The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 28, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page TEN, Image 10

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( Continued on Pago Throo.)
dny evening, which will take tho
place of tho regular afternoon meet
ing. Mrs. John Kcndnlt and .Mrs.
3uy Kendall Borvcd tho dollclous re
freshments of banana cream cake and
coffee Those present wore Mea
dames Jnrvls, Held, McMillan, Mor
row, Grannls, Maloncy and Kendall.
Mrs. W. A. Rcid entertained tho
Christian Sisterhood Tuesday at a
work-day mooting, tho ladles spend
ing tho aftornoon sowing for tho
3iostcB8. Mrs. Harry Painter will
3iavo tho Sisterhood to bow at her
Biomo next week In the samo way.
Thoeo present Tuesday wero Mrs.
flattie Blaln, Mrs. Win. Cox, Mrs. R.
A. Copplo, MrB. A. W. Gregg, Nov.
.Samuel Gregg, Mrs. E. C. Drews,
3Irs. L. E. Hcndryx, Mrs. S. J. Immol,
Mrs. J. C. Jones, MrB. C. Knight, MrB.
J. J. Morrow, Mrs. J. W. Motley, MrB.
C. If. Myrlck, MrB. II, W. Painter,
Mrs. Fred Gottlils, Mrs. D. C. McCar
ty, Mrs. C. A, Sohlbrodo, Mrs. J. A.
Ward, Mrs. Yako, Mrs. C. II. Powers,
Miss Beaslo Imiiiol and Miss Dcrmol
Danco at Eagles' Hall.
Coon Day' Hand Concort at the
Masonic Opora House.
MONDAY. I jeer: "The Unlvorsal Brotherhood." Imrt. Mrs. J. II, Flanagan, Mrs. W.
Progress Club with Mrs. W. I Everybody welcome. i'i Stoll. Mrs. D. Y. Stafford, Mrs.
McEldowncy. T ' Henry SengBtackon and Miss GMio-
W. C. T. U.
Tho W. C. T. U. will hold a meet
ing on tho flrat Monday In tho month
nt tho homo of Mrs. I'annlo Wheeler,
-when Dr. Shaw and Mrs.'Snnuiol
Gregg will glvo talks boforo tho
Mrs, Nell nanks entertained the
CAtholIc LadlcB of North Bond at
iioodlowork Tuesday and at the usual
short business meeting. Mrs. V. G.
Illndmarsh will ho hoBtcss next week.
Thoso prcBont Tuesday wero Mm. Mc
Culloni, Mrs. Knlsor, Mrs. Hoolllng,
Mrs. Morris, MrH. J. G. Mullen, Mra.
George Truman, Mrs. Lomanskl, MrB.
Ilobort nanks, MIbh Wlnnlo Doyle,
Miss Margaret Stambuck, Mrs. Eliza
beth Hoolllng and Mrs. Nell Danks.
Tho North Bend Baptist Ladles
iroro cntortalnod Wednesday aftor
noon at tho homo of Mra. C. L. Braln
nrd, whon plans woro niado for tho
mcotlngs for tho noxt two or throe
-months. Ono of tho obJectR of tho
organization Is to obtain a lot nH a
tdto for their church. They now have
lhlrty-slx members. Wednesday's
sctslon wnB a most enlnvnlilo nw'
in New Spring
Marshflcld Episcopal Guild
at church parlors with Mrs. Fan
nlo Hazard and Mrs. C. K. Perry
as hostesses.
North Bend Catholic Ladles
with Mrs. V. G. Hlndmarsh.
Christian Sisterhood with Mrs.
II. W. Painter.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Fourier
entertain at Indoor picnic.
Presbyterian Ladles' Auxiliary
with Mrs. A. L. Darker.
North Bond D. M. C. Club
with Mrs. L. A. Loomls.
North Bend Altar Guild with
Mrs. Paul Dlmmlck.
Prlscllla Club with Mrs. F. M.
North Bond Royal Neighbors'
social at Logglc Hall.
K. C. Club with Mrs. Frank
I Mubcub at North Bend.
I Collogo Women's Club with
Mrs. J. J. Morrow.
Nowly-Wods with Mrs. N.
EastBldo Sowing Club with
Mrs. Ilobort Kittson.
North Bend Jolly Sixteen ev
ening party with Mrs. T. It. Wil
cox. Thursday Club 'with MrB. T. S.
Young Matrons' ovonlng soc
ial with Mr. and MrB. N. II. Mc
Millan. A. N. W. Club with Mi-b. F. E.
Norwegian Lutheran Younfe
People's Socloty at church par
lors. North Bond Thimble Club
with Mrfl. J. II. Groves.
Social Sowing Club with MrB.
J. C. SwaiiBon.
Ladles' Art Club with Mrs.
W. B. Curtis.
Good Tlmo Club with Miss
Wllnui Hoagland.
Mlnnlo-Wis Club with Mm.
Chna LaChapollc.
MeBsrs. E. Wilson, A. B. Carlson,
G. A. Williamson, j. F. Treanor,
Ohas. Ward, Russel Nasburg, Jno.
Ensmlngcr, P. H. Zolllcc, CIiub.
Knox, Edward Grcnnlngor, M, G.
Cofer, B. P. Watson, A. C. Burns
wcUlor. Tho next social function by tho
class will bo the flrat semi-annual
camp fire at thq homo of Judge
Sohlbredo and wife, on April 10.
4 0
I Unitarian services will begin at
I North Bend In Loggln Hall Sunday
t evening, March 29, nt 7:30. Sub-
batigh nt hor homo on Tenth street,
Tho hours wero from thrco to six
o'clock and during tho afternoon
about seventy called.
Tho decorations woro slmplo but
most attractive. In thu living room,
pear and cherry blossoms woro used
effectively, whllo In the dining room
French baskets of sweet pons and.
maidenhair fern wore attractive
adornments, Ping shaded candles
lighted tho tables.
In receiving, Mrs. Kaufman was as
sisted by Mrs. I. S. Kaufman and the
guests of honor, Mrs. Itolso nnd Mrs.
Deffcnbnugh. Assisting In enter
taining wero Mrs. C. 11. Peck, Mrs.
H. S. Tower, Mrs, iioruoit uocic-i
Tine "Selby" Shoe for Wcm. i
AVonu'ii who rcnlio llio Important part shoes
o(to are v earing the "SHijlll."
of tho "SELBV" Is compelling,
ful and appealing.
KPWOHTii leaguk.
vlovo Fengstnckon. Mrs. C. It. Peck1
T and Mrs. J. Albert MntBon poured)
a tea and coffee nnd assisting In serv-
Tho members of the Marshueld "R were aiissos. awry Kruso ami
Epworth League enjoyed a tmskot ' WlUlttmo
Tho SEIiltY fashions for
Spring are Irresistible; show
ing Hie new cut Colonial
pumps, tho "Mary fane" etc.
All IcatliciH all nitidis.
$3.50, $4.00
$4.50, $5.00
social at the Swedish Lutheran hall
last evening. Owing to the unfavor
able weather, tho attendance) was not
large. Tho program Included:
Impromptu recitation, LceByerly.
Solo, Ed Richardson.
Duot, Helen Perkins and Evelyn
Original poem, E. II. Joehuk.
Following tho program games woro
enjoyed and then J. O. Langworthy
as nuctlonoor disposed of tho baskets.
I 4 4
About thirty couples enjoyed tho
monthly dnnco 'of tho Mars'nfleld
I Lodge of Elks at their hall last
i Wednesday evening. It wns an Infor
I mnl affair for memliors only nnd
tholr wives nnd sweethearts.
were noticeable during tho nftcr
noon. It wns a most chnrming func
tion. 4
4 1 4
4 4
A newly formed club of North
Bond, composed of n dozen young
girls of the high school, gnvo a
progressive dinner Thursday ovo
nlng that proved to be on? of tho
Jolllcat i vents tho younger sot tins
enjoyed for some time. The young
people Hid at the Warren Stein
home which like all tho others was
prettily decorat?d for tho occasion.
Hero tlio soup courso was sot veil.
Hub Dry Goods Co.
Cornel' Broadway and Central Avenue.
l'lione scL
-ri7n ,,.. T ,,!,,., ;;, V"".,'; man GloBsop, EmcHt Drews, Foi
Then nutos took tho party to tho .,...,. nv pini..on Vi MnMnh
homo of Miss Jessie King, whoro the JiJm'nn ,. vS W. S iln.i i?
salad appear rt nnd disappeared. ll,B Donne, Victor Shiny and 1-
Tho Phillips homo came next, whoro
tne meat course continued tho menu,
followed bv tho vegetable family
at th" Swoailngon's nnd dessert at
the Wm. Vnugluin homo. The young
people wore treated to fruits, nuts
Mrs. Marv Brownluc and MrH. It.
1 13. Browning wero hostesses nt the and randy nt the Geo. Truman's
. meeting of the Marahflold Kplseopnl liomo and riwlcd up at Sloven's with
i Guild at the church parlora last Tuch- "''l n"1 cnra- 'Kl l,,'iJ1'8 nt
day. There wan no btiHlncsB of lm- llM K,ulo...V . ."" .uy.. ,,urc,,m
nortanco tn mnm im pntit the m. Sto'ti and Bill DiivIh and the booby
port of tho commlttco which had tho! l),rlr "' Cynthia Vlney;
recent McCnlloy boiieflt performance , M.r-. tarr' Tho. evening w
i In nhnrgo. The cxpeiiBes wero some-
I thing over SI 00. leaving a net 1ml
ance of 123.10 for the guild. Next
Tuc8day .Mrs. Fannlo Hazard nnd
MrB. C. K. Porry will bo hostesses.
fr ''.' 4
f 4
The North Bend Thimble Club will
meet noxt Frldny with Mrs. J. H.
Grqvcs. It Is expected that final ar
rangements will then be mndo for the
big clean-up campaign which tho
club will direct In North Bend. The
second Friday In April will prob
ably be Belected for tho crusade.
Pttpt. Itnnb and tho school children
I iiro to assist and tho North Bend
profitable ono. In serving, Mrs. Hyt council bns promised to help
Brnlnard was assisted bv Mrs. A. II. I lofrny tho expense. Mrs. Ira II. Bar
McKay. The' noxt meeting will bo In tlo. president of tho club, will prob
two weeks with Mrs. Aldorton..Thoao nbly appoint tho commltteos and nn-
lirosont this week woro Mrs, F. E. nonnco tho general program next
Cynthia Vlneynr.l and
omul up
with a general nulo ride In the
cnrB of the guests, who declared tho
party it splendid suft-ss. Tho .girls
giving tho dhner wero Misses Lola
Ritchie, Cora Phillips, Margaret
Smith, Vera Wllscn Annn Truman,
Ottilia Hoolllng, Thoroa Ftc'n. Mc
llnda AndorHon, Cynthlt NMevar'.
JchrIo King, Goldle Illggs nnd Mur
Jorlo Swenrlngen. Their guoBts
woro MessrH. Laffcrty. Flucklncor,
Carr, Loo McLalu. Goo. Wlnsor,
Will Dnvls, Chas. Burmester, Percy
Phillips, Ooii" JoluiBou, August Cnl
louder and Harold Slmptfou.
under tho direction of Supt. Charles
Smith. Plans woro niado for a camp
ing trip on Coos River Immediately
after school closes. Refreshments
woro sorved. Thoso present woro
Hownrd Kelly, Esmond GlosBop. Hor-
licit fold.
Mrs. Ward M. Blako Is liosteas
this afternoon nt her homo on South
Fifth strcot Informally at bridge.
Stccklo, John Tellefson JuTiT'
sor and Itclth Wilde. "''
j IXDOQlt 1'ICMR 1
Mr. nnd Jlr. .!m.t. tu-
entertain nt their kL :,m.
Marshlleld next Tuedar , 1 ?
nn Indoor picnic. m'li
nivei,' i'. ,"T "' .. :?
""tUIH I.UIFIP 11.11 mw. I
DAY. March 28, KIVSMlV 2
Miss Kvolyn Lnngworthy lins iHiuod
InvltatloiiH for tho evening of April
Glozor, Mrs. J. H. Clark, Mrs,..E. IL
Ardo'rfin, Mrs. J, M. Evans, Mrs. C.
Brown, .Mrs. R. Mnrklo, Mrs. J. A.
Naglo, Mrs. A. II. McKay, Mra. II. E.
Smith, Mrs. II. E. Ash, Rev. A. F.
BnBHford, Mra. E, Jninea, Mrs. It. C.
Jnckson, Mrs. N. W. Welling, Miss
N. Parker and MIhb Bornlco Glazier.
mkkt wi:dnksdav.
Tho Ladles' Auxiliary of tho
MarHhllold Preabyterlnn church will
meet Wednesday aftornoon nt tho
home of Mra. A. L. Barker.
The Ferndnlo Sowing Circle wns
entertained Frldnv by MIhb SubIo Mnl
colm and the afternoon wns pleas
antly spenj In sowing. She was as
slHteil by MUs Thorla Lund In serv
ing refreshments. Thoso prcHont
woro MrH. Jne Ilnucnr, Mrs. It. Hall,
Mrs. D. L., Mrs. Crnw-
Bracelet "Watches.
Tango ITair Pins
(Set with brilliants, $1.G0 ta $3)
Beautiful Baiulcaus
(Set with brllllantB, $3 to ?D.)
Pretty T)iainoiul Pendants
JJ5I2.0U TO :.()()
.Gold Set Rings, $2.50 to $25
Diamond Pings, $25 to $300
"Wo also have a pretty lino
of new Veil Pius, Bracelets,
Brooches, Chains, etc.
Prices 50c, $1 to $5.
Red Cross Red Cross
Jewelry DepJ. Drug Store
At a meeting of tho Mnrahllold
Presbyterian Missionary Society nt
Mio homo of MrH. I. S. Smith Wodncs
day, tho following offlccm woro ol
cctcd: President. Mis. J. E. Burkhnrt.
Vlco president, Mrs. Harry Folsom.
Sec. nnd Troaa,, MrB Snow.
M-a a..t1,....ln...l l.-.l ..I.,.. .!. '"" ' " ll-HIIIlllilll. .
v ',,', ,,0f", Kronhnlm. Thorla Lund.
A. Ilodgou, Itofrcslunonts woro AIrq n ,.., M, ,,' ,,. , , ... '
Borved. Among those present wore weeks from tod ,v
Mrs. Harry Poison. Mia. Card, Mra.i00,c" rroin T
Hydo. Mrs. W. W. Rowan, Mrs. Sulll- 4 ' ' '
van, Mrs. F. A. Tlcdgen, Mrs. A. L.- , ,,,,,,, ...' m;.'m."rr 1
Btitz. Mr. A. L. Barltcr mid Mra. J. 1 ' "'''" OlivKhllA.
E. Burkhart. An 01,orettn. "Tho Smugglemnn.''
4 4
Mra. Wm. Vnughan was hosteHS at
a moat charming afternoon at sowing
and music nt her beautiful homo In
North Bend last Saturday aftcrnqou
na a farowoll for Mra. II. J. Coke of
Loa Angeles. Greens nnd cut flowcs 1
wore used nrtlsllcally In tro defini
tion scheme. A delirious three
courso luncheon una nerved, MIsbcb
Cynthia Vineyard and Theresa Stein
assisting the hostesa. Her gticatH
Included Mrs. D. E. Vntiglinn and
Mr. Win. Dun no of Mnrshflold, Mrs.
C. S. Kaiser, Mra. George D, Mandl
go, Mra. C. A." Smith, Mrs. IT,. C.
Holmes, Mra. Elmer RubsoII, Mrs. L.
C. Reynolds, Mrs. V. E. Wnttera, Mra.
J. IL Gardiner, Mrs. M. 13. Everett,
Mrs. John Leunnn, Mrs. II. G. Kern,
Mrs. Ira B. Bartlo, MIhb Pearl Heath
ami Mrs. It. J. Coko.
4 4
Last Saturday evening Mrs. Mar
tin. of Eaatsldo had a few of
MIfb Thorla Lund's friends gather
nt hor homo In honor of hor nine
teenth birthday. Tho evening wna
ploaBantfv spoilt playing guinea and
piano selections woro given by Eliza
beth Tollorson, Lillian Thnrwnld nnd
Clco Stecklo. A dollclous luncheon
between friends who tend their ho-
dry to ua. They can lariki'
linen In perfect condition. WtA
tne greatest pains with ertrj i-fi
sent to us, uso no Injuriogj wl
nnd put a lirllllant hIom npcuiilft
cuffs and collars. Wo call fori
deliver work promptlr, itl n
charges aro really low for nclikl
class wont. ,
MIbr Ulvlrn Frleeli was hostosH
at n delightful llttlo ten party last
Saturday i.fteriioon conip lutfitniy to
her guost, Mlea LouUe Iloyer, a
charming Portland young woman
who la Hpoudlug a few months on tho
Day. Tho decoration scheme wna In
pink and currant biotas:. is, gropnu wbh served. An Interesting story was
nnd macs woro effectively used. ' rend by .Miss Tnloon Wlldo and Mrs.
MIbh Fiicon was assisted In aervlng Hay .Julio. Thoso who enjoyed Mlsa
by Mrs. Bnlllugcr and MIbh Inez John-1 Lund's birthday party woro Mlsaea
son. Kllzahcth and Blanrho Tellefson, Nel-
: I lie Olaoii, 1 Initio McKay, Magglo
4 ' BobortBon, Hilda West, Lillian nnd l
I PIjAX OlTIXiS. I 1 Lucy Thorwald. Annn Lund, Stella
-- Potoraon and Tnleeno Wlldo nnd
Tho Baptist Boys' Binthcrhood Mesarv. John nnd Hurry JoIiiihoii, I
hold a social and bualueaa meeting ' Itny Julie. Clifford McKay, Victor
last evening at the church nurloiH West. Emll Weat. Martin mid Clco
Phnnc Main n'-J.
Russell Building,
Central Avenue
will lm given nt the South Marah
flold Benzol Frldny afternoon, April 3,
ni 2 o'clock, bv tho children of tho
Tho Altor Society of St. Monica's K're! 1 tlreMoi v ',n"1,18 of.,,1,
Catholic Church aro nuking ni range- ,thor olemontnry grades. Thoso tak-
nionta for n urnnd bnll to bo irlvon '" il,u ""
In Tho Eagl 's Hall ICaator Monday
n vonlng. Big propnratlous aro be
ing niado for tho ovont, Keysor's
orcheatrn furnishing tho mualc.
4 4
4 1 4
Smiigglomnn Frances S'irchl.
Herald Tim Crosthwnlto.
Mothers Leallo Union. Juno Mc
I.augbl'n. Lura James, Marlon Kar
doll. Theliim Wilson. Alice Mnuzov.
Allre Holmes, Dnrls Wilson. Gertrudo
Br"wn end C.'enda Abbott.
Naughty Boys Orlev Hvdon. Geo.
The Ladies Art Club onJoyod a and Kenneth Green. Hilton Sllllou
lollghtful session yeatordny nt the, her-. Elmer Scott, Arno Olae'i, Dnlo
homo of Mrs. Jnines Cowan linMnuzoy, John Wnltcr, Hjalto Xor
Snuth Mnrahflelil. Following nn nf-l drmi pud I nuronco Bertram,
tornoon of needlework and social Grandmothers Frances Hnll Au
cliat, dolldous refiflshmonts w. re ' nun IllldpnliPind. Ruth Collins. F'or
sorvod. Mra. Perklna assisting tho once Kardoll, Violet Currv. Thelmn
hoBteaa. Tho next ineotlng will Wood, M,Uy Steward and Catherine
be next Friday with Mia. W. lr. RuUnff.
Curtis. Tlioso presont thla week Knlchts Wallace Connor. .Toromo
w ro .Mrs. j. a. iJinii. mvb. a. h. Sweet. E-hvard GIbc'-. Jarl Nordriim,
Ulanchard, Airs. W. II. Curtis, Mrs.lJolin MpMnnlmnn. W i'-n n--e-Olivia
Edninii, Mrs. F. M. Flyo , Mrs. ; AuglI8t,m n0ffiniin, Flnyi, arott,
V. H. Foley, Mrs. W. E. llongland,' chrrley Vnsov and Harold .Tolinson.
trii,.,;7i V-,, ,;:.' tJ V Onnmofl- Gordon Noff. .William
F Tohinder Mra" fi C VnuSan"! MpArt,,I,p 1"cU Sn''cl,, "Rrrv Wal"'
Mrs I M ' Cmidron MreChns S' Wn,'pr Snc,1,nn nml Unrry Wnlter'
ser'aml mS W r VosI 8ml li I PnliloB. Vlrslnln Gosney, Lorena
slot and Mis. w. iiosB bniltli. 1 Hoffman, Helon Perkins. Lillian
Johnson Mnb'o Sneddon, Frnnces
Lyons. Lnrnn Wilson, Myrtle Conk
lln and Gladys Burrows.
I'll,, llnthnnv Tllliln f nsa nf Mm UllOPn Ot 1110 lT.ineS. irellO .MC-
Chrlstlan Church give a dollghtful , Person.
social at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs.l I'opny i.auy. .Margaret rowers.
S. J. Immol last Friday evon;ng. I auniiuwer. i.nuiso uuiiev.
Mlsa Bosalj Inimel presiding asl
hostess. Each uuest renrosented
some book or work of fiction, which I PLAX RAXQUET. 1
was r Eht well done. Then tho
evening was Bpent In book making. I Tho Bnptlbt L. T. L. Society Is
Tho following porsons wire pros-! making nrrnngements for a banquet
ent: Mfsaes Annn Cox. Vivian Craig, and program the second Tuesday in
Edith PendergrnsB, Slgna Larson, April.
Emma Quntermcss, Besalo Ayro,
Helen Immol Mabel Immol, Bessie
Tnmipl .lonnln Cnrlsnn. Mnrlp HrAirir. i I ALTKIlVfinV lM'PI.MTinV I
Janotte Hausell, Myrtle Downer, Ida4
Downer. Edna Rav. Rllla Rose. Lll-i Mrs. G. W. Kaufman wns hostess
linn Thorwald, Harriet Collins, Holon nt one of tho most delightful recop-'
Dodson and Mrs. v. A. iteld, Air. tlons of the season yesterdny atter
and Mrs. Samuel Gregg, Mr. and noon, when she received in honor of
Mrs. S. J. Iniincl, Mrs. Geo. Craig, Mrs, A. J, Relse and Mrs. Deffen-J
Today Is the Day of
Every successful business man studies his
business or profession.
"We have the jeweler, tho groccrynmn, the fur
niture dealer, the hardware dealer, tho dry
goods man, the shoe man, tho surgeon, the law
yer and most of them know very little about the
other man's business or profession.
The Wiley B. Allen Co.
The piano house of one price to all ami honest values havo had over
years' experience in tho piano business.
A child can get as good value as tho wisest adult. .
All our instruments aro. marked in plain figures (and that is tho P"
No piano house in tho country can show you such well-known mCjTRy
MTLTON and others. . for
Tho WILEY B. ALLEN COMPANY has studied piano constructiw
over 40 years' and when you purchase a piano or player piano tvom )
the benefit of years of study of piano construction. jl
A liberal allowance for your old instrument taken in exchange.
monthly payment plan can also bo arranged to suit your convenience.
fry ,... yi
I I TUflMAQ Monnnor '
218 Central Avenue. ' Phone 134-J or 15-L.