"? i-'tuji'w "t mT FOUR ; t THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY MARCH 6, 1914 EVENING EDITION. 1 xMwmuijim-mw Imith's Variety ill i.i.niiwiiqiiUMWij J4!".. .IJ-1.'..'.'.W!M !'. " . .!. 1ST SW 111 1)0 Yo8eeM, LIST f MS New Oregon Law Requires Assessments to be at Full Cash Value Now Tho following artlelo from tlio Ettgono Gunrd will bo of Interest In Coos County, ns Assessor Thrift nml Ills deputies arc Just starting tho 11)11 assessment nnd tho Informa tion will npply to this section: "County Assessor Kconoy today ln Htied a public stntomont touching upon tho now nsscssmont law which provides that nil tnxpnyors must glvo to tho assessor or IiIh deputies a stntoment of the truo cash valuo of nil property owned by thorn. Ills statement In as follows: " 'SInco tho nsscssmont for 1914 Is tho first to bo mado under the requirements of a now law which was inaetcd by tho loglBlnturo of ID 13, I think It advisable to lot tax payers know of a radical change. I refer to tho provision requiring tho owner of tnxablo property to swear to tho true cash value t lie ro of under ponnlty of $100 flno for refusing so to do. " 'llorotoforo tho owner of prop erty was required to swear only to tho list of his property. I quote tho new law roforrod to as fol lows tho samo being a portion of section .1591, Oregon Lnws, 1913: Soc. 3G91 .... Tho as sessor shall roqulro ouch porson, managing ngout or officer to mak? onth that to tho best of his know led go nnd belief, such list, whether or rem or or porsonnl property, or both, contains n full nnd truo ac count of nil tho real or porsonai properly, or both, or of any Interest therein of such porson, firm cor poration Or association Unblo to bo taxed In said county, nnd tho tr.ie cash value of such real or persona! property, or both, and of tho orv eral parcols or Items thereof. Should nny such porspn, managing ngent, or officer, when bo required, refi.s to fumlBh such list of real or of porsonnl proporty, with tho true cash valuo or values thereof, or to swear to tho samo when roqulrod so to do by the nsscssor, such porsm, managing agent or offlcor, , shall forroit nnd piy to tho nBsessor, for the uso of tlio county, tho sum of $100, which sum may bo recovered by action In my courc having Jur'a c'lctlon of i.inttora of debt or coi tract to tho amount of $100.' Truo Cash Vuluo Defined. " 'Truo ensh vnluo Is defined In n portion of section 358G of Ore gon Laws, 1913, as follows: Soc. 3C8C . . .' Tro cash valuo of all proporty shall bo hold nnd tnken to mean tho nmount such proporty would soil for Jit a volun tary salo mudo In tho ordlnnry courso of business, taking Into con sideration Its earning powor and such other fnctors ns may bo appli cable for determining such vnluo. No deduction of Indebtedness from nwessments or taxation shnll bo al lowed In nny case. Except as other wise provided by law, ovory porson nhnll bo nssoBBod In tho county whero ho resides at tho hour of ouo o'clock n. in., on March 1 of tho your when tho assessment Bhall ho mado for nil real nnd porsonai property owned by him within such county " 'Anothor mattor I think Impor tant to montlon Is tho erroneous idea outortnlnod by somo ns to the ntFcsBiuont of cortnln forma of .redlt. Many scorn to think county warrants, city wnrrnnts, city, school and other municipal bonds nro not taxable, when In truth thoy nro, as ovldonced by scotlon 35G3, Oregon Lnws 1907, which quoted In full Is ns follows: WnmuKK, ilonds and Mortgages 'fined. " ' "Soc. 3CC3. Tho tormB por sonnl ostnto nnd porsonnl proporty ehall bo construed to includo all things in action, household furni ture, goods, chattels, monoy nnd gold dust, on hand or on doposlt; all boats nnd vossols, whether at homo or nbroad, nnd nil cnpltal In vested thoroln: nil dobts duo or to bocomo duo from solvent debtors, whothor on account, contract, note, mortgage or otherwise, olthor with in or without this stnto; all public stocks, bonds, warrants nnd moneys due or to bocomo duo from this state, or nny county or othor munic ipal subdivision thereof, and stocks nnd shares in incorporated compan ies, nnd such proportion of tho cap ital of Incorporated companies Unblo to taxation on their cnpltal as shall not bo Investod in ronl estnto, and all Improvements mndo by persons j on inncis cinimou uy mom unuor ino laws of tho United States.' " 'Somo loan money nnd take a dcod lustond of tho regular form of mortgage, hoping to oscapo taxation of tho loan. Such nro only mort gages nnd tho amount thus loaned Is taxable. In brlof there is no way by which a rcsldont can lonn monoy in Oregon and lawfully escapo tnx ntlqn of his loan. " 'In conclusion I want to sug gest that proporty holders make an Invontory of their property and its cash valuo as of March 1, 1914, mid thus bo ready for tho assessor whon ho calls. This will snvo a. lot ot tlmo nnd expense to tho county." " JUST RIGHT FOR HACTCACIIR AND RHEUMATISM JO- i 3" y V3lBE t y- 441 ' HrJ J & I I ff t I'll m?nA '1 ill I I BJPyy; . com . . . 7007-7633 THE COLLAR AN EMPHASIZED FEATURE OF NEW SUITS AND FROCKS The collar la specially Important to fitting drop shoulder and the fulled un- tht almpls little uiitrluunril frock which ha bean io popular for tlt past cos on and proml.es to be io much favorad for spring-. Draped and fichu effects vie for fa vor with the amall round flat collar and tho Medici dcalgn. The Japanese collar, which extends away from the neck In back nnd In soma extreme coses flare considerably on the ahoul ders, seems to bo approved also. The separate vests and collars of white organdy are exceedingly smart and becoming. When worn with a dark serge or silk frock a wonderfully fresh crisp strong note Is Imparted to tho design by the sharp contrast No. 7087-7865 Is fashioned of shoer white cotton crepe. The fichu and tho shaped trimming band en tho skirt are outlined with a frill of net The closo To obtain either pattern Illustrated nil out this coupon and enclose 15 cents In stamps or coin, rie aura to state number of pattern and size, measuring over the fullest part of the bust Address Pattern Department care of this paper. dersleave which fibs Into a tight frilled cuff Is attractive; the bowed girdle of black velvat glvos an unusually smart contrast. Theso crepes nnd novelty cottons rango In width from 37 to 45 Inches and In price from 45 cents to f 2 a yard. To copy this dcalgn In alia 3( It re quires 2i yards of 38 Inch material for the bodice (7087) and 3 yards of 38 Inch material for the skirt The material used In No. 8003 Is & decided novelty and very modish. It Is a crepe with a velvet strlpo. Tho vest is of whlto cotton duvotyn and the collar Is of fur. This design requires for slio 36 4H yards of 36 Inch material. No. 7067 sizes 34 to 43. No. 7865 Blzcs 23 to 30. No. 8603 sizes 34 to 46. Each pattern 15 cents. m tore NORTH BEND Aooooimce their parang of mew Spring Mifflioery on Thursday and Friday rch 5 aura 6 M i Coquille River Coal Guaranteed fvco of slack nml dirt and not to clinker Full weight ami prompt service ,$5.50 Per Ton COOS COUNTY FUEL CO. GEO. A. BAINES. Phone 181-L 186 Broadway South, TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleaning, repairing or how platens, work guaranteed, millions and carbon paper delivered. Phono us your order. I'liono 44. Alllnnco office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. No Name .. Address Size C. A. Smith Lumber &. Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT LUMUER, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, BASU AND DOORS. ROOFING PATER, ETC. OUT TIIM FUEL BILL IN TWO UY USING OUR WOOD. PHOND ltO. lHfl SOUTH BROADWAY You -want clear, cheerful and convenient light. Good light makes all the difference in tho world in the leisure hours of the wage earnor. It promotes his comfort and saves his eyes. Electric light is tho clear, cheerful, conven ient light. It is also the economical light. Everyone can afford electric light. Think of the convenience, safety and cleanliness of electric lighting. It means less work for tho wives and daughters; more pleasure for all. Your home can he modernized with elec tric light at small cost. ! Telephone .178 for a eost estimate. T Oregon Power Co. Second and Central "Wo have just received a shipment of SALT HER RING, SALT MACKEREL and SMOKED HER RING, SMOKED BLOATERS and SMOKED SARDINES. This is all new stock., Come in and get our prices. These goods are sure to please you. Cape Arago Coffee, COOS BAY TEA, COFFEE AND SPICE HOUSE 1.10 North Rrondwny. Phono 301-J. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. ' Sails from Mnrshflold Friday, March Gth. 9 p. m.; Saturday, Mnrch 14, 11 a. m.; Snturday, March 21, 7 a. in.: Saturday, March 28, ll;30'a.rn. Sails from Portland, March 3, 8 p. in., March 10, 8 p. in., March 18, 8 a. m., March 26, 8 a. in., April 1, 8 a, m. Tickets on sale to all Ea&tcru points and information us to routes and rotes cheerfully furnished. Phono 427-L. II. J. MOIIR, Agent S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WMn WIRELESS. SAILS FOR PORTLAND FROM COOS BAY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, AT 3:00 P. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50. Connection with the North Rank Roiul at Portland. North Pacific Steamship Company. Phone 44. c. P. M'GEORGE, Agent. Should ,J,T ?, Pwlii KlURSes. V ' Ullf.v.... '""If PrtXn? tnnM'A Wurriini... ''" S Off Ira 1, ,yP m.i Picture Wall,;, Chliuneji .II.IM A" klnd'of l, AND ALL ttj tVll at n, "..WSl "-"HI JllBfti, i Low Rat Handlia , mm b pinu in Minn Ing ratei. dn tbo first itorldg une trunk , Three tmnv. Twolre ttnnki J Star Truififi Ltril PhonH DRY FIR AND CAMPBELL'S North r PROFESSION AVw M"'1 DltED Pupil of Ho I l'nuiclKO, 111 If OHllOf I Phont 31(7. W. T. TO (M Everr it without dun i 136 North Ba Phono 240-L. n eo. a sir J Emertl Tunis', I Ing. R Ordert i D. A!! ! irenue. J oi:l ost I'ilDO ' 115 8. Slitni IOoto ordfnil' Company. J. Foloy KIdnoy Pills nro so thor oughly offoctivo for backache, rheu limtlsm, Bwollon, aching Joints, kid ney and blaihlor ailments that thoy nro rocommendod everywhere. A. A. JoffordB. McGrow, Nebr., says: "My druggist recommended Foloy KIdnoy Pll(s for pains In my back nml boforo I flnishod ono bottlo, my old troublo entirely disappeared." Owl Proscription Pharmacy, Frank D. Cohan. Opposite Ohandlor Hotel. Phono. 74. Contrtil Avenue Drug Store, local agency. YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Four good enrs with careful drivers. For day service, phono 144-J, Ulanco Iltlhird Parlors. For ulght service, Phne 200-L Right Cafe. D. L. F00TE. WHITE GLOVES CLEANED Full Dress Suits to Rent UNIQUE PANTAT0RIUM JAY DOVLE & O. O. DAGGETT 230 Central Ave. Phone 250-X S. S. REDONDO SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR SAN FRAN CISCO, FRIDAY, ftLAROII 6, AT 4 P. M. San Francisco office, 805 Fifo nidg., or Greenwich St Piers No. S3. Inter-Oceanic Transportation po., O. F. McGeorge, Agt., Phone 44. Kstlnutn I An honMt r o.i J OoBtrrtJ CatlmatM, oi tlont fan A MUHiea erenct m onsefBJ11 I Phono 31M. DR. H. Err. DR. MATH? J niMMJM .' OMc nhOM ' Ill, I rn.Aw U Jim Roomi 20-J Retldcace I Office pni ' ti nw ' m neiM5 Corner Ce hsjK THE COOS HOTEL Formerly of Marshfield WASHINGTON AVENUE STADDEN STREET NORTH REND C. A. Metlln, Prop. HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED , NOW ? See C0RTHELL U p ..Phone 3171. f Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HENRY SENGSTAOKEN, Manager FARM, COAL, TIMBER AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS EASTSIDE MARSHFIELD ' OFFICE, PnbNB t4-J. COQUILLE CITY OFFICE PHONE 101. B ntflrrf, ' Phone l81 nEBL r RMideac wfl, ROOBtf 891 1 W 1L8.1 TisM lli . I'M