wL lAui 75S8BSrlSfecrJ il Ub&y -: SKJg5W5Sg?K wJUmk jffigfr) I ) X m v ?3 . WW 10 Per Cent Reduction s? A ... tf"b f Thaco 5 Ally vync ui o. Superb Spring Suits v or Coats WB ?V Cl'P Si J$L '7$ ThlH siK-clnl eduction of 10 per rout could not have linppciicd moro timely tliau nt Kiwtuni Week mill tlio demand for Spring Suit mid ContM at ll wry liellit. Kiery ferment Is lilglicliisi. Tliey rep resent tlio seiiHoii'n fiivored faMiloni. i:cry puineiit, without it hIiikIo exception, wis turned out Ity a ma ker who Iiiin a imputation to HiiNtuln. Kciy Suit and every Coat, without it nIiibIc exception, Is deslrnltle. We, emphatlcnlly lutlte you to compute, tlio original prlro of any of tlieso Suit or CoatH with ono of hIiii liar quality in any other store and note that theNe giiriiientH mo mai lied from $2.."S0 to !?7.50 less. Then this 10 per rent Kit you nn additional clean hiiv hiK of from $!..".() to 9:1.50 or more. Hear In mind that this Is tho heart of tho season when the assort ment Is complete. Suits Extraordinary There nro so many different stjleH repi evented that description must ho merely superficial. We could not licrfii J ' t" f,,, iHrliiK tlio exquisite IrliiimliiRH or the dainty touches of color. AlthouKli these suits are tcry .iinusiial values, It In for their smart less and rlRliiiillty of style that wo commend them to Colors are Heseda, Wisteria, Tano, Copenhagen, .tiaiiopmy, .aj u.... you. Striking Values in Spring Coats Thli is n season of such fashlonahle stjles nud Mlirlr . full of newness that not one, hut many separate Coats will he found useful and attractlte. We par ticularly lutlti- your attention to the newly arrived line of Whlto Chinchilla Coats priced I7..W less tho faster Week 10 per cent , eduction-makes this Coat cost you Just lfJ.7. Kveiy Coat In this sso,tment Is a stylo exclusive with the Huh. Superb Spring Dresses We nro particularly fortiinnto In being nhlo to offer siuh it variety of tho very lat est stlo dresses In excluslto fashions. Such ityllsh fabrics as Crepo do Chine, Silk Crepes, Clilffon, Taffeta, INissy Willow Crepe, plain nml flowered Topllns as well as fancy Sponge and fine Serge. Many with bodlco of ono color and skirt or another; with Net and Tulle, Chiffon and Ijico In all varieties of filmy iiinterliilM for embellishment. Tho fact that the Huh sells more di esses than any other two stoirs on tho Hay combined, KakH sufficiently for the values. "SMART WEAR FOR WOMEN" v 111 Hub Dry Goods Co. Corner Itroadttuy and Central Avemi. Phono .101 KT"7 ygiuowM EASTER JEWELRY i i ii MflMMMMMMU-i ,-T-..-WH..-T...-....)J TlEW n i amid modern gowns new styles in Jewelry which are necessary and beautiful, too. Gall and see the new "V-shaped Pins, Brilliant Set Hair Pins, Bar rettes, Bandeaus and Back Combs. Look at This Tempting List of ROSARIES, in fine jewels, from $2.00 to $4.00 GOLD CROSSES and Chains, $2.00 to $10.00 BROOCHES, pearls and diamonds, $12 to $150 VEIL PINS, in gold or platinoid, $1.50 to $6.00 CAMEOS, coral or shell, from $5.00 to $25.00 RINGS, set with any beautiful stone, $3 to $10 DIAMONDS, DIAMOND RINGS, $10 to $300 Easter Gifts RED CROSS JEWELRY DEPT. JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS V1 ' '' MP tT ' i 1 1 k ypB33 If 91 ntm m i rn i- fauun tuhui uw flour l?ftierw nniw. The Most Popular of all High Grade Flours y- ft 3flUlandSloviunJ r i;jiuutcy 08& l?oi.vnPir THE BEST LIKED AND THE BIGGEST SELLER BECAUSE NO OTHER FLOUR GIVES SUCH GENERAL AND UNEQUALED SATISFACTION MADE FROM NORTHWESTERN HARD WHEAT AND ' Every Sack Guaranteed HUNDREDS OF COOS COUNTY HOUSEWIVES WILL TELL YOU THAT IT IS BEST FOR BREAD, BISCUIT, CAKE OR PASTRY ASK YOUR GROCER FOR "Snow Drift" or4 'Olympic H. W. Painter Distributor for SOUTHERN OREGON Portland Flouring Mills Company MARSHFIELD, OREGON v M 1 1 S 9 0 i