Tit ft w 1 V i 'Vs-1 isiness is growing larger every month THERE'S A 11UABUN. i niltl not ontr Hnvo vnn ntminv 1m .... Satisfaction that you nro being treated rljjbt. Give us fim will not rogrot It. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee and Spice House it-J. THE HOUSE OP TASTI 130 Noith Broadway For Prompt Auto Service NEW 7-passcnger Cadillac nt service tiny nml night your h. M'DONALD Proprietor CALL 46 Low Rates for Handling Trunks Wo haul trunsa botwoon anj points In MarWitlold for tho follow !?g Intos 'lollvery to bo mado In tho first stories of buildings One trunk j ao Three trunks ' 'bo Twelve trunks ',', i)bo Star Transfer and Storage Co. Levi Helsncr, Prop. Phones. 120-J; 40-L: B8.R. BUY THE VERY BEST btPRS All standard makes, sold on easv nav- Lui nnrl rebuilt. Fox. Underwood. Remlnntnn. Rnvni fc. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Lairing or new platens, work guaranteed. Ribbons and Wr delivered, mono us your orucr. rnono ... Alllnnco office rPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. Xlght. Private IJooths LRSHFIELD CHOP HOUSE A GOOD PLACE TO KAT. felt want of tho pooplo of Mnrshflold 1ms been filled. A In tho most convenient locality, invitingly clean and every respect, vrhoro n first-class meal can bo bad at n pilce. i nmnrnmont-lnsnocted moats. Coos Hlvcr rnncb ouim. iinirv Lm and homc-mado pics aorved In this up-to-dato placo. GIVE US ONE, TRIAL AT LEAST. COFFEE bit CIT 01 of good coffee bavo n hloro for them hero. Wo elpt of a famous Kronen niaKe a iresu suppiy hours. OYSTERS AND FISH Fresh oysters fresh from the shell to you; not kept In cans, making ptomnlno poisoning Im possible. Wo nro nlways sup plied with fresh fish, elnm crabs nud gamo In season ROBERTS fc R.OSE, Proprietors Marshfield Creamery BUTTER Flro Plnccii j'N. Bayliss uf brick work nt prices nro right. WOHK GUARANTEED lie Fireside," Johnson I Second st. Phono -l.'U-J. scon. Holler Work. 20 Commutation Tickets $2.00 Mnrshficld-Xorth Ilcnd AiUo Lino. Cats every (en minutes from O a. in. (o 12:.0 p. in. GOHST Jb KINO. Props. )u mm Dinner Set , few pieces, re in cm -wo arc closing out of gold and whlto tare. Highest grndo, gold edgo and Innor border. ri:u cent off. HI'S VARIETY STORE Norlli Hcnd. T. J. 8CA1PE 5B A. II. IIODGINB MADE UNDER SANITARY CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND MODERN FACTORY. STERILIZED 'MILK AND CHEAM. PURE ICE Fio delivery, 8 n. in. and 3 Phono 73 p. in. IF YOU WANT YOUR LAUNDRY DONE RIGHT Telephone tho FERNDALE STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 277. Marshfield K!K and . UU.UIVHIIIXU LU. Estimates EiiriilNlicd I'houo 3IMKI. Mnrslilleld. Oregon. YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Four good ears with careful drivers For day service, phono 1 M-.l, Illanro Millard Parlors, For' night nervlce. Phone 200-1. Hlght Caf,'. D. L. F00TE. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY' TWriLDKEI) HOGEItR NELSON. " Teacher of Piano I'upll of Hugo Mansfcldt nt San Francisco. Cal. Flvo years' Cenchlug experience In San Fniurlsco Phono 31C1 or 31G7. WT. TOMPKINS, D. 8. T. (Weltmor Methods.) Every known dlsonso treated without drugs or surgory. Itoom 2, 13G North Broadway. I'liono 1MO-L. Marshfield, Or. WV-tAfci" w MANDARIN CRAPE FROCK. Paqulu designed this afternoon frock of mandarin crape, with collar of tmtln folded about the nock In cowboy fashion nud tho llounces ultra Parlxlan of 1014. The back glrdlo Is draped, while tho upward llaru and tho full back of the skirt nro also In tho mode. TO GET RID OF FLIES Oregon Agricultural College Experts Explain Means of Handling Pest ' COVALLIS. Or.. Anrll 2 Wlilln It Is much bettor to keep tho flies out of tho room than It Is to oxtor mlnnto them after thoy hnvo en tored it, unfortunately It Is not nl ways posslblo to do so. When filthy premises, either our own or our nolghbors, breeds swarniB of files on hot Btimmor days, somo of thorn ro almost suro to find an entrance Into tho rooms no matter how enrc fully guarded. When this unfor tunnto condition Is present, nud it Is desirable to rid tho houso of flics that have como in without waiting for tho action of stocky pnpor and poisons, tho following treatments aro Inexpensive, and ef fective: 1. Heat a shovel or similar utensil, ami drop Into it 20 drops of carbolic ncld. Tho vapour will destroy tho files lu nn ordinary loom. 2. Hum somo pyrothrum pow der (Insect powder) In each room. This will stuplfy tho flios so that thoy may bo swept up and burned. .1, Dissolve 1 dram of uhromnto of potash In two ounces of wntor and add a little sugar. Put In shallow dishes and placo about tho house. A fow drops of formalda hydo placed In a small quantity of sweet milk Is very effective whon placed about tho houso lu Bhnllow dishes. Tho foregoing directions aro ta ken from tho twolvo p.igo pamphlet recently prepared by tho Entomoiog leal Department of tho Agricultural Collogo on "How to Conduct n Fly Campaign." CUHE PNEUMONIA WITH 8EHUM. tT US MAKE ABSTRACTS Truit Co. Abstracts. gldy dependable. Im- service, prompt nttcn all Interests of our alt, .Minimum cost. Kaufman (Sb Co. NO SAW EDGES on YOUH COLLARS If you hnvo thorn laundered at TWIN CITY 8TMAM LAUNDRY 'TIME TABLE unette- Pacific lotor Car Wle!d Leavo North Hend 6:45 a. m. 7:15 a. m. 8:15 a. m. 9:15 a. m. 10:15 a. m. 10:45 a. m. 11:15 a. m. 11:45 a. m. m. m. a. a. n. m. only. f-o. 12:45 p. m. 1:15 p. m, l:45 p. m. 2:15 p. m. 2:45 p. m. 3.15 p. m. 3:45 p. m, 4:15 p. m. 4:45 p. m. 5:15 p. m. 5:45 p. m. 6:15 p. m. 6:45 p. m. 7:16 pj m. 7:45 p. m. 8:16 p. to 9:15 p. m. 10:16 p. m. Saturdays only 11:15 p. m. 12:15 a. m. Ladies Know That Spring House-cleaning tears up ovorythlng, and that's just tho condition our storo Is in, but Just ths samo w- have tho goods nud wo aro hero to give you good sorvlco, Wo aro very biiBy right now, but will try nnd tako enro of nil who call just as fast as posslblo. Como and see us anyhow. You will always bo wolcomo at VIERS WALL PAPER AND PAINTS !17fl North From St. Phono 2-R. pour Laundry ps By Parcel Post PISII A I1AQ AND WILL ITIIE POSTAGE ON ITS I KETURN. Pay Steam Laundry Wl'i UarehfioM DRY WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street, Thone 180-J. Goorfrum's.Garage borne of tbo CADILLAC and P0RD Auto Supplies for All Makes of Cars 817 Central A v. Phono 378L p EO. C. MURPHY, " Export Plnno, Plnyor nnd Organ Tuning, Regulating and Repair ing, lies. 842 So. Droadway. Orders may bo loft at tbo Wiloy 11. Alton Muslo Storo, Contr&l avenue. J OEL OSTLIND. Piano Tuner nnd Rcpnlrcr I in 8. SKth street. .Phono 103-L Ijoavo orders nt W. R. Hnlnes Music Company. J M. WRIGHT Phono 318-R 11UILHING CONTRACTOR EHtliuates furnished on request. CO. GOSNEY Phono 315 1 Contractor and Hullder Eitlmntos Furnished on Request MY PAST WORK IS MY First nnd Alder Sts. REFERENCE .Marshfield. DR. H. M. BHAW Ey, Ear, Nono nnd Throat. DR. MATTIE It. SHAW DIscujich of women nnd children, Ofllco phoue 330. Rooms 200, 201 202, Irving Rlock. Houso phono. 10C-J. D" R. A. J. HENDRY DENTIST Msrablleld, Oregon, Rooms 204-205, Coke Building. Residence phone 262-X. Office phono 112-J, MRS. FARRINGER, Teacher of Piano. Reslden.ee, Studio, o. 1096, Corner Commercial and Eleventh BU. Itiono 880-J. GAY COLORS FOR SPRING. As It should bo with spring fashions, bright colors nro popular. This may bo duo to tho cruzo for futurist Inno vations, this school of art being tho ad vocate of gayety In nttlro. Under these circumstances It Is likely to bo a trying time for the woman who has no eyo for color, for somo of tho com binations nro blr.nrre In tho extreme nnd must bo adapted to sr.lt Individual requirements. NEW YORK, April 2. As tho re sult of experiments begun last fall n. now soritiu has boon cultivated and will shortly bo announced to tho med ical world. Out of 100 pneumonia cnsoB, treatment by this discovery hns boon successful In nlnoty of thorn. The aorum la mndo from tho blood of a horso Into which hns boon Injected pnoumolcoccl germs. It Is lujoctod Intravenously nnd reltovca pneumonia by bringing about n crlslB In from twolvo to eighteen hours. Physicians of tho Hockofollor lustltuto nro en deavoring tx find somo means of do voloplng tbo cultures without tho uso of a laboratory, bo that this remedy cnu bo used gonornlly by physicians. DANCE at LIRRY Saturdny night, APRIL I. Music by Elliott's Orchos tra. Everyono invited. News From Nearby Towns 1IHIEFS OF DANDON. News of dty-by-the-Sen. Ah Told by Tlio Recorder. P. H. Pool roturnod from a busi ness trip to Port Orford Saturday. Whtlo there ho assisted In organizing a good llvo commercial club for Port Orford, which promises to do things. Captain John Olson of tho Eliza both was accompanied on this trip by Mrs. Olson nud sonB William nnd John, who nro licro for a short visit with friends. A. D. Mills roturncd Saturday from a trip to Illinois, whuro ho had been looking nftor buBlnoss affairs, Mr. Mills says tho eastorn weather la nbomlnablo and business conditions slow. Ho says ho Is glad to got back to Coob county whero wo don't havo cold wonthor and ovorythlng Ib pros porous. Win. Schroodor, who hns tho con tract for putting In tho plumbing and heating plant of tho new First Nat ional Dnnlc building, wnB over from Marshfield yesterday looking over tho situation and will begin work In n very fow days. HOAT FOR HANDON. A meeting of business mon wns bold nt tho Commercial Club rooms to discuss tho matter of getting tho steamer Mandalay on tho Dandon Portlaud run, nnd though thoro woro not as many present ns It wan hoped thero might bo, those who did nttond wcro enthusiastic over tho proposi tion. No doflnlto steps woro tnken but thero will probably bo n movo mndo within tho next fow days that will culmlnnto In somo doflnlto plans. llnndon Recorder. For 8TEONGRAPIIIO WORK of any kind Call 181-J Two rompotont stenographers In chnrgo (18 Central Ave. UMPQUA MOVING PICTURES. Perry J, Wright wna In from Caps Ulnhco on tho uppor North Umpqun, bringing the Bklus of thrco wildcats, one cougar and ono gray wolf. Tho latter ho killed with n revolver. Ho has rccotovd n plchiro from tbo San Francisco moving picture film mnk lors, saying thoy nro coming bXiro again nbout April 10, to mako somo moro wild animal pictures In tho North Umpqun district. TIiIb bIiows tholr sntlsractlon with tholr former trip nnd with Mr. Wright na guldo. Mr. Wright nlso expressed his full approval of tho report recently pub lished In Tho Revlow of tholr former oxeporlonccs thoro. Rosoburg Revlow. If you hnvo anything to soil, ront. trado, or want help, try a Want Ad Hnvo your job printing dono Tho Times offlco. nt EVERY MAN ohould know Through tho country ho goes Tim best drossod pooplo Wenr A. E. Audorsan clothes. F. V. PRESTON, Ant. MnndifU'ld Cleaning nnd Dyo Works. 128 Front Stroot, Sulls Cleaned and Pressed. Suits inado to Order. GIvo Us a Trial. UNIQUE PANTAT0RIUM ,TAY DOYLE & C. O. DAGGETT 250 CentrnI Ave. Phone ggQ-X BENJAMIN OETTLTNR, Consulting Engineer hf Architect, Offices, 200 Irving Block. ' Phoue 103-L or S07-J. Marshfield, Oregon PERL RIUCY HALL1NGKR PlkBlst irad Tecber Rstldence-Studlo, 237 So. Broadwn Phone 18-L. ' W- G. CJIANDLKR. ARCniTEOT. Rooms 801 nnd 8021, Coke HalltSIni Mrshfleld, Oregon. WM. 8. TURPEN, ARCinTEOT Marshfield, Oregon. Have your Job la The Times. printing aono at And Now Comes Spring It is true that tho Calendar and tho weather may not exactly agree, but what havo buds and birds and eager living tilings to do with cal endars? ' . What do we care for equinoxes when the blood Is running quicker "in our veins? Go out into the yardl The sap is flowing In the trees, Every t.wjg is impatient, Even tho birds are rebellious against time, "Confound it," you can hear them say, "how do you expect a fellow to dig his worms on chilly rainy days?" And as for man? Tho rebellion in his soul Is worse than the mix-up in Mexico, He doesn't know exactly what it is he wants, All he knows is that what he has, won't do. When lie dresses In the morning, he looks sadly at his trousers poor wrinkled relics of past pride, When lie puts on his shirt, he shears his cuffs as he muses upon what a nice shirt it was. His hat is scuffy and his overcoat is fuzzy or shiny, as the case may be, And he isn't happy not by a long shot but he doesn't know why. Why? Why, man, it is because every living, creeping, crawling, flying, running thing is getting a new suit of clothes right now and-you are sneaking around in the same old funeral garb, And now, you know what is the matter with you, The Spring is here. You've got the call in your blood, You are vibrant with life, and the desire is within you to give expression to It with new clothes, When you get them, you will bo happy, and not before, So watcli these pages for the blossoming of now spring styles for men, A clothing ad may play a big part in your Clothes-happiness, t & '1 J r?7 frfi iM e .?. ' 1 ktoWSAt.ti. i.uudw2&jl. fiV J&S&ii't.J