ttaft r THQOBAyfriWESARSHFlELQOBEeON, THUBSDAYrHIARCH 6, 1914-rEV.ENING EDITION. T 7 am r K " fW,T"' t" THREE nmnn nawmmnoiniinrwiniriTiitriryiniTi JUDGE HALL ON tory t fou ? N'liSryBiBKBBSBEaalwSw sporai iio HOLD MEETING i ir iviuncio hhu BLITHER 0 PROBLEM juBt bought neW furniture - zJ u wvSvBIr9 aaaw luple:- i in the end. 3omplete. dry eel Post AND VILL K ON ITS Laundry larshfield : I Auto Line. from 0 a. m rjEST continual f awm. IE AT IciD. wUUe I? YEARS 5.Co. Day. its mi tot .. re. a. and atld at am. UiTS vta. MUa, K oar lt Co. krpgb!Going-a Harvey Co. ll i I 1 i i I IliUn wsm & j& i . HfcSELi . N mmwa m v ,v'Si'r sm T m. Z sL '"', pleasure to plan the furnishing home together! You will want iirniture to tie of the best sr you know ' 'CHEAP ' things are you come to our store when you A buy you will find here the substantial and elegant f urni CES that are honest and fair. alshed by us will make your GOING & HARVEY CO. G & rHAftE Y G0 . House Furnishing Engineers ! . ' I I'l '!' ."HI '' What , .fieqffc Say who rent a lock box In our Flro-Proof and Burglar-Proof Safo De posit Vaults: "I havo no fear of losing my Jewolry or precious Koopsakos." "My will And otlior prlvnto papers aro not being road by nuyono put myaolf." "I alwnya know Just whoro to find my valuables. Thoy aro noTor misplaced," Isn't It worth ?3 a'yoar to you to'bo.ablo to nyrtholBamo of your , valuables? .The ;Eirst National-Bank ..Of Cops" Bay fLANAGANENNETTJBANK ODDEST? BANK IN .CPOS OUNW. Established 1880. - CapitolSqrplus and .Undivided : "Profits $115,000 , Officers: J.' W. Bjijctt, .Frcaldeiit. ' J. H. Flanagan, Vice-President. R. F, yynUama.xCwiWcr. ' REDUCTIONS IN FIWflflK WW .WITHDRAWN SAILS FnOM SAN, PRAtfCJSCO FOR t COOS., RAY tEVERYi'AlirBRNATB FRIDAY .AT 4?00 P M. I San Francisco office, IlarrlflOii West Coast S. SjLlne. J B. CITY AUTO ASH TAXIiBKRVICK A new taxlcab has been added to my auto service. Careful drlveraJ Will go anywhere at any Ume. Stand Blanco Cigar Store. Day' phone, 78. Night phone 139-X. TOM GOODALE, Proprietor 'Of course they bought from Going & fHaryey Tho- store '..tlmt SELLS -IJOR .LESS Come in and sec the beautiful 'i new effects m 1 J.' r . Coverings at tlie store that SELLS IT FOR LESS M1 Geo, V, wiBCiieaier, absi. vuuc-. . t , St. Dock, Pier 10. J.;INDENAgt.( Phone ,Doug.:8070. FAMILY felNNERS . In out new (location, we are es Iclally prepared to xater to, family trade. Regular raeala or abort or dera. Open flay i and night. MBROBANTfljaAFI!. Sro4way asd Cowmercl! HfM. Take n Glass of ( Salts to Flush Out Your Kidneys and Neutral I zo Irritating Acids. Kidney and Dlndder woakncBS re sult from Uric tacld, sayB a noted authority. Tho kidneys filter this acid from tho blood and pass It on to tho bladder, whoro It often re mains to Irrltnto -ami) lnflamo, caus' jlnc a burning, scalding sensation, tor sotting up an Irritation at tho neck 'ct the bladdor, obliging you to soek rollof two or throo times during tho Inlght. Tho sufforor is in constant dread, tho water passes somQtliriqs with a scalding oonsatlon and Is vory profuso; again, thoro Is difficulty In avoiding It. Dlndder weakness, most folks. call it, becauso thoy can't control uri nation. Whllo It Is extremqly dnnoy Ing and BometlmoB very painful,- this Is really ono of tho most Blmplo rill monts to ovorcomo. Oct about four ounces of Jad Salts from your phar macist and tako a tablcspoonful In a glass of water boforo breakfast, con tinue tills for two or thrco days. This will neutralize tho acids In thouirlne bo It no longer 1b a source of Irrita tion to tho bladder and tho urinary organs which then act normally again. Jad Salts Is Inexpensive harmless, and Is mado from tho acid of grapes and lomon Julco, combined with llthln, and b usod by thousands Of folks who aro subjoct to urinary dlB ordors caused by urto ncld Irritation. Jad Salts Is splendid for kldnoys and causes no bad oftects whatever. Horo you havo a plcauant, offorvcB cent llthta-wator drink, which quickly rollovos bladdor trouble MANY OF OUR NEW - 1914 Wall Paper Patterns :. ? aro now on display. Wo aro honest In our oplri lon that such a collection, such a varied assortment of medium and. low priced wall papers has novor been shown on Coos Day, Thoso now Ideas are arrang ed and shown In such a man ner that their real merits can bo soon at a glanco. Drop In nt 37G North Front Btrcot and seo C. W. ViERS i Phono SOO-R. .MRS. C. F. lHIJARGER Dressmaking and Ladles' .Tailor ing Prices rcnsonablo Ovor Mngnos & Matson Storo Phono 218-J. T. J, BOAIFE g A. H. nODGINP Marshfipld PAINT and WdmilieiU DECORATING CO. Estimates Furnished. Pliono a00-J. JlaMhflcld, Oregon. TI.ME TAnLK WHIamette-Pacific Motor Car Leave Mnrshfleld C;30 a. m. 7:00 a. m. SiOO a. m. 9:00 a. m. 10(00 a. m. 10;30 a. m. ll;00 a. m. 11;30 a. m. 12:30 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 1:30 p. m. 2:00 p. m. 2:30 p. m. 3:00 p. ro. 3:30 p. m. 4:00 p. m. 4:30 p. m. 5:00 p.- m. 5:30 p. m, 6:00 p. m. 7:00, p, m, 7:30 p'.-m. fi:00 p. m, 8:30 p. m. 9:00 p. m. 10:00 p. m. Saturdays only. U:p0 p, m. 12:00 m. ICavo North 6:45 7:15 8;15 9:15 10:15 , 10:45 11:16 11:45 12:45 1:16 1:46 2:15 2;46 3.16 3:46 4:16 4:45 5:16 6:46 6:16 7:16 ' 7:45 8:16 8:46 ,9:15 4016 Saturdays 11:15 1215 Bend a. m. a. ra. a. m. a, in. a. m. n m, a. m. a. m. p, m. p.1 m. p. m. p. ro. p. ra, p. m. p. m. p. m, p. m. p. m. p. m. p. ni. p. m. p. ro p. ro. P, m. p. ro. i only p, ro. a., m. v NO SAW EDGES YOUR COLLARS If you have tljeat laundered .TWIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Says' That Proposed Plan Will Be Wasteful and in Vain Favors Trunk Line Judgo John F. Hall has written n letter to tho Coquillo SontlncI In which ha answers some criticism of tho notion of tho County Court on tho rccont good roads petitions nnd In his letter ho goos on to glvo his opinion of tho proposed high way as follows: "Your article stntod "Judgo Hall said tho routo proposed for tho crossing of Ton Mllo Creek, be tweon Mnrshfleld and tho Umpqua was not n good ono.' Well, this Is news to mo. Ten Mllo Crock was nover mentioned to my knowledge In any way, and I novor said any thing of tho kind, I did mnko tho following romnrks: 'I do not np provo of tho plan In petition for tho distribution of tho funds In this that Ib tho money to bo raised by bonding. To dlstrlbuto this money as asked for will cut the fund Into flvo Boparato parcels. Tho total amount of mlloago, If wo build n permanent road, would bo about twenty-flvo miles. Of this flvo or six miles would bo built botwocn Myrtlo Point and Urldgo; then you would run Into a mudholo. About six or sovon miles would bo built between 1) nnd on. and tho Curry County lino; nt tho end of this an other mud hole. About four or flvo miles from Coquillo towards Marsh field, anothor mudholo. About four or flvo mles from Mnfshflold to wards Coquillo and anothor mud nolo; about throo or four miles from Cooston around aiasgpw Point toward Ton Mllo, I stated that thoro would bo no mudholo on this ploco or nt olthor end, fop tho rdn 8on Mint it would not connect with nny othor road. Tho Ton Mllo poo plo could not uso it, nnd thero Is no ono living around GhiBgow to use It honco thero would bo no mud hole.' "To dlvldo tho money as naked would ho Impractical. I stated that it tho bonds woro Issuod tho Ton Mllo pcoplo wcro ontltlod to somo recognition, but I told thoso prcsont Mondny Hint I throught tho money, If It wns divided, should bo put on somo road that 1h usod, so tlint tho pcoplo would rccelvo somo bene fit. I stated Mint I bollovcd tho proper wny to dlsposo of tho funds or bond monoy, If cnrrlod, was to put It on somo trunk lino." RPAXKINO VS. NEGLECT. (Special to Tho Times.) NEW YORK, March 5. Aro you to bhuno for your boy's bndncss? Judgo Franklin Hoytsays, "Spanking won't euro hnd hoys; tho fathers and mothers aro chiefly to hlnmo. Thoy do not guard ngalnst bad associates, and frequently tho cases which como boforo the court aro brought thoro through tho neglect of tholr pnronts. Hows with the children will not mnko them good. Win tholr confldonco and treat thorn ns 'pnls.' Parouts aro not always to blanio for their sons,' delinquencies, but thoy often plond Ignorance of tho law when thoy know thoy nro In tho wrong; and thoy aro much harder to deal with." Anyway, Httlo Tommy can no long or wall, "Thoy novor blomo nobody but me." Judgo Hoyt does. AVOID STUFFY, WHEEZY, IIUEATHING Take Foloy's Honoy nnd Tar Com pound for an inflummed and con gested condition of tho nlr passages and bronchial tubes. A cold de velops quickly It not checkod and bronchitis, In grlppo and pnoumonln aro dangerous possibilities. Harsh, racking coughs wcakon tho system, but Foloy's Honoy and Tar Is safo, puro and certain In results. Con tains no opiates. Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Oppo site Ohnndlor Hotel. Phono 74. Cen. trnl Aonuo Drug Storo, local agoncy. Times Want ads bring results. DEVELOPING PRINTING PICTURE FRAMING, ENLARGING AND SUPPLIES REHFELD BROS. Russell Building, Central Avenue BUY THE VERY BEST Marshficld BUTTER Creamery , MADI7 S UNDER , SANITARY i ww tAJrtiiii'iu.-xa m a ww CLEAN AND , . MODERN - FACTORY. STERILIZED MILK AND - CREAM. , PUKE Free delivery, 8 a. m. aud 9 p. wT Phone 78 Oregon Organization ibv Reg ulate Sports In Portland March 16th. PORTLAND, Or., March 4. Del egates from organizations of sports men In nil parts of tho stato will meet nt Portland, Monday, March 1G, 1914, to form a stato associa tion. Thero nro now fifty-four clubs of hunters nnd flshormon, in' Ore gon. Tho overwhelming majority of tho sportsmen nro In favor of tho protection of fish and gamo, nnd tho Improvement of tho gamo' ro soilrces of tho stato. It will bo tho purposo of tho stato association to work along tho lines of gamo, pro tection, to agreo upon legislation In order to bring that about, nnd to exert tho united lnfluonco of tho sportsmen of tho stato to procure tho pnssago of such legislation. Tho objects which tho organized sportsmen havo in viow arb particul arly clone to tho heart of each ang- lor ami hunter, becauso of tho fact that tho fund of 1100,000 or moro annually usod for fish nnd gamo protection nnd propagation, la cro ntcd by tho Hconso foes paid by them. Thoro is a wldo-spread fool ing that tho sportsmon's fund has not nlwuys boon UBod to best ad vantages, and Mint at times Its dis bursement has been Influenced by motives othor than thq furtherance of tho fish nnd gamo resources of tho stato. it Ib thought that tho stato asso ciation, which probably will . bo known ns tho Oregon Sportsmon's Lcnguo, will adopt n system which will glvo to each club in tho stato bolonglng to tho lcnguo, ono voto In tho affairs of tho loaguo, irros poctlvo 6f tho membership of tho club or tho numbor of delegates sont by tho club to tho convention. Tho purposo of this Is to prevent tho domination of tho affairs of. tho loaguo by a fow of tho stronger clubs. Among tho entertainment features proposed for tho dologatcs aro & trapshot and fly-casting tournamont on tho day preceding tho convention, nnd a beofstoak dlnnor at tho clooo of tho convention, followod by mo tion pictures of special interest to sportsmen. MUNICIPAL "SOUL-MATING." (Spoclal to Tho TImcB.) NEW YOItK, March 5. Isn't. this slmplo? "Tho ronl romunca Is 'tho right marriage. To lovo, to bo loved, to marry nnd kocp on loving that Ib tho only perfect nnd poaslblo Ideal for mon nnd woman," says Mrs. Mary Austin, who continued, "Mate Lovo Is tho only bnsls for happy mnrrlngoi and can bo rocognlzod by thrco high signs. It manifests as n doslro for pormnnont, public nnd' exoluslvo re lations. It Is easily distinguishable from nil tho cross-brod, rlng-atroakod nnd striped hybrids. Tho public should oncourngo tho hunting of soul mates. It Ib Important that young porsons should bo started right. That Is why I bollovo that soclotv should, concern Itself much moro with mar rlago than It does at present. Tho community should seo that Its young men nnd womon becomo acquainted, that tholr Hold of chotco, maritally speaking, bo broadened, Thoro Is no reason why each town should) not havo largo halls or public mooting rooms whoro undor municipal obap oronngo tho social llfo of tho young may bo carried on." Mrs. Austin la quiro optimistic about tho futura of marrlngo, though she nvora "man has moro than ono affinity, and so hns woman," CIGARETTK MENACE TO'WQMBN. (Special to Tho Times.) NEW YOltIC, -March C.-r-Smoklng by womon Is becoming ft menaca to tho nation's health Is tho liollat of thoso who como into contact. with many classes In tho large cities. Mrs. Jennie II. Mlllldan( Stato Super intendent of tho Anti-Clgaretto Loaguo of Now York, declares; "I havo no actual figures on tho num bor of womon smokora lu NowYork, but It Is appalling. Slnco-tho publi cation of tho nitrate euro many wom on have como to mo and pleaded 'for tho clgarotto cure." Mrs. Mllllgan Is endeavoring to get tho oc-opera.-tlon of tho Doard of Education to proyont smoking among boys. " She plans to havo a room In each1' school whoro a doctor can glvo tho boys .the nltrato of silver treatment. The 'limes want ads are the 'Viya to the door of opportunity. SPECIAL "HEALTH: WARNING" FOR MARCH March Is a trying month forxtha vory young and tor elderlyi people. Croup, bronchial colds, la grippe 'and pnoumonla aro to bo feared "fend avoided. Foley's Honey and Tax? Is a great family modlclue that will quickly stop a cough, check Mhe progress of a cold and relieve-Inflamed and congested air passages. It is safo, puro and always reliable. Owl Prescription Pharmacy.' Prtnk D. Cohan. Opposlto Chandler Hotel. Phono 74. Central Avenue' Drug Store, local agoncy. Goodrum's.Garage nome or me jd CADILLAC and FOntf Auto "Supplies focAH i Makes of Ows 1 817 Central A v. FbBS787i home of the