-:ir iiL ' ..4,J" iiigy&mi FOUR . i MatnWonn" -L, News From Nearby Towns CULLlNdS OF COQUILLE. Coo County Kent New 8 ns Told ' the Sentinel. I,. H. Haznrd. of the First National Rank returned from Los Angeles, where he lies been for a month past Wednesday morning. Mrs. llnznru will remnln there until Juno. Monday. May 25, U tho day on which pending naturalization cases are set for hearing In tho circuit court of Cooa county. There are seven teen of them. During tho pnst week tho atten tion of tho county attorney has been called to tho fact that n number of school boys under 18 have been smoking clgarottcB. It took little time to learn whoro they had been purchased but as tVo Boiler was a young clerk who had violated tho law In entlro Ignorance of Its pro visions tho matter was dropped on promlso of strict compliance with tho statute In tho future. HUITS AUK FILER. Tho following Bitlts have been be gun In tho Circuit Court: Tom Morris and Cub D. Enos vs Philip Anost. N. Kllabcth Monroe vs. Charles O Monroo. Suit for divorce. M. I). Horrlck vs. S. W. Harmon. Cotiulllo Sontlnal. Twenty Dollar for lluylng HoofP It was an "exemplary" Hue liini Recorder L'awroco Imposed on V Llghthody lnst Monday. Way10 ."? conBlstcd In taking tho four-ip tha n nlnckllstor had given hJnto Bet Bomo boozo at ono of ou Ba,0n8 for tl.o follow, Tho lino was $20. which will not only tend ,l,ronvo'1'. any moro Biioh accommodations on tho part of tho partylined but to nmko anyono olso think twice bofore playing tho part of gAotween. Co qulllo Sentinel. LOAD HEIIE .MINOR. The Bchoone llortlo Minor, which has been lnynB In tho rlvor UiIh winter Ib boMg loaded at tlio Alfred .To'jnaon Liunbor Co.'s mill and v. Ill bo towed to San Francisco by the draco Dolnr. -Rnndon Recorder. trouble) ok thrift. r i Asoor T. J. Thrift has finished nsBCBlnt at Myrtle Point and Ib near ly throigh at Rnndon. Ho says lots of people who voted for hlglior levies for rond work and for bond Ihucb are now blaring him because their tnxees nro bo high. Coqulllo Sentinel. IHtlEFH OF HANRON. New of nty?lly.tho-H'ii iih Told by Tlio World. An orcllnniuo by potltlon was In troilucod nt tho council mooting pro viding a ono mill tax for tho support of tho City Library. It would mean approximately $1,000 a yoar. Tho matter will be put up to theeo voters nt tlio coming election. S. R. Powell haB boon ro-oloctod IIhIi and gamo warden of tho Roguo rlvor district. Mrs. Powoll Iiob ac cepted tho position of teacher for tho Ferry school dlBtrlci. A. K, Poachoy, recently of Coqulle haB loasod tho Now Louvre restau rant from Arthur Coach and will open for huslncsB Monday. .1. L. Kroncnhorg was a passonBor homo on tho Flflohl from Ban Fran cisco where ho attended to business IntorcstB for n week or moro. .v'hlle there ho looked Into tho possibility of securing a wlroloss comni rclal Htatlon horo for local parties, but found that tho Marconi peoplo would not co-opornto with tho now station recently established horo for tho purpose Wherever thoy oxtond their sorvIcoB they establish tholr owji stations and maintain tholr own oporatora. Orvlllo Dodgo a Coos County pio neer returned on tho Speedwell from Rlvorsldo, California, where ho spent tho whiter. Ho expects to huvo somo development done on tho Sal mon Mt. Mining property this summon HOLD REACH NUCKJET8. Cuitj' County Stilt News h Told by tho Globe. This has 'been nn toxcentlo'nnlly quito wook at Agncns but Colo. Ed gorton, has Just received a now plow nnd hopes to havo things pretty well stirred up. as tho phonograph says. Elinor Miller, A. F. Gardner and daughter Gertrude, and Jeso Hill of Smith rlvor ub a millwright arrived horo Friday evening to start busi ness at tho Rurbott mill. Allon and Williamson now havo tholr black Band machinery ready to glvo their method of beach min ing a thorough tryout. Tho Rnndolph and Rustlor both went to sea our last Issuo, tho lattor having a dork load, forty head of fat porkers, consigned from Geo. Dunn to the nandon butrhors. SIuco our last Issuo tho shadow of Frank Caugholl hns beon seen on our Htreots. Frank's many friends will bo glad to know that ho is able to make a shadow. Mr. und Mrs. Fred Caugholl re- JUST RIGHT FOR RAOKACHK AND RHEUMATISM Foley KIdnoy Pills aro so thor oughly effoctlvo for backache, rheu matism, swollen, aching joints, kid ney and bladdor ailments that they are recommended everywhere. A. A. Jeffords. McGrew, Nobr., says: "My druggist recommended Foley Kidney Pills for palna in my back nnd bofore I finished one bottle, my old troublo entirely dUappoarod." Owl Proscription Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposite Chandler Hotel. Phone 74. Central Avenue Drug ptore, local agency. Wr$Q0S BAY TlMESJWirmC, 0REQ0N, TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1914 EVENING EDITION. Hill .. "" - " : I MfHfV' JVsm "jimt.4rWmjiQBmMmmmmmmmmW9kmmmmV . ,KKvi5 IH I lmWWW iaJPivHrWSKVl&pfflCJi MSVr lmY f r mil PRESCRIPTION . -for IS years The Standard Sltlii Remedy Instant Relief for all Skin, Troubles L D. D. D. Keu CruHs DriiK htole Copyrluht, 1813, by tho Panainu-Puclflc IntornatlDnal Exposition Co. FIGURE OF ENTERPRISE CROWNS HUGE TRIUMPHAL GROUP AT THE PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION, SAN FRANCISCO, 1915. THIS above photograph represents "Enterprise," n detail of the sculptural group, the "Nations of tho West," which will crown the Arch of the Setting Hun atithe Paimmn-Paclllc International Exposition, San Francisco, 1015. This urch will bo on the oppo site side of tho Court of tho Sun and Stars to tlio Arch of I lie ItlHlng Bun, crowned by tho composition "Nations of the East." The group "Nations of tho West" la designed by Messrs. A. Stirling Calder, Leo Lenteill and Frederick G. It. Roth. T turned Thursdny evening from n J business trip to I'oriinnu. itoii re ports that E. A. lialley'B health Ib much Improved nnd that his family were hnvlng tho ineaselcB when he ami his wlfu left. Petitions nro being circulated and freely signed In theso parts asking for n free ferry to bo established across tho Roguo river at IlnguoU's. W. I), llrnlnnrd of North Ilond who purchnscd two lota In tho Ilalloy addition last fall, arrived horo a fow duya ago and Is clearing, fencing nnd will ralso n garden on tho lots this summer. This fall ho will build tliorcon nuil move his family hero In tlmo to start Ills children to tho fall term of school. i-'or new cor.vrv ItcshlcntH of I'lnrvm-c mul Vicinity to Kecedo from 1,4111c. XAIM.ETON, Ore., March 23. Western Lnno county Iibh decided to secede and form a now county to bo known as Sluslaw. CommlttecH havo iicon appointed to work to that end. This Ib tho result of tho County Division conforonco hold. Practically all of Lnno county west of tho divide. waB represented, boiiio 30 odd en thusiastic delegates being present. Tho mooting wns called to order with II. A. Lowo, Glonnda, as tem porary chairman; N. Mummoy, tem porary secretary. Permanent oillcors and committees were olected as follows It. S. Huston, chairman, Florencco C. E. Harwood, secretary, Glciiida; llnanco committee, J. W. Ilorgmnn, Floiomo; C. E. Harwood. Glonndn; .loo Slommnns, Mnplotou; Committee on boundaries. J. W. Ford Florenco; ninthly. Illaehloy; W. II. Woathorson, Florenco; R. A. Lowo, Glonnda; Horace Flsk, Lako Creek. Committee on cninpnlgn and peti tions. I Inns Potorson, North Fork; Jarod Scott, Acmo; J. C. Hock, Point Torrnro, C. W. Ileers, Indian Crook, N. II. Hull. Glonnda. Executlvo com mlttco. Win. Kylo. Florence; Roht. Clow, Mnplotou; W. 11. Woathorson, Florenco; Chairman Huston nnd Secretnry Harwood. The Ilmil report of tho boundaries committee Included western Lnno county only with tho onstorn lino conforming nB nearly as practicable with the Port of Sluslaw lines. TO SELL CAXXERV. At a mooting of tho stockholders of tho Myrtle Point cannery. It was decided to sell tho plant to R. W. Lundy or anyone wlio would pay tho best prlco for It, nssunilng all tho indebtedness. Tho old board con sisting of C. C. Cnrtor, presldont; E. W. Jones, vlce-purosldent; E. C. Rob erts, secretnry; E. M. Jenkins and E. For wet weather dry clothes !N u rnmfnrt wer Toner' Fish Brand - REFLEX SLICKER It ! oil you want, or can set. in a tough and ready service coat. Thoioushjr waterproof and lUong at every point. c9 ft nt vour SO.UU dealer's Satbfactloa Guaranteed A. J. Tower Co. 3Slgi? BOSTON tythjOi(PiHi Tower Canadian " J..iO pmited.Totonto liCaoojrM '4WBSU m&& itmcA ybll 'W 3 J. Mlchnl was by a unanimous voto re-elected. Myrtlo' Point Entor prlso. 8lfS FINE FOR AGHING KDEYS Wo Knt Too .Much Meat Which ClogH KldncyH Then Uncle HurtH mul Rlailtlei' Rot hern You. Most folks forgot that tho kldnoyB, ,lko the bowels, got Blugglah and clogged nnd need a llusnlng oc caslonnlly, olso wo hnvo backacho aijd dull nilHory In tho kldnoy re gion, bovoio hendachea, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, ncld stomach, slcoplossness and nil sorts of hind dor disorders. You simply t Kel '0r 1,tl noys actlvo and clean, nnd tho mo mont you fool nn ncho or pain In dio kldnoy region, get about four ounces of Jnd Salts from any good drug store hero, tnko a tablespoon ful In a glass of wator boforo break fast for a fow days and your kld noyB will then net fino. This fnmous snltB Is mndo from tho ncld of grnpos and lemon Julco, combined with llth In, nnd Is harmless to flush cloggod kidneys and sttmulnto thorn to nor mal activity. It also neutralizes tho acids In tho urlno so that It no longer Irritates, thus ending blnd der dlsordors. Jad Salts Ib harmless; Inoxpon ilvo; and makes a dollghtful offor voscont llthla-wator drink which ovorybody should tnko now and thon to keep tholr kldnoys clean, thus avoiding serious complications. A well-known local druggist aaya ho sells lots of Jad Salts to folks who bellovo In overcoming kldnoy troublo vhllo It In only troublo. BUY THE VERY BEST Marshflefd BUTTER Creamery rAni7 UNDER SANITARY CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND MODERN FACTORY. STERILIZED . MILK AND CRHM. PURE ICf Free delivery, 8 a. 111. and 2 p. m. Phono 73 "As Bright As Mf Own Home" "I like to deal in a store, that is kept as bright anil dean as T. keep my own home. 1 like to go where the goods are well display ed. It is easier to, niake.iny seloehons and T. sometimes see things that I would other wise have forgotten." Mazda Lighting Will Attract More Trade . Mr. Store Owner, your customers-like to buy in stores that arc brightly lighted. There is jiq soot or dirt f rqm Elctnc Light it is clean, steady and SAFE. Oregon Power Gtt. Second and Central Low H!ate$;; riaftcfhhcr ' uf. i . polntB In MarjhflcM 1 It .H """very ln the first storloB of bjlfl who .(.runic, . . . , zr"" im -..,.., i, mm Twelve, trunk, " raoneg. i2o-J u.i.rVa - ""tfl w SAN DIEGO EXPOSITION ALL 1915 SAN DIEGO,' CALIFORNIA, V I . , LDltKI) ROOEHS XE vi.viicr m nau' : a uMlt.ot IIuko MaWfolufV.'l Iranelmo, Cul. FiT fL3 .; FrnnrWp , Res, 994 South Tenth; Phone 410-J. ":,u"'- YT T. TOMPKINS. D. , Hvlr, y.,lfI,,erJ?rt'.), " j ikHun ii laon a . k without HruR. or, surgery. nU? 136 North nroaAway! " I'liono 210.1,. fPMW. r KO. C. MURPHY. 'ipL":.r'yri Inc. Urn RIM 0l n ' Orunrn mnv ha un .. a. . B. Allen Mnsic Store, niuuuu, TOIOL OSTLINU. ) . . I'lunii Tuner nnd Hepalw iu n. main aircci, ,1'UOn 1( i.oavo orucrs nt w. H. IlaJne uiiiiniijr. m-1 M. WRIOHT Phon. aiaA HUIliDlN'a rnvniArrrrt I til a m 1km I r.Niiiuniex niroisucu on rqH,l J Inter-Ocean Transportation ICo. Semi-weekly service Coos Bay and San Francisco. HTX RedoiScrT SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOB COOS BAY, TUESDAY, MARCH 24, AT 3 P. M. Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. S. S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and .submarine bell. m Passengers and freight. WILL SAIL .-'ROM SAX FRANCISCO FOR .MARSHFIKLR, Fill RAY, .MARCH U7, AT !l I M. San Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and GOO Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, 0. F. McGkohgk, Phono 44. KQUIPI'KI) WITH WIRKLK88. p O. GOHKHY, tistlmates, drawing and picKlca. imiiB lurniBiiea on rtfiutew K eatlstiod customer Ii bttf. rrt erenco than a bank. Look any ono of my 16 up Uiioe U I am tollable. I'houo mat. MUfWd,'0r.l DR. II. M. SHAW Kyp, Kr, Noo asd'Tbro I)It. MATTIH n. SHAW DIscixHcn of women and children. 001 co phone 330. Roami,20l,10l,j House phono, 10G-J. steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. Sails from Marahflold March 14th, 11 n. m.; March 21at, 7:00 a. m. March 28th, 11:30 n. m.; April 4th, 1 p. m.; April 11th, 10 a. rn.; April 18th, 1 p. m.; April 2Gth, 10 a. w.j April 30th, 1 p. ra. Sails from Portland March 18th, 20th, 8 a. in.; April lflt, 8th, ICth, 22nd, 28th, 8 a. m. TIcketA on sale to all Knfctcm polnto nnd Information m to routes and rated cheerfully furnished. Phono 427-L. " J. WOIIR, Agent ryt. A. J. IIKNDKY Marshftold. Oreiton. Rooms 204205, Coke Dulldlnr, RcBtdenco phono 262X. Offlco phono 112-J. zl .1 " r. .,.nn.Vor.n i- Teacher ( Plaao. Realdcnco Studio. No. WfiJl Corner Commerplal and EleTefita I'hone 08W. -4! BENJAMIN 05TUND, , . rnnanltlnir EniTUMW' BM' . v.. . I AKiuiea. Offlc, 200 IrrlB BUdt. dr? nt. -I.. mA 1Attttt Rwldence-Studlo, 337 flo. reUH cnoDo Ji'u. S. S. AR0LINE. EQUIl'PF.1) WITH WIRELESS FINE FASSKNOER ACCOMMODATIONS. NEW STHBL JIOAT. ll KiiIIh from North Rend Hnturtluy, Mmrli '2H, for Fortlnnil. '" FA8SENOER8 AND FREIGHT North Bend Lumber Company, Aflts. I'houo 1571. North Rond S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS BAILS FROM MARSIIFIELD FOR EUREKA . WEDNESDAY, M'AIICH 23, AT 0:.1( A. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50. Connection with the North Rank Roml nt Portlnnd. North Pacific Steamship Company Phone 44. O. V. M'GEOnGE, AireaL TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood,, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleaning, repairing or new platens, work guaranteed. Ribbons and carbon paper delivered. Phono us your order. Phone 44. Alliance office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. WHEJN it comes to spending my good money for advertis ing, I can't see anything but the Coos Bay Times BILL WISE, Times Want Ads. Bring Results WG. CIUNDLKR, ARCHITSOT. m. ant ami ltoa.lMkrM"Wl Mawhflelfl, 010. WU. B. Tunpwj. ARCHTrspr MariMIHfl. "f NO SAW XJ YOUR OOUP If you hate them ti&t" TWIN CITY 6TEAH aWPl THE C003 101' ' Formerijr " WASHINCTON,, NORTH W C. A. Metltai Prsf- -"omTEisrU, NEW SPRING QOODS I JUST "fiT. S. S."JENNINGS IS""1" ' - Y0U AUF0RCFfe o ,i cart wlt f!r. lM-J. ' Pnr"dar errlcftP-SU- .. iirnABfl.' MH3. O. r. a r4i " DressmakuiR ,& ,ng-1 Vm.us""( phone -"" The Timoa wnt thejr B" B,ter' 4ll I 7 Si V ?- . WtltA Mflf i"