THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIEl.D, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1914 EVENING EDITION. SIX ASKS WEST TO SUiCK SELLS BY II TRAIN LOAD L v i t k ili r New Stetson Hats nub( otmno'nhoeuL New GET PENSIO cjieisou onoes I i I aoBrrwu raasK BnBSw Mrs. Mary Beurki, of Lake side Scorns County Aid Except as Pension Anxious to Bocuro a mother's pen- Gigantic Shipments Fail Take Care of Buick Orders Tho fact that ovon solid to Perham & Gidley Get Lincoln Square Contract Will Issue Bonds train- lon, but scorning county aid for, ,B"''' ,u L ft.'" . i- ni. lmnnir nnii rniniiv. Mrs. Mnrv uour- uuva m auuniuu ..0'..i ..u.ww... .. ...... ..., , . ... . - ....l-.l n.n nf The contract for lowering Lincoln squnro was awnrdod to Perlinin & Gldloy by tho North Bend City Coun hi of Lakeside, ImB appealed to'lotmont of onjo nunurou cars per Cll last nlglit, tnoir bid being 2 1 i I.. - Mr. rnn.n fm nmmtv week to tho Howard Auto Company, conta ner yard. Only two bids wore Court to grant her tho rollof sho I Pnclf Ic CoaBt distributors for tho submitted, tho other being by An- jisks. MrsfDourkl 1b a Gorman nndlUulck. Is not enough to tnko caro dorsoiv & Klockers for 30 coma por her appeal to Governor West -was of tho demand for BuIcK cars Is the yard. Tho city engineer's estimate writtnn In Merman nnd had to bo i boat ovldonco of tho peoplo s faith was 30 centB per ynrd, bIx conts hlgh- translated. In Dulck manufacture,' said I. it. or than tho lowest bidder. Amotion It seom's that her husband desert- Tower this morning. In Decombor wob mndo that tho contract bo award cd her somo'tlmo ngo nnd a few tho Howard Auto Company received . C(i t0 tbo lowest bidder nnd lt carried. il.J l. l.-.l r. l.l nnnnnHn Htiocllll tmllllofld of BUICKS COn- Tti n ntl t rn of nlui urn vtillirl fnrrmilnn. months ago sho had a friend appeal to Judgo Hall for a petiBion ror nor. Jjtdgo Hall cxplnlnod that under tho law II "would be Impossible to grant uior a ponslon, but ho suggested that If sho was In need, tho County Court cou d havo ner nuowcu nm from tho a special trnlnlond of Bulcks con-' Tim mntrnnt also nrovldoil for ronlnc Blstlng of 88 double-decked freight jnB tho band stand In tho center oi cars requiring thrco locomotives to tno BqUnro, handlo It. Tho train was moro tlianl Sidewalk Oidlimncc. II mllo long. Tho valuo of tho 415 Aftcr mucn discussion aa to tho IJulcks was $G22,377 and tho freight j morlts of tho different width sldo- WnB moro than $10,000. Tho Start-1 ..,1i,a n nnllnnnra wnn nnRROili liv I1V .-..- . '. ... . , ... "..", ".1 ......... .. .-. ,... - ,, l.l 1 -..., .1 aim nn. . HIK Or tlllB train CSiaulIBUed a new it, rini . Mm InqJnl ntlnn nf grily sent back word that sho would world's record for the movomont Bldowalk8 )n ti10 district recently lm not accept aid from tho Indigent ?f flrst-c ass frolght, as this Is tho ,)rovcd. T),o ordlnanco provides for Xund, ns Bho was no paupor but sho largest shipment over mndo In the wooUon fldownlks, giving tho owner wnntod n mothor's ponsion. ..., """' .""" "''."' " V i ,,w tno priviicgo or laying n comem buiu- Governor West ImB forwarded her comes n special tralnload of Bucks Wft,k lf ,,0 dcBlro3( Tho BOnorni lottor to Judgo Hall with n request to the Northwest and oven this docs wJdth Qf tlm 8,,,ownlkB 111UBt 1)0 0g:,t thnt tho mattor bo lookod Into. How- not tnko caro of tho orders on fllo, fcot( nU(, cnch ton fcot tho bonrd ovor, nothing enn bo dono, as hor tho fnctory for this trmry. mlJBt oxionA to tho C1rl) 1In0( fourteen husband simply dosortcd her. It Is T s means Just ono thing and tiiat fuQt from Ul0 nnor edeo of tho bU,0. understood that tho family havo ' that if you want n Dulck car this wa,k ordlnnnco atB0 provides boon In tho Ton Mllo district only a sn80nM yo" ,BLrnT Z'wi that tho sldowolkB shall bo curved llttlo ovor a year. It Is not known ?'" t,l0"pr W'0 at nil street crossings. Jiow many children sho 1ms. u nProncn0fdo"dpltBto.0f.0 ..Jt 1)ok Licenses. Strict About Pcnsloiw. .S , flSht for do lver?es PI'10 rc8'dlnB ln North Bcml W,U N' Judgo Hall Is watching tho ap-'ve to , fight for J11"' hercaftor bo required to pay the sum plications for mothor's pensions bI",00fv'0r"t Kod to tho PacTnc ot ?3'00 Pr 'oar for eacl1 dK "ey closoly, ns ho does not wish to nl- lvcvatr flV't ?ho Dulck factory own. Tho ordinance was passed by low tho county to bo 'worked' by. Nowc8t.iortuiou tho City Council last ovonlng and pro- tho undcsrrvlng. Several appllca- nt Flint, M Ichlgon. WoUnoBday ovo- coUB a not b0 tlons havo boon refuBod and a num- nlnB. Marc 4. This solid BpocWU Utod to run nt lnrg0 nt tho bor nro now In aboyanco until ho ra n "s mo flo un ol ."c 'Bo knowledge of tho ownur. nnd sub- . can Investigate them. SmJlYcl' In SouSo decks nnd iPCtB him to n flno ot B0. Tho or- Tho Plan of tho Cooloy family ""dvia Rock iBland and Nom.- dlnanco allows until May 1 In which to return hero from Illinois so that Y U.. ntl consigned to tho to procure dog tags. Mrs. Cooloy can again securo hor .r" "A01 A-Uomobllo Comnany d s- IUUIiwhI Work, mother's ponslon of $47.r,0 per irs of Dulck nutSSSSncs In Tho railroad, work performed by -month i. which was i cut off when she ' r'bSflcofNo?SJCBt,lul0niol,"e' tho Wlllamotto Pacific railway In loft tho Btoto. will probably rcault tho l ac nowor west. nPPOntocI bv tho City In tho pension being rofusod. If Q " ""o'xcIub vc or railroad CouncHlast ovonlng." Tho work was tho family should bo In need, thoy "ont of cars, oxciusi vo ot X'ght dono In accordance with tho ngroo- wlll bo given such assistance from &1, nl'08no V, oxecod 118,000. mont with tho city and to tho entire Sally0 rSlrPo0if "ho present Plan In "speSgof fflf gigantic ship- satisfaction of tho members of tho u n?rin?i,niit' l""08 I""" mont Mol 0, Johnson, manngor for Council. 18 CarriCU OIU. .., t..,,, A.nn.r.l.lln Pni,mn.n- . ltollll IKNIIL'. In this territory. BayB: I An Improvoment bond Issue ordln- "In our orlglnnl application to nnco. ordorlng the Bale of $ 20,000 bales Manngor Collins, of tho Dulck worth of ten year bonds, Interest at Motor Company, wo asked for nn six por cont was passed last night. 'allotment of 1!G cnrloads, to contain Tho ordinance provides for tho Balo Ii25 Dulcks. , of bonds in blockB of $500, nnd plac- "Orders from our ngenls through- cs tho limit of ton yenrs for tholr out tho Pacific Northwest continued redemption. Tho ordlnnnco and salo to como In until wo had filed with of tho bonds was for tho payment of tho Dulck Motor Company orders street improvements for thoso who !for no less than G3 carloads, con-took advantage of tho bonding net. , .tnlnlng 257 Dulcks. T Kicks. V.I I "it wtiH tho orlglnnl Intention to Mntt KJollmon filed a document - ii.- aiij nt havo this train lonvo tho fnctory on with tho Council last evening clalm- EXpCCt LarflC Atienaance OI Monday, February 23, but n ahortago lug damages of ?150, which ho says HnfiQ RflV RnnnllPPS at of finished enra precluded tho pos- waa caused by tho city In tho Im- Mi eiiii!llou slblllty of shipment boforo Wcdnos- provomont of tho streets near his Meeting oatUrCiay d,y, March ." residence, tfio.flll being mndo against Next Snturduy will bo n "red lottor fr0'm ' s'llluH Manngor Collins Thurs- foundntloiis. Tho letter recited that k'ould nccopt ?150 ns n enmpro i. but If ho commencod action In (Hurts ho would want $500. Af- aii.i .Hcnnunlnti mi ft mntlnii frnm '.... . A t .... WW..U .......... M .r.- IUI RUIIIU MtHVHBUIVII .. .. Hiut ..... to lmnrOVO tllOlr llOrUs linci nilipui. ,t,.i.i.. ,i,,i, n.inilo r llnlnlr nuln. r.,....,ll... Ilnrllo tli lottnr nn li - ..... IlllllUIU'tlUl Ik V... .W..11M u. ... ....--- UIIIlLilllllllt ..... .W, .. w.w. .... Tho mooting is ror no purposo oi ni()i,l0B ioft i,oro jnBt i,Kht via Poro cnlm was roforrod to City Attorney completing tho orgnnlzutlon of tho Mnrquetto Hock Island nnd Northern Dorhyshlro. Cow Testing Association. Pacific. Itegrot wo were unnblo to Mrs. S. C. Sanford had n commun- At tho mooting officers will bo icdo tho nddltlonnl cnrlondB that tcntloxi read to tho body asking elected nnd committees chosen to look you wlrod ln to uo incluclod In this whether or not Porhnm & Gidley had nftor tho work nnd dotormlno tno tnvi0d n, cnn BVe you no posl- a rKnt t0 romovo from her property scopo of tho organization ln addition l(vo nB8urnnco as to whon wo cnn tll0 ,,ank 8downlk and uso It for to tho cow testing progrnm. "Mr. BlI, t1080 n(uutlounl cnrloads, by nrowood U'ulor tho contract with Smith hopes to have nonrly every ronBo of tho larg,o number of past- t,ri,nm & Gldloy provision Is mndo dnlrymnn ln this section present nt d0 orders wo nro now carrying for Umt u aiaownllcs which lmvo been tho gathering. shipment to otlior points. You nro ,,d ono yenr or inorQ on tno Bt,eota Kick of Conulllft cortaluly to bo congratulated on got- thov nr0 i,nnr0vlnK 1b tholr property Mr. Smith was mucli surprlBCd to- Ui)K tlJg0 for, c , of n ,L.k they g n0V, ,,0" ,S Mint ?ay l0,!f.Y,, "'?.. "..V ;?., n'nnnr ?toitioiiiics uuring tno scnsoii wnon Bh0 nu BOl Ullnk lt fnlr for th0 d,y 1 IB ELECT OFFICERS Next Saturday will no n ' rcu iotiorfro Slllu8 Mnnngor Collins Thurs- foundi dny" for Cooh Day dnlrymon, nw'or'l-lny ,ilu,ounclng tho shipment of tho ho wo lng to J. L. Smith, agricultural ex; trttK0d of Dulcks, which rends ns ,8o, pert, who IS arranging for n mootliut follows' tho co boro to organize tho owners of cows VoM'p B0,(J trnnon(l ot f0rty tor B0I . ni.ntifnnHnn lV roiiortod l" """""", " k"" ' u" " txj romovo hor sldownlk nnd uso tho , n t? oa and ngrlcul urlBts 0,,r tnut wood. City Attorney Derbyshire said V .i. rn l.nin vnl lev about tliol i tlmt according to tho contract Por- JJlX fflAmXn OWley wore entitled ,10 the mmrtr T-lir- firlf 1 I blliuwumo, 1 uu uuutui ua tuiu nil f 1 IUI I I ll i I MH MI.R II. educational campnlgn Is being hand., i lo.i In Coos County, particularly lu ' tho establishment of pormnnenl iTne taoio ana no action wus iukcu o 4 tiin rminll ' A sot of ordinances was road by headquarters for tho nowly appoint. Mrfl , W,10BO hu8lmnd t ,vlth A fZZCVwZ n"s"essTng tho od county agriculturist. J. L. SmltK I (, PnrlBlmi 8 oro. was nblo to .oturn C" rtlvlnu tho ow k JHSSESSi"1-- "nd n ChmiB mny ""I h?"L ""Lil?.1" ?I?iSJ.I"l!ll!i!' 87lt0so,Z0pirthoe0rs0be!:eb- fitted: Union avonuo, between Virginia nnd WnshiiiKton. $3522.12. wnsiungton avenue, ooiween snor- ndvocated. I Whoro sho recently undorwent an op Mr. Smith Bnys. thnt ho has mode oruton, iirrangomonts to hnvo headquartori in Coqulllo as soon as tlio Commor- aoodinn of Coall,Uo is nt Mor ? ", u7 S .i. nn much time cy Hospital, where ho will undergo nn ... nnd u,0I, $3522.12. i.. J, nrn trnvollnir amonc the oporatlonfor stomach troublo. Dr. T1,o street work for which tho rnm-linrs nonrlv every day and as Culln will nrrlvo from coquiuo to- inonoy B t0 j,o paid hns already soon ns ho complotes tho orgnnlza- 'Bi to assist ur. .Miugus in tno op- ,)00l, ,l0rformcd by Perham & Gld'ey tlon hero Saturday, ho will go to ". nna tuoso amoun's ropresoni tne Coqulllo to complete tho orgnnlza- , COBt nccordjnB t0 (j)0 contract prUt Hon there. Fow tears aro worth tholr salt. 1 submitted by thorn. -?- - - ' A recommendutlon wns subinittod . 1 .1 .i..i- ..I......I t lv Hltv Tui'lnnnr AmlroWB for tho Improvement of Vlrglna nvenuo from Jnckson to Shormau avonuo, and for tho raising of tho Montana avonuo bridge. Tho Council ordered tho City Attorney to prepare ordlnnncoi for tho work nnd order tho snmo ad vertised for bids. i ! Tfiee Is no stdbstifote f o Royal Baking Pow det iot making; the best cake, biscuit and pasttfy. Royal is Ab solutely Pute and t&e only baking powde made itonx Royal gt ape cteam of tattate CIIUUCII ADVKUTISIiNG Amidst tho discussion periodically Indulged In ns to whother churches aro justified ln adopting modern mothods In tho uso of printer's ink, thorn comes tho unlquo example of, a church In tho capital city of tho state. A Salem Vestry makes the following uso of legitimate advertising ot the services of their church: "Church-going Is a habit. So Is hon osty. Doth nro humnn fundamentals. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH encourages the habit." On nnothor occasion tho announce ment off Ha services appeared under tho following caption: "Sunday a good Duslness Day. Tho business of Sunday Is tho worship of Almighty1 God. I ST. PAUL'S CHURCH I open for business , nt 7:30 n. m., 11. nnd 7:30 p. in." The Vestrymen nt St. Paul's 1 Church find that this judicious uso nf iirltitnr'a Inlr la TiiAnHiitv Minlr nv. , pectntjons in both increased attend ValueGiving Supreme THAT'S our PRICE POLICY-giving SURREME values in Men's Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Furnishings It's not enough that we give you the finest fit and fabrics and the best of fashions we must, and do, give you these high qualities at the LOWEST PRICES to maintain our Policy, 'Money Talks' THIS week well rivet that fact on your attention by Styleplus Clothes $17 See our new lines of boy's all-wool Suits, with two pair of Pants at $5 DESIGNED I MAYER I CHICAGO THAT'S a proofand a positive proof that our price policy means giving -supreme values. IT isn't a sale price, or a special price for a day or two its a REGULAR price on NEW Suits. "Money Talks' 1 II yv m lOTip oe BAND0N. MARSHFIELD. MYRTLE POINT. OLDEST F 1 S Robert Templeton, Aged Nine ty, Still Working for Wages on Hayrfes Inlet Ilobort Tomploton, probably tho oldest ranch Hand ln tho Unltod States who Is still drawing wages, enmo ln from Hnynes Inlet today and registered for tho coming elections. He lacks Just threo months of being ninety yenrs old nnd is employed on ADVEKTISnn LETIEBS List of unclaimed l"r.t! lng in tho MnrslKie a. uw- .!. . (tin VMk CDdlCI 10, 1014. Porsons ca ! !. will plenso Bay adver''"4.. one cont for each letter f cU IJollch, Paul; ueam .'- ueu, nvy, .V"u"'"' W or, m. u. riuu, "rj"'P cn i,o Tjminlf! Gray. W. ... 1,. ;.."... "" .' in... wine, Mnni-,n To DonWn fnr IVlllinm: UOHU, ... - niuuiuiij i uuuy iu uiuaiutu iui uon; linn, " ", j. Androw: iiooiw, ;- 0 iuta " PLAN PUBLIC PLAY GROUND Conducting May Move Tabernacle There FMrt- Mcllno. nor. JUss Cll8 Robinson, Hob; At n mooting this afternoon, plnns . Walls, Geo.; 1 r tho Collego Women's Club, tho'Lcod Woods, J. H. ,11nl.iH.t- il..i. , ,1 .H.a.,1 a. .. A . VWM ... t Pur Rjw. Chnfik. WOOdl ' for Fellowship Club and othors to unlto in establishing a public playground In tho block south of Klrod and west of Second street nro being discussed. Tho Southorn Pacific, which owns nearly tho ontlro block, has offered) the ranch of Chns. Crouch of Haynes tho freo UB0 ot the ground on a year Inlot nnd Is said to bo far ahead of , to year lease bo that tho only oxppnso tho nverago farm hand, desplto his ' attached to tho playground will bo advanced age. tno supervlblon and Installation of Mr. Templeton Is nn old bachelor BU"?U "I""1"18 iV li na hAiAHitnn I . AArtliAta " illtu (IIIO I1U IVMHIID3 111 lino OIJUIlllIl, although n nonhow Uvea in soutliorn California, Ho has been a llfo-long Democrat but whon ho registered hero today, he renounced Democracy and signed as an Independent. Mr. Tomploton is tho father of Templeton, Oregon, or rather tho Ton Mllo metropolis was nnmed in his honor." Ho entered a homestead Tho plan is to hnvo moBt of tho equipment, etc., donated and then to get tho school officials to unlto ln supervising tho grounds. Much of the equipment, lt Is proposed, can bo mado by the boys ln tho manual training department ot tho publlo schools. Tho freo uso of tho land was se cured through tho Baptist Brother JWB.,D.,CUrtl..P'- thoro In 1883 and later sold tho hood, but thoy do not wish to go any luriuer in u, as mey wish tno piuy groundi kept freo from any sectarian placo and began working as a farm hand. Ho Is said to bo comfortably fixed, having saved considerable money by his thrift. In years gone by ho was rated as ono of best slashers that ever swung nn axe. He would start at daylight, work straight through until dinner time nnd would quickly ent his lunch and bo back to labor, not taking an hour orf Ills day's work was not dono until tho Bun had disappeared In the western sky. His appearance does not lndlrato that he Is nlnoty years old. or denominational influences Mny Umj Tnbeninclo. It has also been proposed to havo tho old tabernacle, which must be razed within tho next ten days, moved out nnd erected anew on the ground. If tho Southorn Pacific will not agree to this then the Daptlst congrega tion will donate tho freo use of part of Its proporty at Elrod and Fourth street as a site for tho building, which can be used as It is now. ance and increased Interest in the him, his industry and good cheer be- cnurcn generuuy, ing ever uppormosr. In fact ;Vv T t tn -i ,n i L . TtXSCK AT SUMNER, SATURDAY tirl,e 7. CTRNIXO, MAROII 11. Alice II so old, ho astounded somo of his , m-ci1ii.i t T-in n m friends who witnessed his reglttra- g? leavS Ma!if Jlfl at ) tlon today by dancing a llttlo Jig. 'S,a ,w"s MareliflcM at .oo He Is liked by overyono who knows, LIURARY CONCERT Sunday. W rri. riiandlfr. .M- and Mrs. C, o iana; u. v. ",'"A. vs.". n t nwls. Portland; r Portland; J. 0. 0"-r 0tj clsco; Geo. Ji "",? n i .. Dryden, Portland; P., Snn Frnnciscui "a pjrtB. land; B. W. T . Harrv SnoW,. COQ""15 Vemv. Portland; c-tiH., Portland: H. f'd'Co" llalioy, uo""-""' vr porti1" nullle: B. M. Bker'L. ' 11m 11WB.IV. r. T,irH Bisk. W2nll.3 belch: Mrs. Buncb. wn i i Glbney, South ""',, jm New York; S f art, Banuon, """cl0(t, v L'? Point; Fred l Sg, Chas. W. a r'lnlet; Stutsman. Southing, . d. wws: Uanaon; . u" nndon: Geo. Martlakes, rowB. CoqulU6. Coaledo; H. ALvla Smith, com 1 iMifliliiwitomiiii ji),--Tj