f i OPTIMISM IS THE YEAST OF SUCCESS, AND IT ALWAYS RAISES THE DOUGH as ETKnvurAY requisite (Eoaa latj Qftmro EVEHV .MERCHANT Who uses Tho Times ndvcrtlslne Ib moat, according, to the belief of ell but vegetarians. Instead of ordering your roast, or your steak, In a haphazard mannor, why not study tho ads In The Times, and BC0 what the i butchers have to of fer you? columns will tell you ho makes money by so doing. Tho reason Is nlMinln niuinmlntifin a ttlnnrwt In The Times nets because no "falfo" a (I can cnier ns columns. MEMBER OF TUB ASSOCIATED PIIE8S ' ' Pffl'ffV" .. vWWII Established 1878 VOL AAA VII. ft8 Tho Coast Mull MARSHFiELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1914 EVENING EDITION. -SIX PAGES. A ton"Sl!?a0i?ASSSSSr.atol1 No- 21fl5 SisTIii RESIGNS OfflC E FOLLOWING CRITICISM Denies That "Army .Was Given Instructions .to Shoot Orangemen Down PREMIER ASQUITH IS KEPT OUT OF CLASH Refuses to Accept Resigna tionDetails of Army Insubordinacy nr AworUlrf 1'rfM to t'ooa tlar TlmM.T LONDON, Mnrch 25. Colonel John Sccloy has resigned his port folio sb Secretary of Stnte for War In the llrltlsh Cabinet. The resignation wns offered by Col Sccloy following tho publica tion today of dctnlls of tho crisis In the llrltlsh army, tho officers of which refused to partlclpnto In nrt Ivo operations against tho Inhabi tants of Ulster, who had prepared to offer armed reslstnnro to tho In troiliiL'tloli of homo rule. Col Scolcy said that ho Inter vened army officers and explained to them that an officer was com pelled to obey ordors to shoot "only In caso tho order wns a reasonable on- under tho circumstances." Ho declared thoro novor had been any Intention of giving "outrngcous and Illegal orders" to massnero Orange men simply becnuso of n demonstra tion Sccky produced documents to show that tho government had given tho officers written gunrunteo that It would not use tho army to crush Ulster's political opposition to homo rale, Premier AhmuIMi In reply to a nuesMon mnd It clear that tho Instructions given to GonornI Pngo beforo his Inters low with tho off I- ..... .a..la lata finil n.ltfl ltd Ait 1l rum iiiiuui nun nun viiiikuiiwii - rcctly from tho wnr orrico and woro not submitted to the Prlmo Minister by Scolcy. Premier Asqulth refused to nc-( cept Colonel Seoley's resignation. Af--ter a sympathetic reception by tho Homo of ConfmonB of Seoley's ex planation of his action regarding army officers In Ireland, tho Pre mier decided ho would not sncrlflco Ills Lieutenant. FUEL COMPANY IS Western Corporation of San Francisco Upholds Sec retary's Acts lllr Amu. lalr.1 I'm lo Com liar Tlmm.J SAN FRANCISCO, March 25. Tho Western Fuel Compnny paid n fine of $2000 Imposed by United Stntes District Court on David C. NoreioBH, Secret try of tho company, for contempt, becnuso ho refused to deliver the company's books to tho grand Jury, prior to tho recently concluded trlnl of tho company's dlrictors and officers. FORMER ENIO S CLERK UNDER I T CRUSADE NEW LINE 10 HONOLULU NOW Honoluluan is First Passenger Steamer Direct From .Puget Sound 111" o l.iiM I'm lo Cooi liar Tlmra.j SEATTLE, .Vnrch 25. Tho stonm slilp HonuluJiinn sailed today for Hawaii, bolnr tho first boat In tho regular passenger service directly between Puget Sound and Honolulu. Upturning, the boat will 'touch, nt San JViintllaca. SiK E IRUSI IS MID IN SEATTLE Chief of Police Griffiths Ar rests One of His Tenants for Offense lllr Ami. lattsl I'm. In Oii liar Tlmta ) SKATTLK, Wash.. .March 25. Chlor of Poilco Griffiths last night caused tho arrest of a lessee of ii hotel owned by Griffiths on tho chnrgo of violating tho lnw regard ing tho routing of rooms to minor foninlcs. Other arrests woro made anil a rigid enforcement of the law Is promised. TIS GIVEN JOLT Jimmy Clabbey and His Man ager McQueen, Sentenced in Los Angeles Today ly AtwmlalF-l 1'rr.a lo Cooa liar TIiim, l.OS ANGELES, March 25. For 1 having boatenCharles Laurence, a policeman, in n Btreci ngni. Jimmy Clnliby, nilddlowolght pugilist, nml Arthur McQueen, his trainer, woro sentenced to throo yenrs In Jail and fined $500 each In police court. Tho sentences wero suspended, however. In consideration that Clabby agreed to pay Lnuronco $1000 damages, but tho fighter und McQueen wore placed on probation for threo years, during which they must neither drlrrtc nor stay out all night. divided is cut Ralph Roberts, Former Okla homa Politician, Arrested in Marshfield Mill After Going Under Alias for Two Years. llalph Kobcrts, alias F. J. Smith, was arrested by Sheriff Gago last evening us he was about to go to work on the shift nt tho C. A. Smith shingle mill on tho chnrgo of em bezzlement of public money wltllo Clerk of tho Superior Court at Enid, Oklahoma, over two years ago. No details of the charges wero glvm, tho nrrest being mndo by tcle graphlc Information from Sheriff Edwnrd Shields of Enid, who asked that Roberts bo held In, Jail until he could como nnd get him. Tho amount of tho alleged embezzlement is not known here, but It Is Intlmnt ed that it may run Into tho thous and of dollars. all the money I got. I had deputies undor mo but they woro very bad. I nomlunlly appointed them, but the appointments were really dic tated to mo. If tnoro was a short ngo I never got n cent of It. I no ticed false entries In my books be foro 1 loft, but 1 was not In n posi tion to fight It then. Now 1 am. Kiiomh Uluh Officials Kobcrts Is a great, admirer of ex Governor Ilnskcll, of Oklnhomn, nnd says ho mndo a hard fight against gr at odds. Ho spoke Intimately of tho leading Oklahoma politicians nnd ho uiul Chas. West, now Attorney General there, wero formerly room mn'tes. Blames Oil Combine Incidentally he blames part of his trouble to the old oil row In Okla homa. Several years ago, Enid County officials began prosecuting tho Wnters-PIerco Oil Company fjr violating tho lnw. Tho stilt drag- 6ENERAL VILLA'S REBEL ARMY MEETS STR GO Oil I TOUT Huberts took his arrest Jionchal-i p.,,1 nn,i fii.. .... nnitimi. tho U'nr antly. lie said that ho had been ors-1'lorco Compnny pnylng $75,000 expecting It nnd two weeks ngo f t of this $75,000, $50,000 went had received nn Intimation that , tM0 Htn,( $10,000 to tho county they had finally located him. Ho ,,,, tn i,ntince to tho Prosecuting did not do:iy his Identity und said Attorney. Thou there was a squub ho would r turn to Oklahoma with- ,L.t becnuso. In tho Interim, tho out fighting extradition. i Prosecuting Attorneys had change 1. According to Roberts, his arrest ChRi Wcat hn(, Btnrtod tho suit aid nnd prosecution Is n political In- superior Judgo llowltt, of Enid, ub trlguu nnd ho Is tho victim of an IOsecutlng Attorney, had finished Oklahoma political squabble. lie (tt However, McKeevor, deputy un says that ho dm not get any of tho ,lor west, was also Instrumental In money, but ho admits that ho ills- beginning the Biilt. covered fnlso entries In his . books Hoborfs fntlior nllowod his name boforo ho retired two years ago and ,0 1)0 UBC(I i n Bt for nn rro1,(. Intimates that others are rospoii- ,llg of tllu flllC8i nml UVttt( ,owltt slble and thnt ho will bo aolo to ,,,, MCKceyer proceeded to club tho place tho blam? whero It bolongs. ,ci(lor Cherts over his son's shoul- Ho lort moro soon aner ms u-r.u ,era politically and otherwise. TERRAZAS TO OE EXECUTED Son of Former Mexican Mil lionaire Faces Death at Chihuahua ' a tnr Anoclalr.1 I'rrta lo Cooa liar Tlmra 1 EL PASO, Mnrch 25. An nuthor Itatlvo private letter dated Chlhua- Imn Mn 11 1, on u-na romlvnil linrft lo- 'day, states that Imls TorrnzoB, Jr., lis to bo executed today unless ho delivers tho equivalent of $250,000 'In gold to Genernl Villa. No an iBuraiice wns given thnt ho would bo I rotensed oven If the money wus pnld. Mexican Federals Report Thai I n iri.ii: it im-. uun:iiiiHiuiiuiibi& vveiu Repulsed ' REBELS REPORT THAT BATTLE IS STILL OR Admit That it May Be Several Days Before They Can Capture Torreon IPr AMoolaltvl l'rra lo Con Par Tlm1 I WASHINGTON, March 25. Tho Moxlrau embassy receive!! tho following cablegram from ' Mexico City dntcd last night: "Itebols woro repulsed today ' In attempt to reach Torreon. uonerni veiasco won prcpnmu i for attack." 1t LDST FORTUNE IN MXC expired over two years ago, uftor huvliiir served soveral years, nnd since then has been going undor tho nnmo of F. J. Smith. 1'Yoiii Affluence to IjiIioi Haw Friends Here. Hoborts says thnt ho hns seen sovornl Oklaiomnns here whom ho know nnd ho had difficulty In .(cop ing nway from them. One mnn from Hoborts hold ono of tho best post- Oklnhomn worked beside him In tho tloiis there, thu clerk of the Su- mill but never recognized Hoborts, porlor Court being next to an offl- knowing .him only ns Smith. clnl of tho Supremo Court, being1 Hobcrts was surprised hiBt night higher than ulthor tho County or wliui hc learned about Chau. Van Circuit Courts In Oregon. Tho posI-IDuyn, clerk nt Tho Chandler, being Hon paid $200 per month nud he hero. Ho said that ho thought thnt liml the custody of $30,000 lUiu oftiMi more, of tho nubile funds. lumping direct out or unit orrico,; ho recognized tho clerk but did not hear his name. Mr. Van Duyn's rntnor-in-inw, jnku Honoris, was ho found himself without funds nud Ralph Robert's attorney nud at ono came west, first locating In Idaho, time served as Attorney General of thou In Salem, Inter In Hosoburg Oklahoma. nud finally camo to Coos Hay nearly I Hoborts Is not sure who Informed two yenrs ngo. lie know of tho tho Euld officials of his being lo charg s against lilm In Oklahoma cnted here. However, Sheriff Shields and ho wanted to keep his Identity or Enid Intimated It In his telegram secret so ho was precluded from . to Sheriff Qngc, as ho said that Hob going Into his old lino of work oi'ts formorly roomed with John nud had to seek work as a common L, Johnson, a storekeeper nt Eust laborer. Ho had novor seen n saw- side, and tho Inference Is that John mill btforo when ho camo hero. Ho sou must have discovered about Hob got n Job at common Inbor, piling oris' trim namo nnd written to Okln lumber. Later ho worked Into the, honia. Shlolds gnvo a minute do shlnglo mill nnd hud been night saw- scrlptlon of Hoborts, oven tolling yor thoro, drnwlng $a por day for, of his Masonic pin nud peculiar his ton-hour shift. rwniK. His wlfo and threo-yenr-oici son Metropolitan Tobacco '.Com pany Must Mend Its Ways Says Government '" V- - Sated Vmt to Coo Bar Tlmea,! NEW YOHK, March 25. Tho Met Topoi'inn Tobacco Company Is n Job hlng monopoly, In violation of tho Sherman antl-trust lnw, and must wend Its ways nt once, according to an announcement by United Statea wwinci Attorney Marshall Peimxjlvniila Trim" l'liiflU on Lines WVht of Pltthbiirg. (Mr Auoilativl I'lfM to Cooa Oar Tlnifa.J PHILADELPHIA, March 25. Directors of the Pennsylvnnln's lines west of Pittsburg, reduced tho divi dend on common stock from five to threo per cent n year, and on preferred, from flo to four per cent. CIII.VESE IIIHGAXIr (WITHIES CITV OK l.L'XO CIIU CIIAI PEKING. China. March 25. mm, i.,. u'ntr tim CliliH'so brlcaiid. nnd his followers, enptured and. .n.iii,! ilm iltv nf I. uncr Clm Chai today. Thoy killed 230 of the In habitants and wounueu nnu capiureu hundreds more CARNEGIE IS CHADGEO WITH TREASON BY SEN. GPAMDERLAIN Oregon Man Roasts Steel Mag nate for Activity in Panama Toll Case President Wil son Roasted. "' '"", Itv4 Prtaa 0 Cooa Xttj Time ..WASHINGTON, D. C. March 25. u Andrew Carnegie, who contlnunlly erts rhe causo of Great Britain, ?"e a citizen of any other nation, ie would be charged with treason," "eciared Senator Chamberlain of Or egon in the course of the tolls de oate "He has never hesitated to in! i h,s melons in endeavoring to incuicuate a reciprocal feeling for Great Britain In tho minds of the people of tho United States." The attack on Carnegie came ns tho climax of an hour of hot argu ment, during which Senator Jonps of Washington, who also opposed the repenl of the tolls exemption, had read, under protest, several letters nttacklng the contention of President Wilson. The debate was cut off when tho subject went over to tomorrow. Jones read a letter from William n. Larkln of Boston assailing President Wilson's contention and saying: "The President should bo recalld to the classic shades of Princeton Instead of i.ninn nnrniittnd to continue to bull doze the accredited representatives, of the Amencuu xjuuiho u uu&ibo. woro with him until February when they returned to visit rolatlves. Ho did not say Just what point, but In timated It was near Enid PolltlcN Aio Ibid. "It Is all politics, Just rotten politics," said Hoborts Inst night at the city Jail. Tho gang wero after mo nnd are still hounding mo, al though I am out of tho game back there. "I don't know Just what thoy ac cuse mo of except thnt It Is embezzle mont. How much, I don't know. "Two-weeks ngo I had an Inti mation that my arrest was near. Por tho past two years I have boon working secretly on tho cuso and would soon hnvo been ablo nnd rendy to go bnck there of my own volition and fight It out. I wasn't quite ready, but guess It will bo all right. Two weeks ago, when I re ceived tho Intimation thnt thoy had located mo, 1 had n notion to Im mediately go bnck, but I wns u lit tle shy of funds and decided to tako a chnnco for moro tlmo to get rndy for tho fight I will hnvo to innko. I could have Jumped out, but I was tired of skipping from place to placo, z Iiiilioi' is Good. "Hard for mo to go to common lnbor horo, you say? Why It was the sweetest experience I hod known In five years. From the tlmo that I entered politics back In Enid, It wns n constant fight. When I wont to bed, It was to worry Instead of to sleep, not knowing a true friend und wondering what tho next move would be. Why, when I went to work bore I could labor for ten or twelvo hours and go to bed and sleep like a log without a worry and got up In the morning, knowing that labor was all I had to do. It was a relief nnd Instead of a nervous wreck whon I enmo hore, I am now sound physically and able to make a fight. 'A young man that goos Into pol itics unless he is rich is foolish. It's rotten and destructive. I had been n clerk and undertaker and knew everyone in town. I agreed to go on the ticket Just to fill out, as it was overwhelmingly Republican. Then they found that It wns not an elective office that year, and th state being Democratic, I got the uppolntment. My opponent began mandamus proceedings and this cost all that I made tho first year In of fice. Other legal scraps came on and the subsequent elections took Known Sheriff Well. Hoborts said thnt Sheriff Shlolds Is nu old-tlmo friend of his nud will make It easy for his r 'turning. He said that ho had mot Sheriff (ago here u few times and each tlmo could not help but think about Gago probably looking fop htm. Since Mrs. Roberts loft, Hoborts hns been staying at the Craig board ing house In Irunkor Hill. Ho Is tho second mnn that Sheriff Gago has picked up In tho shlnglo mill, tho other bolng Arthur Noyes, of Lincoln, California, who was going under the name of White horo. Roberts Is botweon thlrty-flvo und forty yenrs old, woll educatod and very genial. Ho said that ho hopes to return to Coos Hay soon, ns ho feels confident thnt he will win out In tho Oklahoma caso. Ho was ta kon to Cnqulllo this afternoon by snerirf ungo. Walter Greer Campbell Still in Custody at Port land Today tnr Auorlatci) 1'rr.a lo Cooa liar TlniM 1 PORTLAND, Or., Mnrch 25. Wnl tcr Greer Campbell, who Is said to hnvo lost n furtuno In Mexican speculation nud who was arrested hero yesturdny on complaint from Snn Frnnelsco on a chargo of ob taining money miner iniso pre tenses, wns still a prisoner to day, nlthough ho snld ho ox pectod to bring nbout a set tlement of the claims against him nnd obtain tho dismissal of tho ensn. Mrs. Phoebe Gibbons, his sister, ar rived from Walla Walla, to glvo assistance. Illy A.iotlatnl I'rna Ui I'uoa liar Tltnr. ) JUAREZ, March 25. "Fighting Is In progress this morning In tho outskirts of Torreon." This wan tho text of n telegrnm from tb,s South given out officially. Then wero no details nml official proph ecy was readjusted to tho effect that It might bo soveral days bofonr tho Foderal stronghold Is taken. MANV WERE WOUNDED DENMEJILLO. March 25. (Djr courier to El Paso March 25.) Rebel wounded from Gomez Pnlado nud lessor recent fights In the vicin ity nro being brought North In largo numbers nnd It Is officially admitted that tho Fodernlr. iitut up strong reslstnncu nt Gomez PnlauUi. GIVEN SENATE Sec. Bryan Forwards Copy of Famous London Address as Requested llr AmotUIoJ 1'rr.a to Coua la Tlmra J WASHINGTON, 1). C, March 25. Tho ( lobratod Loudon speech of Ambnssatlor Pngo was forwarded to tho Sonato by Secretary Ilryan In ro spouso to Senator Chamberlain's res olution for explanation, Tho text Indicates that Pago was misquoted with reference to Pnnnma tolls and Monroo doctrine statements. Secretary Bryan transmitted tho copy of Ambassador Pago's speech without comment nnd It wns read to tho Sonato and roferred to the foreign relations committee without debate. PRIMARY VOTE IN W Republican Candidate Hac Nearest Rival Other Votes Cast llr A"iUIM 1'rr.a to Cooa liar Tliora PATTERSON, N. J., March 25 Four cillldldntCH wurn nnniliiiitinl -it. yesterday's primaries to succeed to mo vacancy caused uy tno ileum C Congressman Ilrenuiiur, Tho Ho ubllcuuH nominated Dow II. Druk ker and tho UamocrntH initiilnninA James O'Bryno. Republicans polled uuuu votes, lJomocrntB -toOO, I.'nw gresslves 100 nnd Socialists 70 THREE KILLED OY EXPLOSION Victims of Disaster in Penn sylvania Trojan Works Hurled 400 Feet IPr Auoclited Prtae lo Cooa liar Tlmea ALLENTOWN, Pa., March 25. Three men woro killed and part of tho Pennsylvania Trojan Powder company was wrecked by an explo sion. Tho victims were thrown 400 feet. A. O. C. W ATTENTION! Tho regular meeting of Mammoth Lodgo No. 87, TliurMluy, .Murcli -, 7:. 'to p. in. All members are request ed to attend and visiting brothers are kindly Invited. There Is likely to bo n war with Mexico and wo may be called In at any moment and we want to drill in tno uso of thefcnnU'on and musket, more particularly tho canteeu, and after the wear march wo will repair to tho banquetj room, whero Albort Hagemelster w(ll give us something to revive our drooping spirits. B. A. ANDERSON, Recorder. SEIDEL WILL E ELECTION II DO 0 Milwaukee Primaries Result in IMon-Partisan and So cialist Fight (Ilr Axoilated 1'rw. lo looa nar Tlmea MILWAUKEE, Wis., March 25. Mayor Hading, non-partisan, and Emll Settle!, Socialist, were nom inated for Mayor In yesterday's pri maries, and will figure In tho muulc Icipal contest April 7. Tho Indica tions aro that tho Socialists' nom-l Illations for six nldermen-nt-largo lead. Senator Crawford- Defeated by Conqressman Burke in Primaries (Ilr Aaaoilate.1 I'rna lo Cooa liar Tlmaa J PIERRE, 8. D., March 25. Scn ntor Coo I. Crawford, Republic majority faction ciiudlduto, wetr. down to defont boforo Congressman Charles P. Burke, minority candi date, who 'was nominated for United States Sonntor In yestordoy's stat. wldo primaries, according to Incom plete returns. Congressman Dillon, tho returns Indicated, wns nomlnntea nv r his minority opponont, Rkfe nrd Wood. Govurnor Byrne, ma jority candidate, was apparently re nominated. Tho Democratic slauc was uncontented. gunrr in depew Military Guard Maintains Ordrr There Today lr AMO.ULJ I'rrea lo Cooa liar Tlmea DEPEW. N. Y., Mnrch 25. Witts Dopow undor military guard, qutcrt prevailed among tho strikers of tht Gould Coupler Works. Tho day shift of workmen was accompanied from Buffalo to tho plant by ttu Guardsman, GODVALLIS POSTOFFICE IS DDBBEI Unknown Bandits Escape With $3000 Worth of Stamps and $15 in CashRode Hand car to Albany. (Ilr Ai.or litrj 1'lfil to Cooa nar Tlmea CORVALLIS, Or., Mnrch 25.- -Tho Corvallls Postofflce was robbed last night and about $3000 In stainpt. token Only $15 In cash was ob tained from the till Several regis tered lottorB wero loft untouched, Tho work wns evidently that ot x. novlco. Tho door of tho oia-tRoV lonul safo was pried open nnd to explosives used. It, Is bollovod Xlm robbers left town on n handcar., which was found net Albany todc.