BfjJ Wr 'I JMfTH'UI -II .1 u3a JA . -I !! I I THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1914 EVENING EDITION. SEVEN" TO MAY T CONCERN At the Churches (Ministers and others are request.. d to hnnd In tho Sunday church no tices not later than Friday ovonlng to Inuuro lnsortlon Saturday.) Olmrlcs A. Johns was u continuous, resident of Baker City for. ' twenty-four years, during which time he served four terms as Mayor and eighteen consecutive years as School Director. As Mayor he gave the city an honest, efficient administration, and its financial affairs were conducted on a close, safe, econom ical basis and at the very lowest expense to the taxpayers. As School Director he always worked for the best of results and for economy in administration, without impairing tho high stand ard of the Baker City schools. Tn our judgment, as Governor, he could and would do tho same tiling for tho State. Dated at Baker City, Oregon, (his 7th day of March, 19U. .First National Hank of Baker City, By AVm. Pollninn, its President.' Citizens' National Bank of Baker City, By F. P. Bodinson, its President. , Baker Loan & Trust Company, . By IT. A. Sonne, its Cashier. Paid Adv. Til 12 Ol'KSTS OF GOD. "Why Bliould wo wear black for tho guests of God?" Ruskln. From tho the dust of Hio woary high way, From tho smart of sorrow's rod, Into the royal presonco They are bidden ns guests of Cod. Tho veil from their eyes Is taken, Sweet mysteries they are shown, Their doubts and fenrs are over, For they know as they arc known. For them there should bo rejoicing And festival nrray, As for tho brldo In her beauty Whom lovo hath taken away Sweet hours of peaceful waiting Till tho path which wo havo trod Shall end at tho Fathor's gntoway, And wo nro tho guests of Qod, Mary F. Dutts. f ift EPISCOPAL CHimOH. 1 tli nnd Market. K. 13. Drowning, Rector Tlio Moral Hide. By special rcquost tho rector of I tho Episcopal Church will preach to morrow morning at 11 o clock on I, .' J ' Pictures & Framing Walker Studio T. J. KOAIFK i A. II. IIODGINS Marshfield KJnt and ULlUllttimU IAJ. KtfdmuU'N Furnished. ! Phone ill) ().!. MnrshQcId, Oregon. WHITE GLOVES CLEANED Full Dress Suits to Rent UNIQUE PAWTATOmUM JAY DOYLE M C. O. DAGGETT, 250 Central Ave. Phono 230-X B Commutation Tickets $2.00 I Manfifield-Nortli Hontl Aulo Lino. c Car every ten minutes from 0 n. in IU i.iuu p. III. fiOBST & 1C1XG. Props. EDISON'S LATEST A itoittge battery tlint continual over charging will uot liarm. 1H)KS XOT CORRODE AT TERMINALS. CONTAINS NO ACID. Will not loso Its charge while standing Idle. 18 GUARANTEED FIVE YEARS Coos Bay Wiring Co. 183 Broadway. "Knis ror Port of Coos Hay. South Coos River Boats Express leaven Marshfield for nead of river at 8 a. m., re turning in evening. Steamer Rainbow leaves nead of river at 7 a. m. and returning leaves Marshfield at P. m. ROGERS & SMITH. LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co. Abstracts, "'"roughly dependable. Im niwilato service, prompt attcn n to nil Interests of our clients. Minimum cost. ! S. Kaufman ( Co. Stop Here for Bargains in gmnilcwaro, glassware, cliinawarc, nhun- iinun ware and notions. Our Millinery Department is worth your inspection Smith's Variety Store NORTH BEND the subject: "Tho Moral Uso of Dark Things." 8 n. m., Holy Communion. 9:80 n. m Sunday School. 11 a. ra., Horning prayer and sermon. 7:30 p. m ovonlng prayer and sermon. 3 p. m., services In St. Mary's Episcopal Church, North Bond. METHODIST EPISCOPAL Joseph Knotts, 1'aBtor Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning sorvlco at 11 n. m. Rpworth Lenguo at G:30. Junior League survlcj Thursday afternoon at 3:45. Prayer meeting Thursday overling at 7:30 o'clock. Morning subject, "Messengers of Peace." livening subject, "Tho Common Sonso of Religion." I PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH J. K. Burkhnrt, Pastor. r Bible School at 10 a. m. Young Pcoplo's mooting at C:30 p. tu. Rogular morning and evening son vices by Rov. J. 13. Burkhart. Prayer mooting on Thursday eve ning nt 7:30. Tho subject of tho sormon next Sunday morning will bo: "Tho Father's Good Pleasure." Tho ovonlng sermon will bo tho socond In n serlos on "Tho Fortunes of Everybody." At this sorvlco thero will be special music by a young people's choir under tho direction of Miss A. M. Volz. SWEDISH EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH. J Rov. J. V. Donson, Pastor. j Residence 337 Commercial ave I nuo West. Phone 193-J. Sunday school at 0:45 a. in. Morning sorvlco nt 11 o'clock. No North Rend sorvlces. Evening sorvlces at 7:30 p. m. . I FIHSY UAPTIST CHURCH. I Albert F. Bassford, M. A., Pastor. Rosldonco SIS South Fourth su Phono 150-X. BIblo School nt 10, with graded classes nnd competent teachers. Morning worship at 11 with ser mon by Pastor Bassford. JuntorB moot at 3:00 with Mrs. G. L. null, aouth Sixth street. Young Peoplo'B sorvlco nt 6:30 for pno hour. A special Invitation Is extended to all young men und wo men. Sunday ovonlng sermon at 7:30. Spoctal music by a largo chorus choir undor Professor Goorgo Ayre. A cordial wolcomo Is oxtonded to aij; Como with us and wo will do you eood. CHRISTIAN OHURCII vJiuc lire i&TKi " kt &? A Check Account With this bankwill add System to your business affairs And s'ystom means Increased business, docrensod oxponse, In creased efficiency, self confld.nco and rollanco. Your roturn chocks, cancollod by tho bank whon paid, nro a com ploto record of your money dlsbursoinonts. This bank Invites your account. The First National Bank Of Coos Bay H x & &: WtR K M No Transaction Is Complete Until Our Customer is Satisfied WE accept our full ro oponsibllity with ovcry transaction. If wo sell you tires, wo must earn your confidenco and good will. It is not enough that wo supply mileago; you aro entitled to our personal intcrost in your tiro scrvico and all that per tains to it 'Wo aim to sustain tho reputation of tho manu facturers of Fisk Tires as tho Squareat Dealing Company Makers of tho Honestly Built, Scrvice-Qiving Tiro. Fisk Tiroa nro Furnished to Fit Every Typo of Rim and Cost No Moro Than Other Representative Equipment Tho Fisk Rubber Company Ctorl Ofn far tkt Pulflt Cxil SAN rRANCISCO, CAL MCH HOUtlt. SmIiU, W..K. PtciUid. Ot. O.WU.J,Cl. Sn fwttlu; CL Sitrtmtitl. CtL frciM. Cl. Lot Anili CaL finimiol aregg. Minister. Residence 280 North Eleventh. Phono 402. Church cornor Sixth nnd Contra!. Sorvlces nB follows: Ulblo school, 10 a. in. Preaching services, 11 n. m., nnd 7:30 p. in. Y. P. s. C. R. at C:.10 p. m. Subject of ovonlng sormon, "Tho Dovlt nnd his Recruiting Stations." SPtiCIAIi HKRMON Rov. Snmuol Qrogg will glvo one of his popular sormon-lcctures at tho Christian Church nrxt Sunday night. Tho subject will bo "Tho Duvll nnd Ills Recruiting Stations." Special music will nlso ho roiuTorcn. -it: "THE GUNNERY" COOS COUNTY DISTRIBUTORS I CAT1IOMO CHURCH. Mnrshflold. Rov. A. R Munro, Mass will bo eolobrnted nt 8 and 10 o'clock Sunday morning by the Rov. Father A. R. Munro. 1 I SICVI3.VT1T DAY ADVHKTIST8. Seventh Dny Advontlut sorvlces am conducted ovory Saturday as follows: . , . Sabbath School, 10 a. in. " ' Rlblo study, 11 n, in. Young Pcoplo's Society, 3 p. m. Prayor mooting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. in. Loral Kldor. J. 13. Quails. I XORWKOIAX LUTHERAN. FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST RANK IN COOS COUNTY. Established 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Interest Paid on Tluio Deposits Officers: J. V. Rennett, President. J. II. Flunugan, Vice-President. 1. F. Williams, CaslHcr. Geo, F. Winchester, Asst. CaMiler. All Kinds of Job Printing Done at The Times Office thy To Be Hea One Must Perspire ! If you do not porsplro, tho pores of tho slcln clog. In this condition you aro render od unhealthy. Ordinary tub baths have no effect upon cleansing tho pores of tho skin henco tho RUSSIAN STEAM BATHS which aro now offered for your benefit and rellof. Wo havo Installed nn oxcollont sys tem of Russian and Turkish Rnths, which nro tho finest In every respect. Physicians rec ommend a Russian Steam Dath at least onco n month, You aro Invited to call and In tpect our now and up-to-date tystom of modern bathing at tho RUSSIAN STEAM BATHS Runkor Hill. Take Whlto Star Auto to Bunker Hill. Oentlemon on Fri day and Saturday from 2 P- m, to 12 m., and on Sunday from 8 a. m to 12 m. Ladles and families from 2 p. m. to 13 tn. on Thursdays. Telfhono 388-L. NLES CUREU AT HOME BY NEW ADSORPTION METHOD. If yr! uffrr from tlcnllm, lldilnc, I.I In J or ruiruilluit I'llm, rml uh our vUrr.., uiul I Mill tell )uu lioir ta cure jrour-olf at Imiii j tbo new ttwirplluii Imltupiit t tuil will il-o wiul towt of tbla bom trrduiciit (ire fur (rial. Willi rrfrrrncM from xuur own locality If ivquratrd. ImiunlUIr rv lief and iirrmanrnt cure annurnl. Hruil no nuinrjr, but Ull olbera of llila offer. Writ ti.Ur to Jlr. II. tiummrra. Ucvx 1', Nolra Vuat, ind. JUST RIOIIT FOR RACICACHI3 AND HHRUMATISM Foley Kldnoy Pills nro so thor oughly cffectlvo for bnckacho, rhou matlsm, swollon, nchlng Joints, kld noy and bladder ailments that thoy aro rocommonded ovorywhoro. A. A. Joffords, McOrow, Nobr., says: "My druggist recommended Foley Kldnoy Pills for pains In my back and boforo I finished ono bottle, my old troublo entirely dlsnppoarod." Owl Proscription Pharmacy, Frank O. Cohan. Opppslto Chandler Hotol. Phono 74. Central Avcniio Drug Rtoie, local agency. tammm WMMMumiiiTfTri uwww TIME TARLI3 Willamette -Pacific Motor Car CITY AUTO AND TAXI SERVICE A new taxlrab has been addod to my auto service. Careful drivers. Will go anywhere at any time. Stand Blanco Cigar Store, Day phono, 78. Night phono 139-X. TOM OOODALK. Proprietor. In our new location, we are es pecially prepared to cater to famllj trade. Regular meala or short or ders. Open day nnd night. MERCHANT'S OAFK. Broadway nrt CommeroUl Mfld FAMILY nrNNliRM Lcavo Marshfield 0;30 a. in. 7:00 a. m. 8:00 a. in. 9:00 a. m. 10:00 a. in. 10:30 a. m. 11:00 a. ra. 11:30 a. in. 12:30 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 1:30 p. m, 2:00 p. m. 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 0:00 p. 0:30 p. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. m. in. m. in. m. in. m. rn. m, Irf'uvo North Rend 0:45 a. in. 7:15 a. m. 8:16 a. m. 9:15 a. in. 10:15 a. in. 10:46 a. m. 11:16 a, in. 11;4S a, ra. 12:45 p. m. 1:15 p. m. 1:45 p. ra. 2:15 p. in. 2:45 p. in. 3.15 p, m, 3:45 p. m. 4:15 p, in. 4:45 p. in. 5:15 p. m 5:45 6:15 7:00 p. ra, 7:30 p. m. 8:00 p. tn. 9; 00 p. m. 10:00 p. m. Saturdays only, 11:00 p. ra. 12:00 m. C:15 p. in. ra. in. 7:15 p. m. 7:45 p. in. 8:15 p. id 9:15 p. m. 10:15 p. m. Saturdays only li:iu p. ra. 12:15 a. m, R. O. Thorpo, Pastor. Services will bo hold in tho Nor woglan Lutheran Chapol nt Mnrsh flold Sunday nt 11 a. m. Sundny school moots Saturdays at 10:30. Services will bo hold In tho Nor wegian Lutheran chapol nt North Bund Sundny at 7:45 p. m. Sundny school at 10. 4 0 I CHRISTIAN SCIKNOK. , l o Christian Sclonco hall, 237 Third strcot north. Services at 11 a. m. Sunday and 8 p. m., Wednesday. Subject, "MatUr." Sundny school nt 12 Sunday. Reading room opon ovory day ex copt Sundays nnd holidays from 1 to 4 p. in. 4 I MirrilORlST CHURCH I North Road. Tho sorvlces Sundny will bo as fol lows: Sunday school 10 n. Hi. Vesper Clrclo and Rpworth Leagur 7 p. m. Sermons by tho pastor 11 . m. and 8 p. m. I UNITED RHin'HRUN CHURCH I North Bond. - Mrs. R. N. Lowls, Paotor. Sabbath school, 10 n. in. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. in. Prenchlng 11a. in. unci 8 p. m. Prayor mooting Wndnosdar vea lng nt 8 o'clock. Revival starts next week. t, OATHOLIO CHURCH North Bond. Rov. Father McDovltt, Mass will bo colebrated at olght o'clock Sundny morning by the Rov. Fnthor Munro. ! Political Announcements I FOR COUNTY CLERIC As a Ropubllcnn, I hereby place myself ae a candidate for tho nom ination at tho primaries to bo held May 15 for tho offlco of County Clerk. If I am nominated and oloctod, I will, during my term of offico, per form nil Its requirements and du ties promptly, expeditiously, without projudlco and as economically as Is consistent with good snrvlce. Re lieving that I can onvo money for the tax payor and mnko Bomo for ray solf, I want your voto. F. E. ALLEN. ANNOUNCEMENT I havo filed by Intention as can didate for ronominatlon for office of County Commissioner on Repub lican ticket. CEO. J. ARM8TRONO, Present Incumbent. AVOID STUFFY. WHEEZY, RREATIIINO Tako Foley's Honoy nnd Tar Com pound for an inflnmmod and con gested condition of tho air passages and bronchial tubes. A cold de velops quickly If not checked and bronchitis, la grlppo nnd pneumonia nro dangorous possibilities. Harsh, racking coughs weakon tho system, but Foloy'8 Honey nnd Tar is safe, pure and certain In results. Con tains no opiates. Owl Prcscrlntlon Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Onpo slto Chandler Hotel. Phono 74. Cen tral Avemio Drug Store, local agoncy. ..fciieAa; jgjjjirTi iijif ,,jiiLrpijiii! "riAfeS &.,, a l .