-ySNiMvrry llHmw I" tmmUtmmM i iiIMMjMUjj PM THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1914 EVENING EDITION.' 7 on - lr?5 T "- ' '.- i Your Money's Worth or Your Money Back That is the protection we are offering each and every one on each and every purchase they make in our store. This applies to a 75-ccnt chair the same as to a hundred dollar davenport. We will give you the very Lost valuo there is for the price you pay or we will cheerfully refund the price. Bear this in mind before you buy house furnishings. S sMKrtHiAiL 'lIVK 111 vifuuvl Ay Our solid oak dining tables cost no more than the veneer, and the value is double. We will sell you a set of dishes at a low price, and you will have the handsomest set of dishes ever offered at that price. This is the store for you. This is the storo that protects your purchase with PERRY Send Your Laundry to Us 'By Parcel Post WH FURNIBn A BAG AM) WILL PAY THE POSTAGE ON ITS RETURN. Coos Bay Steam Laundry Phone 57-J Marshfield 20 Commutation 20 Tickets $2.00 Martihfield-Nortli Bend Auto Lino, Cars every ton minutes from (I n. m to 12: HO p. in. GOHST KING, Props. EDISON'S LATEST A storage buttery Mint continual OTCr charging will not harm. DOES NOT COItHODB AT TERMINALS. CONTAINS NO ACID. Wilt not lose Ito clmrgo whllo standing idle. IS GUARANTEED F1VK YEARS Coos Bay Wiring Co. 153 Broadway. Agents foe Port of Coos Bay. South Coos River Boats Express leaves Marshflbld for head of river at 8 a. m re turning In evening, Stoamor Rainbow leaves head of river at 7 a. m. and roturnlng leaves Marsbflold at 2 p. m, ROGERS & SMITH. LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co. Abstracts, thoroughly dependable, Im iiunlJato service, prompt atten tion to all interests of our clients. Minimum cost. I. S. Kaufman (Sb Co. Low Prices on Best The mother who buys one of our famous Ful ton Go-Carts certainly pays no more for it, and she gets a go-cart worth two of the other kind. Our hand-made "Wicker chairs cost not one cent more than the other kind, and they last a lifetime. Our all-steel bedsteads are the lowest in price, lj and they look the best and last through generations. Your Money's Worth Or Your Money Back & NICHOLSON What People Say whoTcnnTTock box In ourFlrcProor and, Burglar-Proof Safe Do posit Vaults: "I liavo no fear of losing my Jowolry or precious Kcopsakcs." "My will and otlior prlvato papora aro not bolng read by anyono but niysolf." "I always know Just whoro to find my valuables. They aro never Displaced." , Isn't It worth $3 a year to you to bo ablo to say tho samo of your valuables? The First National Bank Of Coos Bay FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST BANK IN COOS COUNTY. Established 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Interest Paid oa Time Deposits 9 Officers: J. W. Bennett, President. J. II. Flanagan, Vice-President. R. F. Williams, Cashier. , Go. F, "Winchester, Asst. Cashier. REDUCTIONS IN FREIGHT RATES WITHDRAWN S. S. HARDY SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY EVERY ALTERNATE FRIDAY AT 1:00 P. M. Sun Francisco office, Harrison St. Dock, Pier 10. West Coast S. S. Line. E. J, LINDEN, Agrt, Phono Doug. 2070. CITY AUTO AND TAXI SERVICE A now taxlcab has been addod to my auto service Careful drivers. Will go anywhere at any time. Stand Blanco Cigar Store. Day phone, 78. Night phone 139-X. TOM GOODALE, Proprietor. Quality FAMILY DINNERS In our new location, we are es pecially prepared to cater to family trade. Regular meals or abort or dera. Open day and night. MERCHANT'S CAFE. ' Broadway and Commercial Mild. NEWS OF NEAKBY TOWNS MANY WANT TO VOTE. Seventeen Apply for Naturalization in Coos County In tho circuit court of Coos.county now thero aro soventeen applicants for naturalization waiting their final papors. Theso cases had been sot for hearing on April 24, but on TueBday Judgo Coke, In viow of that date. being within loss than ninety unys of tho May primaries, postponed the linnt-lntr until Mnv 24. Df tlin ROVM1- teen prospective citizens only ono halls from Coquillo. Tho following aro' tho nationalities roprcsoutod: Finland, C; Germany, 3; Norway, 2; Italy, lj Canada, 1; England, 1 Grecco, lj Islo of Crete, 1; Den mark, 1. Slnco tho now national law In ro gard to naturalization was enacted In 190G, 301 men havo been mado citizens of tho United States In tho circuit court of Coos county. Co qulllo Sentinel. BEAR CREEK ROAD CASE. Tho caso of ThomaB Dralno vb. Road District No. 20, which embraces tho Dear Creek country above Han don, was brought to a sudden ter mination when District Attorney Lll Joqvlst refused to plead further In tho case, and on motion of plaintiff's attornoy, J. O. Stotnmlor, tho court granted a permanent restraining or der, thereby sotting nsldo tho elec tion. Myrtlo Point Enterprise MYRTLE POINT CHANGE. O. B. Harrison purchased tho In terest of his partner, A. R. I'antor, In tho pool and billiard parlor busi ness they havo been conducting in tho south room of tho Hormann brick building on First streot. Mr. Pantor expects to accept his former position of master of ono of tho Myrtlo Point Transportation Company's boots, Myrtlo Point Enterprise. GRANT TWO DIVORCES. Two divorces woro granted and decrees Issued In tho circuit court hero: Holon II. Clark from Bert Brown Clark and Maud L. Peters from Otto II. Peters. The former couplo Hvo at Myrtlo Point. Co qulllo Sentinel. 122 CONVERTS MADE AT COQUILLE REVIVALS. At tho morning sorvlco at tho rink last Sunday it was announced that fifty-eight of tho converts nt tho rovlval meetings had united with the churches of tho city that morning, making 122 In all as tho number of accessions slnco tho meetings havo been In progress. Coqulllo Sentinel. NOTICE. Thoro will bo an Important meet ing of tho Collogo Woman's Club at Mrs. Morrow's March 4, 1911. All mambera aro. urged to attend. By order of tho secretary, MRS. R. II. COnEY. DRUNKENNESS Is a curablo disease, which roqulrcs troatment. Tho ORRINE treatment can bo used with absoluto confi dence. It destroys all doslro for whiskey, boor, or othor Intoxicants. can bo glvon in tho home. No san itarium oxponso. No loss of tlmo from work. Can bo glvon socrotly. If nftor n trial you fall to got any bonoflt from its uso your monoy will bo refunded. ORRINE Is prepared in two forms: No. 1, socrot trcatmont, a powdorj ORRINE No. 2 In pill form for thoso who desire to tako volun tary troatmont. Costs only $1.00 a box. Como In and talk ovor tho matter with us. Ask for booklot. Owl Proscription Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan, Opposite Chandler Ho- tol. Phono 74. T. J. SOAIFE g a. n, wodgins Marshfield PAINT AND ITldttllllKIQ DK0RAT,NG C0 Estimates Furnished, Phone SD0-J. Marshfield, Oregon, TIME TABLE Willamette - Pacific Motor Car Leavo Marshfield 6:30 a. in. 7:00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 9:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m, 10:30 a. m, 11:00 a. m. 11:30 a. m, 12:30 a. m. 1:00 p. m, 1:30 p. m. Leavo North 6:45 7:16 8:15 9:15 10:15 10:45 11:15 ll:45 12:45 1:16 l:45 2:15 2:45 3.16 3:45 4:15 4:45 6:15 6:46 C:i6 7:16 7:45 8:16 Bend a. m. a. m. a. m. a. m. a. m, a, m. a. m. a. m. P. m. P. m, p. m, p. m, p. m. p, m. P, m. P. m. P, m, P. m. P. m. p. m. p. m. p, m, p. m. P, m. P. m. p, m. only P. m, a. m. z:oo p. m. 2:30 3:00 m. m. 3:30 p. m. 4:oo p, m, 4:30 p. m. 6:00 p. m. 5:30 0:00 m. m. 7:00 m. 7:30 p. m, 8:00 p. m. 8:30 9:00 m. m. 8:46 9:15 10:16 Saturdays 11:16 12:16 10:00 p. m. Saturdays only. 11:00 p. m. 12:00 m, NO SAW EDGES t on YOUR COLLARS if you havo them laundered TWIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRY BRIEFS OF BANDON New of Clty-hy-the-SfJi as Told by 4 I (Ik Uiinnwl.iu Wm, McEwon, who had his arm amputated nt tho Bandon Hospital fin TTnlirtinrv 9. nn n rrtnit .... cldont In a logging crimp, Is gottlne nlntli? nn wnll na rnllhl i. .. , ? at present nnd will be nblo to leave II1U UUUlMUll 111 H BIUJII lllnO. S. M. Noslor and L. H. Hazard, nt f!nmilllr. rnmn ilnwn t.-i,, "1 , 11. ni I iT ni ' lu)' nnu mil. uu iiiu UU6UUUH1 omuniny morn lng for a business trip to Sau Frnn claco. Tho Tolograph, tho now passon gor boat of tho Myrtlo Point Trans portation Compnny, was launched Sunday at Herman Brothors' shin yard near Prospor. Tho now boat will bo ono of tho finest appointed boats In this section of Oregon. She Is olghty-flvo foot long nnd will havo 280 horse powor. Tho now boat will carry from 150 to 200 pasBongors and will bo ono of tho spoodlcst boats on tho rlvor. siio will bo furnished with Btrcot car chairs, will havo doublo cabins and all tho equipment of a modem pas songor boat. Tho Tolograph will probably bo In operation In about a month and will run regularly be tweon Bandon and Myrtlo Point. Mrs. P. A. Sandborg wont to Marshfield Wednesday for a few days' visit with friends. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. R. D Holmkon, of Sixes Rlvor, Tuesday ovonlng, nn eight-pound boy. Mr. Holmkcn Is tho Bon of Mr. nnd Mrs Holmkon of this city nnd Mrs. Holm ken was formerly Miss Addlo Fltz- uugn, wuo is aiso won known In Bandon. having boon. In tho tolo nhono offtco hero nrovlmm n ) marrlago. L. L. Brandonborg, manager of tho Bandon Warehouse Co., sails on tho Flflold for San Francisco, whoro ho Will look nftor tinnlnnaa nfrnl-. nnd visit friends. Ho will also ro to Southern. California and will bo nccompunlcd homo by Mrs. Bran donborg, who haB boon visiting there for somo tlmo. FACTORY AT BANDON A now Industry for Bandon In Mm shapo of a mattress factory, Is bo lng Btartod by Mr. S. B. Reed. In addition to making now mattresses Mr. Rood will mako a specialty of upholstorlng. Bandon Rocordor. GREAT DOCKS AT HALIFAX. Johnson Porter Tells of Big Contract There- A Portland papor snys: "J. I'. Portor, of tho contracting firm of Porter Bros., roturned to Portland yestorday aftor a two months' stay In tho onst, which was put In mostly at Halifax, Nova 8cotla, whoro the firm has Just started work on tho $0,000,000 unit of tho government docks there. Ho nlso vlsltod Now York City and Montroal. Tho dochs will bo used ns termi nals for tho Grand Trunk Pacific, tho Canadian Pacific and tho Cana dian Northern railroads, and tho plans call for an ultlmato expenditure) of $18,000,000 for dork construction. Tho docks will bo or granlto and concrete according to Mr. Porter. Tho first unit, which tho firm has tho contract to build, includes a dock proper 5000 feet long and ono 1200 foot slip nnd one-half of an other slip of equal longth. Mr. Portor's Journey was mado necosHary by tho fact that work Is Just bolng Btartod. Tho docks will bo completed In three yoars. "The Canadian government will do wonderful things nt Halifax," said Mr. Portor. When It gots through, Halifax will havo docks second to nono In any part of tho world, and with a 45 foot draft at low water, will bo In position to handlo any amount of ocoan traffic," Times Want nrtu brine results. ONE RUB IN TIME SAVES NINB Don't wait until your hair Is gono b it koop all you havo If possible. Wo recommond Morltol Hair Tonic ns a rollablo preparation for keop lng tho scalp clean and hoalthy con dition and promoting hair growth. It Is a preparation of gonulno merit, ono wo aro pleasod to guaranteo to you. Owl Proscription Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposlto Chandler Hotel. Phono M. Central Avcnuo Drug Store, local agency. Prices 50c and $1.00. To Be Healthy One Must Perspire! If you do not persplro, the pores of tho skin clog. In this condition you aro render ed unhealthy. Ordinary tub baths havo no effect upon cleansing the pores of tho skin henco tho RUSSIAN STEAM BATHS which ore now offered for your benefit and relief. We havo Installed an excollent sys tem of Russian and Turkish Baths, which are the finest In every respect. Physicians rec ommend a Russian Steam Bath at least onco a month. You are Invited to call and in spect our new and up-to-date system of modern bathing at tho RUSSIAN STEAM BATHS Bunker Hill. Take White Star Auto to Bunker Hill. Gentlemen on Fri day and Saturday from 2 p. rn. to 12 m and on Sunday from 8 a. m., to 12 m. Ladles and families from 2 p. m. to 12 m. on Thursdays. Telehodo 388-L. Editor I b!et That 4 - "HJ, And "IflteX nSSM .""SU Thcre'iji e'i And Snnjf " "'in Ay ,bif ueH', 'na Hot5 WobIiS do, And lUrr,! , V"11! "noiroaj Forth! i . . .w., Ana lui, Scju Lest tm- A Snit:j. inltf With poll My M At tlroipl tnij Don'ti M GOOD I Ed Km 1 tlnni In t decided tot Did Ton in J That t prlttl wncn h i lit: Yet jroulll If von I That villi fcl Thst l It too I When It cej cm Yet joill Jim to ilal And 700 lu Yet ioj i And yoa ' TO OKI tft This li t And ire I Of a eu Itfl Yet It i If 700 rt:: wai prit So whr i And btlpt The mu' tit I LINES C C Ob! SU M WbentWs tri When (fit tirfH With i kI UHj As over L&4! w fTrueIoy tiic Till Ml UP A mMto' ji As yew! KM Thv IC rw T.est tt til A It W iii) Tir$ InpMte' Sweeti nn for re: TtnR.UH inOrti AFTERW Oier' .. uFl WM '-.. iii .t!0(.bl age" ft ed? wj BiJaH antM J41" m Cnna'".,jl S.T