BMsfl -Sww IQNESTY ISJSf POLICY BUT MANY OF US HAVE TROUBLE KEEPING HE PREMIUM p" i - (Ham la tos Till'-"" IO "-' ""' i'tHE TIMES In whjch to con- ...a .r. -- tirilfll.1 A 1. VOU Tlltl.!)V You and yours, ot about the same tilings to cat, day ufter day, mid week after week? Why not look In the "adB for Ideas nbout eatables ami break that "table mo i ntony?" You'll bo surprised at tho difference, if you follow T1ME3 Ol.S. "' . -,, mi. Ad roncicrs rcna tno 'nrlh-whlle nds no matter In what nttrt of th0 "npcr they appear. A Frtiih.ul scries of ads, making Lno, every statement In tho nd., Is furo of getting noticoablo results. MICMBKR OP TUB ASSOCIATE!) PRESS ntiummmmummmmmmmm .i WVWII IsfltnllHiicuiJ878 VOL AAA VII. nfl xiJO ConsOMnll MARSHFIELD. OREGON, FRIDAY, .MARCH 27, 1914 EVENING EDITION -EIGHT PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall 0. 212 and Cooh Hoy Advertiser. SON WINS FIRST ROUND IN PANAMA TOLL CONTROVERSY ftotion Supporting His Fjght for Repeal or txempiion Carries OTE WAS 200 TJO (Z IN Hlb I-AVUI1 rwenty-Hour Limit on Debate Unntnrl niconccinn nn Measure Today . ' in AMtKlllfJ Pit to Cooa IU, Tlint.l WASHINGTON, D. C March 27. President Wilson won tho first battlo of hlB fight to re peal the Panama tolls oxomptlon when tho Houso, by a voto of 257 to 17G refused to continue Jl.imalnn rt Itin rllln 1(1 1 1 til It in twenty hours tho debate on tho I films bill. A special rulo was then adopt ed, 200 to 172, that put tho Sims bill to repeal exemption square ly beforo tho IIoubo -for twenty hours debate and protected It ncalnst Intervening motions and amendments. I Pnrtv lines woro ellmlnntod by tho ole, Tho ballottlng wns preceded by n hour of Impassioned speaking. :huk. Underwood, Flrzgornld nnd thcr Democratic leaders voted gainst the motion to cut off tho do te, with tno adoption or tno rcso- to stop tho debato, tho next ovc wns to adopt the rulo itself, tad tho ndmlnlstrntlon supporters ero sure of Its passage. Flushed Ith victory, they predicted tho pnB- ige of the repeal bill by n heavy ajorlty. Thoy declared that many ' thoso who had voted against the tctIoub question would bo willing a toIo for tho bill. Sims coupled his .rxuments for tho repeal of tho tolls remptlon with a denunciation of ) Democrats opposing the admin ls- tlon. The Houso disposed ot routine bust- wand took up the rule to limit tho ml tolls debato to twenty hours. Democratic platform plodgo fav dr exemption, snld Adnmson, will written Into tho platform by "ono tho leading friends of exemption." e Mid tho chnlrmnn of the Roxolu- onj Commlttco "was busy watching ammany Hall nnd Wall Street for e protection of tno peopjo, but It ems llko ho watched tho wrong an." After moro debate. Under- ood held a whispered dolmtc with weaker Clark and returned to his at smiling. As ho did so, Camp ll, leading tho fight on the rulo r the Republicans, surprised tha otio by yielding to Underwood io House burst Into cheers -which ntlnued for several minutes. "I a opposed to this bill nnd naturally am onnofod to a rulo for Its con- Weratlon," said ho, "but tho Presi dent having laid this important ques tion beforo Congress, I bollovo 1t oum bo considered, but considered M TL E S STANDING F M Field Marshal French and Gen eral Ewart Refuse to Reconsider IDr AaaoclatM 1'itm to Cooa Uar TlniM, LONDON, .March 27. Field Mar shall French was called Into n meet ing or the Cabinet to discuss his position with them. It wns Bald that tho Ministers round difficulty In repairing tho rift In ths army organization caused by the blow given It by tho lcstguntlon of Field Mnrshal French and nontenant Uoueral Ewnrt, Adjutant General to tho forces. Tho two generals H'cined to bo determined not to withdraw their resignations. CLARKE HE-XOMIXATED tnr Atifltl rmi to Cooa Bar Tlma,J LITTLE HOCK. Ark., March 27. Practically complcto roturns from ovcry county In Arkansas In ttio primaries of Wednesday, Indicate tno ri-nomlnntlon of United States Senator James P. Clarko, HEAD GO TO BRAZIL England Reported to be Trans- ferrlng Mexican Minister to South America 17 AMOilala.1 I'mi lo Cooa Dtr Tlmra.l LONDON. .March 27. It Is undor- I stood there Is u possibility of Sir ' Lionel going direct to Hlo Jnnolro I to tuko up his post as .Minister to Brazil, Instead of roturnlng to :.:ex I Ico. Tho only statement tho For- oign uiiiro woum nuuiunz.1 wun thnt no date imu ueon nxeu tor nis return to Mexico. GOV. WEST SCORES WOMAN MAYOR Notifies !Mrs. Hilda Larson, Chief Executive of Trout dale, That She Must Stop Liquor Sales Husband Runs Saloon. Wr Aaaoclate.1 Prn to Coot nj Tlmta.T SALEM, Or., March 27. Governor West wnrned Mrs. Hilda Larson, tho mayor of Troutdalo, that sho must prevent llfltior law violations. Mrs. EIGHTEEN DIE IN SHIPWRECK Part of Crew of French Steam er St. Paul Lost Near Brisbane tnr Awn imt pr,i to coo nr Timn.i LONDON, March 27. Eighteen of tho crew of tho French stoamor 8t. Paul wero drowned todny. The sttamcr struck a rock and sank whtlo entering the port of Urls bane, Australia, according to a dispatch. Larson recently complained to tho District Attorney that tho law was being violated. Investigation result ed In tho arrest of her own husband, who Is a saloon kecpor, among others. Other saloon keepers charged that tho Larsons plotted to close, them out In order to control tho liquor business. Tho district attorney asked the grand Jury to Investigate but the Jury failed to return true bills. Tho Governor then Investigated tho case for him-solf. ARSON SQUAD IS IN IRELAND GENERAL VILLA'S ABIT WINS AFTER SERIES OF DEFEATS VILLA REPORTS G TO Y Suffragettes Destroy Sir Hugh McCalmont's Country Home at Belfast P AimUltd Vtf to Co n Tlmfa.J 11ELFA8T, March 27. A Btiffra gctto arson squad burned the splon- ' did country houso of .Major Genera; Sir Hugh McCalmont on Belfast Lough. The loss is $7f.000. Tno grounds wero .used recently to dr II Ulster volunteers. .... 25.000 REDS WEYEBHOUSER TUBERCULAR Many Indians Suffer From Lung Trouble. General Health Conditions Bad , r AhmkUIx Pra to Com liar Tlrart.J WASHINGTON, D. C, Marrh 27. Health condltlona. among tho Indians nre described as deplorable In the annual report of tho Indian commls sfo'ner. Approximately 25,000 are Btifforing from tuberculosis, i Tho ro port says there nro 8000 families without homos nnd living In revolt lug conditions. i the proper way." xaKor Clark warnod tno floor galleries thnt nn acrimonious "excltlnr ilohatn llkn this" ould call for perfect order. Sher- i, Heptiblican, of Ohio, was tho peak r Ho iirced an nmond- nt to dismantle tlm fnrtlflratlons t the canal and nbsolutoly noutrallzo i ne administration forces op I their flcht In n twelve-minute Wh bv Adamsnn. Ho referred tbo arguments In favor of tolls Amotion as "claptrap, poppycock u ui'iuuion. ' JP KMPRKSR 11Ai Iters From Severe Attack of (Br AuorlllcJ Pmi la Cos. n.T Tlmnl TOKIO, March 27. Dowager Km fMs Haruko la seriously 111 at 7". wnero sue resides in tno BDerln! VlltntvA Hinita Clin la a.f. , - ......feu uion. QlIU o am- P'lng from heart dlsenso. W T 0 OK INDICT COPPF.UFIKLD 5IKN. "fitr-Soven True Hills Returned by tuhiT uninii jury. BAk'wn n t. m .. Jn trim bills, Inc'udlng Indie- --- ,uiot jiHvor fwRri RTiii nu jnncllmn of ConperfleM. nranKt wrnor West following his crusade ... 'i ui i mill ut:u uv in nrt tnrw Jrfe oounts were returned n?slnst Jrr.,'"ewnrt one "i''h apalnor i. "'i iimm wiepsno. .i. .i. "17. Tonv Warner and William 'VVlhlii... mi- .... Uii C I. " uonperneia men h'M liond for all exrent ri'trnq. -ier roiimed to acknowledge t hr lo1anhnnA mU . In,llnli,1 . j..-n,M" i i' .iiilt-irii ""! ' selling nnd giving V, , '"'"ors ana gamnun? arrin Knernvfch. the rounollmen. i . ,."""""Ha neutions resu"ing Ilnn 1.. IL. . V"a who fed after hln.j "- kho n.-3iea ac uniaweu. T Vmt. .. .. . Tn Times, Petitions Circulated at Co- quirle New State Law Provides for It. (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLE. Or., .March 27. Pe titions have been pluced In circula tion In this city praying that tho County Court employ an expert and audit tho books of tho county. It la understood that similar petitions nro In circulation In the othor cities of the, county. Tho petitions are be ing freely signed, but the signers do not seem to recall that the 19 1 a session of tho Legislature provided for tho auditing of tho books of each office oxpondlng state money, ido law further provides that the cxponso of auch auditing shall bo charged to county where tho nudlt was made. WiAX NEW HALL. . .McEhcii Plans to Kutablluli Hlg AinuM'ineiit Quarters. (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLB, Or., March 27. If tho plans of D. McEwen do not go nmlps Coqulllo will bo well supplied with places of amusement during tho coming Bummer months. Mr McEwen Is arranging to start a gymnasium In the Heastlet Hall and expects to open about April 20. Tho "gym" will have n comploto equip- . ........ n.n!a ..Intro lllimll intent OI " "" ""- bells, etc., nnd an nuiuun wm u binder tho Instruction of Mr. Mc Ewen. With tho warmer weather ho expects to build a largo dancing pavilion on the river bank Just be low town further adding to tho at traction by constructing a boat house and bath house In connection, DEMOCItATS MAY HK-KiKCT (iUVKliaim liwurivn fl), AworUto rw ""o "' TlmM.l NASHVILLE, Tenn.. March 27. The Democratic State Committee will hold a- meeting In this city today for the purpose of prescribing a method of naming candidates for Governor, Supreme Court Judgo and Railroad Commissioner. It Is ex pected Governor Hooper will be re indorsed for re-election. W L VESSELS' HERE C. A. Smith Company to Make Coos Bay Home Port of Ships Now As a result of a now rule of the Government requiring Am rlcnu coaBtwIso vcssols to bo registered from ono of tho ports to which thoy regularly ply, the C, A, Smith Com pany will soon have the Adeltno Smith, Nairn Smith nnd the Redondo registered from Coos Day. Tho ves sels havo beon registered from St. Paul heretofore. 3n tho past, vessel owners were able to got a moro favorablo assessment on the vcssols by having them registered eise 'ttherc. Tho Adollno Smith nrrlvoa In from the South oarly today after a good trip up the coast. John Mo reen nud Wllholm isakson returned on her after u short visit in San Francisco. Mr. Moreen states that tho lum bor market continues poor. Tho do. ninnd Is picking up some, but tho prices havo not advanced nny yot. C. A. Smith and F. A. Warner aro now on an Eastern trip nnd when thoy will return to tho coast la not certain, Arno Moreen will return hero on the next Adeline Smith. lltg LumlH'i'iunii Hero Geo. C. Howe, of Minneapolis, who lias big timber Interests In Ilrltlsh Columbia und Florida, ar rived hero on tho Adellno today and will spend a week or so Inspecting tho Smith plants here. He is ar ranging to erect a largo mill In Florida and Is getting ideas for tho plant. MKAIHVB XEW WORK. IS VERY ILL Lumber King Seriously Sick of Pneumonia at Pasadena, California, Today Of AuoclntM rffM to Cool Ur Tint ) PASADENA, Cal March 21. Frederick Woyerhauser, tho St. Paul lumber king, Is dangerously 111 of pneuiuonln at his winter homo horo. Mr. Woyerhauser Is quito, advanced In ieara and In conaequenco much alarm Is felt, Woyerhauser Is rated as ono of tho wealthiest men In tho world and by some ho Is claimed to be wealth ier than Rockefeller. Io has Im mense holdings of timber In the United States and Canada, ow:ng much In Southwestern Oregon. Rebel Leader Tells Carranza About Battles Before Torreon tnr Ai.of itni titm to i oo nr Timn.j I JUAREZ, March 27. Tho receipt or dispatches toncornlng tho enpturo of Gomez Palnclo caused tl'o greatest rejoicing. A telegram from Villa to Carranza confirmed tho victory nnd reported tho repulse of tho Federal attack on Lerdo. Villa addressed CarrVuirn an "Chief of tho Revolu tion." Tho dispatch rends: "After three days and ulghtB of bloody flghtlnc, tho oncmy wns dislodged from Gomez Pnlnrlo nnd Lerdo. Wo linvo not been nblo to dotermtno our ! own losses. All our chiofs conducted themselves well and cooperated splen didly. Tho artillery wnB particularly effective and to It I must nuerlbo t' o panic created In the ranks of tho enemy. General Angola commanded tho big guno with bis usual ability. Tho brunt of the fighting wnB borno by tho Villa nnd Morolos brigades. All tho generals romblno with mo in sending their bCHt wishes." Mexican Rebels Capture Go mez Palacio After Some Hard Fighting LOSSES ON BOTH SIDES ARE REPORTED HEAVY Red Cross A6tive for First Time There Csnsor De lays Report r- I ATTACK TORREON TODAY. I mitKON TODAY. 1 r- 1 ry I Is E W IS Former Manager of Margaret lies ComMiny Writes Memoirs. E. H. Meade Is engaged In writing his autobiography, according to re ports, and has brought it up to the time when he was on the stage, at seventeen years of age. His long and varied experience bofore the foot lights furnishes material for a most entertaining volume, and as Mr. Meade has a large fund of genuine humor he should bo abjo to dress It up In most attractive style. Vado Garton, whose art'stlc ability has at tracted much favorable attention here, Is to draw the illustrations for the work. Coquille Herald. Times Want ads bring results. Manager R. E. Miller Puts En tire New Force to Work Pettyyeff Case As tho r.sult or a llttlo Btrlko the day boforo yesterday and tho claims of othor mombors of the plpo line crews, Mannger R. E. Miller has replaced practically all of thorn with now men. Moat or the now workmen nro Greeks. I Tho crew struck for $3 per day Instead of thirty conta per hour for eight-hour shifts. Manager Mlllor said that thoro wns no particular trouble and tho mon simply were re placed whon they became dissatis fied with tholr Jobs. Mr. Miller said that tho new mon wore working for tho samo pay as tho mon who had quit, He denied a roport that tho company was fur nishing tho new men boots In addi tion to tho pay. Pettyyeff Case. According to rumors around last night nnd todny, tho assault on A. Pettyyeff, ono of tho striking crow, who was found In a Boml-eomatoso statu yestorday was duo to troublo between tho strikers and the mon who took tholr plncos, Mr. Mlllor said that this was entirely orron eoiiH so far as ho could find out. He said that thero had been no trou ble. Nothing new has developed In the Pettyyeff caso today. The hat found by Officers Carter and Richardson yestorday was identified as Petty yerr's by Georgo Ray. A club was triund near ,lt and It Is believed this was tho Instrument used on Pottyyerr. Pettyyeff was reported to tie about tho same at Mercy HoBpltal today. Dr. Dlx said that his In juries were not necessarily fatal, In fart many recovered after such In juries. However, there is a danger of meningitis developing and dan ger of paralysis. Pettyyeff cannot talk but bo was ablo to recognize his wife yesterday and shake- hands with her. She" re turned to the case at Eastsldo where she is nursing, saying that he would bo well cared for at Mercy Hospital. Pettyyeff Is Bald to bo a sober industrious man and the reports about his having been intoxicated are not believed by men who knew him well. He was with the strik ing crew the night before last. OVER ESTATE Mrs. Kirkpatrick Cut Off Chil dren and Willed Property to Others (Special lo The Times.) COQUILLE, Or., March 27. The sttlomont of tho - will, of tho Kite Mrs. B. M. Kirkpatrick has had the undivided attention of tho Probate Court, which has been In session at the court houso. Judgo John F. Hull Is presiding In tho case nud has been hearing testimony au7 tak ing ovid'iire for tho past four Cays, during which tlmo ho has examined nearly thirty witnesses. Tho ICIrkpatrlcks wero very well known all over tho county, having resided In this section for out 30 yearn and for a greater part oi tho tlmo wei residents of this city. J". M. Kirkpatrick passed away Octo ber IU, 1012, and willed his prop erty, which consisted of about $1200 In money and u home on the Moulton street bridge, to Mrs, Kirk patrick. The money, Mr. Kirkpat rick willed to his widow with the stipulation that sho was to have a certain allowance each month and at tho tlmo of hor death, which oc curred Soptombor 10, 1013, all had boon consumed but a very small amount. Following tho death of hor husband, Mrs. Kirkpatrick con tinued to resldo at her homo but being very old and feoblo, sho had her daughter, Mrs. Ualch, reside with hor. Shortly after part of tho place was rontfd to II. F. Newman and wife, new nrrlvals In this city, who arranged to tako care of Mrs, Kirkpatrick nnd did so up to the tlmo of her doath. Mr. Newman Is n shoemaker by trade and is em ployed In the Tozler harness shop. Just eight days hnrore her demise, according to the testimony in tho case, Mrs. Kirkpatrick sent for Jus tice of tho Peaco Stanley and In his presonco signed her will, but bulng unable to wrlto her slgnuturo In full placed her mnrk on tho document, hequiathlng to each of hor children the sum of $1.00 nnd tho home to tho Newmans. Tho will was Imme diately contested by tho heirs num bering several children and grand children on tho grounds that Mrs. Newman had Influenced the old lady, that Mrs. Kirkpatrick was unsound of mind at the time sho placed her mark on tho document and that tho mark wbb insufficient evidence of her signature. Judge Hall, after hearing tho tes timony of the various witnesses over ruled tbo first two points, but gave the contesting parties until April 10, 101 , In which to fllo briefs on the last point, namely, that tho mark placed by Mrs. Kirkpatrick on the document was Insufficient evidence of her signature. f AH kinds or Film 1 1 FRUIT and VEOETARLKS at OLLIVANT At WEAVER'S. Phono 11)0. I Illr AMotMtm rrr. to root uy Tlmni, I JUAREZ. March 27. If InTor- . I mntion given out at mllltnr: hoadnunrters this afternoon I correct, the rebel attack on Torr-1 roon proper s being made today. H I Tho bull ring on tho cdgo.of the ' city Is roportod captured. ! ' ' j 0 I (0 AhmIiM Pitm lo om Oar Tlmi. CONSTITUTIONALIST II' E A JD -QUARTERS, Above Torreon, March 'JO. (Dolnyod by CoiiBor.) Gonernl Villa nnd his rebol nrmy, nttor four days ot nlmost Incessant fighting; during which the victory sooinad first with ono nud thm with tho other side, occupied Gomez Pntacte todny. Tho losses on both aide 'wero heavy. f)io rebels dollvercfl thrco assaults bofore permanent success was achieved, nud nt times the battlo expanded Into tho streets lending Into Torreon proper. Villa predicts ho will havo Torron .by Saturday or aunuay. Tho most pitiable of all tho ,o art rending spectacles of the battlo was tho disabled crying for water, The lack of this wns as deadly as the bullets, and many died of thirst. Tha mongro hospital corps did fesxala work but thoy woro unn'blo tu cop with the situation. For tho first tlmo in the recent Mcxlrnu rovelutlau lh flag ot tho' Red Cross was ifik tho rebel nrmy. Many wounded- sl lllerri saw tho flag flattering in tho distance but saw It nud called to It Invuln. OarbftAJu a dusty torn suit, weaving a slouch hat, nnd with a' red handkerchief about his neck, Villa. Iins been a most conspicuous flrun among his ragged army. Ho violate all rules of tho conventional general standing apart from tho fighting .with Hold glasses, " w Villa erupt nmong th.1 meBqwR,,. uusiios to ten nis men iuwiiiu points y to Nro. Hh principal activities, were thoso of q Bcout, but IiIh prvmse nover failed to Inspire his soldiers wherever he appeared. (Mr AiaorUlM Prm tu fooa lljr TlEi".! JUAREZ, March 27. As . the wind blows a straw, so did the mes Biigo concerning the fighting nt Go meg Palnclo sway tho robot xyin pathlzers and through It nil not r rollnhl scrap of Information was Gleaned from n mnzo of unconTlrni ed reports thnt cumo In cany to day and last night. From tho Fed on I sources enmo the nows that Vl'ln Imd beon beaten. From the rebels enmo declarations of Victory for tho Constitutionalists, nnrt from where no ono knows cam hundreds of unconfirmed roporta. Ono mus8ngo came from Vlln. It said nothing concerning tho battle U was a command for n speedy shipment of the military monoplane trnm JUarez. From tho fact that tho messago was datod nt Gomes: Palacio, It gave rise to tho the be lief that he had captured that su burb of Torreon, ENGLISH MINISTER CHAXflKft. I In advertising "repetition makes reputation." Rotter use small space persistently than a I large space occasionally. . Mt AitocUlM I'mi lo Cooa IUr TIidm.J LONDON, March 27. Sir Llonfl Cardon, Ilrltlsh minister to Moxlca, cancelled his booking to sail tomor row for Now York on his return t Mexico, REPORT VILLA'S DEFEAT. njr AnoclttKl I'rr. to i'oi liar Tlmei ) WASHINGTON, D. C. March 27 Tho comploto defeat of Villa boforo Torreon wns reported to tho Mexlcau embassy here In a dispatch from the minister of foreign affairs, Sonor Rojas. HKIIELS 1101,1) TilUlDO. (Of AuorUtod rrfM to Cooa Par TlmM.l JUAREZ, March 27. Tho Feder als nt Torreon failed last night In a. ten hour fight to retake Lordo, ac cording to n tolegram this mornlnc from Villa. Tho telegram was datcfl Gomoz Palacio, Lordo Is n suburb of Torreon. EGGS HV PARCEL POST Also Includes Hiittcr, Poultry, Krntv, And Vegetables WASHINGTON, March 27 An ol der permitting the shipment of eggs, poultry, butter, vegetables and fruit by parcel post was signed by Post master General nurleson. The plan will he tried first la Washington, Roston, Raltlmore, At lanta, Philadelphia, Detroit and Btcv Francisco. .If tho nrrangemwrt proves satisfactory It will be ox tended to all points. Prominent club women claim It will be a TieaV thy swat at tho high. cost of living. i 41 4 l 31 9iAsatallsfM wmmmmmtmm. .i.A,LMiSaUst&bJij i,