THE COOS BAY TIMES, MABSHFIELP, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1914 EVENING EDITION. in ii mi i' iimssswsjsa8wgBassi ii i maaais fcient lis lllelor Rro to br u'u hy, at I Drain, hi In- ana Coos cation Bant foment it en- atlons open ' lorlum fen lo- man- Kall- of that tipped tlio It and found Has a mln- ft. will prlnt- llcen 8SO- calcd tho Ha lted i wat- ICom-' Ilncu- Sat-' ma- Bn 88 bo Bilum now Hand Id. Ico ft at Morn Item, rard, at. new caw. and Hunt liem, too (nd. the bond of Iain. ott- Irch the land Bled K.; am- Ink; IH.; rlf- fol; ise; .; arl: R aar- am- up. H M, Ithls ie prlt. late, pan- pill land rre- Co- ptel. II i i w m m " ?! 'Sx7i:-.- K lpOlftf-6100 i IN THE FEMININE DEMAND FOR SMART NESS HIP, DRAPERIES HOLD FIRST PLACE ' At a recent fashlonnble wedding It was remarked thai 'iImtv vns scarcely a gown that did not uliow sonii form of hip dropory. Fmm thu wired mina ret they rnngod to tliu nurruw puffed ruffle, but thj effect wuj nvurly tho samo In nil cases.. Theio rufftpfl, pannlcrn nnd (taring tunica mado up gracefully In thoao now toft taffetas, stand out to Just tho graceful degroo without wire or bono. Taffetas has boon noarly porfoctod both In texture and wearing qualities. It Is as soft and pllablo as tho old tltno surah and docs nbt crack as formerly. Asldo from tho taffetas, thoro are many othor offcctlvo silks and num berless cotton fabrics that will be fa vored for tho South, nnd. Inter, for spring In tho North. In choosing gowns and suits for tho southern resorts ono should always kocp In mind tho fact that spring- Is closo upon us and havo the garments suited to that soason as well. No, 8202 Is dovplopod In n halr-llnu taffotas, n soft green with tho lino of whltoj tho tucker Is of cream colored not, and tho crush velvet glrdlo has a noman strlpo. This coituma may bo copied In slzo 38 with 5U yards of SO Inch taffetas, averaging In prlco I1.2G a yard, Tho costumo shown In 8187-8190 shows tho effectiveness of a plain cot ton duvctyn combined with ono of tht now chockpd novelty cottons. Tho coat (8187) Is'ferrn cotta color, and tin skirt shows a plaid of tho samo color In darker tones. Cotton duvctyn averages 43 Inches In width nnd comes from 81.25 a yard up Tho checked cottons rnngo In width from 37 to 46 Inches and In prlco from 4G cents up. This costumo may bo copied In sire 36 with 2 yards of 30 Inch material for tho coat (8187) and 374 yards of the samo width for tho skirt (8190). No. 8202 sizes 34 to 42. No, 8190 sizes 22 to 30. No. 8187 sizes 34 to 42. Each pattern 1G conts. To obtain cither pattern Illustrated nil out this coupon nnd encloso 15 cents In N0 Blxo stamps or coin, lis sure to state number Namo of pattern and size, measuring over the a,m.... fullest part Of the bust Address Pattern AMreM Department, care of this paper. DAK Llbliy COAL. Tho kind YOU havt ALWAYS USED. Phoni 72. Pacific Livery and Transfer ComDiny. WITH SABE IEA Grandma Kept Her Locks Dark, Glossy unci Thick With n Simple. Mixture of 8u;o Ton and Sulphur. , Tho old-tlmo mixture of Sago Toa and Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked and faded Hair la grand mother's treatment, and folks are asaln uslnc It to keon their hair a good, even color, which is quuo sen sible, as wo arc living In an ago when a youthful appoaranco is of tho greatest advantage. NowadavH. thhnCrh. wo don't havo tho troublesomo task of gathering tho sago and tho mussy mixing at homo. All drug- stores soil tho I ready-to-uso product called "Wy-' oth's Sago and Sulphur Hair nom edy" for about 50 conts a bottle. It Is very popular bocauso nobodyr can discover it has been nppllod. Simply moisten your comb or a soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking opo small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disappears, but what dollghts wie lauies with wyotn'B tsage nnu Sulphur Is that, besides beautifully darkening the hair after a few ap plications, it also producos that soft lusiro and appearance of nbununnco wnicn is so nttractlvo; besides, pre vents dandruff, Itching scalp and falling hair. A great majority of poreons af flicted with cczotua have no othor nllmont, which Is accepted as proof that oczoma is puroly a skin dlsoaso. MorJtol Eczomn Homody Is rocorn monded especially for eczema nnd diseases of tho skin. If you aro af flicted with this torrlblo dlsoaso wo ask you to uso this romody on our guarantoo. uwi Prescription Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Oppo site Chandlor uotoi. rhono 74. Central Avenue Drug Store, local agency. Prices COc and $1.00 YOU AUTO CALL FOR FO.QTE'S AUTOS Four good cars with careful drivers. For day service, phono 114-J, ninnco Hlllard FnrlOrs. , ror night service, rhono 200-L Right Cafe. D. L. F00TE. HE P( u nwBp E3vl9U(i tBBPBJ MSfHJ MhWbBWIS?23bV jsssBIsmiJJ iTLLj JsBBff I ""n" r I TIOJ CQOS MOTEL Formerly of Marshflcld WASIIIJfGTON AVENUE SXAPDEN STREET NORTn REND O. A. Motlin, I?ron. WHITE GLOVES CLEANED Full Dress Suits to Rent UNIQUE PANTAT0RIUM JAY DOYLE & O. O. DAGGETT 238 Central Ave. phone 2rtO-X Hotel Benson Formerly New Oregon f 0W open under JL5 entire new manage rmiT ment. In the re CSsssa finemenl of detail, excellence of equipment and superiorily of service is absolutely unexcelled. Large, light, airy sample rooms for commercial men. Every convenience. Cen trally located. Rates very moderate. Dining room service as heretofore. Auto busses meet all trains. Portland, Oregon CARL S. STANLEY. Mmnaaor G. KIRKE DRURY, Aiet Mgr. mif la's rVfirieiy , itoire of NORTH BEND AirnirnoiLiiinKce thenir opeoimig of iraew Spring MilKimeipy ,oo Tlhiuirsdlay and Friday arclh 5 .audi 6 M Coquille River Coal Gunrnntccd frco of slack nnd dirt and not to clinker Full weight nnd prompt service k$5.50 Per Ton COOS COUNTY FUEL CO. GEO. A. BAINES. 186 Broadway South. .r i'V ' Phone 181-L TYPEWRITERS-All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Clonnlng, repairing or now platens, work Ktinnuiteod. .Ribbons anil carbon paper delivered, l'liono us your order. 1'hono M. Alllnnco offlco. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DKPARTMENT LUMUKlt, LATH, BHINGLKS', MOULDINGS, BASH AND DOOItS, ROOFING PAI'KIt, ETC. CUT THM rUKL BILL IN TWO UY CBING OUR WOOD. rnONS 190. 188 SOUTH BROADWAY AVe have just received a shipment of SALT HER RING, SALT LACKEREL and SMOKED HER RING, SMOKED BLOATERS and SMOKED SARDINES. This is all new stock. Como in and get our pi'iccs. These goods aro sure to please you. Cape Arago Coffee, COOS BAY TEA, COFFEE AND SPICE HOUSE mo North Ilroadnujr. l'liono :il-J. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. SiSfflffiEE Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. Sails from Marsliflold Friday, March Cth, 9 p. m.; Saturday, March 14, 11 a. rn.j Saturday, March 21, 7 a. in.: Saturday, March 28, 11:30 a.m, Sails from Portland, March 3, 8 p. in., March 10, 8 p, in., March 18, 8 a. m., March 2S, 8 a, in., April 1. 8 n. m. "' Tickets on sulo to all Ea&tern points and Information as to routes and rates cheerfully furnished. Phono 127-L. - II. J. MOIIR, Agent v n ' i S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS, SAILS FOR PORTLAND FROM COOS BAY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4f AT 3:00 P. M. ROUND TflIP, $18.50.. Connection with tho North Rank Road at Portlaud. North Pacific Steamship Company. l'liono 11. , C. P. APGEORGE, Agent Do Vim Si-,, nrf WVll With One Eva As Tlia Other? ' Should you have headaches or want to Improve your eyesight, try my special ground combination Kineses. Young or old. with this . SPECIAL GLASS can road fine' print, do cIobo work or see at a din-1 tnnco. All Klassc8 fitted by ma aro warranted to glvo satisfaction. DR. AV. 11. RICHARDSON, OntDiiii'lhlNt. Office 187 N. Uroadwsy.iMorshflehl., Pictures &framjng Walker Studio, Chlranejs Fir riaoec J.!;N. BayKss Any kind of brick work at prices, (lint arc rlRht. ' AND ALL WORK, GUARANTHj. flnll nt Tfin TiMrrtllln ' x'I?hnlin7i llIifK., 17 Bocond st, PhoHO, 404.1" i.1 (uuvii nnV3 Boiler, Work.M Low Rates fpi Handling Xnmk$ Wo haul trunso between anyf, points In Marshflold for tho follow . Ing rateB, dollvory to bo madft la't) tho first stories of buildlngw" ' Ono trunk '. ! rhroo trunks 69& TwoIto trunks & Star Transfer and Storage Co. LotI Ilelsner, Prop. Phonos. 120-J: H0-L: 98.R. ' 3; ' .1- lug DRY FIR AND ALDER WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street, vr I'hono 180-J. ' ' PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY g 4 JfiriLDRER ROGERS NEISON. Teacher of Ptano s- Pupil of Hiiro Mnnsfoldt nt Ban l'rniii'Hco, Cnl. FIto years' tcnchlng oxerletico In Hon Francisco Plo)io 3167. W. T. TOMPKINS, I). 8. T. (Wcltmor Motlioda,). ., . Every knowa dlsonao' ' treated wlthdut drugs or surgory. noorn"2, 130 North uroadway. Phono ill (I-L. MnrhlElehl,rOr. GEO, O. MURPHY, Export Piano, Playar and Orgs TunlDR, Regulating and, Repair Ing. Res. 842 So. Broadway! " Orders may bo left at the Wiley D. Allen Musio Storo, Centre! avenuo. TOKIj' OSTLIND. ' ' ! ) Pinna Tuner nnd Repairer 115 S. Sixth street, .Phono. 10gL,'" Lcnvo orders nt W. It. IloineaMut), Company, J M. WRIGHT, Ruling Contractor. Estimates furniklicd on refiuentX .. An honest Job guaranteed,. Phpff, I1BR CO. GQ3NEV, Contractor niul Hnlldy."" liatlinates, drawing and speclflciU., tlons furnlBhod on request. A satisfied customer is better rat oronco than a bank. Look a$y ono of my 10 up and nee It n I am reliable. Phono JUBl. Morthfjd, Qr. DR. n. M. SHAW Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. DR. MATTIH II. SHAW DlHonses of women and cltlldrea. . Odlco phono 330. Rdoms 200, 201, f 202. Irving Dlock. ''; House phone, 105-J. D S. S. RER0NDO SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR, COOS BAY MONDAY, MARCH 2, AT 3:00 P. M. San Francisco office, 80S Fife Rldg,, or Greenwich St Piers No, S3, TntefOccanlc Transportation Co., O. F. McGeorge, Agt.i Phono 44. Abstracts, Real Estate. , Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HENR1T SENGSTAOKEN, Manager FARM, COAL, TIMRER AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY, GENERAL AGENTS EASTSIRE ' MARSHFIELD OFFICE, PnONE t4-J. COQUILLE (jiTY OFFICE PHONE 101. R.A.J. HENDRY - ' DENTIST ' ; Marshflold, Oregon. 2 Rooms 204-206, Coko TQuildlnV.wr'j ' Rsldonco phone 262-X. - ( phono 11 2-J, . RS. FARIUNGER, xvoKiivr oi'i uuie. ' 1 M Residence Studio, No. 1696, ) Corner Commercial and Eleventh,. Phono 88-j;" K i TDENJAMIN OHTLrND, O 'Consulting Bagtaeer Arcbltecu" "' ' Offices, 200 Irving .Block. Phono 103-L or-iM7J. r Marshfleld, Oregda. PKRJ RILEY BALLIN.GI , Ptunlst tuid TtAeliwr Rttldenco-Btudio, "2 87 8o. lrtMtfwM Phono J 8-L. WG. CHANDLKR. ARCHITECT. Rooms 801 and 80S, Ook 301 and 80S, Ook BnllMim H Marshfleld OeioK. """T J W M. S. TURPEW, ARCHITECT Marshfleld, Orero. . smtmqmm'i tm-m. Times Want ads bptag JMuJjtf,