7i-nrf? ( v- -Hw p- ttnoiipnuiA u " J &k IX THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. WEDNESDAYMARCH 4, 1914 EVENING EDITION. "ptk y The Fact Remains No amount of misrepresentation by the peddlers of alum baking powders, no jug gling with chemicals, or pretended analysis, or cooked-up certificates, or falsehoods of any kind, can change the fact that Royal Baking Powder lias been found by the offi cial examinations to be of tlie highest leavening efficiency, free from alum, and of absolute purity and wholesomeness- Royal Baking Powder is indispensable for making finest and most economical food. ELKS TO NAME 0 OFFICERS D. Y. Stafford to Become Ex alted Ruler of Marshfielcl Lodge Initiation At a mooting of tho Mnrshflold Jodgo or 131Kb tonight, offlcoiH will bo olected for tho ensuing yonr. I). Y. Stafford Is tho only candldnto for exalted ruler and will bo given the highest honor In tho lodgo. It Is llkoly that stops will also bo tnkon tonight townrdH carrying out tho cstnbllohniout of an Elk'B Club hero. TJio coiunilttco Is ex pected to report on It. Dosldos tho olectloti of offlcors, oovoral candidates nro to bo bal loted on, and a iiunibor to bo Ini tiated. Those who are duo for In Itlatlon tonight are Contractor J. M. Wright and Dr. 13. 13. Straw, of Marshtlold; 12111s .Donient, Harry Herman and Harry M. Fcnsler, of Myrtlo Point. 10 high no HIGH GRSDE8: Classes Made High Averages During Last Semester Best Pupils Given Tho clnBses of tho high school earned tho following averages last eomostor: Sophomores, 91.3 In four studies. SonloiB, 89.0 In four studios. Juniors, 88.9 In four studios. Kroshmon, 85.1 In four studies. Tho following Individuals mtula cxcoptlonnl rocords: Olga Shutter, Jluth Heddon, Isnbol ForguBon, Ilornnco llnhslcopf, Daguiar Fllos burg, Evn Ilnnson, Coell Roborson, i Vlvlnn CnrlHOn nnd cnosior isnac eon. Agnes Sandqulat, Mlldrod Story, Ruth Hoaglaud, Mnry KriiBi', Clara Sargoant, Elslo Hall, Sarah Escott, Nolllo Warwick, Mnbol Ininiol, Ida Shutter, Wosloy Somnnn, Velma Ross and Hnlph Chrlstonsou hnvo carrlod tho equivalent of "A" In four stud ios. Tho others hnvo dono more than that. t II 01 BY DREDGE Several Tons Taken From Bay This Morning Probably Lost Off Barges Tho oil gushers of Southern Cal ifornia woro mndo to look sick by tho dredgo Scattlo today In Its yield ing of not Icsb than tlireo tons of coal, extracted from tho Hay and sent gushing out on tho domnln of DToudwny and Elrod streets. Wliotli or or not tho coal had its origin in tho bay or whether a hargo load has been lost ovorbonrd somo tlmo paBt is difficult to determine, but tho lattor Is more llkoly. Tho coal is of largo stzo, and Is being sont shooting forth from tho mouth of tho pipe lino nt tho rato of a ton an hour. S.voral persons nro huslly ougagod In gathering tho blnek diamonds, one man hnvlng gathered a ton in four hours. That tho conl has been In tho bay for hoiuo tlmo Is proven by tho ovldonco of barnacles that cling to it. lllstorlnns of tho country rtls agrco as to tho origin of tho coal, or as to how It eumo to bo In tho bay. Charles Powers, who was em ployed nt tho bunkers for several years, says that tho coal Is tho ovor flow that comes from ships loading at tho bunkers lunr by. Mr. Pow ers says that Bovornl years ago a hargo load of coal overturned nonf tho bunkor. Mr. Powors places a couservatlvo ostlmnto of tho coal that will bo ylolded by the bay at 200 tons. Hugh McLnln explains tho pros onco of tho coal by tho overturning of two barges sovornl years ago. "1 think tlioro Is not less than 100 tons of conl In tho bay nonr these bun Iters," said Mr. McLnln today, "as every tlmo n ship londs not less tlinn 1000 pounds nro dashed ovor hoard through careloss methods In loading." LS FIGHT I 0 Powers Put Out by Mitchell in Sixth, but Claim of Foul Sustained by Referee Larry Mitchell proved one too many for Lon Powors In n bout tlmt was scheduled' to go ten rounds nt North Demi Inst night. It ended In tho sixth, with Powers claiming a foul. The pair woro brenklng from a clinch In the sixth round, when Mitchell rained, n number of short Jolts to tho body. Powors sank to the floor and claimed a font. Ho was ushorcd to his corner nnd tho crowd yelled to tho rofcreo for a decision. While tho crowd was waiting, Pow ers' seconds tossed tho Bpongo Into tho ring. Powers hlmsolf ruBhod out nnd grabbed tho taken of truco, claiming that o had boon fouled, lloforco Sax dollboratod for ton min utes and finally pronounced tho fight n draw. ' Doth woro very aggressive and tho go was a fast one. Tho nnnounccd weight was 138 ringside, but Mitch ell was eight or ten pounds heavier than Powers. , A curtain rnisor was fought by Ed Drown nnd Jnck .Mason. Tho bout went tho full six rounds nnd was called a draw. People who saw Drown box In North Dond during ChrlBtmns weok say that ho lins Im proved much. Tho bout was fast nnd Interesting nnd tho decision of rcf oreo Sax was vory well received. A fairly largo crowd attended tho bout, filling tho small gymnasium, nnd perfect order was maintained throughout tho cntlro ovenlng. At one stago of tho preliminary tho con testants extended their lines of bat tle, causing Bovernl war correspon dents seated at tho rlngsldo to rlso nnd "givo tho boys room." Itoforco Sax declared all hots off on tho mnln ovont on account of tho sudden termination. AT .THE. IHOTELS i Along the Waterfront, r Tho schooner Omogn of tho Simp son Lumber company's fleot Is forty sovon dnys out from Coqulmbo for Coos Day. Coqulmbo la about G000 miles from Snn Francisco. Tho Sp.'odwoll Is reported bnr bound nt Dandon today. Sho was duo horo to lond tlos, poles and lum ber and will probably sail Friday for thOAflouth . NOTICE I will not bo rosponslblo for nny dobts contracted In my nnmo by anyono excopt myself. CHAS., SNEDDON. Sr. Tho Chandler Hotel. II N. PIxley. Salem; Daniel Mlllor, Dnudou; E. Judoll, San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Drown, Salomj D. F. Murphy, Portland; J. K. Mc Goo, Rlvorton, Tho Uojd Hotel. H. Shnw, Myrtlo Point; M. Whlto, nreou liny; A. Carstou, Portland; E. HnrrlB, Salom; M. T. Unrtholomow, Win. A. Alkon, Myrtlo Point; M. S. Smith, llnndon; T. D. MoKnno nnd Harry Alvorson. Portland. Tho Ultimo Hotel. N. 3. Qulgg. Couledo; A. Nallrg Conlodo; It. Whltmore, Coalodn; E. J. Pierce. Tnrhee'; P V "ii'f, Port land; .1. KniKO, iHthmus Inlot; JI. L. Lav horn, McKlnlo); Miss Clnra Sud dlnrlth, I.obnuon, Or.; Miss Myrtlo Uurheo, Washington, D. C. Lllmiry llenuflt uet Sunday. . . V Jk .& a ws Russell Dulldlng. Central Avenuo INVITES INSPECTION OP New Model Millinery Sriuxa 1914 BUSINESS MEN GET TOGETHER Preliminary Plans for Organ ization StoD Deadbeats and Holdups At n mooting of tho directors of tho Coos Day Duslnosa Men's Associ ation Inst evening, a tontntlvo sot of by-laws was agreed upon and referred to Chairman E. P. LowIb and Sec. L. L. Thomas to put Into shape for final adoption nt nnothor mooting to ho hold Friday ovenlng. Tho by lnwfl ndontod nro Bomowhnt similar to those of tho Portland organiza tion. Tiiroo applications wore recelvod for tho nerretaoHhlp of tho organi zation, tho applicants being L. M. Warrior, who recently uamo hero from Washington, F. E. Grlinos and C. M. Cntou, tho latter being a brorhur-ln- law or W. E. Honglarru. No action wob tnkon as it was docldcd to loavo tho Boloctton of tho pormnnont sec retary to tho permanent board of directors, Tlioro was somo discussion as to whht classos of lmulnnRH ninn rIkimIiI bo taken Into momhorsiip. Somo wanted It cmiflnoil tn tun rntnll IhihI. ' noss men but It wna finally decided to tnko In all business and profes sional men who are on Coos Day. Tlioro wnH nlso consldornblo discus sion as to tho plan of handling tho crodlt department nnd tho concensus of opinion was thnt each ruomber should furnish tho secretary by tho fifteenth of tho month n list of his crodlt customors, with a notation af ter eaeli naiiio as to whether or not ho was good pay. In this way good pay-; nig customers will bo given a good rating nnd allowed such credit ns they doeervo whllo tho poor pa) lug ones wl'l bo woodod out. It wns decided to loavo most of the business to tho board of ton dlroe tors, which will Ineludo tho officials and a paid Boorotary, nnd to hnvo muotlngs of tho organization as a whole tho first Friday In May, Aug ust, Novombor nnd Februnry. Dau o.uot8 will bo enjoyed at onch of tlicso meotlngs. Tho meeting Inst ovonlng was qulto enthusiastic ovor tho possibilities of the organization nnd the certain suc cess that was to como. It wns point ed out that In addition to bundling tho crodlt mattor, the organization could put tho ban on tho "fly by night morchnnt" and koop'hlm out of town and also niif. nn nnil tn tlin promiscuous "holdup" of tho business men ror contributions ror charity, etc.. and bv fdko advertlslncr nrnnn. sltlons. Those prcsont last ovonlng were E. P. Lowls, L. L. Thomas, J Albert Mntson, F. Q. Horton, Georgo Rot nor. T. S. Harvoy, R. A. Copplo. Har ry Nasburg, C. W. Wolcott nnd Mes srs. Smith nnd Hazer of North Dend. Sec. Thomas, was Instructed to send to tho stato association and somo of tro organizations In Eugone, Rose burg and oUowhero for a set lof blanks nnd records of their plan of operation. WILL THY TO CURB DISEASE Supt. Raab of North Bend, Urges Council There to Stamp Out Smallpox Ways nnd means to prevent an epi demic of smallpox woro discussed by tho North Dond City Council last night nt Its regular meeting. Tho smallpox contagion has been spread ing tlioro and whllo tlioro Is no cnuso for general alarm, tho City Council, Dr. Ira D.' Dartlo, health officer, and Supt. A. G. Raab expressed thorn solves strongly as to somo drastic action to bo taken for tho enforce ment of quarantines. Supt. Raab addressed tho Council nnd said that parents who know their children hnvo smallpox lildo tho fact and send them to school to mingle with other children, and it Is not un til tho dlsonso Is over thnt tho teach er finds out. Ho pointed out that tho disoasa has been spreading In North Rond slnco July 4 of last year and ha did not think tho health officer or coun cil had been vigorous enough in es tablishing strict quarantines. Dr. Dartlo InformoJ tho Council that ovory case that was brought to his notice was promptly quarantined. Ho further commented on tho lax methods employed by tho Council In tho past In allowing bills for fumi gating and provisions for thoso whom ho has quarantined. Tho Council ngrccd to lend every assistance to ward tho health work and allow all bills of this kind that nro presented. Old Ordinance Effective. An ordinance that was passed ton yenrs ago will bo effectlvo horoaftor, relative to any porson knowing of n enso of contagion who does not re port It, Is n party to tho offeiiBo of not reporting and is liable to a heavy lino or u jail sentence. Tho health department of North Dond desires tho enmest co-oporntlorr of tho poo plo to stamp out nn epidemic nnd the enforcement of this ordinance Is meant for tho common good. Par ties knowing of cases of smnllpox nro roquoBtod to roport thorn to t' e health officer at onco. Parties fall ing to do this, upon apprehension, will bo arrested and fined. (ai lingo Disposal. A dumping ground or an Incinera tor for public garbago vas discussed by tho Council Inst night. .1. R. Rob ertson Bnld that tlioro wan no pine to dump tho gnrbago nt present and the Council should tnko somo action toward u systematic dlrposnl of the garbngo. N. C. McLeod asked tho Council If tlioro was pny means of prevention for tloso who dumpod garbngo on Pnclflc nvopuo In Dnngor. Chief Anderson said thnt signs lmd been posted nt tho Daugor dump, warning people against dumping tlioro but snld ho hud been unable to dotcct anyono. Dr. Dartlo Biiggostod thnt tho city appoint a gnrhngo runn to collect nnd dispose of tho garbage tho rlly pay ing half and tho ponpln paying lite romnlndor. A plnn to Incinerate tho gnrbago wan loconiiiicndod by Dr. Dnrtlo na tl o most sanitary moans' of disposal. Hind Surfacing IIm'usm1. A plan was Inaugurated by tho Council for tho hnrd surfacing of tho strootH nlrondy cut through and tho city ouglncor was ordered to pro paro estimates with the possible cost estimated of hnrd surfacing thoso Btrcots. It Is not nltogothor unllko- ly thnt much hnrd surfacing will bo dono in North Dond this yonr., An ordlnnnce wns passed for tlio grading of sovornl atroots. Leadership Is the Ability to Keep a Few Steps Ahead For a merchant to lead, he must give better mercha dise at the same price, or equally good merchandise jt Cl IUVVUI JI luli. Many a good business man has found his choice in Mb ftk eJPl Sfyleplusrffiy Clothes STYLKPI.PS CTiOTIIIft $17 "' In n cla, bj tliomsehes lccnmotie makers spcclnll,0 M this oiio suit, othrr. ulso tho pcc ouj bo much higher. 1Af M !? Cftl ; We are the only STYLEPLUS store in town, which J yuuu jiuui ui uur iuciuuidiiij. Young men especially appreciate the leading style ele- Iliuiil ui inuou iiiiu uiuuiuo cu a iiiuuiuui JI IUI'. Big assortment come in. Hub nothinjl5hoc Co BANDON MARSHFIELD MYRTLE POINT TmmmmmmmswmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm M Iffif foYds IE"! COOS COUNTY WIT TO 1 Twelve Pair of Hungarian Par tridges to he Liberated in This Section Car Load of Machines Rea Portland But Misses Breakwater Con. fioodruni r celvotl idilccll dny that n cnrlond of Ford te Tvvnlvn nnli- nt T I nni'firln n Pnrt- Mlfl...ia ...III niik'n ,.n tlin 11li.nlrl lliihVD ,,i ..t.tvvi uii .. w.-w.... uy tdltv II Ui"U "' w,u -".i wiiiur lomuriuw iiiiu uuu-uuii ulimiioh c(iiikii;iii'(i io nun rcacura .1. ...III l. III.AnlAj1 n. ..Mu', . , . .. tj.1 Ik n.l.k i IIIUI1I Will UU IIIJUIllll-u Ull uuo mud JIIHL IUU IIIIU IU liui IV River, nnd tho romalulng one-hnlf (wooks sailing of tho Ilreilm! will bo llhorntod on tho Demont but will roach hero on nut M ranch nonr Myrtlo Point. Thoso jtrlp, nrrlvlng 'ihureday, Jlarth 111 coruo on nppllcutlon mndo to Win. L. Tho consignment consists of kw l.'lnlnv Klnln riniiin Wnrdnil. nlld I Innrlnn mm nnil two roidlttrL Jure sont hero by Gone M. Simpson,.! included In this shipment 'suporluUndont of tho stnto gnmoj fnur f the new P-f ctectrleiV . . , ..m r..n..n 1 ... n ... ....... .. f..l . TVm inriu ui. vJiirvuiiiB, uiui'ii. u io iu era nun iiguiora iur luiuiui.. ,. ho hoped that tho rosldouts of tllo outfits will bo ready for Imme&tt Innn.lnt.n 1i..hJ llin lil.ln n frt tn 1 ...I,.-...... hhmI. aI am.1 will ffllfl lUL'tlllulia nuuiu niu uhmd m v, miBMlllIllUIll Ull uiihiii mi" "-" I.- lll.AH.,n.l ...111 .tn A I, ,1... Ilini. ii.. ti .1.- n,t.il nt nv Wi uo iiuur.uuu inn duu iu iv. hiiii. mv uiu ruin inw uiiiiui " nro not dostroyid nnd thnt ovory stnrlor and electric llshted na protection posBlblo Is given. Mr. 'on tho ninrkot Th so Deaco tm iKIirloy nlso herotoforo Bout somo trie stnrtors are sold for $' China Phoa8nnts, and' wnnts a ro-'nn absolulo gunrantco of tl" I .M ! .(..... 1 tn tl.A... n.1.1 f Id ll.. m .. .1 n An .. 1 1.1 ftll i fl TA th fiU iui l ill luftiiiu ii, iiidiii, nun ,v io huh, II I HI nu luniiiiiiii 7,1. ruquoaiou nun iinruu iuiuwiiik ui ittrneiurors inai mey " mJrr tho locntlon of any of theso phons- ty-days' trial test thnt they wffl .. ...Ill 1.1... II.. ... .!.. Ir, I t linn- .!.,.. .I.lm,l tnr tllJlfl uuin niu niuui; ,. ,,ivi w u, ..- uvurj UllUK linii- CATCH MAIh ROIUIKH. NOTICK TO KLKS All members of Mnrshftold Lodge No. 11C0, B. P. O. E., nnd visiting brothers aro urged to bo present Wodnnsilnv nlcht. Mnrph J 'PIaa. tiou of offlcors. balloting on enn- aiaates ana initiation. Don't for get to turn out. GEO. ROTNOR, Secretary. .'Man Who Held Up Trains In Oregon Finally Captured. ROSRfiURG, Or., March 4. After noarly two years, Sheriff Georgo QuJno rocolved a tologram from tho offlcors nt Chlco, Calif., containing information to th'o effect thnt Frank Mnrtln was undor arest tlioro on a chnrgo of robbing tho "Oregon Ex press," nonr Gibson Spur, Cnl , in September, 1911. Tho postal authorities bollovo that Martin wns undor nrrest there on a up and robbed tho "Shnstn Llmltod," near Yoncnlla, nnd tho "Orogon Ex press," In Cow Creek Cnnyon, In Juno of 1911. Mnrtln is said to ho woll known to tho Pacific const officers nnd has been suspected of onglnoor Ing tho Oregon train robberies for somo time. nott, who has tnkon nn Interest In this mnttor. . n.i.,!,lnf nt in 13 mohllo this sensdn tho preJ vour colden onnortunlty to get .. a ..t. !...... ".... .. I n.i. ...!... fli.iiitunnt nnd U KV drier Cnrter made a llttlo iontAiomttxm of tho city as pounds.nnn Tuesday i L "PK .'t "" "iLm afternoon nnd landed thrco Imml-L, ' ' , ' " dw0,U(l J somo jorfioy cows in uio P"' ,' i 7nr IiVbT nsk onr b Whether or not tho Chief will make ' Tinnc0ar ft "'- several rU thcBo dally rounds iu quoat of stray 0WnB one. "11 lore are ew nnlrrrnls Is unknown. Tho owners ''"? '." "''""SuJf 0 bo u!oraBnny"ta,a lmV0 DOt R,n,,lCd fP ffifflff-iSSf AfU? & thorn as . celyod ,, ,nformatlon come Cbnrleq Prk was arrested bv tallc to Georgo atiOUl u. ..r.lm?..J-icK J1- nrr.8t.' r",y. Don't de av ordorlng or yot iKiuwiucnmnn ijuuho im, o utiuiu ,,-,",. nuin outuut 0l '1 tins morning and ciiargou witn over- ," ," ' i. but tha iieniuJil indulgonco. Ho wns fined ?D.OO to- factory Is largo, uut me j Goodronds Goodrum's gr Coos County headquarters. Iteinoinlier, LHHUItV IJKXJI CONCERT ut Masonic r-":; j-.m.F i.i.... t.ixifrrnnl. .A0 nuAiiai, i-iiiu ! dny by Rocordor llutlor. Ho hud no money and it was ennrgea to ins account. This offonso rnnkoa $10 marked against tho said Eck. SATimilAY. MA11PII T. Gnlnl ln iiaa nlvnn litr TmtxrnVAil MULIiH UHtlVU t 1 V J JllllllWIvm Order of Redrnen nt Finnish Hall. .bIoii a ccihb. -.j Gents i, ladles free., 4 n wom.a la.H i rrounuiy nut "w .i,e sW Attend TillUtAItV HEXr.FlT hundred is built after r 1 CONCERT nt Masonic Opera Hoiiho sho would have "iccieu net KuiKiay. oeon kivuh mu v.-- - ANNOUNCEMENT Millinery Opening at JENNINGS NORTH BEND 2HSB& MARCH 5 AND 6 J