?W w "77T -"i-yg pSS wiJ THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHHELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1914 EVENING EDITION. FIVE ml .-. 1- The JlcCalleV Entertainment .UNDER THE AUSPICES OFIHE LADIES GUILD OF THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Monday - Evening - Masonic Opera House 8:15 P. M. o'Clock Seats: Lower floor, 50 cts. Reserved at Lockhart Parsons. Balcony, 25 cts. J0liO0ZMa4i, IRVING BLOCK Spring Hats For Men Some men nro In a iunmlnry when lint-buying tlmo comes. Tnr, nothing chnngoa u mnn's appearance moro than hla HAT, but tlio chunge can be one to hla ndvantaKO equally ns easy aa tho 0ipOHltO. It la simply a mnttor of finding tlio hat which most becomes yon. We do ihilin consldornblo anccesa In "finding" the right hat for tho rlitht nmn. May we domonatrnto It per sonally? Very unusual quulltloB at $3.00 ami $:i.50. Have You Seen Our New J9J4 Patterns of Wall Paper VIERS 370 No. Front at. Phono 40-X. The R.oyal TONIGHT La Petlto Jnnla, singing "I Love Her, Oh! Oh!" nnd "I'm Looking tfor a Nlco Young Follow," finishing with n comic monologue Klnomncolor pictures. "A Nar row Kscapo." A bashful bacholor ludes n designing girl. "Tho Sand Sinn." Drama, "Clod Dless tho Man That Invented Sloop." Tho Animated Weekly. Twolvo of tho most Interesting subjects. "Tho Echo of n SonK." A dra matic Inspiration fonturlng Jcssalyn Van Trump. "Pearl's Mistake," with Pearl White. Five reels. G000 foot movies. Admission, lower floor, 15c; bal cony, 10c; children. 10c. Sundav nlcht. "Tlnliln Ifnnil " tlio ' stirring nnd romantic life of tho auventurer of tlio mlddio ages. The Vacuum Sweeper inukes houseclcaning a pleasure We hnve them from 0.50 up to $35.00. Te Wizard Trlnnglo Mop That now has the human elbow." "Why Pay More?" Johnson-Gulovsen' Company 1 'cMJgTirjlj' 'i ' i W0P The Times want ada get what th7 eo after. March 23 rd Ladies' "j Misses9 Suits and Dresses Wo wlah to call to your apo dal attention tho linincnao advan tage of selecting your spring suit or dresa now, whllo atyles nro at the holghth of their glory. Many of thu moat charming Blyh'B Bhown nro exclusive nnd will not bo duplicated. Juat now iiBanrtmcntB nro complete, alzos nro unbroken In fnct, It la tho most antlMfnctory tlmo for chooBlng. Don't delay your bo Icctlon. A beautiful atock or mllllu ory nil from Now York's moat famous houses. Prices from $5 up. Men Who Select Their Spring Clothes First Aro usually first In other things. Come to tho Flxup nnd niiiko your selection from Tin: iikst ov Tin: noon . ones Kuppenheimer Clothes It will pay you to act nsldo a little tlmo and look them over and sec what wo are offering at 818.00 to $10.01! and others at $8.50 to ?1S.00. FIXUP Itoyal Tailor Agents TWO STORES. Marshfield - North Bend Phone 233-L PHONE 1 0 Cent 158-R Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY MRS. O. P. IHHAHOER Dressmaking nnd Ladles' Tailor ing Prices reasonable Over Magnea & Mataon Storo Phono 2 1 8-J. ARE YOU BOTHERED WITH CORNS? If ao, you nro deprived of half tho pleasure of life pleasant walking nnd healthy exorcise. A visit to Mrs. Olivia Kdmuu. Scientific Chiropodist, Apt. , O'Coimell bldg., w(li be tho source oi a purinnueui remedy for aching foot. EVERY. .MAN should know Through the country he goes The best dressed people Wear A. E. Anderson clothes. P. O. PRESTON, Agt. Marshfield Cleaning and Dyo Works. 128 Front Street. Times Want Ads Bring Results WANT ads. I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE 9 in range for $2.1. In- iiuiro m uiu worm second st. FOUND An automobile crank mi Tenth street bridge. Owner can have same by paying for this nil. I'OST Tan Teddy Rear, with blue ribbon bow on South Murahfleld bridge, Wednesday. Howard fdr return to Mrs. Canklln. FOR RENT Five room modern bun galow. $20 per month. Iuqulro Going & Harvey. FOR RENT When tlml looking for furniture nnd home-like conditions, eomo to Pioneer Ulock, North Bend. FOR SALE Two choice lots In Firat Addition to Marahfleld. Ad dress O. 11., Times office. TO EXCHANGE for property In or near Mnrshflold, 100 acres of farm land In Lltm County, Or. vnltio $0000. Owner. Jtunea Wat son, Sweet Home, Oregon, HELP WANTED nov Wo' lmvo a pormnnent position for a bright, un.r getlc boy. Tho right boy enn mnke from 50c to $2,00 or moro n week, without Interfering with his other duiles. Apply to Norton & llunscn Stn. Co., 210 Front atrcct, Marahfleld, Oregon. LOST LOST Curving knife with Ivory han dle. Reward If returned to Times office. LOST Pocket note book, nnmo In cover. Finder ploaso- rotum to Times, WANTED WANTED Position by stenograph' or. Phono Gb-J. WANTED Renter for largo Mock ranch, with not loss than $3000 In cash or stock. Sco Tltlo Uuur anteo & Abstract Co. WANTED Purchaser for it lots on 0th nnd Dnto sts. Songstnckon Addition, Including 2 corners. Prlco $850. This Is a snap, soo Title Guarantee & Abstract Co TIME to flv your gardens. PR do It. Phono 227-L aftor li p. in. WANTED flltl for genernl house work. 729 Soilth 4th st. FOR SALE I'OR SALIC Furniture of 10 room bonrdlng houoo, Iioiibo for rent. 409 No. nroadway. Phono 1GG-X. I'OR SALF SIiu-o nlno years old, 1300 11ib works doublo nnd slnglo. Inquire Times office. FOR KALI:, CHEAP Four flue lots In Songstnckon Addition, $2800 cash. Inquire Times. I'OR SALE Settings or White Or pington Whlto Wyandotte, Black Minorca nnd Ruttorcups, $1.50 for 15. Mrs. M, Jutstrom, South Coos River, I'OR S.1LI Egg from choice Single Comb Whlto Leghorns. Geo. M. Soils. Phone 1384, North Bend. FOR SALE Round cedar HOOO-gnl. tank, tower about 75 ft. high, heavy tltnbors, 200 feet of plpo with nil connection; gnS onglno and pump, Will soil together or sopnratoly. Apply Robt. Marsdon, Sr. FOR SALE General merchandise store located in a prosperous sec tion of Southwest Orogon and do ing good btiBlnoss. Storo carries about $5000 stock. Good reasons for soiling. Correspond direct with owner. No agents. Splendid op portunity for right party who has the cash. Address "Good C banco," care Times. FOR SALE Gasoline luunch. In quire W, Owen, Owl Saloon. FOR SALE Plymouth Place poul try yards. A. E, Jenson. FOR 8ALF Plymouth Rock eggs, $1.50 per setting, from tho best stock In tho county. Will replace all Infertile eggs free, Cbns. Barrett, Bangor, FOR RENT FOR RENT Modern H-room fur nished housekeeping suite. Phone 1493, North Rond. FOR RENT Funiihhert front room. Enquire 817 N. Broadway, FOR RENT Storo on Central nve. Inquire Tho Gunnery, phone 34-J. FOR RENT Building -15x100 on Front street. Inquire at The Gun nery. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, with heat, close In. Enquire 182 BREVITIES TIDES FOR MARCH Below is given tho tlino and height of high and low wntor nt Marshfield. Tho tides nro placed In tho order of occurrence with tholr times on tho first lino nnd heights on tho second line of ench day; n compar ison on consccutlvo heights will In dicate whether It Is high or low wntor. For lilgli wnter on tho bar substrnct two hours 34 minutes. lira.. 1.51 Ft. . . 2.8 lira. . 322 Ft... 2.8 lira.. 4.40 Ft... 2.7 lira.. 0.2G Ft. . . 4.8 8.12 G.C 0.34 G.3 10.51 5.2 0.51 3.19 0.4 4.31 0.4 G.32 0.3 11.54 C.l 10.25 4.2 11.35 4.6 0.0 0.0 C.22 0.3 WEATHER FORECAST lljr AuocI.Ib.1 ITmi to Coot 11, Timet.) OREGON Fair, with light frost In east; easterly wlndB. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For tho 24 hours ending at I - : 4 ;t n. m Mnrch 10, by UenJ. Ostllud, spoclnl govommont mo I toorologlst: Maximum 7G Minimum 37 At 4 : 4 3 a. m ...... CO Precipitation 00 Precipitation since Sopt. 1, I 1913 51.G9 I Precipitation samo period last year 47.10 Wind: Northwest, clear. BORN. BENSON To Rev. nnd .Mrs. J. V. Benson, nt their homo on Com mercial nvenuo, Thursdny, March chl'l.1 nro Xlni nlcolv nnd Rev l1ono,"r0wion1 B,,&ran!f til l, a dnuglitor. Mother nnd Swedish Luthornn Church, Is even l,n.uvl limn (In, ,,rnv.,rl.l..l fli- hnpplor than tho proverbial fnth cr Is ovor hla flrat born.- Service Tonight Tho subject of tho Lonton address In'tlit Episcopal Church tonight nt 7:30 will bo "ChnrncIorlBtlrii of ItnllL'Imi " LimrnuoriBticB of uoiit,ion. GetH Auto. Dr. R. II. Walter hns received a new Reo touring car .and Is learning how to matter tho diffi culties that beset tho chntiffour. Ja'iivcx Tixlny. Auditor Allen of Hi.. Tln1ffiiift-niit 1iln .wiiti, mm n.liri has been spending n fow weeks in this section, left for Portlnnd this mornlng. h Lilies Bloom David Nelson atnt- cd today that ho hnil scon a number of rnlla llllos In bloom outaido, tho flrat tlmo ho had noted auch n thing during tho month of Mnrch In his sovornl yenrs' realdenco on tho U,iy, i ' flit en .Iciiel At n meeting of tho Royal Arch Masons last night, Cnpt. J. It. Llghtnor, one of tho best known of Mnrshflold's old real- donts and Masons, wns proRontod n Past High Priest Jewel, n signal honor of the order. i WnM'i'fnmt Thieves. Nola Adam- sou, light tondor, reports that some- ono 8tolo thirty gallons of gnsollnn from his bonthouso tho other nlnlit. Ho nlso states that tho waterfront pilferers have taken goods from tho uonthoiiso of tit" Into Goorgo Wulff. Dollar Here R. Stnnloy Dollar, who Is now In chnrgo of tho John son Lumber company nnd the Scoley & Anderson Logging company on tho lowor Coqulllo. Is expected horo to- morrow on routo from Bnndon to Portland ou luminous. Capt. Robort Dollnr may also bo on tho Bay soon, I Birthday Today Mrs. Jonas Ornn- holm Is today celebrating her olght- loth birthday at tho homo of Rev. and Mrs. B. F. Bongston, wJth whom alio is residing. Sho Is still physical- ly strong, but -tho years nro begin- nlng to nrfect her memory. Sho has boon n resident of Coos Bay for ovor thlrty years and Is tho recipient of felicitations from many of hor old- tlmo friends on the liny todny. Four of hor grnndchUdron reside on tho Bay. i ' HMnkN Hete, Win, Hnywnrd will glvo a talk to tho high school boys Friday nftornoon nt tho hlnh school nnd In the evening nt tho hlKh school auditorium ho will glvo a stureoptl con lecture to which tho public, es pecially parents, nro Invited. Ad mission will bo freo. Bargains in Seeds Springtime is planting time and now is the time for yon to take advantage of the bargains, we are offering in them. Here are a few of the prices: Grass Seeds, Timothy, per pound 8cts English Kye Grass 8cts Ttalian live 8cts Red Clover 20tts Alsyko 20cts Orchard Orass 22icts We also have seed oats and bone-meal fertilizer. All our seeds are quality seeds. Phono ns your order or come over and pick out what you want. Bunker Hill sto?eartment W H. DINDINGER & CO., Phone 32. Bunker Hill. PEOPhE YQUI w W fez KMOW ABOUT GEQ. EASON leaves Saturday on a trip to Portland, F. KNEPPEIl BtnrtB for Portland on business Saturday. W. Q. HAYWARD will leavo on Sat urday for Portland. F. C. DILLVPS lenves this week on a business trip north. W. J. M'MAIION leaves this week on n business trjjp north. MRS. M. F. GREEN and baby lenvo this week for Portland. P. E. LARSON of Allognny Is n Mnrshflold visitor today. C. W. WATERMAN lenves for Port lnnd this week on business. MRS. M. TILLOTSON leaves on n visit In Portlnnd this week. MRS. HILDA WEATHEItALL lenves for Portland on Saturday. MRS. A. BEUGSTRANI). of Bnndon, leaves Ibis weok for Portland. II. A. LAM11ERT of Coqulllo expects to lenvo for Portlnnd this weok. I C. F. AIIRENS of North Rend oxpects to leavo for Portlnnd Saturday. MRS. JACKSON, of North Rend, will lenvo for Portlnnd on a visit this week. MRS. A. S. HAMMOND of North Rend lenves for Portland on tlio Breakwater. MR. AND MRS. It, J. ROMBAUOll leavo this week for Portland and other northern points. MRS. M. L. JONES, or Ilnndon, will leavo this week for Portland on n vlslc. O. A. AND RAY DOWER,1 of Dnhdon, expect to lenvo this week for Port land. A. M. DRAKE loft on tho stngo to day for Drain on routo to Port lnnd. G. W. GOODWIN lenves for tho Rose City on biiBlncsfl tho Inst of tho week " AND MRS. J. A. NEWTON, of gJJ1I,' ,eBV0 Snt,m,n' for Vari' land. T , ;UMf,P . Mnrnhnni.i inf mi ' '' Ullll'l' ' MarHllllOIU left Oil tho morning trniu for Myrtle Point today. " JR of Cn"!" JSIT! J10, n8t,of n, w ou n vls,t to V!,h niiir impii vunq ' nr mini MI18. UM.II-. Itll IIAKI), Or Slim- ( noFi ,R v,g,UllB rron,B Mnrsh- M0,iV?,!r,q n v u viitnn .ml M,'AN.f.2' 5m "E ","? two children will lenvo Saturday for Portlnnd. MR. AND MRS. C. A. MEADE of Ilnndon lenvo this week for Port land on n visit. MAI1EL .CHAN of North Bond leaves or Port and this week on nn ox- tended stny. GEORGE LAIRD, of Bnndon, lnnvoa for Portlnnd on business tho last , ,?' wt?S:I,I1 . . , I'KO HOLLI8TER expects to leavo "! week for Portland and other north roat cities. HERMAN JACOBS expects to lion passongor for Portland on the Brenkwntor Saturday, MRS. J. W. UMBTATTI) nnd son, Rny, arrived lioro todny from onst- urn Orogon to Join Mr. Umstnttd. MRS. M. It. BROWN oxpectH to bo n nasHongor on tho Broakwator Saturday for Portland, MRS. BANGETER nnd dnuglitor, Ir- ono, loavo for Portlnnd this wook on an extended visit, MRS. L. G. MASTERS was n paa- sengor on tho Sunrise from Sum- nor to Mnrshflold todny. MRS. A. J. M'DONALD and hnby, of Myrtlo Point, will lonvo for Port land this weok via Coos Rny, W. D. CHASTIN wns enddnd to Ms homo nt Rosoburg today on ac count of tho sudden Illness of his son. R. A. LIVING, not related lit any way to 11. C. of, lenves this wook for Portland to see how Living's thoro. W. E. WIIITEAOLI3, the nctor who moves In tho "movies" leaves for Portland on tho Broakwator Sat- unlay. CAPTAIN EDGAR SIMPSON and Sunt. L. F. Pnlkniisteln woro passongors on tho morning train for Coqulllo today, MRS. M. J. HAUSELL, daughter of Rov. nnd Mrs. Snmuul Gregg, nr- rlvod on tho ttrenkwator from Portland for an extended visit, MRS. A. T. RAINES has returned from an oxtondod visit with friends In Cnllfornln. That's tho cnuso of A. T.'s smllo, nnd not the woathor. MRS. EI) MOELLER and hnby aro spending n few days with rola Uvea in Coqulllo, whllo Mr. Moollor is making a trip along tho lowor river. J. A. SMITH, manngor of tho Rlvor ton mines, returned from San Francisco overland, whore ho has r HOT WEATHER OK COOS BAY Thermometer Registered 80 Noon Previous Hottest Maich Day. , HI THIS AFTERNOON. At 2:30 this afternoon tho maximum temperature, had In creased to 81, nccordlug to tho Government thermometer. Sovornl thermometers around town showed higher tempera tures, Bonio recording ns high as 92. Today Is one of tho hottest March dnys Mint Coos Uay has ovor known. At 12 o'clock tho Government ther mometer registered 80 In tho shade. Yesterday, some thought, was wnrmor, hut tho Govommont thor mometor showcu that It wns four degrees cooler, tho maximum tom pernturo being 7G. Mnrch 7, 1905, tho mercury rench 8G, but at nb other time on Coos liny hns It over boon closo to eighty, nccordlug to B. B. Ostllnd, tho local U. S. Woathor Observer. HOT IN SAN F1LYNCI8CO. SAN FRANCISCO, March 19. "Hottest day in Mnrch slnco the Snn Francisco woathor bureau wna established," tuild tho weather ninn. Tho offlclnl thormomotor registered 80,5 dogrooB, which Is half n do groo wnrmor than tho provlous rec ord of March 7, 181)2. Ou the streets, some thcrmomoterB register ed 90 degrees. SOCIAL CALENDAR THURSDAY. Mrs. Irn B. Bnrtlo's fnrowoll party for Mrs. It. J. Coko. North Bond Llbrnry Associa tion meets nt tho library. Social Sowing Club with Mrs. D. J. Roes. Mlnnlc-Wls with Mrs. W. II. Porklns. A. N. W. Club with Mrs. F. E. Allen. Thursday Club evening social at J. W. Mltcholl home. FRIDAY. Excelsior Club party with Howard Kelloy. Skcnnsa Club with Mrs. W. Laiigu'orthy. Past Matrons Bt. Patrick's Party at Mrs. Fluolln Tumor's homo, Norwegian Luthornn Young People's soclnl nt church pnrlors with Miss Mnbol Mathlson nnd A. Anderson In chnrgo of pro gram. Ladles' Art Club with MrB. I. M, Condron, been arranging for tho anlo of Rlverton canl. II. NERDRUM, of tho Coos Rny Pulp & Pnpor company, lonves Saturday for Portland on business. Ho may visit tl e pnpor mills In Oregon City; before returning. FRANK GRANT and his brother, Eugeno, returned today from Port land, whoro thoy wero called by tho accidental drowning of their brothor, Mlko Grant, formerly with tho SinUh-PoworB company, C. A. DANO and wlfo arrived hore from Portland today on route to Ramlon to rlslt tholr daughter. Mrs. Maglll, whoso little son died Inst wook following an operation for throat trouble J, It. KIEOLER waB a passenger orf tho lnungch Gnago todny for Drain, whoro ho will trnnaart certain business mnttors, after which ho will go to Snn Fran cisco. L, 11. LARSON will lonvo soon far Ten Mllo whero he Is planning to put In u gonoral merchandise storo. Ho Is ni oxporloncod mor cliint nnd hnubeen assisting In conducting spoclnl sales in thla n-tlon for somo tlmo. MISS VERA DINDINGER, of Port lnnd, nrj-lvod hero todny for an ex- tonueu viBit ni mo uomo or nor aunt, Mrs. Hydo. nnd with other relatives on tho Bay, Sho Is Juat, recuperating from nn operation. Sho spout part of last summer oiy tho Bay. C. S. M'CULLOCH. of Bnndon, cai- dldato for county survoyor at rife Ropubllcan primaries, la a Marai flol visitor today looking aftor 1(1 a political fences, Mr. McCullooh, says ho has beon receiving much oucoiirngomcnt In all sections for his candidacy. J. K, SCHILLING wns horo from Co qulllo last night on business, H roportH ovorythlng booming there. Ho feurs that tho proposed bond Issue will not carry, owing to the plan to scatter tho nionoy Anil thinks that a campnlgn should )x started to oducato the people oC tho county on tho best system to be followed. should bo worn by those desiring straight shoulders and figure, with a good lung capacity. The THUFOHM has beon proved to h tho most scientific raako on th market. Wo nro solo agents foj this shoulder brace, THE LEADING DRUG STORE ?X 1 ' ti fey i-k RH 4 i9 Jt i r South 2nd st. i.J A r