fww;1.. TJtfGBBWyA . " www niM'l ',,' ' V THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELC, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1914 EVENING EDITION. FIVE" Mrl V a, 00 jjWANT I ADS; TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY r,vTi.MV-Oiie oMHM'lcncctl liouso VAT,,',tTnTi u-ncofl. Phono 2C0-L. mam, b -- or 324-K. 1 JThaMJ Team, Weight SJIOO, I T0Ia fi years old, also wagon nnd i,nrnpR 11. ll. 31UI1U, "" ui;iiu, 0qulro Cmft. of North Star. FOUND rnltVI) Autoinablto driving glove. 0iSn ta had nt TtmeB offco by paying for this nd. LOST I I I .0ST Memorandum book. Itcturn to Times uiiivt, I-inav l'lnnngnn & Ilciinctt bank book nnd bunch of cancollod checks sinned L. D. smitn. or no value except to owner. Suitable reward for return to Times office WANTED 1 - . I VaTK1) Restaurant or boarding V" ''.. .' 1, V." rnrn Tlinos. nuuuu ""' - - nVANTED Competent girl for houseworK. i-nouu 100-n. FOR SALE fOIt 8AI1K Ancona oggs, tor hntch- iDg! alto uay-oiu chicks, jij. a. Stonecypher, pnono u-j. fOU SAMv Hii Ick Forty, thorough- ly ovcniuuicu nuu m ijuiiuvi, iuu dltlon. Edg.ir Simpson. FOIt SALE Clilnre closet. Apply nt 112G Flanngnn, avo., pnono n-j ri'Ml SALE Riisolliio liiimcli, In- I qulro V. Owen, Owl Saloon. roit 8AI1E Plymouth l'Inqe poul try yards, a. is. jenson. 1 toil SALE riymouth Hock eggs, 11.50 per netting, from tho beat itock In tho county. Will replaco all Infertile- eggs free. Chas, Barrett, Bangor. I'OKSAM-N'eiv American moulder, wood working machine, will bo old very cheap If taken nt ouco. j Come and boo It or Jojpphono I8p-J. Front street. FOIt SALE ut n bargain, SO lot In ueynoius First Addition, won lm prorod, house nnd barn, 0 doz. chickens, 3 milch cows, span of 1400-lb. horses, hnrncBB and wag on; In flno shapo for color; GO flno fruit trees, 2 yrs old. J. E. Fitzgerald, or coino nnd aeo. ' FOR RENT 1 A 111 'M$ 1 1 1 1 I ' I Copjtitht Hart 8ckiiTner& Mirz There are a lot of new ideas iri men's clothes stylos this Spying; tilings Hint dressy men will like; they're all to he had in our now Hart Schaffner & Marx models for- men and young men. "Whenever you 're ready for now clothes, see these; the new styles are very smart. Suits and overcoats $18 and up. Somo unusually good things at $25 nnd $30.' ' . ! im BREVITIES TIDHS FOR MAltOII Below Is given tho tlmo arid height of high aud low water at Mnrshflold. Tho tides aro placed in tho order of occurrence, with their times on tho first lino and heights on tho eocond line of each day; a compar ison on consecutlvo holghts will In dicate whether it Is high or low water. For high water on tho bar SOCIAL CALENDAR Bubstrnct Hrs., Ft... Hrs., Ft... Hrs., Ft. . . Hrs., Ft... Hrs. , Ft... Hrs., Ft. . , two 2.10 G.7 2.4G G.2 3.2 C.lf 3.59 C.7 4.38 G.8 5.10 G.G hours 34 7.48 1.1 8.35 0.G 0.22 0.0 10.10 0.2 11.01 0.3 11.55 0.2 minutes. 2.03 G.3 2,51 0.3 3.42 G.l 4.33 5.7 6.27 5.2 G.27 4.8 8.14 0.2 8.42 0.3 9.20 0.3 10.09 0.3 10.50 1.4 11.37 1.9 WEDNESDAY Jolly Dozen Club with Mrs. F. M. Marhoffor In her now home at Bunker Hill. NarcussuB Club with Miss Nollle Olson nt Eastsldo. North Ilend Baptist Ladles nt Mrs. Marklo's home, Methodist Ladles Silver Tea with Mrs. W. H. I'orklns. D. M. C. with Mrs. N. Q. Hames, of North Bond. Norwegian Lutheran Ladles Aid at Church parlors with Mrs. John Plttmnn nnd Mrs. C. Q. Magnus as hostosscs. THURSDAY A. N. W. Club with Mrs. M, H. Smith nt homo of Mrs. ltcbeccn Lusc-Stumps. ' Young Matrons Club with Mrs. J. Q. Jarvls. North llend Episcopal Guild with Mrs. J. G. Home. Jolly Sixteen with Mrs. II. J. Linden In North Ilend. Norwegian Lutheran Young Ladles Aid with Miss EIbIo Lar son lu Fcrmlalo, WEATHER FORECAST (nr Anocll oJ rrin to Com lit, Tlron. Oregon Fair, with easterly winds. on tho subject, nnd Mr. Short docs not feel that ho should bear tho wholo expense alone. LOCAL TEMPERATURE IlKCOIU) For tho 24 hours .ending nt 4:43-a. m., March 11, by DcnJ. Ostllnd. special Government mo- I toorologUt: Maximum 52 Minimum 47 At 1:43 a. m 48 Precipitation 00 Precipitation slnco Sopt. 1, 1913 51.55 Precipitation satua porlod last year 45.01 Wind: Southwest, cloudy. Hoy Hurt, TI10 flvo-ycnr-old son of ThomoB Edgar of Emplro foil down stairs today at their homo aud sus tained a broken arm. Meet Tonight. Prof, and Mrs. Hlldenbrand, will ontortnlu tho Cafe teria Club nt their homo on Ninth street near Elrod this ovenlng. (J. A. It. McotM. Uaker Post of tho 0. A. It. had n good mooting to day, ton mombors being In attend ance, coining Bpcclal was dono. Has Anniversary. Thlrty-turco years ago this wook. J. W. Bonnott ;was admlttod by tho Oregon Supremo uotirt to bogin tho practlco of law. w IPEQPhE YQUI KMOW ABOUT MKS. FltANK QUANT Is hero from South Inlet today. W. H. PEItKINS loft on tho morn ing train for CoUIedo today. M. L. OUEBIl ami wlfo of Conledo nro Marshflcld visitors today. MKS. FUED CETTY, of Emplro, Is a Mnrshflold shopper today. NEW TUX LAW " REAL PUZZLER JOHN STADDEN, o(, Sumnor, In a uusmesa visitor in .Marsuiieiu to day. ' HEN SMITH loft on tlio Express for his home on Coos Hlver Tuesday. TOM SMITH, of Coos Itlvcr, was a business visitor in Mnrshflold yesterday. 0. S. HANSON, of Haynes Inlet, Is a business visitor In Mnrshflold todny. ANDItEW OLSEN, of Haynes Inlot, Is vlBlting friends lu Marshfiold today. F, S. HEALEY was a passcngor on tho morning train cu routo to Dnudon. JOHN MESSEIILE. of Catchlnir In lot, Is n business visitor In Mnrsh flold today. J. C. LEWIS, of Portland, was a pas senger on tho morning train for Myrtio Point. For Ifutchorv. Q. M. Scammon 11 1.... 1,.... m.. ..... .... . 1 Is hero from California InsuoctltiK rn 1, I. I'? h 1 " the tlI,r iaB .bcn 9BBed In tho private fish ' ... inatcnory uuslncas. I """ " I Sock. Honors. Hugh McLaln, who , ,!, .., a..h.. . t.- ihas given up his plan to enter tho .J S lliMMoi?111 w?,l ni.K raco for Congress, has decided to bo t VonrT t o Cno r'nnn v ;;"" u ' """' """ Ping In Curry, has landed with tho ,uaKer, Oregon, team for tho coming ROBERT TEMPLETON, of Haynes jiuoc, is n ouBincss visitor in Marshflcld today. 'jAY CLINKENUEARD, of Sumnor, I was a passongor on tho Sunrlso ' tnm Xf n ralif Inl.l trulni I W. II. STULL, a promlnont Alio gany mutt, was n Marslifiold busi ness visitor yesterday. Clothes purchased In this utoio will bo kept pressed frjc of cliiirp.r )It llKM I'i.ino. Wort ltn.l.. I North Bend. lOIt RlfXT iirK0 house on SoBtl. inn iircct. Phono 119-L., or set ! A. B Campboll. 911 HUNT l'lirnlli.l .linniin-. n rooms call at I.lovii iTnti in.i South 'Forth strcot. rn iit. .1 J2 . 1 - r iiwi'- I'urMiMied.iiouseicccp. Ice anartmont nn a r.M. u niin. IHO-J. W AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS flr imnf .m ...i.i. .. ... - -- .i iiiu Luruiui urjvora. tfiP flAV ..w.lH ..I m m -v I Ii.T "" iiiiuno him, 11 Unco lllllnrd pnrior8. J). LF00TE' " ' AUTO AND TAXI HEftViCH' "n aicao nps uoon added to Uto aervlpn. Pif..i .1. !.,' E'l Kd anywhere at any tlmo. Stand' r-'- vi6ar oioro. nay phono, 78 pt Phone 139-X. IL500IIAI,R. Proprietor. 44 snAogitAPiiia work .. Of any ,klnd , 4 I- .ui J01-J. 4, competent stenographers ! 11 tnurtu Zzl v 4 v Woolen iMiHJ.Store jl,t'U s(pro Is tw homo of, Hart Schaffnor & Marx Clofhca We R.6yal TONIQHT Wnltomoyor & O'Connor SJock Oo. prcBont "Hor Tllfter Atonement," from tho famous novel by Ilortha M. Clay, Four reels of plcturos. "Tho Bettor Fathor." Tho ovlla of blind unreasoning Joalously pow erfully prcpontpd In this superb pho toplay, , "Tim Escano." An artlat Is shan ghaied aboard ship and escapes af ter u torrinc ngm in uio waior. "Valontino's Day." Somo comedy. Admission, lower floor, 20c; bal cony. 10c;' children, 10c. Klnomncoior pictures lomorrow nlcht. Tho stock compa.ny in "Who's Who?"" A farco comedy. year. season. Ituv Pliu'c John Arhos and John Allen, who conduct a billiard and I , . , ,, ... , , ...i... ..i r..... ., ...' Doiiivh Trip. Word has boon IUUUV.IU Flit IUI Ult A'lUilb OliVUl, IKITU l....i i .. . , - t 7 . bought tho Portland rooming liouso ! 1"" "u ro l" ' ' r" K urnV;- u.ro"u ovor tho Uroworv Saloon from Chance lor of tho Oregon K. of P.. ro- ovor tho Urowory "Duko" Stolnburn. MRS. O. F. HIIJARQER DressmnkliiR nnd Ludios' Tailor ing Prices reasonnblo Over Magnea & MatsjJn Storo Phono 218-J. MSkttfdloii,, HBBmB' JT - - . "- " ' - ,w r i''i1'7mT '.iiP HI i i .li'i V -w i M I i I llalP IRVING BLOCrt - : : ,. . SPRING-" & Watch THE PARISIAN for now spring novelties Neil's, Boys', "Women's And Children's ready-to- p apparel. New' goods in qvery day. will not reach horo until Itnv for hla annual Visit to Coos countv lodcos. l)ll In Portland. Miss Mnudo "0 ,wn5 oPstw! this week but hnd to Reed haB rocolvod word of tho death noPo his triiK of Miss Joan. U. McCluro nt hor , , , . r7? , ,, , home in Portland rocontly of tu- . 'Klmils to 8nnltrluiii. Tlio doc borculosls. Miss McCluro was woll ,or ' (,,lh,rK of Tom Mnglnnls hnB known to tho .oldest , residents of recommonded a chnngo for tho b?n tho Hay, having mn(to hor homo horo -"' ,' hoaUh nntl h 'nmjly with her slotorV Mrs. ,E. B. Soabrook n"(1 fr'on,8, r nrranglng for him for a number of yonrB. ,.to .K w Mountain yiow 8311I- Itarlum In Portlnnd. Ho will Iea,vo M,.,i....... C.....1..1 i..i....i i 'or there on the' Breakwater Sat- gram hns boon received from Mnd-'un'njr' am Sandal to tho effect that sho , . . , .. will not bo nblo to reach Coob Bay """ mho in ny. k. 1. unnnfiior l.nfnr,. tlm nrrK'nl nf Mm nnvl A1II. nrHVOd llOIUO today frOIll a visit W til anco from Eureka. Her Marshfiold M U who has boon spondlni; tho concort will thorcforo bo postponed winter with hor pnronls nt Sacrn untll Wpduc3dny, March 18, and nt n,0.n.to': Ho was ilioro when Kolloy's North Bond, Frldny, tho 20th. , J- w w nr,n,y arrived In Sacramento. t .,, J nu BHyn 1110 wruin roau is in unu Fniiin tnr iiu-siirloiii .Min Two shnpo nnd ho wnlhod thlrty-th'rce Marshfiold men, D. Y. Stafford nnd "oa of tho distance In. Hugh. McLaln, hnvo beon placed in ' tho llmollght of.piibllcUy. Mr. Star- R" Drowiusl Miu. C F. Hlbar- ford's plcturo, handsomo.And happy, Kor today rocolvod a mossago stnt nppoars In tho Portland Journnl, Ing Hint hor young son, who was stay whllo Hugh McLaln Is given a placo lug with hor slBtor near Homilnin. in tho Christian Sclonco Monitor, Wash.,, had boon accidentally drown of Boston. 1 od yestorday In a pond noartthelr . I l'omo. Sho Is almost dUtrnctod'qVor HaHkoili.ill Game. The Marsh- tho nows but hopos -to bo nblo- to field High School basketball toam loavo on tho Broakwator for there has declined a chnllongo from Dr. Saturday, Morrow's Indopondonts, Mnrshflold v will play Its last gamo with -North, Conui In April. Prof. A. Dawklns Bend hero Friday night nnd Co- of Woodburn hnB wrltton Soc. Mot quillo will play nt Bandon. River- loy of tho Chamber of Commorcc- say ton, which showed up so woll, oarly Ing ho cannot coruo horo until April In tho soason, was badly defontod 24th to look Into tho proposition of by Norway In Its last gamo. . buying tho Coo Bay nuslnoss Col- I logo, aa his school does not -close IIiisliHViH l(n. Auineptlnti of tho imtjl then. Ho nxpects to bo ablo to board of directors of 'tjio Coos Bay nieet any reasonnblo requirement for Business Mon's Association, which taking tho school ovor. was to hnvo boon hold last night at tho Chambor of Commerce, was 1-Vcllm; Salmon. Sunorlntondont postponed until Thursday night when Frank Smith, of tho South Coos a sot of by-laws will bo adopted. A River Hatchory, reports that ho la gonornl mooting of tho nssoclntlon now folding nbout .1,000,000 young has boon cnlled. for Friday night to Chinook salmon nnd, that In a fow perfect tho organlzatlpn. weoks ho will have at least 4,500,- 000. For feed ho Is using salmon Invcfttlgnto Cqmpuilut. Constnblo eggs, which ho has kopt In cold Cox wnB today notified by District storago, cooked mcnl nnd soaflsli Attorney LIIJeqrlBt to Investigate that have no commercial value. Ho charges against tho Burroughs boys plans to feed tho young .salpion who Jlvo with their mother In First longer than usual, hoping that tho Addition. 4(: Is, charged that tho bpys larger they aro when roloasod, tho have been shootlpg aver thp heuda in pro of thorn will run thq gamut of of neighbors to scare Miem, havo beon the trout nnd pther fish that proy shocking tho morale of ,thp rosldoutH on Jlttlo salmon. ny tueir nciions anu language, oic., C. II. ALBERTSON loft on tho morning train to call on tho trad nt Coqulllo and Bundbn, A. O. ROGERS nnd Mrs. A. O. Rog ers, Sr., enmo down to Mnrshflold on tho speed boat "Auto" today. G. M. WALKER, of Temploton, was n passongor on tho good ship Mossongor for Mnrshflold today. - 1 ARCHIE JOHNSTON loft on tills morning's stngo for Gardiner and Florence, whoro ho will spona n faw dnyB. 1 HIGH TAXES MAY HURT ROAD DONDS Thrro Is n marked wall among Coos County taxpayers over tholr heavy dues this year nnd It Is feared by frlonds of tho good road bonding plan that tho election coming so aqou af ter tho notices have, boen sent out will result in tho defeat of of tho $440,000 bond Issue. Ono Mnratiftold man painted out yesterday that on ono smalt tract of timber land, his taxes woro doublo what they woro a year ago, and on nnothor fqttr times nB great and that 11b, t,nxos on half n block, pf MnrsUHclfl rcsldonco propprty wpra op great as tljey wero Oil n Yll0l block, TAX IiMY IS GOOD K PORTLAND, Or.. March 11 Less thnn two hours nftor Judgo I 'McGinn hnd Issued ail Injunc tion on tno grounds that tlio now Oregon tax law was Illegal, ho rovokod it as ho discovered tho law was apparently good. Tho Injunction wnB Issued on j tho ground that tho constitution I wns contrary to tho law but It, wnB iaior lounu mat tno poo plo hnd votod a constitutional nmcndnicnt which sustnlnod tho law. , RU8S HARNESS of RosoburB Is In iMnrahflold to nrrnngo for estab lishing nn agency for tho Ovor- land auto horo. W. IL FARRIN, of Sumnor, Is In Mnrshflold today on business. Mr. Farrln reports many signs of spring wonthor nt Sumner.' C. R. BARROW passod through horo last night en routo homo to Co-' qulllo from Salom, whoro ho nnd J. J. Srnnloy arguod n Coqulllo cnao In tho 811 promo Court. PORTLAND, Or., March 11. Ac cording to Article 9, Section la, of tho Stato Constitution, tho tax law now being uboiI 1b not comploto, nnd tho old Inw Is oporatlvo. Tho present stntuto was passed by tho Legisla ture but has not boon passed by the, pooplo, ns tho constitution provides, and thoroforo Is not oporatlvo. When Circuit Judgo Henry E. Mc Ginn recalled this nmondmont to tho constitution ho consontod to Issuing n temporary ordor against County Treasurer Lowls, restraining him from collecting ponalty on dollnquout taxes, although ho Is opposed on prlnrlplo to granting Injunctions. Horo Is tho section which tho Logls laturo ovorlookod; "No poll or head tax shall bo col lected In Oregon; no bill regulating tho stato Bhall become a law .until npprovod by tho people of tho stato at a regular' gonornl oloctlon," ' ' Tho Loglslnturo of J19J3 tiassod tlio now tax law and tho officials ot tho stato bogan working under It this year, Tho" Tact' that tho Jaw, to bo como operative," had to bo submitted to tho yotors at a gonoral oloctlon was ovorlookod and thoro' will bdno gonoral election until next Novoin bor. Thoroforo tho tax law la only half bakod, for whllo tho Legislature lld Its part thopoopln havo not acted. Undor tho, circumstances tho' pros out mcasuro, which Ik, bo Unpopular, Is not t,lawnnd thp old law, with It tlireo porcont robnto and pormlBslon for taxpayers to pay hi two Install monts Is In vogue. ''' CAPTk DUNSTAN, of tho Capo Arngo light liouso drovo to Mnrnhflold yestorday nnd reports tho road In fairly good shapo for this soil sou of tho your, except noar South Inlot. JOHN WEIGLE, of North Vnklmn. is a recent arrival on Coos Bny. Mr. Wolglo, says that from lit a ob servation ho bolloves Coos liny will bo. n. city of- 40,000 within threa years. IN. 3i HANSEN, of nandon, Is In Marahfleld on buslnoss, Mr. Han- I son reports buBlnoss conditions j gonorally Improved nt Bnndon, nnd snys thnt tho Clty-by-tho-Son will not iobo, tno wooion ;iwl, JUDGE R. D. 8PERRY of Coqulllo was In Mnrshtlold today grootlng hla many friends In this section. Ho hns beon talked of as a candi date for tho stato loglslnturo, but has not announced his candidacy. EUGENE SHETTBR, n well-known Bnndonlan, returned homo yestor day aflor n short visit with hln brother. Otto Bchottor, and old tlmo frlonds on tho nay. Ho re ports Bandon prosperous and that the outlook Is for a very good soasoii, 1 Alono the Waterfront.' I . : r-r-i Tho Rainbow Is 'off tho ways nf tor n gonorril '6varlraullng, "hut will bo fitted with a new WI160I' bororo bolng put back oil tho South Cpon Rlvor run. ICruso ft Banks hnvo the koel latft for a 05-foot gasollno InuncU which Is bolng bulR for tho coasting trndo. Capt. Wymnn, of tho Vogn, roport thnt Ids launch wob considerably damngod on tho trip to Mnrshflold from South Inlet yesterday by strik ing 11 sunkon rock. ' Tho Broakwator Is dud In' oarly tomorrow from Portland. Tho Alllnnco sailed for Enroll a to dny nnd will nail again from horo Saturday noon'for Portlnnd, Tho Hardy sailed from hoha today for Bnn Francisco with a cargo 'of lumber. I NORTH I1KNI) NEWS and Mr. LllJeqvlst proposes to havo It stopped at once ROAD CONTRACT LKT Roadmaster Hall-Lowls lias let Coqujlle River Coal' Guaraat,epd coo of slack and dlrC.nnd not to clliker Full, weight and prompt service : $5.50 Per Ton COOS COUNTY FUEL CO. . .. GEO. .A: BAINES none 181-L, , ' YM Broadway' South, HiIiil's llov Home. -Edward Dy- to Webb and associates the con or, whoso parents live at Daniels tract for clearing apd grubbing on Creek, was brought, hero from Co- tho township lino road bolow Ban qulllo yestorday by Night Officer don, for which bids wore rpcently Pyler of the county seat. Tho lad, rcelved by tho County Court. Tho who Is fourteen years old; was pick- distance Is about tlireo miles and ed up thero on tho request ot his tho area tp bo clenred Is given nB parents, who hnvo boen seeking him 23 acres. The contract price s for somo days. Ho made up his $1800, and thq work is to bo corn wind to run away and spent a few.ploted by tho first of Junq, Coqulllo days at Coaledo bororo going to iq- lieraiu, qullle. Neighbors say his parents , . r wayward? f'n6 8Cem8 ' "1 HOOL niBTIlIOT DIVIDED Tea Mile Case. An endeavor Is bolng made by tho Ion Mile sports men to raise a fund to fight Hillls Short's test caso relative to hunting on tho lakes In gasollno boats. So far, they have not raised thd nec essary amount to test the law out PHONE 10 Cent Messenger Service MARSHFJLQ CYCLERY 158-R Acting on a numorously signed petition from tho residents of School District No, 45, at Allegany, tho District Board has made a division of tho torrltory and creatod District No, 87, lying on the west fork of the north fork of Coos River. It Bems that tho old district was too wldoly extended nnd It wns necessary to havo two school houses, ono of them located In the region now cut off, nnd the now nrrancempnt will 00 more satisfactory all around Coqulllo Herald, Hnvo your Job printing dont at In Tho Times, MISSES CATHERINE AND IRENE STADBLMAN aro expected horo from St. LouIb on tho Breakwater tomorrow to Join tholr mothor, Mrs. Mlnnlo Stadnlman, ono of tho Flotchor holrs, who came to ti:o Bay recently, J. C. KENDALL telephoned today from Port Orford that ho wouldi bo homo tomorrow after a counlo of woeks spent In Curry county. Ills visit thoro was delayed by somo ot his papors being lost or delayed In transit, MISS 5CBTTA MITCHELL, a former Marshfiold high school girl who has been teaching school nt Ho ceta Heads, Is spomUng a couplo of weeks with hor brother. Shan non Mitchell, and friends on tho Bay. She Is arranging to onter Oregon University at Eugene aftor her visit hero. MISS OLLIE ALLEN, of Coaledo, returned homo today aftor a weoks visiting with frlondB In Marsh fiold. Miss AU?n Is a nowcomor In this ylcltlnty, arriving hero from Kansas City a month ago, reporting that sho is very much plensod with the country and cli matic conditions here. Have youi' Job printing done & The, Times office, Mrs. Olivia Edman of Marshflold was n visitor horo yestorday, Mrs. Arthur Johnson, who has boon sorlously 111, Is Improving, Tlio mombors of tho Marshflcld W. C. T. U. will attend tho mooting at tho .Methodist church this afternoon. Tho llttlo son of Mr. and Mrs, Wal ter Russoll, who haa boon Horlously ill of pneumonia nnd stomach troublo. Is roported as slightly improved. DANCE AT SUMNER, SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH II. Allra H leave Murslifleld at 7: HO p, . 111. Tioga Icnvo Miirbliflch! ut 8:00 p. 111. 1. Tho Times want ads got what they go after. BUCHU & PALMETTO "Penslar Brand" ' Kidney Remedy ono of tho best kidney remedies on tho markot'. Try a bottlo and bo convinced. Money back If you aro not satisfied. For sale only at THE LEADING DRUG STORE I- I LS jf i r i 1 -"" l6Ej!is , Mi imTi I'ljjtMt' j ifcaliL-ST,