l" :H p. THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELC, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1914 EVENING EDITION. nvr 7 IMM4MSM JnHi&&) mmw fM TUJEIUT must bo recognized. The easiest way to recog nize it is to see it. and to know it when yon see it you look for sonic identifying in ark. That's the way it is with "MnJ lory" Crnvcncttcd Hats We know how good they are and cau toll yon all about them, hut in order that you may know ind recognize them, they put their trade mark-iu the hat. You can't go wrong in buying a "Mallory" Crnv cncttcd lint. w Aw M jtn LOCAL NEW D PERSONALS TIDES KOU MARCH awhile ber.uv proceeding via Scnt- Itlo to MInneauolIs win to tlioy will Below Is rIvi'h tlio tlino nnd 'make their ruturo homo, height of high and low wntor nt Cos Hay Molts (Jootl Emerson iwniBimciu. ' rilRItlfl. of Hnlnni. n tvfhnil pfitiltnllnt. m Tho tldos nro placed In tho ordor 8 making an Inspection mid Invcstl- MOL;r",;roi,I i"1 ?i? .?.n.iii of cooa ni it. urospocu. ..w taiui, iiiiu ...it. UU.ftllia UU fcllVJ second line of ench day; n compar ison on consooutlvo hoIghtB will In- dlcnto whothor It is high or low wntor. For 1'leli wntor on tho bar suustrnct two hours 34 minutes. Buy your clothes here and we keep them pressed free of charge. Woolen Mill Store Apparfl Specialists Von Men and Boys Ilrs. Ft... Itl'S. Ft. . , Ilrs. Ft. . , lira., Ft... Ilrs. , Ft. . . lira., Ft... G.37 D.G 0.23 2.8 1.20 a.o 3.1G 3.1 0.10 4.3 o.nr 4t0 1.30 1.0 7.30 n.4 8.(1 n.3 10.03 5.0 I.G7 2,0 G.0I 2.4 8.20 3.G 2.51 0.9 4.12 0.8 H.1G 0.1 11.15 C.7 12.17 r. 0.3 LIBER MILLS ILL RESUME CARD OF THANKS To tho many frlonds and especial ly to tho Masonic lodge, whoso kind ly nets of helpfulness during tho per iod of my great borenvoment in tho loss of my bolovctl husband, Georgo Wulff, lightened tho burden or my sorrow I extend my henrtfolt thanks. MltS. GEO WULFF, AND RELATIVES. WANT ADS. o.o 0.0 0.G2 3.G I WEATHER FORECAST Wr Ao.l ei l'rm to Coos lit, Tlmfi.) .OREGON Fair oast, cloudy west, probably rain. Variable winds. LOCAIi TEMPERATURE 11KCOH1) For tho 24 hours ondlng ut 4:13 a. m., March I, by IJonJ. Ostllnd, special government mo toorologlst: Maximum .' . . G2 Minimum 47 At 4:43 n. m 40 1'roclptatlou 44 Wind: Southwest; cloudy. Precipitation since Sopt. 1, 1013 ' G1.32 Precipitation samo parlod Inst year 45.41 GEO. RID0U1 Certified Public Accountant Member of the Oregon Stnto Bocloty of Certified Public Accountants Fellow of tho Amorlcnn Association of Public Accountants rhone 302-R. 100 TENTH ST. ACCOUUIB iVUllllCU. Systonis Dovlsod nnd lustnllod Investigations Partnership, Incorporated Coinpnnlos nnd Trusteo Accounts Balance Sheets and Financial Statements. Certified Accounts. Hooks oponcd, closed, or written up. Modest ChnrgcB. iMinhfleld. 'i-eioiiiiono 302-11 Bmdon u" "'" Ho evpressos hlinsolf its Very favor ably Impressed and snys Coos Day looks bettor than any placo In Ore gon. Mr. Harris U an old tlino frlond of I. S. Smith ami tlioy hnvo boon renewing their friendship during his stay hero. Fancy Price 1'nld. It Is stated that Cleo. F. Murch paid $550 nor ,'"0 lncr fop ton acros of 'orchard off 11,. 16 Mm rn.t.inH nnr ttnl.. HnH.l. .. 1 0 I WIVJ ."iiiiui uuui ut;iiiu 1 .1111.-11 uu "i"' bouth Coos HIvcr, which ho recently "" ; bought from Matt Jutstrom. Tho " tract is all In bearing treo3 and Mr. rxJ Murch Is arranging to hnvo It de "'" .volopod Into ono of tho best or- i'"" chards In Oregon. It is nonr Mr. JiurcU's Biinunur homo on Coos Hlver. New Clerk at Lnndo'8. Mrs. It. Ethcrlncton has necouted n nosl- Ulon In Lnndo's. Mrs. Ethorlngton, 1 Who Is n. late arrival Crnm Pnlirnr- f nln. hns hml voars nf oxnnrlniirn 111. tho East nnd West nnil rnmrn .highly recommended. Sho tnkos 'tho plnco of Mlsa Farley, who has .resigned to accept a position with 'her father. Tho addition of Mrs. Ibutorlngton Is but ono step in tho progressive policy now being Innug- nrnicti uy tins iirm. Will Return. How It. O. Thorpo has received word that Mndamo Mar ia Sandal, tho noted Norwegian song stress, will return horo for two con corts about March 13. Ono will bo given In the Masonic Opera Hotiso In Mnrshflold nnd the other In North Hend. Mine. Sandnl appeared hero a low months ago under tho auspices of tho Mnrshfiold Norwegian Luther an church rind scored n distinct hit, Claim That Only 39 of 690 Plants in Oregon Now Idle Many New Ones l'ORTLAND.Or.. March 4. Thoro have boon repeated signs of nn nwak- nllnil nntlvftt lit tlwi lntr..l.. n..1 li.t.. bor industry In Oregon which augur V0l BALM Simp In Enslsldo real, well for an Improved general con- ?.once -PWV; ,no8t vlcw on dltlon when tl o biiBy sensou of spring and summer arrives. Internilttoni TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Look ! Listen ! Are you a W, 0, W? If you are, you will miss something. Wednesday evening if you fail to attend the WOODMEN'S NIGHT given at the I, 0, 0, F, Hall, March 4, all evening. Bring your friend and 'enjoy one good time with tho W, 0, W, of Marshfield, Wednesday Evening March 4th MUSIC REFRESHMENTS SPEAKING jfcSkMMlim' lmtSES3S0 IRVING BLOCK Two Extra Specials! Ode lot of boautfully rnado iV?i .8uU8 ftI"l Drosses far "Hies. Values to $25. (MO 1C Year choice ....... ,3)1 6. ID r?.nB Jot ' beautifully made WB .Suits nnd Dresses for la- ft Jfi ?:!:... $9.50 If discretion is tho bettor part of valor, think of tho big advan tage tho wolt-drcssod man has over tho chap who Is handlcappod by common-place clothes. Horo nro clothes that aro built to graco a gentleman, no matter how ox jluslvo tho company ho Is in. Prices from $11.23 to $25. We guarantee satisfaction. I0NE 4ro-n OQeut IJtQ-JJ 'fissenger Service JMSHFIELD CYCLERY WiTORE NEWS" 's a part of the nws of the day for al! ho buy things at stores, - H Want ads bring resulta. TEe Royal fdNIGHf Wnltemeyer & O'Connor Stock Co. presenting "Pierre of tho Plains," a stirring drama of tho Northwest. "Forest Itomanco." A tale of In dian love beforo the whlto man ar rived to disturb his peace. "The Girl Ranchers." Tenderfoot girls causo a strike nmong the cow boys; dlro results follow tholr ef forts to .run the, ranch alono. Admission, lower floor, 30c; bal cony, 20c; children 10c. Tomorrow night, "Mexico." thrill ing, nnd renl are tho scones In this great four-reel feature, iSaturday night, "Jack and tho Beanstalk," three-reol Klnemacolor featuro. REQPbE YQUI fcg) I Will Hull 1. Perry Hudson irfiklnu nn,r ngomcnt8 to build f I iwi flfn.rmmi unttntrn nn Rnilthwnst I boulevard In First Addition as n and will ho welcomed on hor roturn. homo for hlmsolf mid family. PioniM i-'h Hit (lidny. Capt. John Mcxton, one of the best known plo-1 nuers of Coos nay, coionratou ins 72nd birthday this weok. Ho has been on Ccon Hay about forty-two yoars. Kijiri Wltuif. Contractor L. O. Stronunon started driving Piling this morning for the now dock nnd wnro- houso which tho l'ort or uoos uny is orcctlng' for tho union Oil Com pany nnd others, For NVw Cafe. Tho Flanagan building on Front street, formerly occupied by tVo Pioneer Grocery, la bolng remodollod for tho now enfo which C. A. Holmes nnd J. F. Mill ard will start there. For PntlentH. W. L. llrown and wlfo, nttondnntfl nt tho Oregon Stnto Asylum, arrived hero from Salom yoj terday to tuko back threo Insane per sons who nro now confined In tho county jail at Coqulllo. Pimh- .Season. Tho season for Bteelhoad salmon on Coos Hay will close on tho morning of March 20. Thoro hns boon a vory poor run of Rtoolhonds here this spring mid tho catch Is fnr holow tho normal, lVrry Trniflc. During tho innnt!i of February Capt. Alex Hall of tho Ferry Transit curried G304 passen gers, 40 nutos, 08 doublo teams, 234 olnglo rigs and 48 )ioad of stock'bo tween Marshfield and Bastslde. IK'lnys Trip. Judgo Coko, who returned yesterday from Conulllo, iccolvod a wlro from Judgo Harris at Kug'iio tadny stating that Judge Coko would not bo roijulrod to bo thoro until March 10 Instond of March 12, to hold court. Meet Tomorrow. Tho Laldes' Aid Socloty of tho NqrwoRlan Luthornn Church of North Bond will bo en tertained at tho homo of Mrs, It. O. Thorpo In Marshllold tomorrow af ternoon. Tho Mnrshllold Ladles' Aid Is also to bo In attendance Mall Into. Tho Coos Day mnll wttH threo hours lato today, arriving nt tho Marshfield postofflco at 0 a. in. Captain A. F. Mastors of tho mall boat reports .today's mall as tho larg est of tho season. Tho dolay was caused by a slldo near Urowstor Canon. Tioulili With Kngliit'. Tho nld fire engine which had been pressod Into service nt the mouth of Mill Slough stnrted bucking Monday nftor noon and necessitated Its removal to tho flro lioiiso for repairs. A cen trifugal pump was Installed . In Its stead to finish tho work. Kov Hurt. Itobort Fox, whoso frenzied fluanco operations In tho cloanlng and pressing business hero camo to nn end a fow months ago, Is reported to havo sustained a brok en leg In an accident on a dredgo at San Pedro, Calif,, whero ho has beon working since ho loft tho Day. Itlnuclmrd Itciualiis. Geo. nianch ard, former manager of the Cops Day Gas & ElectTlo company when How Ut & Del owned tho plants horo, has written to relatives hero that ho will remain as manager of tho Newport Electric company under tho Wolch Interests which recently bought tho Newport plant from Seymour Doll. Orders Largo llnrjpv- At ordor for a largo barge has been placed with 'tho Kriiso & Banks shipyard by Hugh McLaln, tho local contractor. Tho new bargo will bo 26x7G feet In length and breadth and will bo flvo leet deop. It will havo a capacity of 200 -tons and will bo used In carry ing rock from his Coos Illver quarry. Largo Output. J. Sweet, of Sweet Brothers, returned from n trip to, Capo Blanco today. Mr, Sweet Is very enthusiastic over tho workings of the new gold machine he has op erated on the Jjeach near Blanco tor tho past month. Apcordlng to him, ono machine In 28 1-2 hours run ning took out $30 In gold and $00 In platinum. Now Wlro Chief. J. W Roney, who has been with tho Coos Day Homo Tolephono Company for somo time, will succeed G. K. Gee as wire fihlef of the company. Mr. nnd 5Irs, Goo leavo tomorrow for Cal ifornia, where they will visit for KMOW ABOUT 13. L. PIERCI2 Is horo from Tnr Ilcol today on business. W. P. MURPHY returned today noon from n trip to Myrtlo Point. PETKll LOGGlE wns horo from North Bond today on business. IltA MATSON loft on tho noon train for Myrtlo Point today on business, 13. L. HOBINSON went to Myrtlo Point this morning on business. WILLIAM DENNETT of North Inlet Is a business Visitor In Mnrshflold today. MltS. BESSIE PETEDSbN of North Inlet Is shopping In Mnnmflold to day. I JOHN MATSON of Catching Inlot Is a business visitor In Mnrshllold today. J. It. M'GEE, proprietor of tho Hlv- ertou mines, Ih nt Coos Bay on business. MRS. AUGUSTA OILMAN of North Inlet Is visiting frlonds In Mnrsh flold today. ARTHUR OLSON of North Inlot wna a passenger on tho North Star tor MurHliflold todny. CHARLES ESTERBECK was n pas senger on tho Sunrlso from Catch ing Inlet today. MR. AND MRS. J. M. CULLKY of Catching Inlot nro visiting frlonds In Mnrshllold today. JOHN WATTE R.S nnd V. II. Wnttors of North Inlot wero business visi tors In Mnrshflold today. E. JUDELL of San Francisco was n piiBsongor on tho morning train for Myrtlo Point on business. MISS MARY CLARKE of tho Clnrko Millinery returned yesterday from Portland, whoro sho has boon In specting and purchasing tho latest lii millinery. REV. It. E. DROWNING nnd wife aro expected homo tomorrow or next dny from Rosoburg. whero thoy havo been spending a fow dnys folowlng tholr visit to Port land. It. It. RJCKER of Gardiner Is In Mnrshflold on routo to Astoria, whoro ho will tako a position In tho Point Adams Life Saving crow, having been transferred from the Uninnua station. DANIEL MILLER, of Bandon, who arrived in Mnrshfiold yesterday on nuslnosB, has tho contract for tho First National Bank building thoro and hopes to sea Its com pletion within tho coming month, HARRY BULTMAN returned last night from a trip to Coqulllo and Bandon. Mr. Bultmnn reports ex cellent transportation facilities be tween Mnrshllold and tho Valley, the train from Myrtlo Point ar riving on time at Coqulllo last ev ening. V. C. GORST returned today from a trip to Gardiner in furtherance of his plan for an auto stage to Gardiner. Many details In tho arrangement must be perfected be fore tho lino can ho started, but Mr. Gorst Is confident )t will bo In oporatlon by Juno let. ARTHUR K. PECK returned today noon from Coqulllo wjiero he at tended County Court on bohalf of Emmett Perce, administrator of tho estate of Mrs.' Orlan M. Taylor. Tho court granted tho request to use $77 of tho ostato to erect a tombstone over the de ceased. HENRYWITSCHE of Coalcdo camo to Marshfield yesterday '.bringing with Mm about $225 worth of Smith-Powers time checks which .employes had given htm to cash. Ho lost them and for a tlino was worried until a friend whd found them notified him of their where about reports mention the roopontng of mills nnd enmps horo nnd there over tho timbered territory of both Or egon nnd Washington. Announcement wns made rocontly of tho opening of n new mill at Whcolor, In Tillamook, thnt hns a capacity of 140,000 feet of lumber dally. Tho plnnt Is owned by John Du Bols nnd C. II. Whoolor, pioneer timber moil In tho Nphnloni country. This mill cost $2RO,000 nnd with tho enmp Included, employs I2G men. Work to Do lU'Miincil. Tho Sllvorton Lumber company Is planning to resumo tho oparntlon of Its largo plnnt In Marlon county Ih the immcdlato future, and the big mill of tho Booth-Kolly company Is being rebuilt nt Springfield, Lnno county, on nn Imlnenso Bcnlo. This lilnnt nnd tho now one nt Whcolor will be nmong tho most modorn In tho northwest. Tho Clark & Wilson mill nt Llnn- ton roaninc! full operations somo time ago, after a partial pnuso for re pairs, and tho Wcstorn Orogon Lum ber company, with n dally capnclty of 100,000 foot, started lost week. Tho Grand Rondo Lumber Com pany nt Perry and tho Nlbloy-Mlm-nnugh company nt Wallowa nro re ported to bo preparing to start work beforo April 1. Rumor Is curront thnt nn ontlroly now mill with a largo capnclty will bo lnunohed In tlio Wlllamotto Vnl loy In tho coming summer. WiiNliotignl ('limps lo Ojm-ii. A dlBpntcb from Washougal re ports thnt tho cninpH In that locality will bogln work this week nnd that tho largest camp, that of tho Du Bols Lumber company of Ariel, has al ready started, Tho Hnrvoy Milling company of Vnucouvor, Wash., resumed opera tions In tho early part of Fobruary, with tho Initial employment of 100 mon. Among tho other wldo-nwnko camps In southwestern Wnshington nro thoso of tho Mutual Lumber com pany at Tonlno, tho Mnrtln mill at Ccntrnlla, the Dulniid Shtnglo com pany nt Cnstlo Rock and tho Von ncBs mill at Wlnlock, Wnsh. . According to statistics furnished,' by Stnto Labor Commissioner Hoff, of Salom, tlicro aro GOO snwmlllB, Hhingle mills, box factories and pinn ing mills In tho stnto, 423 of which nro cawmllls, and It Is cstlmntcd by him thnt of this total only 30 nro now Idlo. His figures show thnt 22, 2G2 nro employed In tho lumbar In dustry In Oregon nnd thnt thoy rc- celvo n total annual Income of $12, 0G3.8B8.18. Tho nvorngo dally wngo Is $1.70 during tho working sensou. Bay. S. S. Acklcs. WANTED Clgnr store, confection ory, rooming house, or other busi ness. J. E. WnBSOm, euro Lloyd Hotel. FOIl SALE Unity cnrrlnge In good condition, $8. Inquire Times office. KOU SALIC Surplus stock of 2 year rose bushes at bargain prices. Call and got your sup ply. Mrs. R. B. prows, GG3 South Eleventh street. FOUND Black evening gown. Own er may sccuro Information nt Times offlco by paying for this notice. i lost r 1 LOST Silver vanity cnio, contain ing monoy. Reward for roturn to Times offlco. WANTED WANTED DiWNtiuikcr ' wants sow lng by tho dny. Phono 289-J. WANTED Position nH liousckccKr or cook for fow men. Enquire Times offlco. WANTED Volition by stenographer wholo dny or half dny, good rof ercnccB. Address box 201. WANTED Nursing, confinement ensos specialty. Wrlto P. O. Box GIG, Marshllold. 4, EXCHANGE Euhniiuu for MnndilloM property 480 acres Improved land In West ern Nob. 27G acres In cultivation. G room house, frnino barn, 18x50, wlud-inlll, tanks, corrals and cribs. 0 ml. from Co. seat. 4 ml from station of It. D. M. R. R. This Is nn I n co mo property, rontod for 1-3 doltvered. Tltlo porfect. Will trade for rosldonco property In Marsh fleld. Address J. R. Logan, Ilnlg lor, Nob. FOR SALE SOCIAL CALENDAR. WEDNESDAY. Collogo Womon's Club wltn Mrs. Morrow. Mrs. Jerry Kinney ontortnlnB nt cards. . Baptist Womon's Missionary Society with Mrs. Corey. Nowly-Woda with Mrs. Lostor Sallug, Eastsldo. LndleB' Auxiliary of tho Pros hytorlnn church with Mrs, O. II. Walter. THURSDAY. A. N. W. with Mrs. dingo Qulst. Young Matrons' Club with I Mrs. Noll McMillan. NORTH HEND. WEDNESDAY. Baptist Ladles entortulnod by Miss Pnrkor ut homo of Mrs. Marklo. Christian Ladles with Mrs. Clarke Gladnon. In Mnrshflold via tho Myrtlo Point stage on Monday. Mr. Bunting pronounces t)io trip from Rosoburg to Myrtlo Point full of tho uBiial Joys that aro to ho found traveling ovor that road In rainy woathor. Mr. Bunting will tako a position with the North Bond Manufactur ing company as draflsmnu. RUE'S SOOTHING SUITOR Susnn. a soubretto from tho Soo, Sued a suitor who failed to suit Suo. Said Suo to tho suitor: 'Show n sultablo suit, or Suppross soon that superfine Sioux!" 4 4 I NORTH HEND NEWS I ! '4 FOR SALE Acoim eggs for hatch ing. E. A. Stonocyp..or, Phono G-J. FOR 8 A L1C 1 10-h.p. uaNollito en glno, nt n sacrifice. Phono G-J. i i i i . l()lt KALIv I riuo iCHldenco lots, Enstvldo, $250 each, tonus. Ap ply C. L. Pcnnock. FOR HALi: SottlngN of Sicilian buttercups, $2. Flno-strntn Black Minorrns, $1.50. Phono 174-R. FOR HALE Ousolliio launch. In qulro W. Owen, Owl Saloon, FOR SALE 1-2 liorno power Ktenni bollor cheap, It. A. Landrlth. VOll 8AL13 Plymouth 1'lnco poul try yards. A. E, Jenson. DON'T Inlneed (lioso Buttercups. Buy ono of my cockerels: they nro from proinlum stock. $C0 wns rofusod fo'r the fnthor. L, C. Oxnovnd, Idaho Addition, P, O. Box 374, North Bend, FOR SALE Indian rnuoo. First class condition. Inqulro Succhl's milk depot, Prlco reasonable VOll SALE Team, wagon and har ness. Enqutro R. B. Barnes, Bay City, P. O. Box GIG. FOR SALE Kbr for lintrhlHR. Whlto Orpington, Rhodo Island Rods, Whlto Leghorns. Phone 124-L. FOR RENT FOR RENT Two fiu-iiMicd Nlceplnjc rooms, 1080 Central. FOR RENT Slv-room liouso In Focndalo, $15 por month. Phone 174-R, aftor 0 p. m. FOR RENT Rooms with or with. out board, 1GG 10th st, South. FOR RENT Largo house on BoutM' 11th street. Phone 119-L., or ieT A. D Campboll, W. Stein purchased tho Bulck rond- ster from Dr. Ira D. Bnrtlo of North Bond on Monday, Mr, Stoln will bo Instructed In tho art of driving n i machine by Fred Pago, ono of tho former Gorst & King drivers. Tho good ship Noverslnk will bo remodelled lij order thnt It may havo . motive power to travol with tho' speed of her owner, J. W. Pltnoy, by tho Installation of n new propeller. Mr. Pltnoy says that tho old propeller was Inefficient to stand tho speed I which ho desired to obtain from tho t craft, honco tho Improvomont. . A. QuatormasR, manager of tlio j Star Theater of North Bend, who has licon ill for tho past month. Is rapid ly regaining his former honlth. L. G Mooks will loavo soon for Spokano nnd other northern points in duo Hammond and brldo havo returned horo from a visit with Mr and Mrs, F. L. Qreenough nt Ban- C. E. BUNTING of Chicago arrived, don. ' $1 "Get Acquainted" Packet 50c Wo w)ll sell for a short time only, tho popular dollar packet, Sylvodora Totlotto Petito, at GOo, It contains a GOo cako Sylvodora Soap and utility sizes n Sylvodora perfume, tollot water and pow der. For salo only at THE LEADING DRUQ STORE. t A-