The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 14, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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    I -- to "
Histoiry of StaKidaird! Time
pnvement odoro tho propor time
had elapsed.
To teat tho Btrongth of tlio 4-lneh
concroto hnso, u tost was made oil
a portion of tho hlghwny near Fres
no, whoro tho concroto wns 35 days
old nnd bcforo any wearing surface
was applied. Deforo tho tost was
mndo tho earth was removed under
tho concroto for a width of two
foot and a dlstanco of 1 foot from
tho edgo back. Tho test was made
with a ton-ton roller In which 1-3
of tho load Is on each rear whcol,
tho wheels being 20 inches wide.
In tho first test tho rollor wns
run along tho concroto, Its roni
wlu-ol passing over tho unqupportoJ
concroto 12 lnchpa clear of tho .edge
of tho pavement. Tho second les"
was tho samo ns the first oxdopi
that tho wheel was G Inches from
the edgo of tho pavement. Tl"
tulrd rollor was stopped and Btart
cd with tho rear wheel on tho tin
mipportcd concroto G inches fron.
tho odgo of tho pavemont.
Thoro was no notlcoablo offect op
tho concroto In nny of tho tests.
In the fourth test the whool was
passed over tho unsupported con
croto with Its sldo oven with tin
odgo of tho pnvomont, and In tin
fifth It wns mndo to pass ovor t
block of wood 2x4x8 Inches Intc
fintwlsu 12 Inches from tho odgo o
the pavemont and lengthwise of th
l oiu). A slight deflection wns no
tired In tho fourth and fifth tcsti
,ns tho rollor passed ovor tho opon
Hit;, but tho concroto regained 1
original position immedlatoly nfte
the passing of tho roller. Assum
ing tho weight on tho block of, wooi
was II 1-3 tons, (probnbly about 4
tons OB tho rollor wits londcd wltl
wntor mid wood), tho load In tin
tilth tost wns equivalent to l.GGl
tons per Inch of width of bearing
which would bo tho samo ns a wago;
with 4 wneols with 4-Inch tlrep
carrying a load of 13 tons oquall;
distributed ovor tho four wheels
Tho heaviest lond likely to pnss ove
tho road Is n 20-ton traction engine
Assuming that tho two roar whooli
carry 2-3 of tho weight, each whoe
would carry 13-300 pounds, am
lr tho wheels nro only 24 inchc
vide, tho weight pur Inch of bonrlm
fturfaco would bo GBO pounds po
inch. Thus tho weight used in tin
toct wns more thnn three times n
great per inch of width of tiro ni
tho heaviest load likely to pass ovoi
It. Ah n final test tho block o
wood wns moved within 0 inches o,
tho edgo of tho pnvomont, so that
whou tho rollor whool run up on 1
it overhung tho edgo of tho pave
mont nbout 2 Inches. In this po
sltlon tho combined wolght and tin
Hhock duo to running tho rollei
onto tho block crncked tho pave
A largo portion of tho hlghwnj
has not been covered with tho wear
Ing surface yot, but tho onglncoi
toid mo that tho Commission wa.
m piesunt contemplating tho pun
chnRO of four spraying plnntB, wltl
tho Intention of applying tho wear
Ing Hiirfnco tlioinsolvos Instcnd of b
contract, ns has been dono in tin
past, elnlmlng that they could d
It cheaper and bo absolutely sun
of n good Job, ns this Is a very
particular operation. Thoso planti
will cost nbout $20,000 nplcco, bu'
thoy nro something that tho Com
mission will hnvo to havo nnywa)
to maintain tho wearing surfac
nttor tho roads nro built.
Tho life of tho wearing surface
is not at nil cortaln, but dopondi
upon tho maniior In which it Is np
piled, and tho quality of tho oil. '
saw soma portions that wore flak
Ing oft already after a uso of lesi
than n year, but this was on the
condomned portions boforo roferred
to, whllo I Inspected othor portion?
that hnvo lu en In uso nearly n yom
nnd from a closo inspection, soom
to bo just ns good as whou applied
when tho road wns constructed.
Portions of tho highway have
boon subjected to tho most sovor
climatic conditions that havo occur
red in California in half a century,
being twlco inundated by flood wat
ers during tho present winter, nnd.
ns fnr na ono enn soe, appear to be
in tho sniuo condition us bofore
with tho oxcoptlon that In some
places tho earth shoulders have
been washed nway, leaving the
edges of tho concroto oxponod nnd
Tho Commission has established
n laboratory for testing all mnterlul
that go to mnko tho rond nnd nny
mntorla that does not conio up to
their standard is rojceied.
In conclusion I wish to say that
I took great pains to enquire Into
nnd oxnmluo into nil of tho elements
of construction, nnd spared mysolf
no oxponso in oxnmlning tho differ
ent portions of tho road, nnd my
judgment Is that wo would make
no inlstnko In adopting a similar
typo of construction for our own
roads, as I think that tho knowledge
gained In California by actual ex
perience In tho most modorn moth
ods of road construction should be
ol groat bouuflt to us or nny other
The highway englneor in chnrgo
13 acknowledged to bo ono of the
lost hlghwny engineers In tho world,
nnd in this great undertaking I
think tho stuto Is to ho congratulat
ed upon tho acquisition of such n
Respectfully submitted,
County Surveyor, Coos County,
Oregon, Dated March 4, 1914,
JuBt thirty yoars ago today, tho
United States Congress first of
ficially recognized tho proBcnt
system of Standard Timo by adopt
ing It for tho DUtrlct of Columbia.
Tho first to propose that time
should bo governed by mcrldlaiiB
one hour npart is said to havo
been Charles P. Dowd, prmcipnl of
a young women's school nt Sara
toga, N. Y who sketched numer
ous schemes prior to 1882. Tho
plan taken up by tho railroads tho
following year, however, wns
drawn by William F. Allen, sec
retary of tho aonernl Time Con
vention. Previously thoro had
been so many different stnndnrdB
of tlmo In tho United States that
a traveler's watch had to bo resot
3omo fifty times In a trip across
tho continent If ho desired to bo
correct. For yenrs It had been
?ald tho problem was past solution.
Todny all cloekB all ovor tho
United States nro ticking off tho
seconds nlmost In perfect unison.
Somo thirty nations havo followed
tho lead, taken by tho United States
by computing stnndnrd tlmo by me
ridians ono hour apart. In this
country a score of tlmo balls aro
dropped precisely at noon In tho
principal Atlnntlc, Pnclflc, Gulf
nnd Lnko ports by electric Blgnnl
from tho United Stntes Nnvnl Ob
sorvntory at Washington, where
i.irco stnndnrd cloekB nre regulnrly
set by star sights nnd meridian
transit Instruments. Tho differ
ence In official clocks ovor 3000
miles npart Is seldom more thnn
two-tenths of n second, Astron
omers tha world ovor nro striving
to bo still moro precise ns to tlmo
signals nnd hope soon to bo nblo
to flash Instantaneous slgnnlB
around tho worm oy wiroicss.
(Special to Tho Times.)
NEW YORK, March 12. "KngnR
ed folk and nowlyweds should accept
only "absent treatment" from solici
tous "rortttrors of Cupid," nnd bo
?uldqdi by tholr own henrts.," de
clares Frank Craven. "Lovo and
ninrrlago aro a duct, not n chorus:
and rclntlvcs of tho couple should
not Interfere
"When n young man gets ongngod,
tho peoplo who know htm. oven the
mombors of his own family, usunlly
itnllo and say, 'Oh, well, he's let him
self In for this and ho can Just look
iut for hlmsolf.' Hut when n young
woman announces her ongagomonr,
ivory ono sighs, 'Poor girl! I won
lor whnt I can do for her.' And If
ivory ono doesn't 'do for her' and Iior
contemplated marrlngc, it's not
hrough lack of effort.
"Thoy nro nil on tho Job with tor
uro weapons. Lovers' qunrrols nro
Iko thoso nf children. Left nlono,
hoy will kiss and mnko frlondu,
nrontn often mnko mistakes when
hoy do chooso tho llfo pnrtnor of
holr cltlld; tho wlso mother will
rain her sons nnd dnughtors in tho
Ight IdoalB of married llfo, and will
lot Interforo," concluded Mr. Craven.
A POSSIHL10 cuuk
NI3W YORK, March 12 Cancer
patients may find hopo In tho work
or Dr. Well, assistant director of tho
enncer laboratories of Cornpli Medical
School, nnd chlof of tho enncor Re
search work at Gonornl Memorial
Hospital. Patients ho has treated at
tho latter Institution havo shown n
remarknblo Improvement. Thcso
cases hnvo boon treated by a cancer
vncclno, nnd this nt present scorns to
bo tho most rational and. hopeful pro
cedure. Dr. Well described tho vari
ous methods of research now bolng
cnrrled on throughout tho world In
tho great offort to find tho coubo and
offect n euro for this dread disease.
"Tho end nnd nlm of all our re
search," said Dr. Well, "Is to oluci
dato tho difference botwecn tho bi
ological peculiarities of enncer tissue
and normal tlsstio. Tho outposts of
tho citadel hnvo been almost conquer
ed nnd It would scorn that wo nro
Just beginning to get n vlow of tho
I hnvo filed by Intention ns enn
lldnto for rononilnntloii for offlco
f County Commissioner on Repub
lican tlckot.
Present Incumbent.
LIbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have
ALWAYS USUI). Phon-J 72. Pnclfl(
Livery and Transfor Company.
WASHINGTON. D. C, March 13
Chlof Ju8tlro Whlto Is receiving con
gratulations on tho twentieth anni
vorsnry of his sorvlco on tho bench.
Io was appointed March 12,' 1894
by President Cleveland, nltor two
othor soloctlonB hnd proven unsatis
factory to tho Senate.
If you would bo strictly up to the
mark tack un algrct or bit of ostrich
feather to the back of tho bodice of your
evening; gown and let It wavo grace
fully above your head. Outline your
tunlo or the hem of your skirt with
algrcts or bits of ostrich. They are
doing this In Paris, It Is promised for
the coming season that feathers of this
description will take the placo of fur
for trimming purposes. Marabout al
grets dyed to match the frock and tiny
ostrich tips will trim the skirt as well
as tho chupeau.
For afternoon frockB borders and
motifs wrought out In wooden beads
or colored pearls will bo popular.
These are curious, but If wisely chosen
are very chic nnd effective,
Dark tints aro moro or less favored
for day-tlmo wear.
Ono of the most favored silks Is taf
feta, In a quality as soft and supple
as the old fashioned taffeta wus Btlff
and hard.
No. 81E3 is developed In a mossy
green taffeta trimmed with a conven
tional border design worked out In
silver thread and colored wooden
beads. This design Is well suited to
a border trimming or r bordered ma
terial. To copy this frock In slzo 36 It re
quires 4?4 yards of 3G Inch material.
The costumo shown In 8113-7857 Is a
Russian design made up In taffetas,
striped and plain.
This design may be mado in size 36
with 3 yards of 36 Inch material for
tho blouse (8113) and 6 yards of 36
Inch material for tho skirt (7857).
No. 8153 sizes 34 to 46.
No. 8113 sizes 34 to 44.
No. 7857 sizes 22 to 30.
Each pattern 15 cents.
To obtain either pattern Illustrated till v R.
out this coupon and encloso 15 cents In N0 BI e ""
stamps or coin. He sure to stato number Name
of pattern nnd size, measuring over the Address . .
fullest part of tho bust. Address Pattern
Department, care of this paper.
Why Do You
Why tear up the house and bear the discom
fort and annoyance of house-cleaning, If you
could remove all the dust and dirt daily, you
wouldn't have to house-clean, would you?
you can REALLY clean, and do it quickly and
easily. You can get dirt from upholstery and
draperies, from behind radiators and other in
accessible places that can't be touched by the
broom. Save your strength and health gel
an Electric Vacuum Cleaner today.
For Sale by the
Oregon Power Co.
Second and Central
TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay.
ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal,
Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange.
Cleaning, repairing or now platens, work Kimrniitccd. Millions and
carbon paper delivered, Phono us your order. Phono II. Alliance office.
We Are Growing
.Tust arrived, a nice new lino of Indies shirtwaists,
children's wash dresses, ginghams, percales, rip
plctle, curtain scrim, silkoline, galatca, towels and
toweling, hoys' waists, boys' overalls, hosiery, etc.,
etc. See them. "Wo usually sell for a little less.
Smith's Variety Store
Inter-Ocean Transportation Co.
Semi-weekly service Coos Bay and San Francisco.
S. S. Redondo
Equipped with wireless and submarine bell.
Passengers and freight.
Sails Sunday, Min-rli 15, nt 12 o'clock noon, for San Francisco, Sn
Pedro nnd Sim Diego,
Equipped with wireless and submarine bell.
Passengers and freight.
Will sail from Coos Bay for San Francisco Saturday,
March 14, at 11 p. m., from Smith mill dock.
San Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23.
and 600 Fife bldg.
Coos Bay agent, C. F. McGeorge, Phone 44.
Sfeamstup Breakwater
Sails from Marshflold March 14th, 11 n. m.; March 21st, 7 :' '
March 28th, 11:30 n. in.: April 4th, 1 p. m.; April 11 tn,J
April 18th, l p. m.; April 2Dth, 10 a. m.; April 30th, 1 P-
Sails from Portland March 18th, 25th, 8 a. m.; April let. 8tb' l
22nd, 28th, 8 a, in. tti
Tickets on sale to all Eastern points and Information s to
and rote cheerfully furnished. .. .nt
l'liono 427-L. W. u-.
1,MTVIl millll 6S4Q Kl
Connection with tho Xortli Hank lload nt Fortianu
Phono 11.
North Pacific Steamship C"n'jmyfii;:onGK. AU
A&J. ' ?
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