TWO THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHRELD, OREGON, MONDAY, IMRCH 9;. T91W EVENING EDITION. rv i COOS BAY TIMES M. V. MALONHY JCdltor and I'll I). DAK H. MALO.NKY Xcws Kdltor Official l'nper of Coos County WITH THE TOAST AND THE TEA I DUSTS MINUS DAY'S NEWS IN H 5 POLICE COURT WOOD HYMNING Ho who seeks his own ad vnntngo, instcnd of striving for tho wolfaro of those dopondont on him, displays a small mind and ono deserving of contempt. St. Bernard O. ClBt. - Port of Coos Bay Decides to Frank Ganley Gets ,nlo Troll. i si ..t-i..ti . I j L.UU8 uiiy man wuuiuu i ubk a lake for n drink of water. But tho hlg hoob will hang nround and nak a girl for a kiss. -tt-tt- Litt'o Bo-Pcop has lost her slicop, Far ho It from her to worryl She heard of tho soaring prlco of meat And sold each lamb In a hurry. Tho less a Coos Bay man amounts to tho larger ho shows up In a group photograph. Lovo Is blind to ovorythlng cx copt nn engagement ring. - A man has to adjust a hat to fit his hrad. A' woman ad justs her hoad to' fit n hat. --- THIS QUINT ORHKRYKR SAYS I - o "If thoro Is any such thing as an Ideal woman, It Is usually tho othor man's wife." -It-M- But nn ounce of flattery beats a pound of truth If you havo an ax to grind." iTAiiMsiix:;v camps. Eroding lo Cmin Buy to Be I'lnlsliod This .Slimmer. Tho Kugono Register says: "That tho grado for the Wlllamotto Pacific railway will ho flnlsi oil through to Cocs Bay this coming summer Is tho promise of II, P. Hocy, assistant on Klueor rf the company, who roturnod WiMlnnni!. y night from a two weeks' trip to San Francisco. Further, bo stated, work on tho grndlug will bu resumed bb gocd weather sots In. "Concrete abutmontB for a brldgo nt Ohlckahamlny linv cd and tho erection Make Him Give up Place Dredge Paid Off The Port of Coos Bay Instructed tholr attorneys, J. W. Bonnett and C, ble Twice Boys Take Mars den Launch ' Frank Ganloy was arrested Satur- II In nv 'in hnvn To h , Unnnlns dll' VOnlllr by Officers SllOltpO nntf " , V" Xiinr i?n wWrt'hS Donno nt th0 Clnymoro bar and was ousted from Dredger Isle, wiilcii no ),-,, .,,.,. f ii.tttiir - Jin wnn rn. .TrofCoro'i fl!w vlrs'mn do ?& on 10 ' nsh'hal. p ov Cl hy f 0mEoundrCghnerf0 han'ur Ss. JJ" "Ji"' S CT Ranchcrs wanted to tako tho oyster " '"u?"1" '' ," "" I "Wl shells from tho island but Manning J"1 "J"1 " "m oy .V'f ', " wouldn't lot thorn, hence tho decision J,fcJ? " n , ?ii fvi0" to oust him. Mr. Bennett said that "n ZtZ?r fnl ?uE LfnlC the ranchers were afraid of Manning. ' r"n"?,, nt in a ,fnV l,, During tho month of February tho ' St nn7tlZw in LnLr? drodgo Seattlo'B expense was $10,870. h ,a " " 'i StAatotnSuv loll KnForn.y180'000 f XWn'l&SSSi On account of 'the .'moid use of tho "ornla." "Well, you bo hero for Port! undTlt wiStitSl "&? at ft"!? tho banks only two per cent Interest folt "r btl w a on tho balances after March 27. iiw, .. nV JS, I 2 Tho attorneys were Instructed to "crd.r " i?uli "' "A havo C. R. Peck and A. Adams sign ?,"'fn5- ",?1aHinn!?'"l1 " " now deeds transferring tho Port prop- "12Tl irpiif."0-- nmJ ', S orty on North Front street to tho SchJ?tai?lH li ' .? now port commission to eliminate .l , m,rtfJV?? .forcod Tfcj- ,1,'l" any question about Its title In tho ffh tho w,ndow of Joh" GtU11 8 M'.... Mini. I,. .' Wnrlr ' Boj'H Took TilllllU'Il. Sec So Kstacken has mado a re-1 Frnnk 'Iavl,B nml h- Mo,cr woro nr nueH?o?Ma o 'Srow to &J the J ' ZlZ Xf "2mi5SS,Jf0fB dredco Mlchlo cot buBV and cut down Sllntlny n'tornoon on complaint of J. tho shoa Is M i tho lower bay "when It ftr8t'" n" charged .with taking his is too rough to work on tho bar Ho 'nunch without permission. Marsdon pontodS?hat the dredge could Had planned to take his family for Lo,t with n load w-hon It was too n trlI' ,n u, ""ch yesterday and niUBh ta work on'Vtho bar . !" nrrlvlB "tho dock saw tho Carl Evortson was assured that tho voung men departing. Ho on- dreJgo fill would not bo permitted .' "nt,1'cr "h ""i1 "I '" 0(L '' i WK Hi0. .! Ht f U, Mwht03r0VirB,ttdh a'n'dT.Sod"1 UI11U UIUI111IUII0U, I rl,ll,1 1l.- !, I.i.nt n l.m lanillng. I Marsdon then went to tho police I station and told Officer Richardson ' of tho affair and said l.o wanted tho ' young men arrested. RIchardBon went out and located tho couple walk ing up Front streot Just after leaving the boat and askod them why they took the 'boat. Wo Just wanted a ride," said Moyer. Richardson then placed both under arrest but Mars- , . . . -,ntn lon refused to prosecute. Officer SIlOWS Bl( Gain OVCr 1912, Richardson then telephoned to Jus- flrrnrriinn tn Pnrt nnmmls- ,,co i,nnc' n"(l n9lc' wlmt dlspo- rtccoramg 10 run uuimnib 8lton ,.0 8ll0ll)(l mnUo of tho cnae SlOn S Annual Report JuBtlco Ponnock said that in vlow or , . , tho fact that Marsdon did not want II. C. DIcrs. who was appointed , mOM,ii Minnn ti,n i.m-u .iti oboon comnlot- by tho Port or Coos Bbv to coniplle .. K00ll tBlklng to. T!mt uichanl ot ri,rTdTiiM"5?" f ' '.? ? J00Z !?n l.d. both Javlls and Meyer prom- that nlnco will not moan much of a-","' "M" "ml.ritc VncroMo ovor nit " "Ini ' , voni l ." V0ol ,n",(" tlolay. Track laying gangB aro hut,"''0WB n murlcul cr01180 r ibi boat tor a littlo joy rldb rgaln. Tho lwfl !c? r"" " '""?? "I. n !.' Tho lumber Bhlpments totaled ,"'"'-," ? ""' ' "7"'"" Cliarles Guy was arrostoil by Of riror Doano Sunday night and charg- on hand tor some time. S V" "nPY:re,. Hlmwd an lncredsn. " .!""' ' ""Ji ''", r ".";. .,'. " "Waltlns tor the opening or sprlnn.ltho'vAluo being 1354,414 against " " ZrwarBl"; rl Veen n In- nlntos Mr. Ilnnv. Is linldlni; thn sltlin- moo nnn inai v..nn JMUiiiiiij, aim wuo hi- nin-uii i ini ". ..::.....':...' .. ... n 1.7. ,i... "?'""" '"." ..... .,.., utes to lcavo town, uoane said tnai 1913 SWG OF COOS BAY tore tho commissioners and entered a vigorous complaint about tho con dition in which hrr place was lort. Sho Bald that they did1 not got a good solid fill Ilka tho rest of thorn. Enjxlnetjr Charleston said that Scotts 1 1 left tho boarding up around their lmsoniant so that only the lino silt' could oozo In and then wl'cn tho . dredge plpo was chatig6d, tho drnin- I ago carried much or tho line dirt away. Mrs. Scott wanted ?fiuO damages EaStside ReqUeSt-DiSCUSS stackon and Rogers wcro appointed the Femdale Fill ja.commllteo to Investigate. M'KAY STREET F. Hvuncu Port of Coos Bay Approves PILING ll MILL H two iiiiicb rrom u uriiiRo io nnu , Tho i,lmuor BhlpmontB totaled will start work on tho structuro, t0IJB ngBnst aci),77:i laat soonfts tho steel girders mny ho sontt mA ho vnluo wn y2,n3,: from Eugene, where thoy havo ueon.nBnlnBl ?2.:iC0,083 last year. Tho The Port of Coob Bay Commission today passcl n rosolutlun authorizing tho city or Kastsldb to temporarily ex--tend a wharf and dock out over tho1 harbor line to deep wnter on the pro posed1 extension of McKnv street, to make the now highway between thoro-' and Marshflold avalla)le. The per- j mlt was granted In response to n re-1 quest from lSngtncor Cavannugh of j j-;asi8iuo, wno appoareu ueioro ine Port In nohnlf of tho KaBtBldo resi dents. Ifo explained that McKay street was a shortor and more direct route than tho old long wharf now in ubo and' would bo beneficial to both sides. ITc said that GnstBldo stood ready to bear part of the oxponBo and that It was proposed to have tho county court transfer ?8000 which they had set aside tor rebuilding tho long wharf and road to pay tho ex ponso of filling McKay Etrcot. Ho said that they wero certain t';o county commissioners would do this. When this is built tho plan Is to have tho ferry Transits routo chnng cd to McKay street, operating direct to n now slip In Marohflold, probably near tho proposed extension of Eirod nventio to tho waterfront I-VrmlAlo Fill. Potcr Logglo oat down on a re quest from Claudo Nasburg that tho big flat In front of Forndalo bo filled by tho -dredgo Scattlo at' tho name rato that the Port Is paying for tho fill, Mr. Logglo Bald that tho Port would have to bo rnroful of Its funds in ordcro tt tnsuro tho completion of I tho twonty-fivo foot chauuol project! to thn sen nml thnt If Mr. Xnahurtr' and tho other proporty owners want-, cd tho fill they could pay for it tho . 8a mo as North Bend and othor prop-' orty owners had to pay, namoly, eight cents por yard or thereabouts. Another question about thin was Hint there Is not Hiifflclont dredglngs In tho Port project to mnko tho big fill to grado. Mr. Nasburg wanted tho project extended. Tho Port en gineer was Instructed to flguro out how ni'iph fill would bo required for tho blK-riU. Mr. NTPluirK objected to the pro posal or the City Council to have tho streots r 1 cd to botoro tho proporty was filled. J. W. Be-.inott '.u.kod on tho mattor hut noUiIng will be dono until tho Port engineer completes his figures on tho project. Mr. Scoff Complain. Mr. Peter Scott, Sr.. appeared bo- lrY FRIDAY NIGHT. Mnistiflclr and Xoith Bcuil (Janic at TlL,rt1llck. Friday night tho .Marshflold high school hasketbalt team will play North Bend In Marshllold. Tho gamo will In a way deefdo tho second hon ors In tho Cbos county lenguo, Marsh flold and Coqulllo being tied. Co qulllo plays Bandon Friday night nnip Is practically suro of victory, while Marshflold will play the season cham pions. It will bo- tho laBt game In tho old taltornaclo, which will bo torn down In a week or so. Ti.o following Is tho detailed scoro and llnoup or Friday night's gamo between Coqulllo and Marshflctd, thn latter winning- 21 to 22. Tho officials of tho rirst gamo wero Mast, rotorco; Granule, umpire; Rahskopf, scorer;- Bradloy, ttm keep er. Tho lineup or tho two tennis in tho main gninu was as follows: Marshflold' Position Coqulllo CurtlB Oenilng Clarko Kern Forwards. Seaman Center Lesllo Chapmnn Miller Hunter Watson Guards, The Hold baskets wore mado by tho following players: Clarko 2, Seaman .1, Curtis 3, ncsllo 2, Oerdlng .I, Kern 2, Mlllor, Watson. Tho toulH wero th'rown by; Curtis 8", Oordlng 3. T flnn nf I act Dn i. i . ' ed fcjsa .n. Noblo yesterday it.,, , i a largo number of i,in l0 H Slough- at .the high fc ?' living Buiucicni tor the fnn:." tor the Conway bnIlcIInBad tfr Bay atcam Laundry bulldin. tow othor buildings. L, .f11' n getting them in or"? h box nt ho mouth of th0 ' nma nuo anu nicy will .." tho laBt to bo taken n ,B01! In order to prevent mnA .. . dredglngs washing out Into ? n largo bulkhead Is be In b It' ti-o old, dike at tlio south i Mill Sough. ThlBforcea ;& wobU rar west and deposit no '?.? dirt botoro It comes back outu " thoslough. ""ck out throua t U wlJl r.?,1"lrc nlwut three t. mi.Mui iu mi ine area south of OS Slough betore tho dredge wliiJl Owner, of lh.fht5& streot say that- tho nn. a..?.: not carrying otr tho water udiu in conaoquonce a larK0 nrCa 0 bZ will ho n lnlto. ti.o." .... ;"". il. fnn .... ""' "VWIftfc, iw w uiiiihii;!), I SI'I-XTIAfi I.KNTKX SHtVI (sow) iikacit Nuoarrrs. Cni-ry County KvotitH A 'FoM br Tho tiloDf. The Randolph will probably will direct to Portland nrtor n load or cannery supplies, ror tho Woddorburn ' Trading company, Duvo Colvln will nail on her ns engineer In place of Henry Colvln, who hns matters or business to nttend to fn this local'ty.. GrandUia Huntley Is now seriously 111 at the home or hor dnughtcr, Mrs. Chris Koornor or tUftrpltteo-. C. II. Balloy announces Ills candi dacy tor tho nomination tor sherirr on ti.o Democratic ticket. Charley's efficiency aB an orricer, together with Ills affable ways maka of hi in a can didate whom it will take a combina tion of llvo wires to bent. If you don'.tt think, bo,, put yourwtr up against him. fho Hector or the EpUcopMtW Is Issuing an announcement ctrl2 Bpeclnl services In thn n. .1,1? with addrc8?cs and normonj on u en and othor practical Clirlitlu Ic. On Tuesday aftcrnoom bet tho meetings of tho Guild la Ci Hall there will bo a devotloai vlco with a scries of addrcuei ci tho gonernl thenio nf "vs. ru. tlon Ought to Bclluve." Thn um. uuon uurviccs uegin promptly at f -It. On Thursday ovciiIiikb at 7 joi will bo a Borvlco conalstlDRof , oiiou lorm oi livening Prayer th n meditation on tho central ir.H. "Somo KloniPuts or Hcllulon," oi Sundays nt It a. in. and 7 JO it special topics arc arranged. Rov. IliownliiK announce! ca ti Louton enrd that tliew epc-Ul ij. drcsBos and sermons me dctlctlti mnko thinking Christians, to ub thom sco tho reasunablcnea oi tit grounds or their ftltu. "WHO WILL MAHItr M.IRT A great picture at Grand TbM lomurrow nigai. WBItAUY CONCMRT Sunday. LIBRARY COWnilT Sundiy. Times Want ads bring regain. tlon back nml nothlmr will be dono rrom hondquartors until tho weather clears. NORTH BKNI) NI-3WS Tho total export tonnngo. during ,, WI1B . ,,-, ..,.. ... WB 19ia was 41C,ori8 tons, valuod at ,iotrImont tu tho community. f:i,D'JG,274 ngahiBt 383,9-IC tons "ocrimenno tno communu. thn nrovloiis year allied nt $2.- 025.808. HUVIVAIil.V COQl'lliliK. J i Tho totnl Imports this -year woro -43.011 tons, vnlued nt $11,001, f70 Over SSt) Convorlcil At Cost of Almiit Mrs. R. A. Annln of Mvrtle Point, IngaliiBt r.!),17C tons vnlued at SI1,- One TIkhihiiiiiI Dollars. county president of Hi- w . T. II.. 088,o:iO In 1912 nn.i Vh ninnniin l.'miiia nros'.loiii TIiIh lurt a balance or irauo OI of tho Bnndon W C. T. V.. will bo' $271,040 lu favor of Coos Bay for lioro on Wednesday and n snclnl tho year. mooting will bo hold at tho Metho dist church nt which somo of tho yearly huslnosi will bo tnkou up. Rov. II. G. Summorllu, who Is de livering locturPB through tho county, will Icnvo tor South Coos River this nftornonn for a tow days M The Ccou'llp Sent'rrl b-v: M, O Hoolon. or tho commltteo having tho finances of tho recent evangelistic campaign in chargo, stated thnt the freewill oftorlng to Mr. Taylor am ounted to $425.85. In addition tu this he was paid $100 for travollng oxpoiibus In coming hero and Mr. C. K. Lano recolVod $125 for his ser vlces uu singer and dioristor. In luldll.on to tl Ib tno local ox- the Bpondlng n few weoks with hor """' " "" V,' nPVA.B ...nnhino. pnrty tor about flvo weolts and lncl- dnughter. Mra. Franklin Flshor In ""., ii vi-iivo Tim Graco Dollar ""entnls amounted to Just about $J00. Portlnnd. Is expected homo on tho' J . M'",V,il ST This malioB a grand total or about noxt Breakwator. MrB. W. I). Simpson mid little ! Hav i eento LOCAL OVERFLOW. I Two AiivstM. C. F. McGoorgo ami A. K. JoiiBun aro tho two lnt- est to bo haled on tho enroot by moon tor a tow days. -" ",,- ": i". .i,.', lTchts on tholr ln "ddii.on 10 u ib ino locai e: ra. George Bolster, who hnB boon " Xp ilnrk It Ib tho "ocond 1,0BC8 for rot "f hnl1' ooar,, for U" ullng n row weeks with hor "?"" B"f" MnUeorco's machine mrt' for nbout "vo wt'0,,B nn(1 ,nc ....- . r Lit- iiu(. i erronBO, for .Mcueorgoa luatuiiiu. , ,..,i tn i.u nimuH trim taT:va. '". .Y. . n"".ni- n . $950 as tho amount or money ex. fl'UlKQ IIUIII me vuiuiuu mil " -..,.,.,,,..,.,... ""t.lnnnt HMin llnnlv nrrlvnil In mill 1":hu uu miimiu m ihwu iiiiui.. . ... r l .. II. ..nolo In. "l'" """' "".:' .. "". .. A llin nmnl ni n tin rllllf Alnll uniiK.iiur, iH-iimu, uiu iiiu h i- , illil thn Snootiwoll. tno laiior . " "ivw....!, .t ... ............ dav of Mrs. Kkblad ln Marshflold. Mr. and Mrs .loiin i-rooiunti ana day night Mr. L-mo snld ho had kept nn nccurato reeoru niui mero iihu I BO 'enllini: today I ..I ... L.....ll.... TIm lln. xfii.irn nml nllffn.-,! Vrimliiiiil wnro ... V".n! ".m" . ' w..n. ' n.i been 257 (IocIhIoHb for tho Christian tho guoatB over Sunday of relatives " ,"ro today on business. Ho fo during tho cninpnlgn, and that on North (iilot. ., lroports thnt thro aro only eight 171 of thesp now convorts had al- A congregational meeting oi um,..,,. cn808 of Binnllpox In North ieauy uimou wuu umo uno m mu Bond now, bIx of thoso uoing in tno ciiiiiom.- oi m tj. Moorohouso family nonr tho brldgo j to Bangor. i STILL SKKIC BK.VSO.V. LuinlH-niian Hero. Josopr l-yro, i innintinrit of thn Presbvtorlnu chureli will bo ho'd on tho twontloth of this month. Business will bo transacted and a urogram given. Tho Pronbytorlnn Ladles' Aid will hold n Boclal nftornnon Thursday nt tho church. All moiuhors nnd rrlentlH nro Invited to attend. Tho brldgo across tho cut at Simp son's park was ononod Saturday to toot nasBOiiKors. It will booh bo open to gonoral traffic. Mrs. Thos. Hall of Portland, who has boon visiting with her daughtor, Mrs. Kkblad or Marshllold, Ib spoil ing n fow days horo with refatlves. Mrs. Hollo BnckoiiBtoo Is tho guest for a fow days of hor mother, Mrs. Goo. Bolster. , , ,. Mrs. Tom Smith, of Daniels Crook, Is spending a fow days visiting with friends on Catching Inlet. A. H. Dorbyshlro has about con cluded arrangements whereby ho will become nssoclntod with J. W Bonnott in tho prnctlco of law. Ho will retain IHb homo In North Bond and trnvol back nd torth, night nnd morning. Ho will also rotaln hlB position as city Auornoy oi North Bond. John Vniiburgor's bid to carry t he mnll to Lakosldo was rojoctod by tho Government bocauso It was too high nnd now bids will bo oponod April 1. F C Woods, rocontly of Cokovllle, Wyo'., is nssoclatod with Rol. Walk er In a nowly established hoiisemov- Ing biiBlnoss noro. n prominont lumberman who has No Trace of Man SuHpccteil of Aiding In on looking nf tor Interests nt Ban- In Sven Saloon Robbery, don, wna ln Marshflold todny. I Axol Bonson Is still being sought Leave Today. Tho Speodwoll had by tno offlcorti as an accomplice of only n row pnssongors out or hpro GuBt j0i,80n n tho robbery or Oscar today for California. Thoso sailing' IolUOi the Kastsldo mill employe on hop woro J. II. Fort and wlto, ; wno wna Uell ., umj r0Ubed or $205 C. L. Downs, miss usiuor o"o; bills In tho back room or ,tho Svea and F. K. L Hague Bi00n last Wednesday ulght. It Is ,. j bollevod that Benson la In hiding , PERSONAL OVERFLOW 1 1 --"J, SrZ iZlTA S 5. J. 8BBLBV I. hero from Co ', J&t&lSL qiilllo campaigning for the Dora- , , of the crmo nnd cinmed that ocratto nomination .for County ft rallroiu, contractor had given' him CoinmlBBloutr. j tho In0oy which ho was spending. BURT DOnBMuTlrill lonvo over-1";03 tlTC innd tomorrow for Portlaml. and u. PsXo, 'and who?o ho had Mrs. Doroniua wm go to uamoi- . ,20 b . b , ult nt nla for a snort bih). m. vlvun wor found, ho conressod i 1-. iiiPtlP Inft trvlnv fnr ?nn H BlKHed tt BfatOllieilt that ho F 30. HAGUE loft todaj tor San nenBon rushing from the door Francisco to accompany Mrs. u g g , , Umt xyonaon Hnguo homo from hor visit there. hmot0 g0 witu him to tho Chand- lor Hotel whore uonson gnvo mm $90 or $100 which ho claimed to DYEK WILL HUN Tho Bandon Rocordor announces thnt Elbort Dyer of Bandon, will have taken from Lehto. Ha Bald lint Hiuori wjroroi . """ i tiiat then thoy separated and Ben uo a canuiuHB iu "'"" ,'" son loft Thursday morning tor North nomination for Co unty Commission- , HlJ WQU,(l t0 SajJ " .L".m,Ct ftV, " L. ,0 T Fran isco. Ho claimed tq have nouncomeut SIkIIu to C a lottor irom &, i . It. wado la printed. 11 O, Soydol, of Portland and tu it Mr. Slglln highly endorses '.... ...I,n l linrn with fl VlOW HI- llvnit nil.l HflVfl tllllt lift f Slirll tl 1 ra,X.".rorH?.m!, Bonv n nc on Coos Bay or to buy out tip Coos Bny Water Company. Is chocking up tho Goldon Falls Biipply. Ho was Informed that th supply thoro would ex. pod flvo million gallons nt the do est season of tho yonr, but later was iutormod that it was not half that amount and so U cheehlng up tho records of the flow durluir ID 10 to bob what Is right. It is Bald that ho is favor nbly Impressed with the uroapoi-t liore. bo a candldato for ofHco this year or not, I Along the Waterfront. I Captain Alox. formerly of tho Bor tlo Minor, but who has boon holding tha' uoaltlon of mnto oirthe tug Kly- hynm for some months past, has np-1 capiou a borth on tno iiuamooK. ur vil Counts will tafce Capt. AloxlR fotuior position on tho tug. Bandon Surf. known Benson n.long tlnio and to havo previously advanced uonson $95. Tho two workod until a month rock worn on tno smitn- and Foromnn Chas. Carlson recognized Johnsoif at th.o depot. Marshal Carter arrosted Johnson In' his room at Tho Chandler Hotel. LIBRARY CONCERT Sunday. "WHO WILL MARHY MARY?" A great picture at Grand Theater tomorrow night. Times Want ads bring results. The Big Sale? Prices Smashed in All Lines. Come and Get Your Share Few of the Many Bargains For Tomorrow : 15c Handkerchiefs 3c 50c Belts 19c Sox, Regular 2 for 25c '..-5c Dress Pants, reg, $5,00, $3.75 Rubber Boots, from $2.95 up. Hats, from 48c up. 50c' and 75c Work Shirts 39c Cotton Underwear, reg, 50c value 29c Heavy Wool Underwear, reg $1.25, 79c All $5,00 Shoos S3-95 t $15,00 Suits, now ..'. r$7,85 $20,00 Suits, now $12$ $25,00 and $30,00 Suits, now $14.85 Regular 75c caps, now 39c Look for blue and white signs above our door "Watch our windows" I X L Clothinff & Shoe Co.