vjMt,, ' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1914 EVENING EDITION. IKI I The Car Shat Sells by the Train Load The Buick overhead valve motor is guaranteed to develop more power and to give more mileage per gallon of gasoline than any other motor of its size, either American or foreign. Every Part Fitted to a Hair's Breadth' t... timn .... ., ,.ni n 1mt n..lmrv1n,1 rnmlnfnr Mint linn the 111) poaranco that will make any man tnko n sciond look nnd a plck uii nntl got-away that will bUoIv your tall light to anything on tho road; electric started niul llghtcil, Buick owners take pride in the Buick name plate It stands for the best in motor cars For $1510 you can got n touring car, big and roomy, but light nnd economical. You'll take moro plonsuro driving this poppory car than any other four-cylinder car you ever handled, I Every model In tho 1011 lino Ib n wonderfully attractlvo offer. For $1080 you can got n nifty, solf-startcd, electric lighted road ster that litiB tho power to go nnywh.ru any enr over went or over will. For 31210 you enn got a light touring car that has power, ap pearance and durability, and la solf-Btnrtrd nnd electric lighted; n ear that will take tho bumps bo you don't mind them a bit. For $2100 you can got tho Buick Six. It Is a rich man's car nt a business man's price. It will lead whoro othora can't follow. It will do anything ovor expected of any machinery and moro. It Ib ouo of tho best looking and caBlest riding cars you enn buy at any prlco. Every model is left side drive and center control. Any Buick is the best buy on the 1914 market. Delco self-starters are built into the car ISAAC R. TOWER "The Gunnery" Front Street. Wo thoroughly inspect, oil and grease your car every week for one year. Ask Buick owners about Buick service. Biiicfc Exclusively Phofte 34-J IIIIMIIIIMI 1ISII llllll ll - if jilul ijwniTmni fu mim i im issiMsssMsssBMgissMsmjiPMWTWWssMrasssiiswsss I I - - ' . i AS TO YOU K Did you glvo, him n)irt? Uo'b n brothon of man, And bearing about nil tho bunion ho can. Did you g!o him a einllo? Ho was downcast cast and blue, And tho Binllo would have holpod him to bnitlo It through. Did you give him your hnud? Ho was slipping down hill, And tho world, so I fancied, was using him 111. Did you glvo him a word? Did you show him tho road Or did you Just lot him go on with his load? Did you help him along? Ho's a sinner llko you, But tho grasp of your hand might have carried him through, Did you bid him good cheer? Just a word and a anillo Wore whnt ho most nooded thnt last weary inllo. Do you know whnt ho boro In that burden of cares That Is every mnn's load and that sympathy shar.es? Did you try to find ,out what ho needed from you, Or did you Just leavo him to battlo it through? Do you knowMvhat'lt niicnnsto bo" losing tjio fight, When n lift Just In tlmo might sot everything right? Do you know what It menus -Just tho clasp of n hnnd, When a man's borno about all n man ought to stand? Did you ask what It was why the quivering Up, And tho glistening tears down tho palo chock that slip? YVoro you brother of his when tho tlmo enmo to! bo? Did you offer to help him, or didn't you sco? Don't you know It's n part of a brother of man To find whnt tllo grief Is and holp whon you can? Did you stop whon ho asked you to glvo him n lift, Or woro you so busy you left him to shift? Oh, I know what you say may bo truo Dut tho test of your manhood Is: What did you do? Did you roach out a hand? Did you find him tho rond, Or did you just lot him go by with his load? Solocted. COOS III I! ill I RS F I TESTS Ol'Or mnn gnva l.ni.A l.nnn nlnif a by the Coos Day dalrymon who "ill pay 11.25 per. cow per year wr the expense of keeping n com plete yearly record of tho produc tion on each cow. J. I,. Smith, tho county farm expert, says that ho PtB to IncreaBo this number to nt least 1100 cows, which will bo in .1.8h for two associations, one '"J. '"Vicinity f Coos Day and the other In tho Coos River territory. . rne,s,e two association aro to bo lorinally organized Saturday, March . The officials who aro to bo In cnargo of these associations for pno a r, wUl arrive from tho Oregon Agricultural College tho latter part or next week and will tako up their Mies at once. ,-,'" Smith expects to organize hjjo or three moro testing assocta uons in Coos County and will re 'urn to the Coqulllo Valley within nii,ciw Uays ror tna purpose of com ie lag tho testing associations that vtriSi,!1" a,r0ady "tarted ,n aJJl? .advantages of cow testing MocIatJon, he saya are: hi ,Th on'y Proper mothod of f?,.BridlnB "P of dairy herds be muse it not only shows a record ai ., Dr0lluctlon of each cow, but p the cost of production, which L P0I ?nt t0 kow in determining liable ,0 C0W frora tho unprof" 2nd- Dy finding out in this man- ii np nvnrtK' whnt hla rnwa nrn do- ,Ing, it enables tho dalrymon to .Know tne vniue or mo caivea pro duced from his cows and of othor .calves and cows In tho association, I which, if offered for salo, will havo tho association record back or mora. This will bo a great help to tho buyer as well as the sellor, ar,1 riv this avatem of culllnc out tho scrubs, the demand for bet ter-bred cattlo win uo increaseu in this country, which will moan great er production and bettor prices. 4 th. These dairy association should tend to creato moro of an Interest among tho dairymen and will old them In co-operating for tho improvement of the dairy busi ness especially along tho lines of breeding and feeding. Will also be tho best means of advertising each man's herd and the community as well, and will help to make Coos County famous, especially as a real live and progressive dairy district. These cow testing associations are in tin rnniiiiotnd under the samo system 'as that employed In all lead- ing Uairy COUUiriW, "" im.in B w rnnsnn whv It should not UlVO jUBt as good results In Coos County. The expenses to each dairyman of having tho work done by the official on each farm Is a very small amount In comparison to the value of the various benefits to be derived. If thero aro any who wish to SCHOOL IOTE' &3Wwzzag5s&J C 'ii f nlf ' " ' 'T Mpsrfl Ti tiiiTi ts jWfcIF"fc' GLEE CLUB 10 E III APRIL CI Join who havo. not already signed up, It will ha necessary for them to leave their applications nt tho Chambor of Commerce for Mr. Smith before Saturday, March 1-1. Below Is a list of men who havo already signed contracts for tho expenses of having n complete year ly record kept of each cow In their respective herds. Coos River Frank D. Rood, Vor non K. Rood, Prank E. Rogors, An son O. nogers, H. E. Bessey, K. L. Dessey, W. Q. Bessey, W. II. Smith, J. A. Smith, Alvln Smith, O. L., Smith, R. A. Landrith, Jas. Lan-I drltn, J. B. Noali, Jno. nenancK son, W. Vc, Piper, Chas. Mnhaffoy, Fred Brunnell, J. Krommlnga, Hag qulst and Ornnt, Mat Jutstrom. J. J. Cllnkenbeard, Win. Richards, T. A. Freese, Jas. L. Stevens, A, E. Seamen, Wlllanch Slough. C. O. Johnson. Victor Stauff, Wm. Llndstrom and Harry W. Walker. Larson Slough. Julius Larson. Isthmus Slough. Noll Watson. Catching Inlet. Chas. Selander, Fred Selander, O. N. Wilson, W. JJ. Parrln, L. F. Price & Co., II. W. Sanford, Alex Matson & Sons, J. S. Masters, H. L. Russell, Jno. Matt- fson, T. M. Collver, A. II. Collver, Wm. Lackstrom, J. M. Cully, F. O. Messerlo, Geo. Ross and A. Grun noil. . . Willamette University Songs ters Arrange for Coos 1 County Trip Tho following from tho Wlllnm otto University Collegian, tho collego paper, will bo of Interest on Coos Bay: Arrangements havo been complot od for tho spring trip of tho Glco Club through tho maritime towns of tho Coos Bay region. Glenn McCnil dnm, manager of tho club, returned early this woolc from his ndvance trip through that country, hnvlng se en rod ongagmonts In flvo different towns nnd enlisted tho support of tho High Sohools In each plnco. It Is probable that about twenty men will take this trip and, although tho club Is showing splendid early season form, daily rehearsals will probably bo hold until tho spring vacation. Tho Glee Club will embark on tho good ship "Breakwater" tho after noon of March 31 for ther trip over tho calm Pacific to tho Marshllold shores, Tho schcdulo for tho ongngomonts is as follows; Marshllold, April 3; North Bend, April 4; Coqulllo, April 0; Myrtlo Point, April 7; Bandon, April 8, Sunday, April 5, will bo spent in Marshfleld. Roturulng, tho club wtl' leavo Marshfleld on Saturday. April 11, To tho men this trip will excel all previous voyages In excltoment and novelty whllo to the neighboring sharks encountered en ronte this trip will prove by far tho most pleasurable and profitable of all time. Mac says he had a most delightful trip, among the hearty people of tho coast. While there he called upon F. L. Grannls, W. U. '00, who Is teaching In Marshfiold High School. Tho program which Is to bo pre sented has not been completely plan ned. "Tho Mascot" will bo used on the trip, whllo tho skotch for tho homo concert Is yet to bo produced. Glnnls, Irn Sweet, Ruth Collins, Kugono Snmpson. TIiobo receiving 100 In tho oral contest woro: AugustuH Hoffman, Pnul Johnson, Myrtlo Johnson, Rob ert Knox, Florcnco Knrdall, Joso phlno Savago, Goorgo Scott, Floyd Scott, Hnrry Waltor, John McMnn- anion, Irn Swnot, LoIb Bassford TIiobo who rocolvod 100 In tho wrlt- i ton test woro: Augustus Hoffman. Pnul Johnson, Floronco Knrdall, Georgo Scott. Thoso who, averaged 100 In apoll- lng for tho pnst month: Floronco Knrdall, Goorgo Scott. Tho highest gradcB In arithmetic wore, for tho past month: iJldrldgo Archer. 97: Robort Knox, 04: Flor onco Knrdall, 92; Thomas McIIalo, 92. Pupils receiving 100 In nrlthmo tic tho past wool; wore: John ClaiiB on, Violot Curroy, Floronco Knrdall, Josophlno Savage, Ooorgo Scott, Kl drldgo Archer, Visitors In our room tho past woolc wcro Mrs. Hlldonbrnnd and Mrs, McCluro. Vlrwt flrnde. Thoro was a Mothors' Mnetlng in tho first grndo room on Friday of Inst week. Thoro woro twonty-slx presont. Tho girls of tho eighth grndo served tea, Tho meotlngB will Uo hold onco a month through tho school year. Marlotta Cox was transferred to tho Knstsldo school ns hor parents moved thoro this week. Thoso perfect In spoiling this woolc woro: Losllo Hulen, Lura James and HJalte Nordriiiu. .j. Sixth A mul II. Thoso divisions hnd their monthly program Friday afternoon. Tho fol lowing peoplo took pnrt: Bernlco Mlrrnsoul, John Walling, Klwlu Johnson, Edith Johnson, Howard McLaughlin nnd Irono Ouomotto. Irono Oulmotto deserves special mention for hor splendid composi tion work, KEBNE SHIS M 1 COOS BAY GIRLS RACE SOUTH MAHSHPIELD SCHOOL Misses May I'iciihh nnd Klgiut Holm In Bout OontoHtH nt Berkeley. Cisco papor will bo of Interost, as Miss May Preuss and IUUs Slgnn Holm, who woro members of tho University of California crows, nro graduates of tho Marshfiold High School: "Tho lightweight race for tho oarswomon of tho University of Cal ifornia, which was ordorod re-rowed last Saturday, took placo ovor a i.ilrd of a mllo course. It wds won by tho sophomore crow composed of May Preusa ana very Georgeson, with Lena Guldery ns coxswain. Tho results woro: Sophomoro crow won, May Prouss, bowj Vora Georgeson, stroko; Lena Guldery, coxswain; sonlor rro.w second; Slg na Holm, bow; M'arguerlta Carloton, stroke: Edith Duval, coxswain, Tlmo, 3:10. Former Coos Bay Actor Plans to Become Moving Pic ture Magnate I Jcimos Kcnno, who Is well-known on Coos Bay through oovoral appear ances horo with theatrical troupes and through his rolntlves who re sldo horo, Is now bocomlng n mor ilng plcturo magnate Tho follow ! lug from a San Francisco paper tells of his latest inovo: Tho nttructlvouoss of Marin Coun ty Is not only winning tho homd buyor nnd tourist with Its woodland nnd mountain foatures, but tho mov ing plcturo mnn has Invaded this ln vltlng country by ostabllshlng him-, solf nt Fairfax In uppor Robs Valley.! Tho plant, costing in tho neighbor-' hood of $30,000, In complotod and, doing business dally. TTntll rnnnntlv nnrthnrn nnllfnrnln' with its wonderful scenery, has play-i .l ... I.. 1, nn,lnlnn r ! foaturo films. Howovor, this studio, under tho direction of James Koane, will dovoto Its energies to tho pro ducing of fenturo films only, rang ing from thro to eight rools, ac cording to tho Importnnco of tha scenario. Tho studio Is ono of tho most modern nnd comploto In tha West, Konno will hnndlo all of his own printing and doYolonlng. Tho concern, backed by Marin capital, Is known us the United Kennogrnph Film Manufacturing Company, named for Jamos Koane, a formor actor who has spent the last tlirco years directing tho Sells; and tho Now York moving plcturo companies, Sovoral acres of laud adjoining tho studio nro owned by tho company and It Is on thera acres that thoy plan to build homes for tho talont oinployod. According to Koano, thoy will soon possess a movlntr picture vlllngo. After months of preparation tha company Is rondy to produco a spec tacular play which will inako one of tho largest featuro films ovor pro duced In tho United States, The mountain scenery will form tha 'background for many films and' .Mount Tamnlplas will soon bo iv- familiar sight at the movies, NEW KINDERGARTEN' TERSI Swond Grndo Names of pupils receiving 100 In dally work In spelling: Edith An derson, Myrtlo Johnson, Georgo Scott, Violet Curroy, Robort Knox, Eidrldgo Archer, Augustus Hoff man, Josophlno Savago, Thomas Mc IIalo, Viola Wilson, Elizabeth Mc- Mro. J. R. Hoaton will bogln a, now klndorgnrtou torm March 9 In Uo basomont of tho Episcopal Church. All gomes and oxorcisea to bo given out of doors, Tuition for tho 3 mo., $10. Lossons from 9 to 11:30 each week day. Tho older a man grows tho less J wisuom uo discovers in nimseir. nnu others, SATURDAY, SIARC1I 7, Social dance given by Improvod Order- of Redmen at Eaglo's Hall, Gents $1, ladles free. STADDEN ALL KINDS of PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK, Bromide Enlarging mid Kodak OTiikiUpK. ,. .a ueciareu mo 8(Mu . ... 1 their own citizens nnd 48 woll tB to Mexico lt- JCCC Lpnnsr efjpdd