n ikli . &A THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. SATURDAYr MARCH 28, T914 EVENING' EDITION:. FOUR rf" II' b GQOS BAY TIMES M. C MALONHY Kdltor nnd Pub. IAaV E. .MALOXHY Kcwh Kdltur Official Paper of Oooa Comity 0 I coos iuv - Iauil of Icnfage over vornnl Tlaarh of blossoming eternal 3lVe.- b'.ensed with soft, supernnr Shndo op shine: From thy emerald hills that tower To tliti htnnbloBt garden bower Thero Is nlwayB fruit or flower, Rose or vine. Ne'r a season that oppresses, And when Nature- decks hor tresses, Wildest woodlands, wlldcmosscs, Yield perfume; land of rrult and land of flowers Jjand of pleasant emorald bowers Xand of happy, laughing hours, Land of bloom 1 It'B moro difficult for a man to Xcep a secret after his wlfo dls eoveia that ho linn one. -tt-M- Many a good sailor has been wrecked on the sea or matrimony. Nothing jolts a mean man like a done of his own medicine. ADDITIONAL SOCIETY NEWS INFORMAL CHAT Mr. Charles H. Wallace, who worked- formerly at the Smith mill, and wife, of ISa'stslde, are planning to xIcavo for Portland, whoro thoy will locate, next Saturday on tho Break water. Tholr departure Is greatly TOgrotted by tholr largo clrclo of lrlcnds at ISnstsltln nnd Marshllcld. Mrs. 12. K.. Jones left today for Portland whrn 'she will visit hor slater. Mrs. Win'. Ford for a few "C0kB. Mrs. C. S. WInsor nitd daughter of North Bend arrived home overland tiulB week from California, whero Ihey llnvo spent several weeks. . Mr, nnd Mrs. r. is. Ilagito nrrlvod 'Homo this weok front California, where they have spent some time. I MYh. Hague having been' thero all winter. Thoy were accompanied bv Acr sister, MUs Itussell, who will make an extended visit hen. Mayor and Mrs. L. J. Simpson of North Bend, who were expoctud nomo tills weok, postponed tholr return un til noxt weok. Her duug'iter, Miss Isaballo Stearns, Is expected to ac company them. Mrs. T. C. IttiHsoll Is expected homo in about ton days from Seattle nnd vicinity, where sho has been visiting. Mr, Itussell wttl go to Portland to moot" hor, ' Slew. R. J. Coke, who had planned to leave tho first of tho weok for hor honioju Lqs. Angeles nfter spending (hO'WlntcrHtit'ho homo of her daugh ter, -Mra. IraDSnartlo In North Dcnd, postiToued her departure until next wuokf owing to tho Illness of her mothr. MrH. Cathorino Bettys of Fnlrvlow. Mrs. Pollys' is now con nldorably Improved and Mrs. Coko cxpocts to liuivo next weok. Mnjor nnd Mrs. Morton Tower of Kmplro lofi this week for Kurokn, whoro thoy will spend a month at tho Homo of tholr sou, Knglneer Towor, who Is In elmrgo of tho government ftnrbor Improvements thero. T! oy expect to bo accompanied on tholr rot urn by their granddaughter, Miss Gwynoddo Tower. Mrs. F, M. Frlodborg writes from Long Beach, Calif., that they aro legging" to be back on Coos ltlvor. Slnco the heavy rains thero the woather has been quite warm, but norertholoBH all of tho family nro wittering from colds. Mra. Downs roturird this weok from Kugono, where sho was elected Oracle of tho Ore gon Grand Camp of tho Hoyal Neighbors, u decided honor, both io herself and to Cons Hay. Sin ( also visited a number of enmps In Oregon towns, Including Portland, i and had n fluo trip. Mr. nnd Mm, Jnmes Bering re-; turnod this week from n few woo'8' i visit In Situ Francisco. Mrs. F. H. Storoy left today on th Proakwater to snond u few weeks with hoi mother-in-law, Mrsj Storey, of Soittlo. Mr. fitnroy's only Jlstnr dlod there a few days ago. V JlltS. DRl'llNlilt expects to leavo, next week for a visit In San i Francisco. J. D. OOSS and wife oxuoct o loavo on the next Nairn Smith for Sun Francisco. H. F. MOURI88KY Is planning to Icavo noxt week for California points on business. PAUi.1 DIMMICK nnd wire, of North Bond, 'iro lainlng to loavo next week for California points. BASEBALL FUND REAL PUZZLER President Kern Can't Get Man agers together About Division of it The question ns to how" tho purso remaining from last season's basoball games should be divided Is one that is pttzzllng Harry G. Kern, prcsldont of tho lengue. Tho money Is now In Mr. Kern's hnnds nnd cannot bo di vided until ho Is satisfied which team Is entitled to receive It. Marshflold, North Bend nnd Coqulllo nil claim tho money, Mnrshflold claiming that that they are entitled to tho entire $100, ns they won; North Bend Is willing to divide and Coqulllo nlso takes tho same stand. President Kern hns asked repeated ly tho managora of the respective teams to get together and submit tho question In order that he may decldo, hut without offect. Tho teams simply claim thoy aro entitled to so much money nnd will not submit tthclr score books or stand for any com promise. Mr. Kern snys that ho has requested tho North Bend team to submit their vlow, but thoy roruse. Harry Oordlng, mnnagor or tho Co quttlo team sent a letter to Mr. Kern, In answer to a request for his scoro book, demanding $50 as tho Coqulllo team's sharo and made no roforenco to the scoro book. Unless a settlement Is mndo soon tl o money will bo turned ovor to tho president of tho lenguo being formed this yenr, so It Is up to tho malingers to get together and sec Mr. Kern If they oxpect to sottlo tho matter. Xonvny'ft Plan. Plans are being porfectod by tho bnsoball fans nt Norway to havo a baseball team this year and It Is nrobahlo that tho lineup will bo an nounced nt nn early date. The Nor way hoya aro attempting to secure many of tho players 'who wcro In tho Myrtlo Point team laBt year. Should they succed In this Myrtlo Point will bo without a team unless a new lineup Ib secured. Many of tho play ers havo already been secured nnd tho completion or tho lineup will be made public Bhortly, No Onnio Sunday. Arrangements had been mndo for a gnmo Sunday betweon a pickup team from Mnrstiflold and Myrtle Point, but on account or tho threat ening weather conditions today, tho gamo will bo postponed, An aggre gation or plnyors rrom Marshflold un der tho lendorshlp of Tamp Osborne was scheduled to play at North Bend against tho North Bond tonm Sunday, but unless tho weather conditions change no gamo will ho ployed. Meet Tuesday Uvenliig. Tho Marshflold basoball fans nro planning u mooting for Tuesdny ovon Ing nt the Chambor of Commorco to mnkc further arrangements for con ducting a basoball club this season. The nrlnclnal nlaco whoro Marshflold will nit (1ntr Mita anfiunn Id flrr Mm' grounds. Many suggestions have been received to abandon tho old groundB nnd fonco up tho block nt Broadway and Elrod strcotB and use It for a ball ground this senson. The cost of securing thin ground Is not known, but many bollovo this would bo a cheapor mothod thnn Attempt ing to repnlr tho old grounds. This matter will In nil probability come up for discussion nt the meeting on Tuesdny ovenlng. Meet Today. Tho meeting of tho baseball fnns commltteo which was scheduled to tnko place on Frldny af tornoon wnB postponed until this ev ening. Tho object of the meeting Is to secure tho consent of three busi ness men to net on the flnanco com mltteo of tho Marshflold baseball club this season. Tho bnsoball tans committee Is Iluss Tower, Ben Chand ler nnd Kobort Dlllnrd. I crimr stock itAisixri. K. H. Miller markoted threo rat hogs In town yesterdny rrom !hls Lobster Hill acorn rami. Gold Beach Globe. Tlmofl Want niT rine results. Times Wnnr win brlnsr results O W-iiWW HI11WIWI I IHAAIMIII Will JOHNSON-CULOVSEN C QM. 364 NORTH FRONT STRE&f LOOK TO THIS STORE FOR. FURNITURE Possessing t'lmrneter of design and merit of construction. Correct Social iationeiry The product of the Eatorr, Crane & Pike Company is manufactured under conditions which are conducive to the production of only the highest grades in writing nnnpr. ' Each Box of stationery therefore carries oiir- u'nre- A stneted guarantee for perfect manufacturing, togeth er with 'full count o sheets and envelopes, . Ws have just received a complete assortment of BOX STATIONERY AND CORRESPONDENCE CARDS. Coos Bay Stationery Co AT "WALKER'S STUDIO oderate Prices High prices do not make good furnitui'e. High-grade materials and skilled workman ship' doi There is a certain standard that must be adhered to it' Furniture is to possess character of design and merit of construction. It is a standard of QUALITY of materials, HONESTY of workmanship and CORRECTNESS of design. It is the standard that this store has adopted and adheres to in tho seleclioivand making of furniture that finds a place on our floors. JhinisniGiuilseni C0 .'KM North Front Street. ' QTAMTY HOME J'TUNISUINGS J)!) Central avenue. Phone 430. NOTK'I'J TO CUKIMTOHS. Notice la hereby Klven that tho un doralBnetl has boiui duly appointed administrator of tho estate of 0. Cot aledl, deceased, and letters of admin istration Issued to him. Now thoreforo all poiBons having clnlmB TBKalnst said estate aio herouy notified to present tho sumo to mo at tho office of Janu'8 T. Hall, noom 11, Eldorado block, Marshflold, Oregon, within six mouths from tho date here of duly verified ns by law required. Dated this 23th day of March, 11 U JOHN II. SNBDDON, Administrator of tho estato of O. Cataledl. deceased. JUST RIGHT FOU 11ACKAC1IE AN1 K1IRU.MAT1SI Foley Ktdnoy Pills aro so thor oughly offoetlvo for bnckacho, rhou znatUm, swollen, aching Joints, kid ney and bladdor nllmonts thnt thoy aro ecoommonded overywhoro. A. A. Joffordn. Mcfirow, Nobr., snys: "My drugsrlst rooommended Foley Kldnoy Pilla for pains In my hack and baforo I finished ono bottlo, my old- trouble entirely disappeared." Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank . Cohan. Opppslto Chnndlor Jlotcl. Phone 74. Central Auuue Umi! Bloio, local agency. TiTe IDEAL CAFE COOS HAY'S MOST MKTKOPOUTAN IlKST.U'ltAXT Opening Dinner Sunday, March 29th, 1914 I'roin ,T ti K p. in. Music by Twin City Xovelty Orchestra Oystra on half shell. Mock Turtle Anglalw Consommo Clonr. Tendorloln of Sole, Tartar Snuco Grilled Snhuou Steak, Unslior of Uacon HIpo Ollvos, Head Lettuce Mayonnalso HndlshfB Fresh Crab Salnd Waldorf Salad. Queoii City Ham, Cliampaguo Sauce. Leg of Mutton, Caper Sauce. Chlrkon Frlcnsseo, Point Paste. Larded Fillet of llcef, Mushrooms. Lamb Cutlets, Fried Peas HoM Fritters, a la Rosa Veal Saute, new vegetables Codfish Cakes, Sauce Supremo Club Steaks, Creole Snuco Drolled Lamb Chops, Jullenno Potatoes Breaded Veal Cutlets, Tomato Sauce Fried Spring Chicken, French Toast Assorted Cold Moats, Potato Salad Prlmo Ribs of lleof, Aus Jus ' Leg of Pork, Apple Sauce. Roast Chicken, Crenm Dressing. Stuffed Shoulder of Mutton, Drown Gravy Mashed, 'Dolled, Steamod Potatoes Sweot Potatoes Franco Sugar Corn Stewed Turnips Fried Cabbago Fresh Asparagus, Drawn Putter. Applo Plo Lemon Morlnguo Doston Cream Rhubarb Squash Sponge Pudding, Drandy Sauce Assorted Cake3 Tea Coffee Milk - i I'HKsmrr iiklps i)(;oi:its If the rain continues forty I eight bourn, causing a frcsln t urh nH might be expected, It will ue u boon to tho smitli Powers logging company ns thoy havo Bovernl million foot In tho various streams which they are anxious to float out L0OAL OVERFLOW. funds while Clerk or the Sntf Court it Enid. Oklahoma. Shtrifl (luge said lie thought that he woall - Km- PilMiner. Sheriff Gugo wjh let tho Oklahoma BberlH cooe b I hero yoxterdnv from Coqulllo nnd 'Coijullle for Roberts. Shleldi rtoill I stated Hint no nan recuiwu a ieio-,uo nero ne wcok, gram from Shorlff Fd ShluliU or i: n Id, Oklnhomn, nsklng him to brluu Riilnh Roberts to Rusohurg for him, HobertH was nrrested huro I u fow days ngoa for embezzling IRVING BLOCK AND. WOMEN5 NEW SPRING APPAREL NEW ARRIVALS IN MERCHANDISE EVERY DAY WATCH OUR WINDOWS New Wall Paper and Paint Store Ik now ready for your Inspection and oxteudH n cordial' Invitation tv call nnd Inspect their stock. Have Modern Decorations on Your Walls The wnll papers you buy this season nro going, to stay on our wnlls ror somo time. Thero Ih .'oury reason, therefore, (why you should mnko sure thnt tho papers chosen aro Hntlufuctory In every respect and nro tho very latest designs. We think thero Is no one who will uso pnpor who cannot benefitted by- making u selection from our now nnd up to dnto Block. It contains distinctive de signs not to lie had elsowhore, and all matorlula necossnry to carry out the very latest Ideas In wnll decorations. In addition to the unusual choice afforded thero Is upt to bo n saving In cost. Wo know positively that no ono auywhoro can sol' wnll papers at less than our prices. It will be a plensuro to show you tho Hue nnd wo hopo to havo tho prlvllogo ot showing 10 to you soon. LeMIEUX & MILLER. I'AIXTKIIS AND DECORATORS. .t door to Going At llnrvcy.'H.. ;riJ NORTH FRONT ST. Plume 1U7-X. Roys .Meet. The Loral Eoai tl the King had their regular mt.tlif nt tho Christian Church Frlaj jngni, nun inreo moro ci were Instructed In tho myiteji tno order. This Is n lodte'f nnd will bo v ry Instructive t j hoi piti I to them along fraternal U DID leal lines. Leave Suddenly. P E. Crlwt, who hns beon rupros ntlnic the Oc. cuieutni inaurniiro Comrinr. ot lh Augolcs here, Is reported tolmjj ion nero nun sunie ui me pn uOui fin. I liltn irltn nnllf.. klTi boon looking for him yeiterdi; 4 1 today in order to straijDun w; tors out. ( ( (91 FullMlua. ?, ffe 1 I t.ui,. it pj i . "fir , ' OWEN & BRADLEY Blue CU.r 2l. KtnlbU. $ SEVEN REASONS For Owniig Your .Home u You can build to suit yourself. No monthly ront. You control your own expenses. No sudden advance In rent to upset your calculations. Nobody can put you out you're independent. Advance In value of lot Is yours, not another's. Improvements you make nro your own. And above all, tho senso of ownership, of having something thing Hint's yours, and that you can benutity and do velop, nnd stamp with your own Individuality. No mat ter how small or Inojcpenslvo It Is, you get this fooling na soon ns you nro on your own ground. " If you're nblo to purchase In central residence districts, by nil means do so. If your moans nro limited, don't think on thnt account you aro barred. There's n wny, Let us show you. TKe Royd TONIGHT Kntlro chniiBO of pjfm La I'otlte Janls will I ilM Dollar Smile." "My BMg dlso" and "The Green Orui o All 'Round." a comic IW young man's trouble! with " cooking, by Mrs. Newlywtd. Six reels of now picture. "Tnnnhauser.,i' Taken froo grent opera. This Is a gret houser feature, The Riot." Keystone w ,f ylJ !,io"! feel like !. sea this great Bto. Irt "Other People's Cliliawn. reol Klnomacolor drama. Admission, lower floor. ! ofTr7nr.snlS-F0 Onumont feature extraor, Monday nigm. --,') ( will be tho in"- Bay Park $10.00 down and ?5.00 n month, with six per cent Intorost, will put you In possession of a lot on which you cnu uulld your own honu . Property si own nt any tlmo, gladly. . S. KAUFMAN (, CO- 177 Front Street. Have You been Our New J9H Patterns Wall Papef HRRS " . X. SJO No. Front . " WHITE GLOVES CUfJ Full Dress Suits k ..ITATflRUW UNIQUtr-flm"'; ccpn 8ti JAY DOYLE & O- - . i ji..ft- i;OU CCI1UT ''-!.