Yi i ,i? f 1 7'ffwi'w c THE OOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIEL,P, OREGON, wmmmtmtimmmmmmmmmmtmtmmmHmmmmmmmmwHmmmm TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1914-EVENIN9 EDITION. SEE fHE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY! Our Spring Stock of Millinery well selected and of the latest designs, are in evidence from the smart shops of Now York and London. Wc have one of the Largest Millinery Stocks on Coos Bay This Season and your inspection of this line is cordially invited. An inspection of this line will satisfy you that we are showing the most stunning styles at prices that are made, to fit. When you are down town you are cordially invited to call and we shall be pleas ed to have you look over this line. Call and select one of the many Spring shapes and we will trim It to suit your taste and satisfaction. If you buy an Easter hat overlooking our line, you will be disappointed. A nice line of Shritwaists in the drop-shoulder, the very last thing, 98c to $2.48.' A FEW SNAPS IN DRY GOODS Percales 10c Curtain Scrim J 5c, 25c Ginghams 10c, 12'2c, 15c Seersucker 15c Galatea j 15c Ripplette .. : 15c Mercerized Plisse 25c Silkoline 15c Prints 5c, 6c Creton 12Mc Indian Head 18c Pique 1 ..: 20c 11 Linen Crash Toweling 15c Huck Toweling 12Mc Other Toweling , 7VoC Famous Deerhlde Hose, boys and girls, 20c, 2 for 35c Service Hose for Women - 2 for 25c Service Hose for Boys and girls, 2 for 25c American Girl Hose, for girls, pr, 20c Line of hosiery very complete' rang ing from cheapest to the best. RIBBONS Large Assortment zrz m go -i o zn m - CO m CO - o m - 335 mi 'i ' THREE Smith's Variety Store NORTH BEND THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. Semi-weekly service Coos Bay and San Francisco. S. S. Redondo SAILS FOR MARSHFIELD FROM SAN FRANCISCO, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, AT 3 P. M. Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. S. S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. WIIJj BAlIi.FHOM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS HAY, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8 AT P. M. San Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and GOO Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, 0. P. McGeorge, Phone 44. I Political Announcements NOTION I heroby announce myaolf as a candidate (or tho nomination of county clerk, on tho republican tic ket of Coos county to bo submitted to tlm voto of tho peoplo at tho pri mary election May ICtli. F. D. KItUSE (Paid Adv.) EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. Balls from Marahflold April 11th, 18th, 26th and 30th at sorvlco of tho tldo. Sails from Portland about 8:00 a. m., 8th, 15th. 22nd and 28th. Tickets on sale to all En&tern points and Information aa to routes and ratos cheerfully furnished. Phono 427-L. " J MOUK, Agent S. S. AROLINE. EQUIPPED WIMI WIRELESS F1NR PASSENGER ACCOMMODATIONS. NEW STEEL HOAT. Halls from North Heud Saturday, April 4 for Fortluud. PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT North Bend Lumber Company, Ants. Phono 1071. North Bond S. S. ALLIANCE RAILS FROM MAItSIlFIELI) FOR PORTLAND mm fill A V. APRIL . AT o A U .4 - . - . A. M. nn....n mnlll it 2 KH Connection with the North Hank Homl at Portland. North Pacific Steamship Company Pj,ono 44 Q. F. M'OEOROE, Agent. ANNOUNCEMENT. I announce myself a candldato for State Representative subject to tho will of the Democratic voters at tho primaries May 16. Will voto for tho primaries May 1C. Will work for hotter road laws to cnablo tho peoplo to get Oregon out ot tho mud. A. T. MORRISON. (Paid Adv.) FOR SHERIFF I hereby announco mysolf as a candldato for tho nomination of Sheriff, on tho Domo.cratlc tlckot at tho primary oloctlon. If elected I promise to conduct tho offico In an economical mannor, with tho nssur- anco that all interests and Individ uals will bo accorded fair treatmont. TAYLOR SIQLIN. (Paid Adv.) FOR SHERIFF I hereby announco mysolf as a candidate for tho offico of Shorlff of Coos County, subject to tho action of tho Republican doctors nt the primaries May 1C. If elected, I hereby pledgo myself to a policy of rigid law enforcement, without fear, favor, projudlce or par tlalltiv and shall, during my Incum bency, conduct said offico In a bust-ncsa-llko and economical mannor. ALFRED JOHNSON, Jr. . (Paid Adv.) ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce, myself us a candldato for tho nomination of Rep resentative on tho Democratic ticket for Coos County, to bo submitted to tho vote of tho people at the pri mary election on May 1G, 1914. If nominated nnd elected, I will abide by statement Numbor One: I will favor quarterly paymont of taxts. I will favor tho abolishment of unnecessary commissions that must bo supported by the taxpayers, I am in favor of good roads ovary- wnerc. I am opposed to unjust taxation and excessive taxation. J. TOM HALL, N w of Nearby Towns PORT ORFORI) OFFERINGS ', Noitlu'i-u Curry County Nca ns Told by the Tribune. Considerable of tho frolght Unit was landed hero last week by tho Randolph wns damaged by ,a .sea that broke over tho vessol n,s slio was crossing tho Cotiulllo bat. Mrs. P. J. Ltnbcrg, who hnsl spent tho wlntor visiting Iter son Ed, at Mnrshfleld, roturncd to her, (home in Port Orford liv Saturdays' since. Mr. Collins, who Huh' dm u 9anfcnd-l lug tho winter mining .audi galhor-i lng agates on tno uencn near weu derburn, Is visiting n few days. In Port Orford. Ho brought up a fine collection of ngatcs among which ho claims to havo 4000 that have moss In them. , -' The past, week has beoi ono of cold, blustery Mnnh weather. Sat urday was one of tho most disss grocablo days of tho season, and Sunday wasn't much hotter. On tho former 'lay tho cold wind blew out of tho south west nnd thunder showers of hall nnd sleet wero fre quent, nnd a Btendy rain prevailed nearly nil day, obsorvor J. D. I.oucks reported n 2 1-2 Inch precipitation. FIGURING RAIN Tho sixty Inchos of rainfall which would covor Coos county flvo foot deep In an average year, if nono of It ran off, amounts to Just a cubic mllo nnd a half In tho aggregate or enough to cover the city of Co qulllo a mll6 deep. Coqulllo Sentinel. NEWS OF FLORENCE MYRTLE POINT POINTERS. i:fnts Alone thu KluMnw ns Told by tho Pilot. Tho IwrenBo In business In Flor enco Is Indicated by the local post offico. On '.May 1. 1014 this office wll bo advanced to third-class. TIiIh puts It In whnt Is known as Presi dential post offices nnd It carries n salary of $1100, allowanco for clerk hire, fuel, HghtB and offico rent. John Whobroy, tho hide nnd wool buyer, wob In town Wednesday and purchased n nlco lot of hides from Kenneth McCormlck. John says ho wll como bnck nnd buy tho wool and mohnlr ns soon ns.tho markot opens Sluslaw Pilot. D. D. D. forliytarr The Standard Skin Remedy Instant Relief 5r Skin Troubles The Guaranteed Remedy Ncms of Upper Coquille As Told by The Enterprise. R. W. Lundy returned Inst Satur day via Dnndon from Florldn, where ho has been spending the winter. Mr. Lundy also visited in southern Cali fornia. Io visited at about a dozen different points In Florida and whllo he hns nothing to say against the cllmnto of the state generally, ho Is, libweVori convinced thnt It Is no plnco for a vosteriu man, Returning from San l'rnlirlscd ho was a paBSonger on thu steamer, arriving nt Dandon In time to cntchi ono of tho lower river boats and made cIobo connections with Saturdny afternoon's train, tho result bolng that tho trip from San Francisco was a record ono, bolng made from San Francisco to Myrtlo Point In about forty-flvo hours. Miss Mlnnlo Cdmor, formerly a tenchor In tiho academy at Gravol Ford, went to Mnrshfleld last Friday and Monday commenced a term In one of tho soliools near that city. Chns. E. Schroedor roturncd last Sururday from southern California. Mr. Schroedor and wlto havo spout most of the wlntor nt Los Angoles. He snys Mrs, Schrocdor's health Is much better this spring, and ho Is expecting hen to bo horo in n month or six wcoks. Charles states that ho will build om his placo on tho river bolow this place and may possibly work on tho farm all summer. Judgo John F. Hall, grand wnrdon of tho Independent Ordor ot Odd Fol lows, mado tho Myrtlo Point lodgo an official visit last Saturday ovonlng. After the business session a bnnqtiet v. ob sorved In tho hall. Mrs. 1, Lnn do, stato vlco president ot tho Rebecca lodgo, was also present at tho gather ing. Capt. Panter states that tho work on tho new stonmor Telegraph Is pro gressing nicely. Tho upper dock Is all onolosed and they nro now getting tho engines llnod up. Mr. nnd Mrs. S. W. Wolford hnvo moved bnck to tho Myrtlo Point sec tion from North Dond. Mr. Wofford l.as loosed tho James placo In Pleas ant Valloy. Mrs. I, Lando, who was a guest at tho P. L. Phclan home for n few days and who visited tho local lodge ot Robokahs In tho capacity of state vlco president, returned to her homo nt Marshflcld Monday. GOLD REACH NUGGETS Foley Kidney PHIh Successful for Rheumatism nnd Kidney Trouble Posltivo in. action for backacho, woak back, rheumatism, kidney nnd bladdor troublos. P. J. Uoyd, Ogle, Toxas, writes: "After taking two hot ties of Foloy Kidney Pills, my rhou mntlsm and kidney troublo aro com pletely gone." Snfo and effective. Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposlto Chandlor Hotel. Phono 74. Contnil, lAvrnuo Hrug Store, local agency. I Curry Coiiitty St-nt Event ni Told by the Globe. Clerk Stnunard rocnlved a tele grflni from JUdga Coko ordorluu him to notify tho Grand Jury to convono nt tho April torm of Cir cuit court. Tho clerk lost no tlmo In Bonding out by registered mnll Individual notices to each Juror of tho courts order. W. J. Coldbrook 1b now employ ed cruising tho Frank Uros., timber holdings In this county. Tho Frank brothers hnvo many ncres of valua ble timber land, Including their Frankport proporty, which Is being negotiated for by othpr parties honco tho crulso by Mr. Colebrook. Shorlff Bnlloy mado n trip to tho Bouth ond of tho county Inst week, Bubpoonlng witnesses to appear be foro tho Grand Jury. Tho Mayors enso nnd tho C&oloy enso will doubt less bo tho means of bringing an army of witnesses from tho south ern part of tho county. Ono ot the sovereat storms of tho wlntor hns been sweeping tho const tho past wook. A strong south wind accompanied by rain and sloet and occasslonally heavy thunder and lightening. Snow Is in avldcnco on tho near hills, and on tho hlghor mountains tunny toot of snow is re ported. Ilowovor, grass is good on tho ranges and stock Is looking well nnd It Is not thought thnt thoro will be nny loss ot Block. Gold Reach Globe. PROSPERITY IN OURRV Sovornl real ostato changes havo tnken placo In this vicinity which coming so early In tho season, In dicates that thoro will bo consider able doing In this lino during tho summer months. L. Knnpp closed tho donl that mnkos him tho ownor of tho J. W. Curry placo at tho mouth of Elk River, and this, to gother with tho Dond plnco which It Joins, gives Mr. Knnpp a rnrm of considerably ovor n thousnud acres. D. A. Irlck, a lato arrival, has bought tho J. W. Prock placo on Sixes, and will mako hln homo thoro In tho future. Clins. E. Wit worth bought a ten aero tract near Sllvor Hutto last wcok from J. W. Hurst, which ho will Improve. Sov ornl town lots hnvo changod hands. Port Orford Tribune. HUTTJJR IS SCARCE Tho first fresh butter of tho sea son to apponr 'on tho Port Orford market was brought In from tho Darrott farm on Elkr river Inst wook. Woll Is worth two conts a pound mora this year than last; but ter Is high and boot is higher, con sequently tho farmer Is happy nnd tho season augurs well for his pros perity. Port Orford Tribune. Well, What Do They Expect? LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust, Co. .Abstracts, thoroughly dependable. Im mediate service, prompt atten tion to all interests of our client?. Minimum cost. I. S. Kaufman (Sh Co. Wickham House AT COQUILLK Will be re-opened for busi ness April 1. Your patronage solicited Mrs. J. R. Wickham PROP. EDISON'S LATEST A storage battery that continual over i barging will not harm. DOES NOT CORRODE AT TERMINAL. . CONTAINS NO ACID. vWlll not lose its charge while tandlng lfle. IS GUARANTEED FIVE YEAItS Coos Bay Wiring.Co. 163 Broadway. Ageata for Port of Coos Pay. ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL Rroadway at Market Is now open to accommodate patrons, by the day or month. DAY RATES, 75c AND UP SPECIAL RATES RY THE MONTH $18.00 and lip If P'd In advance ALL ROOMS CONNECTED Can bo occupied In suites, If so desired L. L. JUSTEN, Manager (Paid Adv.) ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announco myself as a candidate for tho nomination of sher iff by tho Democratic party nt tho Primary Election May 15, 1014. If nominated and elected I will conduct tho office along tho most economical lines possible, consistent with efficiency, and do my best to enforco tho criminal laws. W. W. GAGE. . WE MAKE OUR OWN Ice Cream TURK RICH WHOLESOME Orders for parties, banquets and dinners filled promptly. If it is BARTER'S it's all right. Sarter's Front street. Phone 333-J. HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL . Phone 3171. -n-H- . fcjy9jJ5ik f wmJHA i" i 'iflBSHv I PICT ilytfiBL This is a most wonderful spring, Tho stores arn show ing the prottlest suits and gowns they havo had in years, They go and fill their windows full of little hats that aro perfectly ravishing, They put prices on them that would tantalize a miser, and What does a man expect of his wife and daughters? Does he think you aro going to sit around homo wrapped up In a winter suit, or go out with a wlntor hat that looks like a last year's bird's nest? The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world! .Huh! Well, tho hand that rocks the cradle is going to rock the Millinery World, and tho Cloak and Suit World in Marsh field and North Bend. And tho hand that doesn't rock them, Is going to rock the Matrimonial boat, Look at THE TIMES Saturday, Look at THE TIMES to night, Look at the stylo advertisements in it, Thore isn't a woman you know who isn't reading them right now, Nor a woman whom you don't know, for that matter, The only women who are not going downtown tomorrow are those who are too sick to get out of bed, But every other woman is reading this paper now, and making up her mind just where she is going to go and what sho Is going to look at, And she's going there as the bee files. Tho next time you see your frionds they will look pret tier than they have ever looked in their lives before, And you are going to begin explaining that your family is a bit unsettled this year that you haven't decided just what you are going to do, And as thoy walk away, some one of them js going to say: "Poor girl! They tell me that her people aren't getting along very well." Boiling oil for herl But, seriously, that was a wonderful. 'paper Saturday, A complete range of everything beautiful; at every price, to satisfy every desire and every pocketbook, When you have finished going through the advertising you, too, will have made, up your mind just where to go and what to look at, You will havo found something that you do want and can have, And tomorrow you will bo one of them the great spring shopping throng, Of course you will, And more charm to you! , UX 'v st-&m JJ-" - r .-' v.w ' U- A .- '-tux swrrs -tr-