. agg, r..'a333awiqwBB. BSffapfw- iM TWO THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1914 EVENING EDITION. .. . i GQOS BAY TIMES M. C. MALONKY Editor mul Tub. GETS LL TO A. ! w DAN K. MALONEY News Ktlltor Official Paper of Coos Comity WHICH IS NONSENSE AYS a "special" writer In a San Francisco paper: "People In moderate clrcnniHtnnreB rnnnnt ' afford to Boul their boys to college Rev. J. V. BdlSOn Tendered or to keen tholr c his from having r-. . ni i. m . to go out of tiuir homes to work, nne rasioraie in om- cago suuum LRRGE CHURCH but they have wasted anouRh money oil bicycles and ball bearing rpllor Bkatcs and oxponBlro mechanical nov, J. V. Benson, pastor of the toys, and overflno clothes, and tho Coos Day Swedish Lutheran movies, to have started their clill- Churches, returned today from Ta clron out In llfo proportly." 'coma, whoro ho attended the Colum- AU of winch Is nonsonso. No bla Conference of tlo Augustann monoy Bpont for bicycles or bull Synod. Whllo away ho received n bearing skates Is wasted. Ho who .call from tho Chicago Heights so contondB has llttlo recollection Church of his denomination. This of his own childhood. A boy is not Is one of tho best charges of tho a nmn. It Is essential that ho pos- church, thoro bolng a colony of oess tho things that make for happl- nbout 3000 Swedish peoplo tliore. ncsB.ln boys, moro essential than He served thoro as assistant during It Is for tho man to havo somo roc- hlB Btudont days. Tho call Is a roatlon after tho grind of a day or flno ono. Ho also still has a call a week. .from his old homo In Pennsylvania And If tho boy doesn't havo a bl- and is wondering what to do. -cycla or a pair of skates, bo suro At Portland, ho enjoyed ft visit ho In going to find something to with Rev. J. Richard Olson, formorly nmUBO him, and It Is llkoly that pastor here, and preached two sor Bomethlng will not be as desirable nioiis. Rev. Olson has declined tho no riding a wheel or making prog- call to tako charge of an Eastorn ress on a pair of skates. I WITH THE TOAST I I AND THE TEA I SInco tho election returns aro thoro aro doubtless sovoral So nttlo peoplo who nro blue around tho dills. If t'oy continue flndlnir rinl- 4Ium thero, they, will probably chango tho namo of Colorado to Colornditim. f - Tho complexion that is honest Is tho ono that won't como off. THE DELIVERY PROBLEM HERE hospital of tho denomination. He also visited Eterett and Seattle. ELKS CHOOSE NEW OFFICERS MAItSHKIELI) .MERCHANTS HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO .MAKE A SAVING OX THIS IMPORT ' ANT ITEM OK EXPENSE Tho Studobakor dollvory car; capacity lfiOO to 2000 pounds, oloc trlc starter and electric lighted. ndlves tho problem for the morchant era and othora opposed-tho plan for as a roasonnbh prico "and inoddl leasing club rooms for flvo years, as modo of making dollvory of all they wished tho club to shirt tho er klmls of morchnndlso. . 'cctlon of n building not later thnn In actual tests, over a porlotl of. next year. This w.it probably mean D. Y. Stafford Heads Marsh field Lodge Delay Club Room Proposition At a meeting of tho Marshflold lodgo of Elks last evening, the fol lowing oflcora wuro chosoil for tho ensuing year: Exnlted Ruler D. Y. Stafford. ISstcGiucd Leading Knight J. W. Hildenbrnud. Esteemod Lecturing Knight Dan Keating. Esteemed Loyal Knight Dan Keating. Secretary Thomas D. James. Treasurer V. N. Ekblad. Tiler Guy W. Chambors. Trustee Dorsoy Kroitzer. Tho appointive officers will bo uninod' Inter. Dr. E. E. Straw and J. It. Wright of Murshfleld and Ellis Dement, Har ry Herman and Harry Fonslor of Myrtle Point wore Initiated. A llttlo luncheon followed tho Initiation. ai mo uuBiness session a. n. row tV JVWJ J(w "rl tt 7vf "' 'if v "'-, t 'P$i U J 'After twenty-one years of constant cncfcnvor n period of re-ad? . 11' ' ' ." justment-has come . S'VW' . l 7ClT Tomorrow Marks the Seasons Initial' , ;. . tl 1 V' fit i.r. Showing Under the Mew Regime There is no value with QUALITY, no matter what the price. ' .."QUALITY has ever been the slogan of this establishment and we deem it opportune to announce your store will be known in the , future as MATSON'S. "Quality Store" : ! To serve more sincerely, more conscientiously; to believe, re spect and enforce the "Golden Rule of merchandising';" to let you be the judge and jury of your own satisfaction these have been' and will continue to' be our principles. ' ' - ' " That, you have liked them and us has been demonstrated by your patronage which has made this store possible ; to bo j'our store, built up by you and.for you. Now, As ever, we will be guided by the idea that in the satisfaction of a customer, lies the success of the merchant. This will be more than a market place it will bo n store of , Yours,. Jo Ao MATSOl i f1 high ideals. v , v V &i .' f r .v .-ft" of years, In ovory city In tho conn try motor delivery has mndo good. Kotnllpra who hnvo supplnntod tholr horse-drawn wagons with btudobnkur Dollvory Cars Invariably found tho change profltablo. Tho motor Bystoin has brought them clos er to tholr customers; has onnblcd thorn to sorvo trade nt n groator dlstunco; lias given thorn a pros tlgo which could havo boon secured in no other way. Most emphatic of all Its advant ages, however, tho Studobakor Tr- jivory car hna saved monoy for Its' n delay In starting tho proposed Elks' Club, until next senson. OK BREAKWATER HIPPING NEW, IF VOYAGE pm n Short Seatrip Worst for Sea- MANY Ail HUT OS HBO I SIIEIiLKIHH AltlO NOT KISH oyu?0 SSur.?; probiSms "S ovSy Steamer in Today From Port-; sickness Says Mariner mnrcinnt, cun b secured from Ooo. Uoodiiiim. JIo' will show you in cold figures how a Studobakor ICOO-pound capac ity. Dollvory car and Its drlvor can do nioro work for you than two liorso-drnwu rigs and drivors, and at u loss oxponso. Ho will show you a profit of 75 per cent annually on your Investment. He will show you how, in loss than two yoars, tho uavlng of a Studobakor dollvory sys torn win win It out ovor tho first rost of Installation. Tho Studobnkor dollvory car with panol or oxprous body, s "lis for $1275 delivered in Marshflold. viiassls only without body for U75. It will pay any morchant who jmikoB a dally delivery, to consult with Goorgo Ooodrum nbout tho monoy that may bo saved with n Studobnkor delivery cur. MISS HAUUISON, of North Uond, will bo a pnssoiiBor for, Portland on tho Ilroakwator Saturday. Mil. AND MI18. J. n. WOODS, of Dandon, expect to leavo for I'orl land via Coos Hay this wook. MUS. 13. TUUNKU, of Myrtle I'olnt. will bo a passengor for Portland on th6 llrookwator Saturday. LESS DYSPEPSIA NOW HERE'S THE REASON Tho fact that thoro Ib less dyspep Bia and indigestion In this t'onunun Uy than thoro usod to bo is largely, wo bollovo, duo to tho extensive uso of Itoxall Dyspepsia Tnblots, hund rods of packages of which wo havo uold, No wondor wo lmvo faith In thorn. No wonder wo aro willing to offer them to you for trial en tirely at our risk. Among othor things, thoy contain Pepsin and lllsmuth. two of the grontost dlgestlvo aids known to medical sclonco. They sootho tho Inflnmod stomach, allay pain, chock heartburn and dlstross, holp to di gost tho food and tend to quickly rostoro tho stomnch to Its natural, comfortablo hoalthy state. Thoro Is no rod tape about our guarantoo. It means Just what It Rays. Wo'll ask you no questions Your word Is enough for us. If Uoxall Dyspepsia Tablets totrt ro landHad Good Voyage Down the Coast on Redondo Steamer Has Largest Cargo of Season From San Francisco With the arrival of the Redondo ftnni On t Pfn iwilunn rn 'PllUQrl II l nl'A. t. . . .. . . t Vf 111 fcjtli IHIIVIOVU Wtl Ml-Wltllj Vl- mo uroaKwaior nrrivcu in mis IllR( Jf Dnt of tll0 crnftt mnkes torday from San Francisco with ono ...w....,.h .,.,. luiimuu Hiiui it Buuu somo vory pointed remarks on tho trip down tho coast. Sho had a fair iciiuso. provontlon and remedy for cargo and a full passenger list. 'seasickness. "Our system neods the Among those nn lvlng on her woro utmost enro," said Mr. Dill last tho following: night, "and tho nvorago man nllowB w. u. vuiu, .m, oiu, j. i.. uamp- l, H or nor system to become Btag Tho Itedondo arrived In Into- yes- ot tho largest freight cargoes that sho has had this season. Tho cargo totalled ovor 700 tons and Included a big shipment of cement for the Ciiibs, Too. Not Klt.li, Ituh-H WuhIi Ington'H Attorney (icucinl OLYMPIA, Wash,, March 5. Shollflsh nre not flsli, Attorney Hen oral Tanner ruled In nu opinion ren dered Flnh Commission Darwin, and tho same ruling nnnUm to crabs. Couucquintly, tho Attornoy CJon eva says, unnaturalized aliens can not bo dobnrred from taking thoso Boa dollcaclcs, though tho stnto con stitution prohibits them from tnklilg "food fish." COLUMBIA KISIIINO CI.OSKS Season's Cntch nt Astoria Brings flood PriccH ASTORIA, March fi. TJio wlntor fishing soason on tho Columbia Riv er nnd Its tributaries closed March I. Whllo only a small amount of gear was In tho water during tho .Murphy-Dow Company, 20,000 brlckBJ wlntor, tho flshormon who woro out bell, Mrs. Dennis McCarthy, Carl nant that la physically They do"'0'" Hugh McLaln, boilers nnd mn-liiu rainy won, tluro bolng n strong Ma.son, Elmor Mnthon, Mrs. Ksthor not take proper exercise," oat prop r!cn,nory tor tno c A Smith Com- demand for tho fish to ahlp fresh Hlllott. Addlo Flilott. A. O. 'Heed. L. .fn,i n,. nv.. nmiur nm.iiniiin ifiiHiny and a largo miscellaneous car-1 to tho Kastern markotB. Tho spriug 1C. Reynolds. F. 8. Bamolt. Mrs. Bar- ima 'i..mn ..,v nvnnrinnrn that timaniKO. Among thoso arriving on tho soason will open on May 1. ALLIANCE! AND 001 III gelt, Mies K. Duncan. Miss L. Royer, who oat and drink to every fancy II. L, Redd, J. Schmlthlng. T. K. Kd- , foro fltnrting on a soa voyngo are wards, Mrs. Fdwnrds, II. II. Edwards tho peoplo who get sick first. Son U Edwards, II. Edwards, Joslo Ed-ivoyacoa require preparation. Un- wards. Laura Young. J. O. Wilcox, O. iioss a norson Is Blck boforo starting. M. Wilcox, .1. II. Mourllold, W. h. Ithoro Is no renson to my mind why Cawldy, J. Forsythe,, Mrs. E. Bur-, they sliould bo sick onrouto. that It. Kino, Dolorloa Burglno, J. Slntor, Mrs. Iwlth the proper preparation. I J. A. Thompson, Loulso Thompson, havo seen women standing on tho Rodondo woro J. J. Sullivan,. B. C. Swaggert. B. Molqulr, P. Cahar, Mr, and Mrs. J. T. Hall, W. V. Ogren, G. Locoeq. J2. H. Jones, Lenorn Stone, Ruth Hopklus, Nora Cnntwoll, Lester Cautwoll, A. Pallor, II. L. Coloman, Mrs. Q. J. Armstrong, G. J. Armstrong, Mrs. C. J. Church, J. Blascn, Mrs. J. Mrs. W. Lowla. W. Lowls. W. M. 'dock eating candy with no thought E"18"1' ?lr?:c ,w McCnlloch, Mis. Gaddlo, Fred O'Rourko, Mrs. O'-, of tho wrath Hint was to como whon!"dfo;'a .leolor' "ra: Allco Rourko, O. L. Wrat, Mary E. Beck- wo got out ovor tho hoads. Hully, Luill Rees, O. Escler, Andrew tt, rmu Anuorson, ma. t. ausboi, "Especially does ono roqulro prep- j"kii, j. vhiii, u. jviukiu, ji. drs. (J. A. Stonloy, Mrs. E. Oglosby, nrntlon on this trip to Coos B,ay,lavl8' ?; H"e, II. Herman, J. I. 11. Turnor, Mrs. O. M. Jenkins, A.ns It Is not long enough to allow iwwyor, M. Jones. W. Nsas, S. Hnn I. Allen, T. W. Loach, Miss Pearl one to recuporato from tho itinlady.sn L. A. UiiBelt, S. Pedorson, C. ott, Paul Anderson, Mrs. T. Mlasol.l "Especially does ono roqulro prep-iIiBnian, J. Rusnn, D. Knight, R. Mrs. (J. A. Stonloy, Mrs. E. Oglosby, oration on this trip to Coos Buy, avl8' S. Hulmo, H. Herman, J. i T Cowan, Mrs. Volknmn, K. Sllvorstoln, , On a longer voyngo, persons rocov-1 JB0 , c Sr,"nudez c; Maclas, N. W, Blruey, Edw. Bloler, L. J. Scam- or nnd nro qulto jovlnl when tho ," ro8 TT Stun,l)03 j Krokos, P. nan. II. 11. Douehny. J. J. Meany, J. boat lands forgetting tlio BicKnossi"1"""""0' " "" . '. . II. UorBtol, J. S. Smith, F. Podorson, lor tno eany ponton or tno voyage. C. E. Colos, J, J. Borg, E. Damanopn, I A person with nn inclination to sea C. B, Landers, G. O. Woldon, W. L. sickness could make this trip from Graham, L. P. Doydon. B. Lanz, R. Umrshfleld to San Francisco for ten W. Falrfoull, R. C. Schultz, Swan yoars regularly, nnd would not re iinnsnn. T. p. Uussoll. N. Ponhnno. 1 cover from seasickness for tho rea- J. Lester, J. Mlllor, F. .Miller, P. Gar-, son that tho voyago Is too short, cln, F. Bonlllo, J. Domlnguez, J. Mr.r- People travelling In tho Orlont from tlnoz, F. Fernando, A. Suren, G. Mor ton, L. W. Goodhuo, J. L. Ragsdale, A. Geavoll, F. danger, II, II. Movers, J. E. Meyers, D, Knowlan, C. R. Day, J, II. Mora, J. Simon, A. Hnngnny, M. Borvackn. PERSONAL OVERFLOW L. A. W1IITLY, of Coqulllo, will loavo for Portland thla week, ... T. DAVIS, of Myrtlo Point, will leavo this weok for Portland, ft.. J. DISHINGTON, of Bnndon, leaves this week for Portland. MUtf. J. II. WILSON leaves this wook for Portland on u visit. nwmirSTC niPK'RVS. of Onnnllln. Btoro your stomach to hoalth andj ion0a this wook for Portland. mak your digestion oubj- nnd com- MISS M. MEACUM loaves on the fortublo, we vunt you to como back Broakwutor Saturday for Port for your mouey. Thoy nro sold on.y Innj at the 700O.ReKall Store, and In nonnwix. of North linn.l. .1...- ....... ft..i.. in ito 'i'ii,.a(t k 7na I " " ...-., . --.... --. . LI1IU IUI.11 UIIIJ J ww. . w.vt 25e. 50o and $1.00 Lockhart-Pnr- bohb Drug Co.. "Tho Busy Cornei." Marshfieli. Otogon. oxpocts to Lave for Portland Sat urdny. MISS PAULINE PARSONS leaves Kean. O. S. Opholm. J. Hill. lloiucuilicr, LIBUAHY BENEFIT CONCERT nt Mnsnnlo Oporn House SUNDAY. Kino program. Admis sion 2.1 ccntH. Llbhy COAL. TU.0 kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phoni 72. Pacific Llvory and Transfo- (!omi:nnv Steamer Arrives From Eureka and Sails for Portland Passengers Aboard Iloportlng oxcollent weattferitim way, tho steamer Alliance nrrlred tho Alllnnco dock In Marahlleld Tm day ovonlng and loft for Portlw with a full list of passenger! m morning, crossing oat over tb b nt 0:30 a. m. Thoso nrrlvlng on the Auiw. front Miirnltn woro: C. Drown, A. W. Brown. FredG thlcvr, Mrs. Fred Gouthler. Grof Gouthlor, John Borges, C. R. Mow hnn, Mrs. R. It. Parr, Luerlnd W E. It. Rogers, William HopPf; Eranlo, Harry Tnyior, Jn",,'" Mra. Poarl DaVls, Mary Bell W Mrs. W. S. Pohler, Chester PoU. J. A. Blow, Mrs. M. A. Blow. U Moyora, Mrs. J. Davis, JIM fr l in.nan InnvlllI' nil tllB A1II3DC0 i Portland wero; .. .. ii.. vu. C. L. Meeornll, Miss i' ' son, M. Machon, B. D. Bicker. jj Munroo, B. G. Howe. W J- W ton. B. F. Murphy, F. lloland, J. D B. B, Adornt. Times Want ads bring L. NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS WHOSE PHOTOS WERE DE STROYED IN THE FIRE , ... .... I will replace all these negatives free if parties will call ai my new studio in the old location QUATERMASS Quality Photos. Snn Francisco encountor rough wenthor at times, but are sick only, for tho most part, two days. "Tho remedy for Bonslckness la . tho prevention by preparation be fore starting on a voyngo. Tho old ndago, 'an ounco of prevention,' is especially applicable to seasickness, as I know of no remedy that will absolutely check tho feollng once It has sot It. Tho cure depends upon l. J'JI8.0. i1!1 j. Ul8. Plem.ttntj?,l' on tho Brenkwator Saturday for Portland. B. F. LEE. of Myrtlo Point, leaves this weok on a business trip to 1 I'ortiniui, MR. AND MRS. II. SWINDLE, of Myrtlo Point, loavo thla week for Portland. W. M. CARLSON expects to leavo for Portland Saturday on th? Breakwater, MISS PRATT, of Myrtlo Point, loavos Saturday for s Portland on tho lhonkw ntor. S. O. ROCKWLLL and W. DIpplo. of Bandon. oxpect to leave this weok for Portland, ANNOUNCEMENT Millinery Opening at THURSDAY and FRIDAY JENNINGS NORTH BEND MARCH 5 AND 6 Sv J4kAj. j..- JaAiUJU , . Irtt JttSgf 6 . flti-n. i i tiiiHiUlHtl ..Zeu u. k. .ataiinillii).tn,jBrihitrt w wggnQyu