frjrt0 Kunjyiwyy" "fTrp TfT-W' "& Our business is growing larger every month THERE'S A REASON. Deal with ub. and wo will not only savo you money, but you will have the satisfaction that you are Doing treated right. Give us a trial and you will not regrot It. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee and Spice Phono 304-J. THE HOUSE CALL 46 For Prompt Kitw T.nnRHanacr service day L. M'BONALD TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. aoonlna teimlrliitt or now plntciM, work guaranteed. II Ibuons nnd Stbo?pk"r delivered. Phono us your order. Phono 44. Alllanco office, TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. Chimneys Flro Place. J. N. Bayliss Any kind of lirlck work at price that nro right. AND ALL WORK GUARANTEED Call At "Tho Fireside," JohnsoH nidg., 137 Socond at. Phono 4 34-J. French Ranges. Roller Work. If You Need a Dinner Set or Just a few pieces, romom bpr that wo arc closing out our lino of gold nnd whlto tablo ware Highest grade, heavy gold odgo and Inner Btamp lnco border. TEN PER CENT OFF. SMITH'S VARIETY ' STORE North Rend. LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Tltlo & Trust Co. Abstracts, thoroughly depciuluhlo. Im mediate service, prompt atten tion to all Interests of our clients. Minimum cost. I. S. Kaufman Sb Co. HulH Cleaned and Preyed. HultH nuido to Order. Glvo Us u Trial. UNIQUE PANTAT0RIUM JAY DOYLE & C. O. DAGGETT 280 Central Ave. Phono a.1Q-X TIME TABLE Willamette -Pacific Motor Car Leavo-Marshfield 6:30 a. m. 7:00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 9:00 a. m. 10:00 a. in. 10:30 a, in. 11:00 a. m. 11:30 a, m. 12:30 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 1:30 p. in. 2:00 p. m., 2:30 p. m. . 3:00 p. in. 3:30 p. m. 4:00 p. m. 4:80 p. ni. D:00 p. m. 6:30 p. m. C:00 p. m, C:30 p. ni. 7:00 p. m. 7:30 p. m. 8:00 p. m. 9:00 p. m. 10:00 p. n. Saturdays only. 11:00 p. m. 12:00 m. Lcnvo North Rend 6:45 a. m. 7:15 a. m. 8:16 a. m. 9:15 a. m. v 10:15 a. m. 10:45 a. m. 11:15 a. m. 11:45 a. m. 12:45 p. m. 1:15 p. m. 1:45 p. m. 2:15 p. in. . 2:45 p. m. 3.15 p. m. 3:45 p. in. 4:15 p. m. 4:45 p. m. 5:15 p. in. 5:45 p. m. 6:15 p. ro. 6:45 p. in. 7:15 p. m. 7:45 p. in, 8:15 p. ra 9:15 p. ni, 10:15 p. m, Saturdays only 11:15 p. m. 12:15 a. m. Send Your Laundry to Us By Parcel Post WB FURNISn A RAG AND WILL PAY THE POSTAGE ON ITS RETURN. Coos Bay Steam Laundry Phone 57-J Marshfield Low Rates for Handling Trunks Wo haul trunKB between anj points In Marshfield for the follow, lng rates, delivery to be made In tho first stories of bulldlngK One trunk Three trunks "' Twelve trunks i00 Star Transfer and Storage Co. Levi Helsmer, Prop. Phonea, 12Q-J; 40-L; 98R. THE pOQS BAY TINJE8, MARSHFjELP, OREGON, wr House 130 North Broadway OP TASTE Auto Service CALL Cadillac nt your and night Proprietor n(l Commutation ZU Tickets $2.00 20 Marshflcld-North Rend Auto Lino. Cars every ten minutes from 0 a. m. to 12:00 p. m. GORST & KING, rrops. T. J. SOAIFB jg A. H. IIODQIN8 Marshfield KBLffl. , ULiurtminu w. Estimates Furnished. Phono 800-J. Marshfleld, Oregon. YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Four good cars with careful drivers For uay service, pnono jii-j, Illnnco Rlllnrd Parlors. For night service, Phone 200-L Right Cnfe. D. L F00TE. NO SAW EDGES on YOUR COLLARS If you have them laundered TWIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Ladies Know That Spring House- cleaning tears up everything, and that's Just tlio condition our Btoro Is In, but I just the until o w havo the goods ,and wo nro hero to glvo you good service Wo nrn vnrv Imsv rliht now. but will try nnd take care of all who call just as fast as possible. Como and boo us anyhow. You will always bo welcomo at VIERS WALL PAPER AND PAINTS 87(1 North Front St. Phono 200-R. DRY WOOD - AT- CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street, Phono 180-J. Goodrum's.Garage home of the CADILLAC and FORD Auto Supplies for All Makes of Cars 847 Central Av. Phone 878-L BUY THE VERY BEST Marshfield flUTTER ueameiy ; MADE? UNDER SANITARY CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND MODERN FACTORY. STERILIZED MILK AWD CItBABI. PURE ICE Free delivery, 8 a. in. and 3 p. m. ' Phone 78 I Have your job printing done at in ie nuiv. "No 4 $& Open All Night. Private Rooths MARSHFIELD CHOP HOUSE A GOOD PLACE TO EAT. A long-felt want of tho pooplo of Marshfield lins boon flllod. A Restaurant In tho most convenient locality, Invitingly clean nnd modern In ovory respect, whero a first-class meal can bo had nt a ronsonnbio price Nono but Government-Inspected ments, Coob Itlvor ranch oggs, dnlry milk, cream and home-mndo pies sorved In this up-to-date plncc. GIVE US ONE A GOOD CUP OF COFFEE Lovers of good coffoe havo a treat In storo for them horo. Wo uso n receipt of a fnmoua French Chef and mnko a fresh supply every two hours. ROBERTS PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY MILDRED ROGERS NELSON. Teacher of PInno Pupil of Hugo Mimsfeldt nt San Francisco, Cnl. Five years teaching experience In Kan Francisco Phono 3151 or 31C7. WT. TOMPKINS, I). S. T. (Wcltmcr Methods.) TCvnrv known dlscnBO tronted without drugs or surgery. Room 2 130 North uronuway. Phono 2I0-L. Marshfield, Or GEO. C. MURPHY, Expert Piano, Player and Organ Tuning, Regulating and Repair Ing. Res. 842 So. Broadway Orders may bo loft at tho Wiloj B. Allen Muslo Storo, Contra.' avenuo. TOEL OSTLIND. Plnno Tuner and Repairer 410 S. Sixth street. .Phono 103-L Lesivo orders at W. " names iuiish Company. JM. WRIGHT Phono 818-R UUILDING CONTRACTOR Estimates furnished on request. CO. GOSNEY Phono .1151 Contractor nnd Builder Estimates Furnished on Request MY PAST WORK IS MY REFERENCE First nnd Alder Sts. Marshfield. Dr. n. m. snAW Eye, Ear, Nose nnd Throat DR. MATTIE U. SHAW Dlfieascs of women and children. Ofllco phone 330. Rooms 200, 201 202, Irving Block. House phone, 105-J. DR. A. J. HENDRY DENTIST Marshfield, Oregon. Rooms 204-20C, Coko Building. Residence phone 2B2-X. Ofllce phone 112-J. MRS. FARRINGER, Teacher of Piano, Residence Studio, No. 1096, Corner Commercial and Eleventh 8ti Phone 880-J. BENJAMIN OSTLTND, Couaultlng Engineer an. Architect. Offices. 200 Irving Block. Phone 10a-L or 207-J. Marshfield, Oregon PERL RILEY UALLINGEH Plimlst and Teacher Ratldence-Studlo, 237 So, Broad-t) Phone 18-L. W. G. CHANDLER, ARCHITECT. Room 801 and 80S, Coke B.IUU-f Marshfield, Oregov, WU. S. TURPEN, ARCHITKOT Mknbfleld, Oregoi. THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1914 - Mellow Fresh Cool " Smooth-Mild. So delightfully many ways. Convenient Packages: Tho Handy Half-sizo 5- Cont Tin, tho Full-Sizo 10-Cont Tin, tho Pound and Holf-Pound T Tin Humidors and tho Pound Glass Humidor. 5TA For Pip and Ciartte Bite, "No Stint, "No Hag, "NoStrtaH." EVER-LASTI NG - Sr,??Cp LorlUard C: Ett. TRIAL AT LEAST. OYSTERS AND FISH Fresh oysters fresh from tho sholl to you; not kept In cans, making ptomnlno poisoning Im- nnnMlliln Wn nrn ntwnvB BUn- plled with frosh fish, clam crabs nnd gnmo In season. $b ROSE, Proprietors FLYTRAP MORELS READY. ConimuuItU'tt With Fly Ciiiiiiuilgns Cnn Get SK'clineitH from U. O. TCIinRVR. Anrll 9. rViimmmlttnH In Drmrnn Hint nrn nrirnnlzlnir snrlnir nntt-fly cnmpnlgns can now secure, a muuoi oi mo mom uiieciivo uyiruii yot devised by writing to tho Exten sion Division of tho University of Oiegon. This Is tho flytrap employed by Dr. Clifton F. Hodgo In tho fly cnmpnlgns ho supervises, nnd, while In nntl-fly lltornturo ho glvos full di rections or constructing tho trap, nosHossIon of a model will mnko con struction enslor. Tho trap suggested for gonoral outdoor or stnolo uso is about thrco foot In holght. Light lumber, wlro screen nnd nnlls nro tho only mntorlala used, and tho tray Is lnrxponslvo. BIG EATERS GET Tnko n Glass of Salts Reforo Rrcak fast If Your Rack Hurts or Blad der Bothers You. Tho American men nnd womon must guard constantly ngnlnBt Kid ney troublo, becnuso wo eat too much and all our food Is rich. Our blood Is filled with uric acid which tho kldnoys strlvo to filter out, they weaken from ovorwork, become slug gish, tho ollmlnatlvo tissues clog and tho result Is kidney trouble, bladder weakness nnd a general decllno In health. When your kldnoys fool like lumps of load; your linck hurts or the urine Is cloudy, full of sediment or you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during tho night; It you suffor with sick headache or dizzy, nervous spoils, acid stomach, or you have rheumatism when 'tho weather Is bad, get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful In a glass of water boforo breakfast for a few days and your kldnoys will then act fine. This famous salts Is niado from the acid of grapes and lomon juice, combined with llthla, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys; to neutralize the acids In tho urine so It no longer is a source of irritation, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts Is Inexpensive; cannot in jure, makes a delightful effervescont llthla-water beverage, and belongs In every homo, becauso nobody can mnko a mistake by taking a good kidney flushing any time. EVERY MAN should know Through the country ho goes The best dressed people Wear A. E. Andorson clothes. F. C. PRESTON, Agt. Marsdifleld Cleaning niid Dye Works. 128 Front Street, KIDNEY TROUBLE gVEpQ EDITIONS '' . i i 11 a : -v tv , Fragrant ?t' satisfying In so LY GOOD 1760 . RARRER DROITS READ ARGUING BASEBALL CHICAQO, April 2. August Andorson, a. harbor employed near tho Federal League ball park, got so oxcltod iwhllo nr gutug tho morltB of tho now leaguo with Tliomaa rk'ach that ho dropped dead wlillo shaving Lencli. Loach Is an ndmlror of tho Chicago NatlonnL Loaguo Club. Ho wnB bo displeased with Anderson's ndmlratlon. of tho now lenguo that when, tho har bor sunk to tho floor with heart failure, Lach went to another shop to finish Oils shavo. Tho Boston Americans nro sched uled to got on tho job today, as they break up their training qnnrtorB nt Hot Springs. Tomorrow they nro duo In Nnshvlllo for a goano, nnd will continuo In nxhlhltlon contests whllo wnrlrlnir fhnlr xunv northward. Tho bonn-oators havo had n good Btnrtnnd nig iiiuiKB aro jiruuiuivu lur wium. Announcement that tho Rrooklyn Club will return Outfloldor Bill Col lins to tho Nownrk Club hns cleared up tho flrst-haso situation for that club. Though Collins Is nn outfielder by trndo, ho cnn play n flno gamo at first bnBe, and plnyod tho position sovoral times Inst season when Swa clna got Into troublo with tho um pires. With tho roportlnft of Goorgo Lo chalr formorly of tho Motroal Intor- nnMnnnl l.mipnn innni. Jllld CharlCB McDonald, of tho Boston Nationals, an oi mo piaycrs uruuiou iu iuiii to tho Pittsburg Federal Lenguo tonm nt Lynchburg nro In camp. Thero nro twonty-olght players. Promoter Jim Coffroth of San Francisco Is going to tnko n whirl with tho wrostloro. Jim believes tho tlmo Is rlpo for a few contests be tween tho Btnr grapplera. Tho Boston Braves nro figured to sut n big gap In tho comlnu National T.nnitin nnnnnnt r.irn Mnnncor Stnll- Ings, tho shrowd manager ho Is, SPORTING haol rounucu ouc a lormiuuoio wnm Boantown, whllo tho acquisition of Evors has helped materially in bol stering tho Braves. Freddie Wolsh, the English cham pion, is on the warpath. Ho says ho Is going after Wllllo Ritchie again, nnd will either forco Rltchlo to moot him again or glvo up tho champion ship. Welsh soya that lio haB shown that ho Is In lino to meet the tltlo holder by his defeat of Joo Rivers recently. , , Wally Smith Is getting Into con dition for easy stages. Tho Atlanta innnn i.ucnr linn tmfln holding down second baso for the second team, and his fielding haa beon a distinct foaturo of tho practlco games. Smith has yot to gain tho full use of his batting orbs, but one can soo at a glanco by his easy, natural position at "bat why ho ranked close to the top of the Southern League sluggers last season. He Ib one of Clark Griffith's choicest "finds." PV WAV v Ail dioq uA jo 'epwil 'moj 'mob oi ammXa QAcq no JT OWEN & BRADLEY Hum Clitr Slofi, Muskfltl., 0t. Daa'liaa)rtilatccauddnKtl.ceoa H H uvd tiv. .way. Oufl U. ttoc. .1 pttmlum. f liUMiy tocKtprMe&landfctllskiDf m m -r. ' f AVOID STUFFY, WHEEZY, BREATHING Take Foley's Honey nnd Tar Com pound for an Inflammed and con gested condition of the air passages and bronchial tubes. A cold de velops quickly If not chocked and bronchitis, la grlppo and pneumonln are dangerous possibilities. Harab, racking cougliB weaken tho system, but Foloy's Honey and Tar Is safe, pure and certain In results. Con tains no opiates. Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Oppo site Chandler Hotel. Phone 74. Cen. tral Avenue Drug Store, local agency. -U-r frail OUT ON iJ&.?I-. vinucy 8cnooi tllO homl nf n tnr.1. . i - ----- - uiuu ui liar a sympathizers. Mm t?i r u doposod by the now Bohool,b'J "i luucnings, snaBhed 1 doors, rcassumod her posltloj 'h i"o rouiou nerj Mrs. J. Clarke, of Nohnj tuiioiHuio iinaiiv arroflnfsii chargo of Inciting a rlot7Jel 11 um 1110 Bonooinouse. V The troublo heenn irflV Mm T.'n,.. ' ..... J ,:,"'",. ""? i"". n.i "Y, f"""1 "y uoara wn Complaints of her Socialist?! .i.muy icu io a hearing thoboard on petition from! of tho cltlzons of tho district' uisc large. Tho board which! eiccieu nor sustained her nmU anarchy, sedition and unpatrlbt I Infn in hn ......II. " lu uur IU)IIB, Recall Is Invoked. Tlio non-SocInllst people of, Luiiiiuiiiuvy uiu not urop thBjiiij tlinro linu'nvnn l...t . . '' IllvnUrill Mm rnnnll ........ .!. li "m -.-.., b.(v. i.i,.... Uiuii. liiu'0 "uib ui uio ooam wno u ,1 I'uiuiiiiin. ii. w. urown to ... .,u.u inu HU lUVUIIVIll till, m 111... ...n. . la ' .1 v.iu.i iMatu nuiu ciecieu j. Li. 1,1 jnrvi una joiin Jolmn. J. H. Lai wno nau nrougnt the first comps against Mrs. Foreman. wnB reti on mo uonru. Thn flrnh nttlninl i4lnM hoard was to dismiss MrB. Fol nnu io oicci Mrs. Clarko to ui placo. Mrs. Foreman consulH muornoy in rorltand,. (who uicnucii inni sue appear as lib Monday morning to tench. Sllnrinrtlrip- (lint Mm nugiit ntttjmpt to forco an entn Into tho BchoolhoiiBo this ni or tho IIRIIIll mil nf nnnllo wnn nnim cd by n party of fighting mon, nnrnfl In .Infinil llin nn... living ,..w. w uw.i.i. ...u nun I..U This plan, howovor, was set asldt mo now directors, MvmiuitlilvorM nitfliAt-. Mcanwhiio sympathizers of the nosed nrlnclnnl. Mrs. I'ornmnn. wJ gathering In largo numbers. Jli Iynrson was tho main target ofv1 malcontents when ho nppearod ' en tho Bchoolhouso and do the tor worK, tiio rornior janitor, TCrnnlr TInn. hnvlnir linftn iIIrpIi Mrs. roroman stood on tho i of n nearby nouso nnu wntcne niinnnrtnrs assomhlo. When her forces woro stron plnced liorsclf at their head and u for mo Bcnooiiiouso. As alio nttempted to enter th Mr. Larson Jntorcoptcu nor a formed her ngain mat biio w charged nnd wns not wantou i J any more. (Vmitl Kmiuli D(H) As she persisted In hor ( fnmi n wni' Into thn hlllld nrnwil siircod forwnrd. brolu door and pushed Mrs. Fore- sldo. Sho ran upstnlrs and k&( nnlnrn ll tllP, I10W IirlllClnal V i Tnmnn ropnvorod from tho C( slo'n of tho assault. Then ho rnj tor hor and told the now princip dlsmlBB tho sciiooi. , Mrs. Foreman tried tofr. tinii iini Mr. Larson solzctl, i and hold it ont of her ron.Jbai efforts to grasp mo ropo iitn I hor noso against ms nanu it "Ho otruck mo," sho r th frlondH. "My noso Is brolfty b No blood from the blowl donco, howovor, until she a hor fingers sovoral tlmcl HnnUtllo I . TlmnMr. Lnrson ordoricl, for disturbing tho pence, h r, "Como and tako mo,". tr onmlln. flnflnntlv with 1)011 Ifn hind hor back, having flrstWJ followers wnoinui u um .. on.i imvine heen Informed hu, ......-.... -.----. . nl Brown to ouoy i" uiwt. ti As J. L. Campbell, tho constu wns holplng her on witii nor vm sho willed to tho school chlldrorJ "Tho very tilings mm i .. toachlng you," sno cneu, . ..i..i.d in mv nrroBt here. ml, nnnninhln took Mrs. Forf . nlnlalrnnln. whorO flllO WBB &r .V ... Tnoiipn of tho Peace Barneo. Sho waB put under boij i.t.i. Tim rnSA will DO 1 at Clntskanlo Thursday at 1 o'cll Mrs. Foreman cu.i.i... v juries and consulted a physician n..l". ."if ' . ;nfif iv to the vous excitement nilerJll'c7 boon labdrlng. and sho retunrcJ nnlnpv. A"l i niiTDii . imnuivii - . Her followers have promisea t en a school for ner in wi " Ar es b of sVveral who partlcl, . ii 'Svmnn's assault upor bchoolhouso are expected to bo Mr. Larson a ouuuiuu. ..-- -.-r: " .nnQnmhiv bruls fi?.aiSffTewlth"the.datt trance or tno punui-b- r5Krs 2.2ffi-SFt.TMKS" or spawning grounds .r" THra- Edith PpHimy--.r. . tno Booker, siaie """.,- m FhJ! ia",nr 'week's IH Irom an ajnXon 8PECTAL "HEALTH WARNI! March iB'a trying njomn for ,nyrognchnfadl coTds?r Me pneumon.aarof to be ,i. :t ffiS' quickly Btop ---,; ..neve ?,ramged88and congeeted air pal D:Whan Opposite Chancer nl... 1 M lW-mir- - - Store, local agency. tt m-r ; t J IwtWAlWWC.MP'" . .r ..