T?""' ' rr?rj? l THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1914 EVENING EDITION aWWMmiirnninriiirrim i nn mm Mnmimu . , , MIMIBI w , , , h , 5HG 4 1-i OUR ELEGANT LINES SPRING GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT S. S. JENNINGS : NORTH BEND Send Your Laundry to Us By Parcel Post WE FURNISH A IJAG AND WILL PAY THE POSTAGE ON IT8 RETURN. Coos Bay Steam Laundry Phone 57-J MarshfieU Coos Bay Stationery Co AT WALKER'S STUDIO 93 Central avenue. Phone. 430. ANSCO AGENCY CAMERAS ' FILMS PLATES CHEMICALS PRINTING-DEVELOPING THE KIND YOU WILL EVENTUALLY INSIST UPON THI COOS IIOTHL Formerly f Marshfield WASHINGTON AVENUE STADDEN STREET NORTH BEND C. A. Matlla, Prep. TIA1M TA1JLB Willamette - Pacific Motor Car Lmyb MamlsfJald :3t a. a. 7:M a. m. :M a. m. 9:M a. m. !:! a. at. l:3t a. m. 11:M a. m. 11:3 a. m. 12,:3 a. m. 1: p. m. ($A p. m, 2:1 p. at. 2:36 ik. m. Si0 p. m, 3':3 p. m. ; is p. . 4:31 p. . G:3 p. m. : p. n. 7:l p. at. 7:3 P. a. ? F. m. S;34 p. a. 9:i p. a. !: p. af BataKlaya ly. 1S:VI p. m. I2t a. Lear Nortk Bend :45 a. a. 7:15 a. a. 1:15 a. a. 9:15 a. a. 10:15 a. a. 10M5 a. a. HUG a. n. 11:45 a. a. 12:45 P. a. l:ic p. i i:4S p. i dill! . . 2:46 . a. 3.1E p. n. 3:45 p, a, 4:15 p. a. 4:45 p. n. S:15 p. m. 6:46 p. m. :16 p. a. 7:15 p. n. 7:45 p. a. I:1E p. a 1:45 p, m. 9:1G p, a. 10:16 p. a. Saturdays only 11:15 p. a. 12:16 a. a. ,. Office Stationery v Artists' Materials You can make better pictures with greater certainty by using ANSCO FILM Fits Any Film Camera u IT. Jr. iCAIFJB JJ A. II. HODOINS "Afield fmm m ICntiraatca Furnished, ffaasa 899-J. MuraliflelJ, Orcgoa. WHITE GLOVES CLEANED Full Dress Suits to Rent UNIQUE PANTAT0RIUM JAY DOYLH Jt O. O. DAGOBTT SM Oaatral Ava. Plicme SSO-X A Check Account With this bank will add System to your business affairs And system jaeaaa lacreased auslaess, decreased expense, ln croaeed ettlciaacy, aelf caafUeacb and reliance. Tour return chocks, caacellod by tha bank when paid, at a com plots rocord or your atoatfy dlabuncneats. Tkla bank JaTltcs yalir accau'at. The First National Bank Of Coos Bay 20 Commutation Tickets $2.00 20 Marahfield.North Bend Auto Iiae. Cam T(ry ten minutes from O a. a ts 12:00 p. at. 3QJtflT A KING. Props. RDJSON'S LATEST a alorut battery Umt continual Tr caarctBS win not barm. DOM NOT CORRODH AT THRMINALS. CONTAINS NO ACID. Will ho. lose lt charge while taBrttae Idle DJ GUARANTEED FIVB YKARJ9 Coos By WiringCo. 1B8 Vraattway. Agmta tor Pert f Oooa Day. Qtatoatat at Coadltioa OP FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANKS of Mursliflald aatl Myrtle Polat, Oregon, at the close of kuluu March 4, 1014 Resources. Loans and discounts $099,1312.77 Ranking House .,...., 01,493.17 Cash and Slcht Exchange 211,798,25 Total ,,, ,,,.,... fQ7fl,a04.1O LUblKttei, Capital Stock Paid r . ,,, ,.,i . n . t ,,.,.,,,,.., I 76.000,00 Surplus and, Ufldlrided Profit" ,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,.,. Q0.G34..Q4 Deposits , , , ,,, ,,, ,,,.,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, 836,109)50 Total .,,,,(,.,,,, fttiit iiiiiiiiiiiiimmi ,$072,80-1.10 South Coos River Boats Hkpress Juatea Uarabflald for booa f rivar at S a. at., re turajn- la tTeabur, 0reaiar Ralanaw loaves acad af titer at 7 a. m. and raturalag leatoa UarsbHeld at 2 B M hOOBRS A SMITH. We Have a Full Line of Dried Fruit of High Quality and our prlcsa ara always taa beat. Fancy Italian Prunes, 30 to 40c to the pound, The very beat on tbo markot, our price, 10 pounds for Jl.Ot), Seedless RaUlna at tbo same prlco, COOS BfAY TEA, COFFEE AND SPICE HOUSE 13 North Broadnay. Phone 304-J. TUH UOVBM OP TASTE TYPEWRITERSAH standaN makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt Fax. Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Clanlir, rvpairtBg ar mew pLtteaa, xorfc gHaraatMd. lUbboas aad carbon paper deUrerwi. PHtf s yar rdr. Phoae 44. Alltaac afflce. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title $ Trust Co. Abstracts, thoroughly dependable. Im taedlato aerrlre, prompt atten tion to all InUreats of at cltcBtf, Minimum cost. I. S. Kaufma & Co. hi our new location, we aro ea psotally ptitpared to cater to family trade, Regular meals or short or dcra. Open day and night MERCHANT'S OAFS. Broiway ad Commercial MfUL THE COOS BAY TIMfe has thi LARGEST CIRCULATION of any newspaper published in COOS, CURRY OR DOUGLAS COUNTIES PROVED BY GOVERNMENT REPORT AND OFFICIAL LIST ON FILE WITH COUNTY CLERK BUY THE VERY BEST Marshfield RilTTFR Creamery PUNLIt MADE UNDER SANITARY CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND MODERN FACTORY. &TKRILIZED MILK AND CREAM. PURE ICE 4 Pre delivery, 8 a. m. and. a p. m. Phone 73 1 AMONG THE POLITICIAi CANDIDATES (CANDIDATE FOR aoVHIlNnn. COMING TO COOS DAY Tho candidates are coming forth, a fierce and noisy crew, and EaBt and West, and South and North, they sound tbo loud bazoo; they sound the loud ba zoo, my friends, the same fa miliar notes, and ore the woary campaign ends thoy'U havo our dlvors goats. Tbey'ro weep ing for -tbo men who slnvo, with sweat upon tholr brows; tho starry flag again they wnvo, and tow tho Bamo old vows; they vow tho somo old vows, my boys, wo heard In days of youth; they so bcgullo us with their aolso, wo think they speak tho truth. And so we'll all no gloct our work, and wasto tho goldon days, to hoar tho ton cent modern Burke goldbrlck tho easy Jays; gold brick tho oasy Jays, my lads, and fill us full of bunk, whon wo should work to earn tho scads, llkowlso tho bono and plunk. They'll teach us that our fato dopends on going to tho polls, and vot ing for our windy friends who spring long rigmaroles, my dears, but novor ply tho saw; who novor wield tho spado or shears thoy only wield tho Jaw. Thoy'll fool us with tho sama old tricks, and lead us by tho noso, and wo shall look to pol itics for cures for all our woes; for ourca'for all our woob, my chums, which statesmanship can't 'holp; and whon tho day of waking comos, Just watch us whlno and yolpl j - ri BBBBBBBKtfr..j;raaNF ,fJ.' JBB't.-.i y'ByBBSBBBBBJBHBgHE BBB MBv 8KJvBBJBBBBBBBlpp 'BBBBBBK mmmK&m&m TK B. JAMES A CANDIDATE POPULAR MARSID7IKLD MAN WILL SEEK COMMISSIONER HIIIP ON THE REPUHLIOAN TICKIC1'. Thomas B. Jamos, a well-known and popular Marshfield man, has announced his candidacy for County commissioner on tho Itopuullcan tlckot and la tho first avowed can dldato on that tlckot. Mr. James was a resident of North Bond for a numbor of yoar and temporarily removed from Coos Bay but lator returned to locato permanently and took up his resi dence In Mnrshfloid. Ho Is amply qualified to fill tho position and as ho Is In tho race at tho solicitation of bis friends, says ho Is In to win. Ho says ho has numerous assur ances of support, both from Marsh field and North Bond, as well as from many friends In tho Coqulllo Vnlloy. NOT YET IN OREGON A now law In Wisconsin makes tho offering of a cigar or a drink during a political campaign n bribe. TbUB tho campaign cigar Is gradual ly getting Into Its proper class as a crime. D. D. D. R. L. STEVENS former Shorlff of Multnomah Coun ty, who has ontorcd tho raco for tho Ropubltcan nomination for Gov ornor. Mr. Stovons will visit Coos Bny soon. Ho sorvod throo tornm nB Shorlff of Multnomah, bolng rp olcctod oach time by largely Increas ed maJorltloB. Ho was formoriy In tho banking business. CANDIDATES for county offices ' aro bocomlng moro numorous as primary election approaches and thoro promises to bo something of a scramblo for tho political plums before tlin flnnl ilnv nf flllnn- Ar rives. Tho offlco of County Commission er has dovolopod tho most aspir ants to dnto with County Judgo In Bocond placo. For Commissioner thoro aro al ready thrco cnndldnto from Coos uuy, uiwiiuij, jy. u, UUrilB, OI NOrtll Bond, nnd Thomas B. James and Lovi Smith of Marshflold. On tho Vnlloy sldo, Mr. Armstrong, tho nrcsont flnmmlRnlnnn.. nntl TCIlmrt Dyer, both of Bandon, will seok tho Humiliation ana u. w. Starr, or Brldco. la nlnn nn nvnwml nmll. dato. JOB. WntBnn. thn wnll.knnwn niiil popular County Clork, will bo a Re publican cnndldnto to succood Judgo ilnll as County Judgo as Is also J. J. Stanley, Domocrat, of Coqulllo. Ex-Stato Sonntor W. C. Ohaso, of isoquuio, is nnotnor uopuuucnn can dldato for County Judgo. JamcB Watson's brothor, A. R. Watson, prosunt Deputy County Clork, hnH filed ns a candldnto to succeed his brother. Tho nrlmarv olnotlon la tn ia hold on Mny 15, nnd to beenmo n candldnto upon tho official ballot mo wouiu-uo oinco noiiior must navo ms nnmluntlng petition filed with tho Clork on or before April 14. This petition must bo signed by throo per cont of tbo voters, and tho potlttons must represent oo fourth of tho voting precincts of tho county. SSj A .. . f0SRy UtU "I'n a f.il.S '8 an ,. "i tloo hothead1 coin. ..'.'.' ft , - in tii . by. pro , ;u,! die?" AV ,,.... "U!&J him .....'' f" J old Z. e.,0l nrounj to f(JRl Will nVHl not h.i'ffniJ !',? AMhtW Is In M. V.M nlon,iin: "rV tJ a&?ii trm. ;; mi Sutsn8,thron .M? JI town br hrjl down v... ." SH-"Cfl uscful ork ,Z eye. w, ..'" to bleedandZ? E. B. CURI FIRST I WELL KNOWS MANFIIlST0X( TO ANXODXft l'OIt CXMDIISSIOa m K. n. Curtis, of lormor v of MrtU, Of Postm&ittr Cirt'i. was tho flriUrotrfs county Coinmlulcttrt nny sldo of tht m tls did not wk ik. i til a rnmmltl nf I North Dond clttai him and ukm kki nomination u i rif this section ot tUi aawwmmm "forlSvtart Per All The Standard Skin Remedy Instant Relief Skin Troubles Tht Guarantd Rtnwty Rod Cross Drug Store. DEVELOPING PRINTING PICTURE FRAMING, ENLARGING AND SUPPLIES REHFELD BROS. Russell Building, Central Avenue Goodrum's.Garage homo ot the CADILLAC and FORD Auto Supplies for All Makes of Cars 847 Central At. Phone S7&L POLITICAL WISDOM Bocnuso n cnndldnto Is n good follow nnd needs tho' offlco Is no r'oiiBoii why a man should bo soloctcd to represent tho pooplo, Thoro tiro thousands who aro good follows, who aro not worth a counterfeit ponny, who might doslro tho office, but that Is no ronson why thoy should bo honorod. Tho man who roprosonta tbo pooplo, no mattor whether It is In town, city, county, stnto or nntlon, should bo a man of good horse senso; a man of ability, honesty nnd Intogrlty. And thoy can bo secured nnd should bo, and tbo good follows glvon nn oppor tunity to earn tholr living by tho sweat of tholr brows. LEVI SMITH MAY BE CANDIDATE WELL - KNOWN MARSnFIELD MAN REING URGED RY HIS FRIENDS TO SEEK C05DII8 SIONERSU1P. Lovl Smith Is being urged by bis friends to become a candidato for Commissioner, but as yet baa not mndo any announcement of his can didacy. Mr. Smith Is a Republican and if he seeks tho nomination it will bo on that ticket. 1 .vnv t -TM 'c. ,1 V Its i E. 11. CurtU. 11 for Oountr ( NO SAW EDGES on YOUR COLLARS if you havo thorn laundered TWIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRY HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. FAMILY DINNERS For wet weather, dry clothes comiort nut Tontt't Fish Brand REFLEX SLICKER It it 11 you want, or cn get. in a routn and ready lerWce coat. Tkocouthly waterproof aw) Kioag at every poiat. $3.00 daller'a SatUfictloa Guaranteed A. J. Tower Co. !!?, BOSTON b?tSaaVi Towe Canadian ro,lt hi .i m$T ,,.... i,- .-l, ttia uuriis iu - .., l .-A ttlUt atlon nnnouncfrd M ' acceni, mo yi- - uesireu. , , ,, tiai ciuien -, orty owner ,a. ." "". lll flUSH c'Pie?.a" ",7H on tue "u?,v7. iJ( Mr. CurtU Ii eemanar..V nira nei " canuiuaw. r.-..,tlmo CfiJl' wbo announce W "u LVili show that Ie "tj tlcal oinco w SKElXuCefJ . MoosAjerlliifl boat ana t"?"..ttj, to go to Ooo BJT they will xB "" World. . .. . rftili. L,lDoy !, ALWAYS ISBJ Livery bu TrW' AVOID STllT' DR .. . -I. tfo Take row ' H pound totifijfyiti gested conditV and broncMj bronchitis,! .- nneerOUS r"M rocking comMJV but Fole ' lalfj Pure and SS,. 4 tains no "'5rain Pharmacy. 'Wj1 site Chandler n Ual Avenue WH