ptfl s THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1914 EVENING EDITION. FIVE QatlAlcm, IRVINO BLOCK V ii i I fit Will Men's and Boy's Apparel SPRING SUITS c Sell For '""' iu-fjn-; We ". I.-..I- Cnh ".- .v.nin nn pvtravanant 4ha there are other clothes as CPP reafly-l0'wcal v"ul,,uo l,,ai "' "" muuiuu, in utu- ter to keep their shape longer than clothing you purchase atTHEfAniaiHiM. ti. ...nw o cult fits vnn danends larnclv nn tlm wnrk. Lhin nut into it. The finest materials mean nothina Unless tailored properly. The master tailorship in a when vou buy it and as long TO LUUr YOU aiu wuiuuinu We guarantee The Goods and the Price Tlu'iv is but one satisfactory reason for the con ant growth of the 0 OLD EN JtULK STOKE c rhjlil ijooth al the rifJil price. When you trade the GOLDEN RULE you have the pleasure of st I .. mi i"- i.,in.nm- iiuif-. A'on have received the lull value or ,..n. inniif'. TIir charire. Ulll """"i' i niade by some people that Consider tlie J (Mowing wou-Kiiown oranos oi tne various lines carried by us and decide for yourself. The real difference is that we sell them for less: Queen Quality Shoes for women. Buster Hrown Blue Ribbon Shoes for boys land girls. Felirich, Fox, II Ulcer- Imul White House shoes for men. Wright's Underwear. Arrow Collars. Tin Golden Rule t-m, MALWAYS BUSY. n m CALL For Prompt Auto Service NEW "-passenger Cndlllne lit J'our service day mill night W9I --- 111 L. M'DOXALI) . . He Royal TONIGHT U Petit Jntils will fllnB "Have lou Got n Itonm to Rent?" and "I mil I Had Dccn Horn n Hoy." nd dance "Tho Ilutorflv Dance." Don't miss this, Five Heels of iuw pictures. "From the Iloyond." A profes t of psychology discovers tlio Indoo secret of susneiided life. Ho oes himself up In tho snrcopha- ' ami ia inclosed In tins uir-ugiit Ifln for a month. Ills usslstnnt belnc tried for murder, when his augh'-r icirns his whereabouts and es nun This plume Is tho most realistic ad thrllli , ever made. "An i '-:ied Wo kly." Twolvo Intor ilng ad knowlodgo-glvlng sub- ''Hie ... nrl.. I. . .!.. ... ..mi.ii-i n tvivus. iV CUHIIl- F of a wlilto man In n Turkish W-reni, m ""nis?ion. lower floor, Ific; 1ml ny, I0e. woming Thursday. "Saplio." Every Huer ana every father, every son m daughter should see this won- I"u' im. Realistic and moral. Have You Seen Our New J9J4 Patterns of Wall Paper VIERS "6 Xo, Front at. Phono 40-X. EVKltV MV RhnnlH Vnnw tZ TUSu tho country ho goes Tne bes dressed peoplo "c''r A. E. Anderson clothes. ShrVi?'. pKESTO., Agt. arlifield Cleunlng mid Dyo j,R oiks. fje limes want ada are the keya Wo Soil Fill' LOSS llcniiiso Wo Soil Tor CnMi claims for them. Wn knnw good, but we have yet to Parisian Suit is apparent as you wear it. unu nui uunijcuuu tu uuy. Satisfaction. born of onvw lins Iipimi i ---- we carry cheap goods. "Warner's Rust-Proof and Red fern Corsets. Topsy, Hurson and Ipswich Hosiery. La Vogue Suits and Coats. Amoskeg Domestics and Woolens. Pequot and Pepper ell Sheetings. Fruit of the Loom and Lonsdale Muslins. THERE IS A REASON CALL 46 . Proprietor Armstrong: i The Quality Linoleum Hot It at The llouso of Quality Why Pay More? Jolinson-fiulovsen Co. DEVELOPING PRINTING PICTURE FRAMING, ENLARGING AND SUPPLIES REHFELD BROS. Russell Buildinn. Central Avenue PHONE 1 0 Cent 158-R Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY LEAVE lOOJlf ON UN SMITH Steamer Sails for San Fran cisco With (ood List of Passengers The Nnnu Smith sailed today for San Francisco with a Rood list of passengers. Shu Is not carrying any freight except lumhor from tho mill. Just hefore pulling out this morn ing, a break on one of tho donkey engines almost resulted In Injury to tho operator. He was knocked down and nnr'rowly escaped sovcro 'scalds, lie was able to get up af terwards. I Among those Railing on tho Nairn 'Smith wore: I J. A. Townsond, Miss Armstrong, 'Miss Myrtle I'etdrs, J. It. Hond. Mrs. J. K. Uond, Knl llrannor, V. W. Itandell, D. W. Cnrter, Hen Ock, M. iNorrlc, Geo. Ucnk, Daniel Hasmus- sen, Mrs. Joe HnHuuiBsen, Mrs. It. A. 'Duller, C. A. DouglaB, .Mrs. C. A. Darley, Morris Solomon, S. T. Le vlne, Mrs, S. T. I.evlue, Win, Jn cobcon. A. S. Wright. WANT ADS. j TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY KOIl lti;.NT Modei'ii fiitnNlicI bun galow. Phono 3SG-J, .Mrs. Far rlnger. FOK SAliK Tciiiii, wiigim mid lini' ik'bs. It. D. Dames, Day City. K()ll HUNT Two lioiiockccpliiK rooms, furnished. I'houe 30-X. I FOR Ri:.r To nlco slecpliiK rooms furnished or unfurnished In best resilience part of city. Apply at 144 South Tenth street. FOR RKNT Nicely fiii'iiMud front room, suitable for two gentlemen. Modern conveniences. 813 Central avenue. FOR RKNT Two suite for light housekeeping and one sleeping room. I'houe 1031 or rail at John Anderson house, North Deud. WAXTI'20 (2ool rowhont, must ln cheap. Address Dox 773. I'OK ROOM and boaid go to I.T1 Commercial avenue. 4 WANTED WAXTKI) Competent girl for gen ornl housework by April 1 Apply It. Nerdrum, Fifth street. Phone 381 -J. WAXTKI) An experienced garden er wants to tako care of ono or more residence gardens. 102 3d st. WANTKD fihl to wait table 11111!' do chnmber work. Phono 3S8-J. WAXTKI) Hill want work In log ging enmp as holpors. X, care of Times. TI.MK (o flv your gnrdeim. I'll do It. Phono 227-L nftor C p. m. RIDS OX HRADIXH Rldx will be received up to March 27 for grading 1G00 foot of road In Day Park. Right to reject any and nil bids. I. S. Kaufman & Co. WAXTKI) filrl for general house work. 729 South 4th st. FOR RENT FOR RKXT Furnished, room with hath, for single goutlemnn. 853 Third nnd Highland. FOR RKXT 5 rooms In How Why building. All nowly finished. Apply How Why. FOR RKXT Light housekeeping rooms cheap, 1)77 South Fourth street. FOR Ri:.T Xlcely furnished room, with heat, "close In, Knqulro 182 South 2nd st. FOR SALE 4 FOR SAIjK Furniture of 10 room boarding house, house for rent. 409 No. Droadway. Phono 1CC-X. FOR SAM' One 117-foot cabin bont. In first-class condition. Dig bar gain If taken nt once. Apply (ioodruin Garago. FOR SAW? Two olioloo lots In First Addition to Marshfleld. Ad dress O. D., Times offlco. FOR SALK A good U MuiuR wagon. J. K. Fitzgerald. .. FOR SALK, CHEAP Four fino lots . In Sengstacken Addition, $2800 cash. Inquire TlmeB. FOR SALK Plymouth Place noul try yaris. A. K. Jenson. Q. Q ,)AYS I()I1' "XLV before prices In Poiiinni Park will J O bo advanced 10 per cent. ,y making J'our selection of n location now you will save from 810 to $00 11 lot. .This property Is located In Iho heart of the olty and lots riingo In price from S.'iOO to SdOO, 011 easy tonus, 11 small payment down mid balance In two and n half years. See Kohl about It. Make appointments by phone. Call 11(1 1-J m- ;tt!7-J. Office open oven lugs from 7 to K o'clock." W. A. RKID, OWNER'S AOKXT, 15 0 Front Street. m D BREVITIE5 TIDKS KOlt MARCH Uolow is given tho tlmo and height of high and low wntcr at MarshHotd. The tides aro placed In tho order of occurrence, with tholr times on tho first line and heights on tho second line of each day; a compar ison ou consecutive heights will In dicate whether It Is high or low water. For blgh water on tho bar Biiustract two bours 34 minutes. I Hrs.. 1.39 7.20 1.31 7.42 VI. .. 0.3 1.1 4.8 0.4 R Hrs.. 2.08 8.03 2.12 S.13 Ft... 5.0 1.0 5.5 0.G z 2r WKATlltill FOItKCAST (Or AMocli'et! l'rni la Coo, II.) Tlmri.) OHKQOX Unsettled weather with showers In west and show ers or snow In cast; southwester ly winds. LOCAL TKMPERATURH RKCORI) For tho 24 hours ondlng at 4:43 n. 111., Mnrch 24, by DenJ. Ostllnd, special government me teorologist: Mnxiiiiuiu 52 Minimum It At 1:43 a. in 43 Preclpltntion 34 Precipitation since Sopt. 1, 1013 52.14 Preclpltntion satno period last year , . . . .4 9.57 Wind: northwest; cloudy. Sells Auto. C. I. Donobrnko to day sold his automobile, which hns been In the city livery service, to Km orson Ferry. Recovers Radge- Duncan Forgu boii today recovered his lost fireman's badge. He advertised for It In The Times Inst night and later his mother found It at tholr home. Rand Concert. Director Fen ton of tho Cods Day Concert Hand announc es that aiiothor concert will bo given Sunday afternoon nt the Mnsoulc Op era House. Piirty Friday. Mrs. O. W. Kauf man has Issued Invitations for Fri day afternoon complimentary to Mrs. A. J. Ilelso and Mrs. Dofcn daugh. Return Tliuixlay. -Word from Portland l that L. J. Simpson and wlfo and daughter, Miss Delle Stearns, will nrrlvo homo on tho Dreakwnter Thursday. In Charge of Slock. Arthur Mc Keown Is In charge of the I. X. L. store pending further notion by the San Francisco Hoard of Trade which forced tho assignment of S. I.ovlii". Serves Pilars. Sheriff Ongo ar rived hero today to servo tho formal papers citing Mayor Allen, John 1). (loss, Constnblo Cox nnd V. C. Oorst for contempt of court In connect Ion with tho snle or tho Fox nuto at North Ilcml rerontlv Charter VommI. The Knroro. of tho Simpson company fleet or sailing vobboIb, Is tnklng on n cargo nt Port land for Valparaiso for Roinyn, Mncknll & Co., by whom Bho hns boon chartered. In College Play. Henry RiibscII, a brothor of T. C. Russell of Heaver Hill, Is to ho tho lending man In tho play "Mice and Men," which will ho presented noxt weok nt Corvnllls by tho members of tho Mask and Dagger Club of Oregon Agricultural College. To Coiiulllo. Rev. Father Mi Dovltt, of North Ilnd, will spend tho Intter part of tho weok nt Co (iilllo, whoro ho will colobrnto mass next Suudny. In coiiBcqucnro, Rov. Father Munro will hold only ono mnsn In Marahflold and that at 10 o'clock Sunday . Slay Ia'iivc. Dr. Worn or A. Lngus has gone to Rnymond, Washington, with n view of locating thoro. Ho likes Marshllcld, but n Inrgo Finnish colony has been Insisting that ho. roiuo to Raymond and so ho flunll) decided to go nnd look tho Hold over nnd will decide later. Return Roys. C. II. Walter ro colvcd word last night from tho Roso burg pollco that thoy had picked up his son, Henry Wnltor, and tho Vos t nl hoy. who loft Horo Friday on n hike. Thoy said thoy would send the lads back In enro of tho mall stage driver today. Is .Mummer. Mr. I.othnian, nf tho Seaiidannvlan Pharmnev, which was absorbed by tho I.oekhnrt-Par-BoiiB Company yostordny, will re main with tho Central nvoniio store. II' takes stock In tho company. F. M, Parsons will havo tho general innnngouiout, of both stores. Hoi-so Runs Away. Dr. K. K. Straw domoustrnted his ability to stop a runnway when he Jumped from the curb In front of tho Pullman bar todnv and grabbed a horso that was maldng his way up Front street nt a terrific rate of Hpced. Tho horse was attached to a garbage wagon mid started to run nt tho Palace restaur ant. Rout Hampton. Chns. Jensen yes- terday morning borrowed $2 from II. K. Hampton, proprietor of tno Con- tral Hotel, on tho claim that ho had n tlmo check which ho would ensh later and repny. It was found that Iho had no tlmo check and had In- vested tho funds In liquor. He was ' arrested and given flvo days In tho city Jail. Ho claimed to bo a logger. For Fino Dairy. Jns. Ferry, Jr., who has taken over the Ferry ranch on lsthmuB Inlet, Is plnunlng to start a fine herd of Holstelns there and make It ono of the best ranches in this section. There aro 537 acres In tho ranch and he plans to clear more of It nnd otherwise lm prove It and nlso to put In a herd of goats there soon. Tho ranch bo longed to tho J. L. Ferry estate. Recovers Doll. A Times lost nil res"tored a Kewplo doll which Mrs. Warner Ogren's bnby lost on tho street tho other day. It was tho only 0110 of Its kind In Marshllcld, having been sent from Oorninny. It wns picked up by Miss Kllzabeth Flann gan, daughter of J. W. Flanngan, who promptly brought It to tho Times office. Ruy Home. lien Wright nnd Irv ing llndlock hnve purchased the Ron berg proporty nt Knstsldo nenr tho end of the long wharf. Tho property consists of two lots 50x100 mid n three-story house nnd tho' price wnB about $1000. They will move thoro from Ferndnle nnd occupy It Jointly, Messrs. Hndlock nnd Wright being brothers-in-law. Kutertnlii Scots. The local Cnlo doiilnn Cliih'hold n meeting Saturday evening to nrrnugo a program for a largo entertnlnmoiit'. Among the star pcrformora of tho evening will bo Pat Devlin of Denver Illll, nn enthu stnstlc Scotchman who has a world wldo reputation ns an orator. Mr. Devlin served fourteen years In tne llrlttsh army and hns seen active ser vice In South Africa nnd India, and has also trnvoled extensively through out: tho United States and Cnnnda, gaining n varied experience in Scot tish organizations. IPEQPbE YOU M KNOW ABOUT LKVI SMITH returned from Coos River on tho Alice 11. today. MRS. CHAMDKItS of Daniels Creek Is n visitor In Mnrshlleld today. W. 11. FARR1N or Sumner Is 11 busi ness visitor In Mnsrhllold today. W. II. PIPER or Coos River Is a busi ness visitor In Mnrshrteld today. MRS. 13. 012011013 SMITH or North Doud Is In Mnrshlleld today. O ICO It OK ROSS or Catching Inlet Is n Mnrshlleld business visitor today. A. M'WILLIAMS loft on the morn ing train ror Myrtle Point today. MRS. ARCHIE PHILLIPS or North Inlet Is a visitor In Marshllold to day. MISS ADA CLINKENI1I2ARD or Coob River Is a visitor In .Marshllold to day. DON GARDINER was n passenger on the morning trntn for Coqutlle to day. A. O. ROGERS of Coob River ramo down on his sliced boat, tho "Auto" today. WALER CONDRON and wlfo and son nro hero from Myrtlo Point for a short visit. WILLIAM VAUOI1N was n pnBson gor on the morning train for Co qulllo today. F. O. KRAULor San Frnnclsro wns n pnssongor nn tho morning train ror Myrtle Point. MRS. J. II. WEATHERREE or Port laud left on the morning train ror Coqulllo mid Ilnndon, A. 13. TOWER returned to his old home on Catching Inlet on tho Wnh-taWnso on Monday. WALTER S. SMITH or North nend was n passenger 011 tho morning train for Myrtlo Point today. F. J. FEKNEV was a passenger on tho morning train for Myrtlo Point, today, following a short visit to Coob Ray. W. F. WELCH, a olasRinnto of A. K. Peck at tho Unlvorslty of Vermont, Ih expected horo 011 tho Rodnndo from Now York City for a short visit. MRS. R. .1. COKE left on the Nnnn Smith for San Francisco today af ter unending n week with her dang' tor, Mrs. Ira II, Ilnrtlo of North Hond. WE HAVE 25 SACKS OF LAROE 0 HADED Burbank Potatoes SHIPPED HERE FROM THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY THEY WILL MAKE Fine Seed Potatoes Wo will sell them whllo thoy Inst for $1.25 Per Hundred Phono your ordorB early. -O- Bunker Hill K V. If. 1)1X1)1X0 Kit & CO., Proprietors. Phono 32. w SOCIAL CALENDAR TUESDAY. North Dond Cnthollc Ladles with Mrs. Noll minks. MnrBhflold Episcopal Guild at church parlors with Mrs. It. 13. Drowning and Mrs. Mary Drowning ns hostesses. Progressiva Rook party nt homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Mtlo Sumner. WEDNESDAY. North Rend Christian Ladles Social. Presbyterian Missionary So ciety with Mrs. I. S. Smith. NurclBSUB Club with Mlsa nianche Tollefson. Elks' Dancing Party at Mas onic Hull. Dnptlst Ladles' Aid Soclnl at homo or Mrs. Geo. Gulovsen. I). M. C. Club with Mrs. II. 13. Kern. Jolly Dozen with Mrs. Henry Olson. , IURTIIRAY PARTY. Muster Arthur D. Hanson nt South Sovonth streot colobrated his thir teenth birthday "Saturday evonlng, March 21. A dollghtrul tlmo was Bpent by playing games, atter which rorrcBlunontB wore served, Including tho birthday cako. Thoso prosont wore MIsbcb Lcona Hoffman, Ruth Anderson, Ruth McLaughlin, Clara Hansen, Masters Howard Kolley, Charles Doano, Eugono Kolley, How ard McLaughlin, Enovold Hansen, Ralph Hansen, Henry Hansen, Arthur Hansen. SUCCESSFUL KXTKRTAIX.MEXT. Ladles of KpscoNil Guild SKUisont for An Enjoyable Concert. Tho McCnlloy ontwrtnlniuont given nt tho Masonic Oporn Houso InBt ev ening under the nusplccs of tho ladles or tho Episcopal Guild was a plonBlng BitcccsB In every way. Mr. McCalley In his Rlloy .rendi tions delighted Mb audience nnd wns goneroiiBly npplnuded throughout tho evening. Tho niuslcnl nuinliorn woro very good. Messrs. DavlB and Long ren dered soiiio ohnrmliig selections on bnnjo. mandolin nnd gultnr, every number being encored, CIllllY CLUBEM Will Determine Whether to Continue Ornanization or Dispose of Funds A mooting or tho membors nnd con tributors of tho former Marahlleld Improvement Club, which was started two years ago for tho purposo or aid ing a city beautiful here, has been called for Thursday evening at tho Marshllold Chamber of Cominorco to determine whether the organization shall he revived or what shall bo done with tho funds on hand. Ow ing to unfavorable conditions, tho original plans or tho club woro not carried out and about $00 of tho f iiiuIh collected for prizes and to carry 011 the plan reinnlus on hand. Mrs. I''. A. Tlodgen, tho secrotnry and trensuror of tho organization, wnnts to havo something dono with It. Many would like to sco the orlglnnl plans of tho organization carrlod out In hopes that It would Btlmiilnto tho beautifying of tho streets and homes or tho city mid also arouso a groator clvlo spirit horo. Howovor, It Is dif ficult to got uctlvo ones to tako hold or It. K tho club Ib not revived tho Mnrshlleld Public Library would llko to havo tho balance of tho fuuds on lintui turned over to It. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby aiinounco mysolf nB n Ro publlcnn cnndldntn ror Joint Rep resentative Mr Coob and Curry coun ties at tho primary elortlon May 15. 13. J. LONEY. Just in... A NICE LINE OF ENAMEL WARE Galvanized 10-qt. Pail 15 Cents Always Something New Peoples E Stores .Marshfleld, Rmiilou Myrtlo Point Townsend's California Glace Fruits famous bIiico 1850, wo havo boon ns usual selected as EXCLUSIVE AOENTS for this ologant lino. Boo our windows. Tho Leading Drug Store for Quality Goods mid Solectod Agoncb s. iIftlY4?BJMlIWm 7TTiffpfffywWfrMyy ji ti B " uoor of opportunity. Ii&mI&S; i,-3 ' Ygifr"?