:V3B8PS!LJSESWetTK '. -zfeaaS t"r'fmr' n'W"w.yl.w.B-..M ,"Ai- i TWO THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELC, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1914 EVENING EDITION. TfwrTiwirn " 4' ( CONTltlUUTIONS concerning soelal happenings, Intended for publication In the society depart ment; of The Times, must bo sub mitted to the editor not lator than 6 o'clock p. m., Friday of cnoli week. (Exceptions will bo allowed only In cases whoro tho events occurred later than tho n-r.n Tiontlnnod.) MIMIINO IX AN ATTIC. PfcJKSONAL notices of vlsltoro In the city, or of Coos Day peoplo who visit In other cities, together with notices of social affairs, nro gladly received In the soclnl dc partmetit. Telephone 133. No tices of club mcotlngs will bo published and secretaries nro kindly requested to furnish same. Trrnmired In the old cedar chest, Faint porfumes hung about It, With India shawl and Batln vest, In paper wrapped wo found It. The roses pallid turned from pink, Tho ribbons frail and yollow, A hit of gauze, of lace, a link drown flno and mellow. O relic of a bygone day, A vintage past, forgotten, "When girls wore bonnets made till? way And danced in gowns of rotton, Why woro you loft to linger hero, To plno alone In tlcsue? Did she, perhaps, decide you quoor And nover miss you 7 "Where Is sho now, thnt wlnsomo girl Who ono glad springtime woro you 7 Did Hho set dandies' lenrts nwhlrl And hearts orapturo o'er you? Ad wtb the faco benoath tho brim Proud, pouting, shy or simple? Toll us, O rosebuds plukly dim, Was there n dimple? Go back, O hat of other dnvs, To Hheltcr wlmrn wo found you, Sufo'from our coldly modern gazo, Your spicy scents arcund you. Fdr with some gnllant, nrdont awn In, When midnight chimes einp" ntlc. You sweet' old ghost may como ngaln To walk the attic, .... Kato Mastoraon. ju ! f A WOMAN'S DKMAXnS ptw'IAT a man ho ns Iron to nil II llm u'nrlil lm t llllllv In llOT present were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Prey, Mr. and Mrs. C. .1. Stockol. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mooro, Mr. and Mrs. 13. Vineyard, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. McLnggnn, Mr. and Mrs. 0. .1. Wal lace Mr. and Mrs. It. T. Whltty, Mrs. F. A. Casslty, Mrs. Wnltor UobertBon, Miss Itnttlo McKay and 13. Potcrson. I i:x(3acji:.mi:nt. I . Friends of Cnpt. Herman Edwards of Allegany, son of Cnpt. and Mrs. C. 13. Edwards, of Allegany, and Miss Evelyn Langworthy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Langworthy, have been apprised jf their ongngemont, al though tho event hns not been formal ly announced. They are among tho best known young peoplo In this vicinity and many will unlto In con gratulating Mr. Edwards upon tho churmlng young lady ho has won. , 4 cooriMiE WF.iunxc: A quiet woddlng vis solemnized at tho homo of Judge nnd Mrs. E. D. Sporry, Saturday evening, March 11, when their only daughter. Lu cia, was milled to Wllllnm Wright Stmtton. Tho Impressive Episco palian marrlago sorvlco wan used, Archdeacon Ilorsfnll officiating. Tho dunning brldgo was ele gantly gowned In a tullorei". suit and carried a shower boqttot of whlto lilies. Miss Clare Sherwood ncted as innlil of honor and Mr. II. O. Anderson ns best man. Tho two largo living rooms woro pro- M tno worm, uut puny in ncr.niBoiy uccoruivu wmi iuuiibau unit & hands. ferns. world, HUT putty In her hands. Tho brldo was the recipient of Thut ho will bo n creature of In- ninny handsome gifts of cut glnss, flexlhlo determination, HUT lot her silver and household nrtlcloa -for the wind him nround hor finger. Httlo cottngo which they are fur- That ho will know how to kiss,! nlshlng nnd whoro they will bo nt BUT thnt she will ho tho first wo-, homo aftor Enstor. man ho over kissed. Affr tho corumony delicious ro- Thnt ho will bo nn ndopt at lovo fro3hniontH woro served. ninklng. snyB Dorothy Dlx, HUT uov-' Those present woro Judge nnd or utter a word of sentiment to any M. K. D. Sporry, Mr. and Mrs. A. womnn except horaolf iJ Sherwood, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. That ho will always notice how Him I-onovo. Mr; and Mrs. I-nwronc, A. looks, niTT bo lillnd to every oilier Jiv Ht- '' rI"m( qr"? woriinn'H nimearnnco ' Howard, MIbs CInro Shorwooi., H. Thn" 1-e'will admire her when she 0; AndorHon nnd Mr nnd Un. Norl. In ilntunitil mi nnil lmr hull wnvoil. ju" " "'" lv" Ninvr,Y-vi:ns. Tho Newly-Weds enjoyed n ploas- nUT that alio will bo equally bonutl fill to lit in when she has on n dirty klinnno nnd her hair In curl paporB. That ho will novor fnll to go Into ccbMbIos over tho cooking when ti'o dinner la good. HUT that li(1 n tntrti t rtnut tint "."...' ' i day. A dainty That hn will bnvo no norves hlni- ''ostois being assisted by Mrs. Nick mimiUIVw Lk . Stninboiio of Mnrshlleld. The noxt KnVVin;? m I w fo "U I mooting will be held In two week, at t ho will not ul,t af'ornoon with Mrs. Elinor Vino-, wntiirf voir- 'Iird "l ,ler ome ' Kastsldo Wodnos- ' h I day. ' A dainty lunch was sorved, tho t nt l ,, u 11 i. o mail nV tho ,lomo r Mr8' Staiiibono In Mnrah I I T""80 J''K Mrs. Vino- Z't . J u . ntl'" hospitality were Mrs. Jas. llOUBO i- H in ii... ...i. .1,.,,. . i. nil I ) n nun iiumiy tvviu mn. .i.m. yJ1"? l !?,?" ,".e'V ." Mplntosh. Mrs. L Sallng. Mrs. C. Hpond, whoro tlioy shall go, whom they. Bhall know. That ho will oousldor It a privilege to toll nil day to support IiIb fam ily. AND bo delighted to v'. aso nround half tho night with his wlfo to par ties mid theater. Thnt ho will ho n cash roglstor. AND n guitar, so to speak, ono who can mnko money with both hands fwMo illBcourBlng tho Biiporlniamn nnd tho ovor bouI. Thnt ho should bo mloro his wlfb ho would bo utterly nilserrhle whn Hho Is out of Ills flight, HUT bo per fectly willing fr hor to go off for tbroo month Jniinte to ICitrnpo with out him. T: at ho should honor bin wlfo by ninrryliiK hor, HPT always ho rontlv to pity hor for having married him. That ho should never whlno or complnln about how hnrd n man hns to work to support n family, HPT that ho should bo filled with sym pnthy over tho hnrd lot of his wife for hnvliiK to spend what ho hna mudo. That ho should be fond of IiIb own family boforo marriage. HUT sever nil relations with thoin ns soon ns ho gets married and perceive that his wife's ralatlopa Huvo an Inallennhlo right to camp In tho best bedroom, and have all tho money spoilt In taking thorn about, and buying thoin pres ents. .. , Thnt ho Bhould bo n Hon nnd not n mouBO, HPT nover dare to volco a t'ommnnd In M own houso, or nsk for a hook In a closet. riini lm should bo n crackorjnek business man, HUT think It all right West, Mrs. John Vlnoyard, Sr. YOPXt! MATHOXS Mrs. J. Q. Jarvls entertained tho Young MntroiiB last week- nt n vory Jolly sowing party nt her homo In Ferndalo. Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Clny- baugh, Mrs. Morrow, Mrs. Grnnnls. Mrs. John Koudnli, Mrs. Guy Ken dall. Mrs. Hold, Mrs. TdcMillnu, Mrs, Coleman and Mrs. Mnloney wer out. Mrs. F. C. Illrch was a guest of tho club. At I o'clock Mrs, Jarvls servod a delicious lunch of steaming Inked bunns ami Hoston brown bren 1, asslstod bj hor nloce, Miss Jesa!e Trail;, mid hor daughter. Ruth Till w ok tho (luh met with Mrs. Ouy Kendall, with Mrs. (irnunls, Mrs. Morrow, Mrs. John Kendall, Mm. Jarvls, Mrs. .Mnloney, Mrs.t Wilson and Mrs. McMillan present, nnd Mrs. Illldoiibrniid ns speilal guest. Mrs. John Koudnli will bo hostoss noxt Thursduy, : i piax son.vi,. The .Mnrshlleld Epworth I.oaguo Is plnnnliig for a big soclnl noxt Friday night. UAXC1I PAHTV. I A most onjoyablo party wos given ' nt tho homo of Mr. Charley Hagqulst Saturday ovonlng by tho neighbors, who spent itnlni' liv llin unlL'lilifiia who Rnnnt . . ..!- 4 1.n.. .. .. nn-' o -. : "--r.-- ""- --"- ror ins who uuvi'i in iyi .ii. "--ithe evening In dancing, roiiowed by count, or know whoro hor money splendid suppor. Tho families goes. That ho shall mnko money like Mr. Itockofollor. AND spout hlgh-browed phlloHOp'iy Ilko a long hnlred Soclnl Ut. Expecting all thoso dlvorgont things, is it any wonder that so ninny women nro dlsappolntod In tholr hus bands? . I SUKIMtlSH PAHTV. t i Mrs J. 1). McKKy was the reclplont or a most delightful surprlso party nt )w.. iinmo lu Eastslde Inst Satur day. Sho had almobt forgotten that ! tho day marked tno sixiy-iourui u nlvorsury of hor birth when a largo crowd of frlendH and neighbors came in, bringing tholr lunch baskets with thorn. Oamos and music worn fol lowed by a sumptuous repast. Thoso nrosout, with guests from Mnrshlleld and Sumnor, woro thoso of Carl Eg enhoff. Chnrlos Dungnii. John Grant. DEVELOPING PRINTING PICTURE FRAMING, ENLARGING m AND SUPPLIES REHPELD BROS. Russell Building. Central Avenue W. II. Smith and Charles Hagqtllst, and Miss Frances Luso and Dora Brown of Marshllold, Miss Selandor of Sumner, Messrs. Hort Smith, Carl and Ralph Cllnkeiihoard, Guy Cutllp, William Jutstroni, John Enegron, Charles Steadem, Gcorgo Selander of Sumner and Chns. Richardson of Mnrslillold. ' I IIAPTIST LADIES Tho Hnptlst Ladles' Aid Socloty wns eiitortalned Wdncsdny nrter noon by Mrs. D. D- Ross at hor home on Golden avonuo. At tho business session plans woro mndo for a silver tea to bo glvon at the Bap tist church noxt Wednesday, March 25. Later an Informal afternoon wns enjoyed. TIiobo present woro Mrs. N. M. Sutborlln, Mrs F. H. Dressr, Mrs. F, II. Storey, Mrs. E. W. Lewis, MrB. John Nnglo, MrB. Geo. Gulovsen, Mrs. C. II. EIIorbck, Mrs. Alvn Doll, Mrs. C. F. Marsh, Mrs. Alvn Doll, Mrs. C. F. Gulovson, Carrie Robs and Rev. Uassford. HP f HIHTHDAV PAHTV Last Sunday, N. G. Humes, of Not th Uend was tho recipient of a sdrprlso party there and tho sur prise wns oven extonded to bis wlfo Music nnd gnmes preceded refresh ments. Thoso present woro Mr. nnd Mrs, II. Wnuknsh, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas .Tuza, Mr. and MrB. Joo Olln, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Loom Is and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hralnard. Joo Emery, of North Ilond, was also treated to a surprlso party Wednesday evening In honor or IiIb 28th birthday. Games nnd diver sions woro followed by n flno sup- nnr n fnnturn nf which wna nil ex cellent birthday cake cooked by his motnor, 4 4 & I NARCISSUS CIA'H. Tlio NarcIssiiB Club will 1o eiitor talned noxt Wednesday ovonlng by Miss Blanche Tellefson at her homo' In Eastslde. Tho Club hns decided to hold evening parties Instead of afternoon sessions ns It will bo moro convenient ror most or tho members. 4 HOOK PAHTV. Mr. nnd Mrs. Mllo Sumner will entertain nt Progressive Rook noxt Ttiesdny evening. CLASS SOCIAL - Tho Mlzpnh Hlblo Class or North fContlniiod on Pngo Threo. -'WW "?.; WEAR DIAMONDS "DIAMONDS ARE THE BEST INVESTMENT. WIIEII A MAN WHO IS WEARING DIAMONDS APPROACHES ANOTHER HE GETS ATTENTION BECAUSE HE LOOKS PROSPEROUS, THIS PA YS. THE MOS T CHERISHED TREA S URES A MA N CAN GIVE HIS WIFE, SWEETHEART OR MOTHER ARE "DIAMONDS." THE LUSTROUS GLITTER OF THESE MOST PRECIOUS STONES, MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE, DELIGHT THE BEHOLDER AND THE WEARER. THEN DIAMONDS CAN ALWAYS BE QUICKLY TURNED BACK INTO MONEY. OUR DIAMONDS ARE FLA WLESS: OUR PRICES AS LOW AS 2 HE BES TCAN BE SOLD FOR. H. S. TOWER THE RELIABLE JEWELER. - ' i . .i ( IPC IPfesfv 1 i S BHIp3 Es-HHFtIbI MffiUD! d paint 1 s This is tho kind of weather that makes you think of ipring Pamtinj We havo the STOCK and the PRICES VARNrSHES STAINS BKUSHJ3S, ETC. ALL KINDS OF BOAT PAINT WIITT13 LEAD LTNSEED OLL COLORS IRVING BLOCK lMj Spring Hats For Men Some moil nro lu a quandary when hnt-buylng timo comes. True, nothing chnnges n mnn'B appcaranco moro than IiIb HAT, hut tho chnngo cnu ho ono to IiIb advantage equally as easy as tho oppaBlto. It is simply n mnttor or rinding tho hat which most becomes you. Wo do claim considerable success In "finding" tho right hat ror, tho right man. May wo demonstrate It por Bonally? Very unusual qualities at $.1.00 and $:i.(iO. Ladies' t Mjsswi Suits and Dresset Wo wish to call to dnl nttontlon thn i ro,lr C tngo or selecting or dress now, whe l at the liahthii. , ..!. T Many or the most JJJ, Btylcs shown nro exclu S will not lm ,im... lte N now assortments ar LJ 8108 are unbroke VT 1b the most satis c"to & cl.oos.ng. Don, , A beautlrul stock of .. ory all rrom New Yo?kt"S rnmouB houses. Pricey HEALTH HINTS BREAKFAST SPECIALS From 5 a. m., to 10 a. m., only. Ham and eggs 5c Sausage and eggs g Bacon and eggs 'j Three Eggs, any style Oatmeal mush and milk, potatoes, hot cakes and coff FREE WITH ABOVE ORDERS WE SERVE A REGULAR 25-CENT DINNER MARSHFJELD CHOP HOUSE Opp. Flanagan & Bennett Bank. The McCalley ggjg UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE LADIES GUILD OFTHE EPISCOPAL CHURCH. XSUff: March 23rd Masonic Opera House 8:15 P. M. o'Clock Seats: Lower floor, 50 ots. Reserved at Parsons. Balcony, 25 cts. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire aid Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. IIENIIY SENGSTAOKKX, Mnnaper FA KM. COAr T1MUHU AM) VLXTTISO LANDS A SPZaUTt GICNKHAL AtiUNTS IWSTSIDh MAltSIIKII-:iil) OKFICK, I'HONK ; COQUILLK CITY OKJ'IC'K 1'llllMv iu TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy Pj ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, m nilnn I r. Qmlth nnrl Cmith PrnmipP. for rent Of tMm CIcanl'iKt rcjiiilrlnu or now platens, work Kiiunintcctl. ,'lJJJi carbon iiniipr dullvcrcd. I'liono us your order. I'liono 1 1. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY S . yMBREAD ...iri'0 I1R.UTX 1HU..H' .- yfl nnd good, pure, ' Jrf lshlng bread makes boJ'J nnd healthy. Our bread Uj'M tho rinest hard w" 't kind that retains the gluten and pbosplut a . wjn ly It !b rich in niU solute.ly pure to'ff baking and handllns- B coats but miw """ Bay Bake rinns Tho place ror godd tlarxet Ave. DO YOU '-" use your telephpne to advantage? WHY NOT? It is cheaper to talk than to travel. We have toll stations in Coos and Curry connect with the Bell System at Roseourg. Coos Bay Home Tetopta Main Office.