T 1 11" ' ' t'tlV!T'yffifflSf!1!! V t33e,"" i jurs". " - rf ' --.- -a THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1914 EVENING EDITION. iVfrWI f1 r$tvr X (Continued from P"Kc TrSff&vLw Wm. Sclirocdor, Mrs. Sylvester Jones, Mrs. T. B. Harvey, Mrs, Crowe, Mrs. P. A. Sncchl, Mrs. L. F. Donning, Mrs. J. G. Kinney, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. P. W. Dodson, Mrs. Conkrlght, Mrs. Wnlrath, Mrs. Gertrudo Smith, Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. Fred Raymond, Mrs. Guy Chambers and Mrs. C. Barg. Brows, Blancho Copplo nnd Thotma Lyons trave piano numbers. Among thoso present were Rev. nnd Mrs. Gregg, Mrs. J. S. Lyons, Mrs. W. A. Hold, Mrs. Burg It, Mrs. Mc carty, Mrs. Myrlck, Mrs. Webber, Mrs. Otis Wilson, Mrs. Sohlbredo, Mrs. Twines. Mrs. Prows. Mrs. Knight, Mrs. J. F. Hnll, Mrs. S. B. Cathcart, Mrs. MeDuffy, Mrs. J. Wright Wilson, Mrs. B. Don :.lc Crary, MrB. H. W. Painter, Mrs. John Motley. Mrs. B. L. Hopson, Mrs. W. B. Cox, Mrs. J. J. Morrow, Miss Ilnrkness, Mlos Rccb, Miss O'Connor, Mabel Immol, Dermol Campbell. Thelma Lyons, Mnrjorlo Dr?ws, Katlo Gregg, Lavinn nnd Dorothy Painter, Allco MeDuffy, Ruth Hopson nnd Blancho Copple. Tho first Tuesday In April nnothor mooting will be hold nt tho home of Mrs. Ward on 8th street, near Central, - 4 4 I MEDAL CONTESTS. I CHILDREN'S PARTY' i Tho Marshflold W. C. T. U. 1b ar ranging to rcsumo tho Domorest .Med al contests which It conducted so successfully n year ago. At n meet ing to bo held next Monday nt tho homo of Mrs. F. B. Whcoler, final nrrnngomonts will bo made. Mrs. Rebecca LuBO-Stump will havo chnrgo of tho contests nnd she Is nnxlous to linvo nil provious medal winners report to her. Tho first contest will bo a contest of the mon nnd women and will bo hold in about three weeks and among thoso who will pnrtlclpnto arc Dr. Shnw, Miss Frances Franac, Mrs. G. LeRoy Hall, B. H. Jochnk and Milo Sumner. 4- lll'SV HUB CliUH. I Tho Busy Deo Club wns entertain ed by Mra. Will Snlllvnn Wednesday nftornoon nt her homo on Hlghlnnd avenuo. After n pleasant nftornoon of sowing nnd convorsntlon light re freshments woro served. Those present woro Sirs. John Watt, Mrs. Wm. Honglnnd, Mrs. Linn Schinltz, Mtb. Knrl Haines and Mrs. W. J. CoBiney. Miss Sylvia Balllnger, aged five, was hostess Thursday afternoon to a number of nor llttlo friends of tho kindergarten. Mrs. Henton wns present and assisted tho llttlo girls and boys to pass a very happy After noon with games nnd toys. After a while tho children trooped In to tho dining room whore tho big tn- blo waa Bet wun a lonu oi guuuien dear to tho heart of flvo-ycar-olds. Mrs. Balllngor nnd MIbs Louise Royer served. A color schome of pink wbb carried out pink candles, pink candles nnd a big pink blrth day enko. tra Tnrrnv. Mrs. Hodclns. Mrs. Chnrlson and Baby, Mrs. Stump nnd Mrs. Henton woro somo of tho mothers nnd friends invited to aid In tho festivities. The llttlo guests wero Misses Marian Gldley, Carrol nnd Botty Frlzcon, Virginia Coke, Vlrglnln Hodglns, Catharlno Stump, Margaret Stauff, Cnthnrino Toyo, Anona Hlldonbrand nnd Loulso Mn lonoy nnd Masters Curtis, Charlson, Gcprgle HodglnB, Ernest Miller nnd Junior Balllnger. A lot of pretty prcBonts wero given llttlo Miss Syl FAREWELL PARTY. Last Monday Mrs. Bdgnr McDanlel of North Bend cntortnlnod Informnlly nB a farewell for Mrs. Rasmusscn, who lenvcs soon to mnko her homo In San Luis Obispo, Cnl. Refreshments woro served nftor n pleasant nftor noon of needlework nnd soclnl con versation. Those prcHont wero Mrs. IlnsniUBBcn nnd son, Dnrald,-Mrs. II. O. Kern nnd dnughtor Lucllo. Mrs. J. G. Mullen, Mrs. Hlsoy nnd Mrs. K. V. KntBO. CAFETERIA CLUB L. T. G. CLUB. Tho L. T. G. Club gave nnnthcr of Hi delightful parties !nnt Saturday evening nt tho homo of MIbs llortha Davis. Dancing waH tho principal dlvornlon of tho ovetilug, nftor which tho mombors and tholr giiests enjoyed Mr. nnd Mrs. A. L. Bnrkcr enter tained tho Cnfotcrla Club Wednesday nt ono of tho moBt dollghtful nnd in formal meetings of tho yoar. A dc IIcIoub suppt of hot mcatB, cold salads nnd plo wns served cafotorla Btylo. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ward M. Blako woro aiikcd to Join tho c.ub. Among tho couples out Wednesday wero Mr. nnd MrB. McBldownoy, Mr. nnd Mra. Grnnnla, who will cn tortaln soon, Mr. and Mrs. Thdgon. Mr. and Mrs. Hlldonbrand, Mr. nnd Mrs. Dan Miloney nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Barker. Mra. Sutherland also waB proBont. - N. II. CATHOLIC LADIKS TIRST ADDITION TO MARSHFIELD Talking in Millions instend of doing in ones, tens and hundreds, postpones the fiimu eial success of many a man. Instead of dreaming about the big stroke of business that will make you a "stake," why not grab the ever-present, ever-passing opportunities to invest ten dollars in safe, sane and profitable real estate investments? And why not put a stop to the constant drain on your purse of rent-puying? Today you can secure a beautiful residence lot in 1JTRST AD DITION to Marshfield by making a small cash payment and ar ranging 'to pay the balance in $10 monthly installments. Live in your own home in FIRST ADDITION. Even though small nnd unpretentious, it will have the invaluable quality of being your own. You can build better when .Fortune favors, or rather, when vou irivc Fortune a chance to favor you. For reliable information regarding this property, call on Reynolds Development Co.) jj "-" (OWNER) 178 Central Ave. Phone 1G0. TIIK COOS HOTEL Formerly of Mnrshflcltl WASHINGTON AVENUE STARDEX STREET NOltTll HEM) O. A. Motllu, Prop. S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM PORTLAND ?$H AT ,. P. 31. ItnilN'l) trip. siH.no. Connection ultli tho North Bank Road nt Portland. I North Pacific Steamship Company Iin,u. 4 1. O. F. M'GEOHGE. Agent. I cenncPQQifiw! niHFmnn SS'-m I M lllnnn u-nrn mnlln for holding II lltl tno nioniunrs aim tnoir kiicbib onjoycu "- :,,," ,;; n.iwni Mm a dollclou. luncheon. Those present J ;, "lined y a or aster at tho wnrn Minima I."lnrnnpii Pnwnm. Mnr jorlo Graham, Dagmnr FllcHburg, Ruth Cownn, Ruth Dungnn, Nelllo regular meotlng of tho Catholic Lndl a" Aid nt Mrs. Ilobt. llnn'is' TuoHilny. Sowing, rcfrcBhmontB nnd a dlBcusBion or plans ror mo unr I ' I a "Wnrwlck. nortlia Davis; Messrs. " ,,,. f", ' i :,, nftornoon. TIioho William McDonald, Duncan Dour as. ! (t l' ' n McDonald. Mrs" Itoy CurtlBB. ignatliiB cnapman, wes- - . , , A t ooU,nBi ley Seaman, Cheater Isaacson " . noM iTa'nhs. Mrs. 0. J. Lomnn- Horhort Urndloy. SOCIAL SEWING Bit I. Mrs. Ceo. rruinan. Mrs. Hnrry Truinun and .Misses winiirnu uoyi , Margaret Stnmbuck and Elizabeth i iinouiug, i nu next, iih-'uiiiik "" ' Tho Social Sewing Clnbnn7n7r8 MuA " ' "' l" h0m ' woro guests of Mrs. J. D. Itoes Mr8' so11 1,H""8' ,,, ... Thursday aftornoon. RofroBlimonts 4 woro anjoyed following an nftor-. ., , ,.,,,,. c. .,., i noon nt fnncywork. The noxi meet- I M. I.. iimiJi am j ing will bo h Id In two weeks with ,,, , ,, . A, , w, ,loll Mrs. J. C. Swnnson. Thoso prcaont , i, Vnl-montlily social at tho li TknW0Swnn.rSn Mrs Ooo' " "" oxt Thursday afternoon. Avro Mrs J o S J M II 'Mra- vtMrk. Mrs. Kaau and AJr0J. fl.'J8, .J- Y' aV,or, L.8.'... . I:1: Mrs. Nlelson ns hosteBsos. w. iiouroru, .iirs. wvn u. unmiuui , .. ana Airs. J. OUH ELEOANT LINES OF - NEW SPRING GOODS JUST RECEIVED s. s.Iennings NORTH REND Iyou AUTO CALL i FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS, Four good rui-H w 1 1 1 careful drlveiN. For day Hervlce, phono M l-l, Hlitiuo ISI'.lartl I'arloiH. I-'or night service, I'liono IKIO-I. Right Cafe. , n. I . FOOTE. I Wilson. tf - EASTHIDE HEWINO Mm A. Hnrtnn w.ih IiohIpkh in tho EnstHldo Sowing Club nt a N. II. PARENT-TEACHERS t'LUII A mooting was h Id Tuesday at tho Central School by tho I'aront Toachors AsBoclatlon of North llemi. pleasant art moon wcanesi ay. :, th.-ty.flvo wero present. In McauioworK unii mt-im riiui wo t, ftUsonco of tho piOBl.lont Mrs. sbtsIoK aBSiso'SoBf m; ir-.rs'S s-issa serving. Tho next montlng will be ft nfI1,or" , a ZYll i two w-..0k8 "...:Ir":.. 0.'.or.t! School OlrlB1 Ouartotto: a piano j-11080 nrofoui huh ween.- . .-, ,., ,n,rH11 ., 1)nlnr Iv'WtHnn. -woro Mrs. F. A. CasBlty. Mr. M. A. McLnggan, Mrs. F. O. nrooUs, .Mrs. to. O'Donnoll. Mrs. J. A. SwniiBon, Mrs. John Tellofsoii, Mrs. Jouulo Brown, Mrs. A. L. Foster, Mib. II, Hrlnkley, Mrs. Jns. Mcintosh, Mrs. II. A., Thurston, Mrs. F. Gilbert, .Mm. John Olson, Mr. 'W. F. l)y orly nnd Mrs. J. I). McKay. I I CHRISTIAN LADIES. solo by Milton Jackson nnd a papor on "acliooi uonni ueconuuiu, iy Miss Knrdell, of tho Bovonth grndo. followed by a gonornl dlsctiBsIon of tho topic, I IWHTV TODAV. ;. Mrs. Win. Vnughan Is hostess to a number of friends at hor homo In North Iloml this nftornoon. Vm. II. P. f! adinnii wns linstciHH to tho North Rend Christian Slstvr-! nooa mat wouncHtiay. acoiuowoik was followed by refreslunonts and plans wero iiuulo for an old-fnshionod fandy pull nt tho Esthor Hotol neNt AVcdnosday. Tt'oso presont this week wero Mrs. Edgar McDanlel, Mrs. Cov ey, Sr Mrs. Emory, Mrs. Itltchlo and Mrs. Wldner. TIH'RSDAV Cl.t'R RARTV CARD l'ARTV. I MrB. II. A. Wells and Mrs. C. . "WollB entortalued at cards Wednes day nftornoon nt tho II, A. Wells liomo. I'rofiiBo decorations of greens nd flowers woro used, togethor with fit Patrick favors. Mis. LoMloux won tho prlzo at cards. Thoso present woro Mrs. J. W. aUtohoH. Mra. E. F. LoMteux. Mra. - I Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Mltcholl and Mr. and Mra. Harry Iirudflold ontor tnlned tho Thursday Club members and n fow other guosta at n il Ught ful card party Thursday ovoning. Tho Mltcholl homo oorlooklng tho bay was boiutlfully decorated with huckloborry nnd St. Pat rlcjc favors, Continued on page Eight 8PECIAL 'HEALTH WARNINO" FOR MARCH March Is a trying month for tho very young nnd for elderly people. Croup, bronchial colds, In grippe and pneumonia nro to bo foarol and nvniiimi Knlov's Honey tuul Tur is a groat family inediciuo that will quiCKiy mop t-unjsii. nii-n v" progress of a cold and rollove In flamed and congested nlr passages. It is safe, pure and nlwnya reliable, "i...1 Pminrlnllnn Pharraiifv. Frank X). Cohan. Oppoalto Chandler Hotel. I Phone 74. t-wnirai .vcmo urug .Wore, local agoucy. When it rains do you depend on a 'Uhowerprool or do you wer a Fish Brand Reflex Slicker n J enjoy dio rin be. S eauio youio diy and "1 toush i! leady er. - ,115. MM - ..-.-.- ,A ptoof ht not a drop fc reachea you even w ihroimli tha onening. Ci between ttio buttone. 1 he Kcuex Luge ooc it. $3.00 sue?. Sailifictlon GuirmleeJ A. J. Tower Co. "flW LOWERS BOSTON bytku ftS Tower CanaiiUied n4,k JL. I. Toronto Catalogfn VSHW8V MM- a'' m tzrfllft M A 1 'il ZlMArfi H- Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. Sonii-wockly service Coos Bay mid San Fniuctaco. S. S. Redonido SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOK COOS JJAY, TIT EH DAY, MAIKMI 21, AT '.) P. M. Equipped with wjreless and subinariiie bell. Passengers and freight. Do Yon Sco its Well With One Eye ciir.nl. i vnu Imrn boniliiohna or want to Improvo your oyeslght, try my special ground combination glnrsrs. Young or old, with this KPKCIAL GLASS cun ronu nno print, do cloao work or eeo at n dls-l tnnco. Ail glasses niton uy iu i warranted to glvo satisfaction. lilt. V. i. iiiuintiiwau., t..n.....iiii... Office 1S7 N. nroadway, Marshflold. S, S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. WILL SAIL FROM MAU-SIIFIELI) FOR SAN FRANCJSCO.TUESDAY, MAR. 24,- AT 8:15 A.M. San Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 21) and (500 Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, C. F. McG hough, Phone -L4. ILDRKI) ItOfil'.IlS NELSOX ,1 Tcnchcr of llano Pupil of Hugo Mnntftl't tWl lriiiiclHco, uii. me " (caching cvpcrlcnce la to Kranclico Res. 994 South Tenth St. Phono 410-J. W T. TO.Ml'KIXS, I. 8.1' a tl'..ll..i. MrlhUU.1 1 IlilllllVI . f -H Praru linnivn (lliPlIt LtMl without driiKB or Burger;. RcwDI mfi Nort t uroauway. Phono MILL. 3UrUitH hi GEO. C. MURriiY, Export Piano, Plajer wiOj Tuning. Regulating ui MM 1 t t- oi- fin RrCKft OruorBmaylio'lettatUtWl n. Allen JIuslc Store, wl . avonuOe TiilJL OSTLINI). I ... . l n.n.rft J I'lallO inner mm r-" tin 8. sutn "'""1,,V,.iiil Lwivo ordew at W. H. UMWI Company. f WIMflllT l'hOMll nvrnnrOB I lIUIlililAU-"-", KNtimatCH llirnmi "2 J HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED WOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171. Kirn Plui't'B KQUIPPKI) WITH WIREIiESH. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIMK. Sails from Marahflold March 14th, 11 a. m.; Marqh 2lBt, 7:00 n. in. March 28th, 11:30 a. m.; April 4th, 1 p. in.; April 11th, 10 a. m.j April 18th, 1 p. m.; April 25th, 10 n. m.j April 30th, 1 p. m. Sails from Portland March 18th, 25th, 8 a. in.; April 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 28th, 8 a. m. Tickets on sale to all EnMtTii polnta nnd Information as to routes and r.Mot, cheerfully funtlnlit'd. Phono Iti7-L. IL J. MOHR, Agent ClilmtieyN J. N. Bayliss ny kind of brick work at price that arc right. AM) ALL WORI' OUAUANTKKI) Call nt "Tho Plrcside," .loluiNon Rldg., lit" Second st. Phono 431-J. Krfiicli Khiiieos. IbMlnr rk I Low Rates for Handling Trunks Wo haul trunKB boiweou any uolnts in Maranueiu lor tue iouow- . ing rates, delivery to 'jo mado in I ho tlret stories or uuuainga: One trunk i .28 I'tiree trunks no I wolvo trunks t.nn Slar Transfer and Storage Co. Levi HclsiuT, Prop. Phones. 120-J: 40-L: 08-R. We Still Have Some Seed Potatoes of tho KAHLY RKI) ROSE and I1KAUTY OV HKIIRON varieties, bo if you aro in need of any, come in nnd sco us. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House 130 North Ilrouilwny. Phone 301-J. We also havo n line of garden seeds. Call In and get our prices on seed grain. nnnl'l'l' Contractor anil J"" Estimates, arawinB "": tlons iurnlsbed on reqrf a satisfied customer , orenco than ' Jb ono of myl6upMU , .... ,J, am ""mH nn.ii. m.sraw kii MA'rrin II. SUA", .ni Offlco phone 330. Room I House puone. M1 """" .il DR. A. J. Hl"" DENTIST Marahfleld, Oregoo. Rooms 204-205, Coke UulldW Residence pnone - Offlco phono '- M1 DRY FIR AND ALDER WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street, Phono 18U-J. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RKTAIL DEPARTMENT IAW1JKU. LATH. SHINGLES. MOULDINGS, SASH AND DOOK8. ROOFING PAJ'KIl, ETC. CUT TOTE FUEL BILL IN TWO nY USING OUR WOOD. pnoNB ito. isa soura broadwat rns. FAiwiNaEB. L -:,: m Residence "mi Corner CoinmerwHi -I'lione so. Architect. ,w ...&. sa.r- i-iiono j- -Mar8hflw. . rtfiBf! PERIi RIXKy Bw R8ldence-8tuaio. phone J Room- ?LSMi xxr.ru. B. TUnrH'-nr w JESS