--. -jj.j.T r-"r- Jaaafc swnl)r3feij.i..iiWi .. . j iW&r'i-QJfiQJlSSimRpttiiM IM.ijMHWBHMt''-':"W ,rw,rcy "5T THE COQS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, 'WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 114BVENINQ EDITION, 1IIR w iiitMiMn aiftrTr,"n " ' in .mill I" iiiii..,a .. .-,QT' ." ' '"".'HMjiuju Ilimrtg g Ml II in MM 1FVELDPKIEN I (riT 4 1 i& ' U- Wit ivr rimr-f t Interesting Items mom , me 1 Growth and Enterprise in Sections or state Tiilnmook county cheese- factories T .." ini.nna nounds In 1013. ran'tw??1: rnrs oil l"" i'01- ' '" "- .. - inrtnrA lipunn In nnorato or imp at .uii"- "-" - - March 20' n,ninrpnl nl. i hacking tlio IJoockcr wlckorwork fnc torv nntl n project for a now snwml I. tor), n" ',,, ..in,,, . ., pn 111 A meat iuuni"t i' - .toraco facilities on n largo scale iro.BWircuBi. ..-- s tlio backliiR of Montana capltnl g for establishing n cracker fac- KOrjt tf1nrn f!ritn mlnalnn . n.tdnrliic ralslnB the npprontlco- shin period for women loarnors to ygltccn months Contracts huu "" .',." ...i-npilnii nf olcht eoncreto brldiics bn the Colinnhln Itlver highway. Tho state peiimur iu, "" i" " i i.. if trniln la tinlnc? nt. n rpHiruuii u w..w " ....0 tacked In the Federal courts nt Porr Iftnd by n tea company. .... West Mnn cltlzenB havo decided o support tho erection of two now chool buildings to cost $12,000 each. Astoria Masonic ioubo win erect a lire-proof offlco building and lodge ,Vhn shlnbluldlng Industry nt St. lelcns IncreascH In activity. A favorabio sign an ovor urcgon i iho establishment and extension of local packing plants with cold stor- kfc fnclllties. IlOSOUlirg anil Kllguuu riun pura- i for a very rnvornme uunuing eason, . . . . Cnllnoola Ornngo has adopted ros- Muttons strongly opposing tho pro- oscrt eight hour lawB. Knclneer rontalno of tho Wlllnm- Etto Pacific says 2000 men will rush ibe railroad between Kugono and llarihflcld to completion by fan. A steel and wood truss bridge will built across Chotco River In Curry aunty. A ten hour law for inon Is sus- alned by tho recent decision of the prepon Supremo Court. A Salem bank capitalized nt $100,- boo pays jr.onn taxes six per cont n Its rapitni stocK. The Kuccno Cnnnuerclnl Club will nako securing factories and payrolls first Importance In Its publicity fork for tho coming year. Cottage Grove business men have committee raising $10,000 stock lubscrlptiou for a cannery. fTJio slilpplng Hint went over tlio oos Hay bar In 1013 aggregated 165,000 tons. Clackamas county Is to havo n now ill. Tho historical courthouso of Mar- on county Is being remodelled for bout the fifteenth time. Tho case of Frank C. Stottlor vb. be Oregon Wei faro Commission will : appealed to tho Sunromo Court of he railed States. A new armory Is to bo liiillt at Portland on tho cast sldo, to cost su.onn I Tho Knights of Pythias will orcct tfto-storv loilk'n liiillillnir at North Mains. Pendleton will voto on $50,000 ptcr bonds to comploto Its gravity litem. litis generally considered that tho MO tax cxemutlon nronosod would puse tho urent burden of taxntlon to U on employing Industries. I no rnoenix stono quarry of Doug- luuiuj- nanus to navo movoa mo Sgcst block of stono on record XHX1& feet unhrnVnn fin tho Paulina and Dob Chutes re in s, 400.000 acres of public lands io do thrown open to bona fldo Ittlers. Copyright. 1913, by tho Panama-Pacific International Exposition Co. SUPERB STATUARY FOR PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNA TIONAL EXPOSITION, SAN FRANCISCO, 1915. T IHIJ Illustration nbovc shows some of the colossal works of sculp- uiro ui ne set in the rust courts of the Panamn-Paeille Interna tional Imposition ut Bun Francisco In 11)15. At thu left nru flir- ures of n Tlbrtnn I.nms mid (ill Arab Sheik wbleb will bo In tlin group "NatlmiH of the Hast," over the Arch of the UIhIiik Sun In tho Court of the Hun and Stars; next Is ".Sunshine," and at the right Is "Itnlu." A. .Inegeis. l'urlo Pleclrrllll and A. Stirling Calder are the sculptore. WORD 10 WIN Nil Gov. West Concedes Xoinlnatlon of Attorney (,'encnil In Piiuuiiles. SAIiKM, Or., Mnrch LTi. flovemor West gave out for publication the fol lowing statement: "Crawford Is going to bo nominat ed by tho Itopubllcans for Governor. I have thought so for somo time, but It wns sottlcd whon Stevens withdrew. Tho voto of thu liquor pcoplo would hnvo been split up between Stevens, Crawford nnd Moser. Hut llttlo of It would havo gono to Moser, because It Is well known ho hasn't a ghost of a show. Now. with Stovens out of tho race. It will nil go to Crawford. Ills nomination Is mndo doubly suro .by my opposition, nnd pointing out his delinquencies will attract to his standard nil that olomenf who nro op posed to mo on account of my activi ties In tho direction of lnw enforce ment, and whllo bo will hnvo for his support a motley crowd, ho will hnvo enough votes to 'nominate, becnuso tho several clean lnw enforcement candidates will dlvldo tho voto of tho bottor element throughout tho stnto nnd tl.us rut each other's throats. Of course, this being n fight In tho Ilcpubllrnn primaries Is llttlo con corn of mine, but I bollevo Crawford will bo nominated." COMB SAGE TEA 10 M HAIR Write your ad like you would talk to your party and tell the WHOLE TRUTH. Notice the ol- Y ':XT lumm. Telephone - " "inny liu lray av0t rJi",J--N''o lance front ?m Mc,y llKht8' Convon l"n n,,0derate PrIco- Apply -0 Day avenue. Which ad would YOU answer? Dn't cut the ad too N' It is false economy: ONE HUH IX TIME SAVES NINE Don't wfc!t until your hair Is gone b't kcop nil you havo If possible Wo recommond Morltol Hair Tonic as n rcllnblo preparation for keep ing tho scalp clean nnd hoalthy con. dltlon and promoting hair growth. It 1b n preparation of genulno merit, ono wo aro pleased to guarantee to you. Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposlto Chandlor Hotel. Phono 4. Central Avenue Drug Store, local agoncy. Prices 50c tnd $1.00. A treat ... .. d m. ""J""iy or persona af- eat, whirS i ma have no oth0" ma iL18 accePed as proof itoi ? Ji nur.ey a skin disease. M. Of th. 1S fr eCZ6ma ani1 : With C , ll 'ou ar aI" k you Jhl8 terrible disease Bii?..t? U8 this remedy on mcy. p!L, ?'' PrescrlpUon Candle, T?k, ?' Cohan- PPO ral .Uler Hotel. Phono 7i Get the Saving Habit Good Flour Sifter 15c Egfl Beater 15c Big Dish Pan 15c We've six dozen dandy good brooms They'd be a good buy at 60c. Get one NEXT SATURDAY only for 37c Smith's 3E? North Bend lollies! Try ThNl DarkeiiH Itcnutl- fully anil Nobody Can Tell llrlngs Mack Its (ilnss nnd Thickness Common garden sngo browed Into tt heavy ten, with sulphur and nl- conoi niiiieii, will turn gray streaked nnd fnded hair beautifully dark and luxuriant; remove every bit of dand ruff, stop scalp Itching and fulling hair. Mixing tho Sngo Ten and Sulphur recipe at home, though, la troublesoiuo. An easier way Is to got tho rcady-to-iiBo tunic, costing nbout no cents n Inrgo bottlo, nt drug stores, known ns "Wyeth's sngo ami sulphur llnlr Homerty," thus avoiding a lot of muss. wiillo wispy, gray faded hnlr Is not sinful, Avu all deslro to rotnln our youthful nppcnrauco nnd nt trnctlven.BH. Hy dnrkonlng your hnlr with Wyoth's Sngo nnd Sul phur, jio ono can tell, becnuso It does It so nnturnliy, so evenly. You Jiut dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hnlr, taking ono small strand nt n tlmo; by morning nil gray hairs havo disappeared. After another ap plication or two your hnlr becomes beautifully dark, glossy, sort and luxuriant nnd you nppenr yenrs younger. C1TV AUTO ANI) TAXI SEItVICK A now taxlrab has been added to my auto service. Careful drivers. Will go anywhere at any tlmo. Stand Blanco Cigar Store. Day phono, 78 Sight phono 130-X. TOM GOODALE, Proprietor. TIME TAHM3 Willamette - Pacific Motor Car Leave Mitrshficld 0:30 a. m. 7:00 a. in. 8:00 a. m. 9:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 10:30 a. in. 11:00 a. ni, 11:30 a. m. 12:30 a. m. 1:00 p. in. 1:30 p. in. 2:00 p. m, 2:30 p. m. 3:00 p. u. 3:30 p. in. 4:00 p. m. 4:30 p. m, 6:00 p. ni. 5:30 p. in. C:00 p. in. C:30 p. in. 7:00 p. in. 7:30 p. m. 8:00 p. xn, 9:00 p. m, 10:00 p. m. SatuMlavs onlv. 11:00 p. m. 12:00 m. Ia'uvo North Ilend 0:45 a. m. 7:15 a. ra. 8:15 a. m. 9:15 a. m. 10:16 a. m. 10:45 a. m. 11:15 a. m. 11:46 a. m. 12:45 p. m. 1:15 p. in. 1:45 p. ni. 2:15 p, m. 2:45 p. ra. 3.15 p. m. 3:45 p. m. 4:15 p. m. 4:45 p. m. 5:15 p, m. 6:45 p. m. 6:15 p. m. :45 p. m. 7:15 p. m. 7:45 p. ra. 8:15 p. n 9:15 p. m. 10:15 p. m. Saturdays only 11:15 p. m. 12:15 a. m. WHITE GLOVES CLEANED Full Dress Suits to Rent UNIQUE PANTAT0RIUM JAY DOYLE & C. O. DAGGETT SCO Central Ave. Phone 230-X HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. Every Reader Is a "Possible Buyer" "Qunntlty nnd Quality" In newspaper circula tion means as much to the merchant ns quality goods at right prices means to a store's patrons. "Qunntlty -nnd-chcapnesa" in circulation docs not menu good vnluo to tho tnorchnnt who buys adver tising space. It Is on n par with more cheapness In merchandise minus iitiallty. Tho newspaper that reaches tho people ahlo to buy, and Inclined to buy anything that appeals to their needs nnd tnBtcs, affords to n tnorchnnt a prospective custom er In each nnd every render. Coos Bay Times Pimm in;i. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT.C0., Inc. HENRY BICNGSTACKEN, Manager FAIIM, COAT., TIM1IER AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY, GENERAL AGENTS EA8TSIDU MARSRFIELD OFFICE, PHONE VW. COQUILLE CITY OFFICE PHONE 101. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT LUMUER, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, BASH AND DOORS, ROOFING PAPER, ETC. CUT THE FUEL UILL IN TWO MY USING OUR WOOD. PHONE UN). IRS SOUTH BROADWAY REDUCTIONS IN FREIGHT RATES WITHDRAWN S. S. HARDY SAILS FHOM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS HAY EVERY ALTERNATE FRIDAY AT 1:00 1 M, San Francisco offlco, Harrison St. Dock, Pier 10. West Const H. S. Line. E. J. LINDEN, Agt., Phono Doutr. S070. Iijiter-Ocean Transportation Co. Semi-weekly sorvieo Coos Buy nnd Sim Francisco. S. 5. Redondo SAILS TRO SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY, TUESDAY, MARCH 24, AT 3 P. M. Equipped with wirplcss and sujjinarino bpJJ, Passongovs aijd froigljt, S. S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarino bell. Passengers and freight, WILL SAIL FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR MARSHFIELD, FRIDAY, .MAItCH 27, AT II P. M. San Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and, GOO Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, O. F. McGkokcik, Phone 44. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. Sails from Marahflold March 14th, 11 a. m.; March 21st, 7:00 a. m. March 28th, 11:30 a. m.; April 4th, 1 p. m.; April lltb, 10 a. m.; April 18th, 1 p. m.; April 20th, 10 a. ni.; April 30th, 1 p. in. Sails from Portland March 18th, 2Cth, 8 a. m.; April 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 28th, 8 a. m. Ticket on sale to all Eastern points and information its to routes and rates cheerfully furnished. Phono 427-L. H. J. MOHR, Agent Low Rates for Handling Trunks We haul truuKs botween any points In Mnrsbfleld for the follow ing rates, delivery to bo made la tho first stories of bulldlngK Ono trunk ..1 JM Threo trunks BO Twolvo trunks l.B Star Transfer and Storage Co. Levi Hclsncr, Prop. Phonos. 120-.T IQ-L: 9-n. -MtiFFSSlONA " M ILDRED ROGEHS NEION. Teacher of Pin no Pupil of Hugo Mnusfoldt nt Has Francisco, Ual. live yoArs' teaching oxperlcnco in Ban FrniiclHco lies. 994 South Tenth St. Phono 410-J. W- T. TOMPltlNS, D. S. T. (Weltmor Methods.) Evory known disease troatod without drugs or Burgory. Room 2, 130 North Droadwny. Phono 210-Tj. MnrshfloldOr. r EO. O. MURPHY, Exncrt Plnno. Player nnd Organ TuuIuk. Regulatinc and Ropatr Ing. Hcs. 842 So. Uroadwtgr. Orders may bo loft at the WUoy D. Allen MubIo Storo, Central avonuo. JOEL OSTLIND. Piano Tuner nnd Repairer 115 S. Sixth street. .Phono 103-L, Lonvo orders nt W. R. Hoinea Maslo Company. JM. WRiailT Phono ni8rR. RUILDrNG CONTRAOTOR Estimates furnished on request. c. O. GOSNEY Contractor nnd Hulhlcr Phono nini Estimates Furnished on Heiuct MY PAST WORK IS MY REKERENCK Mnrshflcld, Or. DR. II. M. SHAW Eye, Enr, Noso and Throat. DR. RIATTIB II. SHAW Dlsonscfi of uoinoii aud cblldrea. Offlco phono 330. Rooms 200, 291, 202, Irving Dlock. Houbo phono. 10C-J. D" R. A. J. HENDRY DENTIST Marsbflold, Oregon, Rooms 204-206, Coko Building. Rosldonco phono 2D2-X. Ofllce phono 112-J. MRS.. FARRINGER, Teacher .f Piano. Rosldonco Studio, No. 1008, Corner Commercial and Eleventh BU. Phono OHO-J. BENJAMIN OSTLIND, Consulting Engineer Architect, 'Offices, 200 Irving Dlock. Phono 10U-L or 207-J. Marshfield, Oregon, PERL RILEY DALLINGER Phoilat and Teacher . Rwldenco-Studlo, 237 So. BroadwaH Phono 18-L. WQ. OIIANDLER. ARCHITEOT. Koonu 801 and 80S, Coke BalMiaf Marshfield, Orego. WM. S. TURPEN, ARCHITEOT Marshfield. Oreroa. NO SAW KDGMS t-or YOUR COLLARS If yog liavp, thenj lauHrtered -at TWIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, THE COOS HOTHL Formerly of Marshfield WASHINGTON AVENUE 8TADDEV STRKBT NORTH IlED O. A. Metlln, Prop. OUB EM2GANT LINES OF NEW SPRING GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT S. S. JENNINGS NORTH nEND S. S. AR0LINE. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS FINE PASSENGER ACCOMMODATIONS. NEW STEEL ROAT. Hull from North Rend Saturday, Murdi 2H, for Porthtnd, PASSENGEHS AND FREIGHT Phono 1571. North Bend Lumber Company, Arjts. North Rend S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR EUREKA WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2,1, AT 0:30 A. M. ROUND TRIP, 918.00. Connection with tho North Bunk Road at Portland. North Pacific StcumeJiln Company Phone 44. O. F. M'GEORGE, Aeent. YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Fonr good cars with careful drivers. For day service, phone 144-J, Blanco IUHard Pallors. Fpr night service. Phone SOO-Ii Right Cafe. D. L F00TE. MRS. C. F. niDARGER Dressmaking and Ladles' Tailor ing Prices reasonable Over Magncs & Matson Store Phone S48-J. The Times want ada get what they go aftor, "ices 50c and $1,00 I5- A-i.- JtC 'ji M . mMgmmfimjmittJima0