UTTTg ! 1 ..! f 1 1.1 . .. ... Ttl,o nZf nnZi EL-5,1 -y ?VIcd aUcn,l by every doctor in the land, whose first question to Sooner oTo nfX V' AAr,CJUr b?wcls WW Yet there's not one person in fifty who TfvP35?n!lA f018' And tlie result of this foolish neglect is nine-tenths of all ill-health. ? 1 KmfnH l,,i !? S? yoHy of wste matter at the usual time, o'r if the art causes straining, pains and discomfort, dont let that condition occur again tomorrow. Unless voiir bowels can carrv awav tlfc ..nn. tvinrnrtniD imr n 1 1 - nn .i:. i 1 i WJI-NIIZ 111ULL1JU1J ILlb 411 LUX JtJUIl IS fllfWar1I flntmt ...- r J I. : "... F fpi,;,i !? a ? ... "?ujr ouia in, me poisons oi wiiicn, tuKcn up uy uie uioou, increase the risk of typhoid Pcvcr, Appendicitis, and many other serious diseases. In treating conslipation, there is aright way and a wrong way. The wrong way is to take harsh purga tives which even though they do clear the bowels, cause griping and nausea, injure the delicate tissues, and so disturb tl io normal functions i as to cause the return of constipation. The right way is to help Nature to produce natural movement; without pain or discomfort, by using M lore Than One Hundred Million Were Sold Last Year . This enormous quantity was used with good results by "busy men who suffered from constipation, due to lack of exercise, or indigestion caused by overwork by children whose nnrents realize the harmful effect of com mon purgatives by old people whose sys tems cannot stand anything harsh by women during pregnancy, and after child birth, when any medicine with a violent nnlion would be particularly danccrous. Manv of these people are your neighbors and friends. Ask anyone who has ever used them they'll tell you Itcxall Orderlies satisGed und helped them. n gentle Inxntive in the form of a chbcolalc-tnslitiK tablet. One of M.u.vw vuvit juau uuiuru k'b to ucu win iieii) torcstorc -. wv "u ui uvuvuy ui, u iima wncn, your ooati """ u ',- " mvuicmc can uo us oesi worn. Asa result oi taking timt tablet (or sny two, if your ense is ob simaic), your Dowels will move easily and naturally in ikc morning. j.nc use 01 itcxnll Urucrhcs lor a few days nf terwaru will restore nor mal regularity. Jwcn chronic consti pation is benefited by them, and it is not necessary to continue the treatment for a long tunc, be cause, instead of driving ivaiuTc, incy sunpiy nap iter to help herself. Sold only at tho moro than 7,000 noxall Storos and In this town only by us. Invest pocket tin 1)0X08, 10c, 251, EDO This Is Our Guarantee You Risk No Money If Rexall Orderlies do not make your bowels act right, tell us so and we'll give back your money without asking a single question. Thcro is no red tnpo to this guarantee. It means just what it says. You sien notliine. We won't ltcsitntc.or ask you any ques tions. Your word is enough. If Iicxnll Orderlies do not do all you expect them to if you don't feel better after usmir them and find that they are tho pleasantest-acling and best laxative you have ever used, we want you to tell us und get your money buck. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co "The Busy Comer" Marshfield, Oregon n ,, m PHONE Butter . . 3f4j Wo liutu Miine good fresh frrniiii'iy butter In two-pound mi limes tluit wo mo selling for (13c ier Miuiirc. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee and Spice House. 130 No. Uroadwny. Phone 394-J EDISON'S LATEST A storage Imttwry tliut continual over dinrgiug will not liiiriu. HOIS NOT CORRODE AT , TERMINALS. CONTAINS NO ACID. Will not lose Its charge whil standing Idle. IS GUARANTEED FIVE YEARS Coos Bay Wiring Co. I8:i llromhwiy. Al1Mf U turn ) . Piiij lltm i i ji i nm lJ A Check Account With this bank will add System to your business affairs And system means incroasotl buslnoss, decreased ezponso, In creased offlcloncy, solf confldmco und rollauco. Vour roturn 'Checks, cancelled by tho bank whoa paid, aro a com ploto record of your nionoy dlsburconients. This bank Invites your account. The First National Bank Of Coos Bay Qf Commutation fin Li Tickets $2.1)0 ZU Mitndiflold-Nortli Ilcnd Auto Lino. Cars every ton minutes from a . in. I to 12:no p. m. ! GOItST & KINO, Props. South Coos River Boats Express leaves MaraUflold for head of rlvor at 8 a. ra le Uirnlng In evening. 8teamor Rainbow leaves nead of river at 7 a. m. and returning leaves Marshflold at 2 p. m UOGRRS & IM1TII. LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co. Abstracts, thoroughly depeudoble. Im juedlato service, prompt ntten un to nil Interests of our client?. Minimum cost. I. S. Kaufman Co. FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OMWST HANK IN COOS COUXTV. Kstnbllshod 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Interest I'uld on Tltuo Deposits Officers: J, V. nennett, Prcsldont. J. II. Flanagan, Vice-President. It. F. Williams, Cashier. Geo. F. Winchester, Asst. Cashier. Pictures & framing Walker Studio r. J. fiOAII'K JS A. II. IIODQINS Marshfield PA,NT AND inaiamitm DEC0RATING ca KstlmuU's FiirnlNhccI. ItimiB :il-.I. Mnrsliflcld, OrcKon. OXi: Hl'NDmCI) YIJAIIS ACJO TODAY" MA UCI I 27 Ono hundred jenra ago todny oc curred thu battle of Great Horseshoe llend, In which Qenernl Jnckson de feated tho Creeks and forovcr broke tho powor of tho Indians In the south. Tho Indians had assembled on tho Tallapoosa Klvor, In Alabama, 1000 warrlom strong, with their women nnd children, determined to mnko a despernto defense. They fought bravely nnd almost COO of their wnr rlois wero killed, ns thoy refused to surrender. Ono of tho fow who bow ed In submission was Chief Weathors ford, their great leaedr. Ho appear ed suddenly before General Jnckson, in his tent, and standing erect, Bald: "I am In your power; . do with mo what you plouso. I have done tho whlto peoplo nil the harm I could. My wnnlors no all gone now, and I can do no more. When there was a chance for success 1 novor naked for pence. Thoro Is nono now, nnd I nsk ' for It for the tomnnnt of my nntlou " HUNI)Ui:i) Y13AIIH AGO TODAY" MAltCII 21. Ono hundred yonrs ago today a court-martlnl found Urigndlor Qener nl William Hull guilty of cowardlco and sentenced him to bo shot. Tho charges against Gen. Hull resulted from his conduct In tho early pnrt of tho War of 1812, when without offering reslstnnco ho aurrendored to tho Ilrltlsh the fort nt Dotrolt, tho American troops tinder his command and tho territory of Michigan, of which ho was goernor. Tho sen tence of death pronounced against him by the court murtlnl wns not ovecutcd, but ho was droppod from tho army rolls, lioforo ho died Gen. Hull had tho satisfaction of knowing that his ronduct had mot with vindi cation In tho minds of mnnv people, whllo tl.o public In gonernl wns kind ly disposed toward him because of tlln dlstlttlTlllnllnil nnrl'lnno lin liml ran. dored as an of fleer In tho Uovolutlon. 4, ALL OVER OREGON OHKQOX CITY. Tho high school defeated the Albany high In Uobato recently. MIODFOIID. Ao-ording to roports th Uluo Lcdgo mlno will re-open this spring. ASTOHIA. This city Is about to undertake tho building of n bullk liead lino along the watorfront and reclaiming Its tldo flats. HEASIDH. Tills summer resort Is preparing for tno summer by building nnd Improving. About ?2fi, 000 will bo Bpent In this wny. SALHM. Over ono hundred wnt or permits hnvo been grnnted In Prnnl Pnimtv fnp lin iinrnnfln nf Ir rigation. This number Is moro thnn wero grnmea to any oinor county In tho stnto. niiunnw PITV Tin nrlinnl linnnl has decided to give tho studonts nnd teachers of tho city schools n week's inrntlnn fintn Mnrrli 27 In Anrll G. Tho schools will romnln opon ono wcok longer or uniii .nino i to mnko up for the rest In tho spring. AliUANY Tho county court of Al bany Is contemplating carrying Into effect In tho near futuro a plnu sug gesting a "Good KondB Day" on which nil who conveniently can will bo requested to dovoto ono day to tho Improvement of tho public highways. KLAMATH FALLS Articles of Incorporation of tho Klamath Co opciatlvo Producu Company woro filed .with tho Klamath County Cleric recently. This company Is organiz ed for tho purposo of constructing n general grain elevator nnd to con trol n flour and feed milling business. In our new location, we are o eeclally prepared to cater to famll; trade. Regular meals or short or 4 ira. Open ilny nnd night. MKUCIIANT'H GAKK. Hroadwiir and Commercial MfliL KAMITV mNRHH wi aw i f r itii'i i aw DR.Y WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S WOODyARD North Front Htrcct, Vhone 180-.T. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. I RETAIL IlKPAUTWRNT LUMBER. LATH, RnTNGLES, MOHLDINGS. BABH AND DOORS, ROOFING PAPER. CTG. OUT TDK rUKL BIIiL IN TWO V UHINU OUR WOOD. PHONE 90. 188 SOUTH RROADWAY v-ininer pi,. iiup.. J. N. Ravliss Aiy kind of brick work at prlcei AND at .t.th& "?, "': vnii nt ..The FjrC8ldet.. Johnson hR7asBrs?nd st' S5SKSS-IZJ Kinds of Job Printing Done at The Times Office ARK YOU ISOTHEHED WITH CORNS? If so, you uro deprived of half tho ploasuro of llfo pleasant walking and healthy exerclso. A visit to Sirs. Olivia Edmiin, Scientific Chiropodist, Apt, 3, O'Conuell lildg., will bo tho source of a permanont remedy for aching feet. PRINISV'LLH This will bo tho scene of tho HUG convention of tho Cattlo and Horso Unifiers' Association of Oregon, Tho annual mooting will tnko nlaco on tho second Tuosdny In Fobrnnry Instead of tho third Tues day In Match. ONE HUD IN TIME SAVF.H NINH Don't wnlt until your hnlr Is gono b t keop nil you hnvo If possible Wo rocommond Morltol Hnlr Tonic nB a rollnblo preparation for keop Inc tho scnlp clean nnd honlthy con dition and promoting hnlr growth. It 1b n preparation of genuine merit, ono wo aro pleased to guarnntoo to you. Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Trank D. Cohnn. Opposlto Chnndlor Hotol. Phono 1 4. Central Arotiuo Drug Store, local ngoncy. Prices COc and J1.00. Dr. W. B. Richardson OITOMimtlST FROM HPOKANI3 Will Return to Spokane Saturday, April 4 Now Is Your Time TO GET GOOD, GROUND GLASSES PROPERLY FITTED Do not miss this opportunity Do You See As Well Send Your Laundry to Us By Parcel Post WE FURNISH A RAG AND WILL PAY THE POSTAGE ON ITS RETURN. Coos Bay Steam Laundry Phone 57-J Marshfield HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. With One Eye As the Other? Should you have headaches or want to improvo your eyesight, hot ter try my special ground combina tion glasses. Young or old, with this SPECIAL GISS cun read fine print, do close work or seo nt a dis tance. All glasses fitted by mo are warranted to glvo satisfaction. Dr. W. B. SALEM. Declarations for tho in itiation of constitutional amondmants abolishing tho stnto Sennto and pro viding for proportlonnl representa tion In tho Legislative Assembly, championed by officers of tho Stnto Foderntlou of Labor, Fanners' Uu lon, Farmers' Socloty of Equity, Proportlonnl Itopresontntlon, Ilu renu Pooplo's Powor League and tho Oregon Stato Grnnge, -woro riled with Secretary of SUtto Olcott. It ' Is proposed to submit tho amend ments at tho election In November. NEW YORK .'100 YEARS OLD ' ' Auulit'i-Hiiry of Gothnm In ReliifC Celebrated Now. NEW YORK, March 27. A cele bration of six-months' duration will commonco todny to commomornto the torcontonnry of tho chartered commorco of this port. Tho colo bratlon will cmbraro n sorlos of re ligious, historical and educational oxorclsos, pageants, parades nnd sci entific nnd commorcjnl exhibits. On this dnto throoi hundred yoars ago tho States Omornl of tho United Netherlands grnntod to what Is now Now York Its first genornl chnrtor for rogulnr commorco. It wan on Octohor 11, tho first special char ter was granted for trndo In the then Now Netherlands. Combined with this colqbratlon will bo foatures to commqmornto phases of tho whole country's progress Including tho prncttcal completion of tho Panama Canal nnd tho ponco centenary of English-speaking nations, RUILDS RIG IIOAT. dipt. Dollar Will Chrintcii New Craft Ifnrohl Dollar. PORTLAND, Or.. Mnrch 20. Har old Dollar will bo tho namo of n now offshore stoamor which tho Dollar Steamship Company, of San Fran cisco, has mndo nrrangomonts to build on tho Clyde for sorvlco In the (umbor trndo botwoon Pnclfio const ports and tho far oast. Sho will be larger than tho Kobort Dollar, at present tho largest qf that )fleet. nnd sho will hnvo capacity for hand ling moro thnn C, 000, 000 foot oC lumber. Captain Robert Ddllar says tho pro posed vessel will bo built at a coat of about $280,000. If turnod out at 8an Francisco or nt any other Amort can yards ho doclared that tho vessel would coBt nioro thnn ICOO.000. The. vast dlfforonco In favor of tho build ors In Scotland or England ha holds to bo attrlbutnblo mostly to tho hlghor wages paid mechanics in this country. Sho will bo plncod un der Ilrltlsh roglstry because of the less oxponso of oporntlng her. Formorly tho company owned a coastor known as tho Harold Dollar. Rut moro than a year ago she wan sold nnd tho name changed to the Groywood. So tho head of tho com pany has docldod to glvo tho name of Harold Dollar to tho now vossol. Richardson Optomctilst Offlco 187 N, Brpadway, Mashflold. FRECKLES February and March Worst Months for This Trouble How to Remove Easily. Thoro'B a reason why nearly ov orybody freckles In Februnry and March, but happily there Is also a remedy for these ugly blemlshos. and no ono neod stay frccklod. Simply get an ounce of othlne, doublo strength, from your drug gist und upply iv llttlo pf It night and morning, and in a fow dny you should seo that oven the worst frockles have begun to dlsnppoar whllo tho light ones have Ynulshoil entirely Now la the tlmo to rid yourself of freckles, for If not rp inoved now they will stay all sum mer, and spoil an otherwise beauti ful comploxlon. Your mouey baok; If othlno falls. .1 1 l .-t. f . ! ;4liWMD J-jteJUi