1 flpfftvr. ,, ' I,..,! .s.tW.Vl.. is arm flu THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1914 EVEMlNG EDITION. EIGHT TO GET THREE ohm un 10 AID JETTY PRISONER HURT IN CITY JAIL WANT TO ORDER HYDRANT TESTS MORE BOOKLETS' SHOW DEFECTS I FwT1 Have TO BUI CLUB Eric Aho Slightly Injured by Oregon Senator May be Re Falling Out of Bunk quested to Urge Appropria Other Offenders tion for Coos Bay Eric Alio, a logger who was ar rested Inst ovonlng by Officer Ulcli- An anneal to Senator Chamberlain to try and lnsort an appropriation In Original Issue of 15,000 of Fire Qepartment Will Enter S. P. Advertising Litera-' , Protest About Poor Water ture Exhausted , . Pressure Baseball Committee Favors A. J. Mendel, Geo. Rotnor and Hugh McLain THE (MMi OF THE (1AM N. Yea, the buii Ib oiico moro Biiinlng,', And our liopcB nro on tno w;ng; llstoumg fi.ndly See. John W. Motley of the Marsh- Engineer Gordon Smith of tho flnltl flhnnilmr of Ponimnrrn tnilflv rn- Mnrnhflnlil l.'lrn nnnnrtinniit. linn linen 4;ait.'U iuol uruiuut uy uiin-ii w.i- vu itj nut. mouik 1111 mijpiwiihhuh ... , -- .- -- , .,......... ..u .-, ...... --- i .. n m l.t 1.....1 i. ,1.. n.- 1. 1. ....... .i tt..i.nM l.tll . ... I nnlvnrl 11 Inttnr frniti Mm QnnHinrii iimMni n tnat nt in .iiriadiirn nf r.in uiunuil, leu iium mo uuiin. 111 mu iuu iwvuih mill iiuiuuin inn iu iiu- -- -,. .... ....... ..... .............. ,,,..,, .. ..,, , vllvi in.- . ' ur.. ...tit nnnn lii llatnnlnir Ir"mlll city Jail last night, cutting a deep vide for starting tho reconstruction Pacific- stating! .that an additional flro hydrants within tho city limits j w" ' ' B," ,?.,, "tv'.i; gnah In hla head, Somo troublo -was of tho north Jetty of Coos Uay will G000 copIcB of tho Coob Day booster nnd roiorls that many aro from twen- V.1,? ' " ," t,,noui wnrblo CVlllOHCCU in procuring n uucior iu lirOUnUiy DO made BOOn. TI10 lliatior ' uuumui. uuhiu uu iniuwu iui on, iy u) uiiny-uvu piiuimi uuuur urn . . "MlniPll lirnnelit lm Invfn! !...! . .1... lnln,l , !..( fl.int. i .... 1 .1 -.. I... nrnulit nir n nlinmri,. iinl mnilii In II ........ I. .I ..,,,... -.. n t( nt ttvn I "at UlCy TO UrOUIll, UIU JOJIlll U...VIIU vu UIU ,iijm,vm ., will. im- HUB UUUI1 II11UUI CUIIU1UUIIILIUI1 Hi ,.. ...... ..r. "v , ri" " - " .....w ... iv. , uiii..i:ii iiuomui.1 vli ...... w ..... ly Dr, took BCV After treatment no waB removed to comnllshcd Bprlngt Horsfall was secured nnd8omo promlnont Coos Day men and Tho letter was In response to an .hydrants, which In tho mggrto&Uo ' . ', b'u ,,. bloachers ,'oral stitches In Abo's hoad,thoy nro hopoful that It may bo ac- Inquiry. The orlglnnl 15,000 conies should hnvo . a prossuro of 300 ' " ' ' " W t, BcroctVors oatmont ho wbb removed to compllshed. While tho Rlvors and r0 practically all gono, North Uond pounds, n prossuro of only 17f Hnvnil bund red liowllnir rrcaturos hlo coll whoro ho romalned for tho nnrbors bill has passed tho House, having only 200 loft, Marshnold pounds was shown, Tl u Coos Hay aoX."u ' nll thn WolkIn rlnc night, today eyes resulting from the fall. no- In necordor Dutlor's court Mm now Uom fnr Mm r.nna iinv loUv ' nbout G000 and the Southern Pacific Water company contract with the AhO displayed tWO black ,,., 1m InmiHml In thn Rnnntn mill nOIlO. cltV CnllB for a lirCBSUrO Of CO nOUIldB ,. ti- tt.,.a tl,n ,,lnl.. la .Inalln.r thou bo put up to tho Houso In tho I Today Sunt. W. R Miller received to tho hydrant nnd tho hydrants aro Am, wo lien,. lllB B10Ut, .-iiny Ilalll" On his. eyes, his brain, his gall; And we'll fcol tho Joy of winning Mi flnfnnt'ti ilnnrnaalntr mill. the books will bo ordered printed, company for sixty pound presduro with tho fnim wo soon will mingle, All our piilsos In n tluglo cordor ButIor. confllaorod that ho nnntlrnncn nnmnilttnn rnnort. nhnm. a tolcgrnm from Gonoral PaBscngor paid for by tho city on thlB supposl had been punished plenty and re- i,oran( n8 actng chairman of the Agent J. M. Scott of tho Southern Hon. It Is expected thnt a forma; leased him from custody. o n.,i,m.. nn hn i.m mn iin Pacific nsklnc for 500 moro copies, nroteat will bo mndn liv tho flro dc- nrii'n" nwnS?,8 iJlr Ul8 If sufficient pressure Is brought I It Is expected thnt 10,000 moro pnrtment against paying tho water I Tn Thiirminv nnii r nrcn nf itriink" to boar on him nnd as ho la now fac- ie "OKB111w ,l uu V' V , ' con,l"ny ror sixty pounu prcsBiiro; ;"" Tin wnn fltii.il lim iiaiini lnK campaign for re-election, It lsi" "u l 'n uu iiiiiuu iu niiju buiiiu iiyuranis wnon ouiy nau pressure is ennoss. lio was nneu mo usual . ?, , ,.' , . .....,., .. ..,,. , nrrnPH In thn or ulnnl booklet nor- i t,n mnin. $5 boforo Recorder Uutlor today.' " " '"Ir'Vt I ronind Jlo had no money and t.io flno waB respond charged to his nccount. ncrt Keysop was nrrcstcd at 2:10 p. in., Thursday by Officer Carter. lio was rcl nscd today, the usual flno of $5 bolng marked against him. Paddle Coin, a logger ompioyed In tho Smith-Powers camps was nr rested on Thursday aftornoon Officer Shoupo on a chnrgo .m.H ni.. ,i. .ni..Aiiiin-' renlnil. 1U0IU1IU. 11IU aiU UL UIU illJlUfl il.- i ' Hon to bo iwked Is a problem, but most favor sufficient to carry on tho work for two years, when another Rivers and Harbors bill will bo tip. Who from Haw Icy. Congressman Hawley wired tho Coos Hay Port Commission, W. U. Douglas nnd others hero today that by the House hnd passed tho Hlvors nnd of Hnrbors bill with an Item for $50,000 North Bend News CAPT, MACGENN I LIGHTER WD j w. v.....r.w . - -- .,.-- .,-- -.... .,.. Tuvpvu . i nviir nun liNiiii iiiiii iiiiiiiiv. wiiii drunkenness. Me was fined $tf bo- for maintaining tho bnr dredgo, nn- Woro expected on tho Breakwater, foro Recorder Butler today. Coin othor of $3000 for Coos River and yesterday failed to arrive and aro hnB boon arrested before on tho also a provision .for ;n new survey of now expected on tho next st nmer Morino Pnof nf PorMfir Pnict samo charge tho Inner harbor. It Is also believed from Portland. Mamie rOCl 01 raCIMC LiOUSl UlllCCr UUniUIl Olllllll IllUll ll UUIII- lllllt Tim S'JII.UUU lOr lllO UOOllll O At Vnninni u-na alltrhllv n urn p'lalnt nRnlnat parties porrormlng work wns retained. Mr. Hawley's whllo worklnir on tho odner at tho construction work on C ntral avc- wlro was as follows: nuo, for allowing n rail to lay "Rivers and Harbors bill Just rcicneu across uio sircer, w.uioiu imsacd Houso carry nir $50,000 for Porter mill yesterdny. Mrs. Thrush slipped and fell nt tho cornor of McPhcrson and Vlrglnln Courts Muse in Port land Grill Room lights. A formal chargo will bo Coos Bay, $3000 for Coos River and ' streets yostordny, breaking her nnklo'. n'. Macgcnn. of the Brenkwnt- proviiies lor a survey mr ueoper.sho Is bolng cared for at tho homo "' "'" '-"U'""" " """ " filed against tho parties todny. CUIiMXGS OV COQUILIiK water from Smith's mill to entrance." autos von roiiici-: great poem Mark Anthony, and In a less serious mood has ridden his (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILM3, Or., March 27.Robt. ; OAKLAND, Cal March 27. 11; Wntson, Republican cnndldato for The old days of tho "Wild nnd .county dork, Is planning a short vn- Wooly West," now gono forever, nro cation to tho Bay towns. Mrs. Wat- recalled by Oakland's latest addition F eon nnd two cnuurcn win nccom- to its pollco forco. alx nutomo pany him. ' biles hnvo bon bought for tho ubo Tho I. O. 0.(R tlogreo team ex- of tho patrolmen In tho outlying dls curslon to Hand oh Wednesday oven- trlcts. Two moil trnvol In each, Ins wbb onjoyed by over ninety pco- nnd ncross tho knees of ono of plo. tnom rest a snwod-off shotgun, tho Fruit Inspector Nick Johnson Is snmo stylo of mlssllo that was car vlsltlng farmB down tho river tho rird by tho express messengers of first of tho week. Ho reports bus!- tho onrly dnys, whan thouiwuHlB of ncas favorahlo among tho fanners of 'lollnrs of gold dust was shlppert by this section. Bingo irom mo niiiuug uisincia. in Paul Skonla, who friends In Portland on tho last Breakwater. - " '.u''.v ""' 'v IV" "."' :?"" ...! In .... ..mnrnnnv several lots in cast rcillots aiiuitlon, X,, ' ; .".,'... i.i.i .Y..ot Has tho material on tho ground for a n J'10.' Xnu' PWr it in tZol ...nn.n i,n. ...i.ii.i. ,1.111 t. ,. only nt nlgnt, cover ruiiy ten times 1TiOl&fl V,th U ,,Q tho territory that thomountcd men cd imnieiua cij ,, ' formally coverall and do It moro vilJh' tuvinmnlMZuJlin' offlclontly. Several Uastom crJIes, Wasli.. Is vlBltlng friends and rein- ,nc,ud,nR Chicago and Pittsburg, Tivea in tnis ctl. hnvo pollco oxpertB horo to sco How County Schoo Siiporlntondont R.'tho fltom work8i 35. Baker Is making n tour of Inspcc-i tlon of tho schools In this district. of her father, S. II. Crouch. W. 10. Laird hns taken the contract to build a five Bunkor Hill for .V.:.' -..- i -..!--. - r,., v rso which Is hot without Kb phll it in. viiiihiiuii imo wi.iv.tu vuou naonliv mill miiriil .. ,....! nv..n n t.nun II (..rn nt OBOPIiy nil (I Illlirill. Tho following Is the poem: room bimcalow nt P'biib from Mount PninasBiiB to n i ii Si. for Portland grill room whore ho round r i. u. uuriis ror ,I1Hplrfttlon for lll0 following bit of ahrl king for a bunt or blnglo Can't you hear tho bleachers cull? Yea, tho sun again Is Bhlulng And the Bprliigttmo's on tho way; All tho teams aro talking pliyer, Of tho imported and the jay; And thcy'ro Umbering stiffen d muBclcs, For tho coming opening dny Rir abovo tho holdouts stalling Wo can hear tho conchors bawling, Wo can hoar tho bleachers' calling W: cm hear his limps yell Piny!" Till: BAM) IMCAI) nuto and exncctn to hnvo It hero next wcok. Tho school board has purchased u ten-foot fine for una on tho bulldliiCH and a"bnss drum for tho high school' And .'Miurciiii'h ObscnntluiiH in the orchostrn. i . Perkins (hill. Herbert Armstrong has returned j,0 cnI11(J cnrly Bnd Bnt ,n tVo p0rllor from a business trip to Portland And 8nl(, ..thoro ,8 no ,.ll8ll , wll, Phil Emory Is acting special night wait." policeman In place of his father, Rob ert Emory, who Has becu III. Carl Groves has gono to Portland has boon vlsltlntr onch enr Is a rnpld-flro machlno gun,! to tnko a business college course. rotiirnoi I ioi mi n full hospltnl oqitlpniont nnd port- C. C. Rlggs has bought somo lots , roinrm.il iiomu nxtlnculshors, besides every- In Idaho Addition from R W. Wood iin nini mi aivuuii'i. " . ' . - . i ...... . 3 n Pom. who recently boiicht tl,lnB 0,B0 tllnt n PoMcoman might and expects to build n borne tlioro. J. Li. 1 Opu, Willi rCCUIlliy llUllhlll. . , ,,,nn Tl. rl.n.lw. ,.t nnmnnrnn nn And when tho young brunette nunc over, Ho wns try I tu: to fix un n date .1 V. i i. - ........ i 11...1I ImIT lllu nmniiiwuu. .uiui nun Ho told her sho was a "good looker. ))V0 (,C(.lln,)(j 10 ,anngorHhlp pro- Much has boon done by tho coin inltteo aipoltited by the Marshflcld baseball fans to lutervlow tho busi ness nun of Murshfleld with a proH pect of securing the consent of three mou to supervise the working of the ninnnger of tho Marshflold baseball club for the past year. Already th committee Iiiib secur ed the services of Hugh McLuIn, who has consented to act with two others onil mniiage tho finances of tho bnll club for the coming r ,, son. . Ocorgo Rotnor Ib also ion slil ring thn matter of net opting, nnd M Mendel will In nll probabil ity consont to act. Tho commlUeo of I. R. Tower, Bpn Chandler and Robert Dlllord arc to meet this af ternoon with n vlow of completing nrrnngement8 with Mr. Rotnor aim Mr. Mendel to act with Mr. Mc Lain. Should this trio b appointed by tho fans they will nppolnt n in a li nger and IiIh work will bo directly under tlio committee. .Many wno Ji ADVKHTIHI.VG. PERKINS .MAKES CJOOI). ..-' Former Mnrshlleld Cntclicr Shown Tho Chnmbur of Commcrco com mittee roports thnt tho Coos Bay Wntor company hns nll watur rights on- Pony Inlet. and -consequently-that" aiiu mo inicsi myiu iiiicu nor wen And If sho would go to tho show Willi lilm vlniis to this tlmo would nccopt un dqr the now propos.M arrangement, no ,i flwlllmr flf RftlMII'Ifv Wlllllll llfl And tho rest which ho never would evidenced by tho ninnnger with a toll Tho rest was a very lato supper And h'ttnHcHb titlt to his homo tho city of .North Bend cannot got Kor lll8 wlfo had gone off ,0 tho a wntor supply for n municipal plant A. 13. Warren and Enrl L. Powoll haw Unsolved their law firm partner ship. Fred Holllstor hnB received n tolo- ' ffriim ntinrlllllntfifr tlm flnntll rt lilri ALK nbout tho vnluo of advortlfl- B8tor, ,MrHi n. L. Furry, nt Pacific nig, wucru womu wucii udiii country And It's h to be living nlono, Ho said ho wns only forty; Ho was wrinkled with worry and rnro, For hls.wlfo had temper With carbolic sho ruined his hair. committee of business men nt his in,,.! It Is presumed thnt (ho malinger': aviii consult wun wnrir ugren nun tnko over tho affairs nnd books of last season'. No morn suggestions hnvo been mndn as to who will mnko tho tenm this yenr. Tho noxt suggestion It Ib believed will com tho Devil's own from tho mooting of the ball fnno nt the next meeting, MB. Whcro would Coco Co n Dench, Calif. It camo as a groat tiq VVnH lo iuiiiir for ' Yovo nnd nf foe bo but, for tho ndvprtlsliig Its ' hock n8 ,l0 ,,nd no kI10wledgU of liar " B"t,''nB "U' l '0 n"U "" TO IIAXDOX IX WAOOX. Well With Portland. I elevor nroi rletors con i cted' , "'"ck. h i o una no Kiiaw ciiKu oi nur to hi i.ihb i. u.ii.im. Itoscoe Fawcett of The Oregonlan. ' llmZZ'ZX deal- ilZtvi he An" fr Br lU,BB tmW "" II Smith luTfy" Move to Ohn writ ng his ncconut of Tiiesdnv's inc In this ronnnodltv rIiows thnt tho I . ' . I . A r good; " ". ninmi i niitiij .niiy n nio of McCredlo's Coast Loaguera STwMO in" h2"bSS I Sn'!"" ,:r, "i0 ,,,ttr"C,, " MaV T TMow ' B'$17.X at ti,"l f,,K,,ro n,.,a "'"HtWKo And h ,,0VPr WnB ',or',,0''' The Eiigeno Register says: "O. H. in pnmo At in which Portland won six to two. I wm, 8lIcll cnptal tho surplus and Blvcs Floyd Perkins of flnrdlner. who profit and loss balanco together aro cnngni ior .MiirHiiiieiu hihi ynr,.ti'o $8,900,000. Tho stock hnB a book following boost: value of over $17,000 a sharo. Try "Porkins' second good showlnc ho- jt Wo mean tho advertising. Ex- lilnd tho wlndpnd. togothor with Wnl- chango. ior uoanoB nurd rioiu nay at bnt, woro other noteworthy developments of tho aftornoon. "Catcher Perkins looks bottor ev ry tlmo ho la trotted out for scrut iny. IIo hns n dandy arm, nnd hnd Korea covored third properly Floyd would hnvo nipped overy nttompt nt theft. "Tho hventy-yonr-old cntcher bang ed out n two-bnso hit, too. In the pinch, nnd drove In ono of Portland's threo nniB In tho Boventh Inning. Singles by Donno nnd Korea nnd dou bles by Porklns and Hanson cinched tho gnmo In that atanra." All kinds of FRESH Fltl'IT and VJCOKTAHLES at OLLIVAXT WEAVER'S. I'hoiio 11)1). WE MAKE OUR OWX Ice Cream PURE RICH WHOLESOME Orders for parties, baiiquotB and dinners fill d promptly. If It Is BARTER'S It's nll right. Sarter's Front street. Phono 333-J. ler lamuy wiinin oigmeeu inouns. t w llor , 810ul(, t , 0 , Harry Truman has taken a three- ),, year lonso at $10 per month on tho So Im,.d for n ro HvIiir wage; room noxt to the Hxup store In tho Tlln't )l0r K00(l Ioo)8 (.omninnded n Koltes building and will open u bar- bankor; uur diuii iiiuiu .ini i. Theta You have probaoly readmthebignation- al magazines about the great success of RCvv Clothes 1 "Th uunc price th J We have them. ft were quick to make . elusive arrangementi u scaoiYLliPLUSiathi town. Wcdidiobecjuu wc consider it our duty to give our patrons U chance to buy the Createit values wu have everte at a medium price, Come in and let ui ihn you our wide ranfe of styles and sizes forSpriof. We can fit you and lait you, no matter whdw you arc tall, slim, ihortot stout whether you lib conservatism or map u your clothes. Every m is guaranteed. "Money Talks" HUP CLOTHINGS HUD SHOE CO J . IIA.MIO.V .MAItSlll'IKU) .MYltTU: roi.T iuscoi'r.ur: suxn.w Fi'Mxuij Steps Taken to Adopt MrtWi F Iinvcd In KaMcrn fl( ' For uoino tlmo past tbmhMf n fooling on tho part of tb im tnknrs of Murshfleld that tllMl .on Sunday should be dlol. nnnul l.'ro.l Wilton. IDeiktJII hlinsoif and Mr. Dungan, uriJW, i no .niitior be brouifm ir ; mlnlstu-s of Marshfleld, aw Mf. Btatod thnt tho liverymen ';' Smith unci ramlljyloft yesterdny for . ', f(JV0r of ,0ng awar W llamlon. near Coos Iinv. whoro thev i.. n. c.m.inv I. uimllr W. will resldo In the future. Thoy will UUBy dn'y n,j on this account tW travel tho ontlro dlstnnco In a, wagon yt a Eastern cities, the miUM,. iM.iiiii uy ii niiiiii ui iuiiii:n nun uaiii-;i. ..it iu. fiinnniiH un ouu;. -i. .- ....: ii..' i... .. .i. -..i.i .. " :-.,, ..-,( io enjoy iiiu irip us inuy wuiuu ll most OlUiroiy UIWPln;, i . . unu iiiifti VMitii i.uwiitr iitii in un a.iiiT........1.AU ..... ii....nniini.. . t ... ..- Fourlor uros. imvo closed tho Sluck ' stugo ' biuuhivi uihiuk. h mo wrauiw m um , pUrflUanco wltn m rrw & .lack restaurant hero by un nttnch- Well, ho tol.i heiMho same old story, I '"VrnlM, nmn m v,.mi,B fm,ltlo"B- tho '."'.""""fint' 'jto' nient for nn $80 moat bill. R..0 ad onrd lt ,nindrcd tnCH 0.'. n Jf- 8 'thver","0n ' hl ?o0,,o,v """ hold a speda I wtl"B JjK Mrs. Sophia K sport, who .formerly Kop H,10 wn8 a tnctful young lady , "" , " lJTon tho beac'n an he at '"i0 ' re8by'0orl XaM & lived with hor daughtor, Mrs. Ira si, ,,,, ..in,, ,.. 1,7.1.1 i,nn,i i.. "',.,n,?r i?ort on tho bencii, and he uminliiiouB vote, heartily mj" in ";'" ' "w win uevoion 1110 proporiy nn 11 no thn. vinwH of Mr. niuon up. Snturday Sau Diego, Calif. Edgar McDanlel haB received a tpl- Ho w0lldll't tnK0 110 fr niwwor, ogram from tho Western Union Tolo- A.i -.1 n,n ,.,,nini..,ni fn ri, n..li Hntniinn.! ali.lln. ll.nl lli.l- ... ' .iu .. ..u. ...... u. . .... u.nl tlUlI'll VUll'HIIJ' BltlVlllft Illt.V 11IUI1 now lino would bo completed ns far as Acmo within threo months nnd Ti?o L. M. Tozier Grocery Co. 8G ronmioi'cinl Avenue. Special Saturdays AT SG. TOILET PAPER 25c 4 Big Full Rolls for . , This is a linen crepe paper; is the most cloth-like on tho market; is manufactured under the most san itary conditions and is warranted absolutely pure and without a doubt tho best made. Others soil it two and threo for 25c. ' Our Special Saturdays 4 for 25c Vegetables! Vegetables ! ! Fruits! Fruits 1! The most complete in the city at tho lowest market prices. "See Our Big Window Saturday" "BEA1EMBER OU1? DELICATESSENS" Phono 433. that It would probably bo compolted to Coos Hay n few months later. Mrs. J. M. Patterson and Miss ling blom hnvo opened a candy store In tho nock building. Tho M. W. A. District Convention of tho Coos county lodges will bo hold hero April 1. Tho now chapel of tho Christian Church of North Uond Is ubout com pleted uud will bo rondy for dedica tion about Uaster time. Aftor April 10 services will bo held morning and evening, with a Sunday school nt 10 a. m. Mrs. Gregg will assist in tho Biipply work. I IIASKKT SOCI.Uj I And by chnuco If sho wasn't quite rendy, Ho would stand out on Fifth street mid wait. Ho waited and watched and ho waited Ho was wet from hls head to his Bhoes; Hut wron sho wont past with n Purser Ho walked slowly homo with the blues. So It's h to bo fooled by tho young ones, And It's li to ha getting old; Hut It's bottor to be. n strong "hns- boon," , Thau to ho loft standing out iu tho cold. ir Jir. ii iw". '..j. rnnill' fni. Ilin niiminni. Inllrlal l.t.altmun . - 0...ln. 1. till) D18F")' when tho now railroad reaches, that UUBy day, and while 'JJJ section of tho stnto. Ho owns other! BtnndB ready to give SlT property thoro nnd will engngo In tho real estato business. Tho household goods of tho family wero shipped by rail to Portland and thenco by wntor to nandon. All klndB of FKKSII FRl'IT and VltfiKTAIHiKS at OIJJVAXT WKAVKR'S. Phono MM). " """ 'A ".liinTlda M1HW? lYiiuiu ihu -- : ,tUt 1 IT ' mands It, yet In many c noral has been 'lajcd ior or two so as to have It P Sunday. I11V.1I.! Huitlo'S IWl'A"' I1AV. Slurrli Sb, KKVSIW. CHKSTRA Tho poet wnnts forty, something that's Owing to bad weather conditions . It has b en Imposslblo for tho work That's strict up to dato nnd nllvo; on tho Mothodlst Hnll to go for- nut If sho's a student of Shakcspenro ward ns expected therefor tho has-1 n0 might stand a girl forty-flvo. ket social advertised to bo held on nut tho Lord steer him clear of tho Friday evening In tho now hall will young ones undoubtedly be hold in the I.uthor-, Wno B0 0ut when ho has to stay an Hall on' Commercial botween homd. nurd. Tlie young people or tiiajn0 wolli,i rather read Rolllnc and !Cn worth Leaguo oxteud u cordial wolcomo to all. l.adlos please bring Address, "Tho Younger Qonora tlon." F. K. Allen, Saxaphono solo, "Calvary," Prof, Geo. Ayro. Duot, "Tho Bluo nird nnd the Pus sy Willow," Helen Perkins and Hazel Coffin. Reeltntlon, "How We Dullt Our Hnll," K. H. Joehnk. Reeltntlon, "Commenconiont," Miss Evlyn Lnngworthy, l Pluno duot, "Danco of Demons," Ilerthn Davis and Mildred Storey. Vocal solo, Selection, F. A. Sncchl, ANNOUNCEMENT. I lioroby announco myself as t. cnndldato for County Commissioner on tho Democratic ticket at tho com ing primary election. O. J. SEELEV. . ' (Paid Adv.) Gibbon, And how great Alarlc took Ronio. Well It's just as tho poet saw lt, Its poetry and moro It Is true; It is tho old ones that ruin tho young ones Did it ovor occur to von? All kinds of FKKSII Fltl'IT and MX.'irrAIHiKS at OIjWVANT WEAVER'S. Phono 101K I "ftl7ucrEjuTTBF'!FWVWH Pull nlut lof cousod and uz hna Unm Mrtn toUcto nJ dcutmt. Blf nock ol ncmtuni. S dUy mik. cholc nd gtl (xcKut urn cUy. SpcUl clcm la Udlu. OWEN & BRADLEY biM Ciw Si.". MuUM. OntM Now Men Get Busy Have you- soni our line of CUr1T C for Men, Bo$ OflvJILoL... and Youths?? which wo aro offering at unusually attractive prices exceptional values? blucbf " .MEN'S SHOES Wo havo them In black and tau, button, -at $:i.O(), $3.50, $1.00. and $5.00. Men's High-Top Shoes, $5.00, $0.50 mid 9J.H0. noys' serviceable Shoes at $11.50 nnd $-.''5. J youths' Shoes nt $2.U5, $a.50 nnd $2.75. Llttlo Gents Shoes, nt $2.00, $2.25 nnd $2js0 M , prX We enn save money for you on your shoe bill, it to you. ' Bunker Hill gS"' w. h: dindinger & co; Phone 32. Bunker H