V, THE OQQS BAY TfME8 MAIU.HFIEU), ORjSQON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 1914-EVRNINO EDITION.' i r" THREB anxwMMwiBimJw&mwtjiwiaibjjMi rtgjagi1,ly,.Wti,MIWWMjtwf MrtanMuansMsfMwinar W") 1 I ll i IRVING BLOCK wjmsiim FOR MEN AND WOMEN'S NEW SPRING APPAREL NEW ARRIVALS IN MERCHANDISE EVERY DAY WATCH OUR WINDOWS CALL CALL Pai Vrnmni A if a ?ai??nn m mT NUtt T-pnNSongcr Cadillac nt your M g" M'W W service day and ntlit I.. M'DONALD Proprietor TYPEWRITERS -All standard flakes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchanqe. donning, repairing or neiv pinions, woik guaranteed, millions rind carbon paper delivered. Phono us your order. Phono ! I. Allliinco office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO; REDUCTIONS IN FREIGHT HATES WITHDRAWN S. S. HARDY SAILS FROM SAX FHANCI8C FOR COOS DAY EVERY ALTERNATE FHIDAY AT -1:00 P. SI. S Frnnclsco offlco, Hnrrlsou St. Dock, Pier 1. Wot Const S. S. Line. E. J. LINDEN, Agt., Phono Doug. 2070. QUA TERMASCTUDIO LITY J PHOTOS Opposlto Itlnnco Hotel A lownjis J5ol .ti2O0,!)O() Tract "Near Bedford to Wisconsin Men MISDFORD, Or.; April 1. Tho John S. Owen Company, ot Enu Qlalro, Win., has purchased from Er nest E. Hart, Incorporated, and the Ernest E, Hart estoto or Council Bluffs, Iowa, C84D ncrcs of tlmbor land In the Butto Falls district for $200,000. Tho timber Is principal ly sugar and yellow pine and Doug las fir, and lies along tho Pacific & Eastern railroad and Its project ed extension, Agrtemont of sale and deeds to proporty Involved, In cluding mills, sawmills and box factory at Uutto Falls and Mod ford, were filed for record, HAMK1IR UNO LUG South Coos River Boats Express leaves Marshflold for head of rlvor at 8 a. m., re turning In evening. Steamer Rainbow loaves bead of river at 7 a. in. and returning leaves Marshflold at 2 p. m. ROGERS & SMITH. LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Tltlo & Truit Co. Abstracts, thoroughly dependable. Im mediate service, prompt nttcn- Hon to nil Intercuts of our client. Minimum cost. t$. Kmiftnan $b Co. .Suits (leaned and Prvssed, i Suits made to Ordcn Glvo Vh n Trlul. UNIQUE PANTAT0RIUM Ejay novr.is av n. n. liAnnnyrr LDO Central Ave. Phono 250-X PP TIME TAIJIiE Villamette-Pacific Motor Car MO Marshfleld an-30 a. in. 100 a. in. R00 h. nt. .""CO a. ra. io a. in. us 130 a. in. aQO a. m. J30 a. m. 0 a, a. 00 d. in. ' 50 p m. :i v. ra. 0 D. m. 0 p, m. L P ni. B n. in. Pn m. P 10, aP. ti. iPc in. p. ni. P in. ) m. ' P a. P in. if m. j$ only. p. in i Lcnvo North Bond C:4G a. m. 7:15 q. m. 8:15 a. m. 9:16 a. m. 10:15 a. m. 10:45 a. ra. 11:16 a. m. 11:45 a. m. 12:45 p. m. l:15 p. in. 1:45 p. m. 2:15 p. ra. 2:45 p. m. 3,15 p, m. 3:45 p. m. 4:15 p. m. 4:45 p. m. 5:15 p. ra. 5:45 p. m. 0:15 p. m. C:45 p. m. 7;15 p. m. 7:45 p. ro. 8:15 p. m 9 9:15 p. m. 10:16 p. xa. Saturdays only 11:15 p. m. 12:15 a. m. V Your Laundry Us B Parcel Post G s . WISH A HAG AND WILL PAY TUB POSTAGE ON ITS RETURN. uoos Bay Steam Laundry lone 57-J Marshfleld 'Ow Rates for Handling Trunks nO haul trunirn hntrofifln nni flats In Marshfleld tor the follow- rates, delivery to be made In Brst Stories nf bulldlneiw JB6 triinlr om I?11 truniu!!! !""!'!"!! .ko IMte trunks . . . . r l.BO Transfer and Storage Co. Levi HelsHer. Ptod. Psonas, 120-J: 40-L; SB.R. 20 Commutation Tickets $2.00 Marxhflcld-North Ilond Auto Lino Cars every ton minutes from 0 n. in to 112:50 p. m. GORST & KING, Props. r. J. 8CAIFE $ A. II. IIODGIN8 Marshfleld PA,NT AND IVid'aimt;iU DECORATING CO. Estimates Furnished. Phono !H)1)-.J. Marshfleld, Oregon. HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUJ0S Four good enrs with curcful driven For duy service, phono M4-J, Blanco Btllard Parlors, j For night service, Phone UllO-I. Right Cafe. D. L. F00TE. Don't Stay Gray! Nobody Can Tell When You Darken Gray Faded Hair With Sage Tea and Sulphur. Grandmother kept hor hair boau tlfully darkened, glossy and abund nnt with n brow of Sngo Ton nnd Sulphur. Whonovor hor hair foil out or took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this slmplo mixture was applied with wonderful effect. By asking at any drug Btoro for "Wyoth's Sago and Sulphur Hair Romedy," you will get n largo bttlo of this old-tlmo recipe, ready to uso, for about 50 cents. This slmplo mix turo can bo doponded upon to ro storo natural color and beauty to tho hair and Is splendid for dand ruff, dry, Itchy scalp and falling hair. A woll-known down-town druggist says ovorybody uses Wyoth's Sago and Sulphur, becauso It darkotiB so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell It has been applied It's so easy to uso, too. You simply damp en a spongo or soft brush and draw It through your hair, taking ono strand at a tluio. Ry morning tho cray hair disappears: after another application or two, it Is res to rod to Its nntural color and looks glossy, soft and abundant. PROFESSIONAL DIRFCTn MILDRED ROGEUS NELSON. Teacher of Piano Pupil of Hugo Mnnsfcldt nt Bar Francisco, Cal. Five years' teaching experience in San Fmnrlscn Phono 3151 or 31G7. WT. TOMPKINS, I). S. T. (Weltmer Methods.) Every known disease treated without drugs or surgery. Room 2 13G North Broadway. Phono Slfl-L. Mnrshfjcld, Or Chimneys FIro Places J. N. Bayliss Any kind of brick work nt price that aro right. AND ALL WORK GUARANTEED Call nt "The Firesldo," Johnson IlldK., 1!17 Second st. Phone 4U4-J. French Ranges. noiior worit NO SAW EDGES on YOUR COLLARS if yon have them laundered TWLN CITY 6TEASI LAUNDRY DEVELOPING PRINTING PICTURE FRAMING, ENLARGING AND SUPPLIES REHFELD BROS. Russell Building, Central Avenue if You Need a Dinner Set or Just a few pieces, remom bor that we are closing out our lino of gold nnd white table ware. Highest grade, heavy gold edge and inner stamp lace border. TEN PER CBNT OFF. SMITH'S VARIETY STORE North Bend. DRY WOOD AT r CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street, Phone 180-J. GEO.. C. MURPHY, Export Piano, Playor and Organ Tuning, Regulating and Repair Ing. Res. 842 So. Droadway. Orders may be loft aC the Wlloy B. Allon MubIo Storo, Central avenuo. J OEL OSTL1ND. Piano Tuner nnd Repnlrcr I15 S. Sixth street. .Pliono 103-L Leave orders nt W. R. Haines Music Company. J M. WRIGHT Phono 018-R ItUILDING CONTRACTOR Estimates furnished on request. (- O. GOSNEY VJ Phono mat Contractor nnd Builder Estimates Furnished on Request MY PAST WORK IS MY REFERENCE First nnd Alder Sis. Mnndiflcld. DR, R. M. SHAW Eye, Enr, Nose and Throat. OR. MATTIE II. SHAW Diseases of women and children. Office phone 330. Rooms 200, 201 202,' Irving Block. House phone, 105-J, DR. A. J. nENDRY DENTIST Marshflold, Oregon, Rooms 204-206, Coke Building. Residence phone 252-X. i ' Office phono 112-J. J ? MRS. FARRINGER, " Teachfti. nf Piano. Residence Studio, No. 1090, Corner Commercial and Eleventh SU Phono 380-J. BENJAMIN OSTLIND, Consulting Engineer and Architect. Offices, 200 Irving Block. Piione 103-L or U07-J. Marshfleld, Oregon PERL RILEY RALLINGER Plknlst end Teacher Rasldence-Btudlo, 237 So, Droadnat Phone 18-L. w. G. CHANDLER. ARCHITECT. Rooms 301 and 802, Coke KalldU Marshfleld, Orego. WU. S. TURPEN, ARCHITEOT Marshfleld, Orecoa. IMPORTANT lAX IT COURT I-aiie County Decided Portland Ruling Didn't Apply There. EUGENE, Or., April 1. A tem porary restraining order to prevent tho treasurer of Lano county collect ing ovor $600,000 bofore Soptembor without penalties was granted by Judge Coke In tho circuit court as the result of a complaint filed by the First National Bank ot Engeno rep resenting tho taxpayers of Lane coun ty. Tho order moans t'ne saving ot $30,000 In penalties which could b imposed if all took advantage of tlw payment of one-half the taxes now nnd the other half In September as In previous years. GO TO CHURCH MOVEMENT. DBTROIT, Mich., April 1. "Go-to-Church Sunday" was observed in this city Sunday nnd ninny outside towns nnd villages voluntarily con nected themselves with thin move ment. An nctlvo campaign vas car ried on, consisting of tho distribution of buttons, ndvortlslng on street cars, on billboards and in newspapers, houso to house canvasses and the general uso of tho telophono by n "telophono saund." Tho campaign wns well received and ministers of nil denominations report thnt tholr congregations were far greater than thoso usunlly In attendance. To Be Healthy One Must Perspire ! If you do not perspire, tho pores of tho skin clog. In this condition you nra render ed unhealthy. Ordinary tub baths lmvo no otfect upon cleansing the pores of the skin henco tho RUSSIAN STEAM BATHS which are now offered for your benefit nnd rellof. We havo Installed an excollont sys tem of Russian and Turkish Baths, which are tho finest In ovory rcspoct. Physicians rec ommend n Russian Steam Bath at lnast onco n month. You aro Invited to call and in spoct our now and up-to-date system of modern bathing at tho RUSSIAN STEAM BATHS Bunker Hill. Tnko Whito SUr Auto to Dunkor Hill. Gontlomon on Fri day and Saturday from 2 p. m. to 12 m nnd on Sunday from 8 a. m., to 12 m. Ladles and famlllos from 2 p. m. to 12 ni. on Thursdays. Tolohono 388-L. MAY PUT UP T HO L FLORENCE EN S BOOM EUGENE, Or., April 1. A fiO room Bttmmor resort hotel, will be built nt Wcstlako, on Tsllcoos Lako, three miles south of Glomidn, this summer, according to nu announce ment inndo by C. K. Whltcnkcr and others ot Portland, Construction on tho first unit ot tho hotel, which will contain twenty rooms, 'will commenco nt onco. Mr. Whlteaker leaves Port land for thu Sluslnw on April 2 to direct tho work on tho hotel nnd also tho construction ot n cottage tor his own uso. According to tho plans announced tho 'hotol will bo one ot the most modern along tho seacost resorts of Oregon, nnd will be In lino with nn cxtonslvo schonio for a Bummor resort on tho lakes south ot Florence. Tho lumber for thoso buildings nnd sover al cottages has boou contracted for and is being delivered by the Martin sawmill at Ada. Captain II. G. Cnnipboll has the steamer "Charm" which will bo used as a plcaBUro boat on tho lnko, ready to launch In Portland, and sho will bo towed to tho Sluslaw next week by tho steamer Oakland. From Flor enco tho boat will bo transferred ov erland to tho lake. Tho boat will opcrato between points on tho lakes, Including tho railroad nnd tho out lot to tho ocean. Tho boat Is capable of handling eighty passengers. With this ship Captain Campbell will es tablish a fleet of small boats for tho lakes. H. Bnughman, ot Portland, Is con templating tho orectLon of n general merchandise store nti Wcstlako. DIES AT FljORENGE Lafayette Boring died after an Illness which has kept him confined to tho house .nboutjBlx months. Mr, Boring who for tiuiny yenrs has lived on tho Sluslnw nnd until about a year ago resided on tho island, moved to Floronco lOBt yenr to ranko his homo with his on, Harry Bor ing, until his death. Florence Pilot. NEW GLENADA STORE II. F. Curtis wlllilenso tho lower floor of tho building to bo erected by Charley Fox nnd Al Minor on tholr Glonada proporty noxt to Hull's hardware store, l'do will put In pool tables and hnndlo cigars, to bacco, confectionery and soft drinks. Florcnco Pilot. Tho Eugcno Guard says: Floronco, tho metropolis of tho westora part of Lnno county, is due for a boom this year In building, according to tho stntomont of Goorgo Schroedor, for mer proprlotor of tho Scavlow Hotel, and W. II. O'Kolly, a real ostnro brok er with tho Harbor-Sound company of this city nnd Florcnco. Mr. Schroe dor nnd Mr. O'Kolly, accompanied by tholr wives, arrived In this city from Florence and will go to Portland, where Mr. Schroedor will comploto nrrangomonts for tho building of n now, up to dato hotel In Florcnco early this summer. Mr. O'Kolly sayB thnt William Kylo nnd Sons' havo Just finished n two story business block, and will build a moving picture thcator in tho near future. Tho Lano county hank of Floronco will put up n now bank building nnd Mr. O'Kolly will prob ably put up a two-story business block this summer nnd sovornl smal ler structures are contemplated In tho downtown section ot tho city. Porter Bros.' sawmill will start as soon ns tho bargo Frederick, which Is now storm bound at Astoria, ar rives with Bqtno mill machlnory. All of tho lumber on hand nt tho mill wns shipped out on a vessol for San Frnnclsco which was duo to lenvo Florcnco today and It will bo nccos snry to run tho mill night, and day to keep ahond of tho orders now piled up. Robert Huston, editor ot tho Slus lnw Pilot, has Increased his paper to a twlco-a-weok publication. 8TLYE WARNING GIVEN. Grace I.n. R110 Says Kllt'w Will Re Mwt Radical Ever. NEW YORK, April 1 Grace La Ruo, wlfo of Byron Chandler, onco tho "million dollar kid," wore a man darin hat and capo that out-mandnr Incd nnythlng soon In Now York, when sho arrived on tho Lusltanla. Sho also brought a supply of solid gold stockings which nro guaranteed not to run, rip, wear out or buccuiuU to laundry. Tho Mandarin capo Is ptirplo, slllc nnd voluminous, it gathors about tho nock and heels tightly, hut olso- where it expands In fold on fold. Tho hat Is mado of ono ploco ot straw. Tho stocklngB are silk, treated with a gold solution that makes thorn lm porvlaus to tho ordinary Ills with which hoBlory is besot. "If you want to be In tho modo this year," said Miss La Ruo, "you'll .... .1 havo to wear n hat of ouo-ploco straw. ...TA Br!at mBJor,ty. of persons ;nfite.vo investigated tho stylos In Lon f llcted with ectoma. have no (Hhoj ,,on nml j,ftrl5 nn(l tho 8uimiI0r f ailment, which Is ncceptod as proof 10H , K0K to b0 tho moat rftljca to70EcnzetaPUR&meld?k,.ns "' ' th "' f """ - mended especially jfor eczema, nnd "" - diseases of tho akin. It yoii aro af- ARE YOU BOTHERED WITH fllcted wjth this terrlhlo dlseaso CORNS? It so, you lire depr vod of wo ask you to uw this remedy on half tho ploosure of life pleasant our guarantee Owl Prescription walking and hoalthy oxorciso. A Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Oppo- visit to Mrs. Olivia Edinau,.8clcnUlic alto Chandler Hotel. Phone 74. Chiropodist, Apt. .1, O'Connoll bids;., Aviinin Driii fitnre. local will be tho sourco ot a pormanem Central agoncy. Prices 50c sbH $1.00 remedy for aching foot. And Now Games Spring! It Is true that the Calendar and tho weather may not exactly agroo, but what have buds and birdsand eager living things to dovwith cal endars?. What do we caro for equinoxes ivhen tho blood is running quicker in our veins? Go out into the yardl The sap is flowing in the trees, Every twig is Impatient. Even tho birds are robelilous against time. "Confound it," you can hear them say, "how do you expect a fellow to dig his .worms 'on chilly rainy days?" And as for man.? The rebellion in his soul is woj-se than the mix-up in Mexico. He doesn't know exactly what it is no wants, All ho knows is that what he has, won't do. . When he dresses in the morning, he looks sadly at his trousers poor wrinkled relics of past pride, When he puts on1 his shirt, ho shears his cuffs as he muses upon what a nice shirt it was. His hat Is scuffy and his overcoat is fuzzy or shiny, as the case may be, And he Isn't happy not by a long shot but he doesn't know why, Why? Why, man. It is becauso every living, creeping, crawling, ' flying, running thing is getting a new suit of clothes right now and' you are sneaking around in the same old funeral garb, And now, you know what Js .the matter with you, The Spring is here. You've got the call inyour blood, You afe vibrant with life, and the desire is within you to glvo expression to it with new clothes, When'you get them, you will be happy, and not before, So watch these pages for the blossoming of nev spring styles for men, A clothing ad may play-a. big part in your Clothes-happiness, S mmmm . Vhf . W.liilt .'Nf --1 im wnynnwits A - icW ' - -- i. ...itti f, -fc '"fr"-4lWnftfeit ftiflfcr r f MJ j wJlu .J-