JmSmSSSSSSSSSS -,Ml(iy.4t.fiMitWr wf "rt THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELC, 'OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1914EVENING EDITION. !X coiif of !llMiii coos crops Z'-'i7Mmk Corn Crop Increasing But Is Being Used for Silage Purposes Somo Coos county farmer sends -tho following Interesting letter to tho Northwest Farmstead: "In Coos county thero have been t.o prospective changes in farming jnothods, except raising more corn or 3iogs and mora silos. Thero aro .a .good many silos in tho county and tho dairymen are still building them, -They havo found nut thnt the silo Is ;tho only means by which the corn .crop for tho dairy cows can bo savod. IMoro land is bolng cleared and put In -cultivation. Tho stump puller Is used hero and with a llttlo powder tho largest stumps are removed. Pres ent Indications aro for a good crop of fruit of nil kinds both wild and .tamo. Jt has been proved that corn can ho raised successfully In this local ity, but from tho fact that of Its food vnlua as silage the greater portion of -tho crop planted In tho valley Is not allowed to mature. W. 12. Harlcy last .year planted about half an ncro of corn for seed and when ho harvested last fall tho crop measured sixty three bushels. Tho corn Is of tho Yellow Dent variety. .Tho field of corn showed signs of making a rec ord crap from tho start, becauso ho put tho ground in fino shape before planting, and In flvo days after plant ing tho rows could bo seen all tho way across tho field. Now, If all farmers would use up to dato farming tools, they could all ralso Just such crops, but thoro aro a good many iarmors who go Into tho flold with a llttlo 12-Inch plow and a team that weighs from 2G00 to 3000 pounds, And thoy can do nothing, and they linrrow tho samo way that cuts from four to six foot wldo and a common xtotch at that, with a few teeth In it Copyright, 1913, by the Panama-Pacific International Exposition Co. TWO NOTABLE PIECES OF STATUARY AT THE PANAMA PACIFIC EXPOSITION, SAN FRANCISCO, 1915. STRIKING examples of the decorative Hculptnre nt thp Pnn.ini:t Pnclfle International Exposition nro rIiowii In tliexe two lllux trillion. At tho left Is "Ituln." by Albert .liieia'rs. n llguri' Hint vl'l be n companion to "811118111110." by the minic sculptor, oriiii incntlntr the Court of the Four Seasons In the main jrroiip of exhibit pal aces. The camel with Its Mohammedan rider Is by Frederick G. II. Roth. CHILDREN HELP CLEAN city. AUSTIN, Tex., March 27. Todny nnd tomorrow nro "clean-up" days in this city, according to a proclama tion Issued by Mayor Wooldrldgc. Tho school children of tho city have, boon organized into brigades and n prize will bo glvon to tho school which shows tho cleanest district. ALL OVER COOS COUNTY KHOXHXHEHO 18 CHOSEN. JRjwdon Honker IlcitdM Commercial Club Tliis Tho Dandon Recorder says: Tho -rosulrfr mooting of tho Commercial CInb was held inktho club rooms and tho rnnln business beforo tho meet in was tho election of officers. Tho rfifflrnrs elected nre: I J. LV'tfrSnenhorfr, president? Geo.4 Golflondorfor, vlco president, II. L. . -Hopkins, secretary; O. A. Trowbridge treasurer; J. T. Sullivan, member of cxccutlvo committee. Tho four olectlvo officers, together with tho fifth member constitute tho cxccutlvo committee. I The matter of publishing a booklot for tro advertising of Dandon was brought up and on motion tho presi dent appointed n commtttco of flvo ( to nrrango tho cojiy, etc. Tho com inltteo appointed Is Dr. L. P. Soren jen, Donald MacKIntosh, .loo Wend llng, II. L. Hopkins and L. R. Folu liolin. Two now mombors woro taken In nt this mooting nnd on motion It wns de cided to oxtend tho time for tho now momborshlp campaign,' with the Ini tiation feo nt $1, for nnothor four weeks, or until Friday, April 17. SULK HY ELECTRICITY'. J. N. JiiroliMiii of Coqulllo to lime Machinery Do All tli Woik. J. N. Jacobson has mado arrange ments with tho Oregon Powor com pnny to Install n two horsepower motor at his dolry a mlto oast of town, from which ho dollvers milk to his city customers, Tho motor will bo usod to furnish powor for a milking machine and Mr. Jncobson will bo tho first In this vicinity K milk his cows by oloctrlclty. Tho milk will bo conveyed from tho milk ing mnchlno to tho bottles In which it Is to bo delivered without bolng exposed to tho nlr or nny chanco to bo polluted by dirt or genus. It will also bo sent, when doslrod, to tVo separator through vacuum tubes, In suring porfeot clonnllnogB In tho pro duct. Coqulllo Ilernld. CULLIXGS OF COQUIIiliK Coos County Hont Nown oh Told by Tim Herald Miss Vrcoland, ono of tho school nurses connected with tho State Doard of Health, visited tho schools Friday. Sho. mado a cursory ox nralnntlon of tho children of nil tho grades, with a more caroful ex amination wher.o .Ahore, ,wo, Jpuicfl-, tlon of bad tonsllvs, adonolds or oyo trouble. Bho found the gonornl health conditions In tho Coqulllo r.ohoolH very good. George Hcllonl left In company nlth his sons, Thomas and George, .lr for tholr future homo nt Wood land, Cnl., tho other members of the family Intending to follow lator. Thoy drovo tholr young cuttlo ovor lund. F. Tlmmormnn, of Mnrshfleld, was ovor yesterday and hnd tho opera tion called "taking his breath nwny" performed n him nt tho court noiiso when ho learned tho uinunt ot his tnxe8. However, Mr. Tlin i.iormnn npponrs to still bo In a physical condition to atniid quite a jolt, as ho looks but little ol lot than ho did wbon tho writer first saw him cutting meat In Mnrshflolu 5)9 years ngo. XO ARRESTS IX SEVEN MONTHS. Newport, With Population or I ."(Ml, Iih Unusual Heconl. NEWPORT, Or., March 27. Thero hnsn't been nn nrrest In Newport slnco tho middle of August, n record perhaps not Hiirpasscd In nay town of 1500 resldouts In tho stnto. Newport has threo saloons. Thero has been drunkenness, of course, but thoso under tho Influence of liquor havo not boon ninny and thoy havo bobavod themsolves In n manner not to attract attention, Tho city jail Ih going to seed. T T 1 Director Fenton Announces Program for Entertainment at Masonic Director R. N. Fenton of tho Coos nay Concert Dand has nnnounccd the following program for tho concert (0 bo given nt tho Masonic opera house next' Sunday: March, "G3rd Iowa," Frazor Overture, "The Beautiful Gnlatea," Kntr'acto et Vnlso from "Coppolla" Dollbes Cornet solo, Cantabtlo from Samp son ct Dolllnh" Salnt-Saens H. G. Howard. Fnntnsla, "A Snmmor Day In Nor way Wlllmors Characteristic, "Scarecrow Danco" Rlnglcbeu (Donated by R. O. Grnves.) Selection. "Mikado" Sullivan March. "Tho Whip" Holzman Star Spangled Rainier, ELI'S GREAM BE I0SM SI OPENSGLOGGED en goes ww nates fob Handling w: Vo haul tfl,. , ' C .V" M"r8hneld "for Ik" (IK 1 "o, dellvqrv n v"1 W Instantly Clears Air Parages; You llrontlio Freely, Nasty Dlsthargo Stops, Head Colds mid Dull Head ui'lio Vnnlsli. Oct a small bottlo nnywity, Just to try It apply n llttlo In the nostrils and lnstintly your clogucd nose nnd stopped-up nlr passages of tho head will opon; you will bieatho frcoly; dullness nnd hendncho disappear. I3y morning! tho catarrh, cohl-ln-ltcnd or cntnrrhal soro throat will bo gono. End Btich misery now! Got tho smnll bottlo of "Ely's Cream Halm" at any drug store This sweet, fra grant balm dissolves by tho hent of tho nostrils, ponotrntes nnd bonis tho liwlnmod, swollen mombruuo which lines tho nosu, head and throat, lours the nlr passages, stops nnnty iMschargcB and a fooling of cloanalng, soothing rollof comes Immediately. Don't lay nwako tonight struggling for breath, with head stuffed; nostrils closed, hawking and blow ing. Catnrrh or a cold, with Its run ning noso, foul mucous dropping In to tho thront, and raw dryness Is dis tressing but surely noodlccs. Put your fnlth JuBt once In "Ely's Cream Halm" and your cold or catarrh will surely dlsnppear. The Union Market In Its new dress, entirely ro.iiodolled and renovated, Is now ready to recolvo and welcome Its cuhtomors Into ono of tho most modern, mudol nnd sanltnry moat mnrkdts on Cpos Day. In addition to a model shop It serves the best meat on Coos Hay. Prime beef steors that wero formerly driven to Roso burc markets, nro now butchered nnd sorvod to tho pcoplo on tho blocks of tno Union shop. Union Meat Market Ford Iteskey, Pioprletors. 144 South Uroudway. Phono C8. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance "TiTIT'GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. IIKNUY 8ENGSTACKEN, Manager FAJIM, COAL, tIMREH AND PLATTING LANDS A SP3CIALTV. GENERAL AGENTS EAST-SIDE MARSHFIELD OFFICE, PHONE M-J. COQUII.LK CITY' OFFICE PHONE 1U1. Ono trtni ii Threo triini,. Twnlvo trunk. ' Slar Transfer rtdSU,,..? I'linn lev Holm 11 r. W laoi . r "Wm ""- asss M IMni2l Mmikih KemT l Ti.lll.1m. -. . " tCIll I llr ,,.! '" I(W Hcs. 994 Snlhr"TeSh S, Phone 410-J. bl vv (We line- m.iij.. Rvip i,nn... ' ,,-"""us,i without drues or ... IT 13C North Droidwiir "nM, rnono 1MCM,. jimuu,. "" HEDtJOTIOXS IX FREIGHT RATES WITHDRAWN - -S. S. HARDY, SAILS FROM SAX FRAXCISCO FOR COOS RAY' - EVERY ALTERNATE FRIDAY AT t:0() V. M. Sun Francisco office, Harrison St. Dock, Pier 10. West Coast S. S. Line E. .1. LINDEN, Agt., Phono Dniiir. 2070. IlLIXD IIV.MX WRITER IS NINETY'-FOUR Y'EARS OLD IMMENSE POWER FILING. BRIDGEPORT. Conn.. March 27. Fanny Crosby, tho famous writer of popular hymns, wns ninety-four yonrs.old March 2-i. Illlnd slnco sho wns six weeks old, through tho ap plication of hot poultices which de stroyed tho optic nervo, she has writ ton more than G000 hymns, among thorn being "Safe In t"'o Arms of Jo bub," "Jesus, Keep Mo Nenr tho Cross," and "Jesus tho Wator of Life Will Glvo." Peoplo In nil pnrts of tho world paid tribute to her by wearing a clustor of violets on hor birthday. COLLEGE MOVS FRIEND IS NINETY-TWO YEARS OLD. MANY WERE HURT. Coon County Ai'clilniilH Reported to Ituhor Couniilxhloucr. SALEM, Or.. March 20. Two fatal accidents wore roportod to Stnto Lab or Commissioner O. P. Hoff Inst week both occurring In tho logging Indus try. Dolph Lewis wns kll'od at Wondllng, and Luther 0, Haskell was killed nt South Inlet. Resides tho two fatal accldontB, CO other nccl donts wero roported during tho week. The Coos nny ones wero: Nick Lodls, Marshllold, leg cut In sawmill. George Thomas, Marshllold, wrist bruised, sawmill. I.uthor C. Hnbkoll. South Inlet, fu tnl.'logglng. Charles Mill, Mnrshfleld,! back sprained, sawmill. J. L. RodgerB, nenr Gardiner, foot bruleod, railroad construction. Merltol Rhcumntlsiu Powders Tho unusually largo sale of this remedy Is tho best evidence wo could offer you to provo Its merit. It is mado of otfectlvo Ingredients, and" Is guaranteed to givo perman ent rollof for rheumatism. Wo will jtlndly show you tho formula nnd plnln Its merits to you. Owl Pre scription Pharmacy. Frank D. Co inn. Opposlto Chandler Hotel. Phono 74. Control Avenuo Driii; torc, local agency. Price 60 cents. SALEM, Or.. Mnrch 20. An nppll-i cntlon hns boon filed with Stnto En- glnoor LowIb by tho Roguo River' Pub !c Sorvico Corporation iiBMng for, permission to appropriate sufficient water from tho Roguu River at HoU'b Gato to develop 44,920 horsepower. Tho filing fees woro I22S7. ! FLIES ARE ELECntOCl'TED GALES FERRY'. Conn.. March 27. "Undo" Lyman A. Richards, who Is known to overy oarsman who has ovor rowed In tho Y'nlo-Hnrvard ro gattas hero, Is celobratlng his ninety second birthday nt his home Ho Is able to do chorso About his farm nnd is as Interested In tho annual races as any of tho boys. Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. Scini-wcclcly service Coos Bay and San Fram-isno. S. S. Redondo SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR SAN FRANCISCO, SAN PEDRO AND SAN DIEGO, MONDAY, MARCH 30, AT 12:15, NOON. Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. S. S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. WILL SAIL FROM SAX FRAXCISCO FOR MARSHFIELD, FRIDAY', MARCH 27, AT IV M. San Francisco office, Greenwich street pier ITo. 23 and 600 Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, C. F. McGkorcih, Phone 44 W 10 OSfi liixeutor of Abeitlecii lias Si hemp to Extcrmliinto Pests. DALLAS, Or., Mnrch 27 Ed word II. Smith, nn Invontor, former ly of Abordeou, Wash., has mndo nn oloetrlcnl dovlco he says will ox t rmlunto files. Tho trap Is l Inches long and six Inches wide. As soon as tho fly enters tho cago ho forms his own connection. ')'lier, Is n small spark, mid tho fly Is nltfctrocutcd, It 13 estimated thnt tne cost of operation for the soa son will not exceed 3 conts. YOUR II HOXORS HIS ADMIRERS Robt. Mnntcll Sends Autograph to J FlorviMO Men FLORENCE. Or., March 27. Sam Miller, of Florence, und Tom Wolf, of Glenndn, who wont from Florenco to Portland to nttend n re cent performance by Robert Man tell, woro agreeably surprised upon receiving ench an autographed pho tograph from that noted actor. Mr Mantel! probably learned through tho newspapers of tho long Hard trio mado by the two coast men, and took this method ot expressing Ills personal thanks and appreciation ot their efforts. Try Tl N! Mlv Sago Teu mid Siilplim nit'! iii'iisii it Tlirougli Your I lair, Taking Ono Strand nt n Tlmo When you darken your hair with Sago Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell, becauso It's jlone so naturally, so ovonly. Preparing this mlxturo, though, at home Is mttssy and trou blesome For 50 cjntB you can buy at any drug store tho ready-to-ubo tonic called "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hulr Remedy." Y'ou Just dampon n sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your alr, taking one small strand at a time, Ry morning all gray hair disappears, and, after another application or two, your hnlr becomes beautifully darkened, glossy and luxuriant. Y'ou will nlso discover dandruff Is gone nnd hnlr lias stopped falling, Gray, faded hair, though no dis grace, Is n sign of old ngo, and wo all deslro a youthful and attractive appearance, get busy at once with Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur and look y,.arB younger. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAY'S ON TIME. Sails from Marshllold March 14th, 11 a. m.; March 21st, 7:00 a. in. Mnrch 28th, 11:30 a. m.; April 4th, 1 p. m.; April 11th, 10 a. ni.; April 18th, 1 p. m.; April 25th, 10 a. m.; April 30th, 1 p. ni. Sails from Portland March 18th, 25th, 8 a. in.; April 1st, '8th, 15th, 22nd, 28th, 8 a. m. Tickets ou sale to nil Eiibteru points and information as to routes rnlslied. Phono 127-L. nud r:tiM cheerfully fuiil II. J, MOHR, Agent S. S. AR0LINE. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS FIXE PASSEXGER ACCOMMODATION'S. NEW STEEL 1JOAT. Sails from Xortli Rend Saturday, March UH, for Portland. Sails for San Francisco, Saturady, April 1. PASSEXGERS AXD FREIGHT North Bend Lumber Company, Ants. Phono 1.171. Xortli" Rend -L S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED YVITII WIRELESS SAILS IWOM MARSin,IELD FOR EUREKA "WEDNESDAY.'. MARCH 23, AT 0:30 A. SI. ROUXD TRIP, $18.50. 'Connection with the North Rnnk Road nt Portland." North Pacific Steamship Company Phono -14. C. P. SPGEORGE. Agent. riEO. C. MURPHY. Expert Piano, player ujfw Tuning. Kegulitini ud &2 lni. no cm o" - Ordera may be left t 1 "weV own, lM(dt wuuu( TOEL OSTLINI). J Plhlln 'I'mir.,. an.l n...t I Ifl K. Klvll. wt., ,T.... I Lonvo MtIiT nt v. n. it.i JtI i-. .. -i rfUllliillj a t m. wine i it n.iml iiuiwiiM, co.vrnAcroR Estliniitri, fnrnldliwl ,,, wp. p O. (JOSNLY rboMtwl Ccintrart'ir and BoMa EstlmatCM lni iiis!inlor MY PAST WORK IS MV IICIBBsl Flrxt nnd Alder Kti. UinLMI DR. II. M. SHAW Etc, Knr, .S'o aid Thni DR. MATTIE U. SHAW I Dlnenxes ot women and (Mm Office phon 330. Roorai IH,I 202. inlii BlMt House pHOut, Kt-J. DR. A. .1. HENDRY IIKNTI8T Martbmld, Orefst Rooms 204-201, CoYi Billisi Residence phone 26I-X. Ofllco phont 1 1 2-J. M Rfl. FARniKORR, ;i TMCatt oi nan RMldeaca Btudlo, Kt(4 Corner Commercltl ud Eliwtl Plione SM-1, BENJAMIN OHTU.1P. , KDjsbeifttI Archltt OfflccH, 20 Irtlaj IM Phono 103-L or so., JfarahfUM, mERJ, RILEY IJAIllMB JT PJknlat l TeJ Rfaidence-Rtudto, III 09.1 Phone 1M w. Q. C1IANULKR. ARCHITEW' Roama Ml auid 801, OU ' Mrahflcld, 0w6- W M. 8. TUHI'K. AltCUIHOT MurabfleM, 0L NO SAW EDGES .. roLLtRS if ...... IheB ! I at TWIX CITY STEAM U .run coos nft Formcrlr of M-, WASHINGTON AVg NORTH DEX0 I C. A. Metro, w -OUREdAKTl MFW SPRING G0M JUST RECU" s. sjSi'P yonjjI3 YOU AUTO CALL t-UH ry ,-Jaii pour good n,rfrpw,Lr For aTorTa D.UhU O. F. I,! "" ...wi Dressmaking wdil ing Over Msn 4aW5 The Times Does Job Printing! htJ. fa The Timw ther 8 B,ter