' uu , ,fcfW A.fw4 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, MONDAY, MAHOHI 30, 1914 EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES M. 0.. MALONEY Editor mid Putt. UAN. B. MALONEY Niwh Editor Official Paper of Coos County 1 SHIPPING NE.WS SUPPLES FOR BftliUfJIV tffM, SMITH III AROIilNE OUT EARLY SUNDAY, FOR PORT TRAVELING III OF COOS BAY Made Trip up in .Thirty-three I Hours win. tsf ii finurs Frederick Barbound at Astoria day' Afternoon With Cargo Eugene j The Nann Smith arrived In yoBtor- I inn Prnnrncono ,ln" from San Francisco after a good UllB. ri uyi i,vbuo trjp up tho coaBt, , gi,0 nmd0 tho-nm ".EUGENE Or March 30 Tho ,n tlllrty-threo hours? ' Sho had a iS'uard Hayfl! A bargo load of rail- eood cargo of mlscollaneoiiB freight aoad building aqulimiont consisting nd good passenger 1 st. f two Btcam BhovoU, sixty dumn Tho Nann will not sail from horo ears, six locomotives, four or flvo 'or San Francisco until Thursday nf- mlles of trade and a large amount ternoon, tho threo vobsoIb reducing f Hay, grain nnd camp aupplloa 'tho avallablo or desirablo lumber to now hold at ABtorln, storm bound supply at tho mill rapidly, en the bargo Frederick, and wllli Among thoao nrrlvlng on tho Nann ho shlppod to Porter llros. Grant woro: Smith Company at Glonadn na soon1 Dr. McCormac, D. Drew, Mrs. a clear woathor sctH It. The hoad- Drew, C. Drow, It. Draw, II. It. Shot- (Tuartcrs for tho Porter Hros.-Grnnt tie, J. D. McDougald, S. Ilolsten. N. 'Jmtth Company .has boon moved to W. Thomi)son, J. D. Saunders, T. L. ffifenada from Mnploton and at tho Darker, D, Darker, T. Mulllnl, V. W. lUttor city will bo located their Handle, A. M. Schold, R. Knight, D. head offices. - HoImcB, It. Henry, D. Stlcknoy nnd Tlirt u-nrlr nn InnnM Nn. 7. nnvnn tu'niiiv.nnn nlnnrnirn. ,t ... Al. ...n..l.. p ,1... allies HUUUl Ol lliu ciuoouis ui mu HJmpqun Itlvor, Is roporteil to be progressing rapidly nnd 18C0 feet or Dm timiinl la now rnmnlntnd. Thla tunnol la 4200 feet long and. hi thu loncost on the ontlro Sine Iroin Eugene to Mnrshtlold. Tho MacArthur-Perka Compnny, vhlch him the contract for tho shading on this line, has begun tho shipping In of men to fill up tho Him onmtitt iih norm n tliov nro t)Ut Jri shapo. Yesterday olghty-flvo men i . woro brought down from Portland I and sent out to Mnploton. Tho Qver TllirtV-fiVe NOW Make HacArthur-PorkH Cdmpany has made uv ti,i Unmne nnrf Uarl arrangements with tho Southern Pn- ThCII Homes anCl HCatl- offlc Company for tho trnnsportn-i niiartcrs Here. rdon of those men nnd on Mondays' , Muai lu a nci " WednoBdny and Fridays an xtrn . conch 1b brought down on south- Coos Dny la getting to bo quite bound train No 13 from Portland ', JobblnB rent, r, nt least so far as p iiro .n rot ilio iibo or thoHo la- tho trnvollng mon are concerned. &ilStl& o"f Wlillo only a few carry stocks here, tho mon transfer them to tho WIN oro nro planning to do bo TniimitP Pacific work trnln nnd thoy Yestordny aomo of tho trnvollng aro carried out to tho II lf-Wy mon ot to checking upon thr iium Jlousu one-haf n lo on t la side- her of trnvollng men who travel out or Walton. From hero thoy walk of Coos Hay and make their homos SiSplsss10- r,ao 0H th0 siuffrsfftiir..j's ircignt wafcons. lcnflt thlrty.f ,VPf Ani0ng thorn and i ci.m ni?i.'u IV VERSE tho firms thoy roprcaont nro: SEA HU1. H IN umu Archu JohnBloll pacfic Hard- VlromriiV Fund AhHOPlntlon Iksucs wnro and Stool Co.; Wni. Rgj". ,!(K,k Useful to Mnrlnen. KS-SlSuColi J.' TgZ'- A Portland paper aaya: Wlint Inor, Dunham, Oarrlgnn Co.; It. F. sort of weather may bo oxpectod Hart, Neubnuer Co.; Mr. Smith, along tho const onch month of tho Wndham & Kerr Co.j II. w. Paint- iertho pilot nnd lowngo ohargca or, Tlllninn & Ilond'l Co.: Torn afitho vmiouB porta, oxtraetB from Nlcols, Wm. Clough Co.: J. B. Cnl- navlcntlou rules and rognlatlonB torlln; MnBon-lilirnini Co.; 8, u. and much other Information Is glvon uurpor, liana IlroB.j F. O. pr'J In tho u w registration hooka con- Allon & Lowla Co.: A. C. Vostnl, talnlng the nnmes nnd sizes of nil Union Oil Co.; C. W. Montgomery. Tcssola documented on tho Pacific standnrd Oil Co.; F. C. Preston, Cftant nnd tho Hawaiian Islands, Amloraon Tailoring Co.; I-. h. Al- just Issued for 1014 by tho Flro- ion, UlnkcMcFull Co.; Mr. Martin, men's Fund Association. As nlda Urndloy Cnndy Co.; J. Q. Jarvla, . .. ... l. ,....! of .... r llnntnl Sunn nn! .Ills. j memory mo ruio oi mu iu . uou ni" uu.i. wim-i ;; . rfon 1b glvon In vrso as folloVs: 'Icrlng, Mcl'herson & Qlnsor Co., When both sidelights you sqo a:ion Albert R lig. uooa nay i-qnr v-.. i Tort your helm and Bhow your red. i0lor Mlrrnsoul, Natlonnl UrowIiK,. Oreon (o green, or red to red, ;co.; Wallaro, nalfour-Gu hr o Perfect safety; go hend. Co.; C. F. McGcorgo, Vim Ilour If to your starboard red unp'ar, ico.; C. U. Stockln, typowrltor sun- Ii i- .; ,iiv .m lfoim dear inii.! I.. I,. Thomas. Wiley II. n-h nnt .. iiiiiifiiinnt savo la nropor Allen Music Co.: W. F. Harmon, New Vessel Leaves- on Her First Trip NorthGood' Incoming List Tho Arollno Bailed for Portland yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock with a good list of passongers and consid erable miscellaneous freight, al though It waa her first trip north. Dort McCollum, formerly of tho Breakwater and lator of tho W. S. Scammcl bonta, la purser on her. Among- thoao 'nriYlng from San Francisco on tho Arollno woro: Edwin .1. Kelly, Oil Tnmaen, S. Holmes, A, Hnlvoraon, S. Olson, Mrs. A. W. Kano, B. B. Adams, P. Schaol lo, O. .1. Hall, Carl Tumor, Mrs. C. Hall, Lucllo Dallard, Eric Ballard, Midi! Ballard, L. C. Ballnrd, Mrs. Bal lard, John Ardorhlll, George Ardor hill, Sarah Ardorhlll, John Ardorhlll nnd thirteen for Portland, Dr, W. B. Richardson auniiiii rr-- - w I f"i 'WM WM W.',S5Nit OPTOMETM8T FltCUI SPOKANE Will Return to Spokane Saturday, April 4 LEAVE TODAY ON REDONDO Steamer Sails for San Fran cisco, San Pedro and San Diego The Hcdondo sailed nt noon to day for San Francisco, San Pedro and San Diego. Her outgoing enrgo was principally lumbor from tho Smith mill. Among thoso Balling on her woro: J. A. Bowie, i.ouls May, .loo H0I11108, A. Mlt8chor. M. II. Cowo, Geo. S. Thompson. T. C. Mnrum, J. F. Hobson, lred Walt, Frank Gauge, M. Oakley, 'i. J. McGeo. W. M. lllrnty,.haura Sodormun, Albort Wilson, John Anderson, John Ol son. James Hill, W. P. Woodcock, C. Nacla. C. Jesa nnd John Wilson. ItOAD IK (iIA.(!i:i Td port or starboard, stop her. back or . Piilnuilni-H nnd t'loth tig lino: All- ilnrsnn. Htlltlnll?rv .OtCI II. J . . ' ..l I.. ...nil I, 1 1nn.rl.ln. alllllllH. V. II lJUt Wlion HPOII your in " !.- 1 vilHKimii. 'bhih ......--, A steamer's starboard light or grenn, : Konnody. Cnpo Arago Soda Co.. .. Thoro's not bo much for yon to rto. n. McMillan. Union Moat Co.; Joo Vor greon to port keeps clear or Thompson, Western ioai io.. r- " .. I . n.nii, nrtir flenr Co. E. Ii. you. Both In snfoty and In doubt Always keep a good lookout; Jn dangor with no room to turn, Enao her! Stop lior! go natern! OIDXT WANT ItlXG IN 1IKU MOTHKIfS NOSE floKlstoml Hog With X-i HlK kpltvi I'wir of 'otor HosMrnr. ALBANY, or. Murcn hi. wyii- t, Groth. arnlf Clgnr Co. E. L. '(.rosthwalto. Bosenfold-Smlth Co., nnd BruuBWlck-nalko-Collondar Co. HKIJ.S WEKKIiV ItAXCII. Bort Folsom sold tho Mattlo Week ly place at Gravel Ford to C. 13. Wat son, of ltlverton. This place com prises a 00 ucros nnd tho price pnld was 10000. Mr. Watson will movo up thoro this weok, nnd Mr. Weekly will coino to Coaulllo nnd mnko this city his homo. Coaulllo Sentinel. County SuVveyor Gould says ho finlshod locating n now road' from Cooper Brldgo, throp miles above Myrtlo Point, on tho North Fork, to Dora, a distance of 14.7 miles, where It connocta with tho Coos Bay wagon road. This with tho now road survoyod last year around tho Coopor hill, mnkrs practically n water grade road from Myrtlo Point to Dora. With tho recont Improvements on tho Browstor grade It nUo gives much castor nc cess to Brt water valley than ovnr boforo. In laying out tho now rond from Cooper brldgo to Dora tho rtlB tnnco was diminished about a mllo and a half. CounHle Fentlnol. Mcrltol Ithcu .mtlsm Powders Tho unuBunlly largo salo of this remedy Is tho best evidence wo could offor you to provo Ita merit. It Is inndo of offectivo Ingredients, nnd Is guaranteed to glvo perman ent relief for rheumatism. Wo will gladly show you tho formula and explain Ub merits to you. Owl Pro scription Phnrmacy. Frnnk D. Co han. Opposlto Chandler Hotel. Phone 74. Centra! Avenue Drug Store, local agency. Prlco B0 cent. ALBANY, or, .Mumi i. ''"- niine-l that, tho roglstorlng officer TM,,, im,:0iIjE OF COOS BAY should not put a ring ? h Wo wlBh to again call your atton mother's noso, Josophlno PowoH. - , f t Umt w0 nro 80iQ joar-old daughter of Frank M.Pow-t'nl0n fop MorUol p,0 n. nsslstant nostinastor of Albnny, '"'""' ... 0ll aoUa with this rom- accompanied her mother when alio fnr exce0iiej our most aan- acconipnniou nor iwunur w" "- e(j.. hnB far oxceoilea our most u went to tho county dork b oHlco to )Jne oxpoctatlons. Thorofore, wo -n.i'lutni. na n voter. '.. ,.i,on.l In rncnmninnil and RUnT- Mrs. Powell found that whon nt the tol0 ovory pncjngo of Morltol Pllo farm of her undo. P. II. Mnr81,,,n,,noinedy. Owl Prescription Phar- x .11. ... ...t.ni Hi t lirt llllln .. t nnUnn fn.inalln ei.si oi aiikiiu, ikcwhuj ..v "- macy. l-rann u Airl had seen n "big tuu nog regis- chaiull 1. 1 1 II l.n.l .. ..Illir I,, Ita llOSO. . . Cohnn. Opposlto w.-.-l ll.n It r"i.n. in nnu buoii n uik i ..yc. nnaniuor iioiui. n -"-torod nnd It had a ring In its noso. lrnl Av,,,-,uo i)nig Store, local agency, and has formed tho conclusion that p,co $j,oo. iiio niiK v1" pw "mm v.--.-- EDISON'S LATEST A storage buttery (lint contliiiuil over ilinrgliig will nut linrin. DOES XOT COHKOIIK AT TKHMIXAKS. COXTAIXS NO ACID. Will not lose Its charge while htandlng Idle. IS OUAItAXTEEl) FIVE VEABS Coos Bay Wiring Co. Iriil BrondHiiy. Agents for Port of Cos Bay. of all registration. VOTICI3 TO CKEDITOBS Vnllna lo linrnhv cIVOll that tllO undersigned, Johanna S. Krugor. lias Pictures &rraming Waller Studif) UO rvnuuuu iw n.i....". "-- ----- i HtatO Ol VJIUK" .Irnila nt linvB will IllOOt III tlOrlUntl- ... , PnnH "' w. ' li ...... 1., ...Ill lin!gul") "'.. ' i i 1 l.o town, wnoro a specuii oiu.i. " , Now nu porsons huviub conducted for them. Tho work a bo , ngaj,l8t mi estate are hereby notl- can (lo lowiiru uiiiioiiuiiimii, .fled to preseiu wiu o.ini m i""f- world nnd the help thoy can bo to I or vol,cjierB wttnln six months from tholr fhurchoa will bo spoken of by i t,lp lJat0 ot this notice, to mo at tho ii.. ri-,. nl.nplnu WbhIov BlirtlH. Who will doll'vor tho principal address. It Is something olso than truo lovo If tho girl rotalns her appotlte. , Tnmna 'P Hull. HOOIll 11. Eldorado Block. Mnrshfield, Ore gou, duly verified as by law ro- aUDato(l this IGth day of March. 1914. JOHANNA S. KRUGEB. Executrix of tho estate of Robort August Herrmnn Krugor, deceased. First puulicnuon Mann iu uuu ONE HUB IX TIME SAVES XIXE .? te.r'aU UZ Cvc T HlwgfcL Wo recommonu wemui wn ; aa.n rollablo preparation for koop ing tho sculp clean and hoalthy con dition and promoting hair growth. It la a preparation of gonulno mrlt, b.u we nro ploasod to guarantco to jrou. Owl Proscription Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan, Opposlto Chandler .'" i 11 .1 Amlriil Avniuie Jtoiet. i-uouu it. v.m..... -.I Drug Store, local agency. Pries 50r, nd $1 00 Now Is Your Time TO GET GOOD. GROUND GLASSES PROPERLY PITTED Do not miss this opportunity Do You See As Well With One Eye As the Other? Should you hnvo headaches or want to Improve your eyesight, hot ter try my special ground combina tion glnsscB. Young or old, with thla SPECIAL GLASS can road fino print, do close work or boo nt a dis tance. All glasses fitted by mo aro warranted to glvo satisfaction. Dr. W. B. Richardson Optometrist Offlco 187 N. Broadwny. Marnhflold PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY MILDRED ROGERS NELSON. Teacher of Plnuo Pupil of Hugo Mnnsfcldt lit Snn Fruuclsco, Call Flvo yearn' teaching experience in Snn Francisco Res. it 9 4 South Tenth St. Phono 410-Ji. WT. TOMPKINS, I). S. T. t (Wcltmer Methods,) Every known dlacnad troated without drugs or aurgory. Room 2 13G North Droadway. Phono 210-L. Mnrshfield, Or p EO. C. MURPHY, V Export Plnno, Plnyor and Organ Tuning. Regulating nnd Repair ing. Res. 842 So, Broadway Orders may be left at tho Wilo) B. Allen Muslo Store, Central avenue. TOEL OSTLIND. ) Plnno Tuner nnd Repairer I in S. Klvth street. .Phono I O.I.I. f.ouvo orders nt W. It. Hiilnes Mush Company. T N. WRIGHT Phono U18-R J BUILDING CONTRACrOR Kstlmatcs furnished nu request. CO. GOSXEY Phono 13l Contractor and Builder Estimates Furnished on Request MY PAST WORK IS MY REFEREXOE First nnd Alder Sts. Multifield. DR. II. M. SHAW Ey Eur, Noso nnd Tliront. DR. MATTIE 11. SHAW Diseases of uomoii and children. Otllco phone 330. Rooms 200, 201 202, Irving Block. House phone, 105-J, T. J. 80AIFE Jg A. n. nODOINS Marshfield PA,W AND lYidrbimciu DEC0RATING COi Estimates liirnlshed. Phone nnO-J. MnrsliflelA, Oregon. HAVE THAT B00F FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. WHITE GLOVES CLEANED Full Dress Suits to Rent UNIQUE PANTAT0RIUM ,TAY DOYLE & O. O. DAGGETT ana Control Ae. Phono gflO-X 20 fin 'Commutation Li Tickets1'$2.00 Mnrshfleld-Xorth Bend Auto Line. Cars every ten minutes from 0 n. in to 1 'J :.".() p. m. GORST & KING, Props. Tho Times, want nda gat what they go after. DR. A. J. HENDRY DENTIST Marshfield, Oregon. Rooms 204-206, Coke Building. Residence phone 252-X. Office phono 112-J. MRS. FAItRINGER, Teacher of Piano. Residence Studio, No., 1096, Corner Commercial nnd Eleventh 8t Phone 380-J. BENJAnX OSTLIND, Consulting Engineer mi Architect. Offices, gOfl Irrlng niock. Phono 103-L or gfl7-J, Mnrshfield, Oregon PERL RILEY BALLINGER Pbtnlst nd Teacher Roaldence-Studlo, 237 So. Drodwaj Phono 18-L. W G. CHANDLEn. auuitixr.ur. Roonio 301 nnd 0il. Coke Bitlli(tn( Marshfield, Oregoo, w M. 8. TUHPEN, ARCinTEOT Marohfloid. Orpnn If you have anything to aell, rent, trade, or want help, try a Want Ad In TLo Tln.es. FOR MEN AND WOMEN NEW SPRING APPAfS NW ARRIVALS IN MERCHANDISE EVERY ruv WATCH OUR WINDOWS CALL Vfif Df A.tlrtT iflU C-... - PAI1 m M NMW T-pnasoiiKcr Cadillac nt io A,tC 'T-9 8t',vl,'c iUy '"", ,i,R,,t 4n NEW 7-pn.ssongcr Cadillac nt Jour service day mid night L. M'DONALD Proprietor i .rfcwmitnD mm sianaara maKes, sold on eaw7 ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, flcmlnalnn !' Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for ren or fl Cleaning, repairing or new platens, work guaranteed. HihhVw! "" cnrhoii paper dellvorcd. Pliono us your order. Phrino 14. Alllan m" i ircwnucncAonHiiufc himu cjUHPLY CO KINDLY REMEMBER AND GIVE US ATRIAL KYEIirTIIIMi IN THE BAKERY LINE MARSHFIELD BAKING COMPANY Mil NORTH SECOND ST., NEAR CENTRAL AVEXUH. 1'IIO.Vi; C A. Smith Lumber &c Mfg, Co, RirrAIL DEPARTMENT LUMBER. LATH. SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, H1HII AND DOOM ROOFING PAPER, ETC. liUT THE FUEL HILL IN TWO MY USING OUR WOOD. phonic nx. iH3 poptb munmtit Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TlTir GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HENRY SEXGSTAOKEX, Miuiaier I FARM. COAL, TLMBER AND PLATTING LANDS A SI'ECIALTT. GENERAL AGENTS EAHTSIDE MARSHFIELD OFFICE, PHONE U-i. COQUILLK CITY OFFICE PHONE 101. ..,' .. LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title Ai TniHt Co. AliHtrui'iH, thoroughly dependable, liu iiicdlato Hcrvice, prompt ntteu tlon to nil intcrext8 of our client. Minimum runt. I. S. Kaufman (Sb Co. Send Your Laundry to Us By Parcel Post WE FURXISII A RAG AND WIL1 PAY THE POSTAGE ON ITS RETURN. Coos Bay Steam Laundry Phone 57-J Marshfiplri TIME TAI1LE Willamette - Pacific Motor Car Lenvo Mnrshfield 6:30 a. in. Lcuvo North, C:45 Rend a. m. South Coos River Boats Exprc8Bdoaves Manhtitldtor head of rlvor at 8 . m, rt turning la evenlnc. Stcamor Rainbow Ihtn head of river nt 7 a. n. id returning leavei Utribltli il 2 p. ni. Rooi:ns & (amn. WE.M.KEQI'0VX Ice Cream PURE llIC"vHOIXS0ME 7:00 a. in, 7:15 a. in. 8:00 a. in. 8:15 a. m. 9:00 a. in. 0:15 a. m. 10:00 a. in. 10:15 a. m. 10:30 a. ni. 10:45 a. in. 11:00 a. m. 11:15 n. in. 11:30 a. in. 11:45 a. ra. 12:30 a. ni. 12:45 p. m. 1:00 p. m. , 1:15 p. m. 1:30 p. m. 1:45 p. m. 2:00 p. m. 2:15 p. m. 2:30 p. m. 2:45 p. m. 3:00 p. m. 3.15 p. ni. 3:30 p. m. 3:46 p. in. 4:00 p. m. " 4:15 p. m. 4:30 p. ra. ' ' 4:45 p. m. 6:00 p. in. 6:15 p. m. 6:30 p. in. ' 5;45 p. m. 6:00 p. ra. 6;16 p. m. 6:30 p. m. 6:45 p. m. 7:00 p, m. 7:15 p. ra. 7:30 p. m. 7:45 p. m. 8;00 p. m. 8:15 p. va 9:00 p. m. 9:15 p. m. 10:00. p. m. 10:15 p. in. Saturdays only. Saturdays only 11:00 p.m. 11:16 p. m. 12:00 m. 12:15 a. m. Ordors for parllei, l and dlnnors filled proopW. If R 1b SAUTKU'S ill 1 right. Sarter's Front Btreot. Vhon , , , , - - t YOU AUTO CALL 1MTfl. FOR FOOTE'S AUTg Four Kood cart with fff For day service, pi one "i limiiro lllllanl PUi For nlslit service. ri"e 9 Right Caff. D. L. FOOEU Fire H Chimneys ., J. N. Bayfes AND ALL WORK JU. Call at "The Hr nidg., 137 Second . PJf-i lench Rsngtw. . ' Butter . . ?Zf Wo liavo some Kimd fresh Creamery butter In tHo-pound tiinres that wo nro helling for O.lc per squniv. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee and Spice House.. 130 No. Broadway. Phone 394-J Lpyf Ratesfpr Handling Trtl Wo haul WW" "J, Inir rates. oellTen ;.,. the first stories or ' , One trunk Star Transfer and SWP , Levi Hewn". - , mflR I i" ' nu XO SAW EDGES . on sri