The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 12, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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in meat, according to tho belief
rill but vegetarians. Instcnd or
rrflomiK your roast, or your stonk,
?n i linpliiwnnl manner, why not
inulr ho nda in Tho Times, anil
HI I rtfaat tho butchers have to of
fer o"7
. vvv Established 1878
VOL A A vii. 1IS T,10 cojurt M(Ji
Who uses The Times ndvortlelng
columns will toll you ho makes
money by so doing. The reason Is
simple. Dopondenco Is placed In
Tho Times nds because no "fake"
ad en 11 enter Its coluiunB.
A Consolidation of II mo, Coast M:ill jn 1QQ
and Coos Uny Advertiser. '"u '
inr Awwuifd rrr to cooi nr Timw.i
PORTLAND," Or., Mnrch X2.
Portland's Jinrbor front snlfarod 'tho
most dovnatntlug conflngrnticm Jn Iib
M.inrv rnMv todny when two mam
moth grAln docks, laden with -v'hcut
Steamer CCrlcket and British
Liner Glenroy and Big
Warehouse Burn
Bin Wheat Warehouses In ;it
Several Injured While
Fldmincr the Flames feoquille City Council Dis
ccusses Improvement Im
prove Water System
(Special to Tho Times.)
COQUILLE. Or.. Mnrnli i Tl,
n. "V""'., "i.'"" "." " 57 .Monitor, street l,nln wn n7
vessels ruined nlmoBt beyond ",lnB tho program at n meeting
r, and n dozen buildings dam-',?' l 10 Coqii lie City Council last
.Monday night and nlthough tho mat-
... I tfl U'lIU irk'mt h 1ttM... .11.-.. 1
m .. -.C 41.a iMilltAOrt HHHilinM - " niVVill tL IL'llUlllV II HI' INHinn.
orthe crowtOftJio Itoynl Mall Hteum """''' K.'0""'0,, w" accomplished,
packet Client oy, had narrow escapes, ?, " '',?' bcttor "ow" ns
many of them Jumping Into tho river, f T br (lB' comim Into town from
iTscant ntro.wi.l being pitted MP " 'mlin ?, n bl V , qUnrt,Vr
w crows of tho flro bont DaVld r .n .nill "length and about 15
Campbell aifd tho hnrbor pntrdl a. J" ,lcl1f lt, 't f"n" Prt
launch ;df thoCofiullle-Mnrshflold rond, thus
Four firemen barely wanoU 'bV,IIB, n vir,y llcnvy "tomolllB
death under Uho. collnpao of n hug- .'"" (L;"rll",,blK ,pnr,t of nf" ye,,r;
bulkhead nml mio.of tho flrc-flgliters , ',110 '"' ' " '"J" falr B"
was sorlotiBly Injured when carriutl ",m,,0'but. lbo decking Is bad and
down by crumbling timbers. , y ' iiKlnccr I'. M. llnll-Lowls
Klrwt Mate Bnm.dors of tho Glen- l1,1l,l?Im?d n report showing that tho
roy broke an arm . when he Tell , ; 0. "' ,,1"1 JK r:y " ."
down n hutchvny oxpeiltllturo of nbout 51000, which
Tho aggrcgato property loss Is en- )vmM 1 '" ,tho neighborhood or
tlmatcd at a nillllon dollnrn. .vyo 'cn'"' , The report nlso stated
.wo great wIinrvoB, Columbln No. , v ' ."""" "" "i"w now urmgo
mil iMontgonu.r No. 1 are noth- ' J"' '' mnt,'r,nl wo"''' ro" an-
Turkish Aviators Swim Ashore
But One of Them Dies
From Injuries
(n? AmocI.IoJ rrri to 0M X)tJ Tltnt.
JAFFA, Palestine, March 12.
Two Turkish nrmy nvlntors, Nurl Dey
and Ismail Boy, fell Into tho sea when
their noroplano broke. They wore
nblo to dlBcntnnglo thcniBolvcs and
swim ashore. Doth were In tho ox
tremo stages of exhaustion and Hurl
Bey d!ciL
2 and
Inc but ehnrrca piling and smoking 'roxm ",U,1 5. Coining ut tills
.Xi "mo nn (.ounciimon tnoucht
Senate Committee Decides tto
Insist on it in .New Im
minration Bill
(llf AMorl.lml rrr. lo Coo. H.y Tlmra.
WASI1INOTOX, D. C, Mnrch 12
tho mui'li-dlsrussetl literacy test
1)111 will remnln In tho Durnett ImmJ
gratlon bill when It Is presented to
tho Senato for action. This wnB de
cided todny by tho Senato Immigra
tion committee, .which will report tho
bill favorably.
The Olenroy ra but nn ompty shell "xponso of a now bridge would be
with her Inner works gone nml Uio ?nv' '10 tnxpnyure nml this
learner Cricket, with n enrgo of "Ia, wnH 'eomed Inndvlsab o. Tho
-i-tklin1 t.nn v4 miiilivi .fun III 111 ui;r It II L 1 1 LIU! Ill'XL
.d to tho wntor's 'lHB r definite action,
nil '.mimcrouH other' 1.''," WnU-r System,
itmitged and occu- I'rtillmlnnrj- Investigations w
4000 bnrrols of -nbiihnlt
adrift and burned
edge. A hotel m
buildings w ro diimiigcd
oro nl-
panls (mil nnrrow escapes. Only " "riet nitio meeting aionrtiiy
a ilespcrnio fight uroventcd n much K".1 ! regard to tho reconstruction
greater hm 0l u, l,lJ waierworns. uity Kngln-
Tho fire Is bollemnl to hnvo been or Ilnll-Lewls having propnred a rc-
romn.i i.v n (rti.,.., 1 1, -n, .!.,, r ,. iii.t. port, iiiul r cniiiinoiitlntloiiH nortnlii-
ed clgnrert-. In tbfl -bhaff on tho '" to. n, Proposed ayatoni. Tho.piirnop Fnnanement of Presi
Columbln dock. Bonn nfter tho fire l'rosoIlt B"Hlly comes from j ,i 1 1 nu,,"ui, L!Uttr i . .
wa . UiicovMod tir flames spread Hlnk Creek, about four miles up In dCnt'S Daughter and SeC-
May "Richardson Gets Six
IVIoriths' Sentence for
iRuiriinrj Picture
Ur AMoclntxl PreM 14 Coo. D.T Tltnn.)
IXJNDON, March 12. Miss Mny
IUchartlaon, the militant Biiffrngotte
who hacked with a knlfo the Velas
quez Hokoby Venus In tho National
Gallery, was sentenced to six months'
Imprisonment, which Is tho limit for
vnndnllsm. Tho prisoner hnB alrendy
Btarted a hunger Btrlke.
Additional Troops Are Being
Rushed There Today by
United States
Force Now 3000 Larger Than
General Shafter Had in
Cuban Campaign '
Hr Ai.of l.loit I'rr.i lo Oo Il.j Tlmrt.)
WASHINQTON, D. C. Mnrch 12
Two moro rcglmoutn or United State
troops woro moving to Join tho 'bor
der pntrol today. Two battalions ot
tho Ninth Infantry nt Fort Thomas
Ky., and Fort I.ognn II. Koota, Arlc.
Well-known Employe of Smith
Powers Camp 2 Drowned
Brothers Leave
Frank Grant, foreman of tho
Smith-Powers enmp on South Inlot,
and Jean Grant, foreman of Smith-
rowers camp 7 nenr Conledo, left I n the soventh Infantry nt Fort Ttte-
ovorlnnd this morning for Portland i Phorson, Gn., woro londlng bnggnga
In response to a telegram announc-! tralim muli nBsembllng tliolr lloVl
Ing tho drowning of their brothor, I equipmciu to movo to Laredo sat
Aiilto Grant, there. Mlko Grnnt was I Hnglo Pubs to becrmo part df tho mll
employod for n long tlmo by tho Itnry forco In Texas. It la now lnrg-Smlth-Powors
Compnny nml for the ' er by 3000 mon thnn tho one Geuornl
past year had been n senior nt camp , Shutter led In Cuba.
2. Ho loft about two weeks ago Tho border patrol Is bolng Inrroas
ror n llttlo vncntlon In Portlnnd. I ed In numbers nt tho request or Sono
Nows of his tragic denth will bo re- tor Shoppnrd nnd IttiproFontntlve Gnr
coived with lutenso regret by tho , nor or Texas, who pointed out to
mends of tho Grants In this section. Secretary Garrison thnt tho Vorgara.
A Portland paper gives tho follow-' Incident hnd caused n great C al xtt
Ing particulars of tho accident. ' iiuonslncss. They pointed cut that
Mlchaol Grnnt, ot Marshriold, roll cattlo woro being Btolen rrom re nehes
rrom tho llOOk nt tllO root or Tnvlor ami Inasmtlrh nn the Aninrlran hnnln
street nt about 2 oVIock Tuesday alontt tho border worn full of inh.
morning rnd was drowned. Two or rnnriiinnrn wnui.i i. r..otnrri i., .
tho crow of tho Btenmor Glnhnmonn gront mensuro by tho presnro ot
At u:o White 1 oils
Fore River Shipbuilding Com
pany Head Accused of
lobby Method
in Avltl Pr- lo Cwi. II. r TlmM I
WASHINGTON, D. C, Mnrch 12.
Thnt lio contracted with former Hear
Admiral Howies, president of tho
Foro Itlvors Shipbuilding Company,
for 1000 nnd a contingent fee of
$'4000, lo work for toll cxomptlon for
American rnnHtwIno hIiIhh In tlm lnti.
nmn Cnnnl. wiih olinrcnil liv rini-mion ' hoard tllO Splash. II lid stnrtCd (0 tho nmrn iTinim
W. Deknlght hoforo thoSoiintol.iiVbyrescuo In n sninll bont, but whim it wno statod that such was the only
I hey reached tho bciio, tho unfor-. Blgnlflrnnco of tho troops movmionL
una o man had gono down for tlm lirlgndlnr Gonornl llllss will nsslga
last tlmo. 1 ho hnrbor pntrol sorvlro tho now coming regiments to loca-
miuieii oi mo iiccuoiii im Mons Th)y w rolloVo t)lo Ir
Hiigli Ilrndy recovered tho body. It troops of cnvnlry, which wl'l lUn.
wns taken to tht morgue, whero It i,0 frno for nctlvo hordor ilntv
tmiii tim ,vi,i.. Qtr-ti, nt ,..i,n.a mo nuiK mur ih uiaiicqunte to sunmv
for a tliouwt id feot wro a blazing lll ,,l(,rw,sl"R domnndH during tho
maun. summer montliH. Tho plan pronos- d
v . . . . .. . - . III Mil Pllv l'"nplnnop wmilil lin In I
liiurv (iitirL in piii inn iiirnrnv -- v .-..p,... u ...
rotary of Treasury
(fir hik niM Tt In Con Uy TIhim
WASHINGTON, I). C. Mnrch 12.
Ioojo and lmul her to a snfo nn- ii1"1!. nilniIlL 'Ti.I"1.1!.-0'-.1.'' I ProHpeetti for nnothorWhlto Hoiiwi
chorago wero fruitless. Sho cniiEht lJ"eo.k ?.r..ono...of ." otbor. PI.'y woddlnir l.ocamo morn deflnltn to-
",'iy! l wedding heennio moro doflnlto to-
flro and boou a tromuidona explo- ";" J,a. ,V'wiv K? .I',1,r w,t' tbo I'ornlstont renownl or
!S..C"! '?... " '? ."oir'n'iffiS0"..! tho report, that Secretary of tho
laivaging Hiiundrmi wna compollHii
o pull away. Tho Crlc'liut wns cut
loofo nnd shirtod drilling down
itrcam. Tho cargo burned llko n
torch nnd as uli bumped nlong tho
wharves bIio btmted now firos. Sho
was finally bench-d nnd turned to,
tho water's edge. Sho wim n 773-'
ton steam schooner bolouglng to '
l;red l.lndermnn, of Snn Francisco.!
The Olenroy was u Urltlsh irtteamor I
or 3141 tons. I
At noon the irianies wer under i
control. !
doing nwny entirely with niimnlne ,V".:.VIV '.'".?, lV.. X,"l.
mxnliln.r.- Il'.iniliy .Hl'.IUUU llllll .Hino J'wiuillllll
mncninery. . ,nndoI1,t Wilson, tho youngest
dnughter or tho Prosldcnt, wero on-
! gngod, their mnrrlngc to take placo
; In June.
wns found thnt the vlctlm'n wulrh
hnd Htoppel nt l:fi0 it. in., tho exuet.
time. It Is linllnvnil tlm ilrnii'iifnir '
. Ntfltfxl tllllt ill WW (AMJt. AAHtnl. il.ntl
"" iiv in niTij (uiiiiiu iiiuj )
(iimimruu ino wmy or u uroiucr or.
tUrnnt Tor burin! thoro nbout n yonr1
Burglars Get Twelve Rifles and ?:" '" "h "cl,rA Si -
nrrniigoinoiiU for tho funeral. H0
Much Ammunition at
Woodland, Cal.
I IUlI""l ni Kill) II. III., UIO I'.Mttt.
ie, It Is believed, tho drowning', n iiii i r 1 n I" ft J ?
urrod. A nolo to Gone Grant., ' tY'kl ft I LbJLi MFJ
Minneapolis, was found In his ' . U M i 1 F V l" t .
kot. At tho Coroner's It wnal : ' fllQllL I J I LLu!
I wan nbout 45 y. nrH of nge.
Dr Alio Uttd Coo. U.r Tlarfa.
PORTLAND, Or., March 12. Flro
early today swept all that soctlon or
tpe Portland wnterfront on tho TJnst
tide from tho uppor -to tho lower Al
oina ferries, completely destroying
LOjumbU dock No. 2 -nnd Mnnlirnm.
ery dock No, 1, the stonmahlps Glen-
Harry Lashway, of Marsh
field, Thought He Had Clue
to Indiana Case
Harry Lashway, n well-known
Mnrahflold man, wns given n llttlo
start tho other nlcht When ho thouirht
roy and Cricket nnd much other prop-1 that ho recognized a young girl he,a,"nS Ibb lestlmntcd at
Noted Manufacturer of Elec
trical Machinery Suc
cumbs Today
IBf AlwcLt.l ftnt to Coo. Hy TlmM.I
WW YORK, March 12. Oeorgo
westinghouse died today of heart
uur0 after three months' illness.
CKe.W' Vandcrbllt Teft 920,000,.
TOO to Wire nnd Only Daughter.
'Br uelitM Vn to Coo Bj TIbm.1
f nW YonK. March 12. The will
flrJ:.e,ors? w- Vandorbllt, riled ror
V,0'6. leaves his entlro estate of
i:M0.000 to his widow and only
Center, Cornelia,
Engllsli .Missionaries In China Are
Missing Now.
IBj Auo,tj Pm, , ny mwl
1 from a'PNV March 12. A dispatch
' nen a?.a,lBn8, Bays two English wo
' clt at,,a.che(l to the station or the
; waJnland m'Mlon at Lao Hokow
.. ,n m,BSlng since that town
w sacked by -brigands yesterday.
Sj.0DlBV.reM,88E' B,aqk Wd
saw hero as tho mlisBlng Katherlno
Winters or Npw Castlo, Ind whoso
(llsnppearnuco a year ago has been
ono ot tho big myatorles or that sec
tion. Ho has Just received a letter
rrom his mother saying thnt no trace
of tho girl, who is now ubout ton
jx-ara old, has been round.
Ho Ib Interested In tbo enso be
cause the mlBsIng girl. Is n nleco of
his brothor-In-lnw, K. II. Whlsltor ot
MlBBOiila, Mont.
It Beoins that on March 20 Inst
year, Katherlno Winters disappeared
suddenly from the streets of her
homo town whllo selling needles In n
school girl competition. Several car
avnns of gypsies had been camped
thoro and they aro suspected of hav
ing mndo away with tho girl. The
gypBlos were Inter traced and follow,
ed but ono of tho flvo wngons had
lert tho others and could not be lo
cated. Tho girl's father Is Dr. W. A. Win
fcsrs, a promlnont Indiana physician,
and he has spent about $6000 In the
search for his child bo far. A reward
of several thousand dollars is otfered.
Mr. Lashway is securing a detailed
description of the missing girl to seo
If the child ho saw in Marshfleld
could possibly be the same one.
(Special to Tho Times.)
Novel use has been mado of
tho Mayor's office at tho new
.city hall. Tho Mother's Club
of this city organized a kinder
garten for the llttlo tots, but
there being no room at present
In the public schools tbo city
dads kindly gave them the use
of this room for the present.
Tho kindergarten Is In charge of
Mrs. Frank Leslie and at pres
ent there areVenrolled 16 pu-plU.
R. Stanley Dollar in Charge
of Seeley & Anderson on
$110,000 Mortgage
It. Stanley Dollar wns today ap
pointed receiver lor tho Seoloy &
Anderson lagging Company or Han
don. Thoro was no opposition to
tho nctlon by tho company.
Tho appointment wns made In tho
enso ot Robert Dollar vs. the Seoloy
& Anderson Logging company to
forecloso threo mortgages aggregat
ing $110,000. Tho compnny con
fessed tho debt. Tho company has
thirteen miles of logging road and
much oqulpmont.
Tho action wns takon ns tho result
or a labor Hen being riled against tbo
Seeley & Anderson company.
R. Stanley Dollar Is now trustee of
the Johnson Lumbor company, for
which the Seeley & Anderson com
pany does tho logging.
Endeavor Will be Made to Ar
bitrage Lumber Mill
Troubles '
(Dr AmocLU4 Prtu to Coo Hit TlmM
SEATTLE, March 12. Secretary
Rold, of the International Union of
Shlnglo Weavers, said tho settlement
of the strlko in the mills at Wlllapa
Harbor was satisfactory to the un
ion men, who demanded only the
right to organize. Commissioner
Boyce, of tho Department ot Labor
said the succcsa of mediation Justi
fies tho policy of Secretary of Labor
Wilson, Jloyco went to Everett,. to
day, whero the union merf In the
mills are on strike and will attempt
lllr Ar.orl.lM I'rrM lo Coo. Ilir Tlmn I
WOODLAND, Onl Mnrch 12.
Thu armory or Compnny A In UiIh
city wns entered by burglars bellevodi
1o bo members of the unemployed
nrmy early todny and 12 rifles nnd
several hundred rounds or nmiminl-
tlon stolen. Mllltinmon nro enmped
In Sacrnmonto. Tho offlcora hnvo
stnrlod a country-wlde search.
I '
IS iUUftlU UtflU
i ui n nrii 1 1 ) i r i
.Ambassador Page Called on ti
Explain Talk in London
Chamberlain Angr,y
President, Wilson Approves
$35,000,000 Railroad
Measure Today
monln whllo lying out somowhoro re
covering rrom n Bpreo. A letter was
round on him showlnc that lm hn.i n
atatn. I. Tlrltlat. A., t ur
oHzlifgelUVexpoV,dItnuro of0 lis 00M W ""'""P erd "vns 'nlso found
Sft'i'A 12? "P"."?"." ?J 'SLbj5.J" " 'lm. Ho had no money and will
bo burled ns n county charge. Ho was
about twonty-flvo yonrs old nnd n
hair-breed Indian.
nr amotuim itm m fo nr Tima,i
Resolutions railing on Ambassa
dor Pngo ror nn explnuntlon or his
U 'mi a in a Canal Speech, which ho Is
reported to havo delivered last
night boforo tho Associated Chamhors
Clf nmilllinrpi 111 l.nmlfin wna nilnnl.
III ed by tho Sonnto. In a resolution In-
trouuce.i ty Hcuutor ChnmborlaU
or Orpgon, nn opponent or tho ro-
'poal of tho frro tolls provision. The
.resolution Hiieeirii'iilly nskeil foK m
(Speelnl to Tho Times.) I explanation or that portion or tho
COQUILLK, Or. Mnrch 12. A. .speech wherein Pngo Is alleged te
Ilnrdlson wns round dead In IiIh room ,l,,vo said It nddod grently to tho
nt tho linxtor Hotel this morning. Plcnsure of tho poopio of tho United
It has not been decided whothor nn States In building tho cnnnl to
InquoRt will bo necessary but Justlco know that tho British would profit
Stanley will prohnbly not hold ono, (most by Its uso. SonMor Clinmbor-,
ns Dr. Richmond snld that death was 'lain asked for Immediate considers
plainly duo to pneumonia. It ta stat- tlon of tho resolution nnd It pnssefl
ed that Ilnrdlson contracted nnou-hvltliout dobato.
A. Hardison Succumbs
Room to Pneumonia Was
Member of I. W. W.
(nr Aiki1 TrtM to Coo 117 Time.
WASHINGTON, V. C, March 12. !
000 for the construction of a Govern
ment owned railroad In Alaska
Claim I. W. W. Are Planning
to 'Blow, up Engine Houses
Package Not Found
U7 Auoelttoj PrM to Coo JUjr Tlmn.l
SACRAMENTO. Cal., March 12.
Detect'ves aro searching today for n
camera bpx containing dynamlto be
lieved to have been sent from San
ranclsco to ono of the leadors ot
the nrmy of unemployed camped Just
across tl)o river, which, It is said,
was to be usod in blowing up Sac
ramento's tire engine houses. The
information as to the shipment ot the
dynamite Is said to havo come rrom
United States secret service opera
tives. Negotiations to get rid or the
army were resumed today.
Only Ten Victims or St. Louis Flro
' Havo Keen Identified.
IDr AuotUtoi) JTm to Coo D7 TIom.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., March 12 Threo
moro bodies havo been recovered
from the ruins of the Missouri Ath
letlo Club, making fourteen so for
recovered. Ten have so far been
F. A. V R IS
Smith Company Arrives oi
Adeline and Will Leave To
nightNews of Plant
F, A. Wnrnor, of tho O. A. Smith.
Company, arrived hero on tho Ado
lino Smith last night nnd plans t
leavo again tonight on tho vessel for
N'flnn Smifh Will Rncnmn Snn Poland. Ho is making a flylnr
....... .., ..ww,.,w "u,,.ir,p to confer witn Arno Moreen.
Francisco Run, Making
d-Day service
A IT Pnworo VAnnn Qm.IIIi .int.
othor officials of tho compnny.
Ho sad thoro wasn't anything par-
r. . -..o m.i .u 'tlcuiarly now In tho business. Th
J1 was announced today that the Nnnn Smith Is to mnko her Initial
Nann Smith would bo put back Into I trip after bolng overhnulod nest
the Coos Tlay-San Francisco service Sunday. Tho Eastsldo mill Is t
noxt Sunday nftor having been re-' 8tart operation again about April 1.
modelled, making her one of the host I in regard to tho Smith-Powers
passenger boats on the North Pncitlc Jogging rond south from Myrtle
coast. Sho will sail rrom hero at 11 . p0nt, Mr. Warner said (hat they
o clock Saturday night, UBlng the i Wqro rushing it ns rapidly as posst
Smlth mill dock this tlmo, but In the bio. How soon It would be ready
future wll land at and sail from tho .for operating ho did not know, but
Alliance dock. Isnld that Mr. Powers would mak
A new schedule has been perfected n trip over It soon. Plans for e
by tho Inter-Ocoan Transportation,, tnbllshlng and nnmlng the stations
compnny which will provide a threo nlong the lino havo not been com-r
and one-half day service between , pleted.
Coos Bay and San Francisco, the Mr. Smith, who wns planning U
Nann Smith nnd Bedondo making como to tho Bny soon, will havo t
seven-day trips. j postpone his trip as he and Mr.
I Warner will lenvo for Oakland te
THE TIOGA will make n special ; n few days for nn extended eastern
trip to tho DANCE nt SU.MNKIl trip.
SATURDAY night. Loaves EAST-
SIDE 7:30 and Market avenue dock. I GOOD MUSIC AT SONS OP "VOTt
Marshfleld. at 8 o'clock, BETUItN WAY DANCE,, EAGLE'S HALL,