of tho fowls. At t o present tltno tho loss of special ly bred chickens represents dollars iieio dimes were formerly Involv ed. To help dlscourago chicken thieves our courts must change front nnd make tho penalties fit tha now poultry conditions. "Tho courts need an auxiliary, howover, In tho form of ft special purposo nun In hnnds of every poul try k cpor. A gun that can bo loaded with salt, pea beans, or sim ilar non-killing suustnnccs. car tridges filled with a heavy chargo of this character will puulBh nnd mark marauders found about tno clilclcon premises without danger of taking life, l'oultrymeh In ovory neighbor hood should co-ouernto In a uyuto matte stocking up with a gun de foiiHo of this kind nnd advortlso tho fact that they are prepared for ptowlers. Let the membors of this chicken dufensc organization got out tlivlr shooting irons frequent about dark nnd discharge a fow rounds of ammunition simultaneously. Such n fuslllado will convlncu tho chicken thlovcs that tho guns nro ready for thorn, nnd yet no blood liood be spilled." f AT .THE - iMOTIEILS Chandler J. .1. Richardson, Portland; L. J, Wnttson. 1 9 1 f. : Sidney h. Williams, Handon: Stntt M. Uurton, Eugcno;, D. A. Halnby, Kugono; H. L. Ala- ciuitn, Portland; Richard D. Dun nlnger, Snn Frnnclsco; Jcromo Wldousby, 191 r.. Illitncs Geo, V. KriiHO, Isthmus Inlet; P. Knlns, lhindnn; Thos. White, llnndon; It. 12. Stevens, Myrtlo Pt. II. K. lJdgorton, Mnrshflold; V. Moshr, Myrtlu Point; Hugh Dow nry, llnndon. Lloyd C. W. Pundy, Modesto, Cnl.; Ilonry Johnson, Rosoburg; 13. Stof fios, Snlom; Mr. nnd Mrs. Archie i.ilwnnlB, Conledo; Ralph Sherych, North Dond; W. P. Miller, Coqullla; Hnm Ilolston, Oakland; Alox Uoyd, I'.rnplro; 1 Alcott, Tncomn. SI. Lnvtrt'iico P. J. Hunt, Scntlle: II. S. Dlnke, Di'iivor, Colorado ; W. P. Mlllor, Coiiulllo; O. M. Pugg, Portland; L. 10, Mlllor, Rosoburg; C. A. Gngo, C'oqulllo; Ceo. Gngo, Rosoburg. SAYS TIOIIKNOR IH WRONG. Tho Crescont City Courier says: "In nnothcr volumn Is an article wo coplod from tho Port Orford Trlbuno concerning tho wreck of tho Htonmor Rrother Jonlthnn in 18C5, writton by K. I). Tlchonor of Soat tlo, WnHhlngton, which will no doubt bo nows to old timers of Do) Norto county. According to tho Btatomonts of thoBo residing hero nt tho time of tho wreck of tho stonmor wont to tho bottom of tho soa during a heavy northwest wind, lnsldo of Northwest Seal Rock, by striking n submerged rock nnd nil but sixteen persons out of 250 lost their lives, ninny of tho bodies com ing aslioro at and nenr Crescent City, Dlstross signals woro heard hero. It don't scorn possible for tho uppor works to flont for days as tho artlclo states. Tho bont's crew that landed horo enmo direct from tho wreck, occupying two hours to row tho bont in." Chlldi oil's Diseases Very Prevalent, Whooping cough ia nhout ovory whoro. Measles and scarlet fever al most ns bad, Uso Foloy's Honoy nnd Tar Compound for Inflamed throats nnd coughing. Mrs. I. C. Hostler, Grand Island, Nobr. says; "My throe chlldron had sovoro attacks of whoop lng cough, and a very fow dofles of Foloy's Honoy and Tnr govo great rollof." Owl Proscription Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposite Chandler Ilotol. Phono 74. CVnrtiil Avenue Drug Store, local agency. BUY THE VERY BEST Marshfiekl BUTTER i.rediiii:iy StADR UNDER SANITARY CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND MODERN FACTORY. STERILIZED - 4 MILK AND . CREAM. PURE ICE i Frco delivery, 8 a. m. and U p. m, - Phone' 78 WITH TRAILING DRAPERIES. ncro Is n lovely frock with trailing draperies of ruby mandnrln crape. Tha train is rando to tuck up llko an ordi nary drapery by means of snap fasten era concealed In tho train Up and tin girdle. GLASS HE SALTS CLEANS KIDNEYS f i If Youiyinck is Aching or Madder IJothers, Drink lots of Water And Ent Less Meat.. When your kidnoyB hurt and your back feels sore, don't get senred and proceed to load your stomach with a lot of drugs that oxclto tho kidneys mid Irritate tho ontlro urinary tract. Keep 'your kldnfeyfl cloan llko you keep your, bowels clean, by flushing them (With a mild, harmless Baits which removes tho body's urinous wnqtb and stimulates thorn to their normal activity. Tho function of tho kidnoys Is to filter tho blood. In 24 hourB thoy strain from It GOO alns of acid and waste, so wo can rea. understand tho vital lmportnnco ol keeping tho kidnoys actlvo. Drink lots of water you can't drink too much; also got from any pharmacist about four ounces of Jnd Salts; tako a tnblcspoonful in a glass of water boforo breakfast oach morning for a fow days and your kidneys will act flno. This fa mouB salts Is in nil o from tho acid pf grapes and lemon juice, combined with llthla, and has been used for generations to cloan and stlmulato clogged kidneys; also to noutrallzo tho acids In urlno so it no longor Is n sourco of Irritation, thus ending blnddor weakness. Jad Salts Is Inexpensive cannot In jure; makes a delightful effervescent llthla-water drink which ovoryono should tako now and then to keep their kidneys clean nnd active. Try this, also kcop up tho water drinking, and no doubt you will wonder what becamo of your kidney trouble and backneho. IteIlnble.Fok'y'H Honey and Tnr Coniwund Just ho suro that you buy Foley's Honoy and Tnr Compound It Is n re llnblo medicine for coughs, (folds, croup, whooping coughs, bronchial nnd la grlppo coughs, which aro weak ening to tho systom, It also gives prompt and doflnlto results for honrsencss, tickling throat nnd stuf fy, wheezy breathing. Owl Prescrip tion Pharmacy. Frank I). Cohan. Opposlro Chandler Hotel. PI one 74. Central Avenue Drug Slr, local agency. EVERY MAN should knof Through tho country hoi goes The bostlrcsscd pooplo Wear A. 13. Andorson clothes. F. O. PRi:STON, Agt. Mnnliflcld Cleaning nndi Dyo Works. I 128 Front Stroot. I Suits Cleaned nnd Pressed. Suits mndo to Order. Glvo Us iv Trial. UNIQUE PANTATORIUM JAY DOYLE $ C. O. DAGGETT 2B0 Central Arc. Phono 1WO-X South Coos River Boats Exprcsa leaves Mnrshflold for bond of rlvor at 8 a. ni., re turning In ovonlng. Steamer Rainbow loaves hoad of rlvor at 7 a. m. and returning loaves Marshflold at 2 p. in. ROGERS & SMITH. Havo your Job printing done at Tho Times office. QUA TERMASCTUDIO LITY U PHOTOS Qpposlto Dlnnco Hotel Shirt Waists A swell line of Shirt Waists just received from the Trio Waist Company, of Philadelphia. These were manufactured especially for us. Thnv nro of the lat est styles and splendid values. a NEW LINE OF GOATS AND SUITS JUST RECEIVED i-WE HAVE THE, SWELL THINGS. Th. ALWAYS BUSY. Golden Rul IIBRE IS A REASON PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY MILDRED ROGERS NELSON. Teacher of Plnnd Pupil of Hugo Mansfcldt at Baa Francisco, Cnl. Five yoar, teaching oxperionco In San Frnnclsco Phono 31G1 or 31G7. W. X. TOMPKINS I). S. T. (Wcltmor Methods.) Every known diseaso treatoa without drugs or surgery. Room 2; 130 North Broadway. Phoiio 240-L. Mnrshflold, Or. n EO. C. MURPHY, Export Piano, plnyor and Organ Tuning, Regulating ana uepair lng. Res. 842 So. Broadway. Orders 'may bo loft at tho Wlloy B. Allen Music Stoto, Centr&l avenue. JOEL OSTLINI). J Plnrio Tuner nnd Repairer 115 B. Sixth street. .Phono 103-L Lenvo orders nt W. It. Haines Muslr Company, Phono niS-R, RAOTOR Kstiiiuitcs furnlnh'od oh rcxiuWt. fL AVRIGHX J BUILDING CONTRAOTOR -i O. GOSNEY VJ Contractor and Guilder Phono 3154 Builder Estimates FiirnWicd on Itoqucst MY PAST WORK IS , n 1 Jir REFKRENCE First nnd Alder Sts. .Mnrhlifleld. DR. II. M. BIIAW Eye, Er, Noso and Throat. DR. MATTIE B. 8IIAW Diseases of women and cliuareB. Offlco phono 330. Rooms 200; 201 202. Irving Block. Houto phone, 10G-J. D' R. A. J. IIENDItY DENTIST Mnrshflold, Orogon. Rooms 204-206, Coko Buildlns, Itesldcnco phono 252-X. OUlco phono 112-J. MR8. FARRINGER, Teacher of Piano. Residence Studio, No. 1090, Corner Commercial and Elovonth Bta Phono U80-J. BENJAMIN OSTLIND, Consul tlntt KsglBeer Bki Arrhitocu OfflccM, Sid; It vlncc Block, Phono lOit-Ij or 2(1 7-J. .MiiMhflcId, Oregon. PKIU, UII KV tIALLINOKIt PI. (tint aad Teacher Rwldenco-rtluUlo, 287 So. Broadwa Phoue ld-L. W. G. OHANULEn. ARCBQTEOT. Rooma SOI and 802, Ooka MaUbi Marehflcld, Orco. v WM. B. TUnPEN, AltCHITKOT Marshfleld, Orecoa. Abstracts, Real Estate TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT Cine I FARM, COAXi, TiMBEH AND toTTINfa iAnD8 A SPEOIATrv GENERAL AGENTS HA8TSIDB XAvrX. AiailHUnKliU UFFIOR, PHONE xi-f. COQUILLE CITY OFFJOB PHONB 101. ' Tl '-y-f ' t ri- f . nii. MMbrfMAnM, T)" j mi iiij i ii-ij-H C A. Smith , Lumber &. MigV Co. J RraAUi'l)EiAHTMi:NT f t.r.v. v t vtitj LtMBKIt. LATU, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS. MAHn AND DOdiUi ROOFING " PAPER," 'KTO; OUT TI1B' FUEL BiO, IN TWO BY U8ING OpR WOOD. piipNio ie. ma soutm hro.idway TYPEWmTERSr-AH standard makes, sojd on easy naV ments, new and rebuilt Fox. Underwood, Remington; Royal upei, u u. oiiiiui, uiiufoiiiiui ri BHiiur, ior rem or exenanae. Cloaninfft repairing or now platcas, nark carateU,,. ItlbbHa and VCIItJUU nlt,S aaaa-v isynv uo .v.i wnicr .! tli AUlAftC,0 TYPEWBJTCR EXbHANGE AND SUPPLY CO:' ' Royal, ngi ,aa flic. The First National Way is to oroaje a friendly air about "Our Bank!' that makes you' faol'-at homdi ' We fake a' genuine Interest in all of our customers and al(wa3(s stand ready to serve them. Don't imagine that u'ecause your account is smail that: We consider it of little valuoi We appreciate Mm stand ready to help you to build it up, , ' Savings Accounts 'opened as low as $1,00, We pay 4 per cenf Interest. " ' ",. Of Coos Bay Have your Job printing dons at In Tho Times. 20 .. - m fin lommutation Lli Tickets $2.00 Mnrtfhfleld-North Bend Auto Lino. Curu everjr ten inlnutca from O a. in, to 12SG0 p. m. GORST & KING, Props. PLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK t f ; i , OLDEST DANK JN OOOR COVNTY. KstabUshad 1809. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $1 r5,p9p Intercet Paid on Time Depodita Offlcerat J. W. Bennett, President. 1 " .J,61!.' Flanagan, Vlcc-PresWent, R.-T. WOUanwi Cashier. Geo. P. Winchester, Ant, Cwliler. 3' T. J. S0AD7E Jtt A. .II. HODGINS Marshfield pA,nt And' iTiaiaiiiiciu DEC0RATING co Estimates Furnished. Phone 800-J. lorsliflc'ld, Oregon. YOU AUTO CALL FOP FOOTE'S AUTPS Fonr good cars with carfnl drlfers. For day service, phono 144-J, Ulnnco HUInrd Parlors. For nlglit senrlce, Phono 2(IOL Right Cafe. D. L. F00TE. .-v .-, - NO SAW ED'gS on YOUR COLLARS U you hare thorn laundered j at TVIN CITY STEAM LAT?NDRY t . t Chimneys FJro Places ' J.jN. Pyliss Any kind of brick work ai prices that aro right. t AND ALL WORK GUARANTEED Call at 'The Fireside,"' Johrisoa Rldg., 137 Second st. Phone 434J. French Ranges. Holler Work Low Rates for Handling Trunks We haul trunus between anj points In Marshfleld for the follow ing rates, delivery to be made Id the flrst stories of bul!d!ngs One, trunk , I Jia Three trunks '. .&p, Twelve trunks l.BO Star Transfer and Storage Co. Levi Helsaer. Prop. , Phones. 120-J; 49-lV 88.R. CALL KAD,Amnt A4.a Zaruind CALL j f i.ui iauuii huiv jw.mwv A Jr M M NEW 7.possengr Caillllac nt "your m, IT -m NEW 7passenger Cadillac at your Service day and ulgfal L. M'DONALD Proprlataif . j ' .'M. ! !' .' Jsfii It JFifie? TJie oldhouse neyer looked so,brlght before. Electric' Light 'has arjded'an air of cheer and comfort' and it's a fjreat bbon'M tiffed eyes, too. The soft," mellow light is fine for reading a4M . ' fVi l " ' . aa -4ap ui ouwmy Electric Light Btfghteiis the ;H9ie You qan brighten YOUR home with this mod ern'luxiiry 'at a Very low bd$t. Yotlr horrte can be wired' quickly; cheaply and without dirt or .muss. ' "'r " '" , Second and Central ijrflA SAN .DIEGO.EXPQSITfON ALM915 -r-n-SAN DIEQ0, CALIFORNIA. , . T I I 1 ,, 1 M. i '" '.i,C V-. I m I in i i. -. 9Wite' 4!. J-Af ,tJI t ' S---t'4 i,. -i ,tl. -Jri . --