-Ji ..i ., J3RKIHl DIB OFTflE ,t; , . -. T3- ,;- imimii mammm aagMHHBaii'ii i 11 win w lSBBwJMfl$fca i h w ' t"' wUkEXsm Wa$k3Kl " v m ' M III v u! fflM .yHTsf I mM'l'sai PjaT'-sBJV!C-Jwur aBtv WA rllH -r",:.xvt. sir t ' m (jwap All! lilil TO V VtSI JUL II - m'sMSfrwfr Th greatest advance in PURE "mMmnrnWl GOODNESS ever made in smoking m&ffSik ' tobacco. HwRlSS Stag Isn't Just a little better. It's a revela- K'MMM You can't smoke half a pipeful without reallz- WMSmr fefc-i 1,ingthls. Try.lt and see. . iWfil lm Convenient Packages. Tho Handy Half-sizo 5-Ccnt Mm IP-XidrvlPJaSEk Tin, lho Full-Sizo IQ-Cont Tin, tho Ponnd and Half-Pound Tin Humidors lI I1mJmI W. m E MH, and tho Pound Glass Humidor. fl KWH&SL For PP nd Cigarette ' ' III mmMEHBt sJmyrw EVER-LASTIMG-LV GOOD" llWiQlEiMaO 3PrC!JlSP. Lorlllard Co. Est. yrfoffJV, " WJKJLCllTCtI,tMm l been rechlVni! f m. .. ..H H'.nt have .I..-!.... M. '".V "" l,!u I'nCiric Cnn.t rAtrwhS ft? z r . Sf Id Baying all sorts of 7 i.T' .about sports In tlio inetronnli. ng! Jim is voted tt Jolly k,,u ',,, mA this end or tho line .cof ,th W ot much i.lonscd with Now Y 'lA ft Inis law. and la In favor of nn ., ' nhtlonnl federation of boxin ' I?.7N Ho declares that the 0 n' prosper greatly under the ", n (1 of such a body. hHHIniico Hana Kohlomalnen Is roIhc i r ropo Bomo tlnio In May Tiu Ru" Finnish distance rtinnr ?.i E plans to visit his homo - f this summer nnd wlillp ho is , ", d nthnr n iln l. ,lli ...i " "" 1B tile tempt to .mMhioarKrrSo'A for running ono hour. rd rucner oeorRo Dniiincnnttin. . fused a $4000 offer from8! 0"u JS als to leave tho Urowns thla He?oi OeorKO says he Is very well m?ui? i where ho Is nt present. alls,fei1 Krnnk Mornn has visions of Rl.ttB n b Ik- bundle of coin next Juno In PnrlB when ho meets Jack Johnson Ho saya ho feels confident the JmI motors will tnko In fino.onn ! Moran Is so sure that m wll lllek n Mb black that ho Is plan n tie v! he will do first with !.( ft b Johnny Mtilhnll. tho crnck flrt baseman of tho Hobokon. X. .!., mT IVIln lino d nni,,l ..,.. .... "" l ""i Ik IWOtllV.thrnn vnnra nt.l . . ".M Sfcct .10 inches:, fels ale t. ed batter and thrower. IJnrltiB "h0 last Bcason ho covered .first base for the crack Hobokon club, finishing the season with bnttltiff awrnge "? .-120, fielded .01)0 nnd made only 0nl error In thlrty-slx Barnes. 10 Dnttllllif I.ovliial.-i. lu ...i.i.. .. first trip to tho west In a hxXml iiimciij. toio mo "iiuslnosa." i0 .hJ Mt. . B..'HlL. ssa dan, ih K "ever i' in ..hB sftfl 'II S5S SLfia? 1 uffPtuM hai. .' Wlth'l as uii.te i,i :"'.non: isvjg he coniif.1 c "aaiamT'i bv Ik. - lU. iiiSa ! III,!.."!. .lj""'"Wli :'""ent ai J !," Ullt hd " 3387 Butter . PHONE 39.4 J AVo Imvo boiiio i;oo fresh Cromncrjr butter In turo-pound iMjuitreN tluit u ai'o Helling fur 05c iter wiiinre. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee and Spice House. 130 No. Broadway. Phone 394-J 1 ' ' ' I ' EDISON'S LATEST A Btomao battery that continual nrr ciuirRltiK will not luinii. ' DOKfl "MOT COItnODIC AT TISKMINALS. CONTAiKfl NO ACID, Will' Hot, lose Ho cliurKO while etABdiui; idle. H GUAItANXUKl) FIVE VKAHS 4 Coos Bay Wiring Co. IBS nrondtvny. A(Ct' for Port of Coon Hny. A Check Account With this bank will add System to your business affairs And eyatciu means Ucronsod buulnoss, decreased cxpoiiBc,' In j creased offlcloncy, note confidence nnd rollnncff. i Your return checks, cancelled by tbo bank whon paid, aro a com ploto record of your money disbursements. Thla bank invites your account. The First National Bank Of Coos Bay dKn-eSMiiNAi oikh;hip TV7TIM)lU:i) ItOGICHH NELfiON. Toucher of I'Jnno I'uplt of lliiuo Alniisfcldt nt Sob 1'VniK'lvco, Cnl. Flro yenra' leaching oxperionco in Hnn Francisco Ites. 1)94 South Tenth St. Phono 410-J. vliisky likes to put it Unit way. for he says that flnhtlnH la business with him. Ho has croatcd a very favorable Impression, but snfrs ho hopes sentiment In hla favor will not ?,"," n It did In the caso or willlo Hltohlo when tho Pnclflc Coast roiisli houso export visited the cast. nfLMo ...."' OI l" t'n cngo M...'"l tltld ro1Iinni t1?! !bii.ra SWlB'IM 9; feDchiV champfoa. M ?'."" 7. """" wtir haS8.,1! nuitt. ii 1, :.i nnl.l . .V H n(u naq & """' 'iHrilj Uthfr. ri. AM IL ""F Ull IUR VAL that It tin J In nroflu i. . ri he nromotMMjl ou lour. WT. TO.MPKINH, I). 8. T. (Weltmcr Methods." Every known disease treatcr without drugs or surgery. Room 2 130 North Broadway. Phono ' 1(1-1. Mnrshfleld, Or 7.K0. O. MURPHY, Uxport Piano, Player and Orar TunlnR. RoEiilntlnK and Ronalr Ing. Res. 842 So. Broadway Orders nay bo left at tho Wile) I). Allen Music Store, Centra' avenue. TOKIj OSTL1NI). J Piano Tuner mid Henalrcr 115 H. Sixth Htrcct. .Phono 103-L Leavo onlerM nt W. R. Hnlnos Must-Compuuy, I South Coos Rliver Boats Express leaves Marahflold for head of river at 8 a. m ro ttarnjng 'In eveolnc. Steamer Rafliow leaves Bead of river at "7 a. a. and returning leaves MarabQeld at t p. m. ROC1RRS & 8M1TH. LET US MAKE "YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co. Abstract, thoroughly, dependable. Itn Biediate ficrvlco, prompt atten tion to nil Interests' 'of our clleuf. Mlnlnuiiii cost. I. S. Kaufman (b. Co. a Cfblsuseys. Flro riaca FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDKST HANK IX COOS COUNTY. Kstabllshed J880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits Officers: J. 'W. Ilennctt, President. J. II. Flanagan, Vice-President. It. F. Williams, Cashier. Geo. F. Winchester, Asst. Cashier. J M. WRIGHT Phone 018.11 nuiLiH.vo nnNTiTAryrnit I'HtliiidtcH furnished on request. p ). GOSXin Phone .1154 - Contractor nnd Builder IMImiites Furnished ou Retiuest .MY PAST WORK IS .MY ItKFHRtiXOK First and Alder HIh. .MarUifield. rU. II. M. SHAW -' Kyi liir, Nose nnd Threat. DR. MATT1B II. SHAW DlHeiiHes of women and chlldreo. OUlco phdne 330. Rooms 200, 201 202, Irvlog Block. House phone, 10G-J. mm ESK . . " ! CopyrlRbt, HIS, by the Pannma-Paclflc InterMtoll PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITOU N IOHT pcwpectlve of the Pannma-rsclllc Inteut i.. an,. Lv.i.w.i.,,.,. iii niir, xt lilirht diotiMitu form the vast oxposltlon city Into i Mijiul I schemoils tho most renmrkuble everpun DR. A. J. IIKNDRY ni'wnoT Marahflold, Oregon, Rooms 204-205, Coke Building. Resldonco phono 2G2-X. Offlco phono 112-J. j. N. Bavliss Any kind ofbrick work at price that, aro right. AND ALL WORK GUAHANTKHI) Cbll at "Tlie Fireaido," Johntron Dldg., J37 Second U riione 434-J. French Itiuuny. Poller' Work Lowj Rates for Handling Trunks We haul trunks betweon any points In Marahflold for the fojlow fng rates, delivery to bo mado in the first stories of building; One trunk , S .9B Three , trunks . . . BO Twelve trunks . . . l.BO Str Transfer and Storage.Co. Levi HelsHer, Prop. Phones, 180-J; 40-L; ,J8.R. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RVTAIL DEPAItTJfENT I LUMIIKR, LATH, 8niNGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH AND DOOIW. ROOFING PAPER, ETC. CUT TUB FUEL UILL IN TWO OY USING OUR WOOD. PnONJS'llH), ins BOUTH HROADWAY R Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance "TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACFCO., Inc. HENRY SKNGSTAOKKN, Manager FARM. COAL, TISniER AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTV. GENERAL AGENTS EASTSIDE MARSHFIELD OFFICE, PHONE U-J. COQUILLE CITY OFFICE PnOXE 101. K7TRS. FARRINGER, 1V1 Teacher of Piano. Residence Studio, No. 1096, Corner Commercial nnd Eleventh 8t Phone 380.J. BENJAMIN OSTLIND, ConsultlnK Engineer ani Architect Offices, 20H Irving DIock. Phone 103-L or U(I7-J. Mnrshfleld, Oregon DERI, RILEY DALLINGER Plknlst and Teacher Rssldence-Rtudlo, 237 8o. Drosdwn Phone 18-L. I Political Announcements I . ANNOUNCEMENT WG. CHANDLER. ARCHITECT. Rooms 30 J and 80a, Coke HaJlihu Blarshfleld, Orego. WM. 8. TURPBN. Annmirvn Mnrshfleld. Ornrnn All Kinds of Job Printing Done at The Times Office HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. I horoby announce myself jb a candidate for tho nomination of Rep resentative on tho Doraocratlc ticket for Coos County, to bo submitted to lho voto of tho pcoplo at tho pri mary election on May IB, 1U14. If nominated and elected, I will abide by statement Nunibor Ono: I vylll favor quartorly paymont of taxes. I will favor tho abolishment of unnecessary commissions that must bo supported by tho taxpnyois. I am in favor of, good roads ovory wnero. I am opposed to unjust taxation and excessive taxation. T. TOM HALL. (Paid: Ady.) FOR COUNTY CLERK. As a Republican, I horoby place myself ac a candidate for the nom ination at tho primaries to bo held May IS for tho offlco of County Clerk. If I am nominated and elected, 1 will, during niy term of office, per form all Us requirements nnd du ties promptly, expeditiously, without projudlco and as. economically as Is consistent with good service. Be llevlng that I can save money for the tax payor and make some for my self, I want your vote. F. E. ALLEN. (PAid Adv.) nnlillt-n OtilWl rcsentatluforCw tics at tiepnsn' (PM1 tvxor i At,trt in mm Itcaa voter; of W am cnaiaMv for the office e-J "j . vista roam ew-;;! tlon of county tjj I favor bo 175 ierei- m i -, ANXOUNqE.MEXT. I anijounno myself a candidate for State Representative subject to the will of the Dompcratlc voters at the primaries May IB. Will voto for the peopl'es choice for Senator, and work for better road laws to enable the peoplo to get Oregon out of the mud. A. T. MORRISON. , (Paid Adv.) ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself aa a Jle-i (ft!4l i-nn I j . ;i -."""'. 4 Cnuiu. .-- m theiray promiBB iw --. tt economical - uals win w 'jM (P.UJ ixsorx" I have fl M&lKcX oi ul, . , llcaa u-wu (Paid J nPTTFRTHA ""! KVtr Iubv. --- -a .rhlJr-.- lnJlrucliw - wl , cia'l w ! L. .. V t-- I J