THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1914 EVENING EDITION. TWO s I U " ""' T . ,' i :v vwJm CONTHIIJL'TIONS concerning soelnl htipppnliifes, inti'iuloil for publication In the society dopnrt niont uf The Times, must bo sub mitted to the editor not later Minn G o'clock ). m., Frldoy of cacti week. deceptions will bo mliiwud only In cases wlicie tho ovonts occurred Inter than the f'liB niBiitlpned.) PERSONAL, notices of visitors In the city, or of Coos Day pooplo who visit In other cities, togethor with notices of social nffalrs. are gladly received In tho social do paumont. Telophono 133. No tlcos of club meetings will uo published nud secretaries are i kindly requested to furnish snme. THIS MOTHHItr.OOK You tako tlio finest woman with tho rosos in nor c hooks, In annoyances, who knows how to talk nicely to people, whoso ninnnors nro cordial or convincing Is tho onu who is going to uo most rreo ironi All' nil 111' lllriln a-slimlll' 111 licr 1n alii nt .tnu'nlinfiflmlnnQti volco onch tliuo sho spraks; After all It Is not circumstances IIoif hnlr nil black an' glanmin', or or one's surroundings, as dlshentv a glowing mass o gold onod lieoplo often complain, tltnt go An' still tho talo o' beauty Isn't to nvako llfo right. moro th'n half way told. Tho whole thing Is tho stuff In- rplmtr ntti n wnid flint tnllu it nil l.1.. ! i..llwl,tirti i.Mnf.. rtnltrt AIIUIU ! i, 41 iTWii vtnv vvii" vt " D(1U WiU lllUIVlllUUl Lf I 41 1 II WVllO description It defies ' ; 4 Th' motherlook that lingers in a . liap'py woman's eyes. A womnn's oyos will sparklo In her Innoionco an' fun, Or snap a wnrnln' messago to tho onon bIio wants to shun, In plonsure or In nngor Micro Is al ways huiidsonionoss, Ilut still th ro Is a benuty Mint wns surely made to bless A beauty that grows sweotor nn' that all but glorifies Tho motliorlook that sometimes com os Into a woman's cyos. It 'ain't a smllo oxnetly yot It's brlmmln' full o' joy, An' moltln' Into sunshine whon sho bondB nbovo hor boy Or ulrl whon It's sloopln' with Its pitooiii:ss ciiUii. .MAII.miKIICIU) rJCIlilH Mia. 10. n. Flanagan entertained tho Piogiess Club Monday rlth Mrs. It. II. Coroy having M.o paper on "Modern Improvements for Public Tlcnlth," seconded by Mrs. I. 3. Kauf- nnii tti rrtrnv'u nnniti wfla nvnoL lent, dealing with ovary phase of tli miiijeci as ouiiinou in mo cum eur book. Tho roll cnU waB "Modora Hoalth Innovations." Mrs. Flanagan was nruisted throughout the nftor noon by her dnughtors, Florence, Hess and Helnii. During the busi ness nart of the work It was decided to send for ono of tl o modal fly J traps, and putnphlots. Invented by Dr. Ilodgo of Corvnllls, a rcctnt vlsl tnr cm Mir llav whn In an ardent ox- Dk'.!?,. '?'' . '"....- . tH5.L,- .. -' Pounder of their merit. At tnu next mill HIIIUIILI1IIH ILH 111111 1111 UUin Ik UO . .a. . . fc V.. Hhn llffB i To Its nlaeo meeting, ,pru in, Mrs. una jiuninuy t ,t wn8 a H0 aKrced Uiai eacn nwininir It loads ill tie expressions whether ! '" ' I"!'0' "Modern Child ; t0 onni w"rtoar during thur liarat Sn or u.vTw ro- , K'lMln nn the MontQMiurl Sys- 8nH0 to bo c,mtriburd tu M grao or gny or w uo . . .. . .. . - .. . n. ." .. , i .,.!, Mr,. J. s. Colm nml Til' inpiioriooil limi glimmers in a .,.,. nn Hnll(tl ,,., rnnt J "u',v'..;"',",.";.;;. l.nuinH WlltlllJ JV w.- eron, Gladys noddy, Myrtle Miller, Nelllo and Anna Holland, Jeanette Escott, Jessie Dolong, Talono Wild and Mrs. F. Ij. Artanis. 4 4 I JjAdiks aht riiUn. 'flm 1 nillns Art (Tub wns enter tnlncd Frldny afternoon by Mis. J. A. ulntl at Tor homo in soutn .Marsn nnt.i Vnoiilnwni if nml ntbor diver slons prcceloil a sumptuous roiinBt. AH or tuo ciuu moinucrs exopi .ia, r.iinn rnnalnf worn nroscnt and Mis, Dlutt had Mrs. F. A. Haines nnd tr nhna. PurltliiH of Gardiner as special guests. Mis. 12. D. McArthur assisted tho hostoss In serving. The ,.i,,i, muni utrnlii tmvt Frldnv With Mrs. Artlfur Ulanchard nt hor homo In South Mnrsulieid. . I XAItCISSt'K CfiUIJ. : ..... ,.. , i .M1B8 AOlllO UIHOI1 Will uu iiuaiuDa iu t'o N'orclsius Club at Iter home. in Faatsfdo next tidnodny aftornoon. "t V V i xHvr,v-vi:ns. I i tra T nolnl RnllniT WVtB lldStCB't Ut a pleasant nffernotni Wednt'sdnr it n.. Iinnui In 11tullT. Ilf-C irilfStS 1)0- . .. . i. V.....1.. tr,,i I mg ma momuiTu 01 i" nuij-iv rli. I. Qnu'lmr vim fin nllnrn.VOll (II- verslon and wa followed by sunrp- tuous refresnmems, nor siierr iu Mnrlo Wheeler, asslstfiig In sorvlng. Tim .!,!. iu I It mnnt acnln in1 two uvnkd with Mrsi Onirics Dcirisoir. i TIiobo present thfe wtuk'wcro Mrtc nnnliimi. M'fH. .Vas. McItltOSll. Mrs. hlmur Vineyard, Mrs. Curl West, ui. T1....T1 i.niiil ha ttnttio Mc- kay. Miss Ingglo ltoborrson mid MIbb Hilda Wouc 4 '" ''' 1 DSbtiADalhiltifvOnrTrpnf AJm; l H i KUW nUUlUMMi y wmk uajLVyun m 1 MiW;-r;"-! 1 i u i'i ' ' m mmmwi&Kmxmm fmmn mSSffiiMl 1 1 LZiH KaHMiiiinviirBi i j qi miHiviijywm h 1 1 .' Tt... M.n.uT lli.M Hrtlltl htllll P.lltirKl!- Iv nttendini ineetln t In Uio ohurclil ..'..i a 'pmi,liif nftcrnimir. Tltn bills ' Incurred In fitting1 up tlio i)nrlon ..r. nil nnfi! nml ir. SlirulUB U'ft ft) tho troasun-. It v-n dccfdbd not txi lmvo any moro cookol fooil'sal( dur-, lug Unt but for tho Members twwjiilc , on fnncy sewing mm mu uumi""' monts to Itu used for u big n7anr I .o,llnlK. nfforifllif 1.011 tUll HtilgOII. ' IHIIIIUUII..V. ..- '--- -- BeCoro imv oilier sinjjlo item in iinportanco lo us is the quality of tlicpiaDj -which wo oC'i'ov von. Depcmtlnbility, quality in lone, action, and finish arj .. i i '. i .....:..,. ...wl iti cull in I Ml' iri'i'iioi- liinhciift .'.' tllO CSSOlUiaiS WHICH WtJ ltMuiif uni uu ii ijv wi y ...v t.-v.v. ...Mioiiiu m proportion to tho price asked than can bo bought olsowhore. JJccauso wo lmvo Tor more (ban '10 years specialized in pin no-buying, ut i i ,,j..,w. ...t.iliftr tlwiKMiiirlilv niifl lir fbiH kiinwliuli'n nvnwlmr. or who enters our doors is insured and protected. m- 4i i ..., ,.a c iiunm.cfilliiiir Iiiivm tnnii'bt us vour needs: pnnvinm! us that extravagance is not necessary on your part in tbe purchase of npuu that will prove a lasting .jov in youV home and a source of greatest pleasure Whether you desire the most moderately priced or the very best in putf or plaver-piano, vou will find a visit to our salesrooms to be of groat profit to you. Uasy payments may no arrangcu. AUVl(UtB.Vl &SIa mm mmt - -- - . IVU VV. II -- . . laiiina it' r n .. HBk 1 k & l(fall iriB' . ...... Hw.. I mi f IMi -mmmm. I l nuou iiubuiii. .uuHuiij ..w... ...- . nj)(j nOXl 1HCSUIIJ illin. "ui'J ' - w ,,,, ... ..iHiirn of It If Mioro " Adolspcrgor, Uarker. irt)oth, 5 Cimnllor and Mrs. .1. II. Flanagan A i inf v al r 1-LVi.nvn in .taint "' n"8' C'.aiuHfr, PlainRiin, ' l' , ,0HtHe. 'nioso presen tills i AftCy A ,2ro a om V tly m.Bcl G"". Corey, Ilnnmii, Kaufman. 00, '"were jfrs. Ott, SOhetter Mrs 1 (h&XSS A ' o nui saint I),m lIonoy. McKlvTowney. Xlehol- j jj lTptotti Mr8. Emn.JL Niuburg, H Pfct-M An'"mnkomll .Uli bo. hu.nan-an' "". ZT ' " "K -,g!S,i,",H TOw I &l3lWU il....l.l 1.. .... m . Iilnml Oil' 11'11(1III ! iiinutM.u.M .ini'IlllH. .kl lIU L'UIIJi kill" " - - 1 !! HHiiii Tiiiviiiiiikivi.iiiiiuimi.iK iiiui m m ,(-- "v---- . ,. la. ibil rnrri . .... f v v f.D ,i..i ctnnff. rrn liunrv- souk- n bciib o - -i !....', r-u t v.v liimnoft. Mrs m KmL I ACCTro.V mtCPail CIAU f ynrv jijn Iri M ra . F. W .Parnp.) ljjr Mm rsrrtn Dmmtn wfll lie llOflteilrt J fUOniMlllCH OH i"i.. " . mnfMSm ?Qi. Thoro ain't no plcturo of It for one can paint a soui. No ono' can paint tho glory comln' .ir.Tl.rlii frmii nnrnillHO ThQ motherlook that lingers In hippy womnn's oyos. : : Mm. rsrrtn Itnimtn vfll lie llOHteilrt i , to tho Iloynl Aiictlou nnagu umo. L L. THOMAS. Mananer. 2l8 Central Avenue. Phone 134-J or 15-L. v sasBPaffawsasti (W w ... ... .1.. n..ti.,l4 IU UO UUIYIUIUill IUII i , Well, porhnpB wo just can not holu giving way now and tnen to n "touch of tho blues. i nut iuIiv rnninln downlionrtod? Why not Immediately appl a llt,of Kn. Inl "jaliiklllor" to downhenrted- ncss? n.ivl n-unfnv. 111., montlnir srliixliilcd j for this woe I: having bfrtii deferred. V T ' A. x. w. cnuir. pii .v. N'. r. rinb nnsmbem en- Joyod a moBt-dollKhtful session Thurfl ,!,. ..f tlm Imiuit or Mm. Ituiro Oulst. 8fl7 . .. ..i Qi.rlinr flntvnr iirmlurutnalod In tho T,ffirronmX0rmrkSt, "'Tou.docontloni. AWe from tho Inltla palnlclllorB on tho nrKOt' (ou. tlou ()f MrH. ,r. T. Harrtgan Into niom Unow, says DprlB Illalto. Down ,l',"",,i ln .. t h. -.-.. pnu,ad iiy h?nrnrTa mSlul oTeS mi. t bo ' th. re'slguacloa of Mm. ila.i Rood, of courso a nwntnl o y mu comiMlled to rotlro.on nc- ?iPPl 5; cuari ntco ' co of h faU,nK honIth' " "!1Bi' Uio best Buanuitco .. of lumortanco was transacted.' -mXfhlnB for whlcli wo lmvo been work. tti nieetliiR bolnK ort of a Bomothlng ror wiutn ' howor. la serving tho tioBtoss ym crylnB' assisted by lior mothor, 3lrs. Owrgo vvnn-ono Is Bomotlmos croasod F. Muivh1. Tho club will inoot noxt la love affairs! In homo llfo and In Th.irwl.iy -with Mrs. MR. ml h at hnBlnou Yet tho Bun alwnya alilnoH tho homd of Mrs. Rebecca Mise. naS i Wo gr dually assume tlio Stump. Those present this, week oUUmo Interest In Hfo l again I wore Mrs. F. 13. Allen. Mrs. O. A. w Mm sunXlny day. Uennott, Mrs. OllvU Udniaa, Mrs. And Stw SS S " onouBU. wo dlB-ICarl W. Kvertsen. Mrs. Pannlo 11- covVr In th " oml that we can got ard. Mrs. Hyde, Mm. B. M1iub, Mrs. a?Jne beautifully without tho par- tleorge F. Mureb. Mrs. Mary c- ffi..MB.wJ lmvo been crying KnlRlit. Mrs. Murphy. Mri. C. F..Mc- '" l l.-..ll. M.a I. M. Vn H.iUIHfcllllt m . ...- " t t i r ! ; SPRTKO AViitcb TTTE PARISIAN for new spring novelties in Men's, Boys', "Women's and Cliildren'Js. ready-to-wear appareb Now gootls in every day. NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS WHOSE PHOTOS; WERE DE STROYED IN THE FIRE 1 will replace all tee negatives free if parlies will call at my new studio in tbe old location QUATERMASS Quality Photos. The New Two-Speed XCELSIO j Tho ono who la downhearted should turn over In Ills mind to various things ho lias wnntoil and nslt hlnisolf If ho U not Rind that lift did not got them. Tho things that seoni most wrong aro bo often tho best tilings possible ."8ii ...... ...,.. .nt. n ti row Of pins that has not a fow obstacles to overcome a fow prlvntlona to onduro. 0ercomlng these obstncl s nnd for a, time enduring prlvntlona monns tho finest training In tho world. It moans n broader Ulon and n moro sympathetic vlow of Uio. "Impatlonco Is tho root uf rtown Iieurtodness," is a quotntlon with n great doai or iruui. Tho boy or gill, man or woman, who knows how to hold back trlv- K'.iilif Mm. I. M. Noble. MI'S. Uu- gono O'Connoll. Mrs. M. It. Smith, Mrs. CIiub. Stauff nnd Mrs. J. T. Ilar rlgnn. Mra. II. K. Irwin was n special guoat of to afternoon. '. I. IC. CIiL'll. CP & .t a - .VD 0 i Miss Ruth MatthewB was tho cbarinlng hostoBg of tho C. I. K. Club TueBday evonlng nt nor nonio in Third and Central. Orango wns tho prevailing color In the nrtlstle deco rations nnd a most dollghtful ovon Ing was spout with games nnd music. At a Into hour delicious refreshments wore Borvoil, Miss Ksslo Cameron as i.i.,,. ii, o lmHioHs. Thoso bidden woio MIssob nilznbotli Arlandson. i,.oi nmi nitTin Avro. Mvrtlo and Idn nowner. Lvdla Dodge. Usalo Cam- Russoll Dulldlng. Ceutrnl Avonuo INTES INSPECTION OF New Model Millinery . DON'T RUIN YOUR EYES DON'T TAKE ANY CHANCES WITH YOUR EYES. A LITTLE CORRECTION AT THIS TIME MAY SAVE YEARS OF TROUBLE IN THE FUTURE. COME IN NOW AND HAVE YOUR EYES EX AMINED AND TESTED BY AN EXPERT. THIS EXAMINATION IS FREE. IF YOU DON'T NEED GLASSES WE WILL TELL YOU SO. IF YOU DO NEED GLASSES WE WILL SELL YOU THS CORRECT ONES AT A PRICE THAT WILL SATISFY YOU. BUT' "DON'T RUIN YOUR EYES." H.S. TOWER ' THE RELIABLE JEWELER. George Johnson, of the Pioneer Hardware goi first one. The one that always makes good. Excelsior Auto-Cycle, Tf von want a machine that is always rwd Avill serve yon all the time at any urn , louring or business, note tlio ret'oiut, m i. EXCELSIOR AUTOCYCLE Tt holds the world's records for one and oa dred miles and practically all interlace Iiato w lias proven its quality in every iuk i i" -, - naniiiiy, power mm ul-uhuui, , ;- .' .. . .. i ..-i ! K.ioinn IU) constont daily use m an kiiius ui uiw nit'ipal service and they ALWAYS MAKE GOOD n.. ,wl a iUn 101.1 mnflols. the most coo? V Ullic w iiu- n.v .y.. -. , ...n serviceable and satisfactory wotoirj w . A demonstration is our most smu"v Come in and let us show you. JOHN L KOONTZ GAKAGE North Front Street, Marsbf"1, Stntement of Collt,0 FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK , or Marshflolrt ami Myrtle r"" - at tho close of business Mnrch -1. Resources. 1 enra nn.1 rllQPnimtA ... C ' Dnnklng Houses Cash nnd Sight Exchange ... ."," Total Liabilities. j Capital Stock raid In . . . . "ti1 i 1 Tf.ll..l.ln.l Dpnfltfl surplus uuu uuunmcu .u..- ,, Deposits " Total , ft Sprinq 1914 1 All Kinds of Job Printing Done at The KFT