j,V-- THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHKIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1914 EVENING EDITION. Fivr r5?!.w QUA nil' HPr trl The Quickest and Best Way to get there. Saves ( going to and from work. makes it possible for you to eat a hot noon meal at home instead of a cold lunch from a pail. HERE'S A TIP ON MEN'S New Spring Suits The road to economy and good dressing leads to tlie JjMXuP. To make a sale is one ihintr l 1.,, 1..i.! . . . -i tw iiiiiivu u jaauiiy ineim is an other. Some clothing stores are satis fied with the first- we count the second as a good deal jnore to the point. Now experience has taught us that just one thing will make lasting friends the square deal from the start. Therefore we are doubly glad when a man selects a suit here we have him for keeps! Just now we are making a good many now friends and meeting a good many old ones or the reason that the new S prin a and Summer models in Kiippanhcimer Clothes are here. Prices $18.00 to $30.00 Others at, $8.50 to $18.00 FIXUP ROYAL TAILOR AGENTS Two Stores Maivshfiold North Bend TERMaSCTUDIO LITY J PHOTOS Opposite Milium Hotel Time -Savers m f I :anare sssas Save One Hour Daily A bicycle will save most workers one hour daily. Most work is a grind, at best, so why not save an hour each day? That hour spent in-the home or in the garden will cer tainly give much pleasure and comfort. We sell TIMESAVER bicycles on credit, at a slight ad vance over the cash price. If your time is worth twenty-five cents an hour, a bi cycle will soon pay for itself, Ask your neighbor Where he bought HIS wheel and buy yours at the same place, for the same reason. We have set such a mark for bicycle prices and bicy cle service that we are content to let your neighbor rec ommend the make of bicycle you should buy, we nave sold one make of bicycle in Marsmieia Tor over two years, These bicycles ought to be our best advertisement, Ask their owners about us, MarsMield Cyciery lo6 Brondwav Phone 158-R fl Kinds of Job Printing Done at TheK Times Office WANT ADS. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR REXT Modern Mralstipd ! room housekeeping suite, North Bend. Phono 131. FOR SAL13 Eggs from choice sin gle Comb White Leghorns. Goo. M. Sells, phone 1U8-J, North Bond. WAXTKI) To rent a. small houso In Marshflold; will pny $10 or 112. 102 Third strcot. WAXTKI) An experienced giirdcn er wants to tnko euro of ono or more residence gardcnB. 1C2 3d at. WAXTKI) (Jill to unit tidite nud do clnunlier work. Phono 388-J. FOR HALE One 27-foot enliln limit. In first-class condition. Big bar gain If taken at once. Apply Uoodrum Garage. BIDS OX (JltAJ)IX(J IIIdH will he received up to March 27 for grading 1C00 foot or road In Bay Park. Jllght to reject any and all bids. 1. S. Kaufman & Co. FOR HAM- A good H Mnndt wagon. J. E. Fitzgerald. WANTED WAXTKI) Olrl or middle-aged wo man for general housework. S. Lando, Front nnd Alder. WAXTUI) Girls want work In log ging enmp as helpors. X, enro of Times. WAXTUI) Woman to aid In house clennlng work, Inqulro 372 Com mercial nvenuo, TI.MU Id flv your gnrdeiiH. I'll do it. mono 27-L. after c p. m. WAXTKI) (llil for general house work. 720 South 4th at. o I EXCHANGE - FOR KXCHAXGK Close In. .Unln- cumbered vacant Seattlo property for n Btork of morchandlso up to Twenty Thousand Dollars, also brick hulldjng, good location, not Income flvo hundred anil fifty dol nr8 per month, for Thlrry-flvo thousand dollars ($35,000). Will stand closest Investigation. Dcnl direct with ownor. J. Silver, 402 American Bank, Seattle, Wush, TO EXCIIAXfiK for property In or near Marshflold, J 00 acres of farm land In Linn County, Or. value $0000. Ownor, Jnmea Wat son, Sweet Home, Oregon. FOR RENT i FOR REXT When tiled looking for rooms with good furniture with homollko housekeeping, coma to the I'loiKVT Building, North Bend, KOIt It EXT Tim newly furnished rooms for light housokcoplng. Mrs. Allen, corner Central and Fourteenth streets. FOR REXT Flvo room modem bun galow, $20 por month. Inqulro Going & Harvoy. FOB HKXT Modem ti-room fur nlshod housokcoplng sulto. Phono 1403, North Bond. FOIt REXT Xlccly fnrn!nhed room, with boat, closo In. Enqulro 182 South 2nd st. . FOIt REXT Storo on Central nve. I Inqulro Tho Gunnery, phono 34-J, - , , - . I VOW REXT Building 13x100 on Front street. Inqulro at Tho Gun-, nory. I FOR SALE FOB SALIC Furniture or 10 room boarding houso, house for rent, 409 No. Broadway. Phono 1GG-X. FOIt SALE Ancona eggs, for hatch-' Ing; also day-old chicks. K. A. Stonecypher, Phono G-J. FOIt SALK 101! KvrelNlor motor- vnl, nnulnna.l wIMi 1fi.1,Hnl' n,,f. fit, whistle and tandom now tires In first class condition. $180.00, complete. The Gunnery. FOIt SALK 813 range for SiM. In quire at G4G North Second st, FOR SAIjIC Two choice lots in First Addition to Marshflold. Ad dress O. B., Times office. FOR 8 ALU Settings of White Or pington White Wyandotte, Black Minorca and Buttorcups, $1.50 for 1G. Mrs. M. Jutstrom, South Coob River. FOR SALE Round cedar 8000-gol'. tank, tower about 75 ft. high, heavy timbers, 200 feet of pipe with all connection; gaa englno and pump. Will sell together or separately. Apply Robt. Marsden, Sr. T7i"I CAT. I. nilPAl T?ki(H linn Into 'W d4t1 VJ4 ' "tl r in Sengstacken Addition, $2800' cash. Inqulro Times, FOIt SALE fJahoIIno hiiinch. In quire W. Owen, Owl Saloon. FOR SALK Plymouth Place poul try yards. A, E. Jonson. FOR SALE Plymouth Rock egffi, $1.50 por setting, from the best stock in tho county. Will replace all infertile eggs free. Chas. Barrett, Bangor. Havo youy Job printing dono t The Times office. BREVITIES TIDES TOR MAIICII Bolow is clven tho tlmo and height of high and low water at Mnrshflold. The tides aro placed In tho order of occurrence, with their times on tho first lino and heights on the Bccoiuf line of each day; n compar ison on consecutive holghts will In dicate wnetnor it is high or low water. For high water on tho bar subBtract two hours 34 minutes. 21 Hrs.. 4.4G Ft... 2.7 Hrs.. 0.20 10.GI G.2 G.G1 2,2 G.l 2 1.8 7.2G 1.4 8.03 1.0 G.32 0.3 11.51 6.4 12. 1 G 4.8 1.31 4.8 2.12 G.G 0.0 0.0 G.22 0,3 7'.04 0.3 7.42 0.4 8.13 O.G Ft.., Hrs. , Ft... Hrs., Ft.., 4.8. 1.1G G.l 1.39 n.3 Hrs.. 2.0S Ft... G.C WEATHER FORECAST tnr AatoeU'ed Prni la Coo nj TlmM.) OREGON Fair with freezing tomperaturcs In cant; easterly wlndB. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For the 24 hours ending at 4:43 a. m March 21, by IlenJ. Oatllnd, special government mo I toorologlst: Maximum 32 Minimum 44 At 4:43' a. m 48 Precipitation 00 Precipitation slnco Sopt. 1, 1013 G1.C9 Precipitation same porlod I last year 4S.G2 ,j Wind: Northwest, clear. I BOItX BUNCH To Mr. nnd Mrs. D. N. Bunch at tholr homo on IKmlols Cr ek Thursday, March 19, a 0 pound daughter. Mother and child aro doing nlcoly and "Fnth- or Davlo" Is wearing a smile that Is only equnlled by that of Grand- pa Edward Dyor. Xew Attorney. Attornoy McClure, who haB boon with tho O. W. It. & X. Hallway nt Portland, Is In Marsh field with n vlow of locntlnc here. I'I.hIi lining. Ctptnlu Hanson, of the Mcssongor, reports that tho fish aro biting good nt Ton Mile hakes. Sovoral partlos returuod re cently with good strings. Kind Straw Hat. Tom Hnll toilny Bpruug tho first straw hat of the scan- on, hut It did not socni so much out of place In tho bright sunshine which mndo March scorn more like Into Juno or July. Will Open Soon Tho St. Lawronco Hotel, formerly tho Coos, Is bolng thoroughly ronovatod and now furnl turo nnd fixtures aro bolng lUBtnllod. Tho now Icbrco, Lawrence Justin, ox peels tho now hotel to bo ready on April G. Fined for Drinking. C. II. Jack son was fined $5.00 by IlccorJor Iiutlcr toilny for roiUBlng to pny for n meal nt the Arcndo Rcstm- rnnt nnd drinking. Jackson has bcon arrested boforo this nnd owes 310 on back fines, Start Factory. Iloberts Brothers have started operations In tho now chceso factory or-ctod by them nt Likcsldn, Georgo McCulloch, of tho Golden Leaf Creamery, has boon assisting In tho erection of tho factory. Tho intlro output will bo Bent to Portland. Old Leak Found. After n three months' search It. II. Coroy today lo catod a leak In tho main of the Coos Bay Water company. It was at tho Intersection of Broadway and Contrnl nnd wbb In such a wuy that tho leak was emptying direct into tho sower. Tho paving had to bo cut to ropalr tho break, Farmer' Viilon Tho Farmers' Union enjoyed a. good meeting and dinner today. Tho nttendnnco was light and consequently no Important busuicsB was trnnBactod and further action on tho public market was de ferred, W. C. CIuibo of Coqulllo, nnd Goorgo Starr, two candidates for of flco, wero presont nud made short talks. , l'" '.scnp '. ueorgo Miirpnjr, i"u bju wnni umuwi b, Murpliy In J. D. Gosb' office, had a lucky escape today. Ho was riding on tho "Wp of Clifford Doano's coal WilHUII UIIU lull Oil oil OHIl uyuilliu. Tho wl"Jl J"1,8,86'1 avVl 't , somo who witnessed It thought he was seriously hurt, but an examina tion showed that not oven a bono was broken. Building Rumor. It waa reported today that plans wero being mado to erect a brick veneer building 100x100 on tho dimmer property nt the corner. of Second and .MorKot. n. J. Kimball Btotod thnt the report was not cor rect as ho had not sold or leased th.o property and tho only thing that tho report could bo based on was tho fact that he had named a figure for the property to an agent. Kiijoy Honolulu. A letter from W. S. Chandler received by his son, 13, I, Chandler, today states that the party is enjoying Honolulu to the fullest extent, He Is rapidly gaining In health and weight and is now taking eea baths dally and learning to rldo tho surf board, They will return to California about - j - - - .. W r, 4 Apru u. win men viu uiu douiu ern part of that state amL then go ta Vancouver, B. C, to remain until July 1. Xot Hnllrond Survey. Dal Cath cart says that the rumor that tho Southern Pacific surveyors wero at work on tho east side of Isthmus In let near Eagle Point must have start ed from tho fact that ho nnd P. K Gettlns woro doing somo private sur veying there this weok. Ho says tho only crew of S. P. surveyors in that section wore working In Bunker Hill, where thoy wero arranging for a steam shovol to tako out dirt to make 'a fill for the right of way through tho C. A, Smith retail yards. MR. DAIRYMAN Wo can save you $25 to $40 on a Cream Separator that Is not only guaranteed by lis, but also tho manufacturer to bo tho equal of any Separator on the market. You will find It to your advantage to call at (Agents Coos, Curry and Douglas Counties. SCHROEDER & HILDENBRAND Market and Waterfront, KX. HARDWARE rPEQPbE YQU1 KMOW ABOUT MRS. RAY BOWRON Is In from Ten Mllo today. G. W. KING, of Mllllcoma, Is In Marshflold today. P. P. D1KTZ, of North Inlot, was a Marshfleld visitor today. MRS. C. S. H1LBORN, of Mllllcoma, Is a Marshfleld shoppor today. L. JOHNSON, of ISmpIro, Is In Mnrshfl-ld today on business. C. W. GIBBS, of North Inlot, Is a business visitor In Marshfleld to- day. GUS NELSON, of Lakesldo. Is a business visitor In Marshflold to day. MISS IDA RKIIRUR, of Hayncs In let, is shopping In Marshfleld to day. MRS. RAY BOWRON, of Tomplolon. Is visiting friends In Mnrshfleld today. MRS. 'L. SMITH was n passenger on tho Express for Coos River today. MISS TIIHLMA DODGE, of Coos River, Is shopping. In Marshfleld today. MISS RUSSEL VARNEY Is tho hap py reblplont of a flno new Kim ball piano. ARCHIE KRUSE and wiro aro horo from Prosper to visit friends nnd relatives. EDWARD E. DYER, daughter nnd son, are business visitors In Mnrshflold. FRANK VAN CLEAVE, of Empire, Is a business visitor In Mnrsh flold today. ARTHUR M'KEOWN was a pasBon gur on tho morning train for Co qulllo today. MISS 'ETTA MITCHELL returuod from n visit to Lakeside on tho North Star today. MRS. JAMES LANDRITH and son. of Coos River, aro visitors In Marshflold today. M. AND MRS. C. L. NELSON, of Coos Rlvor, aro visiting friends In Marshfleld today. V. P. 8ANFORD, proprietor of the North Inlot, Is a business visitor in Marshflold today. DR. EVERETT MINGU8 wbh n pas Bongrr on tho morning train for Myrtlo Point today. P. M. HALL-LEWIS, County Road master, roturned to Coqulllo on tho morning train. J. C. HACKER, of Camp 1, loft on tho morning train today after a short visit In Mnrshrield. MRS. 8. A. YOAICAM, of Coos Riv er, loft on tho ExproHB todny after a short visit In Marshflold. L. E. BOSNA, of Butte. Montana, was a passougor on tho morning train for Myrtlo Point todny. MRS. P. GUILL1AM8. of Coos Rlv or. was a paBsonger on tho Rain bow fur Mnrshfleld today. MRS. A. M. CIIRI8TENSEN, of Hnynes Inlot, was a passonger on tho Mossougor for Marshflold today. FRANK DENNING returned last ovonlng from Coqulllo, but Mrs. Denning romnlnod for a weok's stay with friends. MISS ADA CLINKENBEARI) ro turuod on tho good ship North Rtnr from North Inlet whore sho ' tins boou visiting for tho pant fow days. GEO. ROTNOR loft on tho Break wntor tills morning for Portland where ho goes to moot tho rep resentatives of Bomo of tho largo clothing nmnufai'turoi-a. WILLIS VARNEY, construction foreman for Smith-Powers Com pauy at Conledo, Is moving today to Myrtlo Point where ho wl'l 71 MARKET . ' w Everyone Who Cares for tho Purest, "Freshest Drugs nnd most efficient , 5 r LU O 3: Q. service, trades at the Store for Quality Goods, whore your prescriptions aro filled as the doctor or ders them, twico .-shocked and scientifically com pounded. "Wo pay prompt and careful attention to all orders whether verhal, mail or phone. "GET IT WHERE THEY IIAArE GOT IT" THE LEADING DRUG STORE Phono 77-J. PLVMBIXO have chnrgo of work on tho now extension beyond Myrtlo Point. Hinsdale Back. O. B. Hinsdale, formerly at Gnrdtner, but for tho last fow years In southern California. haB roturuol to G-ardlnor as manager of tho Gardiner Mill company. Ho assumed chargo last Saturday. W. F, Jewett of tho company, who has been III for somo time, Is reported much Improved. says mm TEAM STING Geo. Laffaw Confers With Baseball Fans Here Meet Monday Night One of tho most formidable teams In tho county this yenr haB beon or ganized by tho Bandon basoball fans. Goorgo Laffaw, who has boon ap pointed to Intorvlow tho dlfforcnt managers In Coqulllo, Myrtlo Point, Mnrshdold nnd North Bond, arrived In Mnr8h(lc!d last ovonlng nnd todny commenced nctlvo opcrntlons for In ducing tho Mnrshdold team to.consont to Joining tho Bandon team In tho Coos county lenguo upon Us organi zation. Much talk hns been going tho rounds rolntlvo to not .ncrmltHncr Bandon In tho lenguo this year for tho reasons thnt It Is too far n Jump from Coqulllo nnd thnt a five-team longuo Is unwloldy. Tho players bad somo petty mlsundorstnndlng with tho Bandon team Inst year regarding Imported plnyors nnd somo bollove thnt Is mainly responsible for tho talk about not nllbwlng tho Bandon team In tho lenguo. To Ignore thorn, howovor, would bo Hhowlng tho "white- fonthor," In fnca of tho fact that tho toam this yenr Is orgnulzcd from homo talent .and thcro are no Imported plnyors. The Bandon boys have nlso shown thom boIvcb hi bo hUBtlors, hnvlng organis ed tho first team In tho lcaguo. The following is tho llnoup of tho Ban don team for this soason: Howard Jackson nnd Sid Williams, pltchors; Jim Mast, catcher; Dr. Mann, first biBo; Lotnor Gnlllor, second baso;' George Laffaw, shortstop; Ray Mc Nalr, third baso; Goorgo Laird, loft Hold; W. E. Bent, center Hold and Tom Mills, right Hold: .Meeting Monday Evening. Much Is expected of tho local base hall faiiH at the mooting to bo hold next Monday ovonlng, March 23, at tho Mnrshflold Chamber of Com merce for tho purposo of dtscusslnR ways nnd moans for conducting the Marshlleld end of tho lenguo this . Bonson. Mnny nnmos havo boon aol ectod for manngor nnd Monday ovon Ing's meeting should bring out some thing definite ns to who will manage tho team. All who aro Interested lu baseball should attond this mooting. The mooting Is scheduled to start nt 7:30 o'clock. k PAXAMA CAXAL TOLLS. ' v fn Amiv-UI! rml to mn ,t1r TlmM.) WASHINGTON, D. C, March 21. Senator Jones' resolution calling on tho Presldont for Information of what nations had protested against the Pannma tolls exompttou was roforred to tho Foreign Rotations Committee after Scnnror O'dormnn had with drawn his objections. Senator Jones denied that tho President had told him that ho was "skating on thin ico." KVHKYTIIIXO 8AMTAHV good nt HAUTKIl'8. and AVEN.UE ,. '& V V4 a: o m 1 11 1 .31 i ai I j