'Sf -" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1914 EVENING EDITON. f f m- m J SCHOOL &J WMNOT1E f-L-.-L-ijy . "- rin CJ I Iff GLEE CLUB SOUTH MAIlSHKIKIil) SCHOOL. .Second (initio. Pupils receiving 100 Jn both oral nnd written spelling tho past weolt wero Violet Curroy, Augustus Hoff man, Paul Jolmson, Itobort Knox, Large Audience Greets Wil lamette University Organi ation Here Thursday . Tho Wlllnmotto Gleo Club Con cert at tho Masonic Onora House Florcnco Knrtloll, Joeophlno Savago, Inst evening wns pronounced by till George Scott, Eldrldgo Archor, Viola wlo aiienueu as tno best musJonl Wilson, Lois Dassford, Ruth Collins, . shov that has been prcs?ntcd In Eugene Sampson, Frances Hall. Marsbfleld for some tlmo past, and T1iobo rccolving 100 In last week's the concluding sketch, n comic opera, written spoiling contest of fifty words wns In a class all by Itself, spark woro Augustus Hoffman. Paul John- !lnB with college wit, nnd good act- Bdn, Myrtlo Johnson, Florcnco Knr- lB. , Llppo, not n wolf In shcop's doll, Josophlno Savage, Qeorgo Scotf. clothing, 'but ti member of tho Qleo Thoso abovo ninety woro Harry Wnl- 01ll inJ?lr,s clothors, In the por- tnr. n- viniM sf on. ti. t-. son of Charles Hnll. was tho best Mnnlmon, 9Cj Violet Curroy, 04: VI- character In tho show. The nudl ola Wilson, 04; Lois Dassford, 94 j fn,co appreciated tho entire enter John Clausen, 92; Edith Anderson, tnlnmont, but more especially the 90; llobort Knox, 90. Ic0l"lc Prn Mascotto. Tho A Class nvornged 97 1-3 and ' .HnrL' Jr' ronaond a vocal tlin n 7A 11-m soio, ino .louy irinr, wiucn was Mrs. Hall visited our room Wcdnes- c ,ro,lM"10 ?! B?SnMV' "!? day of this week. wiVSiJj Jory bC'"8 cncorod VmiHIi flrn(1i BOVOPal tlntCS. Tim.. i,niilI.nX ,,ii.. u !,' -A- largo hoiiBO greeted tho Gleo rrcTn? annlll ir'nnnst Torn 1- o Clllb. nn' '"" WOro Unable to SC- rwi,JJii i?..i. Hn.Stif""?. 1 euro Beats. It Is reported that the w xn,r hv w?" rn I? r, noh Proceeds of tho entertainment wero oort Murphy, Jnck Collins, Enoch $n7r nnrrnntnirn or whirl, will ,J ? AGI BdBur,ro vs,Lorona Ho"-, Announcement wn8 ,nn,,0 dlIrlng Ul0 man. Geneva Gosnoy. Emerson Noff.,..c. .,.. .. ...i .,i.... Calvin Sweot Duncan Uashney, Stoon of tho Bhow w, tako lnco nt , Magnus. Wallace Lungworthy, Kroil- ; Mnsonlc Opora House on Thursday wricii uuiigiumi. nvnulliir. Anrll S). Tim (Hen Club "J W ()0l JtOADB KLKCTION Special Session of County Court April HO to Hear Petition (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLE, Or., April I. Tlu Good Roads Association boosters, headed by A. T. MorrlBon, appear ed beforo tho County Court, which has been In session this week, with their potltlons praying for a spe cial election on 'tho proposition to bond Coos County for 1140,000 In order to construct several stretches of permanent hlghwny. However, tho law specifically requires thnt not Ipbs than twenty nnd not more than forty days notice of such elec tion mtiBt bo given nnd therefore stnted they could not call the elec tion at this tlmo, but agreed to call an adjourned mo-ting to bo hold Ajirll 20 to mnko tho call. XOItTll IXLiri' ITEMS (Special to Tho Times.) j I NORTH INLET, Or., April 4. A j crow of twonty men Iibb begun con struction of a camp nt Sander's I Lake. An additional, stenm shovel Is to bo Instnlled at this point, In order to rush tho rallrond work with great' r facility. Everything possible Is being dono to hasten tho work to completion, Right of way has already been cleared to a point about five miles distant from tho sand point. Coupons Redeemed AH Llm A Mr toUo and ClffartlU lOupfltll anl lagl iniTfme at lull value, rrtrclum tf parlnwnt with a ftnt trlrctlon el valuable ftt cot nw -r Mor OWEN & BRADLEY Blanco Cigar Storo MariMItla, (irci More Nobby Facts PUNCTURES NINETY PER CENT LESS Investigations prove that with "NOBBY TREAD" tires punctures are 90 per cent less than with the average tire. The big, thick "NOBS" on "NOBBY TREAD" tires stand out so far from the shoe that nails, glass, sharp stones, etc., hardly ever reach the shoe-. ' Study the '(NOBS," their SIZE and their THICKNESS and the WAY they are placed and you will understand why. And remember this you have to wear out these big, thick, tough "NOBS" before you even start to wear out the extra-strong tire un derneaththat is one reason why experts call "NOBBY TREADS" Two Tires in One ,, , i i i - That's Why Visitors to tho room woro Mrs. U. Gldley, Mrs. J. S. Lyons and Mrs Kennedy. Fifth Grade. The fifth grade nt tho high school completed their first rendor In music. Thoy gavo n song recital Wcdncsdnv Afternoon nnd It wns well attended by parents and friends. Tho fifth A at tho high school building won In tho spelling contest this week, their vorngo being 09 3-C. I - J'uplls In tho fifth grades of both ' 8c1ioo1b gavo n song rcclrnl tills week ' ludlcatlvo of tho completion of the first book In niUBlc. UhIhoii nnd two part songs made up tho program. I Tho songs were first worked out by .syllablo In the class room without In strnmont of any kind. Mld-seniCHtcr spelling contests be tween tho rcspcctlvo grades of tho two Bchools resulted nB follows: Tlilitl Grade. High Central B Class 92 0C 2-7 A Class 94 98 G-S Fourth Grade. JJ ....'. 92.7 07.8 A 98.9 97 Fifth Grade. 3J 99 99 1-15 . A 99.G 98.C Sixth Grade. B 9C.75 98.5 A ,. 97.C7 99.5 Seventi'i Grade. Ti , 990 A 99.5 99 1-13 Eighth Grade. B 97.8 A Class, 4th, 0th and 7th grndes wcro tho winning grndes In tho high school. Contrnl school thereby wins lx firsts out of a posslblo nine. Fifth grado records In both build ings nro good. Thcso clnsscs nro "lnrgo. i 4 I Pupils of tho South Mnrshfleld Gth grado nro subscribers for fifteen cop ies of Current Events. This grndo ronducts Interesting current (event .discussions. Tho highest grndo average In tho recent spoiling testa was made by the A division of tho South Marsh Held school. A imskotbnll series for grndo boys -will bo begun Monday, continuing through April. Mnrshfleld and North Dcnd schools will run a mioclnl train to Myrtlo Point for tho Intorecholnstlc Field Meet. Tho business end of the trans action Is In tho ImndR of Principal J F. Grubbs of North Rend. A feature of tho Intorscholnstlr Flold Meot will be a pnrado by tne schools, A (Ino banner Is to bo .awarded to tho school making tho best display. Students of the high se'onl ten dered a reception to tho Willamette Gleo Club nt tho high school audi torium Thursday afternoon. Tho principal gnmo was getting ncnimlnt ed. Coffco and enko woro served. f Serious prnctlro on the cantnta, "Plnaforo," tins bogun. This opor otta will bo given at Commencement by tho high bchool chorus. Porsons Interested in tho work of V'o Manual Training Department aro asked to visit tho snmo, ClnsHef, are nlwavs at work thoro mornings until J0:30. : 'h f Thoro aro 109 ntinlN in t'-o tlo'i-irt-ntont of cookery In tho Mnrshllel-' schools. It costs botweon ?20 and $25 a month to run tho doimrtn,nt (oxcluslvo of ens, a snmll Item) The cost nor pupil Is. under three cents per month. Tho schools of New York City estlmnto threo cents per pupil for rra'do pupils nnd five cents pr punl1 for high school students. ,Tho cost of serving tho Men's Fellowship Club was $30 Hotwcon sixty-five and sov enty woro sorved. dll play at North Uond this ovc- ulng In Kcknoff Hall, under tno au spices of tho North Ilond High School, nnd next week will tour the Couulllo Vnlley. HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171 A NOTRE DAME LADY'S APPEAL To all Inowlns utTfrer of rbrumatlim, wbttb. tt muKulir vr of the JolnU. (Clitlc. lumbago, tcktcbr. pln In Ibe kldnrjra or neuraljla alna, to write to brr for a bome trratmrut which Uaa reieatedl7 cured all of tbee torturea. She feela It her dutjr to tend It to all aufferera FSKR. You cure youraelf at home a tbouaand will teatlfy no cbane of climate Iwlne necea arr Thla almple iltacorery Unlahea uric acid from the Mood, looaeoa the atlffened Jolnta. pur. JAra the Wood, and brljhtena the ejea, itlrlof rUatlcltr and tone to the whole aritem. If the tOT Intereata jou, for proof addreaa Mr. U. Bunuuera, Uox H, Ktr l)aoe, Ind. April Snap 965 acres of land at Coos Point, suitable for loganberries and platting purposes at $35,00 per acre, Terms, $10,00 per acre down, bal ance easy terms, Interest six per cent, 25 acres of waterfront on Eastside, opposite Alliance warehouse, with 800 feet channel frontage, for $15,500, Terms, $8000 cash, balance one year, Interest six per cent, Corner 100x90, Ninth and Date, for $600, Corner 50x50, Ninth and Date, for $325, Four -lots in East Marshfield, close in, at $75 each, on easy terms, 120 acres fruit land on Coos River, close to Allegany, at $7,50 per acre, Terms $2,50 per acre cash, Balance one and two years, In terest six per cent, Three acre homes adjoining Eastside mill for $1000 each, on easy installment plan, Also desirable home sites in Sengstacken's Addition to home-seekers at their own terms, 1800 acres suitable for 30-family colony oither for sale on easy tepns, or ten-year lease, For particulars see Title Guarantee (& Abstract Co. H Mates IIHI il m9k JHk iflPs IBBbR 'aHilBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmliB iiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbP' iiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB I Miles I GOODIU PHONE 373-L i M United fUUk TJ Are Guaranteed S Garage marshfield! HelliiltlcFoloy'H Honey and Tar Compound Just bo suro thnt you buy Foley'B llnnnv .mil Tnr rnniliound It Is 11 re- llnblo medlclno for coughs, folds, 1 croup, whooping coughs, bronchial and la grippe coughs, which arc weak ening to tho system. It ulso gives prompt and definite results for honrsonoss, tickling throat and stuf fy, wheezy breathing. Owl Prescrip tion Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan, Opposlto Chnndler Hotel. Phono 71. (Central lUeiiuo Drug (Slojv. local agency. The Royal TONIGHT Kntlro Chnngo of Program. Kour reels of now pictures. "A Venetian Romnnco" A pretty and thrilling costumo play by tho peerless Kny-Iloo Co. "Tho Greater Influence" A Crys tal drama featuring Pearl Whlto. Tho Nov York (Hunts Dofentlng tho rhtladolpliln Athletics 4n tho last Rogulnr ganio of tho season. "A Pool Gnmo" Onto of tho most remarknblo pictures over put out by tho Koystono Company. Tho princi pal clmrnctor perforins tho stunt of making all fittoon balls on tho "bronk." "Tho Latest In Llfo Saving" Don't ent too much supper if you in tond to enjoy this comedy. Also n Keystone. Admission: Lower floor, 15c; bnl cony, 10c. "The Queen's Jowe4" Itnla four rool foaturo loinonow night. ComIng next Thursday "Arizona" America's greatest play, in six reels. 210 scones, 150 pooplo, YOU ALWAYS HEAR THE I1KST MUSIC AT THE ROYAL. Pear? Prudence or Lots of people think they're prudent, when there really afraid, Fear does nothing, Prudence Is ca'j- tious, but goes ahead, Fear never made anybody any money, or got any body anything worth having, It welcomes the ad vice "don't do It.."' , . , Prudence, with a little boldness and deterniinatm has made lots of people wealthy, It can help anytra who will use it, Foar won't even "take a look, n never makes a start, BAY PARK FOR PRUDENT PEOPLE Listen just let us show you Bay Parks just let w show you what people have done there, and wnatw are doing, Let us show you written evidence otp Dow Doi-r; nnnnln linim sJm-in nn n cm nil clfirf. flllO flP Yflll ran An in ilio enmo unv. nnH With the SOiaW possible amount of money, Call on us; or phone ft j and we'll call on you, I. S. KAUFMAN & CO.: 177 Front Street. Twin City Steam Laundry The Laundry That Always Treats You FigM