i i - mimm m . l4RBBBBBRBRBRBRBRBRBBBflMlll9IR$'' n rrw JBBMilfllHl f I 'h1'ilE"'fftlirri lini . ... XK5S ffWFV? r-si . "- J waii' ,f-- VV " THE COqg BAY TIMES, pRSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1914fcVENINQ. EDITION., 1mm discusses Ivoman would VITAL CIVIC PROBLEMS OIFFKIUONCE OP OPIN- I,V DISCUSSION AT FUL- IP CLUII OTHER CIVIO 3IS TAXiKWD ovhh. Hon for city omployoos icd from tho afflnna- ntlyo sklo at tho niontli- iiUil dobato of tlio Fel- ib on Tuesday evening. of tlio ufflrmatlvu atdo , Straw, Intimated that nu bo dlil not want to It policy of tho city undor , beau, no would uccnno tlm Hiililort In Its wMest r. Strnw cited tlio pollco it nu an oxnmnla of tho lilv nmntovnnn bv comnnrl- 1, nnllimrv lnlinr. IIu said 'ok hvbnrora woro paid 30 limir for n. ton hour day. fii totals $90 nor month, nc- to Dr. straw, ana in more majority of pouco omcors iflcld aro roclovliiK at prcs- ro moil who aro more re- tlian tho nconlo thoy aro i Dr. Straw, nntl maro i works, for a small salary . im Minn ltn In worth, and noro expensive to the inunl- tlinn a good man at a gooa lUcct waB thrown open for by the chalrmnn who In of n voluntary rcsponso Mr. Copplo for a snort. nn thn mibloct. "It Is nlinil tnrl" said Mr. CoddIo iti in.nnv lino of tnunlclnnj rejders less horvlro and r"1- mirn tnnnnv Minn If hn nKaftod by a largo corporation. who work ror tno cuy imn cy havo a soft snap, and thoy hair position sticn, corao nnu on tnoy picaso ami nro 10 u , nvtont thnli. own boss, wtlllo vimvnr wnrliR linirli liarder to niniilrliinl nmnlnvncs In their ibs. My position In this nmt- tlint tho city snoiuu troai jiloyoos as would nny other firm or corporanon, on u basis." I Hanson availed hlmsolf of irtmiliv for dlsciiRslon nnd .e very pointed paragraphs rltv nmnloyeoB advocating hiarglng of every omployoo icw mayor is oioctou ana ro- i tho want nd columns of tlio ir for tho filling of tno va st certain stated amount. ir In North llond, tho tax o so poor that thoy aro n to patronize n moving tow or buy a aisn or ico 'I .Mr. IlllllttUll mm iib uu nf Hlsli tuxes." That Itlon will exist in Marsh- If wo nro not careful." inn nt 4i ntnrv .Ton llnn- -Viin thn nuinr ilav of a man miPi. .. DnlAm 4111.1 iltrlff- ""ll M"ll wuiuiii iwtu w.. W RVfltiiln under which Mr. h bank should bo conduct- Inrn. I hnvn been rnnnlnc this II theiio yedrs, said Air. Dun- imi now tiry sena n ronow Wi to toll mu how to run nado a failure of run ,ik hlmsolf". It's tho samo thn rnnnoll. nnrl If thoy k-areful with tlio pnoplo'n 'ay wnl moko n falluro of ovommont." ?ood thing I'm not on tho mid Dr. Straw to Hanson. Davis & Long, tho banjo ndorcd two selections, tho suiting from tho immense bin tho first. Toastmastor, adall thdnkod tho players f of tho Fellowship Club. Arrivals and Whoro to Put was a subject that was moBt alyzod by J. Wilson Kauftnn.. fman mado n vory interest- lnan lintli raanm ltn nnlnt K VDO WW III II Ulll HU IUIII "bllity oa a spoakor and hla ntttl nml lnototilA o statements as to tho real with realty values in a cor- tlon of Marshfloid at tno tlmo, Mr. Kaufman said filling of Mill Slough would Kly to tho relief pf a location raoio resident propony thor stated that property rve its nrobatlon of utll- ualdenco property bofpro It mo business property. Mr. proved hlmsolf the best speaker of tho evening with facts, cIobsos of, ront- tionB ror homo sites, and tlvo ronts in Marshfield as 1 with other cities. Mr. concluded by saying that tlonal campaign should bo towards comentlng a re- otweon prospectlvo builder nt, through tho Fellowship king tnrougu tho Chamber lorce. ight Wilson came in for marks, in which he agreed Kaufman saying that he suggestion or further re- io could add to Mr. ICauf- ilk. Broken Molody" a vrolln Low Koyzer accompanied by on Kaufman at the piano, rrupted by a broken violin nd one of tho members re- the approprlato title should n "The Broken string", Mr, 'adjusted his Instrument by fient of a new string and tho audlenco with two so- which were very well re Ic Parks and Playgrounds" Biiuject assigned 10 jtoi. who analyzed tho subject origin to tho present time f.ltb tho acquirement of the public parks. Tho speaker l that no interest was manl ubllcly in parks and play- io niaKo puouc spirited cm ate parcels of land to the these purposes. Prof. Teld- show wonderful rosults In tho civic Improvement Hi. Tho mooting closed with n few remarks from Toastmastor John W. Kendall, thanking all who had participated In tho banquet. Tho subject for discussion nt tho noxt meeting of tho club, which in all probability will bo tho Inst of tho Boason, will bo the question of com bining tho cities of Marshfield, OAKLAND WANTS CONVENTION. OAKLAND, Cal., April 2. A dele gation of 100 Oakland business men nnd educators will bo sent by special train to tho mooting at Minneapolis in July of tho National Educational As sociation to urge Oakland as the con vention placo fdr tho association In 1,015. The special train will go east by way of Portland. Seattle, Van couver and Victoria, at each of which places tho California party will bo Joined by local dolegntlons. Views of ovor part of California will bo taken along. BE E NEW YORK, April 2. Woman suffrage, tho feminist movement and Socialism havo been bitterly attacked uy ui jiov. u. Joseph Silverman, lie sees polygamy In tho woninn's vote and tho dlsVuptlon of the homo. Tho noted rabbi denounces the Fomlnlst I movement as tho forerunner of freo 1 l(.VO. Ho tiolllteil nut thnt Mm C.nth. olio chinch ban opposed tho move ments and Socialism; no good Catho lic lpiids his support to cither of thorn, for tho Catholic church, with its dqop knowledge of human nature, Bensed th oyll nud recognized tho danger of what could nnd would follow. In conclusion, Dr. Silverman said: "I call on nil Protestant churchoB to Join In opposing tlicso three movo monts, in the Interests of humanity', In tho Interests of tho children of today and in tho Interests of tho chil dren unborn." PORTLAND Declaring .himself to bo n real "cop" with authority to "frisk" his victim for firearms, a highwayman wont through John U. Mooro'B pockets nnd relieved hint of $2(3.66. Ho had a star too. Times Want ads bring results. Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have ALWAYS I'SHI). Phono 72. Pacific Livery nnd Transfer Company. GOOD NEWS FOR D S JUST RIGHT FOR BACKACHE AND RHUUMATISM Foley Kidney Pills nro so thor oughly effective for bnckacho, rheu matism, swollon, aching Joints, kld noy and bladdor ailments that thoy aro rocommended everywhere. A. A. Jeffords. McQrow, Nobr., says: "My druggist rccommonded Foloy Kidney Pills for palnB In my back and boforo I finished ono bottle, tny old troublo, entirely disappeared." Owl Proscription Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposlto Chandlor Hotel. Phono 74. Central Avcnno Drue Store, local agoncy. Wo havo good nows for qvory por son In thin town who has any form of stomach troublo, It Is about a rem inly for Indigestion and dvsnonsla that wo havo so much faith In as to offor it to you with our norsonnl guarantco that If it docs not re llovo you and satisfy you In evory way, wo will rofund tho money you pnld for it without question or argu ment of any kind. You risk nothing; ! olthor Itoxall Dyspepsia Tablets will rollovo your stomach ailments or tho money you paid for tnem will bo handed back to you. Thoro Is no red tapo about our guarantee It menus Just what It says. Your word la enough. If Itoxall Dyspepsia Tab lets don't satisfy you, tho money Is yours and wo want you to havo It. Itoxall Dyspepsia Tablets sootho the Inflamed stomach, check heart burn nnd distress, stlmulato a heal thy secretion of gastric Julco, aid In rapid nnd comfortnblo digestion of tho food, nnd help to quickly rcstoro tho stomach to a comfortnblo, easy acting, healthy state. They also Aid greatly in promoting regular bowol action. Hexall Dyspopsla Tablets aro sold only nt tho 7000 Itoxall Stores, nnd in this town only by us. Threo sizes, 2Sc, COo and 11.00. Locklmrt Parsons Drug Co., Tho Uusy Corner, Marshfield , Oro. In our new location, wo aro es pecially prepared to cator to fumllj trade. Kogular meals or short or ders. Open day nd night. MERCHANT'S CAFE. Broadway nd ConimercUl Mfld FAMILY DINNERS Pictures & framing Walker Studio MHS. O. F. IHHAHGER Dressmaking nnd Ladles' Tailor ing Prices reasonable Over Magnes & Matson Store Phone StH-J. THE COOS HOTEL Formerly of Marshfield WASHINGTON AVENUE STADDKN STREET NORTH REND C. A. MoUln, Prop. Political Announcements I FOR SHERIFF I hereby nnnottnee myself as a candidate for tho office of Sheriff of Coos County, subject to the action of tho Republican electors at the primaries May 1G. If elcctod, I hereby pledge myself to a policy of rigid law enforcement, without fear, favor, projudlcq or par tiality, and Bhali, during ray Incum bency, conduct said office In a bust-ncss-llko and economical manner,. ALFRED JOHNSON, Jr. (Paid Adv.) Isn't It Fine? The old house never looked so briflht before. Electric Light has added an air of cheer and comfort and it's a great boon for tired eyes, too. The soft, mellow light is fine for reading or sewing at night. Electric Light Brightens the Home You can brighten YOUR home with this mod ern luxury at a very low cost. Your home can be wired quickly, cheaply and without dirt or muss. Oregon Power Co. Second and Central SAN DIEGO EXPOSITION ALL 1915 SAN DIE60, CALIFORNIA. w ?HEN it comes to spending mv good money for advertis ing, I can't see anything but the Coos Bay Times. BILL WISE. ANNOUNCEMENT I boroby announrd myself vis n candidate for tho nomination of ttep- rcsontntlvo on tho Democratic ticket for Coos County, to bo. submitted to tho vote of tho people at the, pri mary election on May 1C, 1914, If nominated nnd elected. I wilt abide by statement Number Ono; 1 will favor quarterly payment ot tnxHs. I will favor tho abolishment of unnecessary commissions that must oo Bupporicu uy mo taxpayers. 1 Ulll in mvur Ul KUUU 1UUUB UtUlJ- wncro. I am opposed to unjust taxation and cxcesslvo taxation. J. TOM HALL, (Paid Adv,) NOTICE T hA.nlii. nMnmmnn mvflalf na n rnnrlliln.n fnr thn nnminntlnn nf county clork, on tho republican tic- Koi or uoos, county to no suunuiieu iu mo vuiu ui mu pnupiu lit um iin mary election May lGth. (Paid Adv.) FOR COUNTY CLERK As a Republican, I hereby place mysolf as a candidate for tho nom ination at tho prlmarios to bo hold May 1C for tho off Ico of Count? Clork. If I am nominated and eloctod, 1 will, during my term of offico, pop form nil Its requirements and du ties promptly, expeditiously, without projudlco and as economically as It consistent with good service Do llovlng that I can save money for the tax payor and mako soino for my. solf, I want your voto. F. E. ALLEN. (Paid Adv.) ANNOUNCEMENT. I announco myself a candldato for Stnto Hoprosontatlvo subject to tho Will of the Democratic voters at tho primaries May IS. Will voto for tho primaries May 1C. Will work for hotter road laws to cnablo the pcoplo to get Oregon out of tho mud. A. T. MORRISON. (Paid Adv.) ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announco myself as h candldato for County Commissioner on tho Democratic ticket at tho com ing primary election. O. J. SEELEY. (Paid Adv.) 35R gB'y",yj'j,L-vH"'il .'if1 Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. Semi-weekly service C003 Bay dntf San Francisco. S. S. Redondo SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR SAN FRANCISCO, SAN PEDRO AND SAN DIEGO, MONDAY, MARCH 30, AT 12:15, NOONp Equipped with wireless und submarine bull, Passeugers and freight S. S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless nud submarine bell. Passengers and freight. WILL HAIL FROM.MARSHKIELDFOR. HAN FRANCISCO, SATURDAY, APRIL 4, AT 2:.10 K. M. San Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and GOO Fifo building. Coos Bay Agent, O. F. McGkohqe, Phono 44. HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. WE MAKE OUR OWN Ice Cream PUHE RICH WHOLESOME Orders for parties, nonquota and dlnnors filled promptly. If it Is SARTER'S it's all right. Sarter's Front street. Phone 333-J. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. Sails from Marshflold March 14th, 11 a. tn.; March 21st, 7:00 a. ra. March 28th, 11:30 a. in,: April 4th, 1 p. nit; April 11th, 10 a. m.; April 18th, 1 p. m; April 2Cth, 10 a. in.; April 30th, 1 p. m. Balls from Portland March 18th, 2Cth, 8 a, m.; April 1st, 8th, ICtb, 22nd, 28th, 8 a, m. Ticket on lo to all Eastern polnta nnd Infornintloa m to roate, nnd rntep cheerfully furnished. Phono 427-L. ' II. J. MOIIlt, Ages S. S. AR0LINE. EQUIPlUSn. WITH WIRELESS FINE PASSENGER ACCOMMODATIONS. NEW STEEL BOAT. Halls from North Rend Saturday. April 4, for San Francisco PASSENOEItS AND FREIQHT North Bend Lumber Company, Ants. Phono 1R7I. "North Read S. S. ALLIANCE HAIL FROM PORTLAND FOR COOH RAY TUESDAY, MARCH 31, AT OtOO 1 M. H ROUND TRIP, $18.00. Connection with the North Ilnnk Road at Portland. Phone 44. Nortlt Pacific Htcnnikhlp Company O. K. M'OKOnOR.- AteaU EDISON'S LATEST A storage battery that con Usual over charging will sot harm. DOES NOT CORRODE AT TERMINALS. CONTAINS NO ACID. Will not lose IU chargo while standing Mo. IB GUARANTEED FIVE YEARS Coos Bay Wiring.Co. 1S3 Uroadway. Agents for Port of Coos Day. CITY AUTO AND TAXI SERVICE A new tazicab has. boen added to my auto senlce. Careful driver. Will go anywhere at any time. Stand Blanco Cigar Store, Day phone, 78, Night phono 139-X. TOM GOODALE, Proprietor. Catching the Public Ear If your business or your needs demand an audience with the public ear you aro up against a problem with Just one solution, A speech on Front street might attract a hundred or two ot Coos Day's 10,000 divisions ot the public ear, but it's not any ways likely you'd get the one or more you wanted. Thero'B JuBt one way to properly and satisfactorily catch Coos Day's public ear and that Is trough a TIMES Want Ad. Ninety-five out of every hundred people on Coos Day read THE TIMES. Phoae an ad to 133 and realize the value of reaching practically al the people. VOU Can Judge a Bank by the loyalty of Its customers. They know better than anybody else how helpful Is its attitude to wards them, how conservative its' methods, how secure ' the institution. There has always been a reciprocal, cor diality between this bank and its-customers. They-re - 1 main customers for years and they bring in their, friends. SERVICE THAT SATISFIES liTe First National Of CooBay riANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST DANK IN COOS COUNTY. Established 1880. Capital, Surpjus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Interest Paid on Time DeootlU. Officers; J. W. Dennett, President. ' 3, II, Flanagan, Vice-President, R. F. Williams, Cashier. Geo. F. Winchester, AsiL Cashier. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RKTAIL DBPAKTaOCNT 1 - LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDJrfGfy SASH AND DQQflS, ROOFING PAPER, KTO, ' ' CUT TB1 FUJCL BILL IN TWO BY USING OUR, WOOD, PHONB M. IM SOUTH BROABWAY Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HENRY 8ENOSTACKKN, Manager FARM, COAL, TIMHER AND PLATTING LANDS A SPHCIALTY, GENERAL AGENTS EABT8IDB MARSHFIELD 'OFFICE, PHONE U-J. IIB ooQUiLije-crnr office phone im. 1 ,i .ii 1 tnat more real spirit on 'I SCJH ' ail our citizens would. 1 ii T "W W" i ,"!, 'W'w! jj. - vf '-.j Kmw--V' v "-C" r. ' , Imt - ,I I jjjfeij? . JiMtiu.- VW " L.M-CtL- J Ul.