JEmXm m !&. . m r THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1914 EVEWINQ EDITION. " , 'SWWMHWwl MNMMVWBMMlMMttfiEM V 4 ifrV t . 0 ' tv F 1 w 'i. To Be Healthy One Must Perspire ! If you do not porspiro, tlio pores of tlio Bkln clog. In this condition you nro render ed unhealthy. Ordinary tub baths havo no effect upon cleansing tho pores of tlio okln henco tho RUSSIAN STEAM BATHS which nro now offorcd for your boncflt and relief. Wo havo InBtnllod an excellent sys tem of Russlin and Turkish Baths, which nro the finest In every respect. Physicians rcc-, ommond a Ruoslnn Steam Bath at least once a month. You aro Invited to call and In poet our now nnd up-to-dato system of modern bathing at the RUSSIAN STEAM BATHS Bunker Hill. Tnko "Whlto Star Auto to Dunkor Hill. Gontlomon on Fri day and Saturday from 2 p. m. to 12 m., and on Sunday from 8 a. rn., to 12 m. LadleB and families from 2 p. m. to 12 m. on Thursdays. Telehono 388-L. ' CITY AUTO AND TAXI SERVICE A now taxlcab hns boon added tt my auto Borvlco. Caroful drivori Will go anywhoro at nny tlrno. Stanc Blanco Cigar Storo. Day phono, 78 Night phono 180-X. TOM GOODATiE. Proprietor. la our now location, we are ei socially prepared to eator to fmll trade. Regular meals or short or dors. Open dy id nljrht. MEROIIANV'S OAFE. Broadway b1 Commercial Mflo FAMTLY DINNERS Pictures framing Walker Studio T. J. flCAIFE A. II. IIODGINP Marchfiplri lAINT AND iviarsnTiem decorating co. Estimates Furnished. Phono UDD-J. Mnrslillfld. Oregon. WHITE GLOVES CLEANED Full Dross Suits to Rent UNIQUE PANTATORIUM .TAY DOYLE C. O. DAfiOETT 280 Central Ave. IMiono HfJO-X ''r 20 Commutation 20 Tickets $2.00 Mm hli field-North llcnd Auto Lino Cnrs every ten minutes from (I u. in to 12:C0 p. in. COHHT & KINO. Props. EDISON'S LATEST A atorHgo buttery that continual over t'hurgliig will not hnnii. DOES NOT CORRODE AT TERMINALS. CONTAINS NO ACID. Will not Ioho Its clinrgo while standing Idle. IS GUARANTEED FIVE YEARS Coos Bay WiringCo. 103 Broadway. AgetxtH for Port of Coos Bay. South Coos River Boats Express leavwi Marshflold for heud of river nt 8 a. m., re turning in evening, Steamer Rulubow Itjives head of river at 7 a. m. and returning leaves Marsbtleia at 2 p. m. ROGERS & SMITH. LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title Trust Co. Abstracts, thoroughly dependable, Ini luedluto service, prompt atten tion to all interests of our cllentf. Minimum cost. I. S. Kaufman (8b Co. OUR ELEGANT LINES OF NEW SPRING GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT S. S. JENNINGS NORTH nEND Have your job printing done at Stop Here fdr Bargains in granilewaro, glasswnl'd, chinawire, alum inum ware and notions, Oui' Mitlinei'y Department is worth yom inspection Smith's Variety Store NOBTH BEND TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oh'ver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. donning, repairing or new platens,' work guaranteed. Ribbons and enrbon paper delivered. I'll one ua your order. Phono 41. Alliance office, TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HENRY 8KNQSTACKKN, Manager FARM, COAL, TIMBEfl AND FLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS EASTSIDE MARSHFIELD OFFICE, pnONE M-J. COQUILLE CITY OFFICE PHONE 101. A Check Account With this bankiU add System to your business affairs And BTfltem nieatiB Increased businoss, decreased expense, In creased efficiency, solf confidence aatl reliance Your return chocks, cancelled by tho bank wbon paid, are a com ploto record of your money dlsbursomunts. Tlila bank invites your account. .. , , The First National Bank Of Coos Bay Statement of Condition ' fiM OF FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANKS r ' of Marshfield nnd Myrtla Point, Oregon, l nt Hie clone of business March -I, 101-1 ReBourcoi, Loans and discounts $099,512.77 Banking Houses 61,493.17 Cash and Sight Exchange 211,793.25 Total ..$072,801.10 Liabilities. Capital Block Paid In 75,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profit 69,034.64 Deposits , 828,109.55 Total '. ..$072,804.10 We Still Have Some Seed Potatoes of tlio 1CARLY ItF.D ROSE and REAUTY OF HEBRON vnrlctles, no If you nro In need of any, coma In Mild soo us. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House 130 North Nronrtinny. Wb Im lune n lino of gai'deii pi let's on hcetl groin. C. A. Smith Lutaber & Mfg. Co. tttKTAIL DEPARTMENT LUM11KR, LATH, BIIENGLHfl, MOULDINGS, BASII AND DOORS, HOOFING PAPER, ETC. CDT THE FUEL BULL IN TWO DY USING OUR WOOD. PHONE 100. 188 SOUTH BROADWAY A VISIT to any good always a plasant ers of THE TIMES advertisements learn WHEN such visits are MOST PROFITABLE. Phone a04-J. (.cods. Call in mid get our store at any time is experience. -But read GUILD GIVES GIG PROGflAM MARSHFIELD EPISCOPAL LA DIES WILL PRESENT C. R. M CALLHY, NOTED ENTERTAIN Kit, AT UENEPIT PERFORM ANCE MARCH 23. Tho Mnrahflold Episcopal Guild hns arranged for a benefit show to bo given nt tlio Masonic Oporn Houbo March 23. They have se cured C. It. McCalley, n noted rond or, monologuo artist nnd violinist. Ho w1I bo assisted by Mrs. Vm. Horsfnll, Jr., who will accompany him on a Thomas plnno. Tho reserved seat snlo will open at tho Dusy Comer tomorrow. Tho tlckots nro 25 nnd 50 cents. Every ono who wishes to sco n good enter tainment should attend and nsBlBt n worthy cnuso. HARLAN IB CHAIRMAN Succeed Kduiird E. Clnrk hh Head Intcrstiitc Coiuuicrco Commission (Dr Aiaotlited rrns to Cool Bur TlmM.J WASHINGTON, D. C, March 18. Tho Intorstnto Commcrco Com mission today elected Commissioner James S. Hnrlnn, chalrmnn, In suc cession to Edward E. Clark. Harlan nBsumcd his duties nt onco. Well-Known Loenl Druggist Knjs Everybody Is UhIiir Old-tlmc Hoc- l(io of Hugo Ten nnd Sulphur. Hair Hint loses Its color and tun tro. or when it fades, turns gray, dull nnd llfolcss, Is caused by a lack of sulphur In tho hair. Our grandmother nintlo up n mlxturo of Sngo Tea and Sulphur to keep lior locks dnrk and beautiful, nnd thou sands of women and mon who value that oven color, that beautiful dark shade of hair which Is bo attractive, us' only this old-tlmo reclpo. Nowadays wo got this famous mlxturo by asking at nny drug store Btoro for n no-cant bottlo of "Wy oth's Sngo and Sulphur Ilnlr Rem edy," which darkens tho hair so naturally, so ovonly, that nobody ran possibly tell ft has boon applied. llcsldis, It tnlcus off dandruff, stops scalp Itching and railing hair. You just dampen n spougo or soft brush with It nnd draw this through your hair, taking ono small strand nt a tlnio. Ily morning tho gray hair disappears; but what delights tho ladles with Wyoth's Sago nnd Sul phur Is that, bcsldos beautifully darkening tho hair after n few ap plications, It also brings back the gloss nnd Ml tro nnd gives It an np pearanru of abundance TIME TARLE Willamette - Pacific Motor Car FEW FOLKS HAVE GRAY HAIR NOW Invo Mnrslifleld Icnvo North Rend 0:30 a. m. SMC a. m. 7:00 n. in. 7:1C a. rn. 8:00 a. n. 8:15 a. m. 9:00 a. in. 9:15 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 10:16 a. m. 10:30 a. m. 10:45 a, in. 11:00 a. in. 11:15 a. m. 11:30 a. in. 11:45 a. m. 12:30 a. m. 12:45 p. m. 1:00 p. ui. 1:15 p. m. 1:30 p. m. 1:45 p. m. 2:00 p. rn. 2:15 p. m. 2:30 p. m. 2:45 p. in. 3:00 p. in. 3.15 p. m. 3:30 p. in. 3:45 p. m. 4:00 p. m. 4:15 p. m. 4:30 p. m. 4:45 p. m. 5:00 p. m. C:15 p. m. 6:30 p. m. 5:46 p. in. C:00 p. in. 6:15 p. m. 6:30 p. in. 6:45 p. in. 7:00 p. ra. 7:15 p. in. 7:30 p. m. 7:45 p. rn. 8:00 p. in. 8:15 p. xa 9:00 p. m. 9:15 p, tn. 10:00 p. m. 10:16 p. m. Saturdays only. Saturdays only 11:06 p. m. 11:15 p. ra. 12:00 in. 12:15 a. m. Send Your Laundry to Us By Parcel Post WE FURNISH A BAQ AND WILL PAY THE POSTAGE ON ITS RETURN. Coos Bay Steam Laundry Phone 57-J Marshfielri YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Four good cars with, careful drivers. For day service, phono 111 -J, Rliiuco Hlllnrd Parlors. For night service, Phono SOO-L Right Cafe. D. L. F00TE. NO SAW EDGES on YOUR COLLARS If you hnvo thom laundered at TWIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRY REPORT IDE ON MINERALS Prof. Diller Compiles New Vol ume on Southwestern Oregon Mines WASHINGTON, D. O., March 18 Southwestern Orogon hnB long been known for Its widespread and vnrleli in I n oral resources, among which gold, silver, copper, platinum nnd coal arc tho moBt Important. They hnvo been tho BUbJect of Investigation for n number of years by J. S. Diller, of tho United StntcB Geological Sur vey, nnd the results have Just been published In Dulletln 510. Tho gold rush of '49 landed ninny n prospector In southwestern Oregon. Placers wero oponod nnd placer min ing hns ever bIiico continued to be n thriving branch of tnlnnrnl Itulimtrv 1 The gold produced In south western Oregon beroro 1881 uan not bo, very closely estimated, but It was many millions of dollars, whllo from 18S1 to 1912 Inclusive the production or gold hns been $11,257,772, During tho ton years 1902 to 1812 Inclusive tho placer mines produced $2,011,715 nnd tho lode mines $1,D2.'I,22G. He sides tho gold and a considerable amount of copper tho production of silver during tho sttino period was vnluodi nt $GU,3S, of platinum $1G, 293, nnd of conl$2,002,122. Tho gold of tho bedrock Bodes In tho Klniunth Mountains, which In cludo tho Siskiyou nnd Salmon moun tains, was doposltcd In veins nnd pockets In connection with tho up heaval of tho mountains nt tho close of tho Jurassic geologic period. Ever since then the disintegration and er osion of theso rocks has furnished tho gold for tho auriferous gravols. Tho encircling benches of tho an cient "Siskiyou Island," which was surrounded by the early Cretaceous sea, contain tho oldest nurlforoiis gravols, now mluod at tho Forty-nine nnd othor mines, from Arhucklo In California to Waldo in Oregon. Tho ocenn waves, nldcd by tho land streams, washed nway tho moun tains nnd by long, (loop wenthorlng of tho gold-volned rocks freed the gold for concentration by stream ac tion Into n sorles of auriferous basins from Gold Ilnslu, 1000 foot nbovo the sea, and tho much 'Inter and lower "old channels" to those of tho prcH cnt stream bars. Bulletin 5 If; Ib ropleto with Illus trations nnd mnps showing tho loca tion of nil tho principal mines nnd prospects In southwestern Oregon. It may ho obtained frco by application to tho Director of the Geologlcnl Sur vey, Washington, D, C. WOMEN IN DRESS" VIC TIMS OF MILL CONSPIRACY NI3W YORK. March 18. "If n woman can't button1 her own dress, sho shouldn't vote. How would wo man, who Is tho Blnvo of tho powder box, trcnt- tho freedom of tho ballot box?" Thoso nro questions put by Miss N'lna WUcox Putnam, fomlnlst. Miss Putnam hns Her own Ideas on dress, nnd thinks "Women of today aro tho unknowing victims of n lingo, carefully organlzod nartorlal conspir acy. Textllo mill owners, designers and manufacturers I nro banded to gether In control of 'fashion,' and bo foro a garment has como to n stato of dtsuso, a radically now modol nnd material Is prosontcd which will inako tho old ono look ridiculous by comparison and tboymust spond mon oy which in many, ininuy cases they cannot Bpnro. I do not urgo women to ndopt my stylo of 'dress," continued this llttlo woman, ''but tx) hnvo tho ccurago to follow Uior own Ideas." Miss Putnam's costumo, at tho time of this Intorvlow, consisted! of a skirt nnd boloro of brown woolen stuff, with a bodlco of figured yollow slllt, with apparently no fnstonlugs othor than a quaint old brooch, Thoro was nolthor bolt nor collar. "I don't llko to bother with buttons or hooks and eyes," sho explained, "so my costumes aro made to slip onver my head nnd to stay on without artifi cial fastenings." Tho general effect waB of textiles draped to an uncor seted figure. Rut 'then, as sho con cluded: "Ono should bo ablo to wear what ono pleases, Mvlthout coercion or tho Importinonco of criticism from Bomcono whoso Justus happen to differ." HUIUIARD'S INBW PLAN Elbert Hubbard) of tho Roycroft ers, has wrltton a communication to tho Marshflold Chambor of Com merco asking that tho nameB of tho actlvo membership bo forwarded to him In ordor that ho may send a pamphlet to thom which, according to his letter, purports to bo regard ing the strings that aro hold by tho National Government on tho prog ress of tho country. An Appeal to Women You know tho terrible- affliction that comes to many homes from the result of a drinking husband or son. You know of tho money wast ed on "Drink" Hint Is needed In tho homo to purchaso food and clothing. OHItlNE has saved thous ands of drinking men. It Is a honu treatment nnd can be given secretly. Your money will be refunded If, af ter a trial, It has failed to benefit. Costs only $1.00 n box. Come In nnd got a free booklet nnd let us tell you of the -good ORRINE Is doing. Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposite Chandler Hotel. Phone 74. THE COOS HOTEL Formerly of Marshfield WASHINGTON AVENUE STADDEN STREET NORTn REND O. A. Metlln, Prop, News Fi Nea: ?H Hn,.... '! OP rtows of m.., ..,.Uj, .Si or In ti10 ,'. ".',I tr Mrs. Willi;! l ....l.Tl"l ' (O "ccompanled m ? "-I guest here le!ltli Ocorgo Cox hn . tract to zSTlVHH Btriictlonofthei.."' Wlow. on Prani ft Amone tho m.. "( fted In thlftSft moilern bunwlo. . " a? ' aa Stanlcv nniu. tno Dollar lumL'' !,n-. or $850 & for his loss 0( ,, w.t Inst summer. ' k cii-INKSAtJC t'npl. Wlrcn CbUTJI Inr Ci.i Tho Ilamlon WorUiL. ylrcn of the Irtrt.?. nlnrnn !.. w.? " Inndscanonbniiiiv.... plncoslnco a portion S Iwnnn lli iiJvil. "" ilL'liri) linn 1,aa ..i . Tho ever ahlftlnr uUj ocean aro being ik O.......UU, iiiung tpuij Inrgo bend ln the r!rv point opposite the rw wharf and the llriiioJ ii inuiuiinu moreetttjt Ing tho channel Mill-; bar. At present Mr, lm uueci ii ucnenciiiuin after the elbow ihmldfi, snotiid cntlrelr fill. It hi as to what the rrmlii tho current will proits iu carry out me mi vi, chniiRo will not be defin SALEM. Georn 1 ItosoburR. District 1 Douglas Count;, butt J laratlon of cnndldiry Ccl piiDitran nonUnitlog he i General of Oregon. m nts o. Tin: mm MIIS. ff. II Long years of lore nil been, Hut now a desolttn A llttlo mound npoiuill with flowers stren, i doth fill. With sad remorse ui I Wo no'cr shall meet cm The silent sleeper tunN A Heavenly home teii The aged husniM khm With but Ood'i proBWi As o'er that little oouO Tls rest sweet rtstUml! -I I Marshfield, March IT, 1D Political Annci - - roit COUNTY I As a UepuMlcu.l (nation at the PrlBUjJJI May 15 for me w" If i am nomloiteJ ijlij ...III .liirtnr niT tern form all Its rwlwrtj ties promptly, eipr prejudlco and consisieni wu llovlngtriatiwa"'' . nnvnr nd mSIt solf. I want your i j xssousa I hereby M"0" ing primary eltlolft!; AKSP?SI2 I have wea w.j ,nlate for renomlt of County Commiiw- licnn uck. r. , UbW,pt vnn I Hereby ,J candidate Deno Sheriff. onJbeBr economical m"n ance that all las ,.i will te accorW ? I desire to aw S.V.!J n the prlrnarlM i w tor the office w w I advoca'8 '. t lion "i -- VirBce; ww f saga TP?J OKBKKP.ItunUl IN . .r: an yw.3i wo recommen yj as a rc- ,i,.a , ing the ""BdM, rtitlon and ?!", f I 'ipr . oi sr w.. n Cow',' p.attK u w-- Hptel, Hptei:,Pl0,' TAI- ivvoi'XCD?! DrHK BKP and 1.0 TOO 1IB1US U1IICO.