i "M i rn rot t -t - ini nr r EkjT ANT I B iiooMi filing reform). lessor, baniii fcess n rstanil are pia" Mltn ...ii (llsgracuui , .ndncsa "y-o-t," InCS9. ., are in'"1'" UC(l Ul ! t ... Ko src" boon nhoncuc FsoonI hJcJ. hg a turn, iroviucii ! to icarni t tne mum i,nr room ai Ring on Friday Leic, Mntiors 01 i ntmliluruil In- lnt were Forvctl Hand, oi i" Kh, ipent inurK chooH. ano m tei of cnlnrK H. Ill Hi-iiui'" ou ausonco 01 contflpoiiB oji tuot n crippio ir xlrcmo caRcs or Tho sanitary Reboot bnlldliUJH imn invoniuu. led an orator t( tamz or n Jotinty ronti'st ni tho limn Hciioir Itnlne. Jims kvo Id the winner. lot the Btnto we- puplH or in be excuscu irum iln.it 0118. TIH H on records for lortment. Fof tho lioKlnnliiK Irrod fifty nt Its Ten centB wna clear il. Tlic aim), hot uls- d niul ten. Tho king tho dMsloii: nan, velum hobs, LUIIll, kh- Ijdrcam Mr-Linn rwo oilier iiivib- I servo inter. Iho North IJonrt hhli nchool inc- n clinllcKono in or tno vm- camo or imscuan time of tho nn- at Myrtlo Point a limit. Mr. prth Ilond fnculty nrherg In tho com- ?t of tho -Marsh-last year, recent- i Stato rcaco con- betltors. Ho will state In tho his- IWcsfcrn HeHorvo, and tho winner 111 speak at tho t Uko Mohonk, Ii won on ex . Ills tralnor od of the I'nlver- hero Mr. .Morris 'In tlio Inw ilopnrt- .8., '11, won third oratorical contest on two firsts and Ills grades on ero not bo fav- eatltled. "A pop- cf tho renin of Fa card to tho boc- llierslty of Oregon. Rue rurnlturo to no pi! training dopnrt- fejon bulldliiR nt arrive I Friday. llren by tho corn iest work dono by ! of Portland. Five N to Mnrahflold. tailing test In Mrs. trway the fol- wges wero mudo: A, 98 2, WH WAIJNI.NG" HAHCII I'ng montn for tho 0r elderlv nnnnln. bids, la crlnno and 0 be fe&rnrl nnrl Honey and Tar Is aeaicine that will ""en. check the and relieve In cited air rmsBiiiTfin M always rellablo. raarmacv. Front pt Chandler Hntnl. rtral Au'imo Drug Vi At the Churches (Ministers arid others are roquesi td to hand in tho Bunday church no .Ices not later than Friday evening to Insure lnsorttoil Saturday.) THE STAFF I hnvo n staff to prop my way Ab 1 plod ownard through the day; And If by stony paths 1 fnro I lean on It the. Staff of Prnyor. i If so bo I must toil nnd scale Tho heights that frown above tho vnle, It aids my lagging footsteps there; It buoys my heart tho Staff of Prnyer. Clinton Seollnrd. . , l'iriUUI'Ali UIIUKCH. J tli nnd Market. It. E. Drowning, Rector 8 a. in.. Holy Communion. i):30 n. m., Sunday School. 11 a. m Morning prayer and sormon. 7:30 p. m evening prnyer and sermon. , 3 p. in.. Bcrvlcds In St. Mary's Episcopal Church. North Dond. Itcv.' Robert K. Drowning, Rector of tho Episcopal Church, will have tho following Bpcclnl topics for the sormoiiB tomorrow: 11 n. m., "Qurjnosslblo Self," n study in tho influence of character over heredity and environment. 7:30 p. m., "Whero to Draw the Lino," tho Btrohgth in llfo of hav ing n mnrgin. 4 I MKTHODI3T EPISCOPAL joscpn Knotts, pastor Sunday school at 10 a. tn. Morning aorvlco at 11 n. m. Epworth Lenguo nt C:30. Junior Lenguo sorvlci Thursda' afternoon at 3M5. Prnvor meeting Thursday ovonlni at 7:30 oclockr In tho ausonco of tho pnBlor," Rov. O. Lollop Hall of tho Clinpcl Crulsor Iilfe-LIno will preach both morning and evonlng. Spcclnl music morn ing and evening. Everybody cor dially Invited. lMIKSKYTKHIAN CHURCH. I J. E. Durkhart, Pastor. 4 Dlblo School at 10 a. in. Young Pcoplo's mooting nt G:3I o. m. Regular morning and evening sr rflcoB by Rov. Ji. E. Durkhart. Prayer mooting on Thursday evo nlng at 7:30. -. alftannLa,alyh0a?ni?haf!Pm at Matth 10?30.d6y SCh01 W6fitS SalurdW weStfd'COtB. MU1 hb ,l.cld ln tho Nor wcg an Lutheran chapel at North Dend Sunday nt 7:4fi p. m. Sunday school at 10. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. .trSoWrth Sd0nCO hal'' 2" Th,rd 8 ..ermrVeun1eSdSym' SUnday ' Subject: "Reality." t Sunday school nt 12 Sunday. Rc2.dln? room Pen ovcry day ex cept Sundaya and holidays from j I .METHODIST CHURCII North Dond. 4 Tho services Sunday will bo as fol iws: Sunday school 10 a. m. Vesper Circle and Epworth Leagui 7 p. m. aermons by tho pastor 11 nd 8 p. m. . m I UNITED DRETHREN CHURCH I North Dend. 4 Mrs. R. N. Lewis, Pastor. Sabbath school, 10 a. tn. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. Preaching 11 a. ni. and 8 p. rn. Prnyer meeting Wednesday oven mg nt 8 o'clock. Revival starts next week. I OATIIOLIO CHURCII 1 North Dond. 4 Rov. Eathor McDevltt. ... . wl" b0 celebrated nt eight o'clock Sunday morning by the Rev. Father Munro. MYRTLE POINT POINTERS SWEDISH EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCII. Rev, J. V. RonBon, Pastor. itesiaence 337 Commercial niio West. Phone 193 uuniiny hc 1001 at s:4C a. in. Morning service nt 11 o'clock. No North Dond services. Evonlng services at 7:30 p. ra. . : 1. I tor. I avo -J. 4 1. FIR8Y IIAPTIST CHURCH. Albert F. Dnssforil, M. A., Pastor Rcflldonco 845 South Fourth st Phono ir,0-X. Dlblo School at 10. with gradoi' clnssca nnd competent teachers. Morning worship at 11 with sor nion by Pastor Dausford. Juniors mcot at 3:00 with Mrs. Q L. Hull, South Sixth strcot. Young Pcoplo's service at C:3t for 0110 hour. A special Invitation ii extondod to all young men und wo men. Sunday ovenlng sormon nt 7:30 Spoclnl music by 'A large chorut :holr undor Professor. Goorge Ayre A cordial wolcomals extended t all. Como with us nnd wo will do yoi cood. f. 'Jujl I CHRIBTIAN CHURCH I 4 Nohh of UiH'f CMiilllo Vnller ns Told by TInf Ent'nrlso ,. T,'. corpse occldontnlly found on the Albert Ilnrklcnv plnco near hero tho other dny Is believed to bo that of Mlko Madlgan, a young minor who mysteriously disappeared about thlrty-flvo yenrs ago. Thoro wero umors of foul play then nnd tho discovery of tho corpso now seems fo prove It. .Tim duorln nnd 55. T. Johnson rccnll dm Mndiimn plainly. 11. u. .Masters last week sold his clothes cleaning and pressing busi ness to .1. A. Prcsslcr, who took charge of tho business Friday morn ing. Mr. Mnstors loft for Portland jn tho Inst Droakwater and from thoro expects to go to work ln n logging enmp nenr Corvnllls. .Mrs. c. A. aourloy went to Marsh flold Snturdny to Join Mr. aourloy. Thoy expected to Jcavo on this wcok'B 'Jlp of tho Rcdondo for California and will Bpond a month or six weeks visiting rolntlvcs nt Palo Alto. Mrs. Gourley's son Is at present visiting nt Portlnnd. Mr. and Mrs. Wnltor Condron, who hnvo resided In tho Page house, rcornor Second and Maple street for tho pnst two yenrs, while Mr. Condron has boon working on various grading contracts In tills section, packed their household ;oods Inst week and Saturday ship ped thorn to Mnrsliflold whoro It understood .Mr. Condron has a posi tion with tho C. A. Smith Compnny. John Whobroy wont to Conlcdo on business Monday, from thoro ho ox nected to go to Marshfleld nnd on by way of tho Stuslaw to Portland, whoro ho will mnko arrangements to hnndlo tho wool crop of this sec tion the coming season. Mr. Who broy states judging from tho prcsont outlook he hopes to bo In a. position to pay moro by nt least ono or two cents Pint wna pnld Inst year. Samuel Groin:. Minister. Residence, 280 North Eleventh Phono 402, Church cornor Sixth and Coutrnl Services hb follows: Dlblo school, 10 a, ni," Drenching services, 11 a. ni., nnd 7:30 p. m. Y. P. 8. O. E. at 6:30 p. m. Tho evening sorvlco will bo with tho uso of tho Btorooptlcon. Illus trating tho life and martyrdom of tho early Christians In Rome under tho reign of Nero from ' tho story Quo Vadls. - L CATHOLIC CHUnCII. Marshfleld. Rev. A. R. Munro. Mnsa will bo colobrated at o'clock Sunday morning by Rov. Father A. R. Munro. AVOID STUFFY, WHEEZY, IIREATHING Tnko Foloy's Honoy nnd Tar Com pound for an Inflammed nnd con gested condition of tho nlr passages and bronchial tubes. A cold de velops quickly If not chocked and bronchitis, ln grlppo and pnoumonla are dnngorous possibilities. Harsh, racking coughs wcakon tho systom, but Foloy's Honoy nnd Tar 1b safe, puro and cortaln In results. Con tains no opiates. Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Oppo site Chandlor Hotel. Phone 74. Cen. trul Avenue Drug Store. local agency ten the I SEVENTH - DAY ADVENT1STS. Seventh Day Advontlst services iro conducted every Saturday oi follows: Sabbath School, 10 a. m. Dlblo study, 11 a. in. Young Pcoplo's Society, 3 p. m. Prnyor meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Local Elder. J. E. Quails. t BUY THE ' VERY BEST Marshfleld BUTTER Creamery NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. R. O. Thorpe. Pastor. ServlceB will bo hold In tho Nor- LAUNDRY NE RIGHT Done the -E STF&M JNDRY !e 277. You're really dry in Fish Brand Reflex Slicker Not a liiy " new" water -proof, bum rooay, comlort-givna service. cot th ".,, protect you throukV. thicV and thin in the wrtiot weather. $3.00 3iffr. Wa pnat (Jaial oa crecr label V SATISFACTION ', GUARANTEED an Jut dhoti It rVUfPfi. IJcnh Vv" no- ilw.V. . 1 n. jv- brtKU A. J. 1 0 wer vo. -... Busiun Cdchi T0WCT CauxSan Llmtled. Toronto I 1 ! - ISHmK ' SrADB UNDER SANITARY CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND MODERN FACTORY. STERILIZED MILK AND CREAM. PURE ICE Free delivery, 8 a. ni. nnd 3 Phono 7.1 p. tn. Goodrum's Garage home of the CADILLAC and FORD Auto Supplies for All Makes of Cars 847 Central Av. Phone 87&Ij TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Charles A. Joluis was a continuous resident of Baker City for twenty-four years, during which time he served four terms as Mayor and eighteen consecutive years as School Director. As Mayor hc gave the city an honest, efficient administration, and its financial affairs wero conducted on a close, safe, econom ical basis and at the very lowest expense to the taxpayers. As School Director hc always worked for the best of results and for economy in administration, without impairing tho high stand ard of the Baker City schools. In our judgment, as Governor, he could and would do tho same, thing for the State. Dated at Baker City, Oregon, this 7th day of Mnrch, 3914. First National Bank of Baker City, By Win. Pollman, its President. Citizens' National Bank of Bakor City, ' ' By P. P. Bodinson, its President. Baker Loan & Trust Company, By H. A. Sonne, its Cashier. j Paid Adv. Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. Semi-weekly service Coos Bay and Snn Francisco. S. S. Redondo SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR SAN FRANCISCO, SAN PEDRO AND SAN DIEGO, MONDAY, MARCH 30, AT 12:15, NOON. Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. S. S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. WILY SAIL FROM BAN FRANCISCO FOR MARSHFIELD, FRIDAY, MARCH U7, AT .'I V. M. San Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and 600 Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, C F. McGeorqe, Phone 44. 20 Commulition Tickets $2.00 20 HrhWJd.Nertti Utv Aat Use. Gkra Try t m1mm rm t sa. U SiM ft. . flOnflT Jb KINO, Jtb. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio ! r V. J. 9MAWK $. If. ROIKIINI EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ON TIME. 11 h. m.; MUrch 21st. 7:60 a. m, 4th, 1 p, m; April lltti, 1 a. .; 10 a. i.; April 30tb, 1 p, . 25th, t a. .; April 1st, Stb, ICta, ALWAYS Balls from MarahHoW Marcb 14(b, March 28th, 11:30 a. tn,: April April ltth, 1 p. ra.; April 26tb, Balls from Pertlaad March 18th, 22ad, 28tb, It, H, - TlckeU n sale to aU Euteni iolnta and InformatlOB aa to rant and rat eo cheerfully furnished. Phone 427-L. II. J. 3IOHM, Ageal Marehfield KSJL.4! ,-. VlAAJTIAimU LV. Batlmata Fxralahed. Wiaaa SM-jT.. MaWW. Omb, E la aur saw Iboauoa. are a dally iirpared (a calar to family Pustular aeaTi or ahert or trad. ra. MamosUaNira oafs. fcraaaV VAWL? imonmm "'"" ' , DR.Y WOOD AT CAMPBBLLS W00DYARD Xorth Yront Biftmi, Pfeaae SaMuJ, S. S. AR0LINE. . EQUIPPED WITH YTlKELEgS FINK PASSENGER ACCOMMODATIONS. NEW STfiEL BAT. SulU from North Rend Huturday, Mun-li !!, for Portlnnd. Sails for Ban Frnnclsco, Baturady, April 4. PA89KNOER8 AND FIXEIOnT North Bend Lumber Company, Agts. Phone 1571. North Bead S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR EUREKA WEDNESDAY, MAHOII 23, AT OtflB A. f. ROUND TRIP, $18.50. Connection with the North Dank Hood at Portlaad. North Pacific Steamship Company Phone 4. O. K M'GEORQE, Ayeat. AHE YOU noTHiniEB WITH CORNS? If, bo, you ara dsarHwl at half th plaaai)ta of )U& pleasast nalkiae and healthy uerclsa. A Tlalt to Mrs. Olivia fetaaa, BclcatUOa OhlroMdlat, Apt. 8, O'Oaaell Mda;., will bo th aaurca r jierauHeot retaaay for hehlns feet. ,- '- TUB CfOOS MayXXRi Faraaarly at "MarflKfWa vrAsimrciToK Avtamm V STADiroT ftTRKBT C. A. VatUa, iVa. MRS. O. F. HIBARGER Dressmaking and Ladles Tailor ing Prices reasonable Over Magnca & Matson Store Phone 248-J. STADDEN ALL KINDS of PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK, Bromide Enlarglag and Kodak Finishing. All Kinds of J oh Printing Done at The Times Office OUR KLKOANT jJtSim -1 NEW SPRING GOODS JP5T nBOBIVBB r AT S. S. JENNINGS NORTH BKN BafPal YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOSS', FoHr gead cars wits vaeaful drifara. Fr day aarrke, phe 144, Blanc UBIard Vatlara. For Bight imfce, Paoae 5W.L-S ntgbt Oaf. 0, L, F00TE, i ; C'f !:". '- , a',. , t, !-,- rT