The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 24, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page TWO, Image 2

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    m in in iinui
' VW
-t--r T" A r 'X'TnTTEjC " whoso yearly Income Is almost
COOS BAY 1 IMCO n million dollars. And we'll bet
i ho puts In nil of his time attending
' ... I.I.. ....... l...ol.w,c.
. Mimvi'V t.Mll.ii. .it. .1 Pull. ' "" " uiidi"""
J)AN1J. MALOXKY News Editor,
OfflJH 1'npcr of Cos County
Whnt the world doesn't know
Is how soino Coos Uay people
exist and why.
It's a wnsto of tlmo to reason with
WON' some Coos Hay people aro
nolml In iln Hnilioth IlllT for
this coinnuinlty they Boom to the unreasonable.
icy nre asked to do something -w-w-
uhlnk they
ior somebody else.
"Well, they are. nut they can't do
something for somebody else without
doing something for themselves also. I
Tho school taxes you pay help odu-
at other men's children. Uut other
Some Coos Uay men's Ideals
go no higher than highballs.
, .
Perhaps you have noticed each tlmo
Inniiiinn linn ini.ui dip put ni am m tcqt SavinS Habit
iiidii mill i i vi in t. ri iyin i r i i i
lllllllallll Villi ) I I II IV I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I nig B U I 1 If I
aseti holti educate yours. If you have , It Is harder to get out of a holo of
.rny, and If you haven't you should your own making.
JSave. ---
Other peoplo aro doing things for 1 Some Coos Uay people fancy they
3tin aU tho tlmo. Jf other mon ceased aro In tho limelight when they aro
their service you would suffer. i only tho lime nnd ono of tho differ
Since tho beginning men have lived onccs between a llmo nnd n lemon,
lb communities. Why? So thoy you know, Is that the llmo Is smallor.
nould holp each other. i --H-
Tho nioro we help each other the jiniU0 Mullcr on a windy morn,
more good we got out of the commun- walked down Front street In lovely
ily. ,,,.! frm;
Holp. Thnt gives you tho right to Twn8 slic thoy wero boyond a doubt,
xnnko tho other follow holp also. J Ab ,.. mcn wfjj uoar ni0 aut,
Thcro Is satisfaction In service. . Frank Cohan BayB It was Central
avenue and that ho saw Maude.
THEY nre putting Into execution
a pretty good Idea at Eugono.
A clean-up day has boon desig
nated by tho health officer and tho
high school studentB have been ln
ccrcstcd In th'o work of ridding tho
tltyof filth nnd rubbish. Not only
-will this be a good thing for tho
present tlmo, but If tho boys and
KlrlB are Impressed with tho advan
tages of civic cleanliness thoy will
'io hotter citizens, more progressive
and enterprising, when they grow to
manhood and womnnhood. Tho
tfcasons thoy aro learning now 'can
never bo entirely forgotten. Tho
ucglster says of tho clean-up cam
paign In that city:
"A complete survey of the city
A-Ill bo made by tho biology clnsB
f tho high school after the first
general cloun-up day, set by Dr. F.
V. Ciinitnlngs. city health officer,
lor Saturday. March -1.
"The class will bo divided Into
iininds and each sound will bo as
signed a certain portion of tho city.
A rod-headed girl lu a bluo
dross tolling a whlto llo at a
pink tea In n brown house on n
greon lnwn.
Declared by Competent Critics
to he the Greatest Picture
Before Public Today
Pass Ordinance But Mayor
Allen May Veto Engin
eer's Salary Same
Hy a voto of four to ono, an or
dinance providing for combining tho
jobs of Btreot commissioner and
plumbing, building nnd electrical In
spector was adopted by tho Mnrsh
flold City Council last night. Coun
cilman Ferguson wns tho only ono
to voto against It.
An ordinance providing for ro
duclng tho salary of tho City En-
glnotr from $lfiO to $125 per month
wiib lost, Councilman Ferguson nnd
Doll voting ngalnst It.
.Mayor Allen intimated thnt ho
would voto tho ordinance combining
tho offices of street commissioner
and tho Inspector nt a salary of
$100 and If ho. docs tho fate of It
will bo determined by Councilman
Evortsen, who wjis not present InBt
night. If Mr. Evortsen votes with
tho othor four Councilman, tho
Property Owners Consider Re
ducing West Marshfield
That tho Commercial nvonuo
grado, which has been u sourco of
grief to ninny might bo cut down
soon wns reported to tho Council
last night by Mnyor Allon. Ho
said that Mlrrasoul Urothers, Fred
Weaver, Harry Painter nnd a mini
bor of tho proporty owners had
nirrci'il to havn the street urndod
niraln. ruttlnir It nmvii nt Thirteenth nott u fow daya after tho flro In ox
and mukliig nn olglit-foot cut Instead ( plaining tho lack of wnter Borvlco
of four feet at Fourteenth nnd at tho tlmo of tho blnzo.
Fire Chief Keating Says Hy
drants Were Not Filled
With Mud '
Flro Chief Keating, Mnyor Allon, '
Councilman Albroeht nnd others last ,
night enter, d a protest ngalnst tho
Inck of water proBsuro In South i
Murahfleld. The matter wob brought
up bv Mayor Allon Inquiring about !
tho flro hydrant near tho McLaugh
lin homo having been stuffed full of
mud ub waB reported by J. V. Ilcn-i
Commercial, thereby getting hotter
than n twelve per cent grado on
Commorclnl. Tho plan Is to have
tuo dirt hauled over to Central and
also for Improving Thirteenth north! any nioro mud than
of Central. No formal action wns I found In tho hydrants,
Mr. Keating Biild that It waB all
a farco about tho report that boihc
ouo had stuffed tho hydrants full
of mud. Ho said thnt thoro wasn't
was usually
He said that
inin PmiiiKiiiiiiiii Mi'nrtniin'u vinwn IUfl plnn provides for leaving Andor
6u It before ho acta on tho ordlii-jB the lowest of nil, having about a
taken Inst night. yostordny ho had again tested tho
Dunn Town (JrniloM. hydrants In South MarshNeld and
City Englneor llucklnghnm pro-found thoro wasn't sufficient pres
sented plans for now street graded) sure to mako tho wator run out of
mm no wuinu
made and
hydrantB soon,
Council can pass It over Mnyor for Commercial, Central, Anderson tho hoso. Ho said thn
All n'a veto but othorwlso not. 'nn'l Bennett avenues nnd Fourth, hnvo a presBiiro gnugo
Mnyor Allen will probnbly ascor-l Fifth. Sixth and Sevonth streets, would tost nil tho hydrui
fourteen-foot elevation.
Itmitlne I'rorecillims
Tho Council paused nn ordinance
providing for tho b.iIo of nr.:!7.ri0
Councilman Albrecht objected to,wori, 0r special Improvement bonds,
this, Haying that ho thought that Tu council uccepted tho paving
u vlnnii ttit ultriiljl Im flu likti nu( ... . .. .
proposed that tho Council ndopt a "."'Y.' . " , ,' "' ,,.,. "' ' ,, i ;..., , t,r H0U, '(ni. aiy ,,
l..Xu ..i.. ..i i...... 1 1, ... oiowiiion iii tno Dusiiuss iiisirtct. ' ..,,,. i Ml Sloimh at a total
iMiiany tno tjouiicii iieciiicu i"!,0Ht of $01171.1.
Tho miration of voto wiib brought
ill) lust night. Councilman Copplo
resolution asking Mnyor Allen to
Good Flour Sifter
Eon Beater
Big Dish Pan
We've six dozen dandy
good brooms. Thv?2
a good buy at 60c. Gsl
nnn n CVt o7.' M'
only fo,- ' mm
Worth Bend
Manager Marsdcn of tho Orand
EVorv street, ullev and yard In tho Thonter has secured an unustinl at-
lty will bo examlnud. nnd If tho traction for Thursday and Friday of
peoplo hnvo not compiled with tho tlilu week nt hlfl popular picture play
wan st of tho health officer to clean houso In David Copperflold, Dickons'
ip, note of the location and tho groat story.
onino of the resident, If It Is po- David' Copporllold, nhortly nf tor tho
flhlo to obtain It, will bo made and death of his beloved father, becomes
reported to tho authorities. aware of the attention of ono Mr.
Thoro nro numerous places Murdstono to his mother. Ills dis
tant u od clennlng up nnd need nioasuro nt such attentions Is inark-
hnve the Inspector resign nt the i..i., ii nf ii. n nwiii.ri10!.1, or ?! '' i..
end of, this month and hnvo tho! x ' '. "L1 ' '' , .'Znnov T. ' The street commltleo was In
one man fill all tho places until I '"'?,. ?. l, ,H ,H)rtbn en dos ,Bt,,;m' ,'11 l0 ,BI lho ,lo,,,,riH ",,on
tho ordlnanco becomes effective. lrtn n,Kl,t n" ,1,'B1( """ J'10 Kra,,"- !" the vacant lots nenr ho corner,
Mr. Copplo said that tho ordinance .,.-. fn 'v.ttvh B .'liihlii !.... of A,VloT" ."",1 lllBp'1.ll,0
would not becomo.ffectlvo for thl.-1 ,.,."' L " ' ?lA"? '''".'I ' " H"" . IUV, .. . . .. '' w"' '.!..'? '
tv dnvs. nnd ho would llkn in havn ! '"",'."' "' ?.. "' ' "" . .,''" .'" V "7 wlien inn old pimiK puving on iiunru
It go Into effect tho first of next ' S ;, .', u '" , "". r""ll "7 " inC ,wnLVIM ""'" "" , n .,
month so. that the city would got,""'1 t,,u ' "'"' ?." l"1,. V 7-1(i'- ' ..' ""ffi. W"V"'A 'm...M
Couucl limit Wilson reported lint wn ticcepted nnd tho contractors,
u:o noami comnuueo nun uuy rnys- Mfl.nlu Sr Mcl.nln uril !
the benefit of the snvlng
Councilman Ferguson suggested
(Hut such a motion was out of or
red paid !!.-
It badly.' said Dr. CummlngB, yestor- 0(U evidenced, and as a result ho Is (r0,,)C( ''
dny. 'If thu peoplo do not obsorvo dispatched on a visit to his Aunt Peg-1 Alder Wharf I'm
I III! fill lift 1 llftnltlml llfl '( ttltl jlll .. ..n m m a. .kOA t ...! 4 -
il r as tho Mayor might voto tho , . "" "; ' ",1 7. ..,,, ,r,, ;'" nnom ?m ocug uem im ck
nrillinini'o . H reiiBonnine inlo to cliargo pa- f0r Homo work that will have to bo
City Attorney (loss snld lint ho g11' nf"r .j''.0 V"rtnT whet bor Ibis ,lo,! w,,on th ln' '" '"V"'0; not think It would bo legal to ,?.. "? "?',,. Z im r ? it . A w,'rrn"t wns ordered Issued for
hnvo ono tiiim rill nil tlm nlnpcti iin- ll"I-l"l.?.,! ..'"?"IA?1 """fl""". .,)ltthe collection of Front street ns-
.,, ... ...,,......... .."'.".. "..T7...V iiioiiKiii wini r. irnw wouui iiiok
1.1 1IIU Ul llllltllll U If-VilfllU UllUl'UtU
Dr. W. B;
i after them. Tho Council
llio dny sot aside for that purpose, Koty's homo In Yarmouth, which has
wo will endeavor to compel thorn )oon mndo of nn upturnod boat by tho
tu cloan their promises. We will ,0 0( u,0 Bcn. Hero ho meets llttlo
7mve the students of tho biology Kniily.
tlaBH IiiBpoct tho entire city. I IT poii his return to his homo, "Tho
xuow uiui mo iiiiuiH m inn imiiiin- nookory,
pniuy oxiouii prouy inr iiui in nu were tl
directions, but wo win boiki uie ,H Htc
IKlt ml... I....I..,. ..... nl,..,.l ....I.I
U'nft . . lilt' lllfcM lit iui n nunT (iitiuiL'ii m,iii
wnBtnko any action on It. tjl0 various nmountH duo them.
Tlicnicr HcguliitloiiH A warrant without Interest was
uiiy Auornoy uoss nporieu inni onored Issued to C,
y," ho finds his suspicions, XIL ''"7" t"17,"F '"," ,", 'ye onlli
lie. anil Murdstono has become ,,?."X whl?" ll0 V"1'1 pro"on,t " .l,l
iifAtlinr. Ilovoltlmr nu'aliiBt "I "0I' " ." . ". J ' Jf lt SaB ' "" Bosslon. Ho proposed that
HtuuimtH out that far and not miss 0 tyr'nnny nI1 roo, trentnipnt nc; '0 n! f1 par . Tho Council n-ttWMrnrnZ n ns edlntno proper y owners on
s : sfiiKlo door ynrd i our Inspoc- ,.orded hl.u nt tho hnnds of 1,1b stop- , , l(0 ' ", Cst o of , nymg for f,1' .Tto.i Z-oi ,fl L Ninth betweon Central and Conunrr
.,f0"' father. David Is sojit to school nt J ,tf,lt, o fU' j1,, h"""''?' ?nc l" io fnstono?! ul tu (ll bo allowed to do tho work by
A Salon, House. While there ho Is o,l- 10t to """" , J 1 ' an h f , uO,'" m r' ,, " Private, contract If they so,
Will Return to Spofa
Saturday, March 28
no.xt hnvo not all been paid In.
Ill" T ,. n ....-.....
llHlna lin ' VV nwuiinuu wim ni.-aviii
Now Is Your Tin
Vinci of Hie death of his dear mother.
After his mother's death David Is
Hour and that unci, hall or iiluy
This brought up tho old question house bo required to pass an in-
....... ...,i o.-v.n In tlm Murd- io uie cuy was going 10 u Hpcciiqn.
i....wi........ ... " ;-
coon r.YKMXd
Tho m ii who Hiicieed best In
' public life nro those who take
r tho risk of standing by their
own convictions. (larfleid.
lllttnt irjtftltii nfinlffil mT n iiiitnt. ,s.NrfsSS
Htiinn lirowory. nun tnoro necoiiies n :. -:- ".:"""., :..v """".. ."-. i .
lodger at tho homo of Mr. Mlcawbor. ,' i-orgusui, inoiiKi tlon and J. C. Merchant. Tho plnn
Tho Mlcnwber". In h rnlghtened clr-1 wo a bo tt KV"i h w l() "" ! would require tho Odd Fellows to
I ..instances nr, evicted from their tho claim more fully by .01.10, HU.,p along tho -list side
. iiiiihio dwolHnK and I avid. inouri-!towa,r,la '"'Provomonts from ilmo'or tho comotory. Tho school board
nTA" thomh " !,a8, nKrr ', ,1,oI,,,s, n, 8",,,,n Bt,,,
I resolves to run nwny from his brow-1 wo'' . b.0J'.ttor. !w.n,h.. ., ' t,ont ot lll hK'' "Pliool.
1 v.iiy viiuruuy uijdb Bum 1..111 u iiiu .
Whnt can wo do t"'is ilmo
That will push tho world along?
Isn't thoro someone In It
Wo enn gladden with a song?
isn't thoro aomoone needing
Just n kindly word of choor?
3fuybo It's you Hint's reading
This brief message written horo.
erv apprenticeship nnd seek tho homo
of his Aunt Uotsy Trotwond In Dovor.
Murdstono. learning of thn dlHnnpcar
anco and wherenbouts of David, calls
liy Attorney
city had several thousniid dollnrs It
could uso for tho purpose, It would
bo n good movo for tho city to take
over n stretch of the waterfront and
: V. ' ..,"... , 1 1 .1 ia ' uur 11 oir
HI nil! iruinuuu iiwniu aim , -. .. Hnwnvor lin Hnlil tlmro ...,..,. 'IMilo In .Innlo.l Lr.u-nvr.r- I " ll "P' IIO0er, 110 snill IIIOIO
lllf. 1171111,1. . ..n ... tw. ,..., .... ,. ...mIl.l l. r.ltlBlflnrnlltl nviinllQ.l fill nrt.
uud David is sent to Cnntorbury to
contluuo his oducntlou.
While In tho employ of Sponlow,
David meets tho villainous Urlnh
Deep, nnd subsequently ho arranges,
after n chance mooting with his old
friend, Mr. Mlcnwbor, thnt Mlcawbor
Is to bocomo an employe of Sponlow. ef it Q lina n dllt i
' That none but oursolvos can do; Then follows tho detection by Mlcnw- tho stroot thoro being In condition to
I3t It bo crowned with beauty
And n meaning deep nnd true
'Lot onch of us cheer tho othor
And udd to tho sky s bright shine; i
'J'll be your fulthful broiher.
And you'll ho' ns truly mlno.
you've flulshol
her of tho thefts of Urlnh Hoop and
conies tho restoration of Aunt Hetty's
Dnvld Copperflold s rldo to fnmo
and fortuno follows. In tve closing
scones, tho Mlcnwhors. who have
none to follow their fortunos In Aus
tralia, soatod around tholr Yuletldo
table, rise In toust to the Onnnoiflo'd
family, ami in far off Knglnnd. David
end bis wife. w'o was Amies Wlck-
llold. ipspond. It Is a beautiful and
Ant thniiKh when
Tlittse Hues, you shall go your
Cooil friend, and but Utt 1 lipeiilng
Th things I have nought to any. benW-thrnhblnir flunlo.
J.Ifo may sooni kludliur, rather, ; " ' " -.-,,. r
And hold still more or ciieor
neenuso wo have come together
Aiul chatlod a moment li'io.
honesty Is tho bent policy, what
about stealing a kiss?
A friend Is one who allows you
to prove anything von say, by him.
Some Coos Hay mon go nil
through Mfo trying to interest
f capital.
No man who is n poor provld,,r
should ONpect his wife to be n good
surprising how many friends
you have, when you don't nood
I hem.
Hnvo you over notlied how a Coos
liny .married man brightens up whan
tie has to go out of town on business?
Ono of tho chenpost thing In tho
word is criticism and one of tho most
popular pastime. fault finding. And
generally thoso who talk tho loudost
now nnd can do tho lonst.
When angry It Is well to count
Ton 'oro you speak, my friend;
Jtud add a lot to that amount
"WUa "touched," boforo you lond.
Tho man who lingers nt home baso
'(ll never make n home run.
They hnvo discover-d one Chicago
Men Who Select
Their Spring
Clothes First
Are usually first In othor
things, Come to tho Flxup
and make your selection from
It will pay you to sot
nslde n llttlo tlmo nnd look
them over nnd seo what wo
me offiilng nt to
mid others at $8.50 to JIS.OO.
Itoyul Tttllor Agents
Marshfield - North Bend
Phone 233-L
Tho regular ineotlng of Mammoth
I.odgo No. 87, 'I'liui-Mlny, March t!(l,
7::io ii. in. All mombers aro ronuest-
II Wit tl tJ V.WMDIUVI ltllU WA IUIIDU W !.- ,. A . . , ilii
count of lltlgntlon and condomnntloii ',' to attond and visiting brothers aro
Itllllll) KIVIIVII.
Thoro Is likely to bo a war with
Mexico and wo mny bo called In nt
any moment and wo want to drill lu
tno uso of tho canteen nnd-musket,
nioro particularly tho canteen, and
after tho weary ninreh wo will ropalr
to tho banquot room, whoro Albort
Hngemolstor will give us something
to revive our drooping spirits.
nnd ho did not think tho tlmo wns
ripe for It.
Another question brought up was
about Hiigauo O'Couuoll being on
titled to u rebate on account of part
of tho old wharf along his side of
ho used. City Recorder Ilutlor hnd
found In tho council proceedings thnt
n wharf was built In tho stroot in
Juno. ISO I, mid paid for out of the
city gonornl funds, Final action was
deforrod until Mr. O'Couuoll could
show whether or not tho wharf was
IMiio Avenue Work.
An ordlnanco providing for grad
ing nnd plunking l'luo nvonuo In
Ferndnlo from Eighth to Front stroot
wns adopted. Tho total cost will ho
$2iii;i;."n and the assessment $2.tiS
per front foot.
Climigo In Streets.
Councilman Ferguson proposed
somo chnngos In tho streets In Fern-'
dnlo. llo suggostod that tho county,
1 1 1 I .. 1 .... I ...! I
I uiui uo L'lUlllKl-u lli'lll i.aiui-i nun
Eighth to Myrtle and tho Doulovard.
Ho said this would cut out a bridge,
bad grados and curves and would bo
especially bonoflclnl aftor North Dond
complotes Its now road to Empire.
Ho said that County Hoadmaster
Hall-I.owls had assured him tho coun
ty would do this If a right of way
sixty foot wldo was donnted. Mr.
Forguson said that tho Nasburg es
tate would grant the now right of
way freo providing Laurel was vacat
ed to Eleventh. This section of
I.nurol Is useless, as It Is nil In a
gulch and d6es not connect up any
streets. Tho mutter was referred to
the street committee nnd city engi
neer. Straighten Street
Tho old question of opening ln
gorsoll avenue south of tho como
tory was brought up bv Councilman
Ferguson. Ho stated that since tho
McLaughlin houso, which occupied
proporty that would be needed to
widen the street, had burn d, somo
of the residents thought that l
could be opened now.
In this connection, tho matter of
straightening South Seventh street I
wns also brought up. It was stated
thnt Hugh Huntr would accent a I
small amount for the part of his
lots needod for tho stroot.
Tho matter was finally referred
to tho street committee, City At
torney and City Engine r to work
out and to seek tho co-operation of
- tho Odd Fellow Cemetery Assotia-
Butter . .
Wo have miiiio good fieuli
Creamery butter In iwo-pouud
r-qumes that wo nro helling lor
l."e per miiiiiv.
Coos Bay Tea, Coffee and
Spice House.
130 No. Broadwoy. Phono 304-J
llo h : Id ho wanted tho street Im
proved and somo wor- holding Mick
for private work. Ho was told that
tho best way would bo for the work
to ho done by tho city mid the prop
erty owners to bid on It.
Improve Alley.
Plans wore adopted for Improving
the alley loading from First street
to Front street, north of tho Ilrow
ory proporty. City Engineer IVuek
ln:;hnm reported thnt E. K. Jones
hnd fenced off two foot of tho alloy
and also foncod nn alley north of
Jciicb' place. City Attorney floss
an 1 tho street committee woro m
st'iictod to tnko the muttar up with
Mr. .Jones and have him romovo nt
le: st ono fence nt onco. The own
ership of tho alloy bus boon In n
mlxiip for u long Itmo, Hacker and
Clements having once heou In liti
gation ovor part of It. Tho Im
provement will cost about $!ri and
will bo paid for by tho abutting
property iiwnors.
I'ltoi'KitiA' rini-n
Do mil ml' ildt o'rtulif,l
Do You See As W
As n progrcslvo I hereiiy aiinounco
mysolf us a candldnto for county
Commissioner and If elected wll
oudonvor to till tho olllco to the best
of my nblllty.
E. U. CL'ItTlS.
With One Eye At
the Other?
sbotild you have hcadtn f
want, to Improve your
tor try my special Bround'co-
Hon glnsses. Young or . um.''i i. i:i,ss rn wis
....!..' .i,.' nlnan u-nrk orlMlt'
tmu'e. All Klassoi fitted trA
wurranted to slvo MlUtoclW.
Dr. W. I
Office 187 N Ilroaday.
Opposite Illnnco Hotel
A Budget of Bargainsfor 3 W
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
VALUES THAT FOIt KHAIi .iKiirr iuwk ai'iumi iii.i.. v.vuhhw
Ladles' Muslin and Flnnnolotto
Gowns. Formorly 7ic and pfJn
SSc. Now JUU
Lndles' fancy striped Petticoats
of Soersucker ginghams. 11
Formorly 7Cc and S5c. Now UUb
Women's Boamloss black hose, re
inforced heels and toos.
Formerly IBc, now, pair
Woinon's Silk Hoso, largo range
of colors and black. Vulues CO
to SHc. Special ..... ...UUU
Turkish Wash Hags; tho q
8c kind. Now only Ob
Cooks and Walters Aprons, for
merly 25c and 35c. IQn
Now I Jb
72x90 bod sheets. PKn
Special Uub
42x36 WHow es.
Cnnnlnl. HSC'll . ' "
., rdTrj" 1
Croekec u" or ,m.M
formerly ?a.75 to ISO'' J,!
W l,i I
Ladles' whlto ana - -,
handkerchiefs. Spe'
nrlced. 7 tor
ool ni1
All Comfort- . " ..
hinnkots and taoio
Irving niock, to Chandler Hotel
Satisfaction always or money rorunucu.
fcalntL j:AtJli)..fc1 -iaV- - ... .