fuM '..' '" ? WJ STVjCJ jrppwir THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 16, 1914 EVENING EDITION. FIVE fWFCT v pt ' Jla&ctMU JfyjERlT must bo recognized. The easiest way to recog nize it is to see it. and to know it when you see it you look or sonic identifying mark. That's the way it is with "Mnl lory" Omvenetted Hats We know how good they are and ean tell you all about them, but in order that you mav know niid recognize them, they put their trade mark in the lint. You can't go wrong in buying a "Mallory" Crav- hictted Hat. NO ACTIOX TAKKX BANDON, Or., March 1C it vns niinouncocl that no final action was taken nt tho meet ing of tho stockholders of tho Bnndon Woolen Mill Company on the proposition to movo It to Lasts do. R. 13. L. llcdllllon was In San Francisco and 13. Dyor hold his proxy at tho meeting. Hunker Kill Trouble Mrs. Simp- son, of Blinker Hill, telephoned to tho police today nsking them to come out and got a stranger who was both ring around their place. vuiuiuuic tm .wns senc out, HAX1) l)AXC13MARCll' 17. tpsp DKLV LO Changes Position. Leo Byerly, who has been employed at Sacchl's friends. Ho returned on thb Sun- riso today. milk dopot for tho past year, has . Ann qprnnvi) ,hi i,. . rescued tn nkn n t.nlin.i wm, i,iA' ADEL.SPERGLR will leave to- aumner Hardwnro Company. Tll)i:S FOR MAItCII WANT ADS. Outing "t Jinke.slde. Al Mondol, F. A. Lalse, Churlcs Stnuff and Fred Kruso Journeyed to North In- l let for n weok-ond Saturday, return Mfc, uu UIU ilUI ill onir lUUlty. Change raving. Tho Southorn Pacific Is planning to ralso Its track across Central avonuo about rtnlmv la irivn n, (i.. .i four luchcB. which wilt rcntilre con- height of hlch and low water nt Bjdernblo of tho hard paving to bo Mnrshfleld. . changed. Tho tides are placed In tho order' -l CiUrli. "Doc." 8lnclalr nnd of occurronco, with tholr times on Mrs. Sinclair enjoyed splendid luck, tho first lino and heights on tho catching 28 fish on n trip to Coos second line of each dav: a coinnnr- lUver Sundny. Mr. Sinclair savn lson ou consccutlvo holghts will In- thnt the fish are biting good for uicaio wncuicr u is nigh or low tins season. Wnter. For hlch wnter on Mm linrl 1N.U. I.....I.... n..i -........ o...ii SUbfltrnct tWO hours 34 mlniltCS. lis In linnen nf .'.nmiilntlit.r lm ?,n-.l C.27 '11.37 .surfaco nnvtnir on South llromlwav Buy your clothes here and we keep them pressed free of charge. Woolen Mill Store Aitaiikl Specialists "Hon Men and Boys jT00 LATE TO CLASSIFY FOUND Sum nf money. Owner can have samo by npplylng to It. J. Sacchl nt Sacehl's milk dopot, by giving proper description niid am ount nnd paying for this notice. I-Oll Rh.NT Large housekeeping or sleeping room. Phono 320-L, or call 334 North 1st strot. 1C 1'OH SALK Eggs from choice Single Comb Whlto Leghorns. Geo. M. Sells. Phono 138 J, North Ilnnl. FOUND -Piece of while linen. Can bo had at Times office by paying for this ad, FOR ltK.NT Hlm-o on Central nve. Inqulro Tho Gunnery, phono 3 l-J. FOH HI3.T Building l.-ivlOO on Front street. Inqulro nt The Gunnery. Mrs. . 5,19 Ft. . . CO Hi-b. . cor. Ft... 0.3 Hrs. . 0.3-1 Ft... 2.1 Hrs.. l.r.l Ft. . , Hrs., Ft... Hrs., Ft. . . Hrs; , Ft. . . 2.8 3(22 2,8 -I.-1C 2.7 0.20 4.8 ll.r.5 0.2 12.CC 0.0 7.02 CO 8.12 li.G 0.34 C3 10.51 C2 CGI 4.8 7.3C 1.3 2.0-1 0.3 3.10 0.4 4.31 0.4 C32 0.3 11.G4 CI 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 4.2 10.25 4.2 11.35 4.5 0.0 0.0 C22 0.3 WK'" KOSr Tire cliiilu on ronil below Lmplr. Howard for return 'to Tho Gunnery. KOIt KALI-.' Ten hens anil one rncxtt or. Plymouth Hocks. 891 12th st. S. or phono 25I-X. Mme. Sandal CONCERT Masonic Opera Hou-e Wednesday 1T 1 1 Q Evening March o 8:15 P. M; Assisted by Mr. Win. Hm-sfall Jr. Tickets on. salo nt Winkler's Pharmacy. FOH KALE New Furniture for flvo room Iioubo nnd houso for rent. Terms. Ill S. 10th st. FOH SAM3 ltomnl cedar HOOO.gnl. lank, tower nbout 75 ft. high, heavy timbers, 200 foot of pipe with all connection; gns onglno and pump. Will sell together or separately. Apply Kobt. Marsdon, Sr. WEATHER FORECAST tnr AnocUIn rrtm la Coot 111 Tlmn. OREGON Fair; light frost Interior In WoBt and heavy frost In eaBf; light, varlnblo winds. J.UCAI; TEMPERATURE RECORD I For tho 24 hours ondlng nt 4:43 a. m., March 10, by IlonJ. Ostllnd, Hpcclal govornmout nio- ttoroloRlst: Mnxlinuhi 01 Minimum 47 At 4:43 n. m 48 Precipitation 00 Precipitation sluco Sept. 1, 1013 51.09 Precipitation samo period Inst year 40.40 Wind: Northwest, clear.. f to Central avonuo In three days more. Ho had a crew nf men at work Sunday on It. Will (.'e( Aiilo C. W. Montgom ery, or tho Standard Oil Company, t.Ylinrlu in rnmili-n nn nntn ?... Mm I conipnny soon for his use In cover ing this territory. They will prob ably sond n liny nes machine. Vlilt.s Homestead. Wyninn Albco, of tho launch Vega, has ben out at his homestead near South Inlot for tno piiBt week. Mr. Alboo has been doing much Improvement work dur ing tho pnst thrco months on his South lnlot holdings. Appraise Properly. Jas. Watt, tonstnblo Cox and Tom Hall today appraised tho property of Win. llur ghngon at Hunker Hill, to bo worth $2050. Ilurghngon was n former resident noro nnd left n year ago luiiuwiug n rainer sonsationai mat rlmonlal caso. Ho died some time ago ami nis cstnto Is now bolng wound up. OfriclaN Here. Chns. Grnmm, Doputy State Labor Commissioner, Wm. Mnrshnll, of Portland, n mom bor of tho Oregon Compensation Commission, nrrlvod horn tminv rrnm j luoronco. They nro mnklng a trip i.iiinihll mo HIUIO 10 goi in loucu with conditions, gathering Informa tion for tho commission. Thoy will r Puinp Sl.elN.Tho dredge Sonttlo "' c, ,T. l,mo ", lI"8 ,BOCtlon' hnB been numnliiK n laruo ninnim of ; . Hvl,w, !. Secretary Motloy ZidZiMWwlM i"t"$K tTmPihZ1 uu,lr,nten- lias lieon nn Id n.' nil nvnnllnn rill 'unl . """OF tlint tllOro Is 110 Ilinp north of Flrod collont fill Rowing tho location of tho schools norm or Liroa. In Coos County. Mr. Motlev want. WAXT13D KlniMieiirleil woman to caro for two children In own homo. Address with torms nnd other par ticulars, Uox 540, City. Kniiiliow KesuincH. Tim Btcninor ml it fnr ivriioi.... -.... ..'...... ,.. .- . . . -- vi h - 1111 t ui tiDiiit. i iiiin i'iiiiii i v- in Hnlnbow, which has been In dry- tho Oregon nlniniuic, but Mr. linker dock for some time, rosumed her run aald ho whb too busy to proparo on Coos Itlvor todny. .Much work i rfuch n thing. As it would bi very hna been dnno on tho craft nnd her, good advertising Mr. Motloy will try nppenrance will add much to tho bet-1 and got It fixed up. Thoro aro oigiity-Bovca schools In Coos Conn- y. Holt Wlim Honors. Goo. N. Holt da S IRVING BLOCK "fyOUUMl, (ring's Favored Fashions terment of the Coos River boat ser vice Doir Ovei-lHianl. Wllllnin Tlnrren. proprietor of tho Nutwood Saloon, 'ojlay received word that his son, HtnrtOll out with a lnntnm Rmwlnv Lrlc P. Holt, n Htlldont nt Wlllnmnttn KOIt H13.NT Xleely furnlHlicil room, evening In sonrch of his dog that yn vorslty, won first plnco In tho ora- wlth heat, closo in. Knnulro 182 had becomo stranded under tho wharf torlcal contest nt Albany last Friday South 2nd st. In tho roar of Magnos & Matson "'Bht. Tho honor Is a high ono and whllo chasing n cat. Aflor some of- lMo nuWB w' '' most gratifying to fort the dog was romoved. 'I'0 ninny friends, or tho rormer Coiinrll Tonight. Tho Mnrshnold Mnrshllold high school boy who has City Council will moot tonight. It I Jittnlncd many other honorH during is exported that tro contract ror rnls- "i" conogo course. Ing Commorclnl nvonuo will ho n- wnriiou. tho meeting win prouauiy ho dovoted largely to tho Investiga tion as to who was rcsjxHisIblo for tho ehnngo hi grade nt Fourth nnd Golden which left tho crossing too low. j Plans for Fair. II. A. Schroodor. of Myrtlo Point tins been spending a coupio or uayn noro to sneuro adver WAXTKD 2 or il good U'lims to hire ror street grading. Kuqulro of Porhaiu & Uldley at North Ilond. WAXTI3D hl for general house work. 729 South 4th st. HKDIVH cost or living by keeping fow chick ns In your back yard. I have thoroughbred uiiode Island Kod settings for salo. Jens Han sou. Phono 10C-J. WANTED TIMi: lo riv your gardens. PlI do It. Phone 227-L after C p. in. CAHPHNTKU wniils work, V. 1). Q. w. a. a., i.ioyu tioiei. WAXTKI) Conipotent girl nousaworK. I'liono lHs-K. ror II Mn'H nml IVnva TIntn mi.A t Hylcs nnd ns g'ood as tho V-..V u,mu, iuij, OI1U11, lr'. steel gray, dark croon: 1)6 faai'A fnnfT,. l,nn.t ...l.t. . i iT . . ' ' U""U ntlll uow wa de. Soo window this " jtko: ijiU..io t $1.00. 'e ire showing a boautirul (E Af Mnti'n c ni.i... - - .- duii oiiiris, an ..- '"ll Villi. ilUUUllllll ILi W 8Clect from 1r,ces -i v-.xii iiiki 9j,nu. kjj$ll8 Co?ts. Dresses and -... uio nere. It Is no wondor tho gnrments received during tho past weok nro illcltlng such commonts for thoy nro moro benutirul and at tractive than over. Our stock Is now quite com plete and it Is not only a pleasure but a grout satisfaction to bo ablo to select your spring garments from "Tho Parisian's" superb showing, A beautiful stock or Millinery all rrom New York's most fa mous houses. Prlcos rrom $.1.00 up. OUr H (minus. V minmnt ?"". co every urt'clo to lo porroctly sat- FOR SALE VOn 8AL13 GimmI payliiB cafe, ex cellent location, Involco about $2100; will soil ror half Invoice prlco; can bo handled with small cash paymont, or will trado. Own er has othor businoss demanding his nttontion. Seo Held, 150 Front street. Using for tho Myrtlo Point fnlr nro- mlum list. Ho says thnt tho fair will bo better than ever (his year nnd tho management hag doclded to pay all cash prizes ror the competitions In stead of having merchants through out tho county dnnato prizes. hciih itiiHiiiesH. .K, u. Campbell IPEOPbE YQUI PkmowW ABOUT tL ALAN TODD spent Sunday with friends on Coos Itlvcr. JOS. NAY or Coos Itlvor Is n buslnosH visitor In Marshllold todny. has sold his Gnzoot prlntory nnd will MIIS. HAltHRR or North Ilend Is n rotlro Eomo tlmo next month. Ho vlaltor In .MnriihJleld today, plans'to return to his old homo In ,'" O. HALL or Siimnor Ib a businoss morrow for Portland on lniHlneas. F1H3D KltUSB, of Isthmus Inlot, 13 In Mnrshfleld todny on business. AL13X CARLSON, of Lakesldo, Is a business visitor In Marshriold to day. MRS. W. C. RUST returned rrom a visit to Camp 1 on tho North Stnr today. FRANK SMITH, of Isthmus Inlet, Is n business visitor In Mnrsh fleld today. GEO. LENOS, who conducts n bil liard parlor at Coaledo, Is a Marshfleld visitor. A. SI3GI3USTI3N, now nt one or tho Smith-Powers enmps nt Coaledo, Is a Marshflold visitor. MR. AND MRS. JACK HOWRON, of Isthmus Inlet, nro visiting friends In Mnrsnflold today. MR. AND MRS. HURT J01INS13N, or Isthmus Inlot, Journoycd to Mnrshfleld on the Unnsheo today. J. M. NYI3 nrrlvnl horo via Drain todny on ono of his regulnr trips. Ho reports thnt tho road Is vory rough. JAM13S WAGI3S, of South Inlet, Joitrnoyed to Marshriold In tho Btinshliio thnt showered on tho good ship Vegn todny. LOUIS H13NSON, superintendent or Hnusor & Hnuser's construction work, Is n business visitor In Marshrield from Lnkesldo today. HURT DOR13MUS roturnod rrom n business visit to Portland todny. Mr. Dorcmiis reports business con ditions gonorally Improved on tho outside. JUDGI3 JOHN F. HALL will Icnvo tomorrow Tor tho Sluslnw to pay his orriclnl visits to tho Odd Fol low lodges In thnt section ns Dis trict noputy. AIR. AND MRS. CONRAD LAPP nnd Mrs. Milton Hlllott, returned todny on tho Vega rrom a visit to tho homo or Mrs. Klllott at South Inlot. P13TI3R MI3NNI30AT, or Lakeside, Is In Marshflold today on business. Mr. Mcniicgnt reports a general nctlvlty Among tho tanners atone North Inlot. RAY PINKI3RTON. of North Inlot. Is n businoss visitor In Mnrshriohl today. Mr. Plnkrton roporta general activity among tho rail road camps. ARCHIE JOHNSTON roturnod todny from n trip to Floronco nnd reports thoro Is much nctlvlty thoro. A big force Is now nt work on the tunnel across rroin Acmo. VF.RNON I1ARKI3R roturncd horo Snturday on tho Alliance rrom Eu roka, whoro ho has recently been hnvlng nomo docldodly unpleasant oxporlonccB with tho government officials. DON GARDINI3R nrrlvod nt tho do pot today Just as tho morning train wnB leaving for tho vnlloy. Ho barely mndo connections, oven though ho had sacrificed his moue taeho. FOY COX and Wm. Onrrott or Smith Powers Camp 1 spent Sundny horo, Mr. Cox coming down to pay liln tnxos on his Allegany rnnch nml Mr. Onrrott lo soo whothor the rnll road had sllppod In unannounced since their last visit. O. 8I3VI3R80N, tho Ton Mllo hotol keeper, wnH a Marshllold business visitor Saturday. Ho has tho honor of hnvlng ono or tho finest hotola fo bo round nnywhoro In Oregon nnd by rnr tho finest to bo round In n plnco tho slzo or tho ono whoro ho Is locntod, Tho rnllrond activity Is making Ten Mllo moat prosperous. Times Want ads bring rosulta. k a now location, probably In Cal- '" ;?.Vo.(!m:, "ml "nndon. rnln. The names or tho purchns- Jh.NS, HAN8LN loft on tho morning of tho Gazoot nro not given out, !?'" for Myrtlo Point todny. It wns roported that another OLOnQK GLTTING spent tho week FOR SAL13 OOO feet. iMncli steel iracK, "U" snapou, suitauio ror creamery or ranch, call at Stand ard Oil Warehouse ror prlco. Abstracts, Real Estate. lre and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. IIRVRV OffvniminirDV ir...... 1 . ! jnuuupvr ' C0AL TLMnUR AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIAWY. ORVRIMT, ini.'V'rra dioiiiid J.ViHHFIELD OFFICE, PHONE 4-J. tOQUILLE CITY OFFICE PHONE 101. wns. . P. HIHARQEU jl-ln . aeZ.i,.i m ''"ules' Tallor- rices reasonable ret Magnes & Matson Store l'lioi o 218-J. 8? YSU80 'jOTHERED WITH ,.' l 80, VOll in .l..-l...... . ,)at. AnV " .Jru Dt-nc '. sourca "fconno11 bWg-. rf0chineefeefta Permanent 158-R PHONE 10 Cent Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY Along the Waterfront. I 4 4 . .The Ahwanda took a load or coal rrom Rlverton to Newport last week. BAND DANCE MARCH 17. Times Want ads bring results. FOR BALI': General incrtliauAlso Btoro located In a prosperous sec tion or Southwest Oregon nnd do ing good business, Store carries about $5000 stock. Good reasons ror soiling. Correspond direct with ownor. No agents. Splendid op portunity for right party who has tho cuhIi. Address "Good Chance," caro Times. STHAWUKHRIES from Juno to No vember, largo and luscious. Plants ror salo by R. A. Cortholl, Bay rark. Place ordors early. Phono 3171. FOR SALE Gasoline launch. In quire W. Owen, Owl Saloon. FOR SALE Plymouth Place poul try yards, A, E, Jensou, FOR SALE Plymouth Hock eggs, $1.50 per setting, from tho best stock In tho county. Will replace all Infertile eggs frto. Chas. Barrett, Bangor, FOR RALE nt n bargain, SO into in Reynolds First Addition, well im proved, house and barn, G doz. chickens, 3 milch cows, span of 1400-lb. horses, harness and wag on; In fine shape for celory: GO rino rrult trees, 2 yrs. old. J. E. Fitzgtrald, or como and see. FOR RENT FOR RENT Piano, North Bond. Bert Hush, FOR RENT Furnlhlied house; O rooms; call at Lloyd Hotel, 363 South Forth street. wiaonniiin rnr n vi.it ...in, i.iu ,imiii. visitor in Aiarsiitiold today. tor and other relntlves nnd will thon MAYOR F. 13. ALLI3N loft this niorn- sook a now ocat on. nrobnb v In Cal- " k ,or "nuiuo nnu linnuon norma. era lint nrlnMni fnnrnrn nn fVinR Tlnv hnil Olid at Sllllllior Visiting frlOlldS absorbed It. ins. ? I'ATKHSON of Coos River llewiira of Dogs. A prominent 'a shopping In Marshllold today. Marshriold physician remnrked to- J. M. CULLBY or Catching Inlot is a day that Marshflold dogs aro Btif- business visitor in Marshllold to forlnir rrom an oiildemlo or dlstom- day. per ami that the modlcnl profession D. L McCleo left this morning ror has noted that Infantile paralysis Ilandon, whoro ho .will call on the often exists nt tho samo tlmo, whllo trado. tho doctors hnvo not boon able to JOHN KENDALL has returned rrom discover tho cnuso or tho two ills- n two weeks' trip to Curry county tasoa, ho thinks It would bo a wlso points. precaution, ror paronta to keep chll- RUDOLPH MATSON or Sumner Is dron nnd dogs npart whllo this epl-' In Marshflold on a business orrnnd domic Is on. I todny. Plant Holland Grat.n. Roy Ro- HARRY IHJLTMAN IoU on tho niom zollo, now In charge or the govern-1 lng train ror Conulllo and Ilandon mom nnruor work noro and on tho todny. Conulllo,. nnd wife, huvo moved from FRANK G. HORTON wns a passangor Ilandon to Empire Mr. Rozollo will on tho morning train ror Couutllo have chargo or planting another trnct today. or about rorty acrea on tho north spit FRANK CATTERLIN was a passon to Holland grass, the growth or which ' Bor on the morning train ror Ban has boon round to bo very offoctlvo don todny. In preventing tho wind shifting tho JAMES WATSON, candidate for sands and damaging the channel. county Judge, was a visitor In the Mr. Rozollo Is an expert in this kind i city Sunday, of work. SENATOR I. 8. SMITH was a pns- Miuiy At Dnnce. A largo assem-l songer on tho morning train for bingo was on hand at tho dance given I Coqulllo today, by the Sumner Hall Association nt , JULIUS KRUSE of Isthmus Iplot was tho Sumner Hall on Saturday even- a passenger on tho BaiiBheo ror Ing. A delegation from Myrtlo Point, I Marshflold today, comprising lour touring cars, Jour-, MISS ELEANOR SELANDER or noyed to the sceno or morriment. A Sumner Is visiting friends In number of tho youngor set of Mnrsh-' Marshfleld today, flold and North Bend also wont up on , WILLIAM MORGAN of Coos River tho Tioga and Alice II. Tho Sum- was a passongor on tho Express nor Hall Association has planned I to Marshflold today, many dances for tho season nnd totE. D. NOONAN roturncd on tho Ex Judge from the attendance at tho: press today from n visit to his Saturday evening gathering, tho re- homo on Cooa River, malnlng ovents will be well attended. JACK CARTER has roturnod from WiiiB HonorH. Dr. A. L. House- Camas Valley, whoro ho was called worth Is In receipt of a letter from I by tho death of his wife, tho Hill Military Academy at Port-jL. E. BL1VEN accompanied Tom land, whoro his nephow, Jesso Dalei Macglnnls to Portland, where ho Frnnvz. Is a student, tolling him of will be placed In an asylum tho scholarship honors won by him He was tno only one In tno sub Freshman class to receive tho "Silver Eagle," a watch charm given cadots as a reward for having maintained an average of over ninety per cent and a monthly deportment avorago or 100. Josbo's average was ninety three per cent and was exceeded by only two dthors. Jesse's many friends CHARLES STAUFF roturnod' from a trip to his homostead at tho Sand Hills on the North Star today MRS. LEVI SMITH of MnrshfloJd spent the week end at Sumner with Mr. nnd MrB. Ernest Smith J. L. Anson, tho big logging opera tor of the Coqulllo Valloy, was a Marshfleld business visitor Satur day will be pleased over tho honors that NORMAN KEATOR of Marshllold he ha won. I spent Sunday at Sumner visiting , There's Nothing Too Good for The Irish Drop Into Sartor's to mojTow and try their luncheons and soda foun tain delicacies and enjoy Emerald Isle specialities served in honor of St. Patrick's Day, IRISH ICEBERGS. SHAMROCK SALAD "PADDY" CAKES IRISH SANDWICHES AND MANY OTHERS Savter's Front Street, Marshfleld. PURIFY Youmr Blood by getting a bottle or Brown's Blood Sarsaparllla, which Is pleas ant nnd ngroeublo to lake, This la tho tlmo or tho year to got your system In shupo by taking a good blood purifier, For salo only at 'THE LEADING DRUG STORE. M Hli JH PJ Tm Iff tE m i