m nimw wipjjinjwpi n- SIX THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIEL.D, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1914 EVENING EDITION. BANDON ILL V THE DEAL PENDING; PCJnl ' JifMlto m''Jtf&r LirivM Mm a It wa If II II M0WHVI M I II W Negotiations Concerning it to be Taken up With Ban don Direct V. S. Hoom, formerly in the shoo business nt Uoseburg. wnn hero last night on route to Dnndon to confer with tlio stockholders of the Dandon Woolen Mill nfoout the proposition to linvo thorn move to near Cooston. Mr. Dcdllllon hns boon ut Uoseburg for tho post few dnvs but was to re turn to Dnndon today. It Is unueistood thnt Krios and his nssoclatcs are paying M 0,000 for the Dandon mill, exclusive of tho mach inery. It is understood that tho de lay now Is as to whether It Is to bo an nil cash deal or on n nrfrt nnv. 1 . . .... . .. ...V. .'"' ....--.. . . mem. uHBis. h. vi, u. uetimiun is to ponq Ho ri Mppi nn nnrl D s- romnln with tho plant for a time at " nUIU, mtum dr,u Ulb uuss luuijuu ravor Home Players COQUIM.H, Or., March 21. Tho baseball season nppronchlng, with Uandon and Mnrshfleld al ready In tho ring, tho following, Rnthored at nn Informal meeting of Coqullle fntiB, is tho expression of tho leading spirit hero concerning tho Btand this city will tnko this yonr In regard to tho Coos County I.enguo. "Tho 11)11 baseball outloolc In this city, to tho cnsual observer, does not seoin v ry bright; tbero seems to bo u lack of Interest In tho National pastime to one who knows not where the real fans gather and who gets his Impression from hear say. This conditions, however, docs IS I least ns a salaried manacor. Tho Uandon company wljl rotnln tho real estato where the plant Is lo cated nnd which will be very vnlu nblc. According to a report from Dandon a now $(50,000 woolen mill will bo established there If the Cooston deal goes through. Nothing official hns been given out concerning tho Cooston deal. DAY'Sli 111 POLICE COURT Committee Appointed Last Night to Make Preliminary Arrangements An enthusiastic meeting of tho Mnrs Held baseball fans wns held at tho .Marshfiold Chamber of Commerce Inst evening and much was ilono to ward tho formation of a Mnrshlleld Dnscbnll Club, tho selection of a manager nnd the arrangements for a bnBcball groundB for tho coming seas on. About thlrty-flvo fnns attended the mooting. Tho fnns expressed themselves as not pleased with tho system of al lowing n manager to handle tho funds, hlro the plnyors nnd make no report to n responsible head. Many looked for Warner Ogren, who ninn nced tlin ten in Inst vnnr. to ln urna. not seem within reason for Coqulllo'ent nnd make n verbal, If not a writ has always boon up among tho top- ten mnri nt Mm rni..iu .,,. ,,,i. !!.. .... l. 1... :.....- ' .. V" -"'"" """ V.M"...- iiuuio mm niu iuiiui ui "j-K"i" uuurcs or last season's gnmes. Hob sasons have always boon given tho ort milord pxiirnnsp.1 iiimMotr n... Nowhere Such Values as at Our Display of Newest Fancy Spring Suits and Coats i beverai Arrests Made Last loryt b,c.8t ,r 8U,,,),orV. ?lnyb?, V.1.0" ROl mony wns made on inst sens- Ninit for IntOXicatifin " HIOi . R' ,lllc,hor Colllor. on'e games, and ns the players did tmyiii ui iiiiUAiOdllUII i,o, that is not It, for hnvo wo not not receive nnv crent amount a ro- , Fines Imposed nr,ry 0cr'K: w, '8, 8t,"0,:ulml lZt Zm nlXoTZyclv. n t0 hll,vo n B00'1 'cnr ' tho 1,0x nnd Tho business men who contributed Jim Durrftnd wns arrested last ov- wo Is regarded jib n comor. and to tho gnme Inst senBon Bhould hnvo cnlng by Officers Carter and Richard, there Is How. II 'o load tho heavy ,", ,i;,,Z,i in., T 1,1 nV.'.i' '?. mtuio, yvn'i'wo evtviui ui iuoi juur a sou on a cliargo of Intoxication. Ho wab fined o by Hecorder Outlor nnd In tho absence of any real money the fluo was charged to hi in. ClmrlcB Moglon was arrested by Of ficers Cnrter nnd Shoupo and chnrged with drunkenness. Mo was sentenced to cither pay n fine of $r or work two nnd n hnlf dnys on tho streots. Not having tho money wtlh which tn pay his fine, .Jensen will hnvo tho pleasure of aiding tho street crowB. Chnrles Mogton wns arested by Of ficers Shoupo nnd melmrdson last night nnd rhnrged with drunkenness. Ho had only seventy routs on his per son when nrrostcd, but with n llttlo rustling he rnlsod his flno of $5. veterans, "Tho fact Is, tlio fniiH and sup porters of tlio gnmo hero wore thor oughly disgusted nt the notorious start the league received last year nnd bud tho matter not boon settled at the moment It wns Coqullle would hnvo remained out and piny d Inde pendent ball. Ilesldcs this thero was the mutter of Imported players and from what wo can uinko of tho affair It bus not been suttlod y t. mmsmM $8.75;$J0.00,$J2.50 $15.00; $17.50 $18.75, $20.00 and . Up to $40.00 This Is an Invitation for you to share In the very best offci-lni;' of tho Niniuti'Ht styles designed' foe .Spring irtul Master near. An array of beautiful garment., the eiini of Mliirh aio not to he found outside, the largo eljles and wherein Is In troduced eery stylo wiiinlloii nnd iiovclly of the season. .MnterlnN In SiiIIm Include Wool .Molte, , frepe, t'rjstal Cloth iiikI Novelty Wemes with beautiful trimmings of moire, taffeta, lace, ruffling, ete. Coats are smart ami loose and practical; some uitli Itaglati sleeves, others with In set nIcown; many Coats that I'xlvitil to tho knees or theieabotits are flared, skilled or peihaps plaited. Splendid diversity of stjles and n wealth of liariuoul.liig color. SICII tiii:.m. L, l id It wS MM ,Vfa)Bw I 1' f A I ' SAil us sonson, nccordlng to tho feeling, of nil money recolved nnd pnld out, even ir mo snme saouii), bo done at u loss, Commissliiii I'orin llest. I'll. ,n t ltnl.i.. lno( ....... ilm. Ilmimlil It best thnt n bnsebalt club In Marsh-1 field this season should be under tho head of a competent ninnnger, backed by threo business men, who would solicit tho subscriptions, hlro tho ninnnger nnd O. K. nil debts Incurred hv tho ninnnger. Pndor this system M.. ... 1. !..... ...III. ..tft.t ,1... ...... mint iltli i.u. the all elalni It a l"n "ia"nKr would not be wholly res iiinii, aituotihu tno) nil ciaim it, aim lllui.in t,. ,n ,i,.i.iu nr n ,.i..i. ti. ils reason there enn bo no Just I ' , ,, ,,7 i.. "i,;; ;'...' , ',": Hub Dry Goods Co. "SMART WEAll FOR WOMEN." Corner Broadway and Central Avenue. Phone 301. for thin iwi nun i u'iiduii tnuiu inn iju nil junii ,,i . , . . division of tho money that was nut, .""". ' ,..'" r'"rK "' uio sunsrip- )m(1 oxpressed thoinsolvcs ns pleased si.ni.i.i i... ,.nii,i ,.,,,.,.' ""s iiiiniiiiiiK tno guie receipts, pay- , .iiviMn in .,.. u-. i,i thnm-ht .1.,, ..,.. ........... ..w ..U ......,, ..,.,, .w . ,. 1D , .11. ,1.11. 1,1. .!. J" "- - - ......".-.. r."- ." tlin rnnu r!finiilv l.enirmi rim '"" " " " '""""'h ini iiiu MM AIM PlUni .,i.n. tlm nnn.. Of.. !... I f.n.... I . "K '"" (Him in tlllll UIltllllK Willi llll ATn d1k flol.l n... i..r.u r.titllwl tUn I II I III IM 111 VIII 11. .11 .MOltltrfllll T1I llir i-.n .- viuvi wuwn wwiiaitj tMiw iiu ....! t..i. "mi . . ... I M SI I I I I ffl I AT of Off ear 'Hon tin ins ..i.Vi.h t Vi, coming soason It will ho upon tho '.'".,. .'"' ... ... , , tio ?100 ns North Ilend did not l Lllll" UIVLIl ' rTj UJTfPifn ft corner "of Mnrkot nve m 1" ,il? '""i"l"'"' thnt nil teams bo com- Th "'inngor would In this wny feel Mulsh the season. Tho nmnov Is nov "' "' wiii-ll A TOnO MJ ?root anil renuestefi tT i,n i. . u. lol Htrlctly of "homo guards." ,"'" . " fiwn,B roro vlng (ho proper President Kern's hands an. will bo mn nniimihT1 J&i? U n KcS o Zon rr 1 This opinion, expressed by ono I""''"" ? ,,M T!''1 ,l0 r'.n "08,l"t() divided as ho sees fit within tho next DP PniTIjAPT rf - -mt wni vorv won tfn TIoroinmHliMi wn.i. Marshlleld fans hnv express- K L 1 . 1 1 il I Kill . I M m. '' , , nSnSco'Sl him 'SS tlm" .SK'X vora. s nsons. may be regarded t,s !' '," ."" K! "' J!' cd theniBolves that rather than enter M Ml If U 11 I llHU JLJfe I n ...- -- n uiiimatum uy otuor towns or too ;.. .":" v ."."''"" into any inigaiion in tno matter tney f i. ii i r AT .TOE, Carter for tho night. leased this morning. AMO.VO TIIK SICK. Inninn ronilllln iiih n l..ni fliiim. '"" w"l 110 HD'O IO JIKlgO HOW IllO u.mi1,1 ..liiillv illvliln Mm mni.ni will. , " . r: ,w. . v " ........ ...nu ..n. ...... .... ..... i i i "" r. - ........ ..... .....,, ...... l-lllllv lllilt unllHllll mill nlllllllli.il mi. M""U """ IlllJIIIH. mill IIIU II inilll'SH Vn,.l llnml ,111,1 nnl .mnan lltit' fnnl ........ ...- ..u....-.., .. y.. - ,., ,,.. " ..v.... ...... .....ou ....,, ,vw. thiislnsni ran h'gli with the opening ,u'"""""1111'" '""' "Bi;r' i lug so early In tho season. All lnter games, toward the end the spocta- wiiotiier they would recelvo a dlvl- ,,Hted In baseball sluuld bo In nttend tors consisted mainly of oinnll boj'B. J'01"' fr0l l, senson s gnmes. I. Ifc nnt.0 nt tho nxt incotiig of t e fnn -Should Ihindon, North Honfl unci . ,".wor xpiessed himself In fnvor of Ainong those presont nt tho meotlng Mursaflold get together nnd form J1"8 syHtoni ns It would give n feel- n8t 0Venlng wore It. C. Dlllnrd, tho lougiio. regnrdless of Imnorted "K of nssurnnco to tho malinger. Af- snpC,i' Woods. H. It. Chnndlei-. s. tor some discussion as to tho niothods In securing tho membors to net ns a commission committee on baseball, a motion wns mnde by Normnu .lohn- A. K. Morten of the Tltlo Ounran- teo & Abstract Company's offlm, Is players, It Is highly probable thnt confined to his homo In North Dead .Myrtle I'olnt nnd Coqiiiiio win drop byan nttnek of la grltuio todav. lout nnd thnt n tongue to bo known Mm Mil In. inntlin if Mm Vi-nnlr nu "Tim Cooul.lo Vnllov Luauuo" Bmallwood, who hns boon III for will bo formed. Tho league will . Hn that a cominltteo of threo bo np somo limn, wnn nifnn in Mnmv iio- nnibrnco tho unnur Cooulllo Vnllov . pointed to Intorvlow fifteen busliiesi ... v : ' : ". 'v - .-- 7 .1. ...v . ,7.. "... .. .v .... i . ... . . .... ..... puai ror irentmont today. lima win consist or coquuio, .Myrtio, " "'"" mire iu mi on mo iee (Joo'iiean. of Cnciuill . who ro- Point, Ulvorton, Norway and I.eo. i eonunltteo. Frank Cohnn. who acted contly undorwont nn onnrntlnn nt Tho sniuller towns uhout hero linvo if1" tompornry chnlrmnn of the ineot- ss Mercy Ilosnltnl. Is renorted in i.n pot- been trying to got a 1 ague started ting nlong nlcoly. Ho suffered from for somo time, but tho bigger towns "bowel rroublo nnd n section of his In- ! hotter plnyors hnvo iiiado It Im- testlncB nbout two foot long had to possible to piirtlclputo nnd still hnvo removed. A Murphy button wns ehanco of winning. If, however, tiled. I tho leaguo decides to play only local Georgo Pnpns lost tho ond of ono tnlont It will glvo Cotiulllo nnd Myrt e of his fingers In nn accident on tho I'olnt u ehanco to recruit their do- stenni shovel working In tho S. I'. Plototl ranks from tho Burroundlng cut nt nunkor Hill Sundny. towns and put nil tho tennis on an M. J. Ostrow Is lnld Up with n so- UiU Tooting. VCrO attack- of the trrln - ftirs. i". v. viors. who Iior lioon 1'. M, iiAUiijiawia ion. ior ma noiuo i muu pnuiu ineuiseives as invor Ing, unpointed It. C Dlllard, H. It. C'iniidlor and Hubs Tower to net on tho committee to Intorvlow tho busi ness men and select threo to direct t e mannuer nnd finances of tho Mnrshllo'd baseball tenm this season. 'Pin. ,"M'iu-m In County. I). It. Chandler exnrcssed himself ns In fnvor of a two league nrrnngo inent In the county, comprised of Mnrshlleld and North Horn! nnd Co- nnlllo. Dnndon nnd Myrtlo Point. The Chandler llutrl. .1 It. WentlierLce, Portlud; It C M. IIciu''lcr, minion; E J Ul nnd wife, Port Orfonl; R Adclpiti Denmnrk, Or.; F. 0. KrauI.Sura rlsco: Ceo. I) Tlionitison. Si f . n . I.I..L l.ll.l V Hugh McLaln hns been nwarded ' ' . vn r. !;''';... i nun ..ns. ... r. iiuiim, i "- Rip-ran North Inlet Fill- Work Trains Operating Here. v. iieuiieii. "uuko ireemnn, .inmes 1 1, pniitrm.t fn.. ri.ri..ini.i.r n, i.i.r Mnlloy, .1. W. Davis, Hoy Abbott, mi nnd grado for the Southern Pael- '' TowiiboiiiI, Pnsailem; F i N. Norman .lohnson. .1. I Terrell Iluss J" Zl 'l.ortl, of Snnd Point along j!n'01';, -ft 8- CardDW " Tower. Al OIossop. Tnmn Osborne. North ,not T,H w, ta)0 ,,. Knorr. (lold llPnch ClmrleB Landers, .loo Sliott. Frank nienso nniount of rock. Ho Is now .. u ' "'"? XM r Slh".?:. . ' A- S,Ur Bnrt "U1,eH M' lp.rapplng the llll beyond the Simp- Vf, ;, A&S" ifltSSiB ...V.I.II..III. BOn inrK. PERSONAL OVERFLOW very 111, Ib reported convalescent. IJbhv COW,. The kind VOI' hnvo aiAVAVS 1'HKi). Phon-J 72. Pnclflo I.lvory nnd Transfer Company. Hnvo youv Job printing done nt fhi Tln.no nfflra In Cooulllo yeaterdny nftornoon nf- nblo to this nrrnntsemont. nnd tho tor completing tho Inspection of tho eonunltteo appointed tn Interview tho North Ilend-liinpiro ronu. i uoy niiBinesa men was also asked to con- 1 Ho will hnv tomorrow.. It i yards of rock I was sunk uonr tho quary on - Itlver Sundny. n'n nnu i.nri .nmiv Heacli; Mrs. Jess Ott and talf will ncS?rxbffiot,0?Ji cr,lVo:8aa,C,oaB,en' ChlC,8' One of his big barges H ,2ro (),cl. . tho ouary on Coos .., .'".,,. rn,Mo. Ih NOHTI1 IIUNIJ NKW8 K. K. KNOUU of Oold Ilench was n ' Marshfiold business visitor last . night, being on route homo from i llll i ill iiii. nu iuiuiip mill, iuiu y Pencil Is unusually prosperous and thnt tho outlook Is for onn of l Mm n U'nllnci. nr linoa inlt n.wi tho best Benson8 Curry county has Mrs. Alvn Honebrako of South Marsh-! ovor known. Mr. Knorr forntorly flold visited rolntlves hero Saturday. rnul Aiulnrsnn. l.Oliecu, '- Whnhery. Myrtle Point; ,-, Camp I; Oeo. A. GouM. M Mr. and Mrs. J. II. WlwMjft Coaledo; P. R. Muion,CW.i McNabb, Cooston; A. MatioM' nor, Farmer poweii, ww - LOCAIj MXB WOItK. lived In Mnrshnold. will call for bids in April and lot J tho contract for the load In May tt.., vnnv mti nrlntlni: rtonn jiniu jmm. - - , T I'lniea ouice. Yqmf Ejes! Doim'il: Left 'Yew Eyes Get Preinmatarely Old -' Many people let their eyes grow old before they do "because they neglect the first indication of impeifect vision. It pays to attend to these things promptly. A trifling defect today may develop into serious trouble six months hence. If you have the slightest reason for suspecting eye trouble, you should consult us at once, You will be assured eye examination and fair treat ment, If you do not need glasses wo will tell you so frankly, Come to us, Red Cross Red Cross Optical Depfco Drag Sfcoire Graduate Opticians Any broken lens duplicated. for with the North Pond lmsohnll fans with n vlow to n two toim lenguo. The body also discussed tho Oliestlon n tn tlin inmilmr nf .mill 'rTTr players nnd tho number of Imported mayors to no ai owed in each num. Tho sentiment wns that no limit g I should bo put on tho niiinbor of plny- uih in uu nnpinum m any team, al lowing ns many Imported players as deslied. It was pointed out that n squabble Is always suro 'to onsuo If tho Imported plnyor question Is nl lowed to Intorforo with tho teams. I Under tho nrrnngenient of n two tenm leaguo .Mnrsnnoid nnd North Pond would nltornnto each Sundny nt North Pend or Marshfiold and piny n post series of games with the winner of tho ponnnnr In the Cooulllo league, i Somo discussion was nlso heard on , tho question of nllowlng nnndon In tho lenguo. the ninlortty of tVe mem-1 bor8 fnvorlng n plan to nrrango for. Uandon to play nil her games at Co-1 qulllo. with tho exception of two big! excursions run to Uandon during tho i season. .Meeting Monday Xlgflit, Tho noxt meetlnc will lie hl,i in tho Mnrshlleld Chamber of Commerce I on Mondny ovenlng, March 30, at wiucn all niisiness men will be Invited to bo present and oxnross themselves about tho league. The plan of start ing tho game earlv this season was thought by tho gathering to be n good one nnd tho meeting to bo hold on Mondny evening will posjslbly gee tbo final nrrangements and tho baseball club will bo turned oven to the com mission eonunltteo on baseball. Tamp Osbomo said that tVe $100 awarded to tho Coos Ilnv ball club for last season's games should go to Marsh field as It was tholr moiiey for tho nsklng. Osborne sold thnt North Pond wns not entitled to nnv of the money ns they had not finished tho senson. He said that North Bend J. C. KNN'OAI.L left this morning for Coqtilllo on business, part of which c,... Miiinr started one 'v past weok lioro roturncd to train today hauling dirt froo 0 Sunday, or Hill cut whera a ";:" 1 Mrs. John Freolund nnd working, to All the r f , I Mrs. A. Hnnson and children, who spont tho p tholr homo ...... . h. ......... ..... .in., .iiin. .iiiiiii I' i trill mill linn iviiiiiinu. iu ,1.1 ...v --" ... was to wind up tho affairs of tho children. Mlldron and Clifford, snent throucii tho Smith mil. .T Dim nf Ml- nil.. Mm Tlni'i. nf !?... O.....I l.i. l.l x.l. .".. . ..".. .1lr 1ilk.Htlll " 7. ...... ... ..... ............. ,,v,j ... w...- .iiiiiiui wnn iuiuuvuB uu .Mir i ii iniui. iu mane . i. - MtiPI plre. who wns killed In n logging Tho Presbytorlnn I.ndles' Aid will rnp tho Hny side of It B." '1 accident near Eugono two yenrs meet nt tho church Thursday after- Seattlo fill In leVnif ,11 'n". ...,..wrf . w.....t. ,..w iii.uil 1UI IIIU Ull'lllUK UI UlllLUIH. l.rilllU.lllJ. ." --- mamm Miss Hnzol Moody of Coqulllo visit- orated tontorow. ed rolntlvos hero Sundny. i 7.I,nrri!. m Miss Allco Wnttors, n tonchor of tho UOOSTS .MI.HW'"" T).r.ol....nMln.. o ... nnl.nn1 . 1. l.nM ' 1 icon) Il I lllll Ollllllll)' DUIItlUI, IUUII IIUI . .. -,r. clns of boys to Kniplro nnd spent nn Tho Oold Peach Glooe w enjoyablo day Saturday. t "Curry County has y (lnilinKO Hlllt. Pianos That are more than mere Piaitcs Tho Instruments which you will find hero nro moro thnn inoro musical instruments. Each hns nn Individuality a soul, If you plenso of Its own. They Invito you to enter tho muslenl world nnd bo friends with them. Como In nnd Inspect tholr re gal qualities, Wiley B. Allen Co. h. Ii. THOMAS, Mgr. Russell Building Central Avenue setits an aspirant ortW rf 9 n,.niifin,i nnd the Dernoc"" M Along the Waterfront, i Si SS anil t$ First Congressional Dl'r'tW lin 1.111, ol.M. lln.l ... tin., , in.. ll.l l.nllt 1ltinC8 IO '" .I..J given a State or iw in Meredith for Ccwen Tho Kllzaboth sailed from Dandon their best chance to nWt .. . ..a.. -A- Vlni ITT IUV ' ior san i- rancisco last iiiglit, not nonunaio u" - 'Tho Randolph sailed this morning on May 15th. with general merchandise for Gold tt,nTto fii Bench. If you have anytti ing ffJj" a w ntviiuu uiittvtl ouiit'ii lit tr "- - o'c ock th Is momfnc for Bav Po nt. " Tin Open All Night. ITiute I MARSHFIELD CHOP HOUSE A GOOD IUjACK TO I,ai. j A long-felt want of tho people of Marshfiold j,a, ?ne.f,ny cIe ?! noolnnmi.1 I.. ... ..,. nnn..on.n.i InnnlltV. lIUH"'bV. v.tV nuoiiiiiiuiii in inu niuak tuintii.cni " t - alj pa Hi modern in ovory reBpoct, where a first-class meai i reasonable price. ., rancb etf-'w None but Government-Inspected meats, Coos liner rdate plJC. milk, cream and home-mado pies served in t'1'8 up OIVK US OXH TIUAIj AT Iil-AT- A GOOD CUP OF COFFKK 0.YST!I,,S 'Ssb il Fiesh oysters u )B c Lovers of good coffee have a treat in store for them hero. Wo uso a receipt of a famous French Chef and make a fresh supply fllftrw ivn It rt 11 fa ROBERTS Sb ROSE, ProprfctofS shell to you; n jVooitf Jl making Pt",arnaerePalJ 2 nnosiiilo. We are ' '.iiPd with fresh ""' and game In seas i .:m'"',J inii i iiiiilr i tur ii n UdteMaia