The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 23, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page TWO, Image 2

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W. C. MALONKV IMItor mill Pub.
TAS K. MAI.O.VKV Nohh Kilitor
Off rlnt Paper "f Cons County
Bng Mosical Organization Here April 3
Fulfill; mi
TRE T1M158 publishes 111 another
column of today's Issue a copy
of a paper read at a recent ineot
liiK rf tho Progress Club In Mnrsh
flold. While not endorsing every
thing that Is said therein or agree
ing with It, Tho Tlines thinks that a
fcroad and well managed market
would ho a benefit to tho people of
Editor Shoemaker of the Rose-
burfi News Here to Urge
Better Highway.
Defeats Local Hiqh Schoo
Basketball Team by Score
of 18 to 8.
The North Uoml High School bas
kotball team easily dofeated the
Marshflold high school team li re
ICditor Sliooniakor of tho Ilosoburg
News arrived hero Saturday evening
tins community and nil advantage in via Drain to spend a few days In
tie retail grocers and ownern of bun- Coos county this being his first visit Saturday night when tho tlo gnmo of
I'nofls property as well. Under the to this section, and to try and boost a week ago wajB played off. The flnnl
present system, or lack of system, tho good roads movement. Ho Is score was eighteen to eight In favor
thero In much dlswitlsMetlon among secretary of the Itosebuig (Jood Itoad of the visitors.
nil classes, producers, consumers and Association and Is an enthusiast over
nctairers. bottor highways and especially over
A well conducted public market tho poslhllltles of a line highway
.reniTiI be made to servo the grocers from Hoseburg to Coos Unv.
m well as tho consuinor. Hetall gro- Me avs that tho Drain road Is In
t'ors could make their Belectlons ov- bad Bhapo. Ho had heard much of
t' o trials and trlbulntloiiB of an
overland trip to Coos Day during this
season of tho year but lie had dis
counted' tho stories. Now ho declares
tho half has never yet been told, IIo
Is arranging to roturn via tho Myrtle
II..I..1 ..4- ...! ...Ml t .
uu ituiu iu Burvu wiuir cuiuinur, buu-i limit luuiu una win luuvo lumuruw
ntnntlnlly on par with retail prices ' morning for Daiulon where l'O will
ar tho public market. Thev could mako n short stay and then will visit
nftargo ii llttlo moro In fact and hold , Coiiullle and Myrtlo Point, before
ttio great bulk of tho trndo( slnco a ' leaving, talking good roads and urg
vnBt majority of consumers would Ing that dellnlto steps be taken to
7athor secure their fresh vecotahlcs connect tin riosoburc and norm
and fruits through that channel than county with a better highway.
lothcr with tho time nnd troublo U expressed regret when ho henrd
seeded to visit tho market In person that It was, llkoly that the proposed
and bear home their supplies. Under $150,000 bond Issue would bo dofent-
the present method each grocer buys cd In Coos county as ho was In opes
ty tho crnto porlshablo products that that It would carry and would prove
a stimulus to Douglas county.
IIo said that Douglas county had
plans prepared and was about to go
cry morning at the market, gottlng
their actual needs for thnt day, and .
thus could distribute to their trndo
choice, fresh, clean vegctobles nnd
fruits. Dtiylng In quantity they
"would pay lower prices and should
to nble to servo their ctiBtomors, sub-
Tho first half was rattllnir irootl
basketball, tho score then being four
to three In favor of North Uend.
Hoth sides had hard luck shooting
In the second half, Marshileld did
not put up nearly ns neat a game and
at times dlaplnyed moro footbnll
tactics than basketball.
Thero was a good crowd out, tho
gate receipts being ?2r.
should be bought In broken lots. The
fxccBS thoy havo to carry over and
much of it Is loBt.
Tho prevailing method of distributing-
produco from the farm, orchnrd
and gnrden Is notoriously defective
and riiiBatlsfactory. The ranchers
are dissatisfied, tho consumer Is
.iceved mid the grocer often has a
crouch becaiiBo of what ho regards
m xo much iiujustlflablo complaint.
Xo amount- of fallacious reasoning Myrtle Point project.
iau tutor tne met mat ucltuer 111
Jimtry nor biiBlucMS can find It prof
rtablo to operate on lines that nre
;?alpnljly In need of roform.
In the weekly spelling test given
Friday tho following mndo good
grades: Esmond Glossop, 100; Do
Forrest Mnson, 100; Gladys Craw
ford, 100; Helen Itiimel, 100; Mil
dred Dundy, 100; BrnoBt llurrows,
100: Ethel Llneo. 98 t'nolt.
ahead on extensive linprovomonts of 00; Vera Harris, (Mi; Myrtlo Isaacson,
iiio iiosei)iirg-.iyriio l'onu routo uu: wiirrcil Melanin. 0G.
k 1 Oft T ' ' f fc itf l ClSJy' VfJKstyrjVA Jl u 'r t( Ml
ihh JBfe. BflR ltalB riE Hk.H aIHb JnSkQ J A Ji Jh
hh IBhp'jHDIL fiiDilKHn i?HnHHBH tr J ciBIAr jf vH9mH0a uT flH j
thrts assuring one good road between
thero nnd Coos Hay when Warren
P. Iteed and others at Gardiner ap
peared nt Ilosoburg nnd started a
movement for a Hoscburg-Gardlner
highway in plnco of tho Ilosoburg
Tho lesult has
Tlllltl) (JltAI)i:.
Tho following pupils havo had 100
in spelling for tho past week: Georgo
Murphy, Harry Washburn, Alfred Mc
Klroy, Frederick Dow, Ilobert Hur-
roughs, Dick Wnlter. Virginia .lohn-
beon thnt Douglas county has been .., im,,,,.. fn,n,.nl! wnit,,. a 1
divided and mothlng lias beep done tlon ,.: Sampson, Wll'llain MeArtbur.
Arno Moreen who Is now In Oak
fnnd Is expected hero about April
3. Ho expects to bo hero for tho
on either project. Mr. Shoemaker
docs not expect anything material
will be acompllshcd this boiiboii but
believes that next year Douglas
county will flnnlly ngreo on tho
Myrtle Point route and Improve that
"Tho road between Hoseburg nnd
Coos Hay would be of great commer
cial value to both In addition to
tho great bcncllt that would nccrito
l,mil. if ,1... I.iu..l.l.. ...lit .. .1.11.
iut,iif n 1 1117 ijdnimiii; null nii;u , . n 11 I ti ....u.., . .',....,, ,w,
haH ben closed for a fow months for I !".!'!",' ,.'",K.."l!.i8"in"11?r,?" o, " 0,lco Knnloll, Floyd Scott. Thomas
LoiiIbo Connor, .Inrl Xerdriim, Lornn
Wilson, Virginia Oosney.
skcoxi) ghaim:.
Xnmos of pupils receiving 100 In
dally work In Bpelllng the pnst weolt:
Hdlth Anderson, Hobert ICnox, George
Scott. Harry Walter. Viola Wilson,
Ituth Collins, Catharluo Kudloff,
Mnrgnrot Wood, I.oIb Hansford, John
Clnusen, Augustus Hoffmnn, Fror
CIIANDLHU To Mr. and .Mrs. K, I.
Clinudler nt Sacramcuto, Call., a
II lb. son. Mother and child are
rfolng nlcoly nnd "Father" nB woll
as could bo expected, ,
and tourlBf biiBlnes," snld Mr. Shoe-
I maker. "Douglas county produces
vast amounts of fruit mid vegetables
which would Hud a ready market
bore and much of which now goes to
wnHto there. Then Coos count) pro
duces much that HoBoburg needs.
With a good rond between Coos Hny
and Hoseburg nil to trucks could bo
utilized In handling theso products.
I Mr Rlinnmnltnr rmvr t tint tln urn.
spocts nro for mi iiniisunlly prosper-
Mcllnle. IOIIzaboth McGIiiiiIh, Thelmn
McClurc, lOtigcue SnmpBoii, Frances
' 4
Second (JiikIc High Scliool.
Mrs. Howard Snvago and .Mrs.
Dashney. visited our room Friday,
March 13. '
f A A
I'OritTII (lltAI)K.
Those who hnvo had porfect spoil
ing work for tho pnst week aro: A
dub season for Uosen.irg nnd DougliiH (.nsThoinns McOlnnls. Kelly w'nlp,
ICiigono Crosthwulto. Horbert Mm
il"'., Hoiibon Snndnulst, I.oronn Hoff
man, Gladys llurrows, Hnocli Andor
snn and Dorothy Hassford, I) cIiirb
Frederick Honglaud nnd Fro .larven
leu. Mrs ,1. na'n" nnd Mrs. N'off were
visitors during the past month.
TI10 contest to decldo who shall
J. V. 8nieaton, formorly or Mnrsh- - repreBont tPo girls of tho .Mnrfliillold
ifold but recently nt tho head alllves , D:i ,n t, no Mnu, u,Bh B(,Ilo1 nt' th?.. Co""ty i'111' p
of tho C. A. Smith compnny In Onk- rICKlip Team Defeats NOrtll Spoaklng Contest will bo held In tho
land, has resigned ns genorul ninna- Beild LaffaW SOlirCtl by l.hmeVilng'riio"1 followhlg
Kor of tho company. His rcBlgnn- o, r., u lucBinj eenin,. 1110 loiiowmt,
tfon will bo taking effect soon. No, ' oOnlC railS HCre. niinibors will bo given:
-word has beon received hero as to A picked team iiudor tho loader- Tho Gold Louis Huth Duiigin
who will succeed him with tho coni-'lilp of Tamp Osbomo played tho The I.anso of Knnmia
jnny. Mr. Smenton It Is understood, North Ilend team nt tho North Pond Adolnldo Clarke
will roturn oiiBt. ! nn'l Kiounds on Sunday, resulting In The Inniato of tho Dungeon
n score of li to 3 In favor of tho pick l' HaiiKen
WOltIC OS ltO.M); up team. Tho gnmo was a clean fnst Coiiiiiiencemont. .Kvolyn Iuigworthy
A. II. Powers Is having boiuo of one, Osborne allowing only I hits Gentlemen, tho King. . .Olga Shutter
his outntH nt Coalodo moved out "n tho pickup Bldo nnd tho Hlllnrs, The Flddlo Told Wllda Harris
Jn to tho extension south of Myrtlo niui l.lioiiimiini, niiowing u hits on Tile sign or tun uross. . .11111 n iwnn
Tolnt. Mr. Vnrney took tho pile- tl.o North Houd Hldo. Tho Old Violin HeBBlo Flanagan
wiiiiiAMi7iTi: uxivkhsitv (3iii:i: ciiUn
Plans for the big concert to bo given April 3
by tho Wlllmuotte University Glco Club are pro
gressing and It promises to be one of tho big
events of tho season. Tho high school Btudents
nre now selling tickets for it and every lover of
innsie should bo In attendance. Concerning the
appearance of tho Wlllamotto Glee Club nt Tn
conin recently, tho Tneomn Trlbuno said:
"After an absence of four years from Tiicoinn,
tho Willamette University Glee Club wns hoard
In contort last night at the Tacomti Theatre. Tho
flrBt part of the program contnlned sovoral groups
of songs by tho entire Glee Club. Mr. Perry Kel
golmnn gave four very enjoyable reultntlona which
aided grently tho llkoablllty of the perfotmance
Tho Glco Club quartet Is by far the best feature
of tho first pnrt of tho program Their oicei
blond hnrnumlouBly nnd their rcptoIro of Mnn
Includes practically ovory class of niualc compoied
Myrtlo Long Mendenhnll haB an ixullent soprano
voice. Tho tonor In tho quartet hm a very good
voice, as also him tho bass.
"Tho Bocond pnrt of tho progrnm Utroductc in
enjoyable llttlo musical fnrco ailiipteil by the 01.
rector of tho organization, Frederick 8. MenikV
hall, from the light opera, 'Said Pasha.' This .
hlclo gavo tho nuimbors of the cust nu opportun
ity to Introduce Hiivurnl onjoynblo musical nun
Th sale of tickets was started today by the high school Btudents, the Sophomores iml Jnn
Ioib vying with the Juniors nnd Freshmen as .to which can sell the most. The former art led ty
Mildred Storey and Grnco Williams and the latter by Ignatius Chapman and Grace Kruw. The
green tickets are for reserved seat and reservations cuii bo Hindu on mid after Maich 30. Eury.
body should attend.
Hov. A. V. Unssford will preach
on Tuesday evening In tho room In
tho Meyer building occupied by the
North Hendl Kplscopnl Church. Tho
set vice will begin at 7:30 and tho
public Is cordially invited.
As n progroslvo I hereby iinnounco
myself us il candidate for county
CommlsBlonoR and if elected wll
endeavor to (III the olllco to tho best
of my nbllltj. '
Tlie 1 lines want nun are tho keys
o the door of opportunity.
dipt. W. H. Punter or this city
received word from Flder C. K.
Crumley last Frlndy stntlug that the
formur's daughter, Miss Dora Pun
ter, nnd the Intter'a son, Wordlow
Crumley, were married Thursday,
Mnrcli ll!, at San Hernnrdluo, Cal.
Myrtle Point Hutorprlso.
Hcports to tho effect that J 00
Coach was married to 11 Cnqiilllo
young lady laBt weok appear to be
greatly exaggerated as that gentle
man pleads not guilty. Handuii
Mnyor A. T. Morrison ai thilmuj
of the Good Roads AsoclnUon c! this
county Ib now nilvoratlng in Itltli
tlvo nieiiBiiro to raise the bowUnj
limit for road fiiiulK from two pa
cent of the assessed valuation ottti
coiuitleK to five per cent. ThUmm.
ii m It Is iiropused to mnko state it
Mr; Morlsoii siijh tlmt there in
many people who opposo a 1150,041
bond levy for Coos county txcuM
It Is too small to give us nnjttilaf bit
pleccH of roads, who would be (Ul
to vote for a million nnd hiti 1
road from the Hay to tho county list
via Coqtillle nnd Myrtlo Point n
Htruvted. - Coqtillle Sontlnal.
rfrivliiB nppuratus thoro Saturday. ' Tho boys aro planning a gamo for .lorry.
3lr. Powers is urriuiKlng to build the noxt Sunday If the weather pormltu
Lranoh Hues for tho camps which 1 0 YoBtorday's gnmo was not attended as
will establish here.
Ho will nlso arrange for oponliiK
minio gravel pits In thnt vicinity.
Tho first camp -will bo In' the 1
ilnlty of linker Cteek
Gladys Prlddle
The public Is Invited.
Small Audience Avail Tlieinselves of
Instructive A ddi ".
Mr. llayward's lecturo at tho high
"(pool Friday evening was extremely
rvlew the Coos County league mom- InroroBtlng nndlnstructlyo. Ills slides
rslilp with 11 vlow of gottlng tho weie HliiBtrntlvo of rho Olympic
S. Levlno Makes Assinment' 5,ny of thP i,,norfl "'V1 ,fn" l10
well as expected on account of tho
wenther. lens than 100 being pre
sent. T,un'mv I.onve.
Gen. I.affuw who was appointed
by the llniidnn Hasoball team to In
hrtl'flllln U'IMl n vlnu ,,f t'nttlllfv
Ilniulnn team In the Innirnn. lnft for games ill Stockholm, tho dual meet
Coqullle today with 9 rnthor indlf- botweon Hiigllsh and hwedlsh li
ferent vlow of the Bltiintlon. u 8 ' London nnd the Intercolleg-
Mp. t.iilTi.w ul.itm. (line tlin Tlnmlnn ltO 1110 t8 ill tllO enBt dlU'lllg tllO
UnBebnll club aro willing to ngreo to '4'"r ')a8t- ,. . ...
whntevoi. terms nro mn.ln lir the Iio used mo Billies tor 1110 purpuu
eague, but feels thnt ho Is entitled
o the common courtesy of a reason
nble treatment from the fans
Mnrshllold anil North Hend.
of I. X. L. North Bsnd
Store Re-opens.
Tim i. X. L. nothing nnd Shoo
iltoro on Front street was closod to- Sehrock states that Handon Is too ?,;"'" ,",'.
day. S. Lovlno tho proprietor having: long a Jump to allow tho teams to ,",,,,, ''');,
iniulo nil aBBlgninont for tho bonollt lmvo gnmes thero nnd he does not J"1 "J""0 ",;.
of illustrating tho different forms
iiBed in track and field athletics and
0f cnlllug especial attention to tho moro
coiiucr Biyiua.
A grent deal of interest was shown
by tlioso presont, but we aro sorry
to say tho audience was tho smallest
tiii I)ntilni l Mm Inmviin oml olirtnl.T
Mh IKUiiuu il UIT iv..h" mill Piiuum t ; l,l. I., h rv,, ,u,ll.
S irock be elected president thoro Is '" ' ,. ,,', ,' ."' ".;.'. . i.
,,n nimstlon I. In i.osltlnn r. WOs a distinct dlBappolntllieilt to tllO
gnrdlng tho Hnndon team. Mr. Btliool peoplo ns well as to the apoaU-
VI 1IUIIDUI4. li ID UIVll 11111 111 lIO
illicit Is contemplated for
next year his meeting will
l nil- mo uu.iuiu . .!-. u. """ '' """. "k , ,,. ni.nrnMnt.l nnil l.nttnr nt.
,of his credltoiB. Tno amount or line tne conuuci ot mo imiiuou team ;elHi'j '
in i up nisi year k'u. mi mese
things considered, Mr. Lnffaw Is In
his liabilities and assets is not known
l.nvlno u-nR fdrillOliV 111 bllSilieBS 111
North Hend and moved to Marsh- cllnoil to tnko a sour vlow on
Hold soon nfter Christmas. IIo wns situation on tho Coos Hny end.
formorly ut Mile. City. Mont. Meeting tonight.
I Joseph Krles, accompanied bv
.Uttllllg iwillin, Tii.lo.1 H II Vrvci nn,l T T.'rnfr
, lliei'UIIK I" " i'' "J I"" Ktrnnil nf llanvnMnn
flnl.1 ni ilm l niiiliiin rf M !
Tho QuarteriuiiBs confectionary nt
Marshileld fans at tho Chamber of
from Portland on
nrrlved here
route to Marsh-
Piiiiiiiini.ii imilivli t ni fltn ItlntlO
VtHUHIUilU iUIIIKlli i "HIVII 1MUHO rinl,l ..l,nIv eltn.. ...Ml .1(m.,1 onn.n
North Houd which lias neon cioseu wm be talked over with tho possible "'," Til- over the towns o
for several days has reopened. Qua- n,po,nnellt of comnilttvo ompow- '"" ,0sok ft0 mifii recent lv' ron-
MsTcounts'VhrsS loving" e ru,l lo nol,,t a manager All In- ..oSedl ' le'Cass Btreet-lZt-
m 1 was no nincto I owHig to XfroV ,n Ul? B?m ,th,18 FT? (,rlp'" ,rr'vo1 1,pre from I'tland
OinrtiniiiiBs elaUiiIng t hat 1 s bro- B ,n,,hl (,u;," ,,a,1V1 ""' !,,?lld . lr t'"3 ""orni.ig. Ho goes to Mnrah-
Ihor hud charge of it. ,10(l tonjglu. The time for organism- ters oedlng his attention
turn, bioiiuiis. players ami sunscr p- (j8 AdelBperger, cf Marsbfleld
tons U beconiliiK shorter dally and vvho il8 i,0 spending the past
i ue piayers are iuimous inni n ro- ,.0UpU of days In Hoseburg lu the
presentntlvo oricanlzntlon should b0 interests of the C A. Smith Timber
formod lininodlnjoly. Company, loft for Snlom. Hoae-
COHVALLIS At the Jutersoctlon burg Nows.
of tlu innln buslno streets thoro nre
Talk about dull business In Cons
county botuoen Maich 11 and March
18, practically u full weok. thero
was only ono umrrlaiso license Uued.
VD.uV tho liiuttor with Dan Cupid?
rl .lit.. O.kll k I II 111
ouuu.ujMMii" j painted Hubs which the drivers of ALHANY Ground will bo broken
DHIVIC care nwuy by attondlng vehicles nro to obsorve or thoy will for tho now postofflce by Mayor Curl
M'CALliKV show nt MASONIC to- be len a chance to explain to the Saturday. This building will cost
ali-ht, i juuge, nuoiu so.uvv.
To the People of Coos Bay
and Coos County:
In line with the established principles and policies of this store ever Improv
ing service of the-satisfactory kind we are ploasecl to announce today that we
have consolidated Lothman's Pharmacy, known as tho Scandinavian Drug Store,
at the corner of Second street and Central avenue and it will be continued and
conducted as a branch of "The Busy Corner,"
"Rexall Store Branch"
We take this occasion to thank the people of this community for tho gener
ous and growing patronago which has made necessary and possible this in
crease and enlargement of our business, We also wish to assure you of a contin
ued observance of the rules upon which this business has been established and
has grown to its present proportions, The new store will offer us enlarged op
portunity for service and you will find at Rexall Store Branch the same service,
the same reliable merchandise, the same fair and courteous treatment that have
always characterized "The Busy Corner." Wo desire to emphasize our adher
ence to quality as well as. reasonableness In prion at this time,
Price and Quality Guarantee
Our merchandise, no matter what price you pay, is absolutely
and is never misrepresented,
Our drugs are pure and our methods of filling prescriptions-- insures you
accuracy and exactly as the doctor orders,
Any purchase made at this store by man, woman or child, which does
not prove entirely satisfactory, may be returned and the- purchase price re
funded, You must be thoroughly satisfied with every purchase or we shall not
have accomplished our object,
Call and See Our New Branch
LockharL-Parsons Drug Co.
298 Front St,, Phone 298, Cor, Second and Central, Phone 311-J-